
Defines functions makeRestrictionsLavFriendly orderLavMu getKSdistance orderLavCov orderLavResults getLavOptions semPower.getDf getPsi.B getPhi.B genModelString genLambda semPower.genSigma

Documented in genLambda genModelString getKSdistance getLavOptions getPhi.B getPsi.B makeRestrictionsLavFriendly orderLavCov orderLavMu orderLavResults semPower.genSigma semPower.getDf

#' semPower.genSigma
#' Generate a covariance matrix (and a mean vector) and associated `lavaan` model strings based on CFA or SEM model matrices.
#' @param Lambda factor loading matrix. A list for multiple group models. Can also be specified using various shortcuts, see [genLambda()].
#' @param Phi for CFA models, factor correlation (or covariance) matrix or single number giving the correlation between all factors or `NULL` for uncorrelated factors. A list for multiple group models. 
#' @param Beta for SEM models, matrix of regression slopes between latent variables (all-y notation). A list for multiple group models. 
#' @param Psi for SEM models, variance-covariance matrix of latent residuals when `Beta` is specified. If `NULL`, a diagonal matrix is assumed. A list for multiple group models. 
#' @param Theta variance-covariance matrix between manifest residuals. If `NULL` and `Lambda` is not a square matrix, `Theta` is diagonal so that the manifest variances are 1. If `NULL` and `Lambda` is square, `Theta` is 0. A list for multiple group models.      
#' @param tau vector of intercepts. If `NULL` and `Alpha` is set, these are assumed to be zero. If both `Alpha` and `tau` are `NULL`, no means are returned. A list for multiple group models. 
#' @param Alpha vector of factor means. If `NULL` and `tau` is set, these are assumed to be zero. If both `Alpha` and `tau` are `NULL`, no means are returned. A list for multiple group models. 
#' @param ... other
#' @return Returns a list (or list of lists for multiple group models) containing the following components:
#' \item{`Sigma`}{implied variance-covariance matrix.}
#' \item{`mu`}{implied means}
#' \item{`Lambda`}{loading matrix}
#' \item{`Phi`}{covariance matrix of latent variables}
#' \item{`Beta`}{matrix of regression slopes}
#' \item{`Psi`}{residual covariance matrix of latent variables}
#' \item{`Theta`}{residual covariance matrix of observed variables}
#' \item{`tau`}{intercepts}
#' \item{`Alpha`}{factor means}
#' \item{`modelPop`}{`lavaan` model string defining the population model}
#' \item{`modelTrue`}{`lavaan` model string defining the "true" analysis model freely estimating all non-zero parameters.}
#' \item{`modelTrueCFA`}{`lavaan` model string defining a model similar to `modelTrue`, but purely CFA based and thus omitting any regression relationships.}
#' @details
#' This function generates the variance-covariance matrix of the \eqn{p} observed variables \eqn{\Sigma} and their means \eqn{\mu} via a confirmatory factor (CFA) model or a more general structural equation model. 
#' In the CFA model, 
#' \deqn{\Sigma = \Lambda \Phi \Lambda' + \Theta}
#' where \eqn{\Lambda} is the \eqn{p \cdot m} loading matrix, \eqn{\Phi} is the variance-covariance matrix of the \eqn{m} factors, and \eqn{\Theta} is the residual variance-covariance matrix of the observed variables. The means are
#' \deqn{\mu = \tau + \Lambda \alpha}
#' with the \eqn{p} indicator intercepts \eqn{\tau} and the \eqn{m} factor means \eqn{\alpha}.
#' In the structural equation model, 
#' \deqn{\Sigma = \Lambda (I - B)^{-1} \Psi [(I - B)^{-1}]'  \Lambda' + \Theta } 
#' where \eqn{B} is the \eqn{m \cdot m} matrix containing the regression slopes and \eqn{\Psi} is the (residual) variance-covariance matrix of the \eqn{m} factors. The means are
#' \deqn{\mu = \tau + \Lambda (I - B)^{-1} \alpha}
#' In either model, the meanstructure can be omitted, leading to factors with zero means and zero intercepts. 
#' When \eqn{\Lambda = I}, the models above do not contain any factors and reduce to ordinary regression or path models.  
#' If `Phi` is defined, a CFA model is used, if `Beta` is defined, a structural equation model. 
#' When both `Phi` and `Beta` are `NULL`, a CFA model is used with \eqn{\Phi = I}, i. e., uncorrelated factors.
#' When `Phi` is a single number, all factor correlations are equal to this number.
#' When `Beta` is defined and `Psi` is `NULL`, \eqn{\Psi = I}.
#' When `Theta` is `NULL`, \eqn{\Theta} is a diagonal matrix with all elements such that the variances of the observed variables are 1. When there is only a single observed indicator for a factor, the corresponding element in \eqn{\Theta} is set to zero.
#' Instead of providing the loading matrix \eqn{\Lambda} via `Lambda`, there are several shortcuts (see [genLambda()]):
#' \itemize{
#' \item `loadings`: defines the primary loadings for each factor in a list structure, e. g. `loadings = list(c(.5, .4, .6), c(.8, .6, .6, .4))` defines a two factor model with three indicators loading on the first factor by .5, , 4., and .6, and four indicators loading in the second factor by .8, .6, .6, and .4.  
#' \item `nIndicator`: used in conjunction with `loadM` or `loadMinmax`, defines the number of indicators by factor, e. g., `nIndicator = c(3, 4)` defines a two factor model with three and four indicators for the first and second factor, respectively. `nIndicator` can also be a single number to define the same number of indicators for each factor. 
#' \item `loadM`: defines the mean loading either for all indicators (if a single number is provided) or separately for each factor (if a vector is provided), e. g. `loadM = c(.5, .6)` defines the mean loadings of the first factor to equal .5 and those of the second factor do equal .6
#' \item `loadSD`: used in conjunction with `loadM`, defines the standard deviations of the loadings. If omitted or NULL, the standard deviations are zero. Otherwise, the loadings are sampled from a normal distribution with N(loadM, loadSD) for each factor. 
#' \item `loadMinMax`: defines the minimum and maximum loading either for all factors or separately for each factor (as a list). The loadings are then sampled from a uniform distribution. For example, `loadMinMax = list(c(.4, .6), c(.4, .8))` defines the loadings for the first factor lying between .4 and .6, and those for the second factor between .4 and .8. 
#' }      
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # single factor model with five indicators each loading by .5
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(nIndicator = 5, loadM = .5)
#' gen$Sigma     # implied covariance matrix
#' gen$modelTrue # analysis model string
#' gen$modelPop  # population model string
#' # orthogonal two factor model with four and five indicators each loading by .5
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(nIndicator = c(4, 5), loadM = .5)
#' # correlated (r = .25) two factor model with 
#' # four indicators loading by .7 on the first factor 
#' # and five indicators loading by .6 on the second factor
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Phi = .25, nIndicator = c(4, 5), loadM = c(.7, .6))
#' # correlated three factor model with variying indicators and loadings, 
#' # factor correlations according to Phi
#' Phi <- matrix(c(
#'   c(1.0, 0.2, 0.5),
#'   c(0.2, 1.0, 0.3),
#'   c(0.5, 0.3, 1.0)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Phi = Phi, nIndicator = c(3, 4, 5), 
#'                          loadM = c(.7, .6, .5))
#' # same as above, but using a factor loadings matrix
#' Lambda <- matrix(c(
#'   c(0.8, 0.0, 0.0),
#'   c(0.7, 0.0, 0.0),
#'   c(0.6, 0.0, 0.0),
#'   c(0.0, 0.7, 0.0),
#'   c(0.0, 0.8, 0.0),
#'   c(0.0, 0.5, 0.0),
#'   c(0.0, 0.4, 0.0),
#'   c(0.0, 0.0, 0.5),
#'   c(0.0, 0.0, 0.4),
#'   c(0.0, 0.0, 0.6),
#'   c(0.0, 0.0, 0.4),
#'   c(0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Phi = Phi, Lambda = Lambda)
#' # same as above, but using a reduced loading matrix, i. e.
#' # only define the primary loadings for each factor
#' loadings <- list(
#'   c(0.8, 0.7, 0.6),
#'   c(0.7, 0.8, 0.5, 0.4),
#'   c(0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5)
#' )
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Phi = Phi, loadings = loadings)
#' # Provide Beta for a three factor model
#' # with 3, 4, and 5 indicators 
#' # loading by .6, 5, and .4, respectively.
#' Beta <- matrix(c(
#'                 c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
#'                 c(0.3, 0.0, 0.0),  # f2 = .3*f1
#'                 c(0.2, 0.4, 0.0)   # f3 = .2*f1 + .4*f2
#'                ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Beta = Beta, nIndicator = c(3, 4, 5), 
#'                          loadM = c(.6, .5, .4))
#' # two group example: 
#' # correlated two factor model (r = .25 and .35 in the first and second group, 
#' # respectively)
#' # the first factor is indicated by four indicators loading by .7 in the first 
#' # and .5 in the second group,
#' # the second factor is indicated by five indicators loading by .6 in the first 
#' # and .8 in the second group,
#' # all item intercepts are zero in both groups, 
#' # the latent means are zero in the first group
#' # and .25 and .10 in the second group.
#' gen <- semPower.genSigma(Phi = list(.25, .35), 
#'                          nIndicator = list(c(4, 5), c(4, 5)), 
#'                          loadM = list(c(.7, .6), c(.5, .8)), 
#'                          tau = list(rep(0, 9), rep(0, 9)), 
#'                          Alpha = list(c(0, 0), c(.25, .10))
#'                          )
#' gen[[1]]$Sigma  # implied covariance matrix group 1 
#' gen[[2]]$Sigma  # implied covariance matrix group 2
#' gen[[1]]$mu     # implied means group 1 
#' gen[[2]]$mu     # implied means group 2
#' }
#' @export
semPower.genSigma <- function(Lambda = NULL,
                              Phi = NULL, 
                              Beta = NULL,  # capital Beta, to distinguish from beta error
                              Psi = NULL,
                              Theta = NULL,
                              tau = NULL,
                              Alpha = NULL,  # capital Alpha, to distinguish from alpha error
  args <- list(...)

  # multigroup case
  argsMG <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  argsMG <- argsMG[!unlist(lapply(argsMG, is.null)) & 
                     names(argsMG) %in% c('Lambda', 'Phi', 'Beta', 'Psi', 'Theta', 'tau', 'Alpha', 
                                          'nIndicator', 'loadM', 'loadSD', 'loadings', 'loadMinMax', 
                                          'useReferenceIndicator', 'metricInvariance', 'nGroups')]
  nGroups <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(argsMG), function(x){
    len <- 1
    if(names(argsMG)[x] %in% c('loadings', 'loadMinMax', 'metricInvariance')){
      if(is.list(argsMG[[x]][[1]])) len <- length(argsMG[[x]])
      if(is.list(argsMG[[x]])) len <- length(argsMG[[x]])
  if(any(nGroups > 1)){
    if(sum(nGroups != 1) > 1 && length(unique(nGroups[nGroups != 1])) > 1) stop('All list arguments in multiple group analysis must have the same length.')
    # when no list structure is provided for indicators or loadings, assume the same applies for all groups 
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['Lambda']]) && !is.list(argsMG[['Lambda']])) argsMG[['Lambda']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['Lambda']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['loadings']]) && !is.list(argsMG[['loadings']][[1]])) argsMG[['loadings']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['loadings']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['nIndicator']]) && !is.list(argsMG[['nIndicator']])) argsMG[['nIndicator']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['nIndicator']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['loadM']]) && !is.list(argsMG[['loadM']])) argsMG[['loadM']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['loadM']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['loadSD']]) && !is.list(argsMG[['loadSD']])) argsMG[['loadSD']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['loadSD']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['loadMinMax']])) argsMG[['loadMinMax']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['loadMinMax']]), max(nGroups)))
    ## TODO shall we do this for tau/Alpha as well? is there any use case for this?
    ## TODO and what about Phi, Beta, Psi? 
    # also create list structure for additional arguments 
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['useReferenceIndicator']])) argsMG[['useReferenceIndicator']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['useReferenceIndicator']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['metricInvariance']])) argsMG[['metricInvariance']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['metricInvariance']]), max(nGroups)))
    if(!is.null(argsMG[['nGroups']])) argsMG[['nGroups']] <- as.list(rep(list(argsMG[['nGroups']]), max(nGroups)))
    params <- lapply(1:max(nGroups), function(x) lapply(argsMG, '[[', x))
      lapply(params, function(x) do.call(semPower.genSigma, x)) 

  # the following applies to single group cases 
    Lambda <- genLambda(args[['loadings']], args[['nIndicator']], 
                        args[['loadM']], args[['loadSD']], args[['loadMinMax']]) 

  nfac <- ncol(Lambda)
  nIndicator <- apply(Lambda, 2, function(x) sum(x != 0))
  ### validate input
  if(ncol(Lambda) > 99) stop("Models with >= 100 factors are not supported.")
  if(!is.null(Beta) && !is.null(Phi)) stop('Either provide Phi or Beta, but not both. Did you mean to set Beta and Psi?')
  if(is.null(Beta) && is.null(Phi)) Phi <- diag(nfac)
    if(length(Phi) == 1){
      Phi <- matrix(Phi, ncol = nfac, nrow = nfac)
      diag(Phi) <- 1
    if(ncol(Phi) != nfac) stop('Phi must have the same number of rows/columns as the number of factors.') 
    if(!any(diag(Phi) != 1)){
      if(any(Phi > 1) || any(Phi > 1)) stop('Phi implies correlations outside [-1 - 1].')
    if(ncol(Beta) != nfac) stop('Beta must have the same number of rows/columns as the number of factors.')
    if(!is.null(Psi) && ncol(Psi) != nfac) stop('Psi must have the same number of rows/columns as the number of factors.')
    if(is.null(Psi)) Psi <- diag(ncol(Beta))
    if(any(diag(Psi) < 0)) stop('Model implies negative residual variances for latent variables (Psi). Make sure the sum of squared standardized regression coefficients in predicting a factor does not exceed 1.')
    if(length(tau) != sum(nIndicator)) stop('Intercepts (tau) must be of same length as the number of indicators.')
    if(length(Alpha) != nfac) stop('Latent means (Alpha) must be of same length as the number of factors.')
  if(!is.null(tau) && is.null(Alpha)) Alpha <- rep(0, nfac)
  if(!is.null(Alpha) && is.null(tau)) tau <- rep(0, sum(nIndicator))

  ### compute Sigma
    SigmaND <- Lambda %*% Phi %*% t(Lambda) 
    invIB <- solve(diag(ncol(Beta)) - Beta)    
    SigmaND <- Lambda %*% invIB %*% Psi %*% t(invIB) %*% t(Lambda) 
  # compute theta
    # the following also works (at least approximately) for factor variances > 1 
    cv <- diag(Lambda %*% t(Lambda))
    Theta <- diag((1 - cv)/cv * diag(SigmaND))
    # but fails for secondary loadings
    if(any(apply(Lambda, 1, function(x) sum(x != 0)) > 1)){
      Theta <- diag(1 - diag(SigmaND))
    # catch observed only models
    if(!any(nIndicator > 1)){
      Theta <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(SigmaND), nrow = nrow(SigmaND))
    # catch latent+observed mixed models
    }else if(any(nIndicator <= 1)){
      fLat <- which(nIndicator > 1)
      indLat <- unlist(lapply(fLat, function(x) which(Lambda[, x] != 0)))
      indObs <- (1:nrow(Lambda))[-indLat]
      diag(Theta)[indObs] <- 0
  # see whether there are negative variances
  if(any(diag(Theta) < 0)) stop('Model implies negative residual variances for observed variables (Theta). Make sure the sum of squared standardized loadings by indicator does not exceed 1.')
  Sigma <- SigmaND + Theta
  colnames(Sigma) <- rownames(Sigma) <- paste0('x', 1:ncol(Sigma)) # set row+colnames to make isSymmetric() work

  ### compute mu
  mu <- NULL
      mu <- tau + Lambda %*% Alpha
      mu <- tau + Lambda %*% invIB %*% Alpha
    names(mu) <- paste0('x', 1:length(mu))
  # also provide several lav model strings
  modelStrings <- genModelString(Lambda = Lambda,
                                 Phi = Phi, Beta = Beta, Psi = Psi, Theta = Theta,
                                 tau = tau, Alpha = Alpha,
                                 useReferenceIndicator = ifelse(is.null(args[['useReferenceIndicator']]), !is.null(Beta), args[['useReferenceIndicator']]), 
                                 metricInvariance = args[['metricInvariance']], 
                                 nGroups = args[['nGroups']])

    list(Sigma = Sigma, 
       mu = mu,
       Lambda = Lambda, 
       Phi = Phi,
       Beta = Beta, 
       Psi = Psi,
       Theta = Theta,
       tau = tau,
       Alpha = Alpha),

#' genLambda
#' Generate a loading matrix Lambda from various shortcuts, each assuming a simple structure. 
#' Either define `loadings`, or define `nIndicator` and `loadM` (and optionally `loadSD`), or define
#' `nIndicator` and `loadMinMax`.
#' @param loadings A list providing the loadings by factor, e. g. `list(c(.4, .5, .6), c(7, .8, .8))` to define two factors with three indicators each with the specified loadings. The vectors must not contain secondary loadings.    
#' @param nIndicator Vector indicating the number of indicators for each factor, e. g. `c(4, 6)` to define two factors with 4 and 6 indicators, respectively 
#' @param loadM Either a vector giving the mean loadings for each factor or a single number to use for every loading.
#' @param loadSD Either a vector giving the standard deviation of loadings for each factor or a single number, for use in conjunction with `loadM`. If `NULL`, SDs are set to zero. Otherwise, loadings are sampled from a normal distribution.
#' @param loadMinMax A list giving the minimum and maximum loading for each factor or a vector to apply to all factors. If set, loadings are sampled from a uniform distribution.
#' @return The loading matrix Lambda.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm runif 
genLambda <- function(loadings = NULL, 
                      nIndicator = NULL,
                      loadM = NULL,
                      loadSD = NULL,
                      loadMinMax = NULL){

  # validate input  
  if(!is.null(nIndicator) && !is.null(loadings)) stop('Either provide loadings or number of indicators, but not both.')
  if(is.null(nIndicator) && !(is.null(loadM) || is.null(loadMinMax))) stop('Provide both loadings (loadM) and number of indicators (nIndicator) by factor.')
  if(is.null(nIndicator) && !is.list(loadings)) stop('loadings must be a list')
  nfac <- ifelse(is.null(loadings), length(nIndicator), length(loadings))
    if(any(!sapply(nIndicator, function(x) x %% 1 == 0))) stop('Number of indicators must be a integer')
    invisible(sapply(nIndicator, function(x) checkBounded(x, 'Number of indicators ', bound = c(1, 10000), inclusive = TRUE)))
    if(is.null(loadM) && is.null(loadMinMax)) stop('Either mean loading or min-max loading need to be defined')
    if(is.null(loadMinMax) && length(loadM) == 1) loadM <- rep(loadM, nfac)
    if(is.null(loadMinMax) && length(loadM) != nfac) stop('Nindicator and mean loading must of same size')
    if(!is.null(loadMinMax) && (!is.null(loadM) || !is.null(loadSD))) stop('Either specify mean and SD of loadings or specify min-max loading, both not both.')
    if(length(loadMinMax) == 2) loadMinMax <- lapply(1:nfac, function(x) loadMinMax)
    if(is.null(loadMinMax) && is.null(loadSD)) loadSD <- rep(0, nfac)
    if(is.null(loadMinMax) && length(loadSD) == 1) loadSD <- rep(loadSD,nfac)
    if(is.null(loadMinMax) && !is.null(loadSD)) invisible(sapply(loadSD, function(x) checkBounded(x, 'Standard deviations', bound = c(0, .5), inclusive = TRUE)))
    nIndicator <- unlist(lapply(loadings, length))  # crossloadings are disallowed

  Lambda <- matrix(0, ncol = nfac, nrow = sum(nIndicator))
  sidx <- 1
  for(f in 1:nfac){
    eidx <- sidx + (nIndicator[f] - 1)
      cload <- round(rnorm(nIndicator[f], loadM[f], loadSD[f]), 2)
      if(any(cload < -1) || any(cload > 1)) warning('Sampled loadings outside [-1, 1] were set to -1 or 1.')
      cload[cload < -1] <- -1
      cload[cload > 1] <- 1
    }else if(!is.null(loadMinMax)){
      cload <- round(runif(nIndicator[f], loadMinMax[[f]][1], loadMinMax[[f]][2]), 2)
    }else if(!is.null(loadings)){
      cload <- loadings[[f]]  # loadings only contains primary loadings
      stop('loading not found')  
    Lambda[sidx:eidx, f] <- cload
    sidx <- eidx + 1

#' genModelString
#' Creates `lavaan` model strings from model matrices.
#' @param Lambda Factor loading matrix. 
#' @param Phi Factor correlation (or covariance) matrix. If `NULL`, all factors are orthogonal.
#' @param Beta Regression slopes between latent variables (all-y notation). 
#' @param Psi Variance-covariance matrix of latent residuals when `Beta` is specified. If `NULL`, a diagonal matrix is assumed. 
#' @param Theta Variance-covariance matrix of manifest residuals. If `NULL` and `Lambda` is not a square matrix, `Theta` is diagonal so that the manifest variances are 1. If `NULL` and `Lambda` is square, `Theta` is 0.      
#' @param tau Intercepts. If `NULL` and`` Alpha`` is set, these are assumed to be zero. 
#' @param Alpha Factor means. If `NULL` and `tau` is set, these are assumed to be zero. 
#' @param useReferenceIndicator Whether to identify factors in accompanying model strings by a reference indicator (`TRUE`) or by setting their variance to 1 (`FALSE`). When `Beta` is defined, a reference indicator is used by default, otherwise the variance approach. 
#' @param metricInvariance A list containing the factor indices for which the accompanying model strings should apply metric invariance labels, e.g. `list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4))` to assume invariance for f1 and f2 as well as f3 and f4.  
#' @param nGroups (defaults to 1) If > 1 and `metricInvariance = TRUE`, group specific labels will be used in the measurement model.
#' @return A list containing the following `lavaan` model strings:
#' \item{`modelPop`}{population model}
#' \item{`modelTrue`}{"true" analysis model freely estimating all non-zero parameters.}
#' \item{`modelTrueCFA`}{similar to `modelTrue`, but purely CFA based and thus omitting any regression relationships.}
genModelString <- function(Lambda = NULL,
                           Phi = NULL,
                           Beta = NULL,  # capital Beta, to distinguish from beta error
                           Psi = NULL,
                           Theta = NULL,
                           tau = NULL,
                           Alpha = NULL,  # capital Alpha, to distinguish from alpha error
                           useReferenceIndicator = !is.null(Beta),
                           metricInvariance = NULL, 
                           nGroups = 1){

  nfac <- ncol(Lambda)
  nIndicator <- apply(Lambda, 2, function(x) sum(x != 0))
  # validate input
    if(!is.list(metricInvariance)) stop('metricInvariance must be a list')
    if(any(unlist(lapply(metricInvariance, function(x) length(x))) < 2)) stop('each list entry in metricInvariance must involve at least two factors')
    if(max(unlist(metricInvariance)) > nfac || min(unlist(metricInvariance)) <= 0) stop('factor index < 1 or > nfactors in metricInvariance')
    if(any(unlist(lapply(metricInvariance, function(x) length(unique(nIndicator[x])) > 1)))) stop('factors in metricInvariance must have the same number of indicators')
    metricInvarianceLabels <- lapply(1:length(metricInvariance), function(x) paste0('l', formatC(x, width = 2, flag = 0), formatC(1:nIndicator[metricInvariance[[x]][1]], width = 2, flag = 0), '*')) 
    if(!is.null(nGroups) && nGroups > 1){
      metricInvarianceLabels <- lapply(metricInvarianceLabels, function(x) unlist(lapply(x, function(y) paste0('c(', paste0(substr(y, 1, nchar(y) - 1), '_g', seq(nGroups), collapse = ','), ')*'))))
  # remove names if set. we currently don't support labels anyway
  # and this causes issues later in building the model strings
  rownames(Lambda) <- colnames(Lambda) <- NULL  
  rownames(Theta) <- colnames(Theta) <- NULL  
  rownames(Phi) <- colnames(Phi) <- NULL  
  rownames(Beta) <- colnames(Beta) <- NULL  
  rownames(Psi) <- colnames(Psi) <- NULL  
  names(tau) <- NULL
  names(Alpha) <- NULL
  # create lav population model string
  tok <- list()
  for(f in 1:ncol(Lambda)){
    iIdx <- which(Lambda[, f] != 0)
    if(length(iIdx) > 0){
      cload <- Lambda[iIdx, f]
      tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' =~ ', paste0(cload, '*', paste0('x', iIdx), collapse = ' + ')))
      tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~~ ', Phi[f, f],'*', 'f', f))
      tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~~ ', Psi[f, f],'*', 'f', f))
  # manifest residuals
  for(i in 1:nrow(Lambda)){
    tok <- append(tok, paste0(paste0('x', i), ' ~~ ', Theta[i, i], '*', paste0('x', i), collapse = '\n'))
  # define factor cor / residual cor / regressions
  if(nfac > 1){
      for(f in 1:(nfac - 1)){
        for(ff in (f + 1):nfac){
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~~ ', Phi[f, ff], '*f', ff))
      # regressions
      for(f in 1:ncol(Beta)){
        idx <- which(Beta[f, ] != 0)
        if(!identical(idx, integer(0)))
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~ ', paste0(Beta[f, idx], '*f', idx, collapse = '+'))) 
      # (residual) correlations
      for(f in 1:(nfac - 1)){
        for(ff in (f + 1):nfac){
          if(Psi[f, ff] != 0)
            tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~~ ', Psi[f, ff], '*f', ff))
  # add means
    tok <- append(tok, paste0(paste0('x', 1:nrow(Lambda)), ' ~ ', tau, '*1', collapse = '\n'))
    tok <- append(tok, paste0(paste0('f', 1:ncol(Lambda)), ' ~ ', Alpha, '*1', collapse = '\n'))
  modelPop <- paste(unlist(tok), collapse = '\n')
  # build analysis models strings, one pure cfa based, and one including regression relationships 
  tok <- list()
  for(f in 1:ncol(Lambda)){
    iIdx <- which(Lambda[, f] != 0)   # use any non-zero loading as indicator
    if(length(iIdx) > 0){
      # add invariance constraints
      if(any(unlist(lapply(metricInvariance, function(x) f %in% x)))){
        labelIdx <- which(unlist(lapply(metricInvariance, function(x) f %in% x)))
        clabel <- metricInvarianceLabels[[labelIdx]]
          # scale by first loading instead of 1
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' =~ ', Lambda[iIdx[1], f], '*x', iIdx[1], ' + ', paste0(clabel, 'x', iIdx, collapse = ' + ')))
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' =~ NA*x', iIdx[1],' + ', paste0(clabel, 'x', iIdx, collapse = ' + ')))
          # scale by first loading instead of 1
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' =~ ', Lambda[iIdx[1], f], '*', paste0('x', iIdx, collapse = ' + ')))
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' =~ NA*', paste0('x', iIdx, collapse = ' + ')))
  modelTrueCFA <- paste(c(unlist(tok)), collapse = '\n')
    # regressions
    for(f in 1:ncol(Beta)){
      idx <- which(Beta[f, ] != 0)
      if(!identical(idx, integer(0)))
        tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~ ', paste0('f', idx, collapse = '+'))) 
    # (residual) correlations
    for(f in 1:(nfac - 1)){
      for(ff in (f + 1):nfac){
        if(Psi[f, ff] != 0)
          tok <- append(tok, paste0('f', f, ' ~~ f', ff))
  modelTrue <- paste(c(unlist(tok)), collapse = '\n')
    fvars <- sapply(1:nfac, function(f) paste0('f', f, ' ~~ 1*f', f))
    # factor variances are always 1, regardless of phi
    modelTrue <- paste(c(modelTrue, fvars), collapse = '\n')
    modelTrueCFA <- paste(c(modelTrueCFA, fvars), collapse = '\n')
  list(modelPop = modelPop, modelTrue = modelTrue, modelTrueCFA = modelTrueCFA)

#' getPhi.B
#' Computes implied correlations (completely standardized) from Beta matrix, disallowing recursive paths.
#' @param B matrix of regression coefficients (all-y notation). Must only contain non-zero lower-triangular elements, so the first row only includes zeros. 
#' @param lPsi (lesser) matrix of residual correlations. This is not the Psi matrix, but a lesser version ignoring all variances and containing correlations off the diagonal. Can be omitted for no correlations beyond those implied by B. 
#' @return Returns the implied correlation matrix
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # mediation model
#' B <- matrix(c(
#'   c(.00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.10, .00, .00),
#'   c(.20, .30, .00)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' Phi <- getPhi.B(B)
#' # CLPM with residual correlations 
#' B <- matrix(c(
#'   c(.00, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.30, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.70, .10, .00, .00),
#'   c(.20, .70, .00, .00)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
#' lPsi <- matrix(c(
#'   c(.00, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.00, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.00, .00, .00, .30),
#'   c(.00, .00, .30, .00)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
#' Phi <- getPhi.B(B, lPsi)
#' }
getPhi.B <- function(B, lPsi = NULL){
  if(any(diag(B) != 0)) stop('Beta may only have zeros on the diagonal.')
  if(any(B[upper.tri(B)] != 0) && any(B[lower.tri(B)] != 0)) stop('Beta may not contain non-zero elements both above and below the diagonal.')  
    if(ncol(lPsi) != ncol(B)) stop('lPsi must be of same dimension as Beta.')
    invisible(lapply(lPsi, function(x) lapply(x, function(x) checkBounded(x, 'All elements in lPsi', bound = c(-1, 1), inclusive = TRUE))))
    lPsi <- diag(ncol(B))
  # make sure exog come first and use lower tri only by switching order of B if necessary
  revert <- FALSE
  if(any(B[upper.tri(B)] != 0) && all(B[lower.tri(B)] == 0)){
    revert <- TRUE
    B <- B[nrow(B):1, ncol(B):1]  # this is different from t(B)
    lPsi <- lPsi[nrow(lPsi):1, ncol(lPsi):1]
  ### this doesnt work for endogenous -> endogenous
  ### expVar <- B %*% lPsi %*% t(B)
  ### to obtain Phi in std metric, exploit the structure of B to build Phi recursively
  ### there must be a simpler way to do this...
  Phi <- diag(ncol(B)) 
  exog <- which(apply(B, 1, function(x) all(x == 0)))
  endog <- seq(ncol(B))[-exog]

  # add exog - exog correlations
  if(!is.null(lPsi) && length(exog) > 1){
    for(i in 1:(length(exog) - 1)){
      for(j in (i + 1):length(exog)){
        Phi[exog[i], exog[j]] <- Phi[exog[j], exog[i]] <- lPsi[exog[i], exog[j]]

  for(i in min(endog):max(endog)){   # we also want everything in between
    # correlations for exog-endog that were missed in previous passes because exog comes after endog 
    if(i %in% exog){
      if(any(lPsi[i, seq(i-1)] > 0)){
        prevEnd <- endog[endog < i]
        for(j in prevEnd){
          cB <- matrix(c(B[j, seq(j - 1)], 0))
          predR <- Phi[c(seq(j - 1), i), c(seq(j - 1), i)]
          cR <- (predR %*% cB)
          Phi[i, j] <- Phi[j, i] <- cR[length(cR)]
    # correlations involving endogenous variables  
      cPred <- seq(i - 1)
      cB <- matrix(B[i, cPred])
      predR <- Phi[cPred, cPred]
      cR <- (predR %*% cB)
      # add residual covariances
      if(any(lPsi[i, cPred] != 0)){
        ccPhi <- rbind(predR, t(cR))
        ccPhi <- cbind(ccPhi, t(t(c((cR), 1))))
        cB <- B[1:i, 1:i]
        # we can do this here because all predictors are exog as Phi is used
        r2 <- diag(cB %*% ccPhi %*% t(cB))
        D <- diag(sqrt(1 - r2)) 
        newR <- ccPhi + D %*% lPsi[1:i, 1:i] %*% t(D)
        cR <- newR[i, cPred]
      Phi[i, cPred] <- t(cR)
      Phi[cPred, i] <- cR  
    Phi <- Phi[nrow(Phi):1, ncol(Phi):1]
  if(any(abs(Phi) > 1)) warning('Beta implies correlations > 1. Make sure that sum of squared slopes is smaller than 1.')

  checkPositiveDefinite(Phi, stop = FALSE)

#' getPsi.B
#' Computes the implied Psi matrix from Beta, when all coefficients in Beta should be standardized. 
#' @param B matrix of regression coefficients (all-y notation). May only contain non-zero values either above or below the diagonal.
#' @param sPsi matrix of (residual) correlations/covariances. This is not the Psi matrix, but defines the desired correlations/covariances beyond those implied by B. Can be NULL for no correlations. Standardized and unstandardized residual covariances (between endogenous variables) cannot have the same value, so `standResCov` defines whether to treat these as unstandardized or as standardized.
#' @param standResCov whether elements in `sPsi` referring to residual covariances (between endogenous variables) shall treated as correlation or as covariance.
#' @return Psi
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # mediation model
#' B <- matrix(c(
#'   c(.00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.10, .00, .00),
#'   c(.20, .30, .00)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
#' Psi <- getPsi.B(B)
#' # CLPM with residual correlations 
#' B <- matrix(c(
#'   c(.00, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.30, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.70, .10, .00, .00),
#'   c(.20, .70, .00, .00)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
#' sPsi <- matrix(c(
#'   c(1, .00, .00, .00),
#'   c(.00, 1, .00, .00),
#'   c(.00, .00, 1, .30),
#'   c(.00, .00, .30, 1)
#' ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4)
#' # so that residual cor is std
#' Psi <- getPsi.B(B, sPsi, standResCov = TRUE)
#' # so that residual cor is unsstd
#' Psi <- getPsi.B(B, sPsi, standResCov = FALSE)
#' }
getPsi.B <- function(B, sPsi = NULL, standResCov = TRUE){
  if(is.null(sPsi)) sPsi <- diag(ncol(B))
  ### this doesnt work for endogenous -> endogenous
  ### expVar <- B %*% sPsi %*% t(B)
  ### so compute phi and determine correct residual variances from phi.
  Phi <- getPhi.B(B, sPsi)

  # determine r-squared
  r2 <- diag(B %*% Phi %*% t(B))
  Psi <- diag(1 - r2)
  # handle case of dummy factors with zero variance
  if(any(diag(sPsi) == 0)){
    diag(Psi)[diag(sPsi) == 0] <- 0
  if(any(diag(Psi) < 0)) stop('Beta implies negative residual variances. Make sure that sum of squared slopes is smaller than 1.')
  ### std and unstd residual covariance cannot be identical (when B is std)
  # approach 1: interpret resid cov given in sPsi as unstd (so that std differs)
    Psi[row(Psi) != col(Psi)] <- sPsi[row(sPsi) != col(sPsi)]
  # approach 2: interpret resid cov given in sPsi as std (so that unstd differs)
    D <- diag(sqrt(diag(Psi)))
    Psi <- D %*% sPsi %*% D

  checkPositiveDefinite(Psi, stop = FALSE)

#' semPower.getDf
#' Determines the degrees of freedom of a given model provided as `lavaan` model string. This only returns the regular df and does not account for approaches using scaled df.
#' This requires the `lavaan` package.
#' @param lavModel the `lavaan` model string. Can also include (restrictions on) defined parameters.
#' @param nGroups for multigroup models: the number of groups.
#' @param group.equal for multigroup models: vector defining the type(s) of cross-group equality constraints following the `lavaan` conventions (`loadings`, `intercepts`, `means`, `residuals`, `residual.covariances`, `lv.variances`, `lv.covariances`, `regressions`).
#' @return Returns the df of the model.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lavModel <- '
#' f1 =~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
#' f2 =~ x5 + x6 + x7 + x8
#' f3 =~ y1 + y2 + y3
#' f3 ~ f1 + f2
#' '
#' semPower.getDf(lavModel)
#' # multigroup version
#' semPower.getDf(lavModel, nGroups = 3)  
#' semPower.getDf(lavModel, nGroups = 3, group.equal = c('loadings'))
#' semPower.getDf(lavModel, nGroups = 3, group.equal = c('loadings', 'intercepts'))
#' }
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @export
semPower.getDf <- function(lavModel, nGroups = NULL, group.equal = NULL){
  # check whether lavaan is available
  if(!'lavaan' %in% rownames(installed.packages())) stop('This function depends on the lavaan package, so install lavaan first.')
  # Fit model to dummy covariance matrix instead of counting parameters. 
  # This should also account for parameter restrictions and other intricacies
  # Model fitting will give warnings we just can ignore
    params <- lavaan::sem(lavModel)
    dummyS <- diag(params@Model@nvar)
    rownames(dummyS) <- params@Model@dimNames[[1]][[1]]
    if(is.null(nGroups) || nGroups == 1){
      dummyFit <- suppressWarnings(lavaan::sem(lavModel, sample.cov = dummyS, sample.nobs = 1000, warn = FALSE))
        dummyFit <- suppressWarnings(lavaan::sem(lavModel, sample.cov = lapply(1:nGroups, function(x) dummyS), sample.nobs = rep(1000, nGroups), warn = FALSE))
        dummyFit <- suppressWarnings(lavaan::sem(lavModel, sample.cov = lapply(1:nGroups, function(x) dummyS), sample.nobs = rep(1000, nGroups), group.equal = group.equal, warn = FALSE))
    df <- dummyFit@test[['standard']][['df']]
    # the above can be NULL if lav encounters issues, so fall back in this case
      df <- (params@Model@nvar*(params@Model@nvar + 1) / 2) - dummyFit@loglik$npar
  warning = function(w){
  error = function(e){

#' getLavOptions
#' returns `lavaan` options including defaults as set in `sem()` as a list to be passed to `lavaan()` 
#' @param lavOptions additional options to be added to (or overwriting) the defaults  
#' @param isCovarianceMatrix if `TRUE`, also adds `sample.nobs = 1000` and `sample.cov.rescale = FALSE` to `lavoptions` 
#' @param nGroups the number of groups, 1 by default
#' @return a list of `lavaan` defaults
getLavOptions <- function(lavOptions = NULL, isCovarianceMatrix = TRUE, nGroups = 1){
  # defaults as defined in lavaan::sem()
  lavOptionsDefaults <- list(int.ov.free = TRUE, int.lv.free = FALSE, auto.fix.first = TRUE,
                             auto.fix.single = TRUE, auto.var = TRUE, auto.cov.lv.x = TRUE,
                             auto.efa = TRUE, auto.th = TRUE, auto.delta = TRUE, auto.cov.y = TRUE) 
  # we also want N - 1 for ml based estm
  if(is.null(lavOptions[['estimator']]) || 
     (!is.null(lavOptions[['estimator']]) && toupper(lavOptions[['estimator']]) %in% c("ML", "MLM", "MLMV", "MLMVS", "MLF", "MLR")))
    lavOptionsDefaults <- append(list(likelihood = 'Wishart'), lavOptionsDefaults)
    ns <- 1000
    if(nGroups > 1) ns <- as.list(rep(1000, nGroups))
    lavOptionsDefaults <- append(list(sample.nobs = ns, sample.cov.rescale = FALSE), 

  # append lavoptions to defaults, overwriting any duplicate key
  lavOptions <- append(lavOptions, lavOptionsDefaults)[!duplicated(c(names(lavOptions), names(lavOptionsDefaults)))]

#' orderLavResults
#' returns `lavaan` implied covariance matrix or mean vector in correct order.
#' @param lavCov model implied covariance matrix  
#' @param lavMu model implied means 
#' @return either cov or mu in correct order
orderLavResults <- function(lavCov = NULL, lavMu = NULL){
    cn <- colnames(lavCov)
    cno <- cn[order(nchar(cn), cn)]
    lavCov[cno, cno]
  }else if(!is.null(lavMu)){
    cn <- names(lavMu)
    cno <- cn[order(nchar(cn), cn)]

#' orderLavCov
#' returns `lavaan` implied covariance matrix in correct order.
#' @param lavCov model implied covariance matrix  
#' @return cov in correct order
orderLavCov <- function(lavCov = NULL){
  orderLavResults(lavCov = lavCov)

#' getKSdistance
#' computes average absulute KS-distance between empirical and asympotic chi-square reference distribution.
#' @param chi empirical distribution  
#' @param df df of reference distribution  
#' @param ncp ncp of reference distribution  
#' @return average absolute distance
#' @importFrom stats ecdf pchisq
getKSdistance <- function(chi, df, ncp = 0){
  sChi <- sort(chi)
  cdfChi <- ecdf(sChi)(sChi)
  pChi <- sapply(sChi, FUN = pchisq, df = df, ncp = ncp)
  ks1 <- abs(pChi - cdfChi)
  ks2 <- abs(pChi - c(0, cdfChi[-length(cdfChi)]))
  mean(c(mean(ks1), mean(ks2)))

#' orderLavMu
#' returns `lavaan` implied means in correct order.
#' @param lavMu model implied means 
#' @return mu in correct order
orderLavMu <- function(lavMu = NULL){
  orderLavResults(lavMu = lavMu)

#' makeRestrictionsLavFriendly
#' This function is currently orphaned, but we keep it just in case.
#' This function transforms a `lavaan` model string into a model string that works reliably
#' when both equality constrains and value constrains are imposed on the same parameters.
#' `lavaan` cannot reliably handle this case, e. g., `"a == b \\n a == 0"` will not always work. 
#' The solution is to drop the equality constraint and rather apply
#' the value constraint on each equality constrained parameter, e. g. `"a == 0 \n b == 0"` will work.
#' @param model `lavaan` model string
#' @return model with  `lavaan`-friendly constrains
makeRestrictionsLavFriendly <- function(model){
  if(!grepl('==', model)) return(model)
  # determine which parameters are equal and which are constant
  tok <- strsplit(model, '\\n')[[1]]
  tok <- tok[nchar(tok) > 0 & !startsWith(tok, '#')]
  parZero <- parEqual <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(tok)){
    if(grepl('==', tok[i])){
      cp <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(tok[i], '==')[[1]], trimws))
      ncp <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cp))
        cl <- list(cp[which(!is.na(ncp))])
        names(cl) <- cp[which(is.na(ncp))]
        parZero <- append(parZero, cl)
        parPresent <- lapply(parEqual, function(x) cp %in% x)
        if(length(parPresent) > 0) parPresent <- apply(do.call(rbind, parPresent), 2, any)
          parEqual <- append(parEqual, list(cp))
          idx <- lapply(parEqual, function(x) cp[parPresent] %in% x)
          idx <- which(apply(do.call(cbind, idx), 2, any))
          parEqual[[idx]] <- c(cp[!parPresent], parEqual[[idx]])

  # replace equality and constant parameters by constant only
  if(length(parEqual) > 0){
    pIdx <- which(unlist(lapply(lapply(parEqual, function(x) x %in% names(parZero)), any)))
    if(length(pIdx) > 0){
      newRestr <- remParams <- list()
      for(i in seq_along(pIdx)){
        params <- parEqual[[pIdx[i]]]
        remParams <- append(remParams, params)
        val <- parZero[[which(names(parZero) %in% params)]]
        newRestr <- append(newRestr, paste0(params, ' == ', val))
      # remove offending equality constrained and constant parameters
      mod <- lapply(tok, function(x){
        if(grepl('==', x)){
          cp <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, '==')[[1]], trimws))
          if(!any(unlist(lapply(cp, function(x) x %in% unlist(remParams))))) 
            x  # only return if not found
      mod <- mod[nchar(mod) > 0]
      # now add proper constant constrains
      model <- paste(c(unlist(mod), newRestr), collapse = '\n')

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