#' @title Check Google Cloud SDK installation
#' @description
#' Google Cloud SDK is an optional dependency, required to search and download
#' SAFE archives from Google Cloud.
#' `check_gcloud()` checks if Google Cloud SDK is externally
#' installed and if a user account is set.
#' @param gsutil_dir (optional) Character: the path of the `gsutil` executable,
#' or the directory in which it is installed.
#' If not provided, `gsutil` is searched in the system path.
#' @param force (optional) Logical: if TRUE, check even if it is already
#' configured (default is FALSE).
#' @param full_scan (optional) Logical: in Linux and MacOS, if `gsutil_dir` was
#' not manually defined, `gsutil` is searched within the system path in case this
#' argument is left to default value FALSE; instead, if TRUE, a full search is
#' performed. In Windows, if the folder `Google\Cloud SDK` exist in
#' `C:\Program Files (x86)`, `C:\Program Files` or
#' `C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local`, then `gsutil` is searched there, otherwise in the main
#' directory `C:\`; setting `full_scan = TRUE`, is is always searched
#' in the whole `C:\`.
#' This argument takes no effect if `gsutil_dir` was defined, since, in that case,
#' a full search is always performed in `gsutil_dir`.
#' @param abort (optional) Logical: if TRUE (default), the function aborts
#' in case no Google Cloud SDK installation is found; if FALSE,
#' a warning is shown and FALSE is returned.
#' @param check_creds (optional) Logical: if TRUE, check also if a user account
#' (required to search and download products) was set.
#' @return `check_gcloud()` returns TRUE (invisible) in case Google Cloud SDK
#' was correctly set, FALSE if it was not found, not configured
#' (if `check_creds = TRUE`) and `abort = FALSE` (otherwise, the function stops).
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2021)
#' @references L. Ranghetti, M. Boschetti, F. Nutini, L. Busetto (2020).
#' "sen2r": An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing
#' Sentinel-2 satellite data. _Computers & Geosciences_, 139, 104473.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104473}, URL: \url{}.
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_gcloud()
#' check_gcloud_connection()
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' is_gcloud_configured()
#' }
check_gcloud <- function(
force = FALSE,
full_scan = FALSE,
abort = TRUE,
check_creds = TRUE
) {
# Check if gcloud was alreay configured
binpaths <- load_binpaths()
# set message method
message_type <- ifelse(abort==TRUE, "error", "warning")
if (force == TRUE || is.null(binpaths$gsutil)) {
"Searching for a valid Google Cloud SDK installation",
if (!missing(gsutil_dir)) {paste0(
" (this could take a long time, ",
"depending on the content of \"gsutil_path\")"
)} else if (full_scan == TRUE) {paste0(
" (a full scan in the whole file system was required, ",
"this generally takes a long time)"
# if gsutil_dir is not a directory, consider the dirname
if (!missing(gsutil_dir) && file.exists(gsutil_dir) && !$isdir) {
gsutil_dir <- dirname(gsutil_dir)
paths_gsutil <- if (["sysname"] %in% c("Linux", "Darwin")) {
if (all(full_scan == FALSE, missing(gsutil_dir))) {
} else {
if (missing(gsutil_dir)) {"/"} else {gsutil_dir},
"^gsutil$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE
} else if (["sysname"] == "Windows") {
gcloud_dirs <- file.path(
c("C:/Program Files (x86)", "C:/Program Files", "~/../AppData/Local"),
"Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin"
if (missing(gsutil_dir)) {
if (all(
full_scan == FALSE,
)) {
full.names = TRUE
} else {
list.files("C:/", "^gsutil$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)[1]
} else {
list.files(gsutil_dir, "^gsutil$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)[1]
paths_gsutil <- paths_gsutil[!]
paths_gsutil <- normalize_path(paths_gsutil)
# Exit if Sen2Cor does not exist in the provided directory
if (length(paths_gsutil) == 0 || sum(file.exists(paths_gsutil)) == 0) {
type = message_type,
"Google Cloud SDK was not found; press install it ",
"following the instructions at ",
"or set an existing installation using function check_gcloud() ",
"(eventually specifying the argument 'gsutil_dir' if the automatic check ",
"would fail)."
binpaths$gsutil <- paths_gsutil[file.exists(paths_gsutil)][1]
## Check configuration
if (check_creds == TRUE) {
check_creds_result <- .check_gcloud_creds(binpaths, message_type = message_type)
if (!check_creds_result) {return(invisible(FALSE))}
writeLines(jsonlite::toJSON(binpaths, pretty=TRUE), attr(binpaths, "path"))
# Internal function to check if gcloud account was configured,
# returning NULL if so or an error if neither.
.check_gcloud_creds <- function(binpaths, message_type) {
if (missing(binpaths)) {binpaths <- load_binpaths()}
gcloud_path <- file.path(dirname(binpaths$gsutil), "gcloud") # TODO check on Windows
gcloudauth_user <- system(paste0(
" info --format=\"value(config.account)\""
), intern = TRUE)
check_result <- if (
length(gcloudauth_user)==0 |
all(grepl("^ *$", gcloudauth_user))
) {
type = message_type,
"Google Cloud SDK was not initialised; ",
"do it following the indications ",
"in ",
"or set 'check_creds = FALSE'."
} else {
#' @name is_gcloud_configured
#' @rdname check_gcloud
#' @description `is_gcloud_configured()` check if Google Cloud SDK were already
#' configured in sen2r using `check_gcloud()`.
#' @return `is_gcloud_configured()` returns TRUE if Google Cloud SDK is installed
#' and an account is configured, FALSE if not.
#' @export
is_gcloud_configured <- function() {
!inherits(try(check_gcloud(), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
#' @name check_gcloud_connection
#' @rdname check_gcloud
#' @description `check_gcloud_connection()` check if internet connection
#' is available and Sentinel-2 bucket is accessible on Google Cloud.
#' @return `check_gcloud_connection()` returns TRUE if connection
#' is available, FALSE otherwise.
#' @importFrom httr RETRY handle
#' @export
check_gcloud_connection <- function() {
check_online <- try(
url = "",
handle = handle("")
!inherits(check_online, "try-error")
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