
Defines functions ee.oat random.oat

# Morris' OAT sub-routines. (See main file morris.R)
# Gilles Pujol 2006
# Modified by Frank Weber (2016): support model functions
# returning a matrix or a 3-dimensional array.

random.oat <- function(p, r, binf = rep(0, p), bsup = rep(0, p), nl, design.step) {
  # orientation matrix B
  B <- matrix(-1, nrow = p + 1, ncol = p)
  B[lower.tri(B)] <- 1
  # grid step
  delta <- design.step / (nl - 1)
  X <- matrix(nrow = r * (p + 1), ncol = p)
  for (j in 1 : r) {
    # directions matrix D
    D <- diag(sample(c(-1, 1), size = p, replace = TRUE), nrow = p)
    # permutation matrix P
    perm <- sample(p)
    P <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    for (i in 1 : p) {
      P[i, perm[i]] <- 1
    # starting point
    x.base <- matrix(nrow = p + 1, ncol = p)
    for (i in 1 : p) {
      x.base[,i] <- ((sample(nl[i] - design.step[i], size = 1) - 1) / (nl[i] - 1))
    X[ind.rep(j,p),] <- 0.5 * (B %*% P %*% D + 1) %*% 
      diag(delta, nrow = p) + x.base
  for (i in 1 : p) {
    X[,i] <- X[,i] * (bsup[i] - binf[i]) + binf[i]

ee.oat <- function(X, y) {
  # compute the elementary effects for a OAT design
  p <- ncol(X)
  r <- nrow(X) / (p + 1)
#  if(is(y,"numeric")){
  if(inherits(y, "numeric")){
    one_i_vector <- function(i){
      j <- ind.rep(i, p)
      j1 <- j[1 : p]
      j2 <- j[2 : (p + 1)]
      # return((y[j2] - y[j1]) / rowSums(X[j2,] - X[j1,]))
      return(solve(X[j2,] - X[j1,], y[j2] - y[j1]))
    ee <- vapply(1:r, one_i_vector, FUN.VALUE = numeric(p))
    ee <- t(ee)
    # "ee" is now a (r times p)-matrix.
#  } else if(is(y,"matrix")){
  } else if(inherits(y, "matrix")){
    one_i_matrix <- function(i){
      j <- ind.rep(i, p)
      j1 <- j[1 : p]
      j2 <- j[2 : (p + 1)]
      return(solve(X[j2,] - X[j1,], 
                   y[j2, , drop = FALSE] - y[j1, , drop = FALSE]))
    ee <- vapply(1:r, one_i_matrix, 
                 FUN.VALUE = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = dim(y)[2]))
    # Special case handling for p == 1 and ncol(y) == 1 (in this case, "ee" is
    # a vector of length "r"):
    if(p == 1 && dim(y)[2] == 1){
      ee <- array(ee, dim = c(r, 1, 1))
    # Transpose "ee" (an array of dimensions c(p, ncol(y), r)) to an array of
    # dimensions c(r, p, ncol(y)) (for better consistency with the standard 
    # case that "class(y) == "numeric""):
    ee <- aperm(ee, perm = c(3, 1, 2))
#  } else if(is(y,"array")){
  } else if(inherits(y, "array")){
    one_i_array <- function(i){
      j <- ind.rep(i, p)
      j1 <- j[1 : p]
      j2 <- j[2 : (p + 1)]
      ee_per_3rd_dim <- sapply(1:(dim(y)[3]), function(idx_3rd_dim){
        y_j2_matrix <- y[j2, , idx_3rd_dim]
        y_j1_matrix <- y[j1, , idx_3rd_dim]
        # Here, the result of "solve(...)" is a (p times dim(y)[2])-matrix or
        # a vector of length dim(y)[2] (if p == 1):
        solve(X[j2,] - X[j1,], y_j2_matrix - y_j1_matrix)
      }, simplify = "array")
      if(dim(y)[2] == 1){
        # Correction needed if dim(y)[2] == 1, so "y_j2_matrix" and
        # "y_j1_matrix" have been dropped to matrices (or even vectors, if also
        # p == 1):
        ee_per_3rd_dim <- array(ee_per_3rd_dim, 
                                dim = c(p, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3]))
      } else if(p == 1){
        # Correction needed if p == 1 (and dim(y)[2] > 1), so "y_j2_matrix" and
        # "y_j1_matrix" have been dropped to matrices:
        ee_per_3rd_dim <- array(ee_per_3rd_dim, 
                                dim = c(1, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3]))
      # "ee_per_3rd_dim" is now an array of dimensions 
      # c(p, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3]). Assign the corresponding names for the 
      # third dimension:
        dimnames(ee_per_3rd_dim) <- dimnames(y)
      } else{
        dimnames(ee_per_3rd_dim)[[3]] <- dimnames(y)[[3]]
    ee <- sapply(1:r, one_i_array, simplify = "array")
    # Special case handling if "ee" has been dropped to a vector:
#    if(is(ee,"numeric")){
    if (inherits(ee, "numeric")){
      ee <- array(ee, dim = c(p, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3], r))
      dimnames(ee) <- list(NULL, dimnames(y)[[2]], dimnames(y)[[3]], NULL)
    # "ee" is an array of dimensions c(p, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3], r), so it is
    # transposed to an array of dimensions c(r, p, dim(y)[2], dim(y)[3]):
    ee <- aperm(ee, perm = c(4, 1, 2, 3))

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