SEQMINER: Efficiently Read Sequencing Data (VCF format, METAL format)...

SEQMINERR Documentation

Efficiently Read Sequencing Data (VCF format, METAL format) into R


SeqMiner provides functions to easily load Variant Call Format (VCF) or METAL format into R


The aim of this package is to save your time parsing large text file. That means data processing time can be saved for other researches. This packages requires Bgzip compressed and Tabix indexed files as input. If input files contaians annotation by TabAnno (), it is possible to extract information at the unit of genes.


Maintainer: Xiaowei Zhan


Other contributors:

  • Attractive Chaos (We have used the following software and made minimal necessary changes: Tabix, Heng Li <> (MIT license). We removed standard IO related functions, e.g. printf, fprintf ; also changed its un-safe pointer arithmetics.) [copyright holder]

  • Broad Institute / Massachusetts Institute of Technology [copyright holder]

  • Genome Research Ltd (GRL) [copyright holder]

  • Facebook, Inc [copyright holder]

  • D. Richard Hipp [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

seqminer documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:15 a.m.