FindFamilies: Assign Family IDs

View source: R/FindFamilies.R

FindFamiliesR Documentation

Assign Family IDs


Find clusters of connected individuals in a pedigree, and assign each cluster a unique family ID (FID).


FindFamilies(Pedigree = NULL, SeqList = NULL, MaybeRel = NULL)



dataframe with columns id - parent1 - parent2; only the first 3 columns will be used.


list as returned by sequoia. If Pedigree is not provided, the element Pedigree from this list will be used if present, and element Pedigreepar otherwise.


Output from GetMaybeRel, a dataframe with probable but non-assigned relatives.


This function repeatedly finds all ancestors and all descendants of each individual in turn, and ensures they all have the same Family ID. Not all connected individuals are related, e.g. all grandparents of an individual will have the same FID, but will typically be unrelated.

When UseMaybeRel = TRUE, probable relatives are added to existing family clusters, or existing family clusters may be linked together. Currently no additional family clusters are created.


A numeric vector with length equal to the number of unique individuals in the pedigree (i.e. number of rows in pedigree after running PedPolish on Pedigree).

See Also

GetAncestors, GetDescendants, getGenerations


PedG <- SeqOUT_griffin$PedigreePar[,1:3]
FID_G <- FindFamilies(PedG)

sequoia documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:10 a.m.