
Defines functions show_sig_profile

Documented in show_sig_profile

## Other implementation: https://github.com/kgori/sigfit/blob/209776ee1d2193ad4b682b2e2472f848bd7c67a6/R/sigfit_plotting.R#L688-L949

#' Show Signature Profile
#' Who don't like to show a barplot for signature profile? This is for it.
#' @inheritParams sig_extract
#' @inheritParams show_cn_distribution
#' @param Signature a `Signature` object obtained either from [sig_extract] or [sig_auto_extract],
#' or just a raw signature matrix with row representing components (motifs) and column
#' representing signatures (column names must start with 'Sig').
#' @param mode signature type for plotting, now supports 'copynumber', 'SBS',
#' 'DBS', 'ID' and 'RS' (genome rearrangement signature).
#' @param method method for copy number feature classification in [sig_tally],
#' can be one of "Wang" ("W"), "S".
#' @param by_context for specific use.
#' @param normalize one of 'row', 'column', 'raw' and "feature", for row normalization (signature),
#' column normalization (component), raw data, row normalization by feature, respectively.
#' Of note, 'feature' only works when the mode is 'copynumber'.
#' @param y_tr a function (e.g. `log10`) to transform y axis before plotting.
#' @param filters a pattern used to select components to plot.
#' @param style plot style, one of 'default' and 'cosmic', works when
#' parameter `set_gradient_color` is `FALSE`.
#' @param palette palette used to plot when `set_gradient_color` is `FALSE`,
#' default use a built-in palette according to parameter `style`.
#' @param set_gradient_color default is `FALSE`, if `TRUE`, use gradient colors
#' to fill bars.
#' @param free_space default is 'free_x'. If "fixed", all panels have the same size.
#' If "free_y" their height will be proportional to the length of the y scale;
#' if "free_x" their width will be proportional to the length of the x scale;
#' or if "free" both height and width will vary.
#' This setting has no effect unless the appropriate scales also vary.
#' @param rm_panel_border default is `TRUE` for style 'cosmic',
#' remove panel border to keep plot tight.
#' @param rm_grid_line default is `FALSE`, if `TRUE`, remove grid lines of plot.
#' @param rm_axis_text default is `FALSE`, if `TRUE`, remove component texts.
#' This is useful when multiple signature profiles are plotted together.
#' @param bar_border_color the color of bar border.
#' @param bar_width bar width. By default, set to 70% of the resolution of the
#' data.
#' @param paint_axis_text if `TRUE`, color on text of x axis.
#' @param x_label_angle font angle for x label.
#' @param x_label_vjust font vjust for x label.
#' @param x_label_hjust font hjust for x label.
#' @param x_lab x axis lab.
#' @param y_lab y axis lab.
#' @param y_limits limits to expand in y axis. e.g., `0.2`, `c(0, 0.3)`.
#' @param params params `data.frame` of components, obtained from [sig_tally].
#' @param show_cv default is `FALSE`, if `TRUE`, show coefficient of variation when
#' `params` is not `NULL`.
#' @param params_label_size font size for params label.
#' @param params_label_angle font angle for params label.
#' @param y_expand y expand height for plotting params of copy number signatures.
#' @param digits digits for plotting params of copy number signatures.
#' @param font_scale a number used to set font scale.
#' @param sig_names subset signatures or set name of signatures, can be a character vector.
#' Default is `NULL`, prefix 'Sig' plus number is used.
#' @param sig_orders set order of signatures, can be a character vector.
#' Default is `NULL`, the signatures are ordered by alphabetical order.
#' If an integer vector set, only specified signatures are plotted.
#' @param check_sig_names if `TRUE`, check signature names when input is
#' a matrix, i.e., all signatures (colnames) must start with 'Sig'.
#' @author Shixiang Wang
#' @inheritParams sig_tally
#' @return a `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @seealso [show_sig_profile_loop], [show_sig_profile_heatmap]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load SBS signature
#' load(system.file("extdata", "toy_mutational_signature.RData",
#'   package = "sigminer", mustWork = TRUE
#' ))
#' # Show signature profile
#' p1 <- show_sig_profile(sig2, mode = "SBS")
#' p1
#' # Use 'y_tr' option to transform values in y axis
#' p11 <- show_sig_profile(sig2, mode = "SBS", y_tr = function(x) x * 100)
#' p11
#' # Load copy number signature from method "W"
#' load(system.file("extdata", "toy_copynumber_signature_by_W.RData",
#'   package = "sigminer", mustWork = TRUE
#' ))
#' # Show signature profile
#' p2 <- show_sig_profile(sig,
#'   style = "cosmic",
#'   mode = "copynumber",
#'   method = "W",
#'   normalize = "feature"
#' )
#' p2
#' # Visualize rearrangement signatures
#' s <- get_sig_db("RS_Nik_lab")
#' ss <- s$db[, 1:3]
#' colnames(ss) <- c("Sig1", "Sig2", "Sig3")
#' p3 <- show_sig_profile(ss, mode = "RS", style = "cosmic")
#' p3
#' }
#' @testexamples
#' expect_s3_class(p1, "ggplot")
#' expect_s3_class(p11, "ggplot")
#' expect_s3_class(p2, "ggplot")
#' expect_s3_class(p3, "ggplot")
show_sig_profile <- function(Signature,
                             mode = c("SBS", "copynumber", "DBS", "ID", "RS"),
                             method = "Wang",
                             by_context = FALSE,
                             normalize = c("row", "column", "raw", "feature"),
                             y_tr = NULL,
                             filters = NULL,
                             feature_setting = sigminer::CN.features,
                             style = c("default", "cosmic"),
                             palette = use_color_style(style, ifelse(by_context, "SBS", mode), method),
                             set_gradient_color = FALSE,
                             free_space = "free_x",
                             rm_panel_border = style == "cosmic",
                             rm_grid_line = style == "cosmic",
                             rm_axis_text = FALSE,
                             bar_border_color = ifelse(style == "default", "grey50", "white"),
                             bar_width = 0.7,
                             paint_axis_text = TRUE,
                             x_label_angle = ifelse(mode == "copynumber" & !(startsWith(method, "T") | method == "X"), 60, 90),
                             x_label_vjust = ifelse(mode == "copynumber" & !(startsWith(method, "T") | method == "X"), 1, 0.5),
                             x_label_hjust = 1,
                             x_lab = "Components",
                             y_lab = "auto",
                             y_limits = NULL,
                             params = NULL, show_cv = FALSE,
                             params_label_size = 3,
                             params_label_angle = 60, y_expand = 1,
                             digits = 2, base_size = 12, font_scale = 1,
                             sig_names = NULL, sig_orders = NULL,
                             check_sig_names = TRUE) {

  if (inherits(Signature, "Signature")) {
    Sig <- Signature$Signature
  } else if (is.matrix(Signature)) {
    if (check_sig_names) {
      if (!all(startsWith(colnames(Signature), "Sig"))) {
        stop("If Signature is a matrix, column names must start with 'Sig'!", call. = FALSE)
    Sig <- Signature
  } else {
    stop("Invalid input for 'Signature'", call. = FALSE)

  if (nrow(Sig) > 1000L) {
    stop("This plot method doesn't support >1000 components, please try heatmap method!", call. = FALSE)

  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  method <- match.arg(
    choices = c("Wang", "W", "Tao & Wang", "T", "X", "S")
  normalize <- match.arg(normalize)
  style <- match.arg(style)

  if (normalize == "row") {
    Sig <- apply(Sig, 2, function(x) x / sum(x))
  } else if (normalize == "column") {
    Sig2 <- t(apply(Sig, 1, function(x) x / sum(x)))
    if (is.null(rownames(Sig2))) {
      Sig2 <- t(Sig2)
      colnames(Sig2) <- colnames(Sig)
      Sig <- Sig2
    } else {
      Sig <- Sig2
    Sig[is.na(Sig)] <- 1

  if (!is.null(filters)) {
    Sig <- Sig[sapply(rownames(Sig), function(x) {
      any(sapply(filters, function(y) {
        grepl(y, x)
    }), ]
    if (nrow(Sig) < 1) stop("Bad filters, no component kept!")

  ## Check if it has transcription labels
  has_labels <- grepl("^[TU]:", rownames(Sig))
  if (any(has_labels)) {
    Sig <- Sig[has_labels, , drop = FALSE]
    has_labels <- TRUE
  } else {
    has_labels <- FALSE

  if (is.numeric(sig_orders)) {
    Sig <- Sig[, sig_orders, drop = FALSE]

  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identify mode and do data transformation
  mat <- as.data.frame(Sig)
  mat$context <- rownames(mat)

  if (has_labels) {
    mat$context <- substring(mat$context, 3)
    mat$label <- factor(substr(rownames(mat), 1, 1), levels = c("T", "U"))

  if (mode == "copynumber") {
    if (startsWith(method, "W")) {
      mat$base <- sub("\\[.*\\]$", "", mat$context)
      if (!"CN" %in% mat$base) {
        send_stop("You may choose wrong 'method' option, please try method = 'M' or 'T'.")
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

      if (!inherits(feature_setting, "sigminer.features")) {
        feature_setting <- get_feature_components(feature_setting)
      avail_features <- unique(feature_setting$feature)

      # Make sure
      f_orders <- avail_features[avail_features %in% mat$base]
      comp_orders <- feature_setting$component[feature_setting$feature %in% f_orders]

      mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
        context = factor(.data$context,
          levels = comp_orders
        base = factor(.data$base, levels = f_orders),
        class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
    } else if (startsWith(method, "S")) {
      if (!nrow(mat) %in% c(40, 48)) {
        send_stop("Data for 'S' method should have 40 or 48 components!")
      mat <- mat %>%
          into = c("cn", "loh", "size"),
          remove = FALSE, sep = ":"
        ) %>%
          base = .data$loh,
          context = paste(.data$cn, .data$size, sep = ":"),
          size = factor(
            levels = c(
        ) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$cn, .data$size)
      # context_lvls <- vector_to_combination(mat$cn, ":", mat$size)

      mat <- tidyr::gather(
        mat %>% dplyr::select(-c("cn", "loh", "size")),
        class, signature, -c("context", "base")

      mat <- dplyr::mutate(
        context = factor(
          levels = unique(.data$context)
        base = factor(.data$base, c("homdel", "LOH", "het")),
        class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
    } else {
      ## Ziyu Tao & Tao Wu & Wang
      if (any(nchar(mat$context) > 14)) {
        send_stop("Wrong 'method' option or unsupported components.")

      if (!by_context) {
        mat$base <- sub("^([A-Z]:[A-Z]{2}):[0-9]-?[0-9]?\\+?(LOH)?:[A-Z0-9]{2,3}$", "\\1", mat$context)
        mat$context <- sub("^[A-Z]:[A-Z]{2}:([0-9]-?[0-9]?\\+?(LOH)?:[A-Z0-9]{2,3}$)", "\\1", mat$context)
        mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

        len_base <- length(unique(mat$base))
        if (len_base == 12) {
          palette <- palette[c(2:4, 6:8, 10:12, 14:16)]

        mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
          context = factor(.data$context),
          base = factor(.data$base, levels = if (len_base == 12) {
              "S:HH", "S:LD", "S:LL",
              "M:HH", "M:LD", "M:LL",
              "L:HH", "L:LD", "L:LL",
              "E:HH", "E:LD", "E:LL"
          } else {
              "S:HH", "S:HL", "S:LH", "S:LL",
              "M:HH", "M:HL", "M:LH", "M:LL",
              "L:HH", "L:HL", "L:LH", "L:LL",
              "E:HH", "E:HL", "E:LH", "E:LL"
          class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
      } else {
        mat <- mat %>%
          tidyr::separate("context", into = c("segLen", "contextShape", "segVal", "contextCP"), sep = ":") %>%
            segLen = dplyr::case_when(
              .data$segLen == "S" ~ "<50Kb",
              .data$segLen == "M" ~ "50-500Kb",
              .data$segLen == "L" ~ "500Kb-5Mb",
              .data$segLen == "E" ~ ">5Mb"
            context = paste0(.data$segVal, ":", .data$segLen),
            base = paste0(.data$contextShape, ":", .data$contextCP),
            segLen = factor(
              levels = c(
          ) %>%
          dplyr::arrange(.data$segVal, .data$segLen) %>%
          dplyr::select(-c("segLen", "contextShape", "segVal", "contextCP"))

        mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

        len_base <- length(unique(mat$base))

        if (len_base != 6) {
          stop("Your input is not supported.")

        mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
          context = factor(.data$context, unique(.data$context)),
          base = factor(.data$base,
            levels = c(
              "LL:AA", "HH:AA", "LD:AA",
              "LL:BB", "HH:BB", "LD:BB"
          class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
  } else if (mode == "SBS") {
    mat$base <- sub("[ACGT]\\[(.*)\\][ACGT]", "\\1", mat$context)
    if (!any(grepl("C>A", mat$base))) {
      send_stop("You may choose wrong 'mode' option, this is designed for 'SBS'.")
    mat$context <- sub("(\\[.*\\])", "\\-", mat$context)

    if (has_labels) {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base", "label"))
    } else {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

    mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
      context = factor(.data$context),
      base = factor(.data$base, levels = c(
        "C>A", "C>G",
        "C>T", "T>A",
        "T>C", "T>G"
      class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
  } else if (mode == "DBS") {
    mat$base <- paste0(substr(mat$context, 1, 3), "NN")
    if (!any(grepl(">NN", mat$base))) {
      send_stop("You may choose wrong 'mode' option, this is designed for 'DBS'.")
    mat$context <- substr(mat$context, 4, 5)

    if (has_labels) {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base", "label"))
    } else {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

    mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
      context = factor(.data$context),
      base = factor(.data$base, levels = c(
        "AC>NN", "AT>NN",
        "CC>NN", "CG>NN",
        "CT>NN", "GC>NN",
        "TA>NN", "TC>NN",
        "TG>NN", "TT>NN"
      class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
  } else if (mode == "ID") {
    is_ID28 <- any(grepl("long_Del", rownames(mat)))
    if (!is_ID28) {
      conv <- c("2", "3", "4", "5:D:M")
      names(conv) <- c("2:D:M", "3:D:M", "4:D:M", "5:D:M")
      mat$base <- paste0(substr(mat$context, 1, 3), substr(mat$context, 6, 7))
      mat$base <- ifelse(grepl("D:M", mat$base),
        conv[mat$base], mat$base
    } else {
      mat$base <- ifelse(
        grepl("^[0-9]", mat$context),
        paste0(substr(mat$context, 1, 3), substr(mat$context, 6, 7)),
    mat$count <- as.integer(substr(mat$context, 9, 9))
    mat$is_del <- grepl(":Del:[RCT]", mat$context)
    mat$count <- ifelse(mat$is_del, mat$count + 1, mat$count)
    mat$context <- ifelse(is.na(mat$count),
        ifelse(mat$count == 6, "6+", as.character(mat$count)),
        ifelse(mat$count == 5, "5+", as.character(mat$count))
    mat$count <- NULL
    mat$is_del <- NULL

    if (!any(grepl("1:D:C", mat$base))) {
      send_stop("You may choose wrong 'mode' option, this is designed for 'ID'.")

    if (has_labels) {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base", "label"))
    } else {
      mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

    if (!is_ID28) {
      mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
        context = factor(.data$context),
        base = factor(.data$base, levels = c(
          "1:D:C", "1:D:T",
          "1:I:C", "1:I:T",
          "2:D:R", "3:D:R",
          "4:D:R", "5:D:R",
          "2:I:R", "3:I:R",
          "4:I:R", "5:I:R",
          "2", "3", "4", "5:D:M"
        class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
    } else {
      mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
        context = factor(.data$context),
        base = factor(.data$base, levels = c(
          "1:D:C", "1:D:T",
          "1:I:C", "1:I:T",
        class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))
  } else if (mode == "RS") {
    if (nrow(mat) != 32L) {
      send_stop("'RS' signatures should have 32 components!")
    mat %>%
        is_clustered = startsWith(.data$context, "clustered"),
        type = sub("(non-)?clustered:([^:]+):?.*", "\\2", .data$context),
        base = paste(ifelse(.data$is_clustered, "C", "N"), .data$type, sep = "-"),
        base = sub("-trans", "", .data$base)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(-c("is_clustered", "type")) -> mat
    mat$context <- sub("^.*:([^:]+)$", "\\1", mat$context)

    mat <- tidyr::gather(mat, class, signature, -c("context", "base"))

    mat <- dplyr::mutate(mat,
      context = factor(.data$context,
        levels = c(
          "1-10Kb", "10-100Kb",
          "100Kb-1Mb", "1Mb-10Mb",
          ">10Mb", "trans"
      base = factor(.data$base, levels = c(
        "C-del", "C-tds",
        "C-inv", "C",
        "N-del", "N-tds",
        "N-inv", "N"
      class = factor(class, levels = colnames(Sig))

  if (normalize == "feature") {
    if (mode != "copynumber") {
      message("normalize='feature' only supports when the argument mode is 'copynumber'. Please use another value!")
    } else {
      mat <- mat %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$base, .data$class) %>%
        tidyr::nest() %>%
          context = purrr::map(.data$data, ~ .$context),
          signature = purrr::map(.data$data, ~ .$signature / sum(.$signature))
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(-"data") %>%
        tidyr::unnest(cols = c("context", "signature")) %>%

  # >>>>>>> Set signature name and order
  if (!is.null(sig_names)) {
    uq_names <- unique(mat[["class"]])
    if (length(sig_names) != length(uq_names)) {
      if (all(sig_names %in% uq_names)) {
        # Filter signatures
        message("Only plot selected signatures.")
        mat <- mat %>% dplyr::filter(.data$class %in% sig_names)
      } else {
        stop("The length of input signature names is not equal to signature number!")
    } else {
      # Change signature names
      names(sig_names) <- paste0("Sig_", seq_along(sig_names))
      mat[["class"]] <- sig_names[mat[["class"]]]

  if (!is.null(sig_orders) & !is.numeric(sig_orders)) {
    mat[["class"]] <- factor(mat[["class"]], levels = sig_orders)
  } else {
    mat[["class"]] <- factor(mat[["class"]])
  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plot
  if (!is.null(y_tr)) {
    mat$signature <- y_tr(mat$signature)

  if (set_gradient_color) {
    if (mode == "SBS") {
      message("Gradient colors are not supported for mutational signatures!")
      message("Please set it to FALSE and re-run.")

    col_df <- mat %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$class == .data$class[1]) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$base) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(N = dplyr::n())

    p <- ggplot(mat) +
      geom_bar(aes_string(x = "context", y = "signature", fill = "context"),
        stat = "identity", position = "identity",
        colour = bar_border_color, width = bar_width
      ) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = helper_create_colormap(col_df$base, col_df$N))
  } else {
    if (has_labels) {
      p <- ggplot(mat) +
        geom_bar(aes_string(x = "context", y = "signature", fill = "label"),
          stat = "identity", position = ggplot2::position_dodge2(preserve = "single", padding = 0),
          colour = bar_border_color, width = bar_width
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkblue", "red"))
    } else {
      p <- ggplot(mat) +
        geom_bar(aes_string(x = "context", y = "signature", fill = "base"),
          stat = "identity", position = "identity",
          colour = bar_border_color, width = bar_width
        ) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = palette)

  if (!is.null(y_limits)) {
    p <- p + expand_limits(y = y_limits)

  p <- p + facet_grid(class ~ base, scales = "free", space = free_space)

  p <- p + scale_y_continuous(
    labels = scales::number_format(
      accuracy = if (mean(mat$signature[mat$signature > 0]) < 1) 0.01 else NULL

  # Remove prefix to keep space
  if (startsWith(method, "W")) {
    p <- p + scale_x_discrete(
      breaks = mat$context,
      labels = sub(".*(\\[.*\\])$", "\\1", mat$context)

  # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Setting theme
  scale <- font_scale

  .theme_ss <- theme_bw(
    base_size = base_size,
    base_family = "sans"
  ) +
      axis.text.x = element_text(
        angle = x_label_angle, vjust = x_label_vjust,
        hjust = x_label_hjust, size = (base_size - 4) * scale,
        color = "black",
        face = "bold",
        family = "mono"
      axis.text.y = element_text(
        hjust = 0.5,
        size = base_size * scale,
        color = "black"
      strip.text.x = element_text(face = "bold"),
      strip.text.y = element_text(face = "bold")

  if (style == "cosmic") {
    .theme_ss <- .theme_ss + theme(
      axis.line = element_line(size = 0.3, colour = "black"),
      panel.spacing.x = unit(0, "line"),
      strip.background.x = element_rect(color = "white"),
      strip.background.y = element_blank(),
      strip.text.x = element_text(
        color = "white",
        face = "bold"
      strip.text.y = element_text(
        size = 12,
        vjust = 1,
        color = "black",
        face = "bold",
        angle = 0

  if (rm_panel_border) {
    .theme_ss <- .theme_ss + theme(
      panel.border = element_blank()

  if (rm_grid_line) {
    .theme_ss <- .theme_ss + theme(
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank()

  # Cannot assign the second axis to right panel border.
  # if (style == "cosmic") {
  #   p <- p + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.))
  # }
  if (style == "cosmic") {
    p <- p + annotate(
      geom = "segment",
      y = -Inf,
      yend = -Inf,
      x = -Inf,
      xend = Inf

  # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Setting theme

  p <- p +
    guides(fill = "none") + .theme_ss

  if (all(mode == "copynumber", !is.null(params))) {
    p <- p + theme(plot.margin = margin(30 * y_expand, 2, 2, 2, unit = "pt")) # Add regions

  p <- p + xlab(x_lab)

  if (identical(y_lab, "auto")) {
    if (normalize == "column") {
      p <- p + ylab("Weights")
    } else if (normalize == "row" | normalize == "feature") {
      p <- p + ylab("Contributions")
    } else {
      p <- p + ylab("Estimated counts")
  } else {
    p <- p + ylab(y_lab)

  if (rm_axis_text) {
    p <- p + theme(
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.x = element_blank()

  if (style != "default" | paint_axis_text) {
    if (!requireNamespace("ggplotify", quietly = TRUE)) {
      message("Please install 'ggplotify' package firstly.")

    g <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))

    if (style != "default") {
      ## It is hard to use geom_label/text
      ## to add annotation for facet plot

      # https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2096#issuecomment-389825118
      strip_t <- which(grepl("strip-t", g$layout$name))
      k <- 1
      for (i in strip_t) {
        j <- which(grepl("rect", g$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
        g$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j]]$gp$fill <- palette[k]
        k <- k + 1

    if (paint_axis_text) {
      axis_b <- which(grepl("axis-b", g$layout$name))
      k <- 1
      for (i in axis_b) {
        g$grobs[[i]]$children[[2]]$grobs[[2]]$children[[1]]$gp$col <- palette[k]
        k <- k + 1
    # grid::grid.draw(g)
    p <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(g)


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