
Defines functions Q3

Documented in Q3

## File Name: Q3.R
## File Version: 1.21

# Yen's Q3 statistic (1984)
Q3 <- function( dat, theta, b, progress=TRUE )
    I <- ncol(dat)
    if (progress){
        cat("Yen's Q3 Statistic based on an estimated theta score \n*** " )
        cat(I, "Items | " )
    # expected probability
    expected <- .prob.rasch( theta, b )
    # residual
    residual <- dat - expected
    # initialize matrix of Q3 values
    I <- ncol(dat)
    q3.matr <- matrix( NA, nrow=I,ncol=I )
    q3.long <- matrix( NA, nrow=(I-1)*I/2, ncol=4 )
    colnames(q3.matr) <- rownames(q3.matr) <- colnames(dat)
    q3.matr <- stats::cor( residual, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
    nares <- 1 - is.na(residual)
    NIP <- crossprod(nares)
    itempairs <- t( utils::combn( I, 2 ) )
    q3.long[,3] <- q3.matr[ itempairs ]
    q3.long[,4] <- NIP[ itempairs ]
    q3.long[,1] <- colnames(q3.matr)[ itempairs[,1] ]
    q3.long[,2] <- colnames(q3.matr)[ itempairs[,2] ]
    q3.long <- as.data.frame( q3.long )
    q3.long[,3] <- as.numeric( paste( q3.long[,3] ))
    q3.long <- q3.long[ order( q3.long[,3] ), ]
    colnames(q3.long) <- c("Item1", "Item2", "Q3", "N" )
    q3.long <-   q3.long[ !is.na( q3.long[,3] ), ]
    MQ3 <- mean( q3.long[,3] )
    SDQ3 <- stats::sd( q3.long[,3] )
    Q3.stat <- stats::quantile( q3.long[,3], prob=c(  .10, .25, .50, .75, .90  ) )
    Q3.stat <- c("M"=MQ3, "SD"=SDQ3, "Min"=min(q3.long[,3] ),
                        Q3.stat, "Max"=max(q3.long[,3] ) )
    if (progress){
        cat( paste( nrow(q3.long), "item pairs\n" ) )
        cat("*** Q3 Descriptives\n")
        print( round(Q3.stat,3))
    #--- OUTPUT
    res <- list( "q3.matrix"=q3.matr, "q3.long"=q3.long,
                "expected"=expected, "residual"=residual, "Q3.stat"=Q3.stat )

# Q3 <- yen.q3

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