
Defines functions is_labelled_factor .plot_likert plot_likert

Documented in plot_likert

#' @title Plot likert scales as centered stacked bars
#' @name plot_likert
#' @description Plot likert scales as centered stacked bars.
#' @note Note that only even numbers of categories are possible to plot, so the "positive"
#'        and "negative" values can be splitted into two halfs. A neutral category (like "don't know")
#'        can be used, but must be indicated by \code{cat.neutral}. \cr \cr
#'        The \code{catcount}-argument indicates how many item categories are in the
#'        Likert scale. Normally, this argument can be ignored because the amount of
#'        valid categories is retrieved automatically. However, sometimes (for instance,
#'        if a certain category is missing in all items), auto-detection of the amount
#'        of categories fails. In such cases, specify the amount of categories
#'        with the \code{catcount}-argument.
#' @param catcount optional, amount of categories of \code{items} (e.g. \emph{"strongly disagree",
#'          "disagree", "agree"} and \emph{"strongly agree"} would be \code{catcount = 4}).
#'          Note that this argument only applies to "valid" answers, i.e. if you
#'          have an additional neutral category (see \code{cat.neutral}) like \emph{"don't know"},
#'          this won't count for \code{catcount} (e.g. "strongly disagree",
#'          "disagree", "agree", "strongly agree" and neutral category "don't know"
#'          would still mean that \code{catcount = 4}). See 'Note'.
#' @param cat.neutral If there's a neutral category (like "don't know" etc.), specify
#'          the index number (value) for this category. Else, set \code{cat.neutral = NULL} (default).
#'          The proportions of neutral category answers are plotted as grey bars on the left side of
#'          the figure.
#' @param sort.frq Indicates whether the items of \code{items} should be ordered by
#'          total sum of positive or negative answers.
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{"pos.asc"}}{to order ascending by sum of positive answers}
#'            \item{\code{"pos.desc"}}{to order descending by sum of positive answers}
#'            \item{\code{"neg.asc"}}{for sorting ascending negative answers}
#'            \item{\code{"neg.desc"}}{for sorting descending negative answers}
#'            \item{\code{NULL}}{(default) for no sorting}
#'          }
#' @param reverse.colors logical, if \code{TRUE}, the color scale from \code{geom.colors} will be reversed,
#'          so positive and negative values switch colors.
#' @param cat.neutral.color Color of the neutral category, if plotted (see \code{cat.neutral}).
#' @param intercept.line.color Color of the vertical intercept line that divides positive and negative values.
#' @param values Determines style and position of percentage value labels on the bars:
#'          \describe{
#'            \item{\code{"show"}}{(default) shows percentage value labels in the middle of each category bar}
#'            \item{\code{"hide"}}{hides the value labels, so no percentage values on the bars are printed}
#'            \item{\code{"sum.inside"}}{shows the sums of percentage values for both negative and positive values and prints them inside the end of each bar}
#'            \item{\code{"sum.outside"}}{shows the sums of percentage values for both negative and positive values and prints them outside the end of each bar}
#'          }
#' @param show.prc.sign logical, if \code{TRUE}, \%-signs for value labels are shown.
#' @param grid.range Numeric, limits of the x-axis-range, as proportion of 100.
#'          Default is 1, so the x-scale ranges from zero to 100\% on both sides from the center.
#'          Can alternatively be supplied as a vector of 2 positive numbers (e.g. \code{grid.range = c(1, .8)})
#'          to set the left and right limit separately. You can use values beyond 1 (100\%) in case bar labels are not printed because
#'          they exceed the axis range. E.g. \code{grid.range = 1.4} will set the axis from -140 to +140\%, however, only
#'          (valid) axis labels from -100 to +100\% are printed. Neutral categories are adjusted to the most left limit.
#' @param reverse.scale logical, if \code{TRUE}, the ordering of the categories is reversed, so positive and negative values switch position.
#' @param groups (optional) Must be a vector of same length as \code{ncol(items)},
#'    where each item in this vector represents the group number
#'    of the related columns of \code{items}. See 'Examples'.
#' @param groups.titles (optional, only used if groups are supplied) Titles for each factor group that will be used as table caption for each
#'          component-table. Must be a character vector of same length as \code{length(unique(groups))}.
#'          Default is \code{"auto"}, which means that each table has a standard caption \emph{Component x}.
#'          Use \code{NULL} to use names as supplied to \code{groups} and use \code{FALSE} to suppress table captions.
#' @param sort.groups (optional, only used if groups are supplied) logical, if groups should be sorted according to the values supplied to \code{groups}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param legend.pos (optional, only used if groups are supplied) Defines the legend position. Possible values are \code{c("bottom", "top", "both", "all", "none")}.
#'    If the is only one group or this option is set to \code{"all"} legends will be printed as defined with \code{\link{set_theme}}.
#' @param rel_heights (optional, only used if groups are supplied) This option can be used to adjust the height of the subplots. The bars in subplots can have different heights due to a differing number of items
#'   or due to legend placement. This can be adjusted here. Takes a vector of numbers, one
#'   for each plot. Values are evaluated relative to each other.
#' @param group.legend.options (optional, only used if groups are supplied) List of options to be passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{guide_legend}}.
#' The most notable options are \code{byrow=T} (default), this will order the categories row wise.
#' And with \code{group.legend.options = list(nrow = 1)} all categories can be forced to be on a single row.
#' @param cowplot.options (optional, only used if groups are supplied) List of label options to be passed to \code{\link[cowplot]{plot_grid}}.
#' @inheritParams plot_grpfrq
#' @inheritParams plot_stackfrq
#' @inheritParams plot_model
#' @return A ggplot-object.
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("ggrepel") && requireNamespace("sjmisc")) {
#' library(sjmisc)
#' data(efc)
#' # find all variables from COPE-Index, which all have a "cop" in their
#' # variable name, and then plot that subset as likert-plot
#' mydf <- find_var(efc, pattern = "cop", out = "df")
#' plot_likert(mydf)
#' plot_likert(
#'   mydf,
#'   grid.range = c(1.2, 1.4),
#'   expand.grid = FALSE,
#'   values = "sum.outside",
#'   show.prc.sign = TRUE
#' )
#' # Plot in groups
#' plot_likert(mydf, c(2,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1))
#' if (require("parameters") && require("nFactors")) {
#'   groups <- parameters::principal_components(mydf)
#'   plot_likert(mydf, groups = parameters::closest_component(groups))
#' }
#' plot_likert(mydf,
#'             c(rep("B", 4), rep("A", 5)),
#'             sort.groups = FALSE,
#'             grid.range = c(0.9, 1.1),
#'             geom.colors = "RdBu",
#'             rel_heights = c(6, 8),
#'             wrap.labels = 40,
#'             reverse.scale = TRUE)
#' # control legend items
#' six_cat_example = data.frame(
#'   matrix(sample(1:6, 600, replace = TRUE),
#'   ncol = 6)
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' six_cat_example <-
#'   six_cat_example %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate_all(~ordered(.,labels = c("+++","++","+","-","--","---")))
#' # Old default
#' plot_likert(
#'   six_cat_example,
#'   groups = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
#'   group.legend.options = list(nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE)
#' )
#' # New default
#' plot_likert(six_cat_example, groups = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2))
#' # Single row
#' plot_likert(
#'   six_cat_example,
#'   groups = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
#'   group.legend.options = list(nrow = 1)
#' )}
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plot_likert <- function(items,
                        groups = NULL,
                        groups.titles = "auto",
                        title = NULL,
                        legend.title = NULL,  # Options to be passed directly to .plot_likert()
                        legend.labels = NULL,
                        axis.titles = NULL,
                        axis.labels = NULL,
                        catcount = NULL,
                        cat.neutral = NULL,
                        sort.frq = NULL,
                        weight.by = NULL,
                        title.wtd.suffix = NULL,
                        wrap.title = 50,
                        wrap.labels = 30,
                        wrap.legend.title = 30,
                        wrap.legend.labels = 28,
                        geom.size = .6,
                        geom.colors = "BrBG",
                        cat.neutral.color = "grey70",
                        intercept.line.color = "grey50",
                        reverse.colors = FALSE,
                        values = "show",
                        show.n = TRUE,
                        show.legend = TRUE,
                        show.prc.sign = FALSE,
                        grid.range = 1,
                        grid.breaks = 0.2,
                        expand.grid = TRUE,
                        digits = 1,
                        reverse.scale = FALSE,
                        coord.flip = TRUE,
                        sort.groups = TRUE, # Group Options
                        legend.pos = "bottom",
                        rel_heights = 1,
                        group.legend.options = list(nrow = NULL, byrow = TRUE), # Add rowwise order of levels and option to force a single rowed legend for 6 or more categories
                        cowplot.options = list(label_x = 0.01, hjust = 0, align = "v") # Fix for label position depending on label length bug in cowplot
                        ) {

  # Select options to be passed to .plot_likert()
  .likert_options <- as.list(environment())[5:32]

  ## If now no groups are supplied only 1 group will be assumed. Check for cowplot is only performed if there are groups supplied.
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    groups <- rep(1, length.out = ncol(items))
  } else {
    if (!requireNamespace("cowplot", quietly = T))
      stop("Package 'cowplot' required for this function wor work. Please install it.", call. = F)

  if (ncol(items) != length(groups))
    stop("Length of groups has to equal the number of items: ncol(items) != length(groups).", call. = F)

  # retrieve unique factor / group index values
  findex <- unique(groups)

  if (sort.groups) findex <- sort(findex)

  # Add empty title to plots, to create space for the group.labels
  if (is.null(title) && length(findex) != 1) title <- rep("", length(findex))

  .plot_list <- list()

  # iterate all sub-plots (groups)
  for (i in seq_along(findex)) {
    index <- which(groups == findex[i])

    .pl <- do.call(".plot_likert", args = c(list(items[, index], title = title[i]), .likert_options))

    # If there are 2 or more groups, the legend will be plotted according to legend.pos.
    if (length(findex) != 1) {
      if (legend.pos %in% c("top", "both") && i == 1)
        .pl <- .pl + theme(legend.position = "top") + guides(fill = do.call(guide_legend, group.legend.options))
      else if (legend.pos %in% c("bottom", "both") && i == length(findex))
        .pl <- .pl + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + guides(fill = do.call(guide_legend, group.legend.options))
      else if (legend.pos != "all")
        .pl <- .pl + theme(legend.position = "none")

    .plot_list[i] <-  list(.pl)

  # Options to turn off or overwrite cowplot group.labels.
  if (.is_false(groups.titles)) {
    groups.titles <- rep("", length(findex))
  } else if (!is.null(groups.titles) && (groups.titles[1] == "auto" || length(groups.titles) != length(findex)) && (is.numeric(groups))) {
    groups.titles <- sprintf("Component %i", seq_along(findex)) # For tab_itemscale compatibility
  } else if (length(groups.titles) != length(findex)) {
    groups.titles <- findex

  # If groups were supplied, combine the subplots with cowplot::plot_grid()
  if (length(findex) == 1) {
    .out <- .plot_list[[1]]
  } else {
    .out <- do.call(get("plot_grid", asNamespace("cowplot")),
                    args = c(
                        "plotlist" = .plot_list,
                        "labels" = groups.titles,
                        "rel_heights" = rel_heights,
                        "ncol" = 1


.plot_likert <- function(items,
                       title = NULL,
                       legend.title = NULL,
                       legend.labels = NULL,
                       axis.titles = NULL,
                       axis.labels = NULL,
                       catcount = NULL,
                       cat.neutral = NULL,
                       sort.frq = NULL,
                       weight.by = NULL,
                       title.wtd.suffix = NULL,
                       wrap.title = 50,
                       wrap.labels = 30,
                       wrap.legend.title = 30,
                       wrap.legend.labels = 28,
                       geom.size = .6,
                       geom.colors = "BrBG",
                       cat.neutral.color = "grey70",
                       intercept.line.color = "grey50",
                       reverse.colors = FALSE,
                       values = "show",
                       show.n = TRUE,
                       show.legend = TRUE,
                       show.prc.sign = FALSE,
                       grid.range = 1,
                       grid.breaks = 0.2,
                       expand.grid = TRUE,
                       digits = 1,
                       reverse.scale = FALSE,
                       coord.flip = TRUE) {

  # check param. if we have a single vector instead of
  # a data frame with several items, convert vector to data frame

  if (!is.data.frame(items) && !is.matrix(items)) items <- as.data.frame(items)

  # if grid.range is supplied as 1 value, it is duplicated for symmetric results. This is for compatibillity with older versions.
  if (length(grid.range) == 1) grid.range <- c(grid.range, grid.range)

  # copy titles

  if (is.null(axis.titles)) {
    axisTitle.x <- NULL
    axisTitle.y <- NULL
  } else {
    axisTitle.x <- axis.titles[1]
    if (length(axis.titles) > 1)
      axisTitle.y <- axis.titles[2]
      axisTitle.y <- NULL

  # check sorting

  if (!is.null(sort.frq)) {
    if (sort.frq == "pos.asc") {
      sort.frq  <- "pos"
      reverseOrder <- FALSE
    if (sort.frq == "pos.desc") {
      sort.frq  <- "pos"
      reverseOrder <- TRUE
    if (sort.frq == "neg.asc") {
      sort.frq  <- "neg"
      reverseOrder <- FALSE
    if (sort.frq == "neg.desc") {
      sort.frq  <- "neg"
      reverseOrder <- TRUE
  } else {
    reverseOrder <- FALSE

  # try to automatically set labels is not passed as argument

  if (is.null(legend.labels)) {
    legend.labels <- sjlabelled::get_labels(
      attr.only = F,
      values = NULL,
      non.labelled = T

  if (is.null(axis.labels)) {
    # retrieve variable name attribute
    axis.labels <- unname(sjlabelled::get_label(items, def.value = colnames(items)))

  # unname labels, if necessary, so we have a simple character vector
  if (!is.null(names(axis.labels))) axis.labels <- as.vector(axis.labels)

  if (!is.null(legend.labels)) {
    if (!is.null(names(legend.labels))) legend.labels <- as.vector(legend.labels)

  # determine catcount

  adding <- ifelse(is.null(cat.neutral), 0, 1)

  if (is.null(catcount)) {
    # add new unique item values to catcount, so catcount
    # finally contains all unique values of items

    catcount <- items %>%
      purrr::map(~ stats::na.omit(unique(.x))) %>%
      purrr::flatten_dbl() %>%
      unique() %>%

    neutral.between <- FALSE

    # remove neutral category
    if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
      # find neutral cat value in catcount
      ncv_pos <- which(catcount == cat.neutral)
      # if not empty, remove
      if (!sjmisc::is_empty(ncv_pos)) {
        catcount <- catcount[-ncv_pos]
        neutral.between <- dplyr::between(cat.neutral, min(catcount), max(catcount))

    # detect range of valid categories, which
    # then equals catcount
    catcount <- max(catcount) - min(catcount) + 1

    # check if category count matches category label count
    if (!is.null(legend.labels)) {
      # how many labels do we have?
      # substract 1, if we have neutral category
      lll <- length(legend.labels) - adding
      # catcount and legend label count equal?
      if (catcount < lll) {
        # warn user that detected amount of categories and supplied legend labels
        # are different.
        warning("Length of labels for item categories `legend.labels` differs from detected amount of categories. Use `catcount` argument to define amount of item categories, if plotting does not work.", call. = F)
        # adjust catcount to length of legend labels, because
        # we assume that labels represent the valid range of
        # item categories
        catcount <- lll

    # is catcount odd or even? make catcount even
    if (sjmisc::is_odd(catcount)) {
      # warn user about uneven category count, but only if
      # neutral category is not inside valid categories
      if (!neutral.between)
        warning("Detected uneven category count in items. Dropping last category.", call. = F)

      catcount <- catcount - 1

  # set legend labels, if we have none yet

  if (is.null(legend.labels)) legend.labels <- seq_len(catcount + adding)

  # prepare data frames

  mydat.pos <- data.frame()
  mydat.neg <- data.frame()
  mydat.dk <- data.frame()
  freq.df <- data.frame()

  # If we have neutral category in between and not as last
  # category, recode neutral category to last category
  if (!is.null(cat.neutral) && cat.neutral <= catcount) {
    # first, each other category has to be moved down one position
    # therefore, we create a pattern with values from neutral
    # category to category count
    downvote <- seq(cat.neutral, catcount + 1, by = 1)

    # now we "shift" this value pattern and make a
    # string out of it
    recode.pattern <- paste0(
      paste0(sprintf("%i=%i", c(downvote[-1], downvote[1]), downvote),
             collapse = ";"), ";else=copy"

    # all factors with char labels need to be numeric,
    # else, recode won't work

    items <- purrr::modify_if(
      keep.labels = FALSE

    # finally, recode data
    items <- sjmisc::rec(items, rec = recode.pattern, append = FALSE)

    # re-order legend labels as well
    ll.order <- c(seq_len(catcount + adding)[-cat.neutral], cat.neutral)
    legend.labels <- legend.labels[ll.order]

  # loop through all likert-items
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(items))) {

    # convert to numeric values
    if (!is.numeric(items[[i]])) {
      items[[i]] <- sjlabelled::as_numeric(items[[i]], keep.labels = F)

    # If we don't plot neutral category, but item still contains
    # that category, replace it with NA

    if (is.null(cat.neutral) && max(items[[i]], na.rm = T) > catcount)
      items[[i]] <- sjmisc::set_na(items[[i]], na = catcount + 1, as.tag = F)

    # create proportional frequency table

    if (is.null(weight.by)) {
      tab <- round(prop.table(table(items[[i]])), digits + 3)
    } else {
      tab <- round(prop.table(stats::xtabs(weight.by ~ items[[i]])), digits + 3)

    # retrieve category number and related frequencies

    counts <- as.numeric(tab)
    valid <- as.numeric(names(tab))

    # create frequency vector, so zero-categories are cared for

    freq <- rep(0, catcount + adding)
    freq[valid] <- counts

    # append to data frame

    if (ncol(freq.df) == 0)
      freq.df <- as.data.frame(freq)
    else {
      # check for valid rows. if we hav missing categories
      # in all items, argument "catcount" must be set, because
      # automatic detection of amount of categories does not
      # work then.
      if (length(freq) != nrow(freq.df))
        stop("Could not determine amount of item categories. Please use argument `catcount`.", call. = F)
        freq.df <- as.data.frame(cbind(freq.df, freq))

  # Check whether N of each item should be included into axis labels

  if (show.n) {
    for (i in seq_len(length(axis.labels))) {
      axis.labels[i] <- paste(
        sprintf(" (n=%i)", length(stats::na.omit(items[[i]]))),
        sep = ""

  # determine split between pos and neg values

  # lower.half <- rev(seq(catcount / 2))
  lower.half <- rev(seq(ceiling(catcount / 2)))
  # upper.half <- 1 + catcount - lower.half
  upper.half <- setdiff(seq.int(catcount), lower.half)

  # sum up values to total, so we can sort items

  sums.lower <- unname(apply(freq.df[lower.half, , drop = FALSE], 2, sum))
  sums.upper <- unname(apply(freq.df[upper.half, , drop = FALSE], 2, sum))

  # sort items

  if (is.null(sort.frq))
    sort.freq <- seq_len(ncol(freq.df))
  else if (sort.frq == "pos")
    sort.freq <- order(sums.lower)
  else if (sort.frq == "neg")
    sort.freq <- order(sums.upper)
    sort.freq <- seq_len(ncol(freq.df))

  # reverse item order?

  if (!reverseOrder) sort.freq <- rev(sort.freq)

  # save summed up y-values, for label positioning and annotation

  ypos.sum.pos <- c()
  ypos.sum.neg <- c()
  ypos.sum.dk <- c()

  # iterate all frequencies of the items. we have the simple
  # data rows in this data frame and now need to "split"
  # positive and negative values

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(freq.df))) {
    # sort
    fr <- freq.df[, sort.freq[i]]

    # positive values. we need an x-position for each item,
    # a group indicator, the frequencies (as percent value),
    # and the y position for labels.

    mydat.pos <- as.data.frame(
            cbind(x = i,
                  grp = lower.half,
                  frq = fr[lower.half],
                  ypos = cumsum(fr[lower.half]) - 0.5 * (fr[lower.half]),
                  ypos2 = sum(fr[lower.half])

    # summed y-position for plotting the summed up frequency labels

    ypos.sum.pos <- c(ypos.sum.pos, sum(fr[lower.half]))

    # same as above for negative values

    mydat.neg <- as.data.frame(
            cbind(x = i,
                  grp = upper.half,
                  frq = -fr[upper.half],
                  ypos = -1 * (cumsum(fr[upper.half]) - 0.5 * (fr[upper.half])),
                  ypos2 = -1 * sum(fr[upper.half])

    # summed up (cumulative) percs
    ypos.sum.neg <- c(ypos.sum.neg, -1 * sum(fr[upper.half]))

    # same as above for neutral category, if we have any

    if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
      mydat.dk <- as.data.frame(
              cbind(x = i,
                    grp = catcount + adding,
                    frq = -1 + fr[catcount + adding],
                    ypos = -1 + (fr[catcount + adding] / 2),
                    ypos2 = -1 + fr[catcount + adding],
                    offset = -1 * grid.range[1])

      # cumulative neutral cat
      ypos.sum.dk <- c(ypos.sum.dk, -1 + fr[catcount + adding])

  # x-positions for cumulative percentages

  xpos.sum.dk <- xpos.sum.neg <- xpos.sum.pos <- seq_len(length(ypos.sum.pos))

  # grp as factor

  mydat.pos$grp <- as.factor(mydat.pos$grp)
  mydat.neg$grp <- as.factor(mydat.neg$grp)

  # same for neutral
  if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
    mydat.dk$grp <- as.factor("neutral")
    mydat.dk$geom.size <- geom.size
    mydat.dk$digits <- digits

  # label digits needed

  mydat.neg$digits <- digits
  mydat.pos$digits <- digits

  # Prepare and trim legend labels to appropriate size

  legend.labels <- sjmisc::word_wrap(legend.labels, wrap.legend.labels)

  if (!is.null(legend.title)) {
    legend.title <- sjmisc::word_wrap(legend.title, wrap.legend.title)

  if (!is.null(title)) {
    if (!is.null(title.wtd.suffix)) {
      title <- paste(title, title.wtd.suffix, sep = "")
    title <- sjmisc::word_wrap(title, wrap.title)

  # check length of x-axis-labels and split longer strings at into new lines
  # every 10 chars, so labels don't overlap

  axis.labels <- sjmisc::word_wrap(axis.labels, wrap.labels)
  axis.labels <- axis.labels[sort.freq]

  # set diagram margins

  if (expand.grid) {
    expgrid <- waiver()
  } else {
    expgrid <- c(0, 0)

  # Set up grid breaks. Calculate grid breaks starting at the center (0). Negative sequence is reversed. Positive sequence is skipping the 0 to avoid doubeling.

  gridbreaks <- round(c(rev(seq(0, -grid.range[1], by = -grid.breaks)), seq(grid.breaks, grid.range[2], by = grid.breaks)), 2)
  gridlabs <- ifelse(abs(gridbreaks) > 1, "", paste0(abs(round(100 * gridbreaks)), "%"))

  # start plot here

  gp <- ggplot() +
    # positive value bars
      data = mydat.pos,
      aes_string(x = "x", y = "frq", fill = "grp"),
      width = geom.size
    ) +
    # negative value bars
      data = mydat.neg,
      aes_string(x = "x", y = "frq", fill = "grp"),
      width = geom.size,
      position = position_stack(reverse = T)

  # print bar for neutral category. this is a "fake" bar created
  # with geom_rect. to make this work, we need to set the x-axis
  # to a continuous scale...

  if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
    gp <- gp +
        data = mydat.dk,
          xmin = .data$x - (geom.size / 2),
          xmax = .data$x + (geom.size / 2),
          ymin = .data$offset,
          ymax = .data$frq + (.data$offset + 1),
          fill = "neutral")

  # if we have neutral colors, we need to add the geom-color
  # to the color values.

  if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) geom.colors <- c(geom.colors, cat.neutral.color)

  # should percentage value labels be printed?

  percsign <- mydat.pos$percsign <- mydat.neg$percsign <- ifelse(isTRUE(show.prc.sign), "%", "")
  if (nrow(mydat.dk) > 0) mydat.dk$percsign <- percsign

  # creating value labels for cumulative percentages, so
  # zero-percentages are not printed

  ypos.sum.pos.lab  <- ifelse(ypos.sum.pos > 0, sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * ypos.sum.pos, percsign), "")
  ypos.sum.neg.lab  <- ifelse(ypos.sum.neg < 0, sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * abs(ypos.sum.neg), percsign), "")
  ypos.sum.dk.lab  <- ifelse(ypos.sum.dk > -1, sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * (1 + ypos.sum.dk), percsign), "")

  if (values == "show") {
    if (!requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package `ggrepel` needed to plot labels. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    # show them in middle of bar
    gp <- gp +
        data = dplyr::filter(mydat.pos, .data$frq > 0),
          x = .data$x,
          y = .data$frq,
          label = sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * .data$frq, percsign)
        direction = "y",
        position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5, reverse = TRUE),
        force = .5,
        point.padding = NA
      ) +
        data = dplyr::filter(mydat.neg, .data$frq < 0),
          x = .data$x,
          y = .data$frq,
          label = sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * abs(.data$frq), percsign)
        direction = "y",
        position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5, reverse = TRUE),
        force = .5,
        point.padding = NA

    if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
      gp <- gp +
          data = dplyr::filter(mydat.dk, .data$frq > -1),
            x = .data$x,
            y = .data$ypos + .data$offset + 1,
            label = sprintf("%.*f%s", digits, 100 * (1 + .data$frq), percsign)
  } else if (values == "sum.inside" || values == "sum.outside") {
    # choose label offsets for summed proportions
    move_pos_labels_left = dplyr::case_when(
      values == "sum.outside" & !reverse.scale ~ T,
      values == "sum.inside" & !reverse.scale ~ F,
      values == "sum.outside" & reverse.scale ~ F,
      values == "sum.inside" & reverse.scale ~ T
    # show cumulative outside bar
    if (move_pos_labels_left) {
      hort.pos <- -0.15
      hort.neg <- 1.15
      hort.dk <- -0.15
    # show cumulative inside bar
    } else {
      hort.pos <- 1.15
      hort.neg <- -0.15
      hort.dk <- 1.15

    gp <- gp +
      annotate("text", x = xpos.sum.pos, y = ypos.sum.pos, hjust = hort.pos, label = ypos.sum.pos.lab) +
      annotate("text", x = xpos.sum.neg, y = ypos.sum.neg, hjust = hort.neg, label = ypos.sum.neg.lab)

    if (!is.null(cat.neutral)) {
      gp <- gp +
        annotate("text", x = xpos.sum.dk, y = ypos.sum.dk + 1 - grid.range[1], hjust = hort.dk, label = ypos.sum.dk.lab)

  # continues with plot

  gp <- gp +
    labs(title = title, x = axisTitle.x, y = axisTitle.y, fill = legend.title) +

    # scale x is continuous to make plotting the bar annotation
    # for neutral category work...

    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq_len(ncol(freq.df)), labels = axis.labels) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = intercept.line.color)

  # check wether percentage scale (y-axis) should be reversed

  if (!reverse.scale) {
    gp <- gp + scale_y_continuous(breaks = gridbreaks, limits = c(-grid.range[1], grid.range[2]), expand = expgrid, labels = gridlabs)
  } else {
    gp <- gp + scale_y_reverse(breaks = gridbreaks, limits = c(grid.range[2], -grid.range[1]), expand = expgrid, labels = gridlabs)

  # check whether coordinates should be flipped, i.e.
  # swap x and y axis

  if (coord.flip) gp <- gp + coord_flip()

  # set geom colors

    (catcount + adding),

# is factor with char levels?
#' @importFrom sjmisc is_num_fac
is_labelled_factor <- function(x) is.factor(x) && !sjmisc::is_num_fac(x)

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sjPlot documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:19 p.m.