sm.discontinuity <- function(x, y, h, hd, ...) {
# A test for the presence of one or more discontinuities <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (isMatrix(x)) x.names <- dimnames(x)[[2]] <- deparse(substitute(y))
opt <- sm.options(list(...))
data <- = x, y = y, ...)
x <- data$x
y <- data$y
n <- data$nobs
ndim <- data$ndim
opt <- data$options
if (ndim > 2) x <- x[, 1:2], display, "lines"), se, TRUE), band, TRUE), test, TRUE), col, "black"), df, 5)
if (ndim == 1) {, ngrid, 100), xlab,, ylab,, xlim, range(x)), ylim, range(y))
if (length(opt$lty) == 1)
opt$lty <- c(opt$lty, opt$lty + 1)
else {, ngrid, 21)
dimn <- x.names
name.comp<-if(!is.null(dimn) & !all(dimn == "")) dimn
else {if (!is.null(attributes(x)$names)) attributes(x)$names
else outer(, c("[1]", "[2]"), paste, sep = "")}, xlab, name.comp[1]), ylab, name.comp[2]), xlim, range(x[, 1])), ylim, range(x[, 2]))
h <-, y, ...)
doublesmooth <- TRUE
if (missing(hd)) {
if (ndim == 1) {
hd <- h * sqrt(0.25)
h <- h * sqrt(0.75)
else {
hd <- h * sqrt(0.5)
h <- h * sqrt(0.5)
else if (all(hd == rep(0, ndim)))
doublesmooth <- FALSE
if (ndim == 1)
result <- sm.discontinuity.1d(x, y, h, hd, doublesmooth, opt)
result <- sm.discontinuity.2d(x, y, h, hd, doublesmooth, opt)
result$h <- h
if (doublesmooth) result$hd <- hd
sm.discontinuity.1d <- function(x, y, h, hd, doublesmooth, opt) {
y <- y[order(x)]
x <- sort(x)
n <- length(x)
# Define z to be the mid-points of distinct x values.
# Restrict z so that there are at least 5 observations,
# over more than one design point, on each size of
# every value.
z <- x[c(1, diff(x)) > 0]
nz <- length(z)
z <- (z[1:(nz-1)] + z[2:nz]) / 2
nz <- length(z)
flag <- rep(T, nz)
for (i in 1:nz) {
left <- x[x < z[i]]
right <- x[x > z[i]]
flag[i] <- (length(left) > 5
& length(right) > 5
& length(diff(left)[diff(left) > 0]) > 1
& length(diff(right)[diff(right) > 0]) > 1)
z <- z[flag]
nz <- length(z)
ghat.left <- vector("numeric", length = nz)
ghat.right <- vector("numeric", length = nz)
wd <- matrix(rep(z, rep(n, nz)), ncol = n, byrow = T)
wd <- wd - matrix(rep(x, nz), ncol = n, byrow = T)
w <- exp(-.5 * (wd / h)^2)
wl <- w * (sign(wd) + 1) / 2
s0 <- wl %*% rep(1, n)
s1 <- (wl * wd) %*% rep(1, n)
s2 <- (wl * wd^2 ) %*% rep(1, n)
wl <- wl * (matrix(rep(s2, n), ncol = n) - wd * matrix(rep(s1, n), ncol = n))
wl <- wl / (matrix(rep(s2, n), ncol = n) * matrix(rep(s0, n), ncol = n)
- matrix(rep(s1, n), ncol = n)^2)
ghat.left <- wl %*% y
wr <- w * (1 - sign(wd)) / 2
s0 <- wr %*% rep(1, n)
s1 <- (wr * wd) %*% rep(1, n)
s2 <- (wr * wd^2 ) %*% rep(1, n)
wr <- wr * (matrix(rep(s2, n), ncol = n) - wd * matrix(rep(s1, n), ncol = n))
wr <- wr / (matrix(rep(s2, n), ncol = n) * matrix(rep(s0, n), ncol = n)
- matrix(rep(s1, n), ncol = n)^2)
ghat.right <- wr %*% y
A <- sm.sigweight(x, rep(1, length(x))) / (n - 2)
w <- wl - wr
if (doublesmooth) {
ws <- sm.weight(z, z, hd)
w <- ws %*% w
ghat.left <- as.vector(ws %*% as.vector(ghat.left))
ghat.right <- as.vector(ws %*% as.vector(ghat.right))
shat <- sqrt(as.vector(t(as.matrix(y)) %*% A %*% as.matrix(y)))
s.e. <- as.vector(shat * sqrt((w^2) %*% rep(1, n)))
ts <- sum(((ghat.left - ghat.right) / s.e.) ^2 )
A <- t(w) %*% diag((shat / s.e.)^2) %*% w - A * ts
p <- p.quad.moment(A, diag(n), 0, 0)
if (opt$display != "none") {
if (!opt$add)
plot(x, y, xlab = opt$xlab, ylab = opt$ylab, xlim = opt$xlim, ylim = opt$ylim, type = "n")
av <- (ghat.left + ghat.right) / 2
if (opt$band & opt$se)
polygon(c(z, rev(z)), c(av + s.e., rev(av - s.e.)), col = opt$, border = FALSE)
lines(z, ghat.left, lty = opt$lty[1])
lines(z, ghat.right, lty = opt$lty[2])
points(x, y, col = opt$col.points, pch = opt$pch)
if (opt$verbose > 0)
cat("Test of continuity: significance = ", round(p, 3), "\n")
st.diff <- (ghat.left - ghat.right)/ s.e.
diffmat <- cbind(z, round(st.diff, 2))[abs(st.diff) > 2.5,]
# The following line forces a matrix when there is only one row in diffmat.
if (!is.matrix(diffmat)) diffmat <- matrix(diffmat, ncol = 2)
if ((opt$verbose > 0) & (nrow(diffmat) > 0)) {
cat("location st.diff\n")
for (i in 1:nrow(diffmat)) cat(diffmat[i, ], "\n")
invisible(list(p = p, sigma = shat, eval.points = z, st.diff = st.diff, diffmat = diffmat))
sm.discontinuity.2d <- function(x, y, h, hd, doublesmooth, opt,
nangles = 4, trim = 1/6, hull = FALSE) {
# Discontinuity detection with two covariates
n <- nrow(x)
del1 <- diff(range(x[,1])) * trim
del2 <- diff(range(x[,2])) * trim
x1grid <- seq(min(x[,1]) + del1, max(x[,1]) - del1, length = opt$ngrid)
x2grid <- seq(min(x[,2]) + del2, max(x[,2]) - del2, length = opt$ngrid)
ev.points <- cbind(x1grid, x2grid), eval.points, ev.points)
eval.points <- opt$eval.points
ngrid <- nrow(eval.points)
weights <- rep(1, n)
wd1 <- matrix(rep(eval.points[, 1], n), ncol = n)
wd1 <- wd1 - matrix(rep(x[, 1], ngrid), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
wd2 <- matrix(rep(eval.points[, 2], n), ncol = n)
wd2 <- wd2 - matrix(rep(x[, 2], ngrid), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
w1 <- exp(-0.5 * (wd1 / h[1])^2)
w1 <- w1 * matrix(rep(weights, ngrid), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
w2 <- exp(-0.5 * (wd2 / h[2])^2)
wy <- matrix(rep(y, ngrid), ncol = n, byrow=TRUE)
a11 <- w1 %*% t(w2)
a12 <- (w1 * wd1) %*% t(w2)
a13 <- w1 %*% t(w2 * wd2)
a22 <- (w1 * wd1^2) %*% t(w2)
a23 <- (w1 * wd1) %*% t(w2 * wd2)
a33 <- w1 %*% t(w2 * wd2^2)
c1 <- w1 %*% t(w2 * wy)
c2 <- (w1 * wd1) %*% t(w2 * wy)
c3 <- w1 %*% t(w2 * wy * wd2)
beta1 <- sm.regression.invert(a22,a12,a23,a11,a13,a33,c2,c1,c3)
beta2 <- sm.regression.invert(a33,a23,a13,a22,a12,a11,c3,c2,c1)
wmask <- matrix(1, nrow = ngrid, ncol = ngrid)
if (hull) {
hull.points <- x[order(x[,1], x[,2]),]
dh <- diff(hull.points)
hull.points <- hull.points[c(TRUE, !((dh[,1] == 0) & (dh[,2] == 0))),]
hull.points <- hull.points[chull(hull.points), ]
nh <- nrow(hull.points)
gstep <- matrix(rep(eval.points[2, ] - eval.points[1,], nh),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
hp.start <- matrix(rep(eval.points[1, ], nh), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
hull.points <- hp.start + gstep * round((hull.points - hp.start) / gstep)
hull.points <- hull.points[chull(hull.points), ]
grid.points <- cbind(rep(eval.points[, 1], ngrid),
rep(eval.points[, 2], rep(ngrid, ngrid)))
D <- diff(rbind(hull.points, hull.points[1, ]))
temp <- D[, 1]
D[,1] <- D[, 2]
D[,2] <- -temp
C <- as.vector((hull.points * D) %*% rep(1, 2))
C <- matrix(rep(C, ngrid^2), nrow = ngrid^2, byrow = TRUE)
D <- t(D)
wmask <- ((grid.points %*% D) >= C)
wmask <- apply(wmask, 1, all)
wmask[wmask] <- 1
wmask[!wmask] <- NA
wmask <- matrix(wmask, ncol = ngrid)
w1 <- w1[rep(1:ngrid, ngrid), ]
w2 <- w2[rep(1:ngrid, each = ngrid), ] <- function(i, w1, w2, selection) {
iset1 <- selection[i, ]
iset1 <- iset1[!]
iset2 <- !selection[i, ]
iset2 <- iset2[!]
(length(iset1) > 4) && (length(iset2) > 4)
sum((w1[i, iset1] > exp(-2)) & (w2[i, iset1] > exp(-2)), na.rm = TRUE) > 4 &&
sum((w1[i, iset2] > exp(-2)) & (w2[i, iset2] > exp(-2)), na.rm = TRUE) > 4
beta1 <- beta1 * wmask
beta2 <- beta2 * wmask
var.angle <- atan2(beta2, beta1) + pi / 2
var.angle <- as.vector(var.angle)
sig2 <- sm.sigma(x, y)
A <- sig2$qmat
shat <- sig2$estimate
ts <- 0
B <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (ang in ((1:nangles) * pi / nangles)) {
angle <- var.angle
angle <- rep(ang, ngrid^2) * angle / angle
ev.points <- matrix(0, nrow=ngrid^2, ncol = 2)
ev.points[, 1] <- rep(eval.points[, 1], ngrid)
ev.points[, 2] <- rep(eval.points[, 2], rep(ngrid, ngrid))
selection <- matrix(rep(cos(angle), n), ncol = n) *
(matrix(rep(x[, 2], ngrid^2), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
- matrix(rep(ev.points[, 2], n), ncol = n))
selection <- selection - matrix(rep(sin(angle), n), ncol = n) *
(matrix(rep(x[, 1], ngrid^2), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
- matrix(rep(ev.points[, 1], n), ncol = n))
selection <- (selection > 0)
ind <- sapply(1:nrow(selection),,
w1 = w1, w2 = w2, selection = selection)
ev.points <- ev.points[ind, ]
selection <- selection[ind, ]
selection[selection > 0] <- 1
selection[selection <= 0] <- -1
wl <- sm.discon.weight2(x, ev.points, h, (1 + selection) / 2)
wr <- sm.discon.weight2(x, ev.points, h, (1 - selection) / 2)
w <- wl - wr
if (doublesmooth) w <- sm.weight2(ev.points, ev.points, hd) %*% w
dhat <- as.vector(w %*% y)
s.e. <- as.vector(shat * sqrt((w^2) %*% rep(1,n)))
ts <- ts + sum((dhat / s.e.) ^2 )
B <- B + t(w) %*% diag((shat/s.e.)^2) %*% w
C <- B - A * ts
p <- p.quad.moment(C, diag(n), 0, 0)
# Calculations for the reference band
angle <- var.angle
ev.points <- as.matrix(expand.grid(eval.points[, 1], eval.points[, 2]))
selection <- matrix(rep(cos(angle), n), ncol = n) *
(matrix(rep(x[, 2], ngrid^2), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
-matrix(rep(ev.points[, 2], n), ncol = n))
selection <- selection - matrix(rep(sin(angle), n), ncol = n) *
(matrix(rep(x[, 1], ngrid^2), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
-matrix(rep(ev.points[, 1], n), ncol = n))
selection <- (selection > 0)
ind <- sapply(1:nrow(selection),,
w1 = w1, w2 = w2, selection = selection)
ev.points <- ev.points[ind, ]
selection <- selection[ind, ]
selection[selection > 0] <- 1
selection[selection <= 0] <- -1
wl <- sm.discon.weight2(x, ev.points, h, (1 + selection) / 2)
wr <- sm.discon.weight2(x, ev.points, h, (1 - selection) / 2)
w <- wl - wr
if (doublesmooth) w <- sm.weight2(ev.points, ev.points, hd) %*% w
dhat <- as.vector(w %*% y)
s.e. <- as.vector(shat * sqrt((w^2) %*% rep(1, n)))
std <- rep(NA, ngrid * ngrid)
std[ind] <- dhat / s.e.
std <- matrix(abs(std), ncol = ngrid)
results <- list(p = p, sigma = shat, eval.points = eval.points,
st.diff = std, angle = matrix(angle, ncol = ngrid))
if (opt$display != "none") {
if (!opt$add)
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2], xlab = opt$xlab, ylab = opt$ylab,
xlim = opt$xlim, ylim = opt$ylim, pch = opt$pch, col = opt$col.points)
mx <- max(std, na.rm = TRUE)
if (mx > 2.5)
contour(eval.points[, 1], eval.points[, 2], std,
levels = seq(2.5, mx, by = 0.5),
lty = opt$lty, col = opt$col, add = TRUE)
if (opt$verbose)
cat(paste("Test of continuity: significance = ", round(p, 3)), "\n")
sm.regression.invert <- function(a11,a12,a13,a22,a23,a33,c1,c2,c3) {
# Creates local linear intercept or slopes with two covariates
d <- a22 * a33 - a23^2
b1 <- 1 / (a11 - ((a12*a33 - a13*a23)*a12 +
(a13*a22 - a12*a23)*a13)/d)
b2 <- (a13*a23 - a12*a33) * b1 / d
b3 <- (a12*a23 - a13*a22) * b1 / d
est <- b1 * c1 + b2 * c2 + b3 * c3
sm.discon.weight2 <- function(x, eval.points, h, selection,
weights = rep(1, nrow(x))) {
# Amended version of sm.weight2 which uses different points
# at each grid position
n <- nrow(x)
ne <- nrow(eval.points)
wd1 <- matrix(rep(eval.points[,1], rep(n, ne)), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
wd1 <- wd1 - matrix(rep(x[,1], ne), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
w <- exp(-.5 * (wd1 / h[1])^2)
wd2 <- matrix(rep(eval.points[,2], rep(n, ne)), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
wd2 <- wd2 - matrix(rep(x[,2], ne), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
w <- w * exp(-.5 * (wd2 / h[2])^2)
w <- w * matrix(rep(weights, ne), ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
w <- w * selection
a11 <- w %*% rep(1, n)
a12 <- (w * wd1 ) %*% rep(1, n)
a13 <- (w * wd2 ) %*% rep(1, n)
a22 <- (w * wd1^2 ) %*% rep(1, n)
a23 <- (w * wd1 * wd2) %*% rep(1, n)
a33 <- (w * wd2^2 ) %*% rep(1, n)
d <- a22 * a33 - a23^2
b1 <- 1 / (a11 - ((a12*a33 - a13*a23)*a12 + (a13*a22 - a12*a23)*a13)/d)
b2 <- (a13*a23 - a12*a33) * b1 / d
b3 <- (a12*a23 - a13*a22) * b1 / d
wt <- matrix(rep(b1, n), ncol = n)
wt <- wt + matrix(rep(b2, n), ncol = n) * wd1
wt <- wt + matrix(rep(b3, n), ncol = n) * wd2
w <- wt * w
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