sm <- function(x, y, data, subset, weights, bdeg = 3, h, model,
random, ...) {
data.missing <- missing(data)
subset.missing <- missing(subset)
weights.missing <- missing(weights)
random.missing <- missing(random)
mf <- if (data.missing) NULL else data
if (!missing(y)) { <- deparse(substitute(x)) <- deparse(substitute(y))
if (weights.missing) weights <- NA
if (missing(model)) model <- "none"
return(sm.regression(x, y, h, model = model, weights = weights, ...))
else if (!inherits(x, "formula")) { <- deparse(substitute(x))
if (weights.missing) weights <- NA
if (missing(model)) model <- "none"
return(sm.density(x, h, model = model, weights = weights, xlab =, ...))
# Insert redundant statements here to avoid NOTEs from devtools::check.
reference <- NULL
panel <- NULL
opt <- sm.options(list(...)), display, "none"), reference, "none"), panel, FALSE)
pam.formula <- x
if (!random.missing) { <- deparse(substitute(random))
random <- factor(as.vector(mf[ ,]))
# Parse model specification
terms.obj <- terms(pam.formula, specials = "s")
vars.inf <- if (data.missing) eval.parent(attr(terms.obj, "variables"))
else eval(attr(terms.obj, "variables"), mf)
term.labels <- attr(terms.obj, "term.labels")
s.ind <- attr(terms.obj, "specials")$s
response.ind <- attr(terms.obj, "response")
involved <- attr(terms.obj, "factors")
terms.linear <- matrix(c(involved[s.ind, ]), ncol = length(term.labels))
terms.linear <- which(apply(terms.linear, 2, sum) == 0)
nterms <- length(term.labels)
terms.smooth <- which(!(1:nterms %in% terms.linear))
rhs.linear <- paste(term.labels[terms.linear], collapse = " + ")
rhs.linear <- if (nchar(rhs.linear) == 0) "1" else rhs.linear
formula.linear <- as.formula(paste("~", rhs.linear))
names(vars.inf) <- rownames(involved)
bricks.type <- sapply(vars.inf[-response.ind], mode)
ind <- (bricks.type == "numeric") &
sapply(vars.inf[-response.ind], is.factor)
bricks.type[ind] <- "factor"
Xlinear <- vars.inf[-response.ind][bricks.type != "list"]
names(Xlinear) <- names(bricks.type)[bricks.type != "list"]
ylab <- attr(terms.obj, "variables")
ylab <- strsplit(deparse(ylab), ",")[[1]][1]
ylab <- substr(ylab, 6, nchar(ylab))
y <- unlist(vars.inf[[response.ind]])
X <- list()
xlabels <- list()
xlab <- list()
xdims <- list()
ndims <- list()
df <- list()
nseg <- list()
lambda <- list()
pord <- list()
period <- list()
increasing <- list()
xrange <- list()
fixed <- list()
fac <- list()
xmissing <- FALSE
if (length(terms.smooth) < 1) stop("there must be at least one smooth term.")
if (any(apply(involved, 2, sum) > 3))
stop("four-way interactions not yet implemented.")
for (i in 1:length(terms.smooth)) {
inv <- which(involved[ , terms.smooth[i]] == 1)
ilinear <- which(bricks.type[names(inv)] == "numeric")
ifactor <- which(bricks.type[names(inv)] == "factor")
if (length(ilinear) > 0)
stop("interactions with linear terms are not yet implemented.")
if (length(ifactor) > 1)
stop("interactions with more than one factor are not yet implemented.")
else if (length(ifactor) == 1) {
fact <- names(bricks.type)[ifactor]
inv <- inv[-match(fact, names(inv))]
fac[[i]] <- Xlinear[[fact]]
fac[[i]] <- NA
nvars <- length(inv)
X[[i]] <- matrix(nrow = length(y), ncol = 0)
xlabels[[i]] <- vector("character")
xlab[[i]] <- vector("character")
xdims[[i]] <- numeric()
ndims[[i]] <- numeric()
df[[i]] <- numeric()
lambda[[i]] <- numeric()
pord[[i]] <- numeric()
period[[i]] <- numeric()
increasing[[i]] <- logical()
nseg[[i]] <- numeric()
xrange[[i]] <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
fixed[[i]] <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
for (j in inv) {
lambda[[i]] <- c(lambda[[i]], vars.inf[[j]]$lambda)
nseg[[i]] <- c(nseg[[i]], vars.inf[[j]]$nseg)
xlabels[[i]] <- c(xlabels[[i]], vars.inf[[j]]$variables)
newvar <- if (data.missing) eval.parent(parse(text = vars.inf[[j]]$variables[1]))
else eval(parse(text = vars.inf[[j]]$variables[1]), mf)
xdims[[i]] <- if (is.matrix(newvar)) c(xdims[[i]], ncol(newvar)) else c(xdims[[i]], 1)
if (length(vars.inf[[j]]$variables) > 1) {
for (k in 2:length(vars.inf[[j]]$variables)) {
newvar <- if (data.missing) cbind(newvar, eval.parent(parse(text = vars.inf[[j]]$variables[k])))
else cbind(newvar, eval(parse(text = vars.inf[[j]]$variables[k]), mf))
xdims[[i]] <- c(xdims[[i]], ncol(newvar) - sum(xdims[[i]]))
if (is.matrix(newvar)) {
nms <- colnames(newvar)
if (any(is.null(colnames(newvar))))
nms <- paste(vars.inf[[j]]$variables,
"[", 1:ncol(newvar), "]", sep = "")
nms <- vars.inf[[j]]$variables
xlab[[i]] <- c(xlab[[i]], nms)
# xlab[[i]] <- c(xlab[[i]], vars.inf[[j]]$variables)
newvar <- as.matrix(newvar) <- ncol(newvar)
ndims[[i]] <- c(ndims[[i]],
pord[[i]] <- c(pord[[i]], vars.inf[[j]]$pord)
prd <- vars.inf[[j]]$period
if (length(prd) == 1 && prd <- rep(NA,
if (length(prd) !=
stop("period does not match the columns of x.")
period[[i]] <- c(period[[i]], prd)
if (any(! {
for (k in
if (![k])) newvar[ , k] <- newvar[ , k] %% prd[k]
incr <- vars.inf[[j]]$increasing
increasing[[i]] <- c(increasing[[i]], incr)
xrng <- vars.inf[[j]]$xrange
if (( == 1) & (length(xrng) == 2))
xrng <- matrix(xrng, nrow = 1)
if (!is.matrix(xrng))
xrng <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 2)
if (nrow(xrng) !=
stop("xrange does not match columns of x.")
for (k in {
if (any([k, ]))) {
if (![k]))
xrng[k, ] <- c(0, prd[k])
xrng[k, ] <- c(min(newvar[ , k], na.rm = TRUE), max(newvar[ , k], na.rm = TRUE))
# xrange <- t(apply(xrange, 1, function(x) c(x[1] - 0.05 * diff(x), x[2] + 0.05 * diff(x))))
xrange[[i]] <- rbind(xrange[[i]], xrng)
vinf <- vars.inf[[j]]$fixed
if (!is.matrix(vinf)) vinf <- matrix(vinf, nrow = 1)
if (ncol(vinf) < 3) vinf <- cbind(vinf, 0)
fixed[[i]] <- rbind(fixed[[i]], vinf)
X[[i]] <- cbind(X[[i]], newvar) <- vars.inf[[j]]$df
if ( <- switch(, 6, 12, 18)
df[[i]] <- c(df[[i]],
# if (any([[i]])) | prod(nseg[[i]]) > 400)
if (any([[i]])))
nseg[[i]] <- rep(switch(sum(ndims[[i]]), 100, 17, 7), sum(ndims[[i]]))
if (any([[i]]))) xmissing <- TRUE
if (data.missing)
B.linear <- model.matrix(formula.linear, parent.frame())
B.linear <- model.matrix(formula.linear, mf)
if (nrow(B.linear) == 0)
B.linear <- matrix(1, nrow = length(y), ncol = 1)
if (opt$verbose > 1) {
tim <- proc.time()
timing <- function(tim) {
elapsed <- round((proc.time() - tim)[1])
unts <- "seconds"
if (elapsed > 60) {
elapsed <- round(elapsed / 60, 1)
unts <- if (elapsed > 1) "minutes" else "minute"
if (elapsed > 60) {
elapsed <- round(elapsed / 60, 1)
unts <- "hours"
cat(elapsed, unts, "\n")
# Deal with subset and missing data
# Subset the data if required
if (!subset.missing) {
y <- y[subset]
for (i in 1:length(X)) X[[i]] <- as.matrix(X[[i]][subset, ])
B.linear <- as.matrix(B.linear[subset, ])
if (length(y) == 0)
stop("no data after subsetting.")
# Remove observations which have missing data
ind.missing <- lapply(X, function(x) apply(x, 1, function(z) any(
ind.missing <- cbind(, matrix(unlist(ind.missing), ncol = length(X)))
ind.missing <- cbind(ind.missing, apply(B.linear, 1, function(z) any(
if (!random.missing)
ind.missing <- cbind(ind.missing,
ind.missing <- apply(ind.missing, 1, any)
if (all(ind.missing))
stop("no data after the removal of missing values.")
if (any(ind.missing)) {
y <- y[!ind.missing]
for (i in 1:length(X)) X[[i]] <- as.matrix(X[[i]][!ind.missing, ])
B.linear <- B.linear[!ind.missing, , drop = FALSE]
if (!random.missing)
random <- random[!ind.missing]
if (opt$verbose > 0) cat("warning: missing data removed.\n")
# Construct matrices
if (opt$verbose > 1) cat(" constructing matrices .......... ")
P <- list(length = length(terms.smooth))
B <- B.linear
m <- ncol(B)
for (i in 1:length(terms.smooth)) {
mat <- ps.matrices(X[[i]], xrange[[i]], ndims = ndims[[i]],
nseg = nseg[[i]], pord = pord[[i]], period = period[[i]])
if (all([[i]]))) {
B <- cbind(B, mat$B)
m <- c(m, ncol(mat$B))
P[[i]] <- mat$P
else {
Btemp <- matrix(nrow = length(y), ncol = 0)
for (j in levels(fac[[i]]))
Btemp <- cbind(Btemp, mat$B * as.numeric(fac[[i]] == j))
B <- cbind(B, Btemp)
m <- c(m, ncol(Btemp))
nlevs <- length(levels(fac[[i]]))
pdim <- nlevs * ncol(mat$P)
P[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow = pdim, ncol = pdim)
for (j in 1:nlevs) {
ind <- (j - 1) * ncol(mat$P) + (1:ncol(mat$P))
P[[i]][ind, ind] <- mat$P
P[[i]] <- P[[i]] + matrix(1, ncol = nlevs, nrow = nlevs) %x% diag(ncol(mat$B))
xrange[[i]] <- mat$xrange
if (opt$verbose > 1) tim <- timing(tim)
# Construct matrix products
if (opt$verbose > 1) cat(" constructing matrix products ... ")
b.ind <- list(length = length(m))
for (i in 1:length(terms.smooth))
b.ind[[i]] <- (cumsum(m)[i] + 1):cumsum(m)[i + 1]
if (weights.missing) {
btb <- crossprod(B)
bty <- t(B) %*% y
else if (is.vector(weights)) {
btb <- t(B * weights) %*% B
bty <- t(B * weights) %*% y
else if (is.matrix(weights)) {
btb <- t(B) %*% weights %*% B
bty <- t(B) %*% weights %*% y
stop("the weights argument is inappropriate.")
if (opt$verbose > 1) tim <- timing(tim)
# Select the smoothing parameters (if required)
if (opt$verbose > 1) cat(" setting smoothness ............. ")
for (i in 1:length(terms.smooth)) {
# code doesn't currently handle more than one df for terms with more than one variable.
df[[i]] <- sum(df[[i]])
if (df[[i]] > prod(nseg[[i]] + 3))
stop(paste("df is too large for the value of nseg in term", i))
if (any([[i]])))
lambda[[i]] <-[b.ind[[i]], b.ind[[i]]], P[[i]], df[[i]])
if (opt$verbose > 1) tim <- timing(tim)
# Fit the model
if (opt$verbose > 1) cat(" fitting ........................ ")
Pall <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(B), ncol = ncol(B))
for (i in 1:length(terms.smooth))
Pall[b.ind[[i]], b.ind[[i]]] <- lambda[[i]] * P[[i]]
B1 <- solve(btb + Pall)
alpha <- as.vector(B1 %*% bty)
df.model <- sum(btb * t(B1))
df.error <- length(y) - sum(btb * (2 * B1 - B1 %*% btb %*% B1))
if (opt$verbose > 1) tim <- timing(tim)
# Constraints (if requested)
# Force the estimate to pass through fixed points
# if (length(terms.smooth) == 1 & ndims[[1]] == 1 & all(![[1]]))) {
if (length(terms.smooth) == 1 & ndims[[1]] <= 2 & all(![[1]]))) {
fxd <- fixed[[1]]
ind <- any(fxd[ , 1] < xrange[[1]][1, 1] - 100*.Machine$double.eps) |
any(fxd[ , 1] > xrange[[1]][1, 2] + 100*.Machine$double.eps)
if (ndims[[1]] == 2)
ind <- ind | any(fxd[ , 2] < xrange[[1]][2, 1] - 100*.Machine$double.eps) |
any(fxd[ , 2] > xrange[[1]][2, 2] + 100*.Machine$double.eps)
if (ind) stop("fixed points must be inside the range of the data.")
fx <- fxd[ , 1:ndims[[1]]]
fx <- matrix(c(fx), ncol = ndims[[1]])
A <- cbind(1, ps.matrices(fx, xrange[[1]], ndims[[1]], nseg[[1]])$B,
pord = pord[[1]])
alpha <- alpha + B1 %*% t(A) %*% solve(A %*% B1 %*% t(A)) %*%
(fxd[ , ndims[[1]] + 1] - A %*% alpha)
# Increasing function: specific to nseg 17 and so 20 basis fns in each dim.
if (random.missing && (length(ndims) == 1) && ndims[[1]] == 2 &&
increasing[[1]] && all(nseg[[1]] == 17) && bdeg == 3) {
D1 <- diff(diag(20)) %x% diag(20)
D2 <- diag(20) %x% diff(diag(20))
delta <- 1
while (delta > 1e-5) {
v1 <- as.numeric(c(D1 %*% alpha[-1]) <= 0)
v2 <- as.numeric(c(D2 %*% alpha[-1]) <= 0)
mat1 <- 100 * lambda[[1]] * t(D1) %*% diag(v1) %*% D1
mat2 <- 100 * lambda[[1]] * t(D2) %*% diag(v2) %*% D2
mat <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(B), ncol = ncol(B))
mat[2:401, 2:401] <- mat1 + mat2
B1 <- solve(btb + Pall + mat)
alpha.old <- alpha
alpha <- as.vector(B1 %*% bty)
delta <- sum((alpha - alpha.old)^2) / sum(alpha.old^2)
mu <- c(B %*% alpha)
df.model <- NULL
df.error <- NULL
# Summaries (and random effects if requested)
if (!random.missing) {
if (opt$verbose > 1) cat(" estimating the random effect ... ")
nrnd <- nlevels(random)
n <- length(y)
ind <- cbind(1:n, as.numeric(random))
utu <- diag(table(as.numeric(random)))
btu <- t(apply(B, 2, function(x) tapply(x, random, sum)))
uty <- tapply(y, random, sum)
sig <- 1
sigr <- 1
sigo <- 2
sigro <- 2
p1 <- alpha
p2 <- rep(0, nrnd)
m1 <- c(B1 %*% bty)
M1 <- B1 %*% btu
while (abs(sig - sigo)/sigo > 1e-6 | abs(sigr - sigro)/sigro > 1e-6) {
invu <- solve(utu + diag(rep(sig^2/sigr^2, nrnd)))
m2 <- as.vector(invu %*% uty)
M2 <- invu %*% t(btu)
p1 <- solve(diag(sum(m)) - M1 %*% M2) %*% (m1 - M1 %*% m2)
p2 <- solve(diag(nrnd) - M2 %*% M1) %*% (m2 - M2 %*% m1)
ress <- sum(y^2) + c(t(p1) %*% btb %*% p1 + t(p2) %*% utu %*% p2 - 2 * t(p1) %*% bty +
2 * t(p1) %*% btu %*% p2 - 2 * t(p2) %*% uty)
nu <- sum(diag(invu)) / sigr^2
sigo <- sig
sigro <- sigr
sig <- sqrt(ress / (n - nrnd + nu))
sigr <- sqrt(sum(p2^2) / (nrnd - nu))
# print(c(sig, sigr))
alpha <- p1
sigma <- sig
sigma.r <- sigr
N1 <- solve(diag(sum(m)) - M1 %*% M2)
U1 <- solve(utu + diag(nrnd) * sigma^2 / sigma.r^2)
cov.alpha <- sigma^2 * btb -
sigma^2 * btu %*% U1 %*% t(btu) +
sigma.r^2 * btu %*% t(btu) -
sigma.r^2 * btu %*% utu %*% U1 %*% t(btu) -
sigma^2 * btu %*% U1 %*% t(btu) +
sigma^2 * btu %*% U1 %*% utu %*% U1 %*% t(btu) -
sigma.r^2 * btu %*% U1 %*% utu %*% t(btu) +
sigma.r^2 * btu %*% U1 %*% utu %*% utu %*% U1 %*% t(btu)
cov.alpha <- N1 %*% B1 %*% cov.alpha %*% B1 %*% t(N1)
rss <- NULL
R.squared <- NULL
mu <- c(B %*% alpha)
if (opt$verbose > 1) tim <- timing(tim)
else {
mu <- c(B %*% alpha)
sigma <- sqrt(sum((y - mu)^2) / df.error)
cov.alpha <- B1 %*% btb %*% t(B1) * sigma^2
rss <- sum((y - mu)^2)
tss <- sum((y - mean(y))^2)
R.squared <- 100 * (tss - rss) / tss
# P[[1]] <- P[[1]] %x% diag(m[2])
# P[[2]] <- diag(m[2]) %x% P[[2]]
# If there is only one term, include the mean
# if (nterms == 1) b.ind[[1]] <- c(1, b.ind[[1]])
result <- list(fitted = mu, alpha = alpha, m = m, B = B,
bty = bty, btb = btb, B1 = B1, Pall = Pall, xlabels = xlabels,
linear.matrix = B.linear, n = nrow(B),
terms.linear = terms.linear, terms.smooth = terms.smooth,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, term.labels = term.labels,
lambda = lambda, ndims = ndims, xdims = xdims,
y = y, X = X, fac = fac, Xlinear = Xlinear,
bricks.type = bricks.type,
sigma = sigma, cov.alpha = cov.alpha, b.ind = b.ind,
df = df, df.model = df.model, df.error = df.error,
rss = rss, R.squared = R.squared, xrange = xrange,
nseg = nseg, bdeg = bdeg, pord = pord, period = period,
increasing = increasing, pam.formula = pam.formula,
formula.linear = formula.linear,
involved = involved, nterms = nterms,
ind.missing = which(ind.missing))
if (!weights.missing) result$weights <- weights
if (!random.missing) result$sigma.r <- sigma.r
class(result) <- "pam"
# if (nterms == 1 & ndims[[1]] <= 2) {
# if (missing(model)) model <- "none"
# colnames(result$X[[1]]) <- xlab[[1]]
# if (ndims[[1]] == 1) sm.regression(result$X[[1]], result$y, h = h, model = model,
# xlab = xlab[[1]], ylab = ylab, ...)
# else sm.regression(result$X[[1]], result$y, h = h, model = model, zlab = ylab, ...)
# return(invisible(result))
# }
# else
if (opt$display != "none") plot(result, ...)
# if (nterms == 1 & ndims[[1]] <= 2) {
# if (opt$panel) {
#, df.max, switch(ndims[[1]], 20, 50, 100))
# df.min <- switch(ndims[[1]], 2, 4, 8) + 0.1
# df.max <- if (!opt$panel) df[[1]] else min(length(y) - 5, opt$df.max)
# df.min <- if (!opt$panel) df[[1]] else df.min
# Pall <- rbind(0, cbind(0, P[[1]]))
# llambda <- 0
# llambda.df <- lambda.df(exp(max(llambda)), btb, Pall)
# while (min(llambda.df) >= df.min) {
# llambda <- c(llambda, max(llambda) + log(10))
# llambda.df <- c(llambda.df, lambda.df(exp(max(llambda)), btb, Pall))
# }
# while (max(llambda.df) <= df.max) {
# llambda <- c(llambda, min(llambda) - log(10))
# llambda.df <- c(llambda.df, lambda.df(exp(min(llambda)), btb, Pall))
# }
# <- approxfun(llambda.df, llambda)
# sm.pam.draw <- function(pam.panel) {
# plot(pam.panel$model, options = pam.panel$opt)
# # title(pam.panel$df)
# pam.panel
# }
# sm.pam.redraw <- function(pam.panel) {
# # pam.panel$model$lambda <-$model$btb, pam.panel$model$bty,
# # Pall, pam.panel$df)
# pam.panel$model$lambda <- exp(pam.panel$$df))
# B1 <- solve(pam.panel$model$btb + pam.panel$model$lambda * pam.panel$Pall)
# pam.panel$model$alpha <- as.vector(B1 %*% pam.panel$model$bty)
# pam.panel$model$fitted <- c(pam.panel$model$B %*% pam.panel$model$alpha)
# pam.panel$opt$se <- pam.panel$se
# pam.panel$opt$theta <- pam.panel$theta
# pam.panel$opt$phi <- pam.panel$phi
# rp.control.put(pam.panel$panelname, pam.panel)
# rp.tkrreplot(pam.panel, plot)
# pam.panel
# }
# opt1 <- opt
# opt1$panel <- FALSE
# pam.panel <- rp.control(model = result, opt = opt1, Pall = rbind(0, cbind(0, P[[1]])),
# df = opt$df, =, theta = opt$theta, phi = opt$phi)
# rp.tkrplot(pam.panel, plot, sm.pam.draw, hscale = opt$hscale, vscale = opt$vscale, pos = "right")
# rp.slider(pam.panel, df, df.min, df.max, sm.pam.redraw, showvalue = TRUE)
# rp.checkbox(pam.panel, se, sm.pam.redraw, title = "Standard errors")
# if (ndims[[1]] == 2) {
# rp.slider(pam.panel, theta, -180, 180, sm.pam.redraw, "persp angle 1")
# rp.slider(pam.panel, phi, 0, 90, sm.pam.redraw, "persp angle 2")
# }
# }
# else if (opt$display != "none")
# plot(result, ...)
# }
lambda.df <- function(lambda, btb, P, df) {
B1 <- solve(btb + lambda * P)
sum(diag(btb %*% B1)) - df
} <- function(btb, P, df, method = "df") {
# This currently uses the same lambda in all dimensions
if (method == "df") {
lambda <- c(1, 1)
f <- rep(lambda.df(lambda[1], btb, P, df), 2)
mult <- if (f[1] < 0) 0.1 else 10
while (sign(f[1]) == sign(f[2])) {
lambda <- c(lambda[2], lambda[2] * mult)
f <- c(f[2], lambda.df(lambda[2], btb, P, df))
if (diff(f) > 0) {
lambda <- rev(lambda)
f <- rev(f)
lambda <- uniroot(lambda.df, interval = lambda, btb, P, df,
f.lower = f[1], f.upper = f[2])$root
# lambda <- 1
# <- 0
# while ( <= df) {
# lower <- lambda
# f.lower <-
# lambda <- lambda / 10
# <- lambda.df(lambda, btb, P)
# }
# lambda <- 1
# <- df + 1
# while ( >= df) {
# upper <- lambda
# f.upper <-
# lambda <- lambda * 10
# <- lambda.df(lambda, btb, P)
# }
# print(c(lower, upper))
# #
# # lower <- lambda / 10
# # lambda <- 0.1
# # f.upper <- df + 1
# # while (f.upper >= df) {
# # lambda <- lambda * 10
# # f.upper <- lambda.df(lambda, btb, P)
# # }
# # upper <- lambda * 10
# # f.lower <- lambda.df(lambda, btb, P)
# # lower <- lambda
# # lambda <- 1
# # f.lambda <- df - 1
# # while (lambda.df(lambda, btb, P) >= df) lambda <- lambda * 10
# # upper <- lambda
# lambda.crit <- function(lambda, btb, P, df)
# lambda.df(lambda, btb, P) - df
# cat("entering uniroot ... \n")
# result <- uniroot(lambda.crit, interval = c(lower, upper),
# f.lower = f.lower, f.upper = f.upper, btb, P, df)
# # cat("result$root", result$root, "\n")
# lambda <- result$root
# cat("leaving uniroot ... \n")
# s
s <- function(..., lambda = NA, df = NA, period = NA, increasing = FALSE,
xrange = NA, nseg = NA, pord = 2, fixed = c(NA, NA, NA)) {
vars.list <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
nvar <- length(vars.list)
if (nvar > 3)
stop("smooth terms can be constructed from only 1, 2 or 3 variables.")
variables <- character(0)
for (i in 1:nvar) variables <- c(variables, deparse(vars.list[[i]]))
list(variables = variables, lambda = lambda, df = df, period = period,
increasing = increasing, xrange = xrange, nseg = nseg, pord = pord, fixed = fixed)
# ps.matrices
ps.matrices <- function(x, xrange, ndims, nseg, bdeg = 3, pord = 2, period = NA,
decompose = TRUE, penalty = TRUE) {
# Compute a set of basis functions and a penalty matrix associated with x.
# An intercept term and the main effects of any interaction terms are removed.
n <- nrow(x)
ndimx <- ncol(x)
if (ndimx > 3) stop("terms with more than three dimensions cannot be used.")
if (missing(nseg)) nseg <- rep(switch(ndimx, 100, 17, 7), ndimx)
if (length(bdeg) < ndimx) bdeg <- rep(bdeg[1], ndimx)
# Compute B-spline basis
b <- list(length = ndimx)
m <- vector(length = ndimx)
for (i in 1:ndimx) {
b[[i]] <- bbase(x[,i], xl = xrange[i , 1], xr = xrange[i, 2], nseg = nseg[i],
deg = bdeg[i])
m[i] <- ncol(b[[i]])
B <- b[[1]]
if (ndimx > 1)
B <- t(apply(cbind(b[[1]], b[[2]]), 1,
function(x) c(x[1:m[1]] %x% x[-(1:m[1])])))
if (ndimx == 3)
B <- t(apply(cbind(B, b[[3]]), 1,
function(x) c(x[1:(m[1]*m[2])] %x% x[-(1:(m[1]*m[2]))])))
result <- list(B = B, xrange = xrange, nseg = nseg, bdeg = bdeg, pord = pord)
if (!penalty) return(invisible(result))
# Construct smoothness penalty matrices
P <- list()
for (i in 1:ndimx) {
for (j in 1:length(pord)) {
Pi <- diff(diag(m[i]), diff = pord[j])
if (![i])) {
z <- c(1, rep(0, m[i] - 4), -1)
Pi <- rbind(Pi, c(z, 0, 0))
Pi <- rbind(Pi, c(0, z, 0))
Pi <- rbind(Pi, c(0, 0, z))
Pi <- crossprod(Pi)
if (j == 1) P[[i]] <- Pi
else P[[i]] <- P[[i]] + Pi
if (ndimx >= 2) {
P[[1]] <- P[[1]] %x% diag(m[2])
P[[2]] <- diag(m[1]) %x% P[[2]]
if (ndimx == 3) {
P[[1]] <- P[[1]] %x% diag(m[3])
P[[2]] <- P[[2]] %x% diag(m[3])
P[[3]] <- diag(m[1]) %x% diag(m[2]) %x% P[[3]]
pmat <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(B), ncol = ncol(B))
for (i in 1:ndimx)
pmat <- pmat + P[[i]]
# Construct anova constraint penalty matrices
if (length(ndims) == 1) {
# Sum of coefficients constraint
# cmat <- matrix(1, nrow = prod(m), ncol = prod(m))
# Sum of estimated values constraint
Bsum <- apply(B, 2, sum)
cmat <- Bsum %o% Bsum
# Corner point constraint (first coefficient is 0
# cmat <- diag(c(1, rep(0, ncol(B) - 1)))
pmat <- pmat + cmat
else if (length(ndims) == 2) {
if (all(ndims == c(1, 1))) ind <- c(m[1], m[2])
if (all(ndims == c(1, 2))) ind <- c(m[1], m[2] * m[3])
if (all(ndims == c(2, 1))) ind <- c(m[1] * m[2], m[3])
pmat <- pmat + matrix(1, nrow = ind[1], ncol = ind[1]) %x% diag(ind[2])
pmat <- pmat + diag(ind[1]) %x% matrix(1, nrow = ind[2], ncol = ind[2])
else if (length(ndims) == 3) {
pmat <- pmat + matrix(1, nrow = m[1], ncol = m[1]) %x% diag(m[2]) %x% diag(m[3])
pmat <- pmat + diag(m[1]) %x% matrix(1, nrow = m[2], ncol = m[2]) %x% diag(m[3])
pmat <- pmat + diag(m[1]) %x% diag(m[2]) %x% matrix(1, nrow = m[3], ncol = m[3])
result$P <- pmat
if (length(ndims) == 1) result$cmat <- cmat
bbase <- function(x, xl = min(x), xr = max(x), nseg = 10, deg = 3) {
# Construct B-spline basis
dx <- (xr - xl) / nseg
knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
P <- outer(x, knots, tpower, deg)
n <- dim(P)[2]
D <- diff(diag(n), diff = deg + 1) / (gamma(deg + 1) * dx ^ deg)
B <- (-1) ^ (deg + 1) * P %*% t(D)
tpower <- function(x, t, p)
# Truncated p-th power function
(x - t) ^ p * (x > t)
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