
Defines functions cltmovie_plot clt

Documented in clt

# =================================== clt =====================================

#' Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
#' A movie to illustrate the ideas of the sampling distribution of a mean
#' and the central limit theorem.
#' @param n An integer scalar.  The size of the samples drawn from the
#'   distribution chosen using \code{distn}.
#' @param distn A character scalar specifying the distribution from which
#'   observations are sampled.   Distributions \code{"beta"},
#'   \code{"binomial"}, \code{"chisq"}, \code{"chi-squared"},
#'   \code{"exponential"}, \code{"f"}, \code{"gamma"}, \code{"geometric"},
#'   \code{"gev"}, \code{"gp"}, \code{"hypergeometric"}, \code{"lognormal"},
#'   \code{"log-normal"}, \code{"negative binomial"}, \code{"normal"},
#'   \code{"poisson"}, \code{"t"}, \code{"uniform"} and \code{"weibull"} are
#'   recognised, case being ignored.
#'   If \code{distn} is not supplied then \code{distn = "exponential"}
#'   is used.
#'   The \code{"gev"} and \code{"gp"} cases use the
#'   \code{\link[revdbayes]{gev}} and \code{\link[revdbayes]{gp}}
#'   distributional functions in the
#'   \code{\link[revdbayes]{revdbayes}} package.
#'   The other cases use the distributional functions in the
#'   \code{\link[stats]{stats-package}}.
#'   If \code{distn = "gamma"} then the \code{(shape, rate)}
#'   parameterisation is used.  If \code{scale} is supplied via \code{params}
#'   then \code{rate} is inferred from this.
#'   If \code{distn = "negative binomial"} then the \code{(size, prob)}
#'   parameterisation is used.  If \code{mu} is supplied via \code{params}
#'   then \code{prob} is inferred from this (and \code{size}).
#'   If \code{distn = "beta"} then \code{ncp} is forced to be zero.
#' @param params A named list of additional arguments to be passed to the
#'   density function associated with distribution \code{distn}.
#'   The \code{(shape, rate)} parameterisation is used for the gamma
#'   distribution (see \code{\link[stats]{GammaDist}}) even if the value of
#'   the \code{scale} parameter is set using \code{params}.
#'   If a parameter value is not supplied then the default values in the
#'   relevant distributional function set using \code{distn} are used,
#'   except for
#'   \code{"beta"} (\code{shape1 = 2, shape2 = 2}),
#'   \code{"chisq"} (\code{df = 4}),
#'   \code{"f"} (\code{df1 = 4, df2 = 8}),
#'   \code{"gev"} (\code{shape = 0.2}).
#'   \code{"gamma"} (\code{shape = 2},
#'   \code{"gp"} (\code{shape = 0.1}),
#'   \code{"poisson"} (\code{lambda = 5}) and
#'   \code{"t"} (\code{df = 4}) and
#'   \code{"weibull"} (\code{shape = 2}).
#' @param panel_plot A logical parameter that determines whether the plot
#'   is placed inside the panel (\code{TRUE}) or in the standard graphics
#'   window (\code{FALSE}).  If the plot is to be placed inside the panel
#'   then the tkrplot library is required.
#' @param hscale,vscale Numeric scalars.  Scaling parameters for the size
#'   of the plot when \code{panel_plot = TRUE}. The default values are 1.4 on
#'   Unix platforms and 2 on Windows platforms.
#' @param n_add An integer scalar.  The number of simulated datasets to add
#'   to each new frame of the movie.
#' @param delta_n A numeric scalar.  The amount by which n is increased
#'   (or decreased) after one click of the + (or -) button in the parameter
#'   window.
#' @param arrow A logical scalar.  Should an arrow be included to show the
#'   simulated sample mean from the top plot being placed into the
#'   bottom plot?
#' @param leg_cex The argument \code{cex} to \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#'   Allows the size of the legend to be controlled manually.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to the rpanel functions
#'   \code{\link[rpanel]{rp.button}} and
#'   \code{\link[rpanel]{rp.doublebutton}}, not including \code{panel},
#'   \code{variable}, \code{title}, \code{step}, \code{action}, \code{initval},
#'   \code{range}.
#' @details Loosely speaking, a consequence of the
#'   \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem}{Central Limit Theorem}
#'   is that the mean of a \strong{large number} of independent and
#'   identically distributed random variables, each with mean \eqn{\mu} and
#'   finite standard deviation \eqn{\sigma}, has \strong{approximately} a
#'   normal distribution, even if these original variables are not normally
#'   distributed.
#'   This movie considers examples where this limiting result holds and
#'   illustrates graphically the closeness of the limiting approximation
#'   provided by the relevant normal limit to the true finite-\eqn{n}
#'   distribution.  Of course, when \code{distn = "normal"} this result is
#'   exact.
#'   Samples of size \code{n} are repeatedly simulated from the distribution
#'   chosen using \code{distn}.  These samples are summarized using a plot
#'   that appears at the top of the movie screen.  For each sample the mean
#'   of these \code{n} values is calculated, stored and added to another plot,
#'   situated below the first plot.
#'   This plot is either a histogram or an empirical c.d.f., chosen using a
#'   radio button.
#'   A \code{\link[graphics]{rug}} is added to a histogram provided that it
#'   contains no more than 1000 points.
#'   The p.d.f. (for a continuous variable) or p.m.f. (for a discrete variable)
#'   of the original variables is added to the top plot.
#'   Once it starts, four aspects of this movie are controlled by the user.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item There are buttons to increase (+) or decrease (-) the sample
#'       size, that is, the number of values over which a mean is
#'       calculated.
#'     \item Each time the button labelled "simulate another \code{n_add}
#'       samples of size n" is clicked \code{n_add} new samples are simulated
#'       and their sample mean are added to the bottom histogram.
#'     \item There is a button to switch the bottom plot from displaying
#'       a histogram of the simulated means and the limiting normal p.d.f. to
#'       the empirical c.d.f. of the simulated data and the limiting normal
#'       c.d.f.
#'     \item There is a checkbox to add to the bottom plot the approximate
#'       (large \code{n}) normal p.d.f./c.d.f. (with mean \eqn{\mu} and
#'       standard deviation \eqn{\sigma / \sqrt{n}}), implied by the CLT.
#'   }
#' @return Nothing is returned, only the animation is produced.
#' @seealso \code{\link{movies}}: a user-friendly menu panel.
#' @seealso \code{\link{smovie}}: general information about smovie.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cltq}}: Central Limit Theorem for sample quantiles.
#' @examples
#' # Exponential data
#' clt()
#' # Uniform data
#' clt(distn = "uniform")
#' # Poisson data
#' clt(distn = "poisson")
#' @export
clt <- function(n = 20, distn, params = list(), panel_plot = TRUE, hscale = NA,
                vscale = hscale, n_add = 1, delta_n = 1, arrow = TRUE,
                leg_cex = 1.25, ...) {
  temp <- set_scales(hscale, vscale)
  hscale <- temp$hscale
  vscale <- temp$vscale
  # To add another distribution
  # 1. misc.R: add code to set_fun_args(), set_top_range(), set_leg_pos()
  # 2. add lines to rfun, dfun, qfun, pfun, distn_mean and distn_sd
  # 3. cltmovie_plot(): add to the_distn
  if (!is.wholenumber(n)) {
    stop("n must be an integer")
  if (!is.wholenumber(n_add) | n_add < 1) {
    stop("n_add must be an integer that is no smaller than 1")
  if (!is.wholenumber(delta_n) | delta_n < 1) {
    stop("delta_n must be an integer that is no smaller than 1")
  if (!is.list(params)) {
    stop("params must be a named list")
  if (missing(distn)) {
    distn <- "exponential"
  xlab <- "x"
  distn <- tolower(distn)
  if (distn == "log-normal") {
    distn <- "lognormal"
  if (distn == "chisq") {
    distn <- "chi-squared"
  # Check that revdbayes is installed, if it is needed
  if (distn %in% c("gp", "gev")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("revdbayes", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("the revdbayes package is needed. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
  # Set the density, distribution, quantile and simulation functions.
  rfun <-
           "exponential" = stats::rexp,
           "uniform" = stats::runif,
           "gp" = revdbayes::rgp,
           "normal" = stats::rnorm,
           "beta" = stats::rbeta,
           "t" = stats::rt,
           "gamma" = stats::rgamma,
           "lognormal" = stats::rlnorm,
           "chi-squared" = stats::rchisq,
           "f" = stats::rf,
           "weibull" = stats::rweibull,
           "binomial" = stats::rbinom,
           "geometric" = stats::rgeom,
           "hypergeometric" = stats::rhyper,
           "negative binomial" = stats::rnbinom,
           "poisson" = stats::rpois,
           "gev" = revdbayes::rgev,
  if (is.null(rfun)) {
    stop("Unsupported distribution")
  dfun <-
           "exponential" = stats::dexp,
           "uniform" = stats::dunif,
           "gp" = revdbayes::dgp,
           "normal" = stats::dnorm,
           "beta" = stats::dbeta,
           "t" = stats::dt,
           "gamma" = stats::dgamma,
           "lognormal" = stats::dlnorm,
           "chi-squared" = stats::dchisq,
           "f" = stats::df,
           "weibull" = stats::dweibull,
           "binomial" = stats::dbinom,
           "geometric" = stats::dgeom,
           "hypergeometric" = stats::dhyper,
           "negative binomial" = stats::dnbinom,
           "poisson" = stats::dpois,
           "gev" = revdbayes::dgev)
  qfun <-
           "exponential" = stats::qexp,
           "uniform" = stats::qunif,
           "gp" = revdbayes::qgp,
           "normal" = stats::qnorm,
           "beta" = stats::qbeta,
           "t" = stats::qt,
           "gamma" = stats::qgamma,
           "lognormal" = stats::qlnorm,
           "chi-squared" = stats::qchisq,
           "f" = stats::qf,
           "weibull" = stats::qweibull,
           "binomial" = stats::qbinom,
           "geometric" = stats::qgeom,
           "hypergeometric" = stats::qhyper,
           "negative binomial" = stats::qnbinom,
           "poisson" = stats::qpois,
           "gev" = revdbayes::qgev)
  pfun <-
           "exponential" = stats::pexp,
           "uniform" = stats::punif,
           "gp" = revdbayes::pgp,
           "normal" = stats::pnorm,
           "beta" = stats::pbeta,
           "t" = stats::pt,
           "gamma" = stats::pgamma,
           "lognormal" = stats::plnorm,
           "chi-squared" = stats::pchisq,
           "f" = stats::pf,
           "weibull" = stats::pweibull,
           "binomial" = stats::pbinom,
           "geometric" = stats::pgeom,
           "hypergeometric" = stats::phyper,
           "negative binomial" = stats::pnbinom,
           "poisson" = stats::ppois,
           "gev" = revdbayes::pgev)
  discrete_distn <- FALSE
  if (distn %in% c("binomial", "geometric", "hypergeometric",
                   "negative binomial", "poisson")) {
    discrete_distn <- TRUE
  # Set the arguments to the distributional functions
  fun_args <- set_fun_args(distn, dfun, fun_args, params)
  # Check for finite variance
  if (distn == "f") {
    if (fun_args$df2 <= 4) {
      stop("df2 must be greater than 4 for a finite variance")
  if (distn == "t") {
    if (fun_args$df <= 2) {
      stop("df must be greater than 2 for a finite variance")
  if (distn == "gp" || distn == "gev") {
    if (fun_args$shape >= 1/2) {
      stop("shape must be less than 1/2 for a finite variance")
  # Set sensible scales for the plots
  if (distn == "t") {
    if (fun_args$df < 2) {
      top_p_vec <- c(0.05, 0.95)
      bottom_p_vec <- c(0.01, 0.7)
    } else if (fun_args$df < 3) {
      top_p_vec <- c(0.01, 0.99)
      bottom_p_vec <- c(0.01, 0.9)
    } else {
      top_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
      bottom_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
  } else if (distn == "cauchy"){
    top_p_vec <- c(0.05, 0.95)
    bottom_p_vec <- c(0.01, 0.7)
  } else if (distn == "gp") {
    if (fun_args$shape > 0.3) {
      top_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.95)
      bottom_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.7)
    } else {
      top_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
      bottom_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
  } else {
    top_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
    bottom_p_vec <- c(0.001, 0.999)
  # Set the range for the top plot
  top_range <- set_top_range(distn, p_vec = top_p_vec, fun_args, qfun)
  # Set the legend position
  leg_pos <- set_leg_pos(distn, fun_args)
  top_leg_pos <- leg_pos$top_leg_pos
  bottom_leg_pos <- leg_pos$bottom_leg_pos
  # Set a unique panel name to enable saving of objects to the correct panel
  now_time <- strsplit(substr(date(), 12, 19), ":")[[1]]
  now_time <- paste(now_time[1], now_time[2], now_time[3], sep = "")
  my_panelname <- paste("clt_", now_time, sep = "")
  old_n <- 0
  # Store the mean and standard deviation of the underlying distribution
  if (distn == "hypergeometric") {
    hp <- fun_args$m / (fun_args$m + fun_args$n)
  if (distn == "beta") {
    alpha <- fun_args$shape1
    beta <- fun_args$shape2
  if (distn == "f") {
    df1 <- fun_args$df1
    df2 <- fun_args$df2
    lam <- fun_args$ncp
    num <- (2 * (df1 + lam) ^ 2 + (df1 + 2 * lam) * (df2 - 2)) *
      (df2 / df1) ^ 2
    den <- (df2 - 2) ^ 2 * (df2 - 4)
  if (distn == "t") {
    nu <- fun_args$df
    ncp <- fun_args$ncp
  if (distn == "gev") {
    mu <- fun_args$loc
    sigma <- fun_args$scale
    xi <- fun_args$shape
    if (xi == 0) {
      gev_mean <- mu - digamma(1) * sigma
      gev_var <- sigma ^ 2 / 6
    } else {
      gev_mean <- mu + sigma * (gamma(1 - xi) - 1) / xi
      gev_var <- sigma ^ 2 * (gamma(1 - 2 * xi) - gamma(1 - xi) ^ 2) / xi ^ 2
  distn_mean <- switch(distn,
                       "binomial" = fun_args$size * fun_args$prob,
                       "geometric" = (1 - fun_args$prob) / fun_args$prob,
                       "hypergeometric" = fun_args$k * hp,
                       "negative binomial" = fun_args$size *
                         (1 - fun_args$prob) / fun_args$prob,
                       "poisson" = fun_args$lambda,
                       "beta" = alpha / (alpha + beta),
                       "chi-squared" = fun_args$df + fun_args$ncp,
                       "f" = df2 * (df1 + lam) / (df1 * (df2 - 2)),
                       "gamma" = fun_args$shape / fun_args$rate,
                       "gp" = fun_args$loc + fun_args$scale /
                         (1 - fun_args$shape),
                       "gev" = gev_mean,
                       "lognormal" = exp(fun_args$meanlog +
                                           fun_args$sdlog ^ 2 / 2),
                       "normal" = fun_args$mean,
                       "t" = ncp * sqrt(nu / 2) * gamma((nu - 1) / 2) /
                         gamma(nu / 2),
                       "uniform" = (fun_args$min + fun_args$max) / 2,
                       "weibull" = fun_args$scale *
                         gamma(1 + 1 / fun_args$shape),
                       "exponential" = 1 / fun_args$rate)
  distn_sd <- switch(distn,
                     "binomial" = sqrt(fun_args$size * fun_args$prob *
                       (1 -fun_args$prob)),
                     "geometric" = sqrt(1 - fun_args$prob) / fun_args$prob,
                     "hypergeometric" = sqrt(fun_args$k * hp * (1 - hp) *
                       (fun_args$m + fun_args$n - fun_args$k) /
                         (fun_args$m + fun_args$n - 1)),
                     "negative binomial" = sqrt(fun_args$size *
                       (1 - fun_args$prob)) / fun_args$prob,
                     "poisson" = sqrt(fun_args$lambda),
                     "beta" = sqrt(alpha * beta / (alpha + beta) ^ 2 /
                       (alpha + beta + 1)),
                     "chi-squared" = sqrt(2 * (fun_args$df
                                               + 2 * fun_args$ncp)),
                     "f" = sqrt(num / den),
                     "gamma" = sqrt(fun_args$shape / fun_args$rate ^ 2),
                     "gp" = sqrt(fun_args$scale ^ 2 /
                                   (1 - fun_args$shape) ^ 2 /
                                   (1 - 2 * fun_args$shape)),
                     "gev" = sqrt(gev_var),
                     "lognormal" = sqrt(exp(2 * fun_args$meanlog +
                                         fun_args$sdlog ^ 2) *
                       (exp(fun_args$sdlog ^ 2) - 1)),
                     "normal" = fun_args$sd,
                     "t" = sqrt(nu * (1 + ncp ^ 2) / (nu - 2) + ncp ^ 2 * nu *
                       (gamma((nu - 1) / 2) - gamma(nu / 2)) ^ 2 /2),
                     "uniform" = sqrt((fun_args$max - fun_args$min) ^ 2 / 12),
                     "weibull" = sqrt(fun_args$scale ^ 2 *
                       gamma(1 + 2 / fun_args$shape) -
                       gamma(1 + 1 / fun_args$shape) ^ 2),
                     "exponential" = 1 / fun_args$rate)
  # Create buttons for movie
  show_dens <- FALSE
  pdf_or_cdf <- "pdf"
  old_y <- NULL
  save_last_y <- NULL
  sample_means <- NULL
  cltpanel <- rpanel::rp.control("central limit theorem",
                                 panelname = my_panelname, n = n, n_add = n_add,
                                 dfun = dfun, qfun = qfun, rfun = rfun,
                                 pfun = pfun, fun_args = fun_args,
                                 distn = distn, top_range = top_range,
                                 top_p_vec = top_p_vec,
                                 bottom_p_vec = bottom_p_vec,
                                 pdf_or_cdf = pdf_or_cdf, show_dens = show_dens,
                                 top_leg_pos = top_leg_pos,
                                 bottom_leg_pos = bottom_leg_pos,
                                 xlab = xlab, arrow = arrow,
                                 distn_mean = distn_mean, distn_sd = distn_sd,
                                 discrete_distn = discrete_distn,
                                 old_n = old_n, old_pdf_or_cdf = pdf_or_cdf,
                                 old_show_dens = show_dens,
                                 old_y = old_y, save_last_y = save_last_y,
                                 sample_means = sample_means,
                                 leg_cex = leg_cex)
  redraw_plot <- NULL
  panel_redraw <- function(panel) {
    rpanel::rp.tkrreplot(panel = panel, name = redraw_plot)
    # rp.tkrreplot() doesn't update the panel automatically, so do it manually
    # Get ...
    panel$sample_means <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "sample_means")
    panel$old_n <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "old_n")
    panel$old_pdf_or_cdf <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "old_pdf_or_cdf")
    panel$old_show_dens <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "old_show_dens")
    panel$old_y <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "old_y")
    panel$save_last_y <- rpanel::rp.var.get(my_panelname, "save_last_y")
    # Put ...
    rpanel::rp.control.put(my_panelname, panel)
  if (panel_plot & !requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
    warning("tkrplot is not available so panel_plot has been set to FALSE.")
    panel_plot <- FALSE
  if (panel_plot) {
    rpanel::rp.tkrplot(panel = cltpanel, name = redraw_plot,
                       plotfun = cltmovie_plot, pos = "right",
                       hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale, background = "white")
    action <- panel_redraw
  } else {
    action <- cltmovie_plot
  rpanel::rp.doublebutton(panel = cltpanel, variable = n, step = delta_n,
                          title = "sample size, n",
                          action = action, initval = n,
                          range = c(2, NA), showvalue = TRUE, ...)
  if (n_add == 1) {
    my_title <- paste("simulate another sample")
  } else {
    my_title <- paste("simulate another", n_add, "samples")
  dlist <- list(...)
  # If the user hasn't set either repeatdelay or repeatinterval then set them
  # to the default values in rp.doublebutton (100 milliseconds)
  if (is.null(dlist$repeatdelay) & is.null(dlist$repeatinterval)) {
      rpanel::rp.button(panel = cltpanel, action = action, title = my_title,
                        repeatdelay = 100, repeatinterval = 100, ...)
  } else {
    rpanel::rp.button(panel = cltpanel, action = action, title = my_title,
  rpanel::rp.radiogroup(panel= cltpanel, pdf_or_cdf, c("pdf", "cdf"),
                        title = "pdf or cdf in bottom plot", action = action)
  rpanel::rp.checkbox(panel = cltpanel, show_dens,
                      labels = "show normal pdf/cdf", action = action)
  if (!panel_plot) {
    rpanel::rp.do(panel = cltpanel, action = action)

# Function to be called by clt().

cltmovie_plot <- function(panel) {
  oldpar <- graphics::par(mfrow = c(2, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                          mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2) + 0.1)
  # To please R CMD check
  n <- distn <- fun_args <- pdf_or_cdf <- show_dens <- n_add <- rfun <-
    discrete_distn <- top_range <- dfun <- xlab <- top_leg_pos <- arrow <-
    distn_mean <- distn_sd <- bottom_p_vec <- bottom_leg_pos <- leg_cex <- NULL
  panel <- within(panel, {
    # Don't add the rug in the top plot if n is large
    if (n > 1000) {
      show_rug <- FALSE
    } else {
      show_rug <- TRUE
    # Do the simulation (if required)
    if (distn == "hypergeometric") {
      sim_list <- c(list(nn = n), fun_args)
    } else {
      sim_list <- c(list(n = n), fun_args)
    if (old_pdf_or_cdf == pdf_or_cdf & old_show_dens == show_dens) {
      temp <- as.matrix(replicate(n_add, do.call(rfun, sim_list)))
      mean_y <- apply(temp, 2, mean)
      # Extract the last dataset and the last mean (for drawing the arrow)
      y <- temp[, n_add]
      old_y <- y
      last_y <- mean_y[n_add]
      save_last_y <- last_y
    } else {
      mean_y <- NULL
      y <- old_y
      last_y <- save_last_y
    if (n != old_n) {
      sample_means <- mean_y
    } else {
      sample_means <- c(sample_means, mean_y)
    n_x_axis <- 501
    # Top plot --------
    # Set range for x-axis
    if (!discrete_distn) {
      x <- seq(top_range[1], top_range[2], len = n_x_axis)
    } else {
      x <- floor(top_range[1]):ceiling(top_range[2])
    # Calculate the density over this range
    dens_list <- c(list(x = x), fun_args)
    ydens <- do.call(dfun, dens_list)
    # Remove any infinite values
    finite_vals <- is.finite(ydens)
    ydens <- ydens[finite_vals]
    x <- x[finite_vals]
    # Set the top of the y-axis
    ytop <- max(ydens) * 1.2
    # Extract the distribution name and parameters
    the_distn <-
        "exponential" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$rate, ")"),
        "uniform" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$min, ",", fun_args$max, ")"),
        "gp" = paste("GP", "(", fun_args$loc, ",", fun_args$scale, ",",
                     fun_args$shape, ")"),
        "normal" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$mean, ",", fun_args$sd, ")"),
        "beta" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$shape1, ",", fun_args$shape2, ")"),
        "t" = paste("Student t", "(", fun_args$df, ")"),
        "gamma" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$shape, ",", fun_args$rate, ")"),
        "lognormal" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$meanlog, ",", fun_args$sdlog,
        "cauchy" = paste("Cauchy", "(", fun_args$location, ",", fun_args$scale,
        "chi-squared" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$df, ",", fun_args$ncp, ")"),
        "f" = paste("F", "(", fun_args$df1, ",", fun_args$df2, ",",
                     fun_args$ncp, ")"),
        "weibull" = paste("Weibull", "(", fun_args$shape, ",", fun_args$scale,
        "t" = paste("Weibull", "(", fun_args$df, ",", fun_args$ncp, ")"),
        "binomial" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$size, ",", fun_args$prob, ")"),
        "geometric" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$prob, ")"),
        "hypergeometric" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$m, ",", fun_args$n,
                      ",", fun_args$k, ")"),
        "negative binomial" = paste(distn, "(", fun_args$size, ",",
                                    fun_args$prob, ")"),
        "poisson" = paste("Poisson", "(", fun_args$lambda, ")"),
        "gev" = paste("GEV", "(", fun_args$loc, ",", fun_args$scale,
                       ",", fun_args$shape, ")")
    my_xlim <- pretty(c(y, top_range))
    my_xlim <- my_xlim[c(1, length(my_xlim))]
    if (!discrete_distn) {
      # Histogram with rug
      graphics::hist(y, col = 8, probability = TRUE, axes = FALSE,
                     xlab = xlab, ylab = "density", main = "",
                     xlim = my_xlim, ylim = c(0, ytop))
      graphics::lines(x, ydens, xpd = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
      graphics::axis(1, line = 0.5)
      graphics::title(main = paste(the_distn, ",  n = ", n))
      graphics::legend(top_leg_pos, legend = expression(f(x)),
                       col = 1, lwd = 2, lty = 2, box.lty = 0, cex = leg_cex)
      if (show_rug) {
        graphics::rug(y, line = 0.5, ticksize = 0.05)
    } else {
      ep <- (my_xlim[2] - my_xlim[1] ) / 50
      my_xlim[2] <- my_xlim[2] + ep
      y_vals <- table(y)
      x_vals <- as.numeric(names(y_vals))
      graphics::matplot(x_vals, y_vals, type = "n", xlab = xlab,
                     ylab = "probability", axes = FALSE, xlim = my_xlim,
                     ylim = c(0, ytop))
      graphics::segments(x_vals, 0, x_vals, y_vals / n, lty = 1)
      graphics::segments(x + ep, 0, x + ep, ydens, lty = 2)
      graphics::axis(1, line = 0.5)
      graphics::title(main = paste(the_distn, ",  n = ", n))
      graphics::legend(top_leg_pos, legend = c("sample", "P(X = x)"),
                       col = 1, lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, box.lty = 0, cex = leg_cex)
    u_t <- graphics::par("usr")
    if (arrow) {
      graphics::segments(last_y, u_t[3], last_y, -10, col = "red", xpd = TRUE,
                         lwd = 2, lty = 2)
    graphics::rug(last_y, line = 0.5, ticksize = 0.05, col = "red", lwd = 2)
    u_t <- my_xlim
    # Bottom plot --------
    my_xlab <- paste("sample mean of", n, "values")
    # Set the mean and variance of the sample means parameters
    normal_pars <- list(mean = distn_mean, sd = distn_sd / sqrt(n))
    for_qnorm <- c(list(p = bottom_p_vec), normal_pars)
    normal_bottom_range <- do.call(stats::qnorm, for_qnorm)
    bottom_range <- range(normal_bottom_range, sample_means)
    # Set range for x-axis
    x <- seq(bottom_range[1], bottom_range[2], len = n_x_axis)
    # Calcuate the density over this range
    if (pdf_or_cdf == "pdf") {
      dens_list <- c(list(x = x), normal_pars)
      ynorm <- do.call(stats::dnorm, dens_list)
    } else {
      dens_list <- c(list(q = x), normal_pars)
      ynorm <- do.call(stats::pnorm, dens_list)
    d_list <- c(list(x = x), fun_args, list(n = n))
    if (pdf_or_cdf == "pdf") {
      my_ylab <- "pdf"
      # Set the top of the y-axis
      ytop <- max(ynorm) * 1.5
    } else{
      my_ylab <- "cdf"
      # Set the top of the y-axis
      ytop <- 1
    # Histogram with rug
    y <- sample_means
    if (length(sample_means) > 1000) {
      show_bottom_rug <- FALSE
    } else {
      show_bottom_rug <- TRUE
    my_xlim <- pretty(c(y, bottom_range))
    my_xlim <- my_xlim[c(1, length(my_xlim))]
    my_col <- 8
    if (pdf_or_cdf == "pdf") {
      graphics::hist(y, col = my_col, probability = TRUE, las = 1,
                     axes = FALSE, xlab = my_xlab, ylab = my_ylab, main = "",
                     xpd = TRUE, xlim = my_xlim, ylim = c(0, ytop))
    } else {
      ecdfy <- stats::ecdf(y)
      graphics::plot(ecdfy, col = my_col, las = 1, main = "",
                     axes = FALSE, xlab = my_xlab, ylab = my_ylab,
                     xpd = TRUE, xlim = my_xlim, ylim = c(0, ytop),
                     col.01line = 0)
    if (show_dens) {
      graphics::lines(x, ynorm, xpd = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
    graphics::axis(1, line = 0.5)
    # Force bottom axis to fill the plot
    graphics::axis(1, line = 0.5, at = c(-1e10, 1e10))
    if (show_bottom_rug) {
      graphics::rug(y, line = 0.5, ticksize = 0.05)
    graphics::rug(last_y, line = 0.5, ticksize = 0.05, col = "red", lwd = 2)
    u_b <- my_xlim
    my_leg_2 <- paste("N (", signif(distn_mean, 2), ",",
                      signif(distn_sd ^ 2, 2), "/ n )" )
    if (pdf_or_cdf == "pdf") {
      if (show_dens) {
        graphics::legend(bottom_leg_pos, legend = my_leg_2, col = 1:2, lwd = 2,
                         lty = 2, box.lty = 0, cex = leg_cex)
    } else {
      if (show_dens) {
                       legend = c(my_leg_2, "empirical cdf"),
                       col = c(1, 8), lwd = 2, lty = c(2, -1),
                       pch = c(-1, 16), box.lty = 0, cex = leg_cex)
      } else {
                         legend = c(my_leg_2, "empirical cdf"),
                         col = c(0, 8), lwd = 2, lty = c(2, -1),
                         pch = c(-1, 16), box.lty = 0, text.col = c(0, 1),
                         cex = leg_cex)
    top_ratio <- (last_y - u_t[1]) / (u_t[2] - u_t[1])
    top_loc <- u_b[1] + (u_b[2] - u_b[1]) * top_ratio
    if (arrow) {
      graphics::segments(top_loc, ytop * 2, top_loc, ytop, col = "red",
                         xpd = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
      graphics::arrows(top_loc, ytop, last_y, 0, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2,
                       xpd = TRUE, code = 2)
    old_n <- n
    old_pdf_or_cdf <- pdf_or_cdf
    old_show_dens <- show_dens

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smovie documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:28 a.m.