
Defines functions contact_matrix

Documented in contact_matrix

#' Generate a contact matrix from diary survey data
#' Samples a contact survey using a bootstrap
#' @param survey a [survey()] object
#' @param countries limit to one or more countries; if not given, will use all countries in the survey; these can be given as country names or 2-letter (ISO Alpha-2) country codes
#' @param survey.pop survey population -- either a data frame with columns 'lower.age.limit' and 'population', or a character vector giving the name(s) of a country or countries from the list that can be obtained via `wpp_countries`; if not given, will use the country populations from the chosen countries, or all countries in the survey if `countries` is not given
#' @param age.limits lower limits of the age groups over which to construct the matrix
#' @param filter any filters to apply to the data, given as list of the form (column=filter_value) - only contacts that have 'filter_value' in 'column' will be considered. If multiple filters are given, they are all applied independently and in the sequence given.
#' @param n deprecated; number of bootstrap samples to generate
#' @param bootstrap  deprecated; whether to bootstrap contact matrices
#' @param counts whether to return counts (instead of means)
#' @param symmetric whether to make matrix symmetric, such that \eqn{c_{ij}N_i = c_{ji}N_j}.
#' @param split whether to split the number of contacts and assortativity
#' @param sample.participants whether to sample participants randomly (with replacement); done multiple times this can be used to assess uncertainty in the generated contact matrices. See the "Bootstrapping" section in the vignette for how to do this..
#' @param estimated.participant.age if set to "mean" (default), people whose ages are given as a range (in columns named "..._est_min" and "..._est_max") but not exactly (in a column named "..._exact") will have their age set to the mid-point of the range; if set to "sample", the age will be sampled from the range; if set to "missing", age ranges will be treated as missing
#' @param estimated.contact.age if set to "mean" (default), contacts whose ages are given as a range (in columns named "..._est_min" and "..._est_max") but not exactly (in a column named "..._exact") will have their age set to the mid-point of the range; if set to "sample", the age will be sampled from the range; if set to "missing", age ranges will be treated as missing
#' @param missing.participant.age if set to "remove" (default), participants without age information are removed; if set to "keep", participants with missing age are kept and treated as a separate age group
#' @param missing.contact.age if set to "remove" (default), participants that have contacts without age information are removed; if set to "sample", contacts without age information are sampled from all the contacts of participants of the same age group; if set to "keep", contacts with missing age are kept and treated as a separate age group; if set to "ignore", contact with missing age are ignored in the contact analysis
#' @param weights column names(s) of the participant data of the [survey()] object with user-specified weights (default = empty vector)
#' @param weigh.dayofweek whether to weigh social contacts data by the day of the week (weight (5/7 / N_week / N) for weekdays and (2/7 / N_weekend / N) for weekends)
#' @param weigh.age whether to weigh social contacts data by the age of the participants (vs. the populations' age distribution)
#' @param weight.threshold threshold value for the standardized weights before running an additional standardisation (default 'NA' = no cutoff)
#' @param sample.all.age.groups what to do if bootstrapping fails to sample participants from one or more age groups; if FALSE (default), corresponding rows will be set to NA, if TRUE the sample will be discarded and a new one taken instead
#' @param return.part.weights boolean to return the participant weights
#' @param return.demography boolean to explicitly return demography data that corresponds to the survey data (default 'NA' = if demography data is requested by other function parameters)
#' @param per.capita wheter to return a matrix with contact rates per capita (default is FALSE and not possible if 'counts=TRUE' or 'split=TRUE')
#' @param ... further arguments to pass to [get_survey()], [check()] and [pop_age()] (especially column names)
#' @return a contact matrix, and the underlying demography of the surveyed population
#' @importFrom stats xtabs runif median
#' @importFrom utils data globalVariables
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_warn
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @autoglobal
#' @examples
#' data(polymod)
#' contact_matrix(polymod, countries = "United Kingdom", age.limits = c(0, 1, 5, 15))
#' @author Sebastian Funk
contact_matrix <- function(survey, countries = NULL, survey.pop, age.limits, filter, n = 1, bootstrap, counts = FALSE, symmetric = FALSE, split = FALSE, sample.participants = FALSE, estimated.participant.age = c("mean", "sample", "missing"), estimated.contact.age = c("mean", "sample", "missing"), missing.participant.age = c("remove", "keep"), missing.contact.age = c("remove", "sample", "keep", "ignore"), weights = NULL, weigh.dayofweek = FALSE, weigh.age = FALSE, weight.threshold = NA, sample.all.age.groups = FALSE, return.part.weights = FALSE, return.demography = NA, per.capita = FALSE, ...) {
  surveys <- c("participants", "contacts")

  dot.args <- list(...)
  unknown.args <- setdiff(names(dot.args), union(names(formals(check.survey)), names(formals(pop_age))))
  if (length(unknown.args) > 0) {
    stop("Unknown argument(s): ", paste(unknown.args, sep = ", "), ".")

  ## record if 'missing.participant.age' and 'missing.contact.age' are set, for later
  missing.participant.age.set <- !missing(missing.participant.age)
  missing.contact.age.set <- !missing(missing.contact.age)

  ## read arguments
  estimated.participant.age <- match.arg(estimated.participant.age)
  estimated.contact.age <- match.arg(estimated.contact.age)
  missing.participant.age <- match.arg(missing.participant.age)
  missing.contact.age <- match.arg(missing.contact.age)

  error_string <-
    "must be a survey object (created using `survey()` or `get_survey()`)"

  if (is_doi(survey)) {
      "0.3.2", paste0("contact_matrix(survey = '", error_string, "')"),
      details = "Passing a DOI will be removed in version 0.4.0."
    survey <- get_survey(survey)
  } else if (!inherits(survey, "survey")) {

  if (!missing(n)) {
      "The 'n' option is being deprecated and will be removed ",
      "in version 1.0.0. Please see the ",
      "'Bootstrapping' section in the vignette for an ",
      "alternative approach."
    if (n > 1) bootstrap <- TRUE
  if (!missing(bootstrap)) {
      "The 'bootstrap' option is being deprecated and will be removed ",
      "in version 1.0.0. Please use the 'sample.participants'",
      " option instead."
    if (missing(sample.participants)) sample.participants <- bootstrap
    if (bootstrap != sample.participants) {
        "'bootstrap' (if given) and 'sample.participants must have the ",
        "same value."

  if (!missing(age.limits)) {
    age.limits <- as.integer(age.limits)
    if (anyNA(age.limits) || any(diff(age.limits) <= 0)) {
      stop("'age.limits' must be an increasing integer vector of lower age limits.")

  ## clean the survey
  survey <- clean(survey)
  ## check and get columns
  columns <- suppressMessages(check(survey, ...))

  ## check if specific countries are requested (if a survey contains data from multiple countries)
  if (length(countries) > 0 && columns[["country"]] %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
    if (all(nchar(countries) == 2)) {
      corrected_countries <- suppressWarnings(
        countrycode(countries, "iso2c", "country.name"))
    } else {
      corrected_countries <- suppressWarnings(
        countrycode(countries, "country.name", "country.name"))
    present_countries <- unique(as.character(survey$participants[[columns[["country"]]]]))
    missing_countries <- countries[which(is.na(corrected_countries))]
    if (length(missing_countries) > 0) {
      stop("Survey data not found for ", paste(missing_countries, sep = ", "), ".")
    countries <- corrected_countries
    survey$participants <- survey$participants[get(columns[["country"]]) %in% countries]
    if (nrow(survey$participants) == 0) {
      stop("No participants left after selecting countries.")

  ## check maximum participant age in the data
  part_min.column <- paste(columns[["participant.age"]], "est_min", sep = "_")
  part_max.column <- paste(columns[["participant.age"]], "est_max", sep = "_")

  if (!(columns[["participant.age"]] %in% colnames(survey$participants))) {
    survey$participants[, paste(columns[["participant.age"]]) := NA_integer_]

  if (part_max.column %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
    max.age <- max(
        survey$participants[, get(columns[["participant.age"]])],
        survey$participants[, get(part_max.column)]
      na.rm = TRUE
    ) + 1
  } else {
    max.age <- max(
      survey$participants[, get(columns[["participant.age"]])], na.rm = TRUE
    ) + 1

  if (missing(age.limits)) {
    all.ages <-
      unique(as.integer(survey$participants[, get(columns[["participant.age"]])]))
    all.ages <- all.ages[!is.na(all.ages)]
    all.ages <- sort(all.ages)
    age.limits <- union(0, all.ages)

  ## check if any filters have been requested
  if (!missing(filter)) {
    missing_columns <- list()
    for (table in surveys) {
      if (nrow(survey[[table]]) > 0) {
        missing_columns <-
          c(missing_columns, list(setdiff(names(filter), colnames(survey[[table]]))))
        ## filter contact data
        for (column in names(filter)) {
          if (column %in% colnames(survey[[table]])) {
            survey[[table]] <- survey[[table]][get(column) == filter[[column]]]
    missing_all <- do.call(intersect, missing_columns)
    if (length(missing_all) > 0) {
      warning("filter column(s) ", toString(missing_all), " not found")

  ## sample estimated participant ages
  if (part_min.column %in% colnames(survey$participants) &&
    part_max.column %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
    if (estimated.participant.age == "mean") {
        is.na(get(columns[["participant.age"]])) &
          !is.na(get(part_min.column)) & !is.na(get(part_max.column)),
        paste(columns[["participant.age"]]) :=
        .SDcols = c(part_min.column, part_max.column)
    } else if (estimated.participant.age == "sample") {
        is.na(get(columns[["participant.age"]])) &
          !is.na(get(part_min.column)) & !is.na(get(part_max.column)) &
          get(part_min.column) <= get(part_max.column),
        paste(columns[["participant.age"]]) :=

  if (missing.participant.age == "remove" &&
    nrow(survey$participants[is.na(get(columns[["participant.age"]])) |
      get(columns[["participant.age"]]) < min(age.limits)]) > 0) {
    if (!missing.participant.age.set) {
        "Removing participants without age information. ",
        "To change this behaviour, set the 'missing.participant.age' option"
    survey$participants <-
      survey$participants[!is.na(get(columns[["participant.age"]])) &
        get(columns[["participant.age"]]) >= min(age.limits)]

  exact.column <- paste(columns[["contact.age"]], "exact", sep = "_")
  min.column <- paste(columns[["contact.age"]], "est_min", sep = "_")
  max.column <- paste(columns[["contact.age"]], "est_max", sep = "_")

  ## set contact age if it's not in the data
  if (!(columns[["contact.age"]] %in% colnames(survey$contacts))) {
    survey$contacts[, paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) := NA_integer_]

    if (exact.column %in% colnames(survey$contacts)) {
        paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) := get(exact.column)

  ## convert factors to integers
  for (age_column in
    c(columns[["contact.age"]], min.column, max.column, exact.column)) {
    if (age_column %in% colnames(survey$contacts) &&
      is.factor(survey$contacts[[age_column]])) {
      survey$contacts[, paste(age_column) :=

  ## sample estimated contact ages
  if (min.column %in% colnames(survey$contacts) &&
    max.column %in% colnames(survey$contacts)) {
    if (estimated.contact.age == "mean") {
        is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
          !is.na(get(min.column)) & !is.na(get(max.column)),
        paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) :=
        .SDcols = c(min.column, max.column)
    } else if (estimated.contact.age == "sample") {
        is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
          !is.na(get(min.column)) & !is.na(get(max.column)) &
          get(min.column) <= get(max.column),
        paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) :=

  if (missing.contact.age == "remove" &&
    nrow(survey$contacts[is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) |
      get(columns[["contact.age"]]) < min(age.limits)]) > 0) {
    if (n == 1 && !missing.contact.age.set) {
        "Removing participants that have contacts without age information. ",
        "To change this behaviour, set the 'missing.contact.age' option"
    missing.age.id <-
        is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) |
          get(columns[["contact.age"]]) < min(age.limits),
    survey$participants <- survey$participants[!(get(columns[["id"]]) %in% missing.age.id)]

  if (missing.contact.age == "ignore" &&
    nrow(survey$contacts[is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) |
      get(columns[["contact.age"]]) < min(age.limits)]) > 0) {
    if (n == 1 && !missing.contact.age.set) {
        "Ignore contacts without age information. ",
        "To change this behaviour, set the 'missing.contact.age' option"
    survey$contacts <- survey$contacts[!is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
      get(columns[["contact.age"]]) >= min(age.limits), ]

  # adjust age.group.brakes to the lower and upper ages in the survey
  survey$participants[, lower.age.limit := reduce_agegroups(
    age.limits[age.limits < max.age]
  part.age.group.breaks <- c(age.limits[age.limits < max.age], max.age)
  part.age.group.present <- age.limits[age.limits < max.age]
  survey$participants[, age.group :=
    cut(survey$participants[, get(columns[["participant.age"]])],
      breaks = part.age.group.breaks,
      right = FALSE
  age.groups <- survey$participants[, levels(age.group)]
  age.groups[length(age.groups)] <-
    sub("\\[([0-9]+),.*$", "\\1+", age.groups[length(age.groups)])
  survey$participants[, age.group :=
    factor(age.group, levels = levels(age.group), labels = age.groups)]

  ## add upper age limits
  lower.upper.age.limits <- data.table(
    lower.age.limit = part.age.group.present,
    upper.age.limit = part.age.group.breaks[-1]
  survey$participants <-
    merge(survey$participants, lower.upper.age.limits, by = "lower.age.limit", all.x = TRUE)

  ## if split, symmetric or age weights are requested, get demographic data (survey population)
  need.survey.pop <- split || symmetric || weigh.age ||
    (!is.na(return.demography) && return.demography) || per.capita
  if (need.survey.pop) {
    ## check if survey population is either not given or given as a vector of countries
    if (missing(survey.pop) || is.character(survey.pop)) {
      survey.representative <- FALSE
      if (!missing(survey.pop)) {
        ## survey population is given as vector of countries
        survey.countries <- survey.pop
      } else if (!missing(countries)) {
        ## survey population not given but countries requested from
        ## survey - get population data from those countries
        survey.countries <- countries
      } else {
        ## neither survey population nor country names given - try to
        ## guess country or countries surveyed from participant data
        if (columns[["country"]] %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
          survey.countries <- unique(survey$participants[, get(columns[["country"]])])
        } else {
            "No 'survey.pop' or 'countries' given, and no '", columns[["country"]],
            "' column found in the data. ",
            "I don't know which population this is from. ",
            "Assuming the survey is representative"
          survey.representative <- TRUE

      if (!survey.representative) {
        ## get population data for countries from 'wpp' package
        country.pop <- data.table(wpp_age(survey.countries))

        # !! warning: spelling can differ between wpp_age and wpp_countries (e.g. Viet Nam vs Vietnam)
        # fix: rename countries using the same approach as in clean(survey,...)
        country.pop$country <- suppressWarnings(countrycode(country.pop$country, "country.name", "country.name"))

        ## check if survey data are from a specific year - in that case
        ## use demographic data from that year, otherwise latest
        if (columns[["year"]] %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
          survey.year <-
            survey$participants[, median(get(columns[["year"]]), na.rm = TRUE)]
        } else {
          survey.year <- country.pop[, max(year, na.rm = TRUE)]
            "No '", columns[["year"]], "' column found in the data. Will use ",
            survey.year, " population data."

        ## check if any survey countries are not in wpp
        missing.countries <- setdiff(survey.countries, unique(country.pop$country))
        if (length(missing.countries) > 0) {
            "Could not find population data for ",
            toString(missing.countries), ". ",
            " Use wpp_countries() to get a list of country names."

        ## get demographic data closest to survey year
        country.pop.year <- unique(country.pop[, year])
        survey.year <-
          min(country.pop.year[which.min(abs(survey.year - country.pop.year))])
        survey.pop <-
          country.pop[year == survey.year][, list(population = sum(population)),
            by = "lower.age.limit"
      if (survey.representative) {
        survey.pop <-
          survey$participants[, lower.age.limit :=
        survey.pop <- survey.pop[, list(population = .N), by = lower.age.limit]
        survey.pop <- survey.pop[!is.na(lower.age.limit)]
        if (columns[["year"]] %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
          survey.year <-
            survey$participants[, median(get(columns[["year"]]), na.rm = TRUE)]
    } else {
      # if survey.pop is a data frame with columns 'lower.age.limit' and 'population'
      survey.pop <- data.table(survey.pop)
      # make sure the maximum survey.pop age exceeds the participant age group breaks
      if (max(survey.pop$lower.age.limit) < max(part.age.group.present)) {
        survey.pop <- rbind(
          list(max(part.age.group.present + 1), 0)

      # add dummy survey.year
      survey.year <- NA_integer_

    # add upper.age.limit after sorting the survey.pop ages (and add maximum age > given ages)
    survey.pop <- survey.pop[order(lower.age.limit), ]
    survey.pop$upper.age.limit <- unlist(c(
      survey.pop[-1, "lower.age.limit"],
      1 + max(

    if (weigh.age) {
      ## keep reference of survey.pop
      survey.pop.full <-
          ), ...

    ## adjust age groups by interpolating, in case they don't match between
    ## demographic and survey data
    survey.pop.max <- max(survey.pop$upper.age.limit)
    survey.pop <- data.table(pop_age(survey.pop, part.age.group.present, ...))

    ## set upper age limits
    survey.pop[, upper.age.limit := c(part.age.group.present[-1], survey.pop.max)]

  ## weights
  survey$participants[, weight := 1]

  ## assign weights to participants to account for weekend/weekday variation
  if (weigh.dayofweek) {
    found.dayofweek <- FALSE
    if ("dayofweek" %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
      ## Add column sum_weight: Number of entries on weekdays / weekends
      survey$participants[, sum_weight := nrow(.SD),
        by = (dayofweek %in% 1:5),

      ## The sum of the weights on weekdays is 5
      survey$participants[dayofweek %in% 1:5, weight := 5 / sum_weight]
      ## The sum of the weights on weekend is 2
      survey$participants[!(dayofweek %in% 1:5), weight := 2 / sum_weight]

      survey$participants[, sum_weight := NULL]
      found.dayofweek <- TRUE

      # add boolean for "weekday"
      survey$participants[, is.weekday := dayofweek %in% 1:5]
    if (!found.dayofweek) {
        "'weigh.dayofweek' is TRUE, but no 'dayofweek' column in the data. ",
        "Will ignore."

  ## assign weights to participants, to account for age variation
  if (weigh.age) {
    # get number and proportion of participants by age
    survey$participants[, age.count := .N, by = eval(columns[["participant.age"]])]
    survey$participants[, age.proportion := age.count / .N]

    # get reference population by age (absolute and proportional)
    part.age.all <- range(unique(survey$participants[, get(columns[["participant.age"]])]))
    survey.pop.detail <- data.table(pop_age(survey.pop.full, seq(part.age.all[1], part.age.all[2] + 1)))
    names(survey.pop.detail) <- c(columns[["participant.age"]], "population.count")
    survey.pop.detail[, population.proportion := population.count / sum(population.count)]

    # merge reference and survey population data
    survey$participants <- merge(survey$participants, survey.pop.detail, by = eval(columns[["participant.age"]]))

    # calculate age-specific weights
    survey$participants[, weight.age := population.proportion / age.proportion]

    # merge 'weight.age' into 'weight'
    survey$participants[, weight := weight * weight.age]

    ## Remove the additional columns
    survey$participants[, age.count := NULL]
    survey$participants[, age.proportion := NULL]
    survey$participants[, population.count := NULL]
    survey$participants[, population.proportion := NULL]
    survey$participants[, weight.age := NULL]

  ## option to weigh the contact data with user-defined participant weights
  if (length(weights) > 0) {
    for (i in seq_along(weights)) {
      if (weights[i] %in% colnames(survey$participants)) {
        ## Compute the overall weight
        survey$participants[, weight := weight * get(weights[i])]

  # post-stratification weight standardisation: by age.group
  survey$participants[, weight := weight / sum(weight) * .N,
    by = age.group

  # option to truncate overall participant weights (if not NULL or NA)
  if (!is.null(weight.threshold) && !is.na(weight.threshold)) {
    survey$participants[weight > weight.threshold, weight := weight.threshold]
    # re-normalise
    survey$participants[, weight := weight / sum(weight) * .N,
      by = age.group

  ## merge participants and contacts into a single data table
  setkeyv(survey$participants, columns[["id"]])
  participant_ids <- unique(survey$participants[[columns[["id"]]]])

  survey$contacts <-
    merge(survey$contacts, survey$participants,
      by = columns[["id"]], all = FALSE,
      allow.cartesian = TRUE, suffixes = c(".cont", ".part")

  setkeyv(survey$contacts, columns[["id"]])

  ## sample contacts
  if (missing.contact.age == "sample" &&
    nrow(survey$contacts[is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]]))]) > 0) {
    for (this.age.group in
      unique(survey$contacts[is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])), age.group])) {
      ## first, deal with missing age
      if (nrow(survey$contacts[!is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
        age.group == this.age.group]) > 0) {
        ## some contacts in the age group have an age, sample from these
          is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
            age.group == this.age.group,
          paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) :=
                !is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
                  age.group == this.age.group,
              size = .N,
              replace = TRUE
      } else {
        ## no contacts in the age group have an age, sample uniformly between limits
        min.contact.age <-
          survey$contacts[, min(get(columns[["contact.age"]]), na.rm = TRUE)]
        max.contact.age <-
          survey$contacts[, max(get(columns[["contact.age"]]), na.rm = TRUE)]
          is.na(get(columns[["contact.age"]])) &
            age.group == this.age.group,
          paste(columns[["contact.age"]]) :=
              min = min.contact.age,
              max = max.contact.age + 1

  ## set contact age groups
  max.contact.age <-
    survey$contacts[, max(get(columns[["contact.age"]]), na.rm = TRUE) + 1]

  contact.age.group.breaks <- part.age.group.breaks
  if (max.contact.age > max(contact.age.group.breaks)) {
    contact.age.group.breaks[length(contact.age.group.breaks)] <- max.contact.age
  survey$contacts[, contact.age.group :=
      breaks = contact.age.group.breaks,
      labels = age.groups,
      right = FALSE

  ## Bootstrap
  if (n > 1 && !bootstrap) {
      "n > 1 does not make sense if not bootstrapping. ",
      "Will return just one sample."
    n <- 1
  ret <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    if (sample.participants) {
      good.sample <- FALSE
      while (!good.sample) {
        ## take a sample from the participants
        part.sample <- sample(participant_ids, replace = TRUE)
        part.age.limits <-
            get(columns[["id"]]) %in% part.sample,
        good.sample <- !sample.all.age.groups ||
          (length(setdiff(age.limits, part.age.limits)) == 0)

        sample.table <-
          data.table(id = part.sample, weight = 1)
        sample.table <-
          sample.table[, list(bootstrap.weight = sum(weight)), by = id]
        setnames(sample.table, "id", columns[["id"]])
        setkeyv(sample.table, columns[["id"]])

        sampled.contacts <- merge(survey$contacts, sample.table)
        sampled.contacts[, sampled.weight := weight * bootstrap.weight]

        sampled.participants <-
          merge(survey$participants, sample.table)
        sampled.participants[, sampled.weight := weight * bootstrap.weight]
    } else {
      ## just use all participants
      sampled.contacts <- survey$contacts
      sampled.contacts[, sampled.weight := weight]
      sampled.participants <- survey$participants
      sampled.participants[, sampled.weight := weight]

    ## calculate weighted contact matrix
    weighted.matrix <-
        data = sampled.contacts,
        formula = sampled.weight ~ age.group + contact.age.group,
        addNA = TRUE

    dims <- dim(weighted.matrix)
    dim.names <- dimnames(weighted.matrix)

    if (!counts) { ## normalise to give mean number of contacts
      ## calculate normalisation vector
      norm.vector <-
          data = sampled.participants,
          formula = sampled.weight ~ age.group, addNA = TRUE

      ## normalise contact matrix
      weighted.matrix <-
        array(apply(weighted.matrix, 2, function(x) x / norm.vector),
          dim = dims,
          dimnames = dim.names
      ## set non-existent data to NA
      weighted.matrix[is.nan(weighted.matrix)] <- NA_real_

    ## construct a warning in case there are NAs
    na.headers <- anyNA(dimnames(weighted.matrix), recursive = TRUE)
    na.content <- anyNA(weighted.matrix)
    na.present <- na.headers || na.content

    if (na.present) {
      warning.suggestion <- "  Consider "
      if (na.headers) {
        warning.suggestion <- paste0(warning.suggestion, "setting ")
        suggested.options <- NULL
        if (anyNA(rownames(weighted.matrix))) {
          suggested.options <- c(suggested.options, "'missing.participant.age'")
        if (anyNA(colnames(weighted.matrix))) {
          suggested.options <- c(suggested.options, "'missing.contact.age'")

        warning.suggestion <-
          paste0(warning.suggestion, paste(suggested.options, collapse = " and "))
        if (na.content) {
          warning.suggestion <- paste0(warning.suggestion, ", and ")
        } else {
          warning.suggestion <- paste0(warning.suggestion, ".")
      if (na.content) {
        warning.suggestion <- paste0(warning.suggestion, "adjusting the age limits.")

    if (symmetric && prod(dim(as.matrix(weighted.matrix))) > 1) {
      if (counts) {
          "'symmetric=TRUE' does not make sense with 'counts=TRUE'; ",
          "will not make matrix symmetric."
      } else if (na.present) {
          "'symmetric=TRUE' does not work with missing data; ",
          "will not make matrix symmetric\n",
      } else {
        ## set c_{ij} N_i and c_{ji} N_j (which should both be equal) to
        ## 0.5 * their sum; then c_{ij} is that sum / N_i
        normalised.weighted.matrix <- diag(survey.pop$population) %*% weighted.matrix
        weighted.matrix <- 0.5 * diag(1 / survey.pop$population) %*%
          (normalised.weighted.matrix + t(normalised.weighted.matrix))

    ret[[i]] <- list()

    if (split) {
      if (counts) {
          "'split=TRUE' does not make sense with 'counts=TRUE'; ",
          "will not split the contact matrix."
      } else if (na.present) {
          "'split=TRUE' does not work with missing data; ",
          "will not split contact.matrix.\n",
        ret[[i]][["mean.contacts"]] <- NA
        ret[[i]][["normalisation"]] <- NA
        ret[[i]][["contacts"]] <- rep(NA, nrow(weighted.matrix))
      } else {
        ## get rid of name but preserve row and column names
        weighted.matrix <- unname(weighted.matrix)

        nb.contacts <- rowSums(weighted.matrix)
        mean.contacts <- sum(survey.pop$population * nb.contacts) /
        spectrum.matrix <- weighted.matrix
        spectrum.matrix[is.na(spectrum.matrix)] <- 0
        spectrum <- as.numeric(eigen(spectrum.matrix, only.values = TRUE)$values[1])
        ret[[i]][["mean.contacts"]] <- mean.contacts
        ret[[i]][["normalisation"]] <- spectrum / mean.contacts

        age.proportions <- survey.pop$population / sum(survey.pop$population)
        weighted.matrix <-
          diag(1 / nb.contacts) %*% weighted.matrix %*% diag(1 / age.proportions)
        nb.contacts <- nb.contacts / spectrum
        ret[[i]][["contacts"]] <- nb.contacts

    ret[[i]][["matrix"]] <- weighted.matrix

    # option to add matrix per capita, i.e. the contact rate of age i with one individual of age j in the population.
    if (per.capita) {
      if (counts) {
          "'per.capita=TRUE' does not make sense with 'counts=TRUE'; ",
          "will not return the contact matrix per capita."
      } else if (split) {
          "'per.capita=TRUE' does not make sense with 'split=TRUE'; ",
          "will not return the contact matrix per capita."
      } else {
        weighted.matrix.per.capita <- weighted.matrix / matrix(rep(survey.pop$population, nrow(survey.pop)), ncol = nrow(survey.pop), byrow = TRUE)
        ret[[i]][["matrix.per.capita"]] <- weighted.matrix.per.capita

  if (exists("survey.year")) {
    survey.pop[, year := survey.year]
    survey.pop <-
        unique(survey$participants[, list(lower.age.limit, age.group)])
    survey.pop <- survey.pop[, list(age.group, population,
      proportion = population / sum(population), year

  ## get number of participants in each age group
  if (anyNA(survey$participants$age.group)) {
    useNA <- "always"
  } else {
    useNA <- "no"

  part.pop <- data.table(table(survey$participants[, age.group], useNA = useNA))
  setnames(part.pop, c("age.group", "participants"))
  part.pop[, proportion := participants / sum(participants)]

  # set function output
  if (length(ret) > 1) {
    return_value <- list(matrices = ret)
  } else {
    return_value <- ret[[1]]

  if (!is.null(return_value)) {
    if (need.survey.pop && (is.na(return.demography) || return.demography)) {
      # change survey.pop$age.group factors into characters (cfr. part.pop)
      survey.pop[, age.group := as.character(age.group)]
      return_value[["demography"]] <- survey.pop[]
    return_value[["participants"]] <- part.pop[]

  # option to return participant weights
  if (return.part.weights) {
    # default
    part.weights <- survey$participants[, .N, by = list(age.group, weight)]
    part.weights <- part.weights[order(age.group, weight), ]

    # add age and/or dayofweek info
    if (weigh.age && weigh.dayofweek) {
      part.weights <- survey$participants[, .N, by = list(age.group, participant.age = get(columns[["participant.age"]]), is.weekday, weight)]
    } else if (weigh.age) {
      part.weights <- survey$participants[, .N, by = list(age.group, participant.age = get(columns[["participant.age"]]), weight)]
    } else if (weigh.dayofweek) {
      part.weights <- survey$participants[, .N, by = list(age.group, is.weekday, weight)]

    # order (from left to right)
    part.weights <- part.weights[order(part.weights), ] # nolint

    # set name of last column
    names(part.weights)[ncol(part.weights)] <- "participants"

    # add proportion and add to return_value
    part.weights[, proportion := participants / sum(participants)]
    return_value[["participants.weights"]] <- part.weights[]


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socialmixr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:15 p.m.