
Defines functions get_component_from_SDA

Documented in get_component_from_SDA

## what is causing duplication?
# https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/38
# https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/36

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
get_component_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, childs = TRUE,
                                   droplevels = TRUE, nullFragsAreZero = TRUE,
                                   stringsAsFactors = NULL) {
  if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
    .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))
  if (!duplicates & grepl(WHERE, pattern = "mukey")[1])
    warning("duplicates is set to FALSE and 'mukey' is in WHERE clause. Note: 'mukey' omitted from result.", call. = FALSE)

  # SDA is missing soiltempa_r AS mast_r
  # Joining in the fetch on derived_cokey doesn't work but should. There are duplicate components with the same combination of elements.
  # paste0("mu.nationalmusym + '_' + CAST(comppct_r AS VARCHAR) + '_' + compname + '-' + ISNULL(localphase, 'no_phase') AS derived_cokey")

  es.vars <- "ecoclasstypename, ecoclassref, ecoclassid, ecoclassname"
  co.vars <- "co.cokey, compname, comppct_r, compkind, majcompflag, localphase, drainagecl, hydricrating, erocl, earthcovkind1, earthcovkind2, elev_r, slope_r, aspectrep, map_r, airtempa_r, reannualprecip_r, ffd_r, hydgrp,  nirrcapcl, nirrcapscl, irrcapcl, irrcapscl, tfact, wei, weg, corcon, corsteel, frostact, taxclname, taxorder, taxsuborder, taxgrtgroup, taxsubgrp, taxpartsize, taxpartsizemod, taxceactcl, taxreaction, taxtempcl, taxmoistscl, taxtempregime, soiltaxedition"
  vars    <- paste0(unlist(strsplit(co.vars, "earthcovkind2,")), collapse = paste0("earthcovkind2, ", es.vars, ","))

  q.component <- paste(

    # excluding mukey conditionally and DISTINCT are necessary, otherwise querying on states like CA% exceed SDAs record limit
    if (duplicates == FALSE) "DISTINCT" else "mu.mukey AS mukey,",
    "mu.nationalmusym,", vars,

     legend  l                      INNER JOIN
     mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey INNER JOIN",

    if (duplicates == FALSE) {
    "(SELECT nationalmusym AS nationalmusym2, MIN(mukey) AS mukey2
      FROM mapunit
      GROUP BY nationalmusym
     ) AS mu2 ON mu2.nationalmusym2 = mu.nationalmusym INNER JOIN"
      } else "",

    "(SELECT", vars, ", mukey AS mukey2
      component  co                        LEFT OUTER JOIN
      coecoclass ce ON ce.cokey = co.cokey AND
                       ecoclasstypename IN ('NRCS Rangeland Site', 'NRCS Forestland Site')
      ) AS co ON co.mukey2 =", if (duplicates == FALSE) "mu2.mukey2" else "mu.mukey",


  "ORDER BY nationalmusym, comppct_r DESC, compname;")

  # exec query
  d.component <- SDA_query(q.component)
  # return if bad
  if (inherits(d.component, 'try-error')) {
  # empty result set should short circuit (no error, just message)
  if(length(d.component) == 0)

  # recode metadata domains
  d.component <- uncode(d.component, droplevels = droplevels)

  # if mukeys are "flattened" to nmusym, make sure the mukey column _exists_ but is empty (NA)
  # presence of NA used to make it clear to user whether they need to set the duplicates flag TRUE,
  # depending on their use case (i.e. need all unique MUKEYS, set duplicates=TRUE; need unique data? duplicates=FALSE)
  if(duplicates == FALSE) {
    d.component <- cbind(mukey = NA, d.component)

  # parent material
  q.pm <- paste0(
    "SELECT co.cokey, pmg.copmgrpkey, pmgroupname, pmorder, pmkind, pmorigin

    component co                                        LEFT OUTER JOIN
    copmgrp   pmg ON pmg.cokey         = co.cokey AND
                       pmg.rvindicator = 'Yes'          LEFT OUTER JOIN
    copm      pm  ON pm.copmgrpkey     = pmg.copmgrpkey

    WHERE co.cokey IN (", paste0(d.component$cokey, collapse = ", "), ")

    ORDER BY co.cokey, pmg.copmgrpkey, pmorder"

  # landform
  q.lf <- paste0(
    "SELECT co.cokey, ls.geomfname landscape, lf.geomfname landform, lf.geomfeatid, lf.existsonfeat,
            geomposmntn mntn, geomposhill hill, geompostrce trce, geomposflats flats,
            shapeacross, shapedown,

    component co

        cogeomordesc ls ON ls.cokey       = co.cokey   AND
                           ls.rvindicator = 'Yes'      AND
                           ls.geomftname  = 'Landscape'
        cogeomordesc lf ON lf.cokey       = co.cokey   AND
                           lf.rvindicator = 'Yes'      AND
                           lf.geomftname  = 'Landform'
        cosurfmorphgc  lf_3d ON lf_3d.cogeomdkey = lf.cogeomdkey
        cosurfmorphss  lf_ss ON lf_ss.cogeomdkey = lf.cogeomdkey
        cosurfmorphhpp lf_2d ON lf_2d.cogeomdkey = lf.cogeomdkey

    WHERE co.cokey IN (", paste0(d.component$cokey, collapse = ", "), ")

    ORDER BY cokey, ls.geomftname, ls.geomfeatid, ls.existsonfeat, lf.geomftname, lf.geomfeatid, lf.existsonfeat"

  # append child tables
  if (childs == TRUE) {

    # exec query
    d.pm    <- SDA_query(q.pm)
    if (inherits(d.pm, 'try-error')) {
    d.cogmd <- SDA_query(q.lf)
    if (inherits(d.cogmd, 'try-error')) {
    d.cosrf <- .get_cosurffrags_from_SDA(unique(d.component$cokey), nullFragsAreZero = nullFragsAreZero)
    d.cm    <- uncode(.get_comonth_from_SDA(d.component$cokey))

    # prep
    d.pm    <- .copm_prep(d.pm, db = "SDA")
    d.cogmd <- .cogmd_prep(d.cogmd, db = "SDA")

    # merge
    d.component <- merge(d.component, d.pm,    by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE)
    d.component <- merge(d.component, d.cogmd, by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE)
    d.component <- merge(d.component, d.cosrf, by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE)
    d.component <- merge(d.component, d.cm,    by = "cokey", all.x = TRUE)

    # r.rf.data.v2 nullFragsAreZero = TRUE
    idx <- grepl("surface_", names(d.component))
    if (nullFragsAreZero == nullFragsAreZero) {
      d.component[idx] <- lapply(d.component[idx], function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))

  # fix for multiple ecosites linked to 1 component
  idx <- table(d.component$cokey) > 1

  if (any(idx)) {

    cokeys <- as.integer(names(idx[idx == TRUE]))
    idx    <- d.component$cokey %in% cokeys

    assign('component.ecosite.problems', value = cokeys, envir = get_soilDB_env())
    message("-> QC: multiple ecosites linked to 1 component\n\tUse `get('component.ecosite.problems', envir = get_soilDB_env())` for component keys (cokey)")

    nodups <- {
      d.component[idx, ] ->.;
      split(., .$cokey)  ->.;
      lapply(., function(x) {
        temp                  = x[1, ]
        temp$ecoclassname     = paste0(x$ecoclassname, collapse = ", ")
        temp$ecoclasstypename = paste0(x$ecoclasstypename, collapse = ", ")
        temp$ecoclassref      = paste0(x$ecoclassref,  collapse = ", ")
        temp$ecoclassid       = paste0(x$ecoclassid,   collapse = ", ")
      }) ->.;
      do.call("rbind", .) ->.;
    d.component <- rbind(d.component[! idx, ], nodups)
    d.component <- with(d.component,
                        d.component[order(nationalmusym, - comppct_r, compname), ]

  # done

.get_comonth_from_SDA <- function(cokey) {
  q <- paste(
  .md(ColumnPhysicalName = "flodfreqcl", temp = TRUE, drop = FALSE),
  .md(ColumnPhysicalName = "pondfreqcl", temp = TRUE, drop = FALSE),
  .md(ColumnPhysicalName = "floddurcl",  temp = TRUE, drop = FALSE),
  .md(ColumnPhysicalName = "ponddurcl",  temp = TRUE, drop = FALSE),
  "CREATE TABLE #CM1 (cokey INT, flodfreqcl CHAR(13), n_flodfreqcl INT, floddurcl CHAR(32), n_floddurcl INT, pondfreqcl CHAR(10), n_pondfreqcl INT, ponddurcl CHAR(29), n_ponddurcl INT, flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence INT, floddurcl_ChoiceSequence INT, pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence INT, ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence INT)
  INSERT INTO #CM1 (cokey, flodfreqcl, n_flodfreqcl, floddurcl, n_floddurcl, pondfreqcl, n_pondfreqcl, ponddurcl, n_ponddurcl, flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, floddurcl_ChoiceSequence, pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence)
  flodfreqcl, COUNT(flodfreqcl) n_flodfreqcl, floddurcl, COUNT(floddurcl) n_floddurcl,
  pondfreqcl, COUNT(pondfreqcl) n_pondfreqcl, ponddurcl, COUNT(ponddurcl) n_ponddurcl,
  flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, floddurcl_ChoiceSequence, ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence
  FROM comonth cm 
  -- flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ChoiceLabel, ChoiceSequence flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence FROM #MD_flodfreqcl) md_flod ON md_flod.ChoiceLabel = cm.flodfreqcl
  -- floddurcl_ChoiceSequence
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ChoiceLabel, ChoiceSequence floddurcl_ChoiceSequence FROM #MD_floddurcl) md_flod2 ON md_flod2.ChoiceLabel = cm.floddurcl
  -- pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ChoiceLabel, ChoiceSequence pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence FROM #MD_pondfreqcl) md_pond ON md_pond.ChoiceLabel = cm.pondfreqcl
  -- ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence
  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ChoiceLabel, ChoiceSequence ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence FROM #MD_ponddurcl) md_pond2 ON md_pond2.ChoiceLabel = cm.ponddurcl
  WHERE cokey IN ", format_SQL_in_statement(cokey),
  "GROUP BY cokey, flodfreqcl, floddurcl, pondfreqcl, ponddurcl, flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence, floddurcl_ChoiceSequence, ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence
  ORDER BY cokey;
  -- FIRST_VALUE(cokey)        OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY cokey) cokey, 
  FIRST_VALUE(flodfreqcl)   OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) flodfreqcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(n_flodfreqcl) OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY flodfreqcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) n_flodfreqcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(floddurcl)    OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY floddurcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) floddurcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(n_floddurcl)  OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY floddurcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) n_floddurcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(pondfreqcl)   OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) pondfreqcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(n_pondfreqcl) OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY pondfreqcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) n_pondfreqcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(ponddurcl)    OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) ponddurcl,
  FIRST_VALUE(n_ponddurcl)  OVER (PARTITION BY cokey ORDER BY ponddurcl_ChoiceSequence DESC) n_ponddurcl
  FROM #CM1;
  -- cleanup
  DROP TABLE #MD_flodfreqcl;
  DROP TABLE #MD_pondfreqcl;
  DROP TABLE #MD_floddurcl;
  DROP TABLE #MD_ponddurcl;
  df <- SDA_query(q)
  if (inherits(df, 'try-error')) {
  vars <- c("flodfreqcl", "floddurcl", "pondfreqcl", "ponddurcl")
  df[vars] <- lapply(df[vars], trimws)

.md <-  function(ColumnPhysicalName = NULL, temp = FALSE, drop = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(ColumnPhysicalName)) {
    nm <- paste0("#MD_", ColumnPhysicalName) 
    } else nm <- "#MD"
  q <- paste0(
  if (temp == TRUE) paste("CREATE TABLE", nm, "(DomainID INT, DomainName CHAR(37), DomainRanked INT, DisplayLabel INT, ChoiceSequence INT, ChoiceValue INT, ChoiceName CHAR(56), ChoiceLabel CHAR(154), ChoiceObsolete INT, ColumnPhysicalName CHAR(30), ColumnLogicalName CHAR(30)); "),
  if (temp == TRUE) paste("INSERT INTO", nm, "(DomainID, DomainName, DomainRanked, DisplayLabel, ChoiceSequence, ChoiceValue, ChoiceName, ChoiceLabel, ChoiceObsolete, ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName) "),

  mdd.DomainID AS DomainID, DomainName, DomainRanked, DisplayLabel, 
  ChoiceSequence, ChoiceValue, ChoiceName, ChoiceLabel, ChoiceObsolete, 
  ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName
  FROM MetadataDomainDetail mdd
  INNER JOIN MetadataDomainMaster mdm ON mdm.DomainID = mdd.DomainID
  SELECT DomainID, ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName
  FROM MetadataTableColumn 
  GROUP BY DomainID, ColumnPhysicalName, ColumnLogicalName
  ) mtc ON mtc.DomainID = mdd.DomainID
  if (!is.null(ColumnPhysicalName)) {
    paste0("WHERE ColumnPhysicalName = '", ColumnPhysicalName, "'") 
  "ORDER BY mdd.DomainID, ColumnPhysicalName, ChoiceSequence;
  if (drop == TRUE) {
    paste0("SELECT * FROM ", nm, ";
    -- cleanup
    DROP TABLE ", nm, ";")
    } else ""

.get_cosurffrags_from_SDA <- function(cokey, nullFragsAreZero = nullFragsAreZero) {

  q <- paste("

  -- find sfragsize_r
  CREATE TABLE #RF1 (cokey INT, cosurffragskey INT, sfragcov_r REAL,
                     shape CHAR(7), para INT, nonpara INT, fragsize_r2 INT);

  INSERT INTO  #RF1 (cokey, cosurffragskey, sfragcov_r, shape, para, nonpara, fragsize_r2)

  cokey, cosurffragskey, sfragcov_r,
  -- shape
  CASE WHEN sfragshp = 'Nonflat' OR sfragshp IS NULL THEN 'nonflat' ELSE 'flat' END shape,
  -- hardness
  CASE WHEN sfraghard IN ('Extremely weakly cemented', 'Very weakly cemented', 'Weakly cemented', 'Weakly cemented*', 'Moderately cemented', 'Moderately cemented*', 'soft')             THEN 1 ELSE NULL END para,
  CASE WHEN sfraghard IN ('Strongly cemented', 'Strongly cemented*', 'Very strongly cemented', 'Extremely strong', 'Indurated', 'hard')
       OR sfraghard IS NULL
       THEN 1 ELSE NULL END nonpara,
  -- sfragsize_r
  CASE WHEN sfragsize_r IS NOT NULL THEN sfragsize_r
       WHEN sfragsize_r IS NULL     AND sfragsize_h IS NOT NULL AND sfragsize_l IS NOT NULL
       THEN (sfragsize_h + sfragsize_l) / 2
       WHEN sfragsize_h IS NOT NULL THEN sfragsize_h
       WHEN sfragsize_l IS NOT NULL THEN sfragsize_l

  FROM cosurffrags

  WHERE cokey IN (", paste0(cokey, collapse = ", "), ")

  ORDER BY cokey, cosurffragskey;

  -- compute logicals
  CREATE TABLE #RF2 (cokey INT, cosurffragskey INT, sfragcov_r REAL, para INT, nonpara INT,                      fine_gravel INT, gravel INT, cobbles INT, stones INT, boulders INT,                        channers INT, flagstones INT, unspecified INT
  INSERT INTO  #RF2 (cokey, cosurffragskey, sfragcov_r, para, nonpara,
                     fine_gravel, gravel, cobbles, stones, boulders, channers, flagstones,
  cokey, cosurffragskey, sfragcov_r, para, nonpara,
  -- fragments
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2  AND fragsize_r2 < 5   AND shape = 'nonflat'
       END fine_gravel,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2  AND fragsize_r2 < 75  AND shape = 'nonflat'
       END gravel,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 75 AND fragsize_r2 < 250 AND shape = 'nonflat'
       END cobbles,
  CASE WHEN ((fragsize_r2 >= 250 AND fragsize_r2 < 600 AND shape = 'nonflat') OR
             (fragsize_r2 >= 380 AND fragsize_r2 < 600 AND shape = 'flat'))
       THEN 1 ELSE NULL END stones,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 600
       END boulders,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2   AND fragsize_r2 < 150 AND shape = 'flat'
       END channers,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 150 AND fragsize_r2 < 380 AND shape = 'flat'
       END flagstones,
  CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 IS NULL
       END unspecified


  ORDER BY cokey, cosurffragskey;

  -- summarize rock fragments
  -- nonpara rock fragments
  SUM(sfragcov_r * fine_gravel * nonpara)  surface_fine_gravel,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * gravel      * nonpara)  surface_gravel,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * cobbles     * nonpara)  surface_cobbles,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * stones      * nonpara)  surface_stones,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * boulders    * nonpara)  surface_boulders,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * channers    * nonpara)  surface_channers,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * flagstones  * nonpara)  surface_flagstones,
  -- para rock fragments
  SUM(sfragcov_r * fine_gravel * para)     surface_parafine_gravel,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * gravel      * para)     surface_paragravel,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * cobbles     * para)     surface_paracobbles,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * stones      * para)     surface_parastones,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * boulders    * para)     surface_paraboulders,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * channers    * para)     surface_parachanners,
  SUM(sfragcov_r * flagstones  * para)     surface_paraflagstones,
  -- unspecified
  SUM(sfragcov_r * unspecified)            surface_unspecified,
  -- total_frags_pct_para
  SUM(sfragcov_r               * nonpara)  surface_total_frags_pct_nopf,
  -- total_frags_pct
  SUM(sfragcov_r)                          surface_total_frags_pct


  GROUP BY cokey

  ORDER BY cokey;

  -- cleanup

  d <- SDA_query(q)
  if (inherits(d, 'try-error')) {
  if (is.null(d)) {
    d <- data.frame(
      cokey = cokey[1],
      surface_fine_gravel = as.integer(NA),
      surface_gravel      = as.integer(NA),
      surface_cobbles     = as.integer(NA),
      surface_stones      = as.integer(NA),
      surface_boulders    = as.integer(NA),
      surface_channers    = as.integer(NA),
      surface_flagstones  = as.integer(NA),
      surface_parafine_gravel = as.integer(NA),
      surface_paragravel      = as.integer(NA),
      surface_paracobbles     = as.integer(NA),
      surface_parastones      = as.integer(NA),
      surface_paraboulders    = as.integer(NA),
      surface_parachanners    = as.integer(NA),
      surface_paraflagstones  = as.integer(NA),
      surface_unspecified     = as.integer(NA),
      surface_total_frags_pct_nopf = as.integer(NA),
      surface_total_frags_pct      = as.integer(NA))

  # set NA values as integer NA
  idx <- sapply(d, function(x) all(is.na(x)))
  d[idx] <- lapply(d[idx], function(x) x = as.integer(NA))



#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
#' @param mrulename character. Interpretation rule names 
get_cointerp_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, mrulename = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
                                  droplevels = TRUE,
                                  stringsAsFactors = NULL
                                  ) {
  if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
    .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))
  d.component <- get_component_from_SDA(WHERE = WHERE, duplicates = duplicates,
                                        childs = FALSE

  q.cointerp <- paste0("

  co.cokey, mrulename, max_seqnum, interpll, interplr, interphr, interphh, interpllc, interplrc, interphrc, interphhc

  component co                          LEFT OUTER JOIN
  cointerp  coi ON coi.cokey = co.cokey

      (SELECT co2.cokey, coi2.mrulekey, MAX(seqnum) max_seqnum
       component co2                       LEFT OUTER JOIN
       cointerp  coi2 ON coi2.cokey = co2.cokey
       WHERE co2.cokey IN ('", paste0(d.component$cokey, collapse = "', '"), "')",
                       if (!is.null(mrulename)) paste0(" AND mrulename = '", mrulename, "'"), "
       GROUP BY co2.cokey, coi2.mrulekey
      ) coi22 ON coi22.cokey = co.cokey AND coi22.mrulekey = coi.mrulekey

  WHERE co.cokey IN ('", paste0(d.component$cokey, collapse = "', '"), "') AND
        mrulename = rulename

  ORDER BY co.cokey ASC"

  d.cointerp <- SDA_query(q.cointerp)
  if (inherits(d.cointerp, 'try-error')) {
  # recode metadata domains
  d.cointerp <- uncode(d.cointerp)

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
get_legend_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL) {
  q.legend  <- paste("
                     mlraoffice, areasymbol, areaname, areatypename, CAST(areaacres AS INTEGER) AS areaacres, ssastatus,
                     CAST(projectscale AS INTEGER) projectscale, cordate,
                     CAST(l.lkey AS INTEGER) lkey, COUNT(mu.mukey) n_mukey

                     FROM       legend  l
                     INNER JOIN mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey

                     WHERE", WHERE,

                     "GROUP BY mlraoffice, areasymbol, areaname, areatypename, areaacres, ssastatus, projectscale, cordate, l.lkey

                     ORDER BY areasymbol

  # exec query
  d.legend <- SDA_query(q.legend)

  # recode metadata domains
  d.legend <- uncode(d.legend, droplevels = droplevels)

  # done

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
get_lmuaoverlap_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, droplevels = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = NULL) {

  q <- paste("SELECT
             legend.areasymbol, legend.areaname, legend.areaacres,
             lao.areatypename lao_areatypename, lao.areasymbol lao_areasymbol, lao.areaname lao_areaname, lao.areaovacres lao_areaovacres,
             mu.mukey, musym, nationalmusym, muname, mustatus, muacres,
             muao.areaovacres muao_areaovacres

             legend                                   INNER JOIN
             mapunit     mu ON mu.lkey  = legend.lkey

             INNER JOIN
                 laoverlap  lao ON lao.lkey       = legend.lkey

             INNER JOIN
                 muaoverlap muao ON muao.mukey       = mu.mukey
                                AND muao.lareaovkey  = lao.lareaovkey

             WHERE", WHERE,

             "ORDER BY legend.areasymbol, mu.musym, legend.areatypename

  # exec query
  d <- SDA_query(q)
  if (inherits(d, 'try-error')) {
  if (!is.null(d)) {
    d$musym <- as.character(d$musym)
    # recode metadata domains
    d <- uncode(d, droplevels = droplevels)

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
get_mapunit_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL,
                                 droplevels = TRUE,
                                 stringsAsFactors = NULL
                                 ) {
  if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
    .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))
  q.mapunit <- paste("
  areasymbol, l.lkey, mukey, nationalmusym, musym, muname,
  mukind, mustatus, invesintens, muacres, farmlndcl,
  pct_component, pct_hydric, n_component, n_majcompflag

  legend  l                      INNER JOIN
  mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey LEFT OUTER JOIN

  (SELECT  co.mukey co_mukey,
   SUM(comppct_r * CASE WHEN hydricrating = 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) pct_hydric,
   SUM(comppct_r)                                                    pct_component,
   COUNT(*)                                                          n_component,
   SUM(CASE WHEN majcompflag  = 'Yes' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)             n_majcompflag

   FROM     component co
   GROUP BY co.mukey
  ) co ON co.co_mukey = mu.mukey


  "ORDER BY areasymbol, muname;")

  # exec query
  d.mapunit <- SDA_query(q.mapunit)
  if (inherits(d.mapunit, 'try-error')) {
  if (!is.null(d.mapunit)) {
    d.mapunit$musym = as.character(d.mapunit$musym)
    # recode metadata domains
    d.mapunit <- uncode(d.mapunit, droplevels = droplevels)
  # done

#' @export 
#' @rdname fetchSDA
get_chorizon_from_SDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE,
                                  childs = TRUE,
                                  nullFragsAreZero = TRUE,
                                  droplevels = TRUE,
                                  stringsAsFactors = NULL) {
  if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
    .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))

  q.chorizon <- paste("
    SELECT ", ifelse(!duplicates, "DISTINCT", ""),
     " hzname, hzdept_r, hzdepb_r, texture, texcl, lieutex,
       fragvol_l, fragvol_r, fragvol_h, 
       sandtotal_l, sandtotal_r, sandtotal_h, 
       silttotal_l, silttotal_r, silttotal_h, 
       claytotal_l, claytotal_r, claytotal_h,
       om_l, om_r, om_h, 
       dbthirdbar_l, dbthirdbar_r, dbthirdbar_h,
       ksat_l, ksat_r, ksat_h,  
       awc_l, awc_r, awc_h, 
       lep_r, sar_r, ec_r, cec7_r, sumbases_r, 
       ph1to1h2o_l, ph1to1h2o_r, ph1to1h2o_h,
       caco3_l, caco3_r, caco3_h, 
       kwfact, kffact, c.cokey, ch.chkey
    FROM legend l INNER JOIN
    mapunit mu ON mu.lkey = l.lkey",
  if (duplicates == FALSE) {
       (SELECT MIN(nationalmusym) nationalmusym2, MIN(mukey) AS mukey2
        FROM mapunit
        GROUP BY nationalmusym) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey2 = mu.mukey
  } else {
       (SELECT nationalmusym, mukey
        FROM mapunit) AS mu2 ON mu2.mukey = mu.mukey
  "INNER JOIN component c ON c.mukey = mu.mukey   
   LEFT JOIN chorizon ch ON ch.cokey = c.cokey    
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ch2.chkey, texture,
                     STRING_AGG(texcl, ',') texcl, 
                     STRING_AGG(lieutex, ',') lieutex
                    FROM chorizon ch2
                    LEFT JOIN chtexturegrp chtg ON chtg.chkey = ch2.chkey AND rvindicator = 'Yes' 
                    LEFT JOIN chtexture cht ON cht.chtgkey = chtg.chtgkey
                    GROUP BY ch2.chkey, chtg.texture) texagg ON texagg.chkey = ch.chkey
       (SELECT SUM(fragvol_l) fragvol_l, SUM(fragvol_r) fragvol_r, SUM(fragvol_h) fragvol_h, ch2.chkey
        FROM chorizon ch2
        INNER JOIN chfrags chf ON chf.chkey = ch2.chkey

        GROUP BY ch2.chkey) chfrags2  ON chfrags2.chkey = ch.chkey


  "ORDER BY c.cokey, hzdept_r ASC;")
  # exec query
  d.chorizon <- SDA_query(q.chorizon)

  # get metadata
  metadata <- get_NASIS_metadata()
  if (inherits(d.chorizon, 'try-error')) {

  # transform variables and metadata
  if (!is.null(d.chorizon) && nrow(d.chorizon) > 0){
    d.chorizon <- within(d.chorizon, {
      nationalmusym = NULL
      texture = tolower(texture)
      if (getOption("stringsAsFactors", default = FALSE) || getOption("soilDB.NASIS.DomainsAsFactor", default = FALSE)) {
        texcl = factor(texcl, levels = metadata[metadata$ColumnPhysicalName == "texcl", "ChoiceLabel"])
      if (droplevels == droplevels && is.factor(texcl)) {
        texcl = droplevels(texcl)
    # Note: only chtexturegrp$texdesc from SDA matches metadata[metadata$ColumnPhysicalName == "texcl", "ChoiceName"] in metadata
    # # recode metadata domains
    # d.chorizon <- uncode(d.chorizon, NASIS = FALSE)

    if (childs == TRUE) {
      WHERE = paste0("WHERE co.cokey IN (", paste0(unique(d.chorizon$cokey), collapse = ","), ")")
      q.chfrags <- paste("
                            -- find fragsize_r
                            CREATE TABLE #RF1 (cokey INT, chkey INT, chfragskey INT, fragvol_r REAL,
                            shape CHAR(7), para INT, nonpara INT, fragsize_r2 INT);
                            INSERT INTO  #RF1 (cokey, chkey, chfragskey, fragvol_r, shape, para, nonpara, fragsize_r2)
                            SELECT             co.cokey, ch.chkey, chfragskey, fragvol_r,
                            -- shape
                            CASE WHEN fragshp = 'Nonflat' OR fragshp IS NULL THEN 'nonflat' ELSE 'flat' END shape,
                            -- hardness
                            CASE WHEN fraghard IN ('Extremely weakly cemented', 'Very weakly cemented', 'Weakly cemented', 'Weakly cemented*', 'Moderately cemented', 'Moderately cemented*', 'soft')                     THEN 1 ELSE NULL END para,
                            CASE WHEN fraghard IN ('Strongly cemented', 'Strongly cemented*', 'Very strongly cemented', 'Extremely strong', 'Indurated', 'hard')   OR fraghard IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE NULL END nonpara,
                            -- fragsize_r
                            CASE WHEN fragsize_r IS NOT NULL THEN fragsize_r
                            WHEN fragsize_r IS NULL     AND fragsize_h IS NOT NULL AND fragsize_l IS NOT NULL
                            THEN (fragsize_h + fragsize_l) / 2
                            WHEN fragsize_h IS NOT NULL THEN fragsize_h
                            WHEN fragsize_l IS NOT NULL THEN fragsize_l
                            ELSE NULL END
                            component co                        LEFT OUTER JOIN
                            chorizon  ch ON ch.cokey = co.cokey LEFT OUTER JOIN
                            chfrags   cf ON cf.chkey = ch.chkey",
                            WHERE = WHERE
                            ORDER BY co.cokey, ch.chkey, cf.chfragskey;
                            -- compute logicals
                            CREATE TABLE #RF2 (
                            cokey INT, chkey INT, chfragskey INT, fragvol_r REAL, para INT, nonpara INT,
                            fine_gravel INT, gravel INT, cobbles INT, stones INT, boulders INT, channers INT, flagstones INT,
                            unspecified INT
                            INSERT INTO  #RF2 (
                            cokey, chkey, chfragskey, fragvol_r, para, nonpara,
                            fine_gravel, gravel, cobbles, stones, boulders, channers, flagstones,
                            cokey, chkey, chfragskey, fragvol_r, para, nonpara,
                            -- fragments
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2   AND fragsize_r2 < 5   AND shape = 'nonflat' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END fine_gravel,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2   AND fragsize_r2 < 75  AND shape = 'nonflat' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END gravel,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 75  AND fragsize_r2 < 250 AND shape = 'nonflat' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END cobbles,
                            CASE WHEN ((fragsize_r2 >= 250 AND fragsize_r2 < 600 AND shape = 'nonflat') OR
                            (fragsize_r2 >= 380 AND fragsize_r2 <= 600 AND shape = 'flat'))
                            THEN 1 ELSE NULL END stones,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 600 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END boulders,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 2   AND fragsize_r2 < 150 AND shape = 'flat' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END channers,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 >= 150 AND fragsize_r2 < 380 AND shape = 'flat' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END flagstones,
                            CASE WHEN   fragsize_r2 IS NULL                                         THEN 1 ELSE NULL END unspecified
                            ORDER BY cokey, chkey, chfragskey;
                            -- summarize rock fragments
                            -- nonpara rock fragments
                            SUM(fragvol_r * fine_gravel * nonpara)  fine_gravel,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * gravel      * nonpara)  gravel,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * cobbles     * nonpara)  cobbles,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * stones      * nonpara)  stones,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * boulders    * nonpara)  boulders,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * channers    * nonpara)  channers,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * flagstones  * nonpara)  flagstones,
                            -- para rock fragments
                            SUM(fragvol_r * fine_gravel * para)     parafine_gravel,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * gravel      * para)     paragravel,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * cobbles     * para)     paracobbles,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * stones      * para)     parastones,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * boulders    * para)     paraboulders,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * channers    * para)     parachanners,
                            SUM(fragvol_r * flagstones  * para)     paraflagstones,
                            -- unspecified
                            SUM(fragvol_r * unspecified)            unspecified,
                            -- total_frags_pct_para
                            SUM(fragvol_r               * nonpara)  total_frags_pct_nopf,
                            -- total_frags_pct
                            SUM(fragvol_r)                          total_frags_pct
                            FROM #RF2
                            GROUP BY cokey, chkey
                            ORDER BY cokey, chkey;
                            -- cleanup
                            DROP TABLE #RF1;
                            DROP TABLE #RF2;
      d.chfrags  <- SDA_query(q.chfrags)
      if (inherits(d.chfrags, 'try-error')) {
      # r.rf.data.v2 nullFragsAreZero = TRUE
      idx <- !names(d.chfrags) %in% "chkey"
      if (nullFragsAreZero == TRUE) {
        d.chfrags[idx] <- lapply(d.chfrags[idx], function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))
      d.chorizon <- merge(d.chorizon, d.chfrags, all.x = TRUE, by = "chkey", sort = FALSE)
  # } else {
  #   return(structure(list(chkey = integer(0), hzname = character(0), hzdept_r = integer(0), 
  #                         hzdepb_r = integer(0), texture = character(0), texcl = character(0), 
  #                         fragvol_l = integer(0), fragvol_r = integer(0), fragvol_h = integer(0), 
  #                         sandtotal_l = numeric(0), sandtotal_r = numeric(0), sandtotal_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         silttotal_l = numeric(0), silttotal_r = numeric(0), silttotal_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         claytotal_l = numeric(0), claytotal_r = numeric(0), claytotal_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         om_l = numeric(0), om_r = numeric(0), om_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         dbthirdbar_l = numeric(0), dbthirdbar_r = numeric(0), dbthirdbar_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         ksat_l = numeric(0), ksat_r = numeric(0), ksat_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         awc_l = numeric(0), awc_r = numeric(0), awc_h = numeric(0), 
  #                         lep_r = numeric(0), sar_r = numeric(0), ec_r = numeric(0), 
  #                         cec7_r = numeric(0), sumbases_r = numeric(0), ph1to1h2o_l = numeric(0), 
  #                         ph1to1h2o_r = numeric(0), ph1to1h2o_h = numeric(0), caco3_l = integer(0), 
  #                         caco3_r = integer(0), caco3_h = integer(0), kwfact = character(0), 
  #                         kffact = character(0), cokey = integer(0), fine_gravel = numeric(0), 
  #                         gravel = numeric(0), cobbles = numeric(0), stones = numeric(0), 
  #                         boulders = numeric(0), channers = numeric(0), flagstones = numeric(0), 
  #                         parafine_gravel = numeric(0), paragravel = numeric(0), paracobbles = numeric(0), 
  #                         parastones = numeric(0), paraboulders = numeric(0), parachanners = numeric(0), 
  #                         paraflagstones = numeric(0), unspecified = numeric(0), total_frags_pct_nopf = numeric(0), 
  #                         total_frags_pct = numeric(0)), row.names = integer(0), class = "data.frame"))

  # done

.get_diagnostics_from_SDA <- function(target_cokeys) {
  # query SDA to get corresponding codiagfeatures
  q <- paste0('SELECT * FROM codiagfeatures WHERE cokey IN ', format_SQL_in_statement(target_cokeys), ";")

.get_restrictions_from_SDA <- function(target_cokeys) {
  # query SDA to get corresponding corestrictions
  q <- paste0('SELECT * FROM corestrictions WHERE cokey IN ', format_SQL_in_statement(target_cokeys), ";")

#' @title Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data Access
#' @description Functions to download and flatten commonly used tables and from Soil Data
#' Access, and create soil profile collection objects (SPC).
#' @details These functions return data from Soil Data Access with the use of a simple
#' text string that formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (e.g. \code{WHERE =
#' "areasymbol = 'IN001'"}. All functions are SQL queries that wrap around
#' \code{SDAquery()} and format the data for analysis.
#' Beware SDA includes the data for both SSURGO and STATSGO2. The
#' \code{areasymbol} for STATSGO2 is \code{US}. For just SSURGO, include
#' \code{WHERE = "areareasymbol != 'US'"}.
#' If the duplicates argument is set to TRUE, duplicate components are
#' returned. This is not necessary with data returned from NASIS, which has one
#' unique national map unit. SDA has duplicate map national map units, one for
#' each legend it exists in.
#' The value of \code{nullFragsAreZero} will have a significant impact on the
#' rock fragment fractions returned by \code{fetchSDA}. Set
#' \code{nullFragsAreZero = FALSE} in those cases where there are many
#' data-gaps and NULL rock fragment values should be interpreted as NULLs. Set
#' \code{nullFragsAreZero = TRUE} in those cases where NULL rock fragment
#' values should be interpreted as 0.
#' Additional examples can be found in the [Soil Data Access (SDA) Tutorial](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/SDA-tutorial.html)
#' @aliases fetchSDA get_legend_from_SDA get_lmuaoverlap_from_SDA
#' get_mapunit_from_SDA get_component_from_SDA get_chorizon_from_SDA
#' get_cosoilmoist_from_SDA get_cointerp_from_SDA
#' @param WHERE text string formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (default: FALSE)
#' @param duplicates logical; if TRUE a record is returned for each unique
#' mukey (may be many per nationalmusym)
#' @param childs logical; if FALSE parent material and geomorphic child tables
#' are not flattened and appended
#' @param nullFragsAreZero should fragment volumes of NULL be interpreted as 0?
#' (default: TRUE), see details
#' @param rmHzErrors should pedons with horizonation errors be removed from the
#' results? (default: FALSE)
#' @param droplevels logical: indicating whether to drop unused levels in
#' classifying factors. This is useful when a class has large number of unused
#' classes, which can waste space in tables and figures.
#' @param stringsAsFactors deprecated
#' @return A data.frame or SoilProfileCollection object.
#' @author Stephen Roecker
#' @seealso \link{SDA_query}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export fetchSDA
fetchSDA <- function(WHERE = NULL, duplicates = FALSE, childs = TRUE,
                     nullFragsAreZero = TRUE,
                     rmHzErrors = FALSE,
                     droplevels = TRUE,
                     stringsAsFactors = NULL
                     ) {

  if (!missing(stringsAsFactors) && is.logical(stringsAsFactors)) {
    .Deprecated(msg = sprintf("stringsAsFactors argument is deprecated.\nSetting package option with `NASISDomainsAsFactor(%s)`", stringsAsFactors))
  # load data in pieces
  f.component <- get_component_from_SDA(WHERE,
                                        duplicates = duplicates,
                                        childs = childs,
                                        droplevels = droplevels,
                                        nullFragsAreZero = TRUE
  if (inherits(f.component, 'try-error')) {
  if (is.null(f.component)) {
    stop("WHERE clause returned no components.", call. = FALSE)
  # AGB update: only query component horizon for cokeys in the component result (subject to user-specified WHERE clause)
  f.chorizon  <- get_chorizon_from_SDA(paste0('c.cokey IN', format_SQL_in_statement(unique(f.component$cokey))),
                                       duplicates = duplicates,
                                       droplevels = droplevels
  # only query mapunit for mukeys in the component result
  f.mapunit  <- get_mapunit_from_SDA(paste('mu.nationalmusym IN', format_SQL_in_statement(unique(f.component$nationalmusym))))
  # diagnostic features and restrictions
  f.diag <- .get_diagnostics_from_SDA(f.component$cokey)
  f.restr <- .get_restrictions_from_SDA(f.component$cokey)

  # optionally test for bad horizonation... flag, and remove
  if (rmHzErrors) {
    f.chorizon.test <- aqp::checkHzDepthLogic(f.chorizon, hzdepths = c('hzdept_r', 'hzdepb_r'),
                                              idname = 'cokey', fast = TRUE)

    # which are the good (valid) ones?
    good.ids <- as.character(f.chorizon.test$cokey[which(f.chorizon.test$valid)])
    bad.ids  <- as.character(f.chorizon.test$cokey[which(! f.chorizon.test$valid)])

    # keep the good ones
    f.chorizon <- f.chorizon[which(f.chorizon$cokey %in% good.ids), ]

    # keep track of those components with horizonation errors
    if(length(bad.ids) > 0)
      assign('component.hz.problems', value=bad.ids, envir=get_soilDB_env())

  if (inherits(f.chorizon, 'try-error')) {
  # upgrade to SoilProfilecollection
  depths(f.chorizon) <- cokey ~ hzdept_r + hzdepb_r

  ## TODO: this will fail in the presence of duplicates
  ## TODO: make this error more informative
  # add site data to object
  site(f.chorizon) <- f.component # left-join via cokey
  # join mapunit on nationalmusym/mukey if present
  site(f.chorizon) <- f.mapunit
  # set SDA/SSURGO-specific horizon identifier
  if ('chkey' %in% aqp::horizonNames(f.chorizon) && all(!is.na('chkey'))) {
      hzidname(f.chorizon) <- 'chkey'

  # set optional hz designation and texture slots
  hzdesgnname(f.chorizon) <- "hzname"
  hztexclname(f.chorizon) <- "texture"

  # add diagnostics
  if(is.data.frame(f.diag)) {
    diagnostic_hz(f.chorizon) <- f.diag

  # add restrictions
  if(is.data.frame(f.restr)) {
    restrictions(f.chorizon) <- f.restr

  # print any messages on possible data quality problems:
  if (exists('component.hz.problems', envir=get_soilDB_env()))
    message("-> QC: horizon errors detected, use `get('component.hz.problems', envir=get_soilDB_env())` for component keys (cokey)")

  # done, return SPC


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