
Defines functions .copm_prep .cosoilmoist_prep .test_thk .formatOtherVegString .formatEcositeString .formatcoParentMaterialString .formatcoLandformString .formatParentMaterialString .formatLandformString .pickBestEcosite .pickBestTaxHistory .hzSuffixLongtoWide .diagHzLongtoWide

## misc functions used by soilDB

## TODO: keep track of funky records in the soilDB env

## TODO: consider toggling paralithic contact to FALSE when lithic contact is TRUE
# convert diagnostic horizon info into wide-formatted, boolean table
.diagHzLongtoWide <- function(d, feature = 'featkind', id = 'peiid') {

	# get unique vector of diagnostic hz
	d.unique <- na.omit(unique(as.character(d[[feature]])))

	# init list for storing initial FALSE for each ID / diag kind
	l <- vector(mode='list')

	# add unique id
	l[[id]] <- unique(d[[id]])

	# make a vector of FALSE, matching the length of unique ID
	f <- rep(FALSE, times=length(l[[id]]))

	# iterate over diagnostic hz kind
	for(i in d.unique) {
		# fill this list element with FALSE
		l[[i]] <- f
		# lookup those ID with this feature
		matching.id <- d[[id]][which(d[[feature]] == i)]
		# toggle FALSE-->TRUE for these pedons
		l[[i]][which(l[[id]] %in% matching.id)] <- TRUE

	# convert to DF


## TODO: this may need some review
## convert horizon designation pieces info into wide-formatted, boolean table
.hzSuffixLongtoWide <- function(d) {

	# get unique vector of all hzdesgnsuffix
	d.unique <- na.omit(unique(d$desgnsuffix))

	# init list for storing initial FALSE for each phiid / desgnsuffix
	l <- vector(mode='list')

	# add unique phiid
	l[['phiid']] <- unique(d$phiid)

	# make a vector of FALSE, matching the length of unique phiid
	f <- rep(FALSE, times=length(l[['phiid']]))

	# iterate over hzdesgnsuffix
	for(i in d.unique) {
		# fill this list element with FALSE
		l[[i]] <- f
		# lookup those phiid with this horizon suffix
		matching.phiid <- d$phiid[which(d$desgnsuffix == i)]
		# toggle FALSE-->TRUE for these horizons
		l[[i]][which(l[['phiid']] %in% matching.phiid)] <- TRUE

	# convert to DF


## TODO: this may need some review
## try and pick the best possible taxhistory record
.pickBestTaxHistory <- function(d) {

	# add a method field (a character)
	d$selection_method <- NA_character_

	# short-circuit: 1 row
	if(nrow(d) < 2) {
	  d$selection_method <- 'single record'

	## TODO: this must be a POSIXct / Date class object, if not results will be incorrect
	# try to get the most recent
	d.order <- order(d$classdate, decreasing=TRUE)

	# if there are multiple (unique) dates, return the most recent
	if(length(unique(d$classdate)) > 1) {
		d$selection_method <- 'most recent'
		return(d[d.order[1], ])

	# otherwise, return the record with the least number of missing cells
	# if there are the same number of missing cells, the first record is returned
	n.na <- apply(d, 1, function(i) length(which(is.na(i))))
	best.record <- which.min(n.na)

	d$selection_method <- 'least missing data'
	return(d[best.record, ])

## TODO: this may need some review
## try and pick the best possible ecosite record
.pickBestEcosite <- function(d, es_classifier = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(es_classifier)) {
    d <- d[which(d$es_classifier %in% es_classifier),]
	# add a method field
	d$es_selection_method <- NA_character_

	# try to get the most recent:
	d.order <- order(d$ecositecorrdate, decreasing = TRUE)
	# if there are multiple (unique) dates, return the most recent
	if (length(unique(d$ecositecorrdate)) > 1) {
		d$es_selection_method <- 'most recent'
		d$recwlupdated <- NULL
		return(d[d.order[1], ])
	# sort order is not stable when no correlation dates are populated (use record date)
	if (all(is.na(d$ecositecorrdate))) {
	  d.order <- order(d$recwlupdated, decreasing=TRUE)
	  d <- d[d.order,]

	# otherwise, return the record with the least number of missing cells
	# if there are the same number of missing cells, the first record is returned
	n.na <- apply(d, 1, function(i) length(which(is.na(i))))
	best.record <- which.min(n.na)

	d$es_selection_method <- 'least missing data'
	d$recwlupdated <- NULL
	return(d[best.record, ])

## TODO: this may need some review
## try and pick the best possible ecosite record
# .pickBestOtherVeg <- function(d) {
#   # add a method field
#   d$es_selection_method <- NA
#   # try to get the most recent:
#   d.order <- order(d$ecositecorrdate, decreasing=TRUE)
#   # if there are multiple (unique) dates, return the most recent
#   if(length(unique(d$ecositecorrdate)) > 1) {
#     d$es_selection_method <- 'most recent'
#     return(d[d.order[1], ])
#   }
#   # otherwise, return the record with the least number of missing cells
#   # if there are the same number of missing cells, the first record is returned
#   n.na <- apply(d, 1, function(i) length(which(is.na(i))))
#   best.record <- which.min(n.na)
#   d$es_selection_method <- 'least missing data'
#   return(d[best.record, ])
# }

## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
## TODO: https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/47
## 2015-11-30: short-circuits could use some work, consider pre-marking mistakes in calling function
# attempt to format "landform" records into a single string
# note: there are several assumptions made about the data,
# see "short-circuits" used when there are funky data
.formatLandformString <- function(i.gm, uid = NULL, name.sep='|') {

  # get the current group of rows by unique ID (either passed by caller or calculated)
  if (is.null(uid) | length(uid) == 0)
    soiliid <- unique(i.gm$peiid) # backwards compatible with hardcoded "peiid"
    soiliid <- uid

  if (is.null(soiliid))

  if (length(soiliid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple pedon records')

  # sanity check: this functionican only be applied to data from a single pedon
  if (length(soiliid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple pedon records')

  # subset geomorph data to landforms, landscape and microfeature
  i.ls <- i.gm[which(i.gm$geomftname == 'landscape'), ]
  i.mf <- i.gm[which(i.gm$geomftname == 'microfeature'), ]
  i.gm <- i.gm[which(i.gm$geomftname == 'landform'), ]

  # subset landform data to RV (or NULL) hillslope position?
  # i.gm <- i.gm[which(i.gm$cosurfmorphhpprv | is.na(i.gm$cosurfmorphhpprv)), ]

  # allow for NA's
  if (nrow(i.gm) == 0) {
    return(data.frame(peiid = soiliid,
                      landform_string = NA_character_,
                      landscape_string = NA_character_,
                      microfeature_string = NA_character_,
                      hillslopeprof_string = NA_character_,
                      geompos_string = NA_character_,
                      slopeshape_string = NA_character_,
                      geomicrorelief_string = NA_character_,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # landscape
  landsc.string <- paste0(unique(trimws(paste(i.ls$geomfmod[!is.na(i.ls$geomfmod)], i.ls$geomfname))), collapse = name.sep)

  # microfeature
  mf.string <- paste0(unique(trimws(paste(i.mf$geomfmod[!is.na(i.mf$geomfmod)], i.mf$geomfname[!is.na(i.mf$geomfname)]))), collapse = name.sep)

  # 2d hillslope position
  hspp <- unique(paste0(i.gm$hillslopeprof, ifelse(i.gm$cosurfmorphhpprv, "*",""))[!is.na(i.gm$hillslopeprof)])
  surf2d.string <- paste0(hspp, collapse = name.sep)

  # 3d geomorphic description
  surf3d.string <- paste0(unique(paste0(c(i.gm$geomposmntn[!is.na(i.gm$geomposmntn)],
                                        i.gm$geomposflats[!is.na(i.gm$geomposflats)])), collapse = name.sep), collapse = name.sep)

  # microrelief
  surfmr.string <- paste0(unique(i.gm$geomicrorelief[!is.na(i.gm$geomicrorelief)]), collapse = name.sep)

  # surface shape
  surfss <- paste0(i.gm$shapeacross[!is.na(i.gm$shapeacross)], "/", i.gm$shapedown[!is.na(i.gm$shapedown)])
  surfss.string <- paste0(unique(surfss[nchar(surfss) > 1]), collapse = name.sep)

  landsc.string[landsc.string == ""] <- NA
  mf.string[mf.string == ""] <- NA
  surf2d.string[surf2d.string == ""] <- NA
  surf3d.string[surf3d.string == ""] <- NA
  surfmr.string[surfmr.string == ""] <- NA
  surfss.string[surfss.string == ""] <- NA

  # short-circuit: if any geomfeatid are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(is.na(i.gm$geomfeatid))) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. NA in geomfeatid:', soiliid))

    ft.string <- paste(unique(trimws(paste(i.gm$geomfmod[!is.na(i.gm$geomfmod)], i.gm$geomfname))), collapse = name.sep)
      peiid = soiliid,
      landform_string = ft.string,
      landscape_string = landsc.string,
      microfeature_string = mf.string,
      hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
      geompos_string = surf3d.string,
      slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
      geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # short-circuit: if any feature exists on itself, then use row-order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(na.omit(c(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat), FALSE))) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. Error in exists-on logic:', soiliid))

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
      peiid = soiliid,
      landform_string = ft.string,
      landscape_string = landsc.string,
      microfeature_string = mf.string,
      hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
      geompos_string = surf3d.string,
      slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
      geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # get an index to the top-most and bottom-most features
  # only 1 row should match these criteria
  top.feature <- which(!i.gm$geomfeatid %in% i.gm$existsonfeat)
  bottom.feature <- which(!i.gm$existsonfeat %in% i.gm$geomfeatid)

  # short-circut: incorrect data-population, usually duplicate entries with IDs that make no sense: use row-order
  if(length(top.feature) == 0 & length(bottom.feature) == 0) {
    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Error in exists-on logic: ', soiliid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
      peiid = soiliid,
      landform_string = ft.string,
      landscape_string = landsc.string,
      microfeature_string = mf.string,
      hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
      geompos_string = surf3d.string,
      slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
      geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  ## short-circuit: only 1 row, and exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(nrow(i.gm) == 1 & length(top.feature) == length(bottom.feature)) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Single row / error in exists-on logic: ', soiliid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
      peiid = soiliid,
      landform_string = ft.string,
      landscape_string = landsc.string,
      microfeature_string = mf.string,
      hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
      geompos_string = surf3d.string,
      slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
      geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # short-circuit: if the exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(length(top.feature) > 1 | length(bottom.feature) > 1) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Incorrect exists-on specification: ', soiliid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
      peiid = soiliid,
      landform_string = ft.string,
      landscape_string = landsc.string,
      microfeature_string = mf.string,
      hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
      geompos_string = surf3d.string,
      slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
      geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # init a vector to store feature names
  ft.vect <- vector(mode = 'character', length = length(unique(i.gm[, 'geomfname'])))
  # the first feature is the top-most feature
  this.feature.idx <- top.feature

  # loop over features, until the bottom-most feature
  i <- 1
  while(i <= length(ft.vect)){
    # get the current feature
    f.i <- i.gm$geomfname[this.feature.idx]

    if(length(f.i) == 0) {

    # assign to vector of labels
    ft.vect[i] <- f.i

    # jump to the next feature
    this.feature.idx <- which(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat[this.feature.idx])
    i <- i + 1

  # paste into single string
  ft.string <- paste(unique(ft.vect), collapse = name.sep)

  # done!
    peiid = soiliid,
    landform_string = ft.string,
    landscape_string = landsc.string,
    microfeature_string = mf.string,
    hillslopeprof_string = surf2d.string,
    geompos_string = surf3d.string,
    slopeshape_string = surfss.string,
    geomicrorelief_string = surfmr.string,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
# attempt to flatten site parent material data into 2 strings
.formatParentMaterialString <- function(i.pm, uid = NULL, name.sep='|') {

  # get the current group of rows by unique ID (either passed by caller or calculated)
  if (is.null(uid))
    u.siteiid <- unique(i.pm$siteiid)
    u.siteiid <- uid

  if (is.null(u.siteiid))

  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single site
  if (length(u.siteiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple site records')

  # subset sitepm data to remove any with NA for pmkind
  i.pm <- i.pm[which(!is.na(i.pm$pmkind)), ]

  # if there is no data, then return NULL
  if (nrow(i.pm) == 0) {
    return(data.frame(siteiid = u.siteiid,
                      pmkind = NA_character_[length(u.siteiid)],
                      pmorigin = NA_character_[length(u.siteiid)],
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if any pmorder are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if (any(is.na(i.pm$pmorder))) {
    # optional information on which sites have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. NA in pmorder:', u.siteiid), call.=FALSE)
  } else {
    # there are no NAs in pmorder --> sort according to pmorder
    i.pm <- i.pm[order(i.pm$pmorder), ]

  # composite strings and return
  str.kind <- paste(i.pm$pmkind, collapse=name.sep)
  str.origin <- paste(unique(i.pm$pmorigin), collapse=name.sep)

  return(data.frame(siteiid=u.siteiid, pmkind=str.kind, pmorigin=str.origin, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

## TODO add .formatcoLandscapeString
# g <- split(geo, geo$coiid)
# gg <- lapply(g, function(i) {
#   idx <- which(i$geomftname == 'landscape')
#   id <- i$coiid[1]
#   res <- data.frame(
#     coiid = id,
#     geomfname = paste(i$geomfname[idx], collapse = '/'),
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   return(res)
# })

## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
# 2017-03-13: attempt to format COMPONENT "landform" records into a single string
# note: there are several assumptions made about the data,
# see "short-circuits" used when there are funky data
.formatcoLandformString <- function(i.gm, name.sep='|') {

  # hacks to make R CMD check --as-cran happy:
  u.peiid <- NULL

  # get the current
  u.coiid <- unique(i.gm$coiid)

  if(length(u.coiid) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=NA_integer_, landform_string=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[0,])

  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single component
  if(length(u.coiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple component records')

  # subset geomorph data to landforms
  i.gm <- i.gm[which(i.gm$geomftname == 'landform'), ]

  # allow for NA's
  if(nrow(i.gm) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if any geomfeatid are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(is.na(i.gm$geomfeatid))) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. NA in geomfeatid: ', u.peiid))

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if any feature exists on itself, then use row-order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(na.omit(c(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat), FALSE))) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      message(paste0('Using row-order. Error in exists-on logic: ', u.coiid))

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # get an index to the top-most and bottom-most features
  # only 1 row should match these criteria
  top.feature <- which(! i.gm$geomfeatid %in% i.gm$existsonfeat)
  bottom.feature <- which(! i.gm$existsonfeat %in% i.gm$geomfeatid)

  ## short-circuit: only 1 row, and exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(nrow(i.gm) == 1 & length(top.feature) == length(bottom.feature)) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Single row / error in exists-on logic: ', u.coiid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if the exists-on logic is wrong, use row-order
  if(length(top.feature) > 1 | length(bottom.feature) > 1) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Incorrect exists-on specification: ', u.coiid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short circuit: if there is circularity in the exists-on logic, use row-order
  # example coiid: 2119838
  if(length(top.feature) < 1 | length(bottom.feature) < 1) {

    # optional information on which pedons have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. Incorrect exists-on specification: ', u.coiid), call.=FALSE)

    ft.string <- paste(unique(i.gm$geomfname), collapse=name.sep)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # init a vector to store feature names
  ft.vect <- vector(mode='character', length=nrow(i.gm))
  # the first feature is the top-most feature
  this.feature.idx <- top.feature

  # loop over features, until the bottom-most feature
  i <- 1
  while(i <= nrow(i.gm)){
    # get the current feature
    f.i <- i.gm$geomfname[this.feature.idx]

    # likely an error condition, print some debugging info
    if(length(f.i) == 0) {

    # assign to vector of labels
    ft.vect[i] <- f.i

    # jump to the next feature
    this.feature.idx <- which(i.gm$geomfeatid == i.gm$existsonfeat[this.feature.idx])
    i <- i + 1

  # paste into single string
  ft.string <- paste(ft.vect, collapse=name.sep)

  # done!
  return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, landform_string=ft.string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
# attempt to flatten component parent material data into 2 strings
.formatcoParentMaterialString <- function(i.pm, name.sep='|') {


  # get the current site
  u.coiid <- unique(i.pm$coiid)

  if(length(u.coiid) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=NA_integer_, pmkind=NA, pmorigin=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[0,])

  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single site
  if(length(u.coiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple site records')

  # subset sitepm data to remove any with NA for pm_kind
  i.pm <- i.pm[which(!is.na(i.pm$pmkind)), ]

  # if there is no data, then return a DF formatted as if there were data
  if(nrow(i.pm) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, pmkind=NA, pmorigin=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if any pmorder are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  if(any(is.na(i.pm$pmorder))) {
    # optional information on which sites have issues
    if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
      warning(paste0('Using row-order. NA in pmorder:', u.coiid), call.=FALSE)
    # there are no NAs in pmorder --> sort according to pmorder
    i.pm <- i.pm[order(i.pm$pmorder), ]

  # composite strings and return
  str.kind <- paste(i.pm$pmkind, collapse=name.sep)
  str.origin <- paste(unique(i.pm$pmorigin), collapse=name.sep)

  return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, pmkind=str.kind, pmorigin=str.origin, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

# attempt to flatten multiple ecosite entries into 1 string
.formatEcositeString <- function(i.esd, name.sep='|') {
  # get the current site
  u.coiid <- unique(i.esd$coiid)

  if(length(u.coiid) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=NA_integer_, ecosite_id=NA, ecosite_name=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[0,])

  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single component
  if(length(u.coiid) > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple component records')

  # subset othervegcl data to remove any with NA for othervegclass
  i.esd <- i.esd[which(!is.na(i.esd$ecositeid)), ]

  # if there is no data, then return a DF formatted as if there were data
  if(nrow(i.esd) == 0)
    return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, ecosite_id=NA, ecosite_name=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # short-circuit: if any otherveg are NA, then we don't know the order
  # string together as-is, in row-order
  # if(any(is.na(i.ov$pmorder))) {
  #   # optional information on which sites have issues
  #   if(getOption('soilDB.verbose', default=FALSE))
  #     warning(paste0('Using row-order. NA in pmorder:', u.coiid), call.=FALSE)
  # }
  # else{
  #   # there are no NAs in pmorder --> sort according to pmorder
  #   i.ov <- i.ov[order(i.ov$pmorder), ]
  # }

  # composite strings and return
  str.ecoid <- paste(i.esd$ecositeid, collapse=name.sep)
  str.econm <- paste(unique(i.esd$ecositenm), collapse=name.sep)

  return(data.frame(coiid=u.coiid, ecosite_id=str.ecoid, ecosite_name=str.econm, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

# attempt to flatten multiple other veg class entries into 1 string
.formatOtherVegString <- function(i.ov, name.sep='|', id.name = "coiid") {
  # get the current site
  u.iid <- unique(i.ov[[id.name]])
  n.iid <- length(u.iid)
  emptydf <- data.frame(coiid = u.iid, 
                        othervegid = NA[seq_len(n.iid)], 
                        othervegclass = NA[seq_len(n.iid)], 
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(emptydf)[1] <- id.name
  if (n.iid == 0) 

  # sanity check: this function can only be applied to data from a single component
  if (n.iid > 1)
    stop('data are from multiple parent records, this function can only be applied to data from a single component')

  # subset othervegcl data to remove any with NA for othervegclass
  i.ov <- i.ov[which(!is.na(i.ov$ovegclid)), ]

  # if there is no data, then return a DF formatted as if there were data
  if (nrow(i.ov) == 0)
  # composite strings and return
  str.ovegid <- paste(i.ov$ovegclid, collapse = name.sep)
  str.ovegclnm <- paste(unique(i.ov$ovegclname), collapse = name.sep)
  res <- data.frame(
      coiid = u.iid,
      othervegid = str.ovegid,
      othervegclass = str.ovegclnm,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  colnames(res)[1] <- id.name

# function to estimate the thickness of horizons and diagnostic features
.test_thk <- function(x) {
  names(x) <- gsub("^hz|^feat", "", names(x))
  std <- with(x, data.frame(
    l  = depb_l - dept_h,
    rv = depb_r - dept_r,
    h  = depb_h - dept_l

  idx <- std < 0
  idx[is.na(idx)] <- FALSE

  if (any(idx)) {
    std_new <- std
    std_flip <- with(x, data.frame(
      l = depb_l - dept_l,
      rv = depb_r - dept_r,
      h = depb_h - dept_h
    std_new[idx] <- std_flip[idx]

  if (exists("std_new")) {
    idx2 <- which(std_new$l > std$rv)
    std_new$l[idx2] <- std$r[idx2]
    idx3 <- which(std$h < std$rv)
    std_new$h[idx2] <- std$r[idx2]
  } else std_new <- std


# impute "not populated" into freqcl and "201" into dept_r & depb_r if !is.na(freqcl)
.cosoilmoist_prep <- function(df, impute, stringsAsFactors = NULL) {

  # cache original column names
  orig_names <- names(df)

  # relabel names
  # names(df) <- gsub("^soimoist", "", names(df))
  # old_names <- "stat"
  # new_names <- "status"
  # names(df)[names(df) %in% old_names] <- new_names

  # setting frequency levels and order
  # NOTE: the next block of code require factor levels be set, regardless of package options
  # NOTE: the SDA domains for flooding and ponding have different levels, and "Common" is obsolete

  # .:. ordering implied in get_NASIS_column_metadata result from NASIS ChoiceSequence 
  flod_lev <- factor(df$flodfreqcl, levels = get_NASIS_column_metadata("flodfreqcl")$ChoiceLabel)
  pond_lev <- factor(df$pondfreqcl, levels = get_NASIS_column_metadata("pondfreqcl")$ChoiceLabel)
  mois_lev <- factor(df$soimoiststat, levels = get_NASIS_column_metadata("soimoiststat")$ChoiceLabel)
  # impute NA freqcl values, default = "not populated"
  if (impute) {

    missing <- "Not populated"
    lev_flodfreqcl <- c(missing, levels(flod_lev))
    lev_pondfreqcl <- c(missing, levels(pond_lev))
    lev_status <- c(missing, levels(mois_lev))

    # replace NULL RV depths with 201 cm if pondfreqcl or flodqcl is not NULL
    df$soimoistdept_r[is.na(df$soimoistdept_r) & (!is.na(df$pondfreqcl) | !is.na(df$flodfreqcl))] <- 201
    df$soimoistdepb_r[is.na(df$soimoistdepb_r) & (!is.na(df$pondfreqcl) | !is.na(df$flodfreqcl))] <- 201

    # replace NULL L and H depths with the RV
    df$soimoistdept_l <- ifelse(is.na(df$soimoistdept_l), df$soimoistdept_r, df$soimoistdept_l)
    df$soimoistdept_h <- ifelse(is.na(df$soimoistdept_h), df$soimoistdept_r, df$soimoistdept_h)
    df$soimoistdepb_l <- ifelse(is.na(df$soimoistdepb_l), df$soimoistdepb_r, df$soimoistdepb_l)
    df$soimoistdepb_h <- ifelse(is.na(df$soimoistdepb_h), df$soimoistdepb_r, df$soimoistdepb_h)

    # relevel factors with "Not populated" as first level
    df$soimoiststat <- factor(as.character(df$soimoiststat), levels = lev_status)
    df$flodfreqcl <- factor(as.character(df$flodfreqcl), levels = lev_flodfreqcl)
    df$pondfreqcl <- factor(as.character(df$pondfreqcl), levels = lev_flodfreqcl)

    # replace NULL moist state and frequency class with "Not populated"
    df$soimoiststat[is.na(df$soimoiststat)] <- missing
    df$flodfreqcl[is.na(df$flodfreqcl)] <- missing
    df$pondfreqcl[is.na(df$pondfreqcl)] <- missing

  # convert factors to strings
  if (!NASISDomainsAsFactor()) {
    idx <- unlist(lapply(df, is.factor))
    if (any(idx)) {
      df[idx] <- lapply(df[idx], as.character)

  # note get_cosoilmoist_f

## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
# Prep of the component parent material
# flatten multiple records into 1 cokey
.copm_prep <- function(df, db = NULL) {

  if (db == "SDA") {

    # flatten
    idx <- duplicated(df$cokey)

    if (any(idx) & nrow(df) > 0) {
      dups_idx <- df$cokey %in% df[idx, "cokey"]
      dups     <- df[dups_idx, ]
      nodups   <- df[!dups_idx, ]

      # hack to make CRAN check happy
      pmorigin = NA; pmkind = NA;

      dups_clean <- {
                  idx_pmo = !is.na(pmorigin),
                  idx_pmk = !is.na(pmkind)
                  ) ->.;
        split(., .$cokey, drop = TRUE) ->.
        lapply(., function(x) { data.frame(
          x[1, c("cokey", "pmgroupname")],
          pmkind   = paste(x[x$idx_pmk, "pmkind"  ][order(x[x$idx_pmk, "pmorder"])],   collapse = " over "),
          pmorigin = paste(x[x$idx_pmo, "pmorigin"][order(x[x$idx_pmo, "pmorder"])], collapse = " over "),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          )}) ->.
        do.call("rbind", .) ->.;
      nodups <- nodups[! names(df) %in% c("copmgrpkey", "pmorder")]

      df <- rbind(nodups, dups_clean)
      df <- df[order(df$cokey), ]
      row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
      } else df <- df[! names(df) %in% c("copmgrpkey", "pmorder")]

    # replace "" with NA
    vars <- c("pmorigin", "pmkind")
    idx <- unlist(lapply(df, is.character))
    idx <- names(df) %in% vars & idx
    df[, idx] <- lapply(df[, idx], function(x) ifelse(x == "", NA, x))


## https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues/84
# Prep of the component geomorphic description
# flatten multiple records into 1 cokey
.cogmd_prep <- function(df, db = NULL) {

  # rename LIMS columns and sort comma separated lists
  if (db == "LIMS") {
    # rename columns
    vars <- c("pmkind_grp", "pmorigin_grp", "gc_mntn", "gc_hill", "gc_trce", "gc_flats", "hs_hillslopeprof", "ss_shapeacross", "ss_shapedown")
    new_names <- c("pmkind", "pmorigin", "mntn", "hill", "trce", "flats", "hillslopeprof", "shapeacross", "shapedown")
    idx <- which(names(df) %in% vars)
    names(df)[idx] <- new_names

    # hack to make CRAN check happy
    mntn = NULL; hill = NULL; trce = NULL; flats = NULL; hillslopeprof = NULL;

    df <- within(df, {
      if (is(mntn, "character")) {
        mntn  = sapply(strsplit(mntn, ", "),  function(x) paste(sort(unlist(x)), collapse = ", "))
      if (is(hill, "character")) {
        hill  = sapply(strsplit(hill, ", "),  function(x) paste(sort(unlist(x)), collapse = ", "))
      if (is(trce, "character")) {
        trce  = sapply(strsplit(trce, ", "),  function(x) paste(sort(unlist(x)), collapse = ", "))
      if (is(flats, "character")) {
        flats = sapply(strsplit(flats, ", "), function(x) paste(sort(unlist(x)), collapse = ", "))
      if (is(hillslopeprof, "character")) {
        hillslopeprof = sapply(strsplit(hillslopeprof, ", "), function(x) paste(sort(unlist(x)), collapse = ", "))

  # flatten the SDA results to 1 cokey
  if (db == "SDA") {

    # flatten
    idx <- duplicated(df$cokey)

    if (any(idx) & nrow(df) > 0) {
      dups_idx <- df$cokey %in% df[idx, "cokey"]
      dups     <- df[dups_idx, ]
      nodups   <- df[!dups_idx, ]

      dups_clean <- {
        split(dups, dups$cokey, drop = TRUE) ->.
        lapply(., function(x) { data.frame(
          cokey = x$cokey[1],
          landscape     = paste(unique(x$landscape),           collapse = " and "),
          landform      = paste(unique(x$landform),            collapse = " on  "),
          mntn          = paste(sort(unique(x$mntn)),          collapse = ", "   ),
          hill          = paste(sort(unique(x$hill)),          collapse = ", "   ),
          trce          = paste(sort(unique(x$trce)),          collapse = ", "   ),
          flats         = paste(sort(unique(x$flats)),         collapse = ", "   ),
          shapeacross   = paste(sort(unique(x$shapeacross)),   collapse = ", "   ),
          shapedown     = paste(sort(unique(x$shapedown)),     collapse = ", "   ),
          hillslopeprof = paste(sort(unique(x$hillslopeprof)), collapse = ", "),
          stringsAsFactors = TRUE
        )}) ->.
        do.call("rbind", .) ->.
      nodups <- nodups[! names(nodups) %in% c("geomfeatid", "existsonfeat")]

      df <- rbind(nodups, dups_clean)
      df <- df[order(df$cokey), ]
      row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
      } else df <- df[! names(df) %in% c("geomfeatid", "existsonfeat")]

  vars <- c("landscape", "landform", "mntn", "hill", "trce", "flats", "hillslopeprof")
  idx <- unlist(lapply(df, is.character))
  idx <- names(df) %in% vars & idx
  df[, idx] <- lapply(df[, idx], function(x) ifelse(x %in% c("", "NA"), NA, x))

  # hack to make CRAN check happy
  mntn = NA; hill = NA; trce = NA; flats = NA; shapeacross = NA; shapedown = NA;

  # combine geompos and shapes
  if (nrow(df) > 0) {
    df <- within(df, {
      geompos = NA
      geompos = paste(mntn, hill, trce, flats, sep = ", ")
      geompos = gsub("NA", "", geompos)
      geompos = gsub("^, |^, , |^, , , |, $|, , $|, , , $", "", geompos)
      geompos = gsub(", , ", ", ", geompos)
      geompos[geompos == ""] = NA

      ssa = NA # slope shape across
      ssd = NA # slope shape down
      slopeshape = NA

      ssa = gsub("Concave", "C", shapeacross)
      ssa = gsub("Linear",  "L", ssa)
      ssa = gsub("Convex",  "V", ssa)

      ssd = gsub("Concave", "C", shapedown)
      ssd = gsub("Linear",  "L", ssd)
      ssd = gsub("Convex",  "V", ssd)

      slopeshape = paste0(ssd, ssa, sep = "")
      slopeshape[slopeshape %in% c("NANA", "")] = NA
    df[c("ssa", "ssd")] <- NULL
  } else df <- cbind(df, geompos = as.character(NULL))

  ss_vars <- c("CC", "CV", "CL", "LC", "LL", "LV", "VL", "VC", "VV")
  if (all(df$slopeshape[!is.na(df$slopeshape)] %in% ss_vars)) {
    df$slopeshape <- factor(df$slopeshape, levels = ss_vars)
    df$slopeshape <- droplevels(df$slopeshape)

  hs_vars <- c("Toeslope", "Footslope", "Backslope", "Shoulder", "Summit")
  if (all(df$hillslopeprof[!is.na(df$hillslopeprof)] %in% hs_vars)) {
    df$hillslopeprof <- factor(df$hillslopeprof, levels = hs_vars)
    df$hillslopeprof <- droplevels(df$hillslopeprof)

  hill_vars <- c("Base Slope", "Head Slope", "Side Slope", "Free Face", "Nose Slope", "Crest", "Interfluve")
  if (all(df$hill[!is.na(df$hill)] %in% hill_vars)) {
    df$hill <- factor(df$hill, levels = hill_vars)
    df$hill <- droplevels(df$hill)

  flats_vars <- c("Dip", "Talf", "Rise")
  if (all(df$flats[!is.na(df$flats)] %in% flats_vars)) {
    df$flats <- factor(df$flats, levels = flats_vars)
    df$flats <- droplevels(df$flats)

  trce_vars <- c("Tread", "Riser")
  if (all(df$trce[!is.na(df$trce)] %in% trce_vars)) {
    df$trce <- factor(df$trce, levels = trce_vars)
    df$trce <- droplevels(df$trce)


.copm_prep2 <- function(x, key = NULL) {
  idx_key   <- grep(key, names(x))
  idx_pmkey <- grep("pmgrpkey", names(x))
  nm_pmkey  <- names(x)[idx_pmkey]
  names(x)[c(idx_key, idx_pmkey)] <- c("key", "pmgrpkey")
  vars <- c("key", "pmgrpkey", "pmorder", "pmkind")
  # pmk1 <- pmk
  # pmk1 <- pmk1[with(pmk1, order(key, pmgrpkey, pmorder)), ]
  # pmk1 <- aggregate(pmkind ~ key, data = pmk1, FUN = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = " over "))
  # test <- {
  #   strsplit(pmk1$pmkind, " over ") ->.;
  #   lapply(., function(x) {
  #     x[i = cumsum(rle(x)$lengths)] ->.;
  #     paste(., collapse = " over ")
  #   }) ->.;
  #   unlist(.)
  # }
  # pmk1$pmkind <- test
  pm    <- data.table::as.data.table(x); rm(x)
  pm    <- pm[order(pm$key, pm$pmgrpkey, pm$pmorder)]
  pm$id_k <- paste(pm$key, pm$pmkind)
  pm$id_o <- paste(pm$key, pm$pmorigin)
  # pmkind
  # remove duplicate pmkind by cokey
  pm_k <- {
    vars <- c("key", "pmkind", "id_k")
    # ..vars = NULL
    pm_k <- pm[!is.na(pm$pmkind), vars, with = FALSE]
    idx <- cumsum(rle(pm_k$id_k)$lengths)
    pm_k[idx, ]
  .      = NULL
  pmkind = NULL
  pm_k <- pm_k[, .(pmkind   = paste0(pmkind,   collapse = " over ")), by = .(key)]
  # pmorigin
  pmorigin = NULL
  pm_o <- {
    vars <- c("key", "pmorigin", "id_o")
    # ..vars = NULL
    pm_o <- pm[!is.na(pm$pmorigin), vars, with = FALSE]
    idx  <- cumsum(rle(pm_o$id_o)$lengths)
    pm_o[idx, ]
  pm_o <- pm_o[, .(pmorigin = paste0(pmorigin, collapse = " over ")), by = .(key)]
  # merge
  pm <- as.data.frame(merge(pm_k, pm_o, by = "key", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE))
  names(pm)[1] <- c(key) 

.cogmd_prep2 <- function(data, key = "cokey") {
  idx_key   <- grep(key, names(data))
  names(data)[c(idx_key)] <- c("key")
  # find sites with overlapping landforms ----
  n_bot = NULL
  n_mis_geomfeatid = NULL
  geomfeatid = NULL
  .N = NULL
  N = NULL
  test  <- data.table::as.data.table(data)[
    , .(
      # n_bot = sum(! existsonfeat %in% geomfeatid, na.rm = TRUE),
      n_bot = sum(! match(existsonfeat, geomfeatid, nomatch = 0, incomparables = NA_integer_) > 0, na.rm = TRUE),
      n_geomfeatid  = sum(!is.na(geomfeatid)),
      n_existonfeat = sum(!is.na(existsonfeat)),
      n_mis_geomfeatid = sum(is.na(geomfeatid))
    by = key
  data <- merge(test, data, by = "key", all.y = TRUE)
  # determine row direction ----
  # ordered
  data <- within(data, {
    existsonfeat = ifelse(geomfeatid == existsonfeat, NA, existsonfeat)
    existsonfeat = ifelse(n_bot == N,                 NA, existsonfeat)
    row_dir    = ifelse(geomfeatid <  existsonfeat, "top2bot", "bot2top")
    row_dir    = ifelse(
      geomfeatid == existsonfeat + 1 | geomfeatid == existsonfeat - 1,
    row_dir    = ifelse(n_bot == N | is.na(existsonfeat), "missing", row_dir)
    row_dir = factor(row_dir, levels = c("top2bot", "bot2top", "chaos", "missing"))
  # find chaos within a component ----
  tb <- as.data.frame.matrix(with(data, table(key, row_dir))) 
  chaos <- cbind(within(tb, {
      tot   = rowSums(cbind(top2bot > 0, bot2top > 0, chaos > 0))
      co_dir = ifelse(tot > 1, "chaos", "ordered")
    }), key = row.names(tb))
  data <- merge(data, chaos, by = "key", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  data <- within(data, {
    co_dir = ifelse(N == n_bot | N == n_mis_geomfeatid | N == missing, "missing", co_dir)
  # replace NA row direction, where the component direction == "ordered" ----
  vars <- c("top2bot", "bot2top", "chaos")
  # ..vars = NULL
  idx  <- which(data$row_dir == "missing" & data$co_dir == "ordered")
  ordered_mis  <- names(data[, vars, with = FALSE])[max.col(data[idx, vars, with = FALSE])]
  data[idx, "row_dir"] <- ordered_mis
  # subset(data, key == "22230267")
  # subset and sort different ordering conventions ----
  # top2bot & NA
  top2bot <- {
    subset(data, row_dir  == "top2bot" & co_dir == "ordered") ->.;
    .[order(.$key,   .$geomfeatid,   .$existsonfeat), ]
  # bot2top
  bot2top <- {
    subset(data, row_dir == "bot2top" & co_dir == "ordered") ->.;
    .[order(.$key, - .$geomfeatid, - .$existsonfeat), ]
  # chaos and missing ordered
  chaos2 <- {
    subset(data, co_dir %in% c("chaos", "missing") | row_dir == "chaos") ->.;
    .[order(.$key,   .$geomfeatid,   .$existsonfeat), ]
  # recombine
  data <- rbind(top2bot, bot2top, chaos2)
  rm(top2bot, bot2top, chaos2)
  # find N tops ----
  # test  <- data.table::as.data.table(data)[
  #   , .(
  #     # n_bot = sum(! existsonfeat %in% geomfeatid, na.rm = TRUE),
  #     n_bot = sum(! match(existsonfeat, geomfeatid, nomatch = 0, incomparables = NA_integer_) > 0, na.rm = TRUE),
  #     .N,
  #     n_mis_geomfeatid = sum(is.na(geomfeatid))
  #   ), 
  #   by = key
  # ]
  # data <- merge(test, data, by = "key", all.y = TRUE)
  # flatten duplicated ids ----
  # create unique key
  data$key2 <- with(data, paste(key, geomfeatid, existsonfeat))
  ## find duplicates ----
  idx <- which(duplicated(data$key2))
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    tb  <- table(data$key2)
    dups <- which(data$key2 %in% names(tb)[tb > 1])
    if (length(dups) > 0) {
    nodups <- {
      len <- {rle(data$key2[dups]) -> .; .$lengths}
      len <- cumsum(len) - len + 1
    nodups <- dups[nodups]
    } else nodups <- 1:nrow(data)
    # subset duplicates
    vars <- c("key2", "landform", "mntn", "hill","trce", "flats", "shapeacross", "shapedown", "slopeshape", "hillslopeprof")
    # ..vars = NULL
    data_sub <- data[dups, vars, with = FALSE]
    # flatten duplicates
    data_sub <- data.table::as.data.table(.flatten_gmd(as.data.frame(data_sub), key = "key2"))
    # replace duplicates
    data[nodups, vars] <- data_sub
    # remove duplicates
    data <- data[-idx, ]
  data$key2 <- NULL
  # subset different conventions ----
  data_comb <- subset(data, n_bot > 1 & co_dir != "missing")
  data_mis  <- subset(data, n_bot > 1 & co_dir == "missing")
  data_simp <- subset(data, n_bot < 2)
  vars <- c("key", "landform", "mntn", "hill","trce", "flats", "shapeacross", "shapedown", "slopeshape", "hillslopeprof")
  # ..vars = NULL
  data_mis <- data.table::as.data.table(.flatten_gmd(as.data.frame(data_mis[, vars, with = FALSE]), sep = " and "))
  data_simp <- data.table::as.data.table(.flatten_gmd(as.data.frame(data_simp[, vars, with = FALSE]), sep = " on "))
  # iterate over sites with unsorted overlapping landforms ----
  if (nrow(data_comb) > 0) {
  data_comb_l <- split(data_comb, data_comb$key)
  data_comb_l <- lapply(data_comb_l, function(x) {
    # replace landscape existsonfeat with NA
    x$existsonfeat <- sapply(x$existsonfeat, function(y) {
      ifelse(any(y == x$geomfeatid), y, NA)
    # find bottom landform
    bot <- subset(x, is.na(existsonfeat))
    # iterate over bottoms
    len <- nrow(x)
    sep <- ifelse(x$co_dir == "ordered", " on ", " and ")
    bot <- split(bot, bot$geomfeatid)
    x_sorted <- lapply(bot, function(y) {
      rank <- integer(len)
      rank[1] <- y$geomfeatid[1]
      for (i in 1:len) {
        idx <- x$geomfeatid[which(x$existsonfeat == rank[i])]
        if (length(idx) > 0) rank[i + 1] = idx
      rank <- rank[which(rank > 0)]
      rank <- which(x$geomfeatid %in% rank)
      vars <- c("key", "landform", "mntn", "hill","trce", "flats", "shapeacross", "shapedown", "slopeshape", "hillslopeprof")
      # ..vars = NULL
      x2 <- x[rank, vars, with = FALSE]
      suppressMessages(y <- .flatten_gmd(x2, sep = sep, SORT = FALSE)) 
    x_sorted <- do.call("rbind", x_sorted)
  data_comb_l3 <- do.call("rbind", data_comb_l)
  data_comb <- data.table::as.data.table(.flatten_gmd(as.data.frame(data_comb_l3), key = "key") )
  } else data_comb <- data_comb[, vars, with = FALSE]
  data <- as.data.frame(rbind(data_simp, data_mis, data_comb))
  names(data)[names(data) == "key"] <- key
  # # uncode
  # data("metadata", package = "soilDB")
  # vars <- c("mntn", "hill", "trce", "flats")
  # idx <- names(data) %in% vars
  # names(data)[idx] <- paste0("geompos", vars)
  # idx <- names(data) %in% metadata$ColumnPhysicalName
  # data

# vars <- c("geomfeatid", "existsonfeat")
# idx <- unlist(sapply(1:nrow(test), function(i) {
#    unname(unlist(test[i, vars, drop = TRUE]))
#   },
#   simplify = FALSE
# ))
# idx <- idx[!duplicated(idx) & !is.na(idx)]

.format_slopeshape <- function(dat) {
  shapeacross = NA
  shapedown   = NA
  dat <- within(dat, {
    ssa = NA # slope shape across
    ssd = NA # slope shape down
    slopeshape = NA
    ssa = gsub("Concave", "C", shapeacross)
    ssa = gsub("Linear",  "L", ssa)
    ssa = gsub("Convex",  "V", ssa)
    ssd = gsub("Concave", "C", shapedown)
    ssd = gsub("Linear",  "L", ssd)
    ssd = gsub("Convex",  "V", ssd)
    slopeshape = paste0(ssd, ssa, sep = "")
    slopeshape[slopeshape %in% c("NANA", "")] = NA
  dat[c("ssa", "ssd")] <- NULL
  # ss_vars <- c("CC", "CV", "CL", "LC", "LL", "LV", "VL", "VC", "VV")
  # if (all(dat$slopeshape[!is.na(dat$slopeshape)] %in% ss_vars)) {
  #   dat$slopeshape <- factor(dat$slopeshape, levels = ss_vars)
  #   dat$slopeshape <- droplevels(dat$slopeshape)
  # }

.flatten_gmd <- function(data, key = "key", table = NULL, sep = " and ", SORT = TRUE) {
  idx_key   <- grep(key, names(data))
  if (length(idx_key) != 1L) stop("the key/id argument does not match any of the column names in the data.frame")
  names(data)[c(idx_key)] <- c("key")
  tb <- table(data$key)
  idx <- names(tb[tb > 1])
  idx <- data$key %in% idx
  test <- sum(idx, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (test > 0) {
    message(test, " ", key, " values were found in the ", table, " table that contain multiple entries, the resulting values will be flattened/combined into 1 record per ", key, " and separated with 'and'")
    data_sub <- data.table::as.data.table(data[idx, ])
    .SD = NULL
    data_sub <- as.data.frame(data_sub[
      lapply(.SD, function(x) {
        if (SORT) {paste0(sort(unique(x[!is.na(x)])), collapse = sep)
        } else    {paste0(     unique(x[!is.na(x)]),  collapse = sep)}
      by = key
    data <- rbind(data[!idx, ], data_sub)
  # replace "" values with NA
  idx <- 1:ncol(data)
  data[idx] <- lapply(data, function(x) ifelse(x == "", NA, x))
  names(data)[idx_key] <- key

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soilDB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:53 a.m.