
Defines functions .intervalStep_spprec .solve_IRLS_as_spprec .WLS_substitute_spprec .updates_from_w.resid .do_damped_WLS_spprec

Documented in .solve_IRLS_as_spprec

.do_damped_WLS_spprec <- function(
  sXaug, zInfo, # fixed descriptors of system to be solved
  dampingfactor=2, ## no need to change the input value
  wranefblob, seq_n_u_h, 
  ZAL_scaling, # locally fixed, "resident"; only changed in return value
  phi_est, #H_global_scale, 
  ZAL, # unscaled one 
  # promise rather than argument:
  v_infer_args=NULL, # not null for beta optimization with v_in_b optimization i.e. in *some* .do_damped_WLS_outer() call
  stylefn, # in-loop stylefn for damped_WLS
  stylefn_v_out= .spaMM.data$options$stylefns$v_out_last, 
  stylefn_v_in= .spaMM.data$options$stylefns$v_in_last, ##
  IRLS_fn =get(".solve_v_h_IRLS_spprec", asNamespace("spaMM"), inherits=FALSE) 
) {
  ZAL_scaling <- 1 ## TAG: scaling for spprec
  if (outer) {
    trace <- max(0L,Trace-1L)
    stylefn_v <- stylefn_v_out
  } else {
    trace <- max(0L,Trace-2L)
    stylefn_v <- stylefn_v_in
  if (processed$p_v_obj=="p_v" && which_LevMar_step!="v") { 
    objname <- "p_v" 
  } else { 
    objname <- APHLs_args$which <- "hlik"

  oldlik <- oldAPHLs[[objname]]
  initdamping <- damping
  gainratio_grad <- zInfo$gainratio_grad
  restarted_at_e_7 <- FALSE
  first_it <- TRUE
  prev_gainratio <- -Inf
  if (Trace && ! is.null(v_infer_args)) {
    cat(stylefn("[")) # cat(which_LevMar_step) #=> a substep of V_IN_B: "strict_v|b" or "b_&_v_in_b"
  GLGLLM_const_w <- attr(processed$models,"GLGLLM_const_w")
  while ( TRUE ) { ## loop on damping; each iteration produce blue + ul-greens + yellow
    # if (trace && ! is.null(v_infer_args)) {
    #   cat(c(damping)) # => what is shown after [.v_h iter...]V_h IRLS...; .dampingfactor=* damping=
    # }
    if (processed$HL[1L]==1L) { ## ML fit 
      Vscaled_beta <- old_Vscaled_beta
      LM_z <- zInfo["scaled_grad"] # still a list, but for clarity, emphasizes that only this element is needed
      ## maximize p_v wrt beta only
      if ( which_LevMar_step=="v_b") { ## note tests on summand too !!!!!!!
        LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
        Vscaled_beta <- list(
          v_h=Vscaled_beta$v_h + LevMarblob$dVscaled, ##
          beta_eta=Vscaled_beta$beta_eta + LevMarblob$dbeta_eta
      } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="v") { ## v_h estimation given beta 
        LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step_v_h", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
        Vscaled_beta$v_h <- Vscaled_beta$v_h + LevMarblob$dVscaled
      } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="strict_v|b") {
        # =: the case where we only fit v_h for the input beta_eta:
        #    only v_h in Vscaled_beta will be changed, by v_infer_args step below, 
        LevMarblob <- v_infer_args$LevMarblob ## LevMarblob$d... will be overwritten below
        #                                        is.null(LevMarblob) occurs in initial damping=Inf call.
      } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="b_&_v_in_b") {     
        LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping) # template
        dbeta_LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step_beta", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
        Vscaled_beta$beta_eta <- Vscaled_beta$beta_eta + dbeta_LevMarblob$dbeta_eta
        # v_h in Vscaled_beta will be changed by v_infer_args step below.
        v_infer_args$LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step_v_h", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
      } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="b_from_v_b") { 
        LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
        Vscaled_beta$beta_eta <- Vscaled_beta$beta_eta + dbeta_LevMarblob$dbeta_eta
      } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="b") { ## probably not used; get_from_MME() includes protection for pforpv=0
        LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step_beta", LM_z=LM_z, damping=damping)
        Vscaled_beta$beta_eta <- Vscaled_beta$beta_eta + dbeta_LevMarblob$dbeta_eta
      if ( which_LevMar_step!="v" &&  ! is.null(v_infer_args)) {

        if (Trace) cat(stylefn_v("[")) # blue '[' (within red or yellow '[')
        v_h_blob <- .wrap_wrap_v_h_IRLS(IRLS_fn=IRLS_fn, v_h=Vscaled_beta$v_h, beta_eta=Vscaled_beta$beta_eta, 
                                        seq_n_u_h, GLMMbool, wranefblob, processed, lambda_est, 
                                        v_infer_args, Trace) # each underline green is a damping _loop_ not a damping step
        if (Trace) cat(stylefn_v("]"))
        if (trace) .cat_break_info( v_h_blob, stylefn_v, stylefn)  ## prints, at the level of the outer damped_WLS, the results of the v_h IRLS

        Vscaled_beta$v_h <- v_h_blob$v_h
        LevMarblob$dVscaled_beta <- list(
          v_h=Vscaled_beta$v_h - old_Vscaled_beta$v_h, ##
          beta_eta=Vscaled_beta$beta_eta -old_Vscaled_beta$beta_eta
    } else { ## joint hlik maximization
      LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step", LM_z=zInfo["scaled_grad"], damping=damping)
      Vscaled_beta <- list(
        v_h=old_Vscaled_beta$v_h + LevMarblob$dVscaled,
        beta_eta=old_Vscaled_beta$beta_eta + LevMarblob$dbeta_eta
    v_h <- Vscaled_beta$v_h #### * ZAL_scaling =1 here
    eta <- off + drop(processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv %*% Vscaled_beta$beta_eta) + drop(ZAL %id*% v_h) ## length nobs 
    newmuetablob <- .muetafn(eta=eta,BinomialDen=processed$BinomialDen,processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est) 
    neww.resid <- .calc_w_resid(newmuetablob$GLMweights,phi_est, obsInfo=processed$how$obsInfo)
    newH_w.resid <- .calc_H_w.resid(neww.resid, muetablob=newmuetablob, processed=processed) # for LLF w.resid is not generally defined.

    if (is.null(etaFix$v_h)) { 
      if (GLMMbool) {
        u_h <- v_h
        newwranefblob <- wranefblob ## keep input wranefblob since GLMM and lambda_est not changed
      } else {
        u_h <- processed$u_h_v_h_from_v_h(v_h)
        if ( ! is.null(maybe <- attr(u_h,"v_h"))) v_h <- maybe
        ## update functions u_h,v_h
        newwranefblob <- processed$updateW_ranefS(u_h=u_h,v_h=v_h, lambda=lambda_est)
    } else newwranefblob <- wranefblob
    sXaug_arglist <- c(update_sXaug_constant_arglist,
    if ( ! GLMMbool) {newZAL_scaling <- 1}  ## TAG: scaling for spprec
    APHLs_args$dvdu <- newwranefblob$dvdu
    APHLs_args$u_h <- u_h 
    APHLs_args$muetablob <- newmuetablob
    if (processed$p_v_obj=="p_v" && which_LevMar_step!="v") { ## new damping -> new weights -> new expensive computation to evaluate p_v
      if (GLGLLM_const_w) {
        newsXaug <- NULL
        APHLs_args$sXaug <- sXaug
      } else {
        newsXaug <- do.call(processed$spprec_method, # ie, def_AUGI0_ZX_spprec
        if (Trace) {
          tracechar <- ifelse(.BLOB(newsXaug)$nonSPD,"!",".")
          cat(stylefn(tracechar)) # yellow in V_IN_B case
        APHLs_args$sXaug <- newsXaug
    } else { ## sXaug_arglist will still be used after the loop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      APHLs_args$sXaug <- newsXaug <- NULL # to compute hlik, no expensive matrix computation.
    newAPHLs <- do.call(".calc_APHLs_from_ZX", APHLs_args)
    newlik <- unlist(newAPHLs[objname]) # keep name
    if (damping==0L) {
      breakcond <- "damping=0"
    if ( which_LevMar_step=="strict_v|b") {
      breakcond <- "v|b_no_loop"
      attr(breakcond,"v_pot4improv") <- .pot4improv("v", sXaug, gainratio_grad=zInfo$gainratio_grad, seq_n_u_h)
    } #  =: single call to .calc_APHLs_from_ZX to only fit v_h for the input beta_eta.
    if (first_it) { 
      pot4improv <- .pot4improv(which_LevMar_step, sXaug, gainratio_grad=zInfo$m_grad_obj, seq_n_u_h)
      loc_pot_tol <- .loc_pot_tol(which_LevMar_step, processed$spaMM_tol)
      if (is.null(low_pot)) low_pot <- (pot4improv < loc_pot_tol) 
    if (low_pot) { # keeping the low_pot condition may be important for the "605" tests. We may always suppress it by the spaMM.options.
      very_low_pot <- (pot4improv < loc_pot_tol/10)
      breakcond <- "low_pot"
      attr(breakcond, "pot4improv") <- pot4improv
      attr(breakcond, "very_low_pot") <- very_low_pot
      if (processed$HL[1L]==1L && which_LevMar_step=="v_b") {
        v_pot4improv <- .pot4improv("v", sXaug, gainratio_grad=zInfo$m_grad_obj, seq_n_u_h)
        attr(breakcond, "no_overfit") <- ((v_pot4improv < processed$spaMM_tol$v_pot_tol))
    ## ELSE
    gainratio <- (newlik!=-Inf) ## -Inf occurred in binary probit with extreme eta... 
    if (gainratio) { 
      summand <- .calc_summand_gainratio_spprec(processed, which_LevMar_step, LevMarblob, seq_n_u_h, ZAL_scaling=1, gainratio_grad)
      denomGainratio <- sum(summand)
      if (denomGainratio<=0) {
        ## In the summand, all elements of dbeta*(   LevenbergMstep_result$dampDpD * dbeta) should be positive. 
        # Inner product dbeta . LevenbergMstep_result$rhs should be positive too 
        ## However, numerical error may lead to <0 or even -Inf
        ## Further, if there are both -Inf and +Inf elements the sum is NaN.
        denomGainratio <- denomGainratio-sum(summand[summand<0]) # quite rough patch
      dlogL <- newlik-oldlik
      conv_logL <- abs(dlogL)/(1+abs(newlik))
      gainratio <- 2*dlogL/denomGainratio ## cf computation in MadsenNT04 below 3.14, but generalized for D' != I ; numerator is reversed for maximization
      # but if gradient is practically zero and damping  ~0 we may not wish to compare ~0 to ~0...
      #  which is why we break, rather than stop, on (damping>1e100). MadsenNT04 have other stopping crits 
    } else { ## 2017/10/16 a patch to prevent a stop in this case, but covers up dubious computations (FIXME)
      newlik <- -.Machine$double.xmax
      dlogL <- newlik-oldlik
      conv_logL <- abs(dlogL)/(1+abs(newlik))
      denomGainratio <- Inf # bc denomGainratio can be tested below 
    if (trace) {
      cat(stylefn(paste(" dampingfactor=",dampingfactor,#"innerj=",innerj,
    if (is.nan(gainratio)) {
      # if the initial logL is the solution logL, then damping diverges 
      # it is then possible that some element of dVscaled_beta =0 and some of dampDpD =Inf
      # then the summand has some NaN
      # At the same time not all elements of dVscaled_beta need be 0 (eg small changes in eta for mu=0 or 1 in binomial models)
      # so testing dVscaled_beta is not sufficient to stop the algo
      # (LevenbergM is quite slow in such cases)
      breakcond <- "NaN_gain"
    if (objname == "p_v") { # then the starting objective may be 'too high' and we need to handle that
      div_gainratio <- (gainratio-prev_gainratio)*damping/dampingfactor
      if (div_gainratio < -max(LevMarblob$dampDpD)/(1e05*damping)) { 
        breakcond <- "div_gain" # used to switch from "V_IN_B" to "strict_v|b"
    if (gainratio > 0) { # gainratio may be always negative if initial ranefs better optimize logL than the correct solution does.
      ## cf Madsen-Nielsen-Tingleff again, and as in levmar library by Lourakis
      damping <- damping * max(1/3,1-(2*gainratio-1)^3) # gainratio->0 factor-> 2; gainratio->1 factor->1/3
      breakcond <- "OK_gain"
    if (
      conditionNS_for_restart <-  (
        initdamping>1e-7 &&
        ( ! restarted_at_e_7 ) &&
    ) { # then restart 
      damping <- 1e-7
      dampingfactor <- 2
      restarted_at_e_7 <- TRUE
      prev_gainratio <- -Inf
      if (trace) cat("-")
      # and continue 
    } else if ( restarted_at_e_7 && ## has gone through 1e-7, # handles the cases where we started with too high damping 
                (( odd_condition <- (dampingfactor>4 && ## ie at least 2 iteration of the while() => prev_conv_logL is available
                                     conv_logL <1e-8 && abs(prev_conv_logL) <1e-8)) || # possible reason for odd_condition is truely stuck because of "COMPoisson" reasons?
    ) { # restarted && damping>init must be a sufficient condition for break
      breakcond <- "stuck_obj"
      break   ##   cases were we do not expect any significant improvement
    } else { ## other UNsuccessful step
      prev_gainratio <- gainratio
      prev_conv_logL <- conv_logL
      damping <- damping*dampingfactor
      dampingfactor <- dampingfactor*2
      if (damping>1e10) {
        breakcond <- "div_damp"
    first_it <- FALSE # : skipped if break in first iteration
  } ################# end while(TRUE)
  if (Trace && ! is.null(v_infer_args)) {
    if (trace) {cat(stylefn(damping))}
  if (trace) cat(breakcond)
  if (is.null(newsXaug)) { ## which means that hlik is the local objective.
    # For HL11, p_v will be used as oldAPHLs in the next call to .do_damped_WLS_outer() in an alternating algo;
    #   and sXaug may be needed to compute sscaled in .solve_v_h_IRLS()
    # For PQL fits newsXaug has not been needed in the damping loop but will be needed after exiting this fn
    #   (e.g., for its next call -> LevMarblob <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="LevMar_step", LMrhs=zInfo$scaled_grad, damping=damping))
    if (GLGLLM_const_w) {
      APHLs_args$sXaug <- newsXaug <- sXaug
    } else {
      newsXaug <- do.call(processed$spprec_method, sXaug_arglist)
      if (Trace) { 
        tracechar <- ifelse(.BLOB(newsXaug)$nonSPD,"!",".")
        if (processed$p_v_obj=="p_v") { # v estimation within HL11
        } else  cat(stylefn(tracechar)) # PQL/L, vb extimation

      APHLs_args$sXaug <- newsXaug
    APHLs_args$which <- processed$p_v_obj # "p_v" # 
    newAPHLs <- do.call(".calc_APHLs_from_ZX", APHLs_args) 
  RESU <- list(lik=newlik, APHLs=newAPHLs, damping=damping, sXaug=newsXaug,
               # fitted=fitted, ## FIXME: removed so that no shortcut a la Bates in calc_APHLs_from_ZX; reimplement the shorcut in that fn?
               eta=newmuetablob$sane_eta, muetablob=newmuetablob, wranefblob=newwranefblob,
               v_h=v_h, u_h=u_h, w.resid=neww.resid) # newweight_X does not exists and not needed in spprec
  # if ( ! first_it) { # if not break in first iteration
  #   RESU$conv_logL_not_first_it <- conv_logL
  # }
  if ( ! GLMMbool ) {
    RESU$ZAL_scaling <- newZAL_scaling
    # RESU$Xscal <- newXscal ## does not exist and presumably not needed.
    Vscaled_beta$v_h <- v_h/newZAL_scaling ## represent solution in new scaling...
  RESU$Vscaled_beta <- Vscaled_beta 

#copies to allow independent debug()ing
.do_damped_WLS_v_in_b_spprec <- .do_damped_WLS_spprec
.do_damped_WLS_outer_spprec <- .do_damped_WLS_spprec

# processed, Trace

.updates_from_w.resid <- function(RESU, phi_est, update_sXaug_constant_arglist, 
                                  wranefblob, processed, Trace, stylefn) {
  RESU$w.resid <- .calc_w_resid(RESU$muetablob$GLMweights,phi_est, obsInfo=processed$how$obsInfo)
  sXaug_arglist <- c(update_sXaug_constant_arglist, # contained H_global_scale but not longer so
  sXaug_arglist$H_w.resid <- .calc_H_w.resid(RESU$w.resid, muetablob=RESU$muetablob, processed=processed) 
  RESU$sXaug <- do.call(processed$spprec_method, # ie, def_AUGI0_ZX_spprec
  if (Trace) {
    tracechar <- ifelse(.BLOB(RESU$sXaug)$nonSPD,"!",".")
    cat(stylefn(tracechar)) # yellow in V_IN_B case 

.WLS_substitute_spprec <- function(update_sXaug_constant_arglist, Vscaled_beta, off, etaFix, mod_attr, 
                                   lambda_est, ZAL, 
                            processed, phi_est,
                            wranefblob, Trace,stylefn) {
  # Vscaled_beta must have been provided by somethin else than damped_WLS_blob
  # drop, not as.vector(): names are then those of (final) eta and mu -> used by predict() when no new data
  eta <- off + drop(processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv %*% Vscaled_beta$beta_eta) + drop(ZAL %id*% Vscaled_beta$v_h)
  RESU <- list()
  if (is.null(etaFix$v_h)) { 
    v_h <- Vscaled_beta$v_h ## * ZAL_scaling (=1)
    if ( mod_attr$GLMMbool ) {
      RESU$u_h <- RESU$v_h <- v_h ## keep input wranefblob since lambda_est not changed
    } else {
      RESU$u_h <- u_h <- processed$u_h_v_h_from_v_h(v_h)
      if ( ! is.null(maybe <- attr(u_h,"v_h"))) v_h <- maybe
      RESU$v_h <- v_h
      ## update functions u_h,v_h
      RESU$wranefblob <- wranefblob <- processed$updateW_ranefS(u_h=u_h,v_h=v_h, lambda=lambda_est)
      #if ( ! mod_attr$GLMMbool) { 
        RESU$ZAL_scaling <- 1 ## TAG: scaling for spprec
      # } 
  RESU$muetablob <- .muetafn(eta=eta,BinomialDen=processed$BinomialDen,processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est) 
  if ( (! mod_attr$LLM_const_w) && (! mod_attr$GLGLLM_const_w) ) {
    RESU <- .updates_from_w.resid(RESU, phi_est, update_sXaug_constant_arglist,
                                  wranefblob, # do NOT try to use RESU$wranefblob bc it does not necessarily exists (if no updated)
                                  processed, Trace, stylefn)
  } ## else no need to update RESU$'s w.resid, sXaug, H_w.resid
  return(RESU) ## contains only updated quantities

.solve_IRLS_as_spprec <- 
           ZAL, y=processed$y, 
           lambda_est, muetablob=NULL, off=processed$off, maxit.mean, etaFix,
           wranefblob, processed,
           ## for ! LMM
           ## supplement for LevenbergM
           ## supplement for ! GLMM
           u_h, v_h, w.resid=NULL, 
           corrPars, # corrPars needed together with adjMatrix to define Qmat
           ## ignored but for consistency of arguments with .solve_IRLS_as_ZX:
  ) {
    trace <- verbose["TRACE"]
    if (trace) {
      if (verbose["trace"]) cat(.pretty_summ_lambda(lambda_est,processed))
  pforpv <- ncol(processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv)
  nobs <- length(y)
  seq_n_u_h <- seq_len(n_u_h)
  ypos <- n_u_h+seq_len(nobs)
  lcrandfamfam <- attr(processed$rand.families,"lcrandfamfam")
  mod_attr <- attributes(processed[["models"]])
  LMMbool <-  mod_attr$LMMbool
  GLMMbool <- mod_attr$GLMMbool
  LevenbergM <- (processed$LevenbergM["LM_start"] && is.null(for_intervals))
  is_HL1_1 <- (processed$HL[1L]==1L)
  fpot_cond <- processed$spaMM_tol$fpot_cond
  if (fpot_cond) fpot_tol <- processed$spaMM_tol$fpot_tol
  if ( is.null(for_intervals) && is_HL1_1) {
    if (pforpv==0L) { # outer beta
      which_LevMar_step <- "v" # appeared with outer beta estim
      v_iter <- 0L
    } else which_LevMar_step <- default_b_step <- LevM_HL11_method[["b_step"]] 
    rescue_thr <- processed$spaMM_tol$rescue_thr
    rescue_nbr <- 0L
    prev1_rescued <- FALSE
  } else which_LevMar_step <- "v_b" 
  old_relV_beta <- NULL
  not_moving <- FALSE
  damped_WLS_blob <- NULL
  d_relV_b_tol <- processed$spaMM_tol$d_relV_b_tol 
  d_relV_b_tol_LM <- processed$spaMM_tol$d_relV_b_tol_LM 
  if ( LevenbergM) { 
    dampings_env <- list2env(.spaMM.data$options$spaMM_tol$dampings_env_v)
  if ( ! LMMbool) {
    checkpot_min_it <- as.integer(maxit.mean/4L) # reconsider all usage of this and possibly extend to spprec (see ref to pot4improv in test-mv-extra for a test)
    constant_zAug_args <- list(n_u_h=n_u_h, nobs=nobs, pforpv=pforpv, y=y, off=off, ZAL=ZAL, processed=processed)
  ##### initial sXaug
  ZAL_scaling <- 1  ## TAG: scaling for spprec
  if (is.null(muetablob)) { ## NULL input eta allows NULL input muetablob
    eta <- off + drop(processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv %*% beta_eta) + drop(ZAL %id*% v_h) 
    muetablob <- .muetafn(eta=eta,BinomialDen=processed$BinomialDen,processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est) 
  ## varies within loop if ! LMM since at least the GLMweights in w.resid change
  if ( is.null(w.resid) ) w.resid <- .calc_w_resid(muetablob$GLMweights,phi_est, obsInfo=processed$how$obsInfo)
  ## needs adjMatrix and corrPars to define Qmat
  update_sXaug_constant_arglist <- list(AUGI0_ZX=processed$AUGI0_ZX, corrPars=corrPars, 
                                        cum_n_u_h=processed$cum_n_u_h #,H_global_scale=H_global_scale
  sXaug_arglist <- c(update_sXaug_constant_arglist,
  sXaug_arglist$H_w.resid <- .calc_H_w.resid(w.resid, muetablob=muetablob, processed=processed) 
  sXaug <- do.call(processed$spprec_method, # ie, def_AUGI0_ZX_spprec
  if (trace) {
    stylefn <- switch(which_LevMar_step,
                      .spaMM.data$options$stylefns$betaloop )
    if (LevenbergM) cat("LM")
    tracechar <- ifelse(.BLOB(sXaug)$nonSPD,"!",".")
    cat(stylefn(tracechar)) # yellow in V_IN_B case
  if ( ! is.null(for_intervals)) {
    Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=v_h/ZAL_scaling, beta_eta=for_intervals$beta_eta)
    fixefobjfn <- names(for_intervals$fixeflik)
  } else {
    Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=v_h/ZAL_scaling,beta_eta=beta_eta)
  # to be evaluated once when it becomes needed:
  delayedAssign("constant_v_infer_args", list( # ultimately for the .solve_v_h_IRLS_spprec() call
    ZAL=ZAL, y=y, n_u_h=n_u_h, #H_global_scale=H_global_scale,
    lambda_est=lambda_est, off=off,maxit.mean=maxit.mean,etaFix=etaFix,
    processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est, 
    trace=trace, corrPars=corrPars, dampings_env=dampings_env))
  ## Loop controls:
  allow_LM_restart <- ( ! LMMbool && ! LevenbergM && is.null(for_intervals) && is.na(processed$LevenbergM["user_LM"]) )
  if (allow_LM_restart) {
    keep_init <- new.env()
    names_keep <- c("sXaug","wranefblob","muetablob","u_h","H_w.resid","w.resid","v_h","beta_eta","Vscaled_beta")
    for (st in names_keep) keep_init[[st]] <- environment()[[st]]
  LMcond <- - 10. # also for hlik LM algo
  best_HL1_lik <- -Inf
  pot4improv <- NULL
  ################ L O O P ##############
  for (innerj in 1:maxit.mean) {
    # if (sanitize <- FALSE) {        
    #   w_sane_etamo <- (sXaug$BLOB$WLS_mat_weights)*(muetablob$sane_eta-off)
    #   rhs_sanitized_v_b <- c(v_h*attr(sXaug,"w.ranef") + .crossprod(ZAL, w_sane_etamo),
    #                          .crossprod(sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv, w_sane_etamo)) 
    #   insane_Vscaled_beta <- Vscaled_beta
    #   Vscaled_beta <- get_from_MME(sXaug,  szAug =list(m_grad_obj=rhs_sanitized_v_b))
    #   Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=Vscaled_beta$dv_h,beta_eta=Vscaled_beta$dbeta_eta)
    # } 
    if( ! LevenbergM && allow_LM_restart) { ## FIXME the next step improvement would be 
      #  ./. to keep track of lowest lambda that created problem and use LM by default then
      if (innerj>3L) {
        crit <- abs_d_relV_beta/(old_abs_d_relV_beta+1e-8)
        LMcond <- LMcond + mean(sqrt(crit))^2 
        ## cat(mean(abs_d_relV_beta/old_abs_d_relV_beta)," ")
        # cat(LMcond/innerj," ")
        if (LMcond/innerj>0.5 || 
            (innerj> checkpot_min_it && pot4improv > max(10,old_pot4improv))
        ) {
          if (trace) cat("!LM") # ie, LevenbergM!
          for (st in names_keep) assign(st,keep_init[[st]])
          LevenbergM <- TRUE
          # Vscaled_beta included in keep_init hence assigned by assign(st,keep_init[[st]])
          dampings_env <- list2env(.spaMM.data$options$spaMM_tol$dampings_env_v)
          damped_WLS_blob <- NULL
          allow_LM_restart <- FALSE 
          if ( which_LevMar_step=="v_b") { 
            ## The LevM.negbin test finds "strict_v|b" poorer than "V_IN_B"" (note some divergent p_v's)  which led to:
            # which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B" ## not modified by if (... ! is.null(damped_WLS_blob) ...) before being used.
            # but the  optim_LevM's (update(br$fullfit,fixed=... test shows one should keep using "v_b" here.
            # otherwise "!LM" differs (and is poorer) from LevM=TRUE (which indeed starts from "v_b")
            # However, it's not clear why "V_IN_B" is poorer (and it's not the step on which the loop terminates)  => (there is a fixme on the fit_as_ZX version...) 
            strictv_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step, breakcond="")
            rescue_thr <- processed$spaMM_tol$rescue_thr
            rescue_nbr <- 0L
            prev1_rescued <- FALSE
      if (innerj>2L) { 
        old_abs_d_relV_beta <- abs_d_relV_beta
        old_pot4improv <- pot4improv
    ##### get the lik of the current state
    if ( ! is.null(for_intervals)) {
      loc_logLik_args <- list(sXaug=sXaug, processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est,
                              lambda_est=lambda_est, dvdu=wranefblob$dvdu, u_h=u_h, muetablob=muetablob)
      oldlik <- unlist(do.call(".calc_APHLs_from_ZX",loc_logLik_args)[fixefobjfn]) # unlist keeps name
    } else if (LevenbergM) { ## then logL is necessary to check for increase
      if (is.null(damped_WLS_blob)) {
        oldAPHLs <- .calc_APHLs_from_ZX(sXaug=sXaug, processed=processed, phi_est=phi_est, which=processed$p_v_obj, 
                                        lambda_est=lambda_est, dvdu=wranefblob$dvdu, u_h=u_h, 
      } else { ## Levenberg and innerj>1
        oldAPHLs <- damped_WLS_blob$APHLs
    ##### RHS
    if (LMMbool) {
      zInfo <- list(z2=NULL,z1=y-off,sscaled=0)
      y_eta_ <- y-muetablob$sane_eta
      ## the gradient for -p_v (or -h), independent of the scaling
      zInfo$m_grad_obj <- .calc_m_grad_obj(zInfo, 
                                          z1_eta=y_eta_, # same as zInfo$z1 - etamo = y-off-(eta-off)
                                          z1_sscaled_eta=y_eta_ , # same as zInfo$z1_sscaled - etamo =(sscaled=0)=  zInfo$z1 - etamo=y-off-(eta-off)
                                          GLMMbool, v_h, wranefblob, 
                                          ZAL, X.pv=processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv)
    } else {
      if ( ! GLMMbool) {
        # # arguments for init_resp_z_corrections_new called in calc_zAug_not_LMM
        # init_z_args <- c(constant_init_z_args,
        #                  list(w.ranef=wranefblob$w.ranef, u_h=u_h, v_h=v_h, dvdu=wranefblob$dvdu, 
        #                       sXaug=sXaug))  # H_w.resid provided by sXaug!
        # z2 <- do.call(".init_resp_z_corrections_new",init_z_args)$z20
        z2 <- .calc_z2(lcrandfamfam=lcrandfamfam, psi_M=processed$psi_M, cum_n_u_h=processed$cum_n_u_h, rand.families=processed$rand.families, 
                       u_h=u_h, lambda_est=lambda_est, v_h=v_h, dvdu=wranefblob$dvdu)
      } else z2 <- rep(0,n_u_h)
      calc_zAug_args <- c(constant_zAug_args,
                          list(muetablob=muetablob, dlogWran_dv_h=wranefblob$dlogWran_dv_h, 
                               z2=z2) )
      zInfo <- do.call(".calc_zAug_not_LMM",calc_zAug_args)
      if (GLMMbool) zInfo$z2 <- NULL
      etamo <- muetablob$sane_eta - off
      ## the gradient for -p_v (or -h), independent of the scaling
      zInfo$m_grad_obj <- .calc_m_grad_obj(zInfo, z1_eta=zInfo$z1-etamo, z1_sscaled_eta=zInfo$z1_sscaled - etamo , GLMMbool, v_h, wranefblob, 
                                          ZAL, X.pv=processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv)
    ## keep name 'w'zAug to emphasize the distinct weightings  of zaug and Xaug (should have been so everywhere)
    ##### improved  Vscaled_beta   
    ## he solver uses a 'beta first" approach to solving for d_beta and d_v... even for LMM 
    if (LevenbergM) {
      zInfo$gainratio_grad <- zInfo$m_grad_obj 
      zInfo$scaled_grad <- zInfo$m_grad_obj
    if ( ! is.null(for_intervals)) {
      currentDy <- (for_intervals$fixeflik-oldlik)
      if (LMMbool) etamo <-muetablob$sane_eta - off
      intervalBlob <- .intervalStep_spprec(old_v_h_beta=Vscaled_beta,
                                       ZAL=ZAL, etamo=etamo)
      damped_WLS_blob <- NULL
      Vscaled_beta <- intervalBlob$v_h_beta
    } else if (LevenbergM) {
      if (trace>1L) {
        stylefn <- switch(which_LevMar_step,
                       .spaMM.data$options$stylefns$betaloop )
        if (pforpv) {
          maxs_grad <- c(max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[seq_n_u_h])),max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[-seq_n_u_h])))
        } else maxs_grad <- c(max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[seq_n_u_h])),0) # outer beta
        cat(stylefn("iter=",innerj,", max(|grad|): v=",maxs_grad[1L],"beta=",maxs_grad[2L],";\n"))
      constant_APHLs_args <- list(processed=processed, which=processed$p_v_obj, sXaug=sXaug, phi_est=phi_est, lambda_est=lambda_est)
      # the following block needs m_grad_v the new m_grad_v hence its position
      if (is_HL1_1 && ! is.null(damped_WLS_blob)) {
        #### Get next LM step && conditionally update old_relV_beta ####
        # we assess convergence at the end of the loop by comparing old_relV_beta to relV_beta. We update old_relV_beta 
        #    (1) here, in all cases where v has been updated;
        # or (2) in one reversal case, it needs to be updated after the test at the end of the loop.
        if (just_rescued <- identical(attr(damped_WLS_blob, "step"), "rescue")) {
          rescue_nbr <- rescue_nbr + 1L
          old_relV_beta <- relV_beta 
          if (pforpv) { 
            if (prev1_rescued || rescue_nbr > rescue_thr["V_IN_B"]) {
              which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B" # # [yellow [cyan .cyan .....ul green...
            } else which_LevMar_step <- "v_b" # outer beta
        } else if (which_LevMar_step=="v_b" || which_LevMar_step=="b_from_v_b" ) { 
          if (rescue_nbr > rescue_thr["strictv"]  &&  #rescue has been previously needed in the outer loop
              damped_WLS_blob$breakcond != "low_pot" ## in particular, if OK_gain, we play safer if we know a problem occurred previously
              ## "stuck_obj" occurs here too...
          ) { 
            strictv_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step, breakcond=damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)
            which_LevMar_step <- "strict_v|b" 
          # } else if (max(abs(m_grad_v)) > max(abs(old_m_grad_v))) which_LevMar_step <- "v" # test is fausse bonne idee...
          } else {
            v_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step, breakcond=damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)
            # Tried this from [v3.12.34 -> 54] with poor effect on test-nloptr #362... (spcorr)
            # if (damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="stuck_obj") {
            #   which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B" 
            # } else 
              which_LevMar_step <- "v" # standard switch from yellow to underlined cyan. It is generally not a good idea to switch immediately to "V_IN_B" 
            v_iter <- 0L
        } else if (which_LevMar_step=="v") {
          if (damped_WLS_blob$breakcond == "low_pot") { ## LevMar apparently maximized h wrt v after several iterations
            old_relV_beta <- relV_beta ## serves to assess convergence !!! which is thus dependent on condition ( hlik_stuck || ! need_v_step)
            if (pforpv) which_LevMar_step <- default_b_step # We should not reach this line when RHS is "v_in_b"  # ! outer beta
          } else {
            ## v_h estimation not yet converged, continue with it 
            # But this means that "stuck_obj" on a "v" step must have dealt with elsewhere, otherwise we are looping on stuck_obj
            # => special rescue case.
            v_iter <- v_iter+1L
            if (v_iter>10L && pforpv) which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B" 
        } else if (which_LevMar_step=="strict_v|b") {
          old_relV_beta <- relV_beta 
          if (strictv_parent_info[["from"]] %in% c("v_b","b_from_v_b" )
              && strictv_parent_info[["breakcond"]] !="low_pot") { # (which implies that rescue was not just called)
            which_LevMar_step <- "v_b"
          } else { # strictv was called after V_IN_B (!)
            if (rescue_nbr > rescue_thr["re_V_IN_B"]) {
              which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B"
            } else which_LevMar_step <- "v_b"  
        } else if (which_LevMar_step=="V_IN_B") { 
          ## .wrap_do_damped_WLS_outer(which_LevMar_step=="V_IN_B") has run .do_damped_WLS_spprec(which_LevMar_step=="b_&_v_in_b") ie.
          ## a damping loop of {a beta updating followed by a v_h_IRLS}'s. We assess the resulting breakcond.
          breakcond <- damped_WLS_blob$breakcond
          if (breakcond=="stuck_obj" || breakcond=="div_gain") {
            strictv_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step,breakcond=breakcond)
            which_LevMar_step <- "strict_v|b" # the call to "strict_v|b" may seem odd but results in clean optim
            #If we did that in the wrap... then we would next compare two identical "strict_v|b" 
          } else { # a good breakcond MAY result in switching back to v_b
            old_relV_beta <- relV_beta 
            if (rescue_nbr > rescue_thr["re_V_IN_B"]) {
              which_LevMar_step <- "V_IN_B"
            } else which_LevMar_step <- "v_b" 
        } else if (default_b_step=="v_in_b") { # presumably not used
          old_relV_beta <- relV_beta 
        } else { ## "b" or any unanticipated case # presumably not used 
          warning("Unexpected case in .solve_IRLS_as_ZX(): please contact the package maintainer.")
          # as v_b cas:
          if (rescue_nbr > rescue_thr["strictv"] &&  #rescue has been previously needed in the outer loop
              damped_WLS_blob$breakcond != "low_pot") { #rescue has been previously needed in the outer loop
            strictv_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step,breakcond=damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)
            which_LevMar_step <- "strict_v|b" 
          } else {
            v_parent_info <- c(from=which_LevMar_step, breakcond=damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)
            which_LevMar_step <- "v"
            v_iter <- 0L
        prev1_rescued <- just_rescued 
      new_damping <- .get_new_damping(dampings_env$v[[which_LevMar_step]], which_LevMar_step)
      damped_WLS_blob <- .wrap_do_damped_WLS_outer(
        damped_WLS_fn = .do_damped_WLS_outer_spprec,
        LevM_HL11_method=LevM_HL11_method, # contains the rescue_thr options => any possibility to simplify arguments ?
        rescue= (is_HL1_1 && rescue_thr["rescue"]), 
        sXaug=sXaug, zInfo=zInfo, 
        APHLs_args = constant_APHLs_args,
        Trace= trace,
        ZAL_scaling= ZAL_scaling, 
        phi_est=phi_est, n_u_h=n_u_h, ZAL=ZAL,
        looseness= if ( is.null(damped_WLS_blob) ||  ## start strict
                        new_damping>1e-7) {## use strict when there are trace of difficulties (in particular, failure to improve) 
          1 } else {processed$spaMM_tol$loose_fac},
        low_pot=NULL ## explicit for clarity, but its the default
      #old_m_grad_v <- m_grad_v
      dampings_env$v[[attr(damped_WLS_blob,"step")]] <- damped_WLS_blob$damping
      ## LevM PQL
      if (! is_HL1_1) {
        if (damped_WLS_blob$lik < oldAPHLs$hlik) { ## if LevM step failed to find a damping that increases the hlik
          # Tis should occur only bc of (1) numerically challenging conditions e.g mu close to bounds; or (2) optimum has been 
          # found and floating point innacurracies matter.  We try to exclude the second case by the following test: 
          if ( ! ((breakcond <- damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)=="low_pot" && attr(breakcond,"very_low_pot"))) {
            damped_WLS_blob <- NULL
            .diagnose_conv_problem_LevM( beta_cov_info=.calc_beta_cov_info_spprec(X.pv = sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv,envir = sXaug$BLOB), 
                                         processed) # writes into 'processed'
            dVscaled_beta <- get_from_MME(sXaug,szAug=zInfo) ################### FIT
            Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=Vscaled_beta$v_h+dVscaled_beta$dv_h,
            if (TRUE) { # not clear what is best here
            } else {
              LevenbergM <- FALSE ## desperate move... 
              # for (st in names_keep) assign(st,keep_init[[st]])
              # Vscaled_beta <- c(v_h/ZAL_scaling ,beta_eta) ## RHS from assign(st,keep_init[[st]])
    } else { ## IRLS: always accept new v_h_beta
      dVscaled_beta <- get_from_MME(sXaug,szAug=zInfo) ################### FIT
      devel <- FALSE
      sanitize <- (FALSE || devel) # needed for devel test, speculative otherwise
      # sanitize <- (TRUE || devel) # needed for devel test, speculative otherwise
      if (sanitize) { # sanitize the PREVIOUS values 
        w_sane_etamo <- (sXaug$BLOB$WLS_mat_weights)*(muetablob$sane_eta-off)
        rhs_sanitized_v_b <- c(v_h*attr(sXaug,"w.ranef") + .crossprod(ZAL, w_sane_etamo),
                               .crossprod(sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv, w_sane_etamo))
        insane_Vscaled_beta <- Vscaled_beta
        Vscaled_beta <- get_from_MME(sXaug,  szAug =list(m_grad_obj=rhs_sanitized_v_b))
        Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=Vscaled_beta$dv_h,beta_eta=Vscaled_beta$dbeta_eta)
      } # (but this may have its own problems; and avoid samitizing twice)
      # UPDATE from sanitize or not previous value: new = old + dVscaled_beta 
      Vscaled_beta <- list(v_h=Vscaled_beta$v_h+dVscaled_beta$dv_h,                                     ## DON'T REMOVE ME !!

      if (devel) { # devel code to check solutions by spprec vs spcorr. 
        # Difficult to extend to LevM case and may fail if Vscaled_beta is not sanaitized
        testblob <- .spprec2spcorr(sXaug, zInfo=zInfo)
        if ( ! is.null(v_h_beta_c <- testblob$v_h_beta)) {
          # exclude case where  spprec G is SPD but spcorr H is nonSPD => WLS_mat differ
          if (diff(range(Vscaled_beta$v_h-v_h_beta_c$v_h))>1e-10) browser()
          if (diff(range(Vscaled_beta$beta_eta-v_h_beta_c$beta))>1e-10) browser()
      damped_WLS_blob <- NULL
      if ( ! LMMbool && innerj>= checkpot_min_it) {
        pot4improv <- get_from_MME(sXaug=sXaug, which="Mg_solve_g", B=zInfo$m_grad_obj)
    if (trace>5L) .prompt()
    ##### Everything that is needed for 
    #  (1) assessment of convergence: c(v_h*sqrt(wranefblob$w.ranef),beta_eta)
    #  (2) all return elements are updated as function of the latest Vscaled_beta 
    #                               (itself possible updated to new scaling by the following assign()'s).
    #      In particular We need muetablob and (if ! LMM) sXaug, hence a lot of stuff.
    #  Hence, the following code is useful whether a break occurs or not. 
    if ( is.null(damped_WLS_blob) ) { ## fits nothing, but updates variables in case of standard IRLS, or of intervals
      WLS_blob <- .WLS_substitute_spprec(update_sXaug_constant_arglist, Vscaled_beta, off, etaFix, mod_attr=mod_attr, 
                                         lambda_est=lambda_est, ZAL, 
                                         processed, phi_est,
                                         wranefblob, Trace=trace, stylefn)
      for (st in names(WLS_blob)) assign(st,WLS_blob[[st]]) 
      if (fpot_cond &&  ! LMMbool && is.null(for_intervals)) { # fpot_cond is FALSE except in possible private usage, 
        Mg_solve_g <- sum(.unlist(dVscaled_beta)*zInfo$m_grad_obj) # using old m_grad_obj
        if (250*Mg_solve_g < fpot_tol) break
    } else {
      if (is_HL1_1 && (
        (which_LevMar_step =="V_IN_B" && damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="OK_gain") ||
        (which_LevMar_step =="v" && damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="low_pot")
      ) && damped_WLS_blob$APHLs$p_v>best_HL1_lik ) {
        best_HL1_damped_WLS_blob <- damped_WLS_blob
        best_HL1_lik <- best_HL1_damped_WLS_blob$APHLs$p_v
      varnames <- intersect(names(damped_WLS_blob), # sXaug (and the weights) need not be present if(GLGLLM_const_w) 
                            c("w.resid", ## !important! cf test-adjacency-corrMatrix.R
      list2env(damped_WLS_blob[varnames], envir = environment()) 
      if ( ! GLMMbool ) ZAL_scaling <- damped_WLS_blob$ZAL_scaling ## cf 'TAG:', this line in case I decide to use a ZAL_scaling !=1 later
    #  At this point all return elements are updated as function of the latest Vscaled_beta.
    #  In particular We need muetablob and (if ! LMM) sXaug, hence a lot of stuff.
    beta_eta <- Vscaled_beta$beta_eta
    ##### assessment of convergence
    if (innerj==maxit.mean) {
      if (maxit.mean>1L) {
        if (LevenbergM) processed$LevenbergM["LM_start"] <- TRUE
        if (trace) {
        } else if ( ! identical(processed$warned_maxit_mean, TRUE)) {
          processed$warned_maxit_mean <- TRUE
          if (!is.null(for_intervals)) {
            message("Iterative algorithm converges slowly.")
          } else message("Iterative algorithm converges slowly. See help('convergence') for suggestions.")
    } else {    
      relV_beta <- c(v_h*sqrt(wranefblob$w.ranef),beta_eta)  ## convergence on v_h relative to sqrt(lambda), more exactly for Gaussian
      abs_d_relV_beta <- abs(relV_beta - old_relV_beta) ## for ML, comparison between estimates when ( hlik_stuck || ! need_v_step )
      if (is_HL1_1 && LevenbergM) {
        not_moving <- (
          # exclude cases of possible p_v overfit by v_h, such as cases "b" "v_b" "b_from_v_b" "b_&_v_in_b"
          (which_LevMar_step %in% c("v", "V_IN_B","strict_v|b") || default_b_step=="v_in_b") &&
            ( ! is.null(old_relV_beta)) && 
              meanmean <- mean(c(mean(abs_d_relV_beta[seq_n_u_h]), mean(abs_d_relV_beta[-seq_n_u_h])), na.rm=TRUE) # second mean may be NaN
              meanmean < d_relV_b_tol_LM
      } else not_moving <- ( 
        ( ! is.null(old_relV_beta)) && 
          meanmean <- mean(c(mean(abs_d_relV_beta[seq_n_u_h]), mean(abs_d_relV_beta[-seq_n_u_h])), na.rm=TRUE) # second mean may be NaN
          meanmean < d_relV_b_tol
      ) #In ! LevM, v&b are fitted simultaneously without damping
      if (not_moving) {
        # not_moving_Wattr <- .diagnose_coeff_not_moving(coeff_not_moving = not_moving,relV_beta, damped_WLS_blob, innerj, 
        #                                                damping, is_HL1_1, oldAPHLs, Ftol=processed$spaMM_tol$Ftol_LM, trace, LevenbergM,stylefn=identity)
      # More ad hoc breaks for cases where the coefficients keep moving although the total potential is low:
      if ( ! is.null(damped_WLS_blob) ) {
        if (is_HL1_1) {
          if ( which_LevMar_step=="v_b" && damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="low_pot" && attr(damped_WLS_blob$breakcond,"no_overfit")) {
          } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="v" && 
                      damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="low_pot" && ## essential condition
                      ( ( ! pforpv ) ||  # outer beta
                          v_parent_info[["breakcond"]]=="low_pot" ## essential condition; otherwise poor fits (eg test-nloptr # 422 p_v_out_def   ) 
                    ) {
          } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="v_b" && 
                      damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="stuck_obj" ) { 
            # I removed this break from [v3.12.34 -> 54] with poor effect on test-nloptr #362... (spcorr)
            break # this case occurs in the test-nloptr tests
            # not an obvious termination condition, but seems OK following "v"&&"low_pot" (and stops the alternation between these two states)
            # but if previous steps were "V_IN_B" & OK_gain, it may be worth returning to such a step
          } else if ( which_LevMar_step=="strict_v|b" && 
                      # => so that the $breakcond is { "v|b_no_loop" (i.e. no damping loop in this case), with "v_pot4improv" attribute tested next:} 
                      strictv_parent_info[["breakcond"]]=="stuck_obj" && # we don't test "low_pot" here bc this case does not occur according to previous code
                      attr(damped_WLS_blob$breakcond,"v_pot4improv")<1e-10) {
          } else if ( which_LevMar_step =="V_IN_B" && damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="low_pot") {
            # I could further test attr(damped_WLS_blob$breakcond,"very_low_pot") here
            break # motivated by poisson 'smaller' fit in test_COMPoisson_difficult with control.HLfit=list(max.iter.mean=1000),
          } #else {print(which_LevMar_step); str(damped_WLS_blob$breakcond)}
        } else {# tendency of PQL/L meanmean to converge very slowly despite low_pot (and indeed tiny changes in hlik) => ad hoc adjustment
          if (damped_WLS_blob$breakcond=="low_pot" && attr(damped_WLS_blob$breakcond,"very_low_pot")) break
      if ( ! (is_HL1_1 && LevenbergM)) { ## This is for the special case of reversal of LevenbergM condition from F to T in  LevM PQL !!!!
        old_relV_beta <- relV_beta
      } ## ELSE old_relV_beta was updated when required in block for which_LevMar_step.
  } ################ E N D LOOP ##############
  #if (trace>4L) browser() 
  if ( ! is.null(for_intervals) && for_intervals$phi_pred_OK) {
    warnobjfn <- names(for_intervals$warnlik)
    warnlik <- unlist(do.call(".calc_APHLs_from_ZX",loc_logLik_args)[warnobjfn])  
    if ((for_intervals$warnlik-warnlik) < -1e-4 && 
        (is.null(bestlik <- processed$envir$confint_best$lik) || warnlik > bestlik)) {
      if (is.null(bestlik)) {
        locmess <- paste("A higher",warnobjfn,"was found than for the original fit.",
                         "\nThis suggests the original fit did not fully maximize",warnobjfn,
                         "\n (REML fits, or numerical accuracy issues). Expect more information at end of computation.")
      processed$envir$confint_best$lik <- warnlik
      processed$envir$confint_best$beta_eta <- .unscale(sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv, Vscaled_beta[n_u_h+seq_len(pforpv)])
      processed$envir$confint_best$ranPars <- for_intervals$ranFix
      processed$envir$confint_best$ranPars$lambda <- unique(lambda_est) # ugly but get_inits_from_fit() cannot be used in this context...
  if (trace>1L && (LevenbergM))  {
    stylefn <- .spaMM.data$options$stylefns$betalast
    if (pforpv) { # outer beta
      maxs_grad <- c(max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[seq_n_u_h])),max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[-seq_n_u_h])))
    } else maxs_grad <- c(max(abs(zInfo$m_grad_obj[seq_n_u_h])),0)
    cat(stylefn("iter=",innerj,", max(|grad|): v=",maxs_grad[1L],"beta=",maxs_grad[2L],";\n"))
  if (best_HL1_lik > -Inf) {
    if (best_HL1_lik> damped_WLS_blob$APHLs$p_v) {
      # cat("restoring better fit")
      damped_WLS_blob <- best_HL1_damped_WLS_blob
      varnames <- intersect(names(damped_WLS_blob), # sXaug (and the weights) need not be present if(GLGLLM_const_w) 
                            c("w.resid", ## !important! cf test-adjacency-corrMatrix.R
      list2env(damped_WLS_blob[varnames], envir = environment()) 
  names(beta_eta) <- colnames(processed$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv)
  RESU <- list(sXaug=sXaug, 
               ## used by calc_APHLs_from_ZX
               #fitted=fitted, ## FIXME: removed so that no shortcut a la Bates in calc_APHLs_from_ZX; reimplement the shorcut in that fn?  
               nobs=nobs, pforpv=pforpv, seq_n_u_h=seq_n_u_h, u_h=u_h, 
               ## used by other code
               beta_eta=beta_eta, w.resid=w.resid, wranefblob=wranefblob, 
               v_h=v_h, eta=muetablob$sane_eta, innerj=innerj)
  ## for diagnostic purposes
  if ( ! LMMbool ) RESU$m_grad_obj <- zInfo$gainratio_grad ## frm ZInfo bc other copies of m_grad_obj may be missing if not LevenbergM

.intervalStep_spprec <- function(old_v_h_beta,sXaug,zInfo,currentlik,for_intervals,currentDy,ZAL, etamo) { 
  ## voir code avant 18/10/2014 pour une implem rustique de VenzonM pour debugage  
  ## somewhat more robust algo (FR->FR: still improvable ?), updates according to a quadratic form of lik near max
  ## then target.dX = (current.dX)*sqrt(target.dY/current.dY) where dX,dY are relative to the ML x and y 
  ## A nice thing of this conception is that if the target lik cannot be approached, 
  ##   the inferred x converges to the ML x => this x won't be recognized as a CI bound (important for locoptim) 
  parmcol_ZX <- for_intervals$parmcol_ZX
  v_h_beta_vec <- old_v_h_beta_vec <- unlist(old_v_h_beta)
  v_h_beta_vec[] <- NA
  if (currentDy <0) { 
    v_h_beta_vec[parmcol_ZX] <- old_v_h_beta_vec[parmcol_ZX]
  } else {
    currentDx <- (old_v_h_beta_vec[parmcol_ZX]-for_intervals$MLparm)
    targetDy <- (for_intervals$fixeflik-for_intervals$targetlik)
    Dx <- currentDx*sqrt(targetDy/currentDy)
    #cat(currentDx," ",targetDy," ",currentDy," ",Dx,"\n")
    ## pb is if Dx=0 , Dx'=0... and Dx=0 can occur while p_v is still far from the target, because other params have not converged.
    ## (fixme) patch:
    if (currentDy<targetDy) { ## we are close to the ML: we extrapolate a bit more confidently
      min_abs_Dx <- for_intervals$asympto_abs_Dparm/1000
    } else min_abs_Dx <- 1e-6 ## far from ML: more cautious move our of Dx=0
    Dx <- sign(currentDx)*max(abs(Dx),min_abs_Dx)
    v_h_beta_vec[parmcol_ZX] <- for_intervals$MLparm + Dx 
  ## gradient changes: (the get_from_MME() call only uses m_grad_obj to get rhs)
  # scratch code that led o this is in devel_confint_spprec.R
  parmcol_X <- for_intervals$parmcol_X
  off_newparm <- sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv[,parmcol_X]*v_h_beta_vec[parmcol_ZX] # function of NEW tentative value of MLparm
  # so it does not give the difference between etamo and i_etamo, which depends on OLD value of MLparm
  oovb <- old_v_h_beta_vec[-(parmcol_ZX)]
  seq_n_u_h <- seq_along(old_v_h_beta$v_h)
  i_etamo <- drop(ZAL %*% oovb[seq_n_u_h] +
                   sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv[,-(parmcol_X),drop=FALSE] %*%  oovb[-seq_n_u_h]) # 
  rhs <- sXaug$BLOB$WLS_mat_weights*(etamo-off_newparm- i_etamo) #_F I X M E__  this block code looks inefficient and unclear... 
  zInfo$m_grad_obj <- zInfo$m_grad_obj[-parmcol_ZX]+
      drop(crossprod(sXaug$AUGI0_ZX$X.pv[,-parmcol_X,drop=FALSE],rhs))) # tjrs zInfoo$m_grad_obj
  int_sXaug <- sXaug # list with two elements: environments AUGI0_ZX and BLOB  
  # Modify $AUGI0_ZX:
  int_AUGI0_ZX <- as.list(sXaug$AUGI0_ZX) ## as.list() local copy avoids global modifs of original sXaug$AUGI0_ZX which is an envir
  int_AUGI0_ZX$X.pv <- int_AUGI0_ZX$X.pv[,-(parmcol_X),drop=FALSE]
  int_AUGI0_ZX$ZeroBlock <- int_AUGI0_ZX$ZeroBlock[,-(parmcol_X),drop=FALSE]
  int_sXaug$AUGI0_ZX <- int_AUGI0_ZX ## Replaces an envir by a list in the local copy;
  # Modify $BLOB, leaving untouched the non-promises ("G_CHMfactor" "Gmat" "chol_Q" "pMat_G") .
  #  ***which will presumably be written over since they are not treated as promises***
  # But any preexisting evaluated promise should in principle be written over. 
  # A conflict in dimension between functions of X would likely be a conflict between previously and newly evaluated promise  
  .init_promises_spprec(sXaug=int_sXaug) # reinit X.pv promises (ZtWX XtWX r12 qrXa DpD LZtWX...)
  #    and non-X.Pv promises (Md2hdv2 tcrossfac_Md2hdv2 inv_L_G_ZtsqrW invL_G.P sortPerm...), which may not be needed. 
  # This won't use the original fit promises anyway (as .confint_LRT_single_par() -> get_HLCorcall() -> .preprocess() -> fresh .init_promises_spprec)
  # This attr(.,"pforpv") is used to determined whether there are beta coeffs to compute in .AUGI0_ZX_spprec()
  attr(int_sXaug,"pforpv") <- attr(int_sXaug,"pforpv") - length(parmcol_X) # a priori  -1
  v_h_beta_vec[-(parmcol_ZX)] <- old_v_h_beta_vec[-(parmcol_ZX)]+ unlist(get_from_MME(int_sXaug,szAug=zInfo)) 

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spaMM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.