
Defines functions scalardilate.ppp scalardilate.breakpts scalardilate.default scalardilate interpretAsOrigin putlastshift getlastshift shift.ppp shift.owin shiftxypolygon shiftxy reflect.im reflect.default reflect affinexypolygon affinexy

Documented in affinexy affinexypolygon getlastshift interpretAsOrigin putlastshift reflect reflect.default reflect.im scalardilate scalardilate.breakpts scalardilate.default scalardilate.ppp shift.owin shift.ppp shiftxy shiftxypolygon

#	affine.R
#	$Revision: 1.58 $	$Date: 2024/04/26 02:29:54 $

affinexy <- function(X, mat=diag(c(1,1)), vec=c(0,0), invert=FALSE) {
  if(length(X$x) == 0 && length(X$y) == 0)
  if(invert) {
    mat <- invmat <- solve(mat)
    vec <- - as.numeric(invmat %*% vec)
  # Y = M X + V
  ans <- mat %*% rbind(X$x, X$y) + matrix(vec, nrow=2L, ncol=length(X$x))
  return(list(x = ans[1L,],
              y = ans[2L,]))

affinexypolygon <- function(p, mat=diag(c(1,1)), vec=c(0,0),
                             detmat=det(mat)) {
  # transform (x,y)
  p[c("x","y")] <- affinexy(p, mat=mat, vec=vec)
  # transform area
    p$area <- p$area * detmat
  # if map has negative sign, cyclic order was reversed; correct it
  if(detmat < 0)
    p <- reverse.xypolygon(p, adjust=TRUE)
"affine" <- function(X, ...) {

"affine.owin" <- function(X,  mat=diag(c(1,1)), vec=c(0,0), ...,
                          rescue=TRUE) {
  verifyclass(X, "owin")
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  if(!is.matrix(mat) || any(dim(mat) != c(2,2)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("mat"), "should be a 2 x 2 matrix"))
  diagonalmatrix <- all(mat == diag(diag(mat)))
  scaletransform <- diagonalmatrix && (length(unique(diag(mat))) == 1)
  newunits <- if(scaletransform) unitname(X) else as.unitname(NULL)
           if(diagonalmatrix) {
             # result is a rectangle
             Y <- owinInternalRect(range(mat[1L,1L] * X$xrange + vec[1L]),
                       range(mat[2L,2L] * X$yrange + vec[2L]))
             unitname(Y) <- newunits
           } else {
             # convert rectangle to polygon
             P <- as.polygonal(X)
             # call polygonal case
             return(affine.owin(P, mat, vec, rescue=rescue))
           # Transform the polygonal boundaries
           bdry <- lapply(X$bdry, affinexypolygon, mat=mat, vec=vec,
           # Compile result
           W <- owin(poly=bdry, check=FALSE, unitname=newunits)
           # Result might be a rectangle: if so, convert to rectangle type
             W <- rescue.rectangle(W)
           #' binary mask
           if(sqrt(abs(det(mat))) < .Machine$double.eps)
             stop("Matrix of linear transformation is singular")
           newpixels <- (length(list(...)) > 0) &&
                        any(dim(X) != rev(spatstat.options("npixel")))
           if(diagonalmatrix && !newpixels) {
             #' diagonal matrix: apply map to row and column locations
             m      <- X$m
             d      <- X$dim
             newbox <- affine(Frame(X), mat=mat, vec=vec)
             xscale <- diag(mat)[1L]
             yscale <- diag(mat)[2L]
             xcol <- xscale * X$xcol + vec[1L]
             yrow <- yscale * X$yrow + vec[2L]
             if(xscale < 0) {
               #' x scale is negative
               xcol <- rev(xcol)
               m <- m[, (d[2L]:1)]
             if(yscale < 0) {
               ## y scale is negative
               yrow <- rev(yrow)
               m <- m[(d[1L]:1), ]
             W <- owin(mask=m,
                       xy=list(x=xcol, y=yrow),
                       xrange=newbox$xrange, yrange=newbox$yrange,
           } else {
             #' general case
             #' create box containing transformed window
             newframe <- boundingbox(affinexy(corners(X), mat, vec))
             if(newpixels) {
               W <- as.mask(newframe, ...)
             } else {
               #' determine pixel size
               mp <- mat %*% cbind(c(X$xstep, 0), c(0, X$ystep))
               len <- sqrt(colSums(mp^2))
               xcos <- abs(mp[1,1])/len[1]
               ycos <- abs(mp[1,2])/len[2]
               if(xcos > ycos) {
                 newxstep <- len[1]
                 newystep <- len[2]
               } else {
                 newxstep <- len[2]
                 newystep <- len[1]
               W <- as.mask(newframe, eps=c(newxstep, newystep))
             pixelxy <- rasterxy.mask(W)
             xybefore <- affinexy(pixelxy, mat, vec, invert=TRUE)
             W$m[] <- with(xybefore, inside.owin(x, y, X))
             W <- intersect.owin(W, boundingbox(W))
             W <- rescue.rectangle(W)
         stop("Unrecognised window type")

"affine.ppp" <- function(X, mat=diag(c(1,1)), vec=c(0,0), ...) {
  verifyclass(X, "ppp")
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  r <- affinexy(X, mat, vec)
  w <- affine.owin(X$window, mat, vec, ...)
  return(ppp(r$x, r$y, window=w, marks=marks(X, dfok=TRUE), check=FALSE))

"affine.im" <- function(X,  mat=diag(c(1,1)), vec=c(0,0), ...) {
  verifyclass(X, "im")
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  if(!is.matrix(mat) || any(dim(mat) != c(2,2)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("mat"), "should be a 2 x 2 matrix"))
  # Inspect the determinant
  detmat <- det(mat)
  if(sqrt(abs(detmat)) < .Machine$double.eps)
    stop("Matrix of linear transformation is singular")
  diagonalmatrix <- all(mat == diag(diag(mat)))
  scaletransform <- diagonalmatrix && (length(unique(diag(mat))) == 1L)
  newunits <- if(scaletransform) unitname(X) else as.unitname(NULL)
  newpixels <- (length(list(...)) > 0) &&
               any(dim(X) != rev(spatstat.options("npixel")))
  if(diagonalmatrix && !newpixels) {
    # diagonal matrix: apply map to row and column locations
    v      <- X$v
    d      <- X$dim
    newbox <- affine(as.rectangle(X), mat=mat, vec=vec)
    xscale <- diag(mat)[1L]
    yscale <- diag(mat)[2L]
    xcol <- xscale * X$xcol + vec[1L]
    yrow <- yscale * X$yrow + vec[2L]
    if(xscale < 0) {
      # x scale is negative
      xcol <- rev(xcol)
      v <- v[, (d[2L]:1)]
    if(yscale < 0) {
      # y scale is negative
      yrow <- rev(yrow)
      v <- v[(d[1L]:1), ]
    Y <- im(v, xcol=xcol, yrow=yrow,
            xrange=newbox$xrange, yrange=newbox$yrange,
  } else {
    # general case
    # create box containing transformed image
    newframe <- boundingbox(affinexy(corners(X), mat, vec))
    if(newpixels) {
      W <- as.mask(newframe, ...)
    } else {
      #' determine pixel size
      mp <- mat %*% cbind(c(X$xstep, 0), c(0, X$ystep))
      len <- sqrt(colSums(mp^2))
      xcos <- abs(mp[1,1])/len[1]
      ycos <- abs(mp[1,2])/len[2]
      if(xcos > ycos) {
        newxstep <- len[1]
        newystep <- len[2]
      } else {
        newxstep <- len[2]
        newystep <- len[1]
      W <- as.mask(newframe, eps=c(newxstep, newystep))
    unitname(W) <- newunits
    # raster for transformed image
    naval <- switch(X$type,
                    factor= , 
                    integer = NA_integer_,
                    logical = as.logical(NA_integer_),
                    real = NA_real_,
                    complex = NA_complex_, 
                    character = NA_character_,
    Y <- as.im(W, value=naval)
    # preimages of pixels of transformed image
    xx <- as.vector(rasterx.im(Y))
    yy <- as.vector(rastery.im(Y))
    pre <- affinexy(list(x=xx, y=yy), mat, vec, invert=TRUE)
    # sample original image
    if(X$type != "factor") {
      Y$v[] <- lookup.im(X, pre$x, pre$y, naok=TRUE)
    } else {
      lab <- levels(X)
      lev <- seq_along(lab)
      Y$v[] <- lookup.im(eval.im(as.integer(X)), pre$x, pre$y, naok=TRUE)
      Y <- eval.im(factor(Y, levels=lev, labels=lab))

### ---------------------- reflect ----------------------------------

reflect <- function(X) {

reflect.default <- function(X) { affine(X, mat=diag(c(-1,-1))) }

reflect.im <- function(X) {
  out <- with(X,
              list(v      = v[dim[1L]:1, dim[2L]:1],
                   dim    = dim,
                   xrange = rev(-xrange),
                   yrange = rev(-yrange),
                   xstep  = xstep,
                   ystep  = ystep,
                   xcol   = rev(-xcol),
                   yrow   = rev(-yrow),
                   type   = type,
                   units  = units))
  class(out) <- "im"

### ---------------------- shift ----------------------------------

"shift" <- function(X, ...) {

shiftxy <- function(X, vec=c(0,0)) {
  vec <- as.numeric(vec)
  n <- length(vec)
  if(n == 0) {
    warning("Null displacement vector; treated as zero")
  } else if(n != 2) {
    stop(paste("Displacement vector has length", n, "!= 2"),
  list(x = X$x + vec[1L],
       y = X$y + vec[2L])

shiftxypolygon <- function(p, vec=c(0,0)) {
  # transform (x,y), retaining other data
  p[c("x","y")] <- shiftxy(p, vec=vec)

shift.owin <- function(X,  vec=c(0,0), ..., origin=NULL) {
  verifyclass(X, "owin")
  if(!is.null(origin)) {
      warning("argument vec ignored; argument origin has precedence")
    locn <- interpretAsOrigin(origin, X)
    vec <- -locn
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  # Shift the bounding box
  X$xrange <- X$xrange + vec[1L]
  X$yrange <- X$yrange + vec[2L]
           # Shift the polygonal boundaries
           X$bdry <- lapply(X$bdry, shiftxypolygon, vec=vec)
           # Shift the pixel coordinates
           X$xcol <- X$xcol + vec[1L]
           X$yrow <- X$yrow + vec[2L]
           # That's all --- the mask entries are unchanged
         stop("Unrecognised window type")
  # tack on shift vector
  attr(X, "lastshift") <- vec
  # units are unchanged

shift.ppp <- function(X, vec=c(0,0), ..., origin=NULL) {
  verifyclass(X, "ppp")
  if(!is.null(origin)) {
      warning("argument vec ignored; argument origin has precedence")
    locn <- interpretAsOrigin(origin, Window(X))
    vec <- -locn
  vec <- as2vector(vec)
  # perform shift
  r <- shiftxy(X, vec)
  w <- shift.owin(X$window, vec)
  Y <- ppp(r$x, r$y, window=w, marks=marks(X, dfok=TRUE), check=FALSE)
  # tack on shift vector
  attr(Y, "lastshift") <- vec

getlastshift <- function(X) {
  v <- attr(X, "lastshift")
    stop(paste("Internal error: shifted object of class",
               "does not have \"lastshift\" attribute"),
  if(!(is.numeric(v) && length(v) == 2L))
    stop("Internal error: \"lastshift\" attribute is not a vector",

putlastshift <- function(X, vec) {
  attr(X, "lastshift") <- vec

interpretAsOrigin <- function(x, W) {
  if(is.character(x)) {
    x <- paste(x, collapse="")
    x <- match.arg(x,
                   c("centroid", "midpoint",
                     "left", "right", "top", "bottom",
                     "bottomleft", "bottomright",
                     "topleft", "topright"))
    W <- as.owin(W)
    xr <- W$xrange
    yr <- W$yrange
    x <- switch(x,
                centroid    = { unlist(centroid.owin(W)) },
                midpoint    = { c(mean(xr), mean(yr)) },
                left        = { c(xr[1L],   mean(yr)) },
                right       = { c(xr[2L],   mean(yr)) },
                top         = { c(mean(xr), yr[2L]) },
                bottom      = { c(mean(xr), yr[1L]) },
                bottomleft  = { c(xr[1L],   yr[1L]) },
                bottomright = { c(xr[2L],   yr[1L]) },
                topleft     = { c(xr[1L],   yr[2L]) },
                topright    = { c(xr[2L],   yr[2L]) },
                stop(paste("Unrecognised option",sQuote(x)),

### ---------------------- scalar dilation ---------------------------------

scalardilate <- function(X, f, ...) {

scalardilate.default <- function(X, f, ...) {
  trap.extra.arguments(..., .Context="In scalardilate(X,f)")
  check.1.real(f, "In scalardilate(X,f)")
  stopifnot(is.finite(f) && f > 0)
  Y <- affine(X, mat=diag(c(f,f)))

scalardilate.breakpts <- function(X, f, ...) {
  out <- with(X,
              list(val    = f*val,
                   max    = f*max,
                   ncells = ncells,
                   r      = f*r,
                   even   = even,
                   npos   = npos,
                   step   = if(is.null(step)) NULL else (f*step)))
  class(out) <- "breakpts"
scalardilate.im <- scalardilate.owin <- scalardilate.psp <- scalardilate.ppp <-
  function(X, f, ..., origin=NULL) {
  trap.extra.arguments(..., .Context="In scalardilate(X,f)")
  check.1.real(f, "In scalardilate(X,f)")
  stopifnot(is.finite(f) && f > 0)
  if(!is.null(origin)) {
    X <- shift(X, origin=origin)
    negorig <- getlastshift(X)
  } else negorig <- c(0,0)
  Y <- affine(X, mat=diag(c(f, f)), vec = -negorig)

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