#' deldir.R
#' Interface to deldir package
#' $Revision: 1.40 $ $Date: 2022/05/21 09:52:11 $
#' ..............................................
#' Internal options
#' deldir suggests spatstat (!!!)
#' so we must save options here, not in spatstat.options
.spst.triEnv <- new.env()
assign("use.trigraf", TRUE, envir=.spst.triEnv)
assign("use.trigrafS", TRUE, envir=.spst.triEnv)
assign("debug.delaunay", FALSE, envir=.spst.triEnv)
#' for testing purposes only
spatstat.deldir.setopt <- function(use.trigrafS=TRUE,
debug.delaunay=FALSE) {
assign("use.trigrafS", use.trigrafS, envir=.spst.triEnv)
assign("use.trigraf", use.trigraf, envir=.spst.triEnv)
assign("debug.delaunay", debug.delaunay, envir=.spst.triEnv)
dirichlet <- local({
dirichlet <- function(X) {
X <- unique(X, rule="deldir", warn=TRUE)
nX <- npoints(X)
w <- X$window
if(nX == 0) return(NULL)
if(nX == 1) return(as.tess(w))
dd <- safedeldir(X)
if(is.null(dd)) return(NULL)
tt <- deldir::tile.list(dd)
pp <- lapply(tt, df2poly)
if(length(pp) == npoints(X))
names(pp) <- seq_len(npoints(X))
dir <- tess(tiles=pp, window=as.rectangle(w))
if(w$type != "rectangle")
dir <- intersect.tess(dir, w, keepempty=TRUE)
df2poly <- function(z) { owin(poly=z[c("x","y")]) }
delaunay <- function(X) {
X <- unique(X, rule="deldir", warn=TRUE)
nX <- npoints(X)
if(nX < 3) return(NULL)
w <- X$window
dd <- safedeldir(X)
if(is.null(dd)) return(NULL)
a <- dd$delsgs[,5L]
b <- dd$delsgs[,6L]
use.trigraf <- get("use.trigraf", envir=.spst.triEnv)
use.trigrafS <- get("use.trigrafS", envir=.spst.triEnv)
debug.delaunay <- get("debug.delaunay", envir=.spst.triEnv)
if(use.trigrafS) {
# first ensure a[] < b[]
swap <- (a > b)
if(any(swap)) {
oldb <- b
b[swap] <- a[swap]
a[swap] <- oldb[swap]
# next ensure a is sorted
o <- order(a, b)
a <- a[o]
b <- b[o]
nv <- nX
ne <- length(a)
ntmax <- ne
z <- .C(SG_trigrafS,
nv = as.integer(nv),
ne = as.integer(ne),
ie = as.integer(a),
je = as.integer(b),
ntmax = as.integer(ntmax),
nt = as.integer(integer(1L)),
it = as.integer(integer(ne)),
jt = as.integer(integer(ne)),
kt = as.integer(integer(ne)),
status = as.integer(integer(1L)),
if(z$status != 0)
stop("Internal error: overflow in trigrafS")
tlist <- with(z, cbind(it, jt, kt)[1:nt, ])
} else if(use.trigraf) {
nv <- nX
ne <- length(a)
ntmax <- ne
z <- .C(SG_trigraf,
nv = as.integer(nv),
ne = as.integer(ne),
ie = as.integer(a),
je = as.integer(b),
ntmax = as.integer(ntmax),
nt = as.integer(integer(1L)),
it = as.integer(integer(ntmax)),
jt = as.integer(integer(ntmax)),
kt = as.integer(integer(ntmax)),
status = as.integer(integer(1L)),
if(z$status != 0)
stop("Internal error: overflow in trigraf")
tlist <- with(z, cbind(it, jt, kt)[1:nt, ])
} else {
tlist <- matrix(integer(0), 0, 3)
for(i in seq_len(nX)) {
# find all Delaunay neighbours of i
jj <- c(b[a==i], a[b==i])
jj <- sortunique(jj)
# select those with a higher index than i
jj <- jj[jj > i]
# find pairs of neighbours which are Delaunay neighbours
# (thus, triangles where the first numbered vertex is i)
if(length(jj) > 0)
for(j in jj) {
kk <- c(b[a == j], a[b == j])
kk <- kk[(kk %in% jj) & (kk > j)]
if(length(kk) > 0)
for(k in kk)
# add (i,j,k) to list of triangles (i < j < k)
tlist <- rbind(tlist, c(i, j, k))
# At this point, `tlist' contains all triangles formed by the Delaunay edges,
# with vertices given in ascending order i < j < k in the 3 columns of tlist.
# Some of these triangles may not belong to the Delaunay triangulation.
# They will be weeded out later.
# Assemble coordinates of triangles
x <- X$x
y <- X$y
xtri <- matrix(x[tlist], nrow(tlist), 3L)
ytri <- matrix(y[tlist], nrow(tlist), 3L)
# ensure triangle vertices are in anticlockwise order
ztri <- ytri - min(y)
dx <- cbind(xtri[,2L]-xtri[,1L], xtri[,3L]-xtri[,2L], xtri[,1L]-xtri[,3L])
zm <- cbind(ztri[,1L]+ztri[,2L], ztri[,2L]+ztri[,3L], ztri[,3L]+ztri[,1L])
negareas <- apply(dx * zm, 1L, sum)
clockwise <- (negareas > 0)
if(any(clockwise)) {
xc <- xtri[clockwise, , drop=FALSE]
yc <- ytri[clockwise, , drop=FALSE]
tc <- tlist[clockwise, , drop=FALSE]
xtri[clockwise,] <- xc[,c(1L,3L,2L)]
ytri[clockwise,] <- yc[,c(1L,3L,2L)]
tlist[clockwise,] <- tc[, c(1L,3L,2L)]
# At this point, triangle vertices are listed in anticlockwise order.
# The same directed edge (i, j) cannot appear twice.
# To weed out invalid triangles, check for such duplication
triedges <- rbind(tlist[, c(1L,2L)],
tlist[, c(2L,3L)],
tlist[, c(3L,1L)])
if(any(bad <- duplicated(triedges))) {
badedges <- unique(triedges[bad, , drop=FALSE])
ntri <- nrow(tlist)
triid <-, 3)
illegal <-, ntri)
for(j in seq_len(nrow(badedges))) {
from <- badedges[j, 1L]
to <- badedges[j, 2L]
cat(paste("Suspect edge from vertex", from, "to vertex", to, "\n"))
# find all triangles sharing this edge in this orientation
sustri <- triid[(triedges[,1L] == from) & (triedges[,2L] == to)]
cat(paste("\tInvestigating triangles", commasep(sustri), "\n"))
# list all vertices associated with the suspect triangles
susvert <- sortunique(as.vector(tlist[sustri, ]))
cat(paste("\tInvestigating vertices", commasep(susvert), "\n"))
xsusvert <- x[susvert]
ysusvert <- y[susvert]
# take each triangle in turn and check whether it contains a data point
for(k in sustri) {
if(!illegal[k] &&
any(inside.triangle(xsusvert, ysusvert, xtri[k,], ytri[k,]))) {
cat(paste("Triangle", k, "is illegal\n"))
illegal[k] <- TRUE
if(!any(illegal)) {
cat("No illegal triangles found\n")
} else {
cat(paste("Removing", sum(illegal), "triangles\n"))
tlist <- tlist[!illegal, , drop=FALSE]
xtri <- xtri[!illegal, , drop=FALSE]
ytri <- ytri[!illegal, , drop=FALSE]
# make tile list
tiles <- list()
for(m in seq_len(nrow(tlist))) {
p <- list(x=xtri[m,], y=ytri[m,])
tiles[[m]] <- owin(poly=p, check=FALSE)
wc <- convexhull.xy(x, y)
del <- tess(tiles=tiles, window=wc)
if(w$type != "rectangle")
del <- intersect.tess(del, w, keepempty=TRUE)
delaunayDistance <- function(X) {
nX <- npoints(X)
w <- as.owin(X)
ok <- !duplicated(X, rule="deldir")
Y <- X[ok]
nY <- npoints(Y)
if(nY < 3)
return(matrix(Inf, nX, nX))
dd <- deldir(Y$x, Y$y, rw=c(w$xrange,w$yrange))
if(is.null(dd)) return(NULL)
joins <- as.matrix(dd$delsgs[,5:6])
joins <- rbind(joins, joins[,2:1])
d <- matrix(-1L, nY, nY)
diag(d) <- 0
d[joins] <- 1
adj <- matrix(FALSE, nY, nY)
diag(adj) <- TRUE
adj[joins] <- TRUE
z <- .C(SG_Idist2dpath,
nv = as.integer(nY),
d = as.integer(d),
adj = as.integer(adj),
dpath = as.integer(integer(nY * nY)),
tol = as.integer(0),
niter = as.integer(integer(1L)),
status = as.integer(integer(1L)),
if (z$status == -1L)
warning(paste("graph connectivity algorithm did not converge after",
z$niter, "iterations", "on", nY, "vertices and",
sum(adj) - nY, "edges"))
dpathY <- matrix(z$dpath, nY, nY)
if(all(ok)) {
dpathX <- dpathY
} else {
dpathX <- matrix(NA_integer_, nX, nX)
dpathX[ok, ok] <- dpathY
safedeldir <- function(X) {
rw <- with(X$window, c(xrange,yrange))
dd <- try(deldir(X$x, X$y, rw=rw))
if(!inherits(dd, "try-error") && inherits(dd, "deldir"))
warning("deldir failed; re-trying with slight perturbation of coordinates.",
Y <- rjitter(X, mean(nndist(X))/100)
dd <- try(deldir(Y$x, Y$y, rw=rw))
if(!inherits(dd, "try-error") && inherits(dd, "deldir"))
warning("deldir failed even after perturbation of coordinates.", call.=FALSE)
dirichletVertices <- function(X) {
DT <- tiles(dirichlet(X))
xy <-, lapply(DT, vertices))
Y <- unique(ppp(xy$x, xy$y, window=Window(X), check=FALSE))
b <- bdist.points(Y)
thresh <- diameter(Frame(X))/1000
Y <- Y[b > thresh]
dirichletAreas <- function(X) {
X <- unmark(X)
win <- Window(X)
dup <- duplicated(X, rule="deldir")
if((anydup <- any(dup))) {
oldX <- X
X <- X[!dup]
rectangle = {
rw <- c(win$xrange, win$yrange)
dd <- deldir(X$x, X$y, rw=rw)
w <- dd$summary[, 'dir.area']
polygonal = {
w <- tile.areas(dirichlet(X))
mask = {
#' Nearest data point to each pixel:
tileid <- exactdt(X)$i
#' Restrict to window (result is a vector - OK)
tileid <- tileid[win$m]
#' Count pixels in each tile
id <- factor(tileid, levels=seq_len(X$n))
counts <- table(id)
#' Convert to digital area
pixelarea <- win$xstep * win$ystep
w <- pixelarea * as.numeric(counts)
oldw <- numeric(npoints(oldX))
oldw[!dup] <- w
dirichletEdges <- function(X, clip=TRUE) {
X <- unique(X, rule="deldir")
nX <- npoints(X)
W <- Window(X)
if(nX < 2)
dd <- safedeldir(X)
Z <- as.psp(dd$dirsgs[,1:4], window=Frame(W), check=FALSE)
if(clip && !is.rectangle(W))
Z <- Z[W, fragments=TRUE]
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