
Defines functions bw.locppm homtest sqmag HomTestMapEngine print.homtestmap homtestmap update.homtestmap homteststat ttestmap is.poisson.locppm locppmPredict predict.locppm fitted.locppm as.interact.locppm as.ppm.locppm coef.locppm Smooth.locppm contour.locppm print.locppm plot.locppm getvcinternals vcovlocEngine locppmEngine print.locppmOptions locppmOptions locppm

Documented in as.interact.locppm as.ppm.locppm bw.locppm coef.locppm contour.locppm fitted.locppm getvcinternals homtest homtestmap HomTestMapEngine homteststat is.poisson.locppm locppm locppmEngine locppmOptions locppmPredict plot.locppm predict.locppm print.homtestmap print.locppm print.locppmOptions Smooth.locppm sqmag ttestmap update.homtestmap vcovlocEngine

#  locppm.R
# Local (pseudo)likelihood for point processes
#  $Revision: 1.185 $ $Date: 2022/03/22 08:02:10 $

locppm <- function(..., sigma=NULL, f = 1/4,
                   vcalc=c("none", "t", "hessian", "hom", "lik", "full"),
                   locations=c("split", "fine", "coarse"),
                   ngrid=NULL, grideps=NULL,
                   use.fft=FALSE, fft.algorithm="closepairs") {

  starttime <- proc.time()

  missloc <- missing(locations)
  locations <- match.arg(locations)
  vcalc <- match.arg(vcalc)

  if(missloc) {
    # Default is locations = "split"
    # except in the following cases
    if(vcalc == "none") locations <- "fine"
    if(vcalc %in% c("hom", "lik"))  locations <- "coarse"

  # fit homogeneous model
  if(verbose) cat("Fitting homogeneous model... ")
  parenv <- sys.parent()
  homfit <- eval(substitute(ppm(..., forcefit=TRUE)), envir=parenv)
    stop("Sorry, cannot handle marked point processes yet")
  if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
  templatecall <- format(substitute(ppm(...)))

  ispois <- is.poisson(homfit)

  X <- data.ppm(homfit)
  Q <- quad.ppm(homfit)
  U <- union.quad(Q)
  wU <- w.quad(Q)

  # determine smoothing parameter
  if(is.null(sigma)) {
    sigma <- bw.frac(X, f=f)
      cat(paste("sigma = ", sigma, "\n"))

  # default grid dimensions
  need.grid <- (locations %in% c("coarse", "split"))
  if(need.grid && is.null(ngrid) && is.null(grideps))
    ngrid <- 10
  # Selected calculations
  opt.none <- locppmOptions(FALSE)
  if(!use.fft) {
    opt.coef <- locppmOptions(cg=TRUE)
    opt.t    <- locppmOptions(tg=TRUE)
    opt.hess <- locppmOptions(Vg=TRUE, Tg=TRUE)
    opt.hom  <- locppmOptions(sh=TRUE, fh=TRUE, gh=TRUE, Xh=!ispois)
    opt.lik  <- locppmOptions(sh=TRUE, fh=TRUE, gh=TRUE, Xh=!ispois, Lg=TRUE)
    opt.full <- locppmOptions(v0=FALSE, other=TRUE, other1=FALSE)
  } else {
    # FFT calculations
    opt.coef <- locppmOptions(cg1=TRUE)
    opt.t    <- locppmOptions(tg1=TRUE)
    opt.hess <- locppmOptions(gg1=TRUE) 
    opt.hom  <- locppmOptions(sh1=TRUE, fh1=TRUE, gh1=TRUE) #, Xh1=!ispois)
    opt.lik  <- opt.hom
    opt.full <- locppmOptions(FALSE, other1=TRUE)
         none = {
           # estimate coefficients only
           opt.fit  <- opt.coef
           opt.var  <- opt.none
         t = {
           # estimate coefficients and calculate t-statistics
           opt.fit <- opt.coef
           opt.var <- opt.t
         hessian = {
           # estimate coefficients and Poisson/Poincare variance only
           opt.fit <- opt.coef
           opt.var <- opt.hess & !opt.coef
         full = {
           # full variance estimation
           opt.fit <- opt.coef
           opt.var <- opt.full & !opt.coef
         hom = {
           # For use by 'homtest'.
           # Don't evaluate fitted coefficients.
           # Calculate variance of local score under homogeneous model
           opt.fit <- opt.none
           opt.var <- opt.hom
         lik = {
           # For use by 'homtest'.
           # Calculate local likelihood ratio test statistic,
           # plus variance of local score under homogeneous model
           opt.fit <- opt.none
           opt.var <- opt.lik

  phase1time <- NULL
  # Execute
         fine = {
           # quadrature points
           opt <- opt.fit | opt.var
           lpe <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigma, U,
                               weights=wU, opt=opt,
                               scopename="quadrature points",
         coarse = {
           # grid points
           opt <- opt.fit | opt.var
           coarse.to.fine <- gridproxy(U, dimyx=ngrid, eps=grideps)
           G <- U[coarse.to.fine]
           wG <- attr(coarse.to.fine, "weights")
           lpe <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigma, G, weights=wG, opt=opt,
                               scopename="grid points",
                               verbose=verbose, fft.algorithm=fft.algorithm)
         split = {
           # fit on quadrature points, variance estimation on grid points
           lpe.fit <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigma, U, weights=wU, opt=opt.fit,
                                   scopename="quadrature points",
                                   verbose=verbose, fft.algorithm=fft.algorithm)
           # record time taken to complete first phase 
           phase1time <- proc.time() - starttime
           coarse.to.fine <- gridproxy(U, dimyx=ngrid, eps=grideps)
           G <- U[coarse.to.fine]
           wG <- attr(coarse.to.fine, "weights")
           if(verbose) cat("Estimating variance..\n")
           lpe.var <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigma, G, weights=wG, opt=opt.var,
                                   scopename="grid points",
                                   verbose=verbose, fft.algorithm=fft.algorithm)
           lpe <- resolve.defaults(lpe.fit, lpe.var,
  # pack up
  result <- append(lpe,
                   list(homfit=homfit, ispois=ispois, sigma=sigma,
                        vcalc=vcalc, locations=locations,
                        ngrid=ngrid, grideps=grideps,
  class(result) <- c("locppm", class(result))
  result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)

.locppmOptionTable <- local({
  x <-
    list(cg="coefficient estimates",
         vg="variance of local fit",
         tg="t statistics of local fit",
         Vg="Poincare variance (inverse negative Hessian) of local fit",
         Tg="Poincare approximation of t statistics of local fit",
         xg="leave-one-out coefficient estimates",
         vh="null variance of local fit under homogeneous model",
         fh="local Fisher information under homogeneous model",
         gh="gradient of local score evaluated at homogeneous model",
         sh="local score of homogeneous model",
         Xh="covariance of local and global scores under homogeneous model",
         v0="variance of local fit under reduced model", 
         cg1="Taylor approximation of local coefficient estimates",
         vg1="variance of Taylor approximate local coefficients",
         tg1="t statistics of Taylor approximate local fit",
         gg1="gradient (negative Hessian) of Taylor-approximate local fit",
         vh1="null variance of local fit under homogeneous model (by FFT)",
         fh1="local Fisher information under homogeneous model",
         sh1="local score of homogeneous model",
         gh1="gradient of local score evaluated at homogeneous model",
         Xh1="covariance of local and global scores under homogeneous model",
         Lg="local likelihood ratio test statistic for homogeneity")
  not.implemented <- "Xh1"
  require.fastRC <- c("sh", "fh", "Xh")

  y <- names(x)
  z <- unname(unlist(x))

  y1 <- substr(y, 1, 1)
  y2 <- substr(y, 2, 2)

  calcmap <- c(c="coef",

  dimtype <- c(c="vector",

  data.frame(tags        = y,
             descrip     = z,
             calctype    = factor(y1),
             calcname    = unname(calcmap[y1]),
             dimtype     = unname(dimtype[y1]),
             modeltype   = factor(ifelse(y2 %in% c("h", "0"), y2, "l")),
             usefft      = (nchar(y) == 3),
             implemented = !(y %in% not.implemented),
             requirefast = y %in% require.fastRC,
             stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=y)

locppmOptions <- function(other=FALSE, ..., other1=other) {
  if(!is.logical(other) || !is.logical(other1)) stop("Logical values expected")
  # initialise options
  LOT <- .locppmOptionTable
  opt <- ifelse(LOT$usefft, other1, other)
  names(opt) <- LOT$tags
  # set options given explicitly
  argh <- list(...)
  nama <- names(argh)
  hit <- (nama %in% names(opt))
  if(any(hit)) {
    newvalues <- unlist(argh[hit])
    if(!is.logical(newvalues))  stop("Logical values expected")
    opt[nama[hit]] <- newvalues
  # warn about unrecognised options
  if(any(nbg <- !hit))
                  ngettext(sum(nbg), "argument", "arguments"),
  # return
  class(opt) <- c("locppmOptions", class(opt))

print.locppmOptions <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Options for locppm fit\n")
  y <- unlist(x)
  if(!any(y)) {
    cat("Selected options: None\n")
  } else {
    cat("Selected options: \n")
    explain <- .locppmOptionTable$descrip[y]
    nama <- names(explain)
    for(i in seq(along=explain))
      cat(paste0("\t$", nama[i], ": ", explain[[i]], "\n"))

locppmEngine <- function(model, sigma, V, 
                         scopeindex = NULL,
                         opt = locppmOptions(cg=TRUE, Tg=TRUE),
                         dropterm = NULL,
                         matrices = FALSE,
                         fastRCinloop = TRUE,
                         internals = NULL,
                         fft.algorithm = "density"
                         ) {
  # compute weighted version of point process model at each point of V
  stopifnot(inherits(model, "ppm"))
  # ensure 'opt' contains all required entries and resolve defaults
  nullopt <- locppmOptions(cg=TRUE, Tg=TRUE, v0=!is.null(dropterm))
  opt <- resolve.defaults(as.list(opt), as.list(nullopt))
  # get information about *available* options
  LOT <- .locppmOptionTable
  tags        <- LOT$tags
  usefft      <- LOT$usefft
  dimtype     <- LOT$dimtype 
  iscoef      <- (LOT$calctype == "c")
  implemented <- LOT$implemented
  requirefast <- LOT$requirefast
  modeltype   <- LOT$modeltype
  calctype    <- LOT$calctype
  calcname    <- LOT$calcname
  # Detect options that are not yet implemented:
  if(any(nbg <- unlist(opt[tags[!implemented]]))) {
    nama <- names(nbg)[nbg]
    nbad <- sum(nbg)
    warning(paste(ngettext(nbad, "Option", "Options"),
                  ngettext(nbad, "is", "are"),
                  "not yet implemented"))
  if(!fastRCinloop && any(needfast <- unlist(opt[tags[requirefast]]))) {
    tagz <- names(needfast)[needfast]
    desired <- paste(LOT$descrip[tagz], collapse=" or ")
    warning(paste("Slow code (fastRCinloop=FALSE) does not compute",
                  paste0(desired, ";"), "using fast code instead"))
    fastRCinloop <- TRUE
  # Decide on type(s) of calculation
  # Should we fit the local GLM at each location?
  need.localfit <- any(unlist(opt[tags[modeltype == "l" & !usefft]]))
  # Do we need some kind of iteration over locations?
  need.iteration <- any(unlist(opt[tags[!usefft]]))
  # Do we need to update/refit/change the original model in any way?
  need.update <- any(unlist(opt[tags[modeltype != "h"]]))
  # ... setup ........................
  coef.hom <- coef(model)
  nama <- names(coef.hom)
  ncoef <- length(coef.hom)
  ncoef2 <- ncoef^2
  nV <- npoints(V)
  Vx <- V$x
  Vy <- V$y
  # initialise results
  for(tn in tags) assign(tn, NULL)
  # i.e.   cg <- vg <- tg <- ... <- NULL
  if(any(unlist(opt[tags[dimtype == "scalar"]]))) {
    # create template storage for scalars
    sc.blank <- numeric(nV)
  if(need.localfit || any(unlist(opt[tags[dimtype == "vector"]]))) {
    # create template storage for coefficients and t-statistics
    ct.blank <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nV, ncol=ncoef)
    colnames(ct.blank) <- nama
  if(any(unlist(opt[tags[dimtype == "matrix"]]))) {
    # create template storage for variance matrices
    v.blank <-  matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nV, ncol=ncoef2)
    colnames(v.blank) <- as.vector(outer(nama, nama, paste, sep="."))
  # actually assign storage
  if(need.localfit) cg <- ct.blank
  for(i in seq_along(tags)) {
    if(opt[[i]]) {
      blanki <- switch(dimtype[i],
                       matrix = v.blank,
                       vector = ct.blank,
                       scalar = sc.blank)
      assign(tags[i], blanki)

  # .....................................
  # start computin'
  # .....................................

  if(is.null(internals)) {
    # precompute internal data for Rubak-Coeurjolly estimates?
    # Yes if we have to compute Variance, Fisher info or t-statistic
    need.internals <-
      tags[calctype %in% c("v", "f", "t", "X") & ((!usefft & fastRCinloop) |
                                             (usefft  & !is.poisson(model)))]
      internals <- getvcinternals(model, verbose=verbose)
  env.here <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
  m <- getglmfit(model)
  if(is.null(m)) stop("model has no glm fit")
  env.model <- environment(terms(m))
  env.update <- environment(formula(m))
  if(need.update) {
    # manipulate environments so that the update will work
    fmla     <- get("fmla",     envir=env.model)
    gcontrol <- get("gcontrol", envir=env.model)
    glmdata  <- get("glmdata", envir=env.model)
    assign("coef.hom", coef.hom, envir=env.update)
    # to pacify package checker
    .mpl.W <- glmdata$.mpl.W
    .mpl.Y <- glmdata$.mpl.Y
    if(opt$v0) {
        stop("Argument dropterm is missing")
      # construct GLM formula representing null model
      dropfmla <- paste(". ~ . - ", dropterm)
      assign("dropfmla", dropfmla, envir=env.update)
      # evaluate null model
      m0 <- update(m, dropfmla, evaluate=FALSE)
      m0 <- try(eval(m0, enclos=env.model, envir=env.here), silent=TRUE)
      if(inherits(m0, "try-error"))
        stop("Internal error: evaluation of null model failed")
      coef.hom0 <- coef(m0)
      assign("coef.hom0", coef.hom0, envir=env.update)
      # determine injection of coefficients of null into alternative
      nullmap <- match(names(coef.hom0), nama)
        stop("Internal error: cannot match coefficients of null to alternative")
      zerocoef <- rep(0, ncoef)
      names(zerocoef) <- nama

  if(any(unlist(opt[tags[usefft]]))) {
    # FFT calculations
      cat("Performing FFT calculations...")
    # calculations based on homogeneous intensity
    ffthom <- tags[usefft & (modeltype == "h" | iscoef)]
    # calculations based on Taylor approximation to locally fitted intensity
    fftapp <- tags[usefft & modeltype == "l" & !iscoef]
      opt$cg1 <- TRUE
    if(any(opt.hom <- unlist(opt[ffthom]))) {
      # calculations using homogeneous intensity
      tags.do <- names(opt.hom[opt.hom])
      HF <- locppmFFT(model, sigma=sigma, ..., 
                      what=calcname[tags %in% tags.do],
      # Extract values at locations V
      if(opt$cg1) cg1 <- sample.imagelist(HF$coefficients, V)
      if(opt$vh1) vh1 <- sample.imagelist(HF$variance,     V)
      if(opt$fh1) fh1 <- sample.imagelist(HF$fisher,       V)
      if(opt$sh1) sh1 <- sample.imagelist(HF$score,        V)
      if(opt$gh1) gh1 <- sample.imagelist(HF$gradient,     V)
    if(any(opt.app <- unlist(opt[fftapp]))) {
      # calculations using Taylor approximation to locally fitted intensity
      tags.do <- names(opt.app[opt.app])
      # extract Taylor approximations to coefficients at each quadrature point
      coTay <- sample.imagelist(HF$coefficients, union.quad(quad.ppm(model)))
      # compute approximate fitted intensity
      lamT <- locppmPredict(model, coTay)
      # discard intensity values, computed for different model
      forbid <- c("lambda", "lamdel")
      internals.clean <- internals[!(names(internals) %in% forbid)]
      # plug into FFT calculation
      TF <- locppmFFT(model, sigma=sigma,
                      lambda=lamT, ...,
                      what=calcname[tags %in% tags.do],
                      algorithm=fft.algorithm, verbose=verbose)
      # Extract values at locations V
      if(opt$vg1) vg1 <- sample.imagelist(TF$variance,   V)
      if(opt$tg1) tg1 <- sample.imagelist(TF$tstatistic, V)
      if(opt$gg1) gg1 <- sample.imagelist(TF$gradient,   V)
    if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

  if(need.iteration) {
    # ............. Compute estimates by local fitting .................
    # full pattern of quadrature points 
    U <- union.quad(quad.ppm(model))
    nU <- npoints(U)
    Ux <- U$x
    Uy <- U$y

    if(opt$Lg) {
      ## precompute values for likelihood ratio test
      lambda.hom <- fitted(m)
      log.lambda.hom <- log(ifelse(lambda.hom > 0, lambda.hom, 1))

      cat(paste("Processing", nV, scopename, "...\n"))

    for(j in 1:nV) {
        progressreport(j, nV)
      localwt <- dnorm(Ux - Vx[j], sd=sigma) * dnorm(Uy - Vy[j], sd=sigma)
      if(need.localfit) {
        assign("localwt", localwt, envir=env.update)
        fitj <- update(m, weights = .mpl.W * localwt, start=coef.hom,
        fitj <- try(eval(fitj, enclos=env.model, envir=env.here), silent=TRUE)
        if(!inherits(fitj, "try-error") && fitj$converged) {
          # fitted coefficients
          cg[j, ] <- coefj <- coef(fitj)
          # Poincare t-statistic for each parameter (using Hessian)
            Tg[j,] <- coef(summary(fitj))[,3]
          # local likelihood ratio test statistic for test of homogeneity
          if(opt$Lg) {
            lambda.j <- fitted(fitj)
            log.lambda.j <- log(ifelse(lambda.j > 0, lambda.j, 1))
            locW <- .mpl.W * localwt
            logLhom <- sum(locW * (.mpl.Y * log.lambda.hom - lambda.hom))
            logLj   <- sum(locW * (.mpl.Y * log.lambda.j   - lambda.j))
            Lg[j] <- 2 * (logLj - logLhom)
          # variance of local parameter estimates under local model
          # (for confidence intervals)
          if(opt$Vg) { # Poincare variance of local fit
            # Note that for a GLM with weights,
            # vcov.glm returns the inverse of the negative Hessian
            Vgj <- try(vcov(fitj, dispersion=1), silent=TRUE)
            if(!inherits(Vgj, "try-error") && !is.null(Vgj)) 
              Vg[j,] <- as.vector(Vgj)
          if(opt$vg || opt$tg) {
            # Rubak-Coeurjolly type estimate of variance of local fit
            if(fastRCinloop) {
              vgj <- vcovlocEngine(internals, localwt,
                                   A1dummy=TRUE, new.coef=coefj)
            } else {
              vgj <- there.is.no.try(vcov(model,
                                          matwt=localwt, new.coef=coefj,
                                          A1dummy=TRUE, matrix.action="silent"),
            if(!is.null(vgj)) {
              if(opt$vg) vg[j,] <- as.vector(vgj)
              if(opt$tg) tg[j,] <- coefj/sqrt(diag(vgj))
        if(opt$xg) {
          ## leave-one-out estimates of coefficients
          kk <- if(is.null(scopeindex)) j else scopeindex[j]
          ## V[j] = U[kk]
          if(glmdata[kk, ".mpl.Y"] > 0) { #' U[kk] is a data point
            fakedata <- glmdata
            fakedata[kk, ".mpl.Y"] <- 0 # pretend there's no data point at U[kk]
            assign("fakedata", fakedata, envir=env.model)
            fut.j <- update(m, data=fakedata,
                            weights = .mpl.W * localwt, start=coef.hom,
            fut.j <- try(eval(fut.j, enclos=env.model, envir=env.here),
            if(!inherits(fut.j, "try-error") && fut.j$converged) 
              xg[j, ] <- coef(fut.j)
          } else xg[j,] <- cg[j,]
      # variance of local parameter estimates under homogeneous model
      # (for tests of homogeneity)
      if(any(unlist(opt[c("vh", "fh", "gh", "sh", "Xh")]))) {
        if(fastRCinloop) {
          vhj <- vcovlocEngine(internals, localwt, A1dummy=TRUE,
          if(opt$gh) ghj <- attr(vhj, "Grad")
          if(opt$fh) fhj <- attr(vhj, "Fish")
          if(opt$sh) shj <- attr(vhj, "Score")
          if(opt$Xh) Xhj <- attr(vhj, "Cov")
        } else if(!opt$gh) {
          vhj <- try(vcov(model, matwt=localwt, A1dummy=TRUE,
          if(inherits(vhj, "try-error")) vhj <- NULL
          shj <- fhj <- Xhj <- NULL
        } else {
          tmp <- try(vcov(model, matwt=localwt, A1dummy=TRUE,
          if(inherits(tmp, "try-error")) vhj <- ghj <- shj <- NULL else {
            vhj <- tmp$varcov
            ghj <- tmp$internals$gradient
          shj <- fhj <- Xhj <- NULL
        if(opt$vh && !is.null(vhj) &&
           length(as.vector(vhj)) == ncoef2)
          vh[j,] <- as.vector(vhj)
        if(opt$gh && !is.null(ghj) &&
           length(as.vector(ghj)) == ncoef2)
          gh[j,] <- as.vector(ghj)
        if(opt$fh && !is.null(fhj) &&
           length(as.vector(fhj)) == ncoef2)
          fh[j,] <- as.vector(fhj)
        if(opt$sh && !is.null(shj) &&
           length(as.vector(shj)) == ncoef)
          sh[j,] <- as.vector(shj)
        if(opt$Xh && !is.null(Xhj) &&
           length(as.vector(Xhj)) == ncoef2)
          Xh[j,] <- as.vector(Xhj)
      # variance of local parameter estimates under local NULL model
      # (for local test of H_0: beta_k = 0)
      if(opt$v0) {
          # fit null model
        fit0j <- update(m, dropfmla,
                        weights = .mpl.W * localwt, start=coef.hom0,
        fit0j <- try(eval(fit0j, enclos=env.model, envir=env.here), silent=TRUE)
        if(!inherits(fit0j, "try-error")) {
          # extract coefficients of null model
          c0j <- coef(fit0j)
          # inject into alternative
          coef0j <- zerocoef
          coef0j[nullmap] <- c0j
          # compute null variance of local parameter estimates
          if(fastRCinloop) {
            v0j <- vcovlocEngine(internals, localwt,
                                 A1dummy=TRUE, new.coef=coef0j)
          } else {
            v0j <- try(vcov(model, matwt=localwt, new.coef=coef0j,
                            A1dummy=TRUE, matrix.action="silent"),
          if(!inherits(v0j, "try-error") && !is.null(v0j) &&
             length(as.vector(v0j)) == ncoef2)
            v0[j,] <- as.vector(v0j)
    # ........ end of loop over V .................................
    if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

  # convert format and/or add attributes
  make.ssf <- !matrices
  add.scope <- !is.null(scopeindex)
  add.scopename <- !is.null(scopename)
  if(make.ssf || add.scope) {
    for(tn in tags) {
      if(!is.null(thing <- get(tn))) {
        if(make.ssf) {
          thing <- ssf(V, thing)
          if(!is.null(weights)) attr(thing, "weights") <- weights
          attr(thing, "scopeindex") <- scopeindex
          attr(thing, "scopename") <- scopename
        assign(tn, thing)
  result <- mget(tags)

# Locally-weighted Rubak-Coeurjolly estimate of variance

vcovlocEngine <- function(internals, localwt=NULL,
                          A1dummy=FALSE, new.coef = NULL,
                          bananas=FALSE) {
  # 'internals' has previously been validated.
  # Components include
  #     'mom'       model matrix 
  #     'lambda'    fitted intensity of the homogeneous model
  #     'Z'         data/dummy indicator
  #     'wQ'        quadrature weight
  #     'ok'        indicator of the domain of the pseudolikelihood
  #     'areaW'     area of the domain of the pseudolikelihood
  #     'nX'        number of data points
  #     'ispois'    TRUE if model is Poisson
  #     'hom.coef'  fitted coefficients of homogeneous model
  with(internals, {
    okX <- ok[Z]
    ncoef <- length(hom.coef)
    use.coef <- new.coef %orifnull% hom.coef
    # Conditional intensity using the locally-fitted coefficients 'new.coef'
      lambda <- as.vector(lambda * exp(mom %*% (new.coef - hom.coef)))
    # Matrix A1
    momL <- mom * localwt
    A1 <- with(internals,
               if(A1dummy) sumouter(momL[ok, , drop=FALSE],
                                    w=(lambda * wQ)[ok])
               else sumouter(momL[Z & ok, , drop=FALSE]))
    # Gradient (sensitivity) matrix
    Grad <- with(internals,
               if(A1dummy) sumouter(mom[ok, , drop=FALSE],
                                    w=(localwt* lambda * wQ)[ok])
               else sumouter(mom[Z & ok, , drop=FALSE],
                             w = localwt[Z & ok]))
    # Matrices A2 and A3
    if(ispois) {
      A2 <- A3 <- B2 <- B3 <- matrix(0, ncoef, ncoef)
    } else {
      ## adjust variance terms using locally fitted model and local weight
      locwtX <- localwt[Z]
      ##   lamdel[i,j]   = lambda(X[i] | X[-j]) = lambda(X[i] | X[-c(i,j)])
      ##   momdel[ ,i,j] = h(X[i] | X[-j])      = h(X[i] | X[-c(i,j)])
      ##   pairweight[i,j] = lamdel[i,j]/lambda[i] - 1
      sparse <- inherits(ddS, "sparse3Darray")
      if(sparse) {
        pairweight <- expm1(tensor1x1(-use.coef, ddS))
        ## momdelL[ , i, j] = localwt[i] * momdel[ , i, j]
        momdelL <- momdel * mapSparseEntries(momdel, margin=2, locwtX, conform=TRUE, across=1)
      } else {
        pairweight <- expm1(tensor::tensor(-use.coef, ddS, 1, 1))
        ## momdelL[ , i, j] = localwt[i] * momdel[ , i, j]
        momdelL <- momdel * rep(locwtX, rep(ncoef, nX))
      # now compute sum_{i,j} for i != j
      # pairweight[i,j] * outer(momdelL[,i,j], momdelL[,j,i])
      # for data points that contributed to the pseudolikelihood
      pwXok <- pairweight[okX, okX]
      locwtXok <- locwtX[okX]
      A2 <- sumsymouter(momdelL[, okX, okX], w=pwXok)
        B2 <- sumsymouter( momdel[, okX, okX], w=locwtXok * pwXok)
      ## locally-weighted model matrix for data only
      momLX <- momL[Z, , drop=FALSE]
      ## deltamomL[ ,i,j] = momLX[j,] - momdelL[,j,i]
      if(sparse) {
        momLXT <- mapSparseEntries(momdelL, 1, t(momLX), conform=TRUE, across=2)
      } else {
        momLXT <- array(t(momLX), dim=dim(momdelL))
      deltamomL <- aperm(momLXT - momdelL, c(1, 3, 2))
      A3 <- sumsymouter(deltamomL[, okX, okX])
      if(bananas) {
        momX  <- mom[Z, , drop=FALSE]
        if(sparse) {
          momXT <- mapSparseEntries(momdel, 1, t(momX), conform=TRUE, across=2)
        } else {
          momXT <- array(t(momX), dim=dim(momdel))
        deltamom <- aperm(momXT - momdel, c(1, 3, 2))
        nXok <- sum(okX)
        locwtXokMat <- matrix(locwtXok, nXok, nXok)
        B3 <- sumsymouter(deltamom[, okX, okX], w=locwtXokMat)
    ## Finally calculate the Rubak-Coeurjolly estimate:
    Sigma <- A1 + A2 + A3
    U <- try(solve(Grad/areaW))
    if(inherits(U, "try-error")) return(NULL)
    mat <- U %*% (Sigma/areaW) %*% U / areaW
    # add information
    attr(mat, "Grad") <- Grad
    attr(mat, "Fish") <- Sigma
    attr(mat, "Score") <- colSums((Z - lambda * wQ) * momL)
    if(bananas) attr(mat, "Cov") <- Grad + B2 + B3

getvcinternals <- function(model, verbose=TRUE) {
  # Compute the internal data needed for Rubak-Coeurjolly variance estimate
  if(verbose) cat("Computing internal variance data ...")
  ispois <- is.poisson(model)
  internals <- vcov(model, what="internals", saveterms=TRUE)
  needed <- c( c("lambda", "mom", "Z", "ok"),
              if(ispois) NULL else c("lamdel", "momdel"))
  hit <- needed %in% names(internals)
    stop(paste(ngettext(sum(!hit), "component", "components"),
               "missing from internals"))
  # add more info
  wQ <- w.quad(quad.ppm(model))
  nX <- npoints(data.ppm(model))
  W <- as.owin(model)
  internals <- append(internals,
                      list(wQ=wQ, nX=nX, ispois=ispois, hom.coef=coef(model)))
  if(is.null(internals$areaW)) {
    internals$areaW <- if(model$correction == "border")
      eroded.areas(W, model$rbord) else area.owin(W)
  if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

# ............. methods for locppm ................................

plot.locppm <- function(x, ...,
                        which=NULL) {
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(!missing(what)) {
    what <- match.arg(what, row.names(.locppmOptionTable))
  } else {
    what <- FirstExtantEntry(x, c("cg", "cg1"), "Please specify argument what")
  Z <- x[[what]]
    stop(paste("Component", sQuote(what), "is unavailable"))
    Z <- Z[, which]
  do.call("plot", resolve.defaults(list(x=Z),

print.locppm <- function(x, ...) {
  homfit <- as.ppm(x)
        if(is.poisson(homfit)) "likelihood" else "pseudolikelihood",
  splat("Template model:")
  splat(x$templatecall, "\n\n", indent=5)
  #' quadrature info
  qux <- quad.ppm(homfit)
  rez <- summary(qux)$resolution
  if(!is.null(rez)) {
    ndum <- npoints(qux$dummy)
    splat(ndum, "dummy points with spacing", format(rez))
  } else print(qux)
  splat("\nSmoothing parameter sigma: ",
        format(signif(x$sigma, 4) %unit% unitname(qux)),
  # Identify which values have been computed
  LOT <- .locppmOptionTable
  possible <- row.names(LOT)
  present <- possible %in% names(x)
  present[present] <- !unlist(lapply(x[possible[present]], is.null))
  if(any(present)) {
    tags    <- LOT$tags[present]
    explain <- LOT$descrip[present]
    scopes  <- unlist(lapply(lapply(x[tags], attributes),
                             getElement, name="scopename"))
    if(any(nbg <- !nzchar(scopes)))
      scopes[nbg] <- "unspecified locations"
    for(sc in unique(scopes)) {
      splat("Values computed at", sc)
      for(i in which(scopes == sc)) 
        splat(paste0(tags[i], ": ", explain[[i]]), indent=5)
  if(!is.null(ng <- x$ngrid))
    splat("Coarse grid:", paste(ensure2vector(ng), collapse=" x "))
  if(!is.null(ep <- x$grideps)) {
    uh <- unitname(x$homfit)
    splat("Coarse grid: spacing", format(ep %unit% uh))
  if(!is.null(p1t <- x$phase1time))
    splat("Time taken for first phase:", codetime(p1t))

contour.locppm <- function(x, ...,
                           which=NULL) {
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(!missing(what)) {
    what <- match.arg(what, row.names(.locppmOptionTable))
  } else {
    what <- FirstExtantEntry(x, c("cg", "cg1"), "Please specify argument what")
  Z <- x[[what]]
    stop(paste("Component", sQuote(what), "is unavailable"))
  W <- rescue.rectangle(as.owin(Z))
    Z <- Z[, which]
  Z <- Smooth(Z, ...)
  do.call("contour", resolve.defaults(list(x=Z),

Smooth.locppm <- function(X, ..., what="cg") {
  stopifnot(inherits(X, "locppm"))
  if(!missing(what)) {
    what <- match.arg(what, row.names(.locppmOptionTable))
  } else {
    what <- FirstExtantEntry(X, c("cg", "cg1"), "Please specify argument what")
  Y <- X[[what]]
  if(is.null(Y)) return(NULL)
  A <- as.ppp(Y)
  ok <- attr(Y, "ok")
  A <- A[ok]
  sigma0 <- if(any(c("sigma", "varcov") %in% names(list(...))))
            NULL else 1.4 * max(nndist(A))
  out <- do.call("Smooth.ppp",
                 resolve.defaults(list(X = A),

coef.locppm <- function(object, ...,
                        which=c("local", "homogeneous")) {
  which <- match.arg(which)
  result <- with(object,
                        homogeneous = coef(homfit),
                        local       = {
                          if(!is.null(cg)) cg else cg1

confint.locppm <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...,
                            which=c("local", "homogeneous")) 
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "locppm"))
  which <- match.arg(which)
  ispois <- is.poisson(object)
  cf <- coef(object$homfit)
  pnames <- names(cf)
  if (missing(parm)) 
    parm <- pnames
  else if (is.numeric(parm)) 
    parm <- pnames[parm]
  if(which == "homogeneous")
    return(confint(object$homfit, parm, level, ...))
  nparm <- length(parm)
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE,
                      scientific = FALSE, digits = 3), 
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  # local var-cov matrices
  v <- object$vg
  if(is.null(v)) {
    v <- object$Vg
      stop("Fitted model does not contain variances")
      warning("Using Poincare variance (Hessian matrix)")
  vindex <- attr(v, "scopeindex")
  v <- marks(v)
  # extract standard deviations
  diagindex <- diag(matrix(1:(nparm^2), nparm, nparm))
  sd <- sqrt(v[, diagindex, drop=FALSE])
  # create space for result
  ci <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(v), ncol = 2 * nparm)
  colnames(ci) <- as.vector(t(outer(parm, pct, paste)))
  # extract coefficients at same locations
  coefs <- object$cg
  cindex <- attr(coefs, "scopeindex")
  if(!identical(cindex, vindex)) {
    # v is computed on a coarser set of points
    coarse.to.fine <- object$coarse.to.fine
    coefs <- coefs[coarse.to.fine, ]
  co <- marks(coefs)
  P  <- unmark(coefs)
  if(nrow(co) != nrow(v))
    stop("Internal error: mismatch in arrays")
  # calculate confidence intervals
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(v))) 
    ci[i,] <- rep(co[i,], rep(2, nparm)) +
              rep(sd[i, ],   rep(2, nparm)) * rep(fac, nparm)
  # pack up
  ssf(P, ci)

as.ppm.locppm <- function(object) {

as.interact.locppm <- function(object) {

fitted.locppm <- function(object, ...,
                          type=c("cif", "trend", "intensity"),
                          new.coef=NULL) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  lam <- predict(object, type=type, new.coef=new.coef)

predict.locppm <- function(object, ...,
                           type=c("cif", "trend", "intensity"),
                           locations=NULL, new.coef=NULL) {
  # minimal implementation
  type <- match.arg(type)
  locations.given <- !is.null(locations)
  # Extract homogeneous/template model
  homfit <- as.ppm(object)
  # Fitted local coefficients (could be NULL)
  coefs <- coef(object, what="local")
  # Prediction locations
  if(!locations.given) {
    # Use sample points where fitted local coefficients were computed
    if(is.null(coefs)) stop("Unable to determine locations for prediction")
    locations <- unmark(coefs)
  } else stopifnot(is.ppp(locations))
  # Local coefficients
  index <- NULL
  if(is.null(new.coef)) {
     # Extract local coefficients 
    if(is.null(coefs)) stop("Object does not include any fitted coefficients")
    coefmat <- marks(coefs)
    if(locations.given) {
      #' extract coefficient at nearest sample point
      map <- nncross(locations, as.ppp(coefs), what="which")
      coefmat <- coefmat[map, , drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    # New values for local coefficients
    p <- length(coef(as.ppm(object)))
    nloc <- npoints(locations)
    if(is.matrix(new.coef)) {
      if(ncol(new.coef) != p)
        stop("Incorrect number of columns in new.coef")
      if(nrow(new.coef) != nloc)
        stop("Incorrect number of rows in new.coef")
      coefmat <- new.coef
    } else {
      if(length(new.coef) == p) {
        # replicate
        coefmat <- matrix(new.coef, nloc, p, byrow=TRUE)
      } else stop("Incorrect length in new.coef")
  # Check that local coefficients were computed at the quadrature points
  if(is.null(new.coef) &&
     identical(attr(coefs, "scopename"), "quadrature points")) {
    precomputed <- NULL # use defaults
  } else {
    mom <- sample.imagelist(model.images(homfit), locations)
    precomputed <- list(hom.coef = coef(homfit),
                        mom = mom)
           cif = {
             precomputed$lambda <- predict(homfit, locations=locations)
           trend = ,
           intensity = {
             precomputed$trend <- predict(homfit, locations=locations,
  # compute
  values <- locppmPredict(homfit, coefmat, type=type,
                          locations=locations, precomputed=precomputed)
  if(locations.given) return(values)
  return(ssf(locations, values))

locppmPredict <- function(homfit, coefs,
                          type = c("cif", "trend", "intensity"),
                          locations = NULL,
                          precomputed=NULL, details=FALSE,
                          index = NULL) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  # Start by computing fitted conditional intensity of homogeneous model
  # This ensures correct handling of offsets etc
  coef0   <- precomputed$hom.coef %orifnull%  coef(homfit)
  mom     <- precomputed$mom %orifnull% 
             (if(is.null(locations)) model.matrix(homfit) else
              sample.imagelist(model.images(homfit), locations))
         cif = {
           result0 <- precomputed$lambda %orifnull%
                      (if(is.null(locations)) fitted(homfit) else
                       predict(homfit, locations=locations))
         trend = ,
         intensity = {
           result0 <- precomputed$trend %orifnull%
                      (if(is.null(locations)) fitted(homfit, type="trend") else
                       predict(homfit, type="trend", locations=locations))
  if(!is.null(index)) {
    ## restrict to subset of quadrature points U[index]
    result0 <- result0[index] 
    mom     <- mom[index,,drop=FALSE]
  # compute change in linear predictor
  d.coef <- coefs - matrix(coef0, nrow(coefs), ncol(coefs), byrow=TRUE)
  if(type != "cif") {
    # ignore interaction terms
    Vnames <- homfit$internal$Vnames
    d.coef[, Vnames] <- 0
  # adjust fitted conditional intensities according to changed coefficients
  d.eta <- rowSums(mom * d.coef)
  result <- result0 * exp(d.eta)
  if(type == "intensity")
    stop("Poisson-saddlepoint approximation is not yet implemented")
  ans <- result
    attr(ans, "d.eta") <- d.eta

is.poisson.locppm <- function(x) { is.poisson(x$homfit) }

# local 't' statistic for one coefficient in model
ttestmap <- function(object, term, ...,
                     method = c("exact", "hessian", "taylor"),
                     grid = FALSE,
                     ngrid=NULL, grideps=NULL,
                     verbose=TRUE) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  method <- match.arg(method)
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "locppm"))
  homfit <- object$homfit
  coef.hom <- coef(homfit)
  nama <- names(coef.hom)
  # validate 'term'
  gfit <- getglmfit(homfit)
  tlab <- attr(terms(gfit), "term.labels")
  tpos <- match(term, tlab)
    stop(paste(sQuote(term), "is not a term in the model formula"))
  ass <- attr(model.matrix(gfit), "assign")
  relevant <- which(ass == tpos)
  if(length(relevant) == 0)
    stop("Internal error: cannot match the term to its canonical coefficients")
  if(length(relevant) > 1 && method == "exact")
    stop(paste("For Gibbs models, the exact method is not yet implemented",
               "for multidimensional parameters;",
               "the term", sQuote(term),
               "corresponds to", length(relevant), "parameters",
  parm <- nama[relevant]
  iparm <- relevant
  # Which t statistic?
  tname <- switch(method,
                  exact   = "tg",
                  hessian = "Tg",
                  taylor  = "tg1")
  # Is it already available?
  if(!grid && !is.null(tvalues <- object[[tname]])) {
    result <- tvalues[,parm]
    result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)
  # Further computation required
  coefs <- coef(object)
  sigma <- object$sigma
  P <- unmark(coefs)
  wP <- attr(coefs, "weights")
  # determine points for evaluation
  if(!grid) {
    # use all quadrature points
    Puse <- P
    wPuse <- wP
    scopename <- "quadrature points"
    coarse.to.fine <- seq_len(npoints(P))
  } else {
    # use an approximate grid
    if(is.null(ngrid) && is.null(grideps) && object$locations == "split") {
      # use existing 'grid'
      coarse.to.fine <- object$coarse.to.fine
    } else {
      # generate new 'grid'
      coarse.to.fine <- gridproxy(P, dimyx=ngrid, eps=grideps, weights=wP)
    Puse <- P[coarse.to.fine]
    wPuse <- attr(coarse.to.fine, "weights")
    scopename <- "grid points"
  # Compute
  opt <- switch(method,
                exact   = locppmOptions(tg  = TRUE),
                taylor  = locppmOptions(tg1 = TRUE),
                hessian = locppmOptions(Tg = TRUE))
  z <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigma, Puse, weights=wPuse, 
                    opt=opt, scopename=scopename,
  tvalues <- z[[tname]]
  result <- tvalues[,parm]
  result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)

# (signed square root of) local score test statistic
# for test of homogeneity.

homteststat <- function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # 'object' can be either a locppm or a homtestmap
  if(inherits(object, "locppm")) {
    Tv <- homtestmap(object, ..., verbose=verbose)
  } else if(inherits(object, "homtestmap")) {
    Tv <- update(object, ...)
  } else stop("Unrecognised format for object")
  starttime <- proc.time()
  Sv <- if(ncol(marks(Tv)) > 1) sqmag(Tv) else Tv
  S <- integral(Sv)/area(Window(Sv))
  timetaken <- proc.time() - starttime + attr(Tv, "timetaken")
  S <- timed(S, timetaken=timetaken)
  attr(S, "nsample") <- npoints(Sv)

update.homtestmap <-
  function(object, ...,
           what=NULL, test=NULL, ladjust=NULL,
           calibrate=NULL, saveall=FALSE, poolmoments=NULL) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "homtestmap"))
  ## arguments default to their current values in the object
  info <- attr(object, "info")
  oldwhat <- info$what %orifnull% "components"
  oldtest <- info$test %orifnull% "score"
  oldcalibrate <- info$calibrate %orifnull% "Satterthwaite"
  oldladjust   <- info$ladjust   %orifnull% "none"
  oldpoolmoments <- !identical(info$poolable, FALSE)
  if(is.null(what)) what <- oldwhat 
  if(is.null(test)) test <- oldtest 
  if(is.null(calibrate)) calibrate <- oldcalibrate
  if(is.null(ladjust)) ladjust <- oldladjust 
  if(is.null(poolmoments)) poolmoments <- oldpoolmoments
  what <- match.arg(what, c("components", "statistic", "pvalue"))
  test <- match.arg(test, c("score", "taylor", "likelihood"))
  calibrate <- match.arg(calibrate, c("chisq", "Satterthwaite", "firstmoment"))
  ladjust <- match.arg(ladjust, c("none", "moment", "PSS"))
  poolmoments <- as.logical(poolmoments)
  #' interpret arguments
  do.test <- (what %in% c("statistic", "pvalue"))
  likely <- test %in% c("likelihood", "taylor")
  adjusting <- (do.test && likely && ladjust != "none")
  newinfo <- replace(info,
                     c("what", "test", "calibrate", "ladjust",
                       "poolmoments", "adjusting"),
                     list(what, test, calibrate, ladjust,
                          poolmoments, adjusting))
  # is complete data available?
  if(!is.null(localdata <- attr(object, "localdata"))) {
    # yes - compute whatever is required
    resultvalues <- HomTestMapEngine(localdata, newinfo)
    P <- unmark(object)
    result <- ssf(P, resultvalues)
    class(result) <- c("homtestmap", class(result))
    attr(result, "info") <- newinfo
    if(saveall) attr(result, "localdata") <- localdata
    result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)
  # check compatibility
  sameladjust    <- (ladjust == oldladjust) 
  samecalibrate <- (calibrate == oldcalibrate) &&
                   (poolmoments == oldpoolmoments || calibrate == "chisq")
  sametestname <- (test == oldtest)
  sametestdetails <- switch(test,
                            score = TRUE,
                            taylor = samecalibrate,
                            likelihood = sameladjust && samecalibrate)
  sametest <- sametestname && sametestdetails

    stop("Cannot convert between different tests: no saved data")

  if(what == oldwhat) return(object)
  if(oldwhat == "components" && what == "statistic" && test != "likelihood") {
    result <- sqmag(object)
    class(result) <- c("homtestmap", class(result))
    attr(result, "info") <- newinfo
    result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)

  if(what == "pvalue" && test == "score" && calibrate == "chisq") {
           pvalue = return(object),
           statistic = {
             stat <- marks(object)
           components = {
             stat <- marks(sqmag(object))
    ncoef <- info$p 
    pvals <- pchisq(stat, df=ncoef, lower.tail=FALSE)
    result <- ssf(unmark(object), pvals)
    result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)
  stop("Cannot recover information: no saved data")

homtestmap <-  function(object, ...,
                        what = c("components", "statistic", "pvalue"),
                        test = c("score", "taylor", "likelihood"),
                        ladjust = c("none", "moment", "PSS"),
                        calibrate = c("chisq", "Satterthwaite", "firstmoment"),
                        simple = !is.null(theta0), 
                        theta0 = NULL, 
                        poolmoments = NULL,
                        sigma = NULL, 
                        saveall = FALSE, 
                        use.fft = TRUE, 
                        verbose = TRUE) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  test <- match.arg(test)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  ladjust <- match.arg(ladjust)
  told.use.fft <- !missing(use.fft) && use.fft
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "locppm"))
  if(is.null(poolmoments)) poolmoments <- is.stationary(as.ppm(object))
  #' interpret arguments
  do.test <- (what %in% c("statistic", "pvalue"))
  likely <- test %in% c("likelihood", "taylor")
  adjusting <- do.test && likely && (ladjust != "none")
  #' calibration i.e. reference distribution for p-value
  miss.cal <- missing(calibrate)
  should.cal.chisq <- adjusting || (do.test && (test == "score"))
  should.cal.other <- do.test && (test != "score") && (ladjust == "none")
  if(miss.cal && should.cal.chisq) {
    #' score test statistic &
    #' adjusted composite likelihood ratio test statistic
    #' should be referred to chi-squared 
    calibrate <- "chisq"
  } else if(miss.cal && should.cal.other) {
    calibrate <- "Satterthwaite"
  } else {
    calibrate <- match.arg(calibrate)
    if(calibrate != "chisq" && should.cal.chisq) {
      statname <- if(test == "score") "Score test statistic" else
                  "Adjusted composite likelihood ratio test statistic" 
      warning(paste(statname, "should be referred to",
                    "the chi-squared distribution",
                    "by setting calibrate='chisq'"),
    if(calibrate == "chisq" && should.cal.other) {
      warning(paste("Unadjusted likelihood-type statistic should be calibrated",
                    "by setting calibrate='firstmoment' or 'Satterthwaite'"),
  ispois <- is.poisson(object)
  if(test == "likelihood" && use.fft) {
      stop("Cannot use FFT code for test='likelihood'")
    use.fft <- FALSE
  # Determine whether variance calculation under H0 is required
  calc.pvals <- (what == "pvalue")
  calc.var <- calc.pvals || (test != "taylor")
  # Determine whether to assume a simple or composite null hypothesis
  nulltype <- if(simple) "simple" else "composite"
  if(calc.var && nulltype == "simple" && verbose)
    message("Note: calculation ignores the effect of estimating theta")
  if(!is.null(theta0) && use.fft) {
    use.fft <- FALSE
      stop("Cannot use FFT code when theta0 is given")
  homfit <- object$homfit
  hom.coef <- coef(homfit)
  p <- ncoef <- length(hom.coef)
    sigma <- object$sigma

  vec.names <- names(hom.coef)
  mat.names <- as.vector(outer(vec.names, vec.names,
  # determine what values are required
  # U = score, H = hessian, F = local Fisher info, L = local LRTS
  # X = cross-covariance 
  # taylor approximation to likelihood ratio requires H
  # adjusted composite likelihood ratio requires F, H
  # variance calculation for simple null requires F
  # variance calculation for composite null requires F, H and (if Gibbs) X
  # p-value for exact likelihood ratio requires F, H and (if Gibbs) X
  needed <- c(U = TRUE,
              F = saveall || calc.var,
              H = saveall || calc.pvals ||
                  (calc.var && nulltype == "composite") ||
                  (test=="taylor") || adjusting,
              L = saveall || (test == "likelihood"),
              X = !ispois && (calc.pvals ||
                              (calc.var && (nulltype == "composite"))))

  # try to use FFT results
  if(use.fft) {
    # check that required data are available
    ftable = c(U="sh1", F="fh1", H="gh1", L="NA", X="Xh1")
    missed <- unlist(lapply(object[ftable[needed]], is.null))
    if(any(missed)) {
      use.fft <- FALSE
      if(told.use.fft) {
        want.tags <- ftable[needed[missed]]
        want.desc <- with(.locppmOptionTable, descrip[tags %in% want.tags])
        gripe <- paste("Cannot use FFT code; object does not contain",
                       paste0(commasep(want.desc), ";"),
                       "refit the model with vcalc='hom' or 'lik'")
        warning(gripe, call.=FALSE)
  # otherwise try to use data in object
  if(!use.fft) {
    ftable <- c(U="sh", F="fh", H="gh", L="Lg", X="Xh")
    missed <- unlist(lapply(object[ftable[needed]], is.null))
    names(missed) <- names(needed)[needed]
    if(needed["L"] && missed["L"])
      stop(paste("Cannot perform test='likelihood':",
                 "object does not contain",
                 "local likelihood ratio test statistic;",
                 "refit the model with vcalc='lik'"))
    use.object <- !any(missed) && is.null(theta0)

  # OK, all parameters are decided
  resultinfo <- list(test=test, what=what, use.fft=use.fft, p=p,
                     nulltype = nulltype,
                     adjusting = adjusting,

  # ................ START COMPUTING .......................................
  # .........  Compute the local score and other required matrices .........
  Fmat <- Hmat <- Umat <- VUmat <- Lvec <- Xmat <- NULL
  if(use.fft) {
    # use FFT results
    sh1 <- object$sh1
    Umat <- marks(sh1)
    P <- unmark(sh1)
    nP <- npoints(P)
    wP <- attr(sh1, "weights")
    if(needed["F"]) Fmat <- marks(object$fh1)
    if(needed["H"]) Hmat <- marks(object$gh1)
    if(needed["X"]) Xmat <- marks(object$Xh1)
  } else if(use.object) {
    # use values in object
    sh <- object$sh
    Umat <- marks(sh)
    P <- unmark(sh)
    nP <- npoints(P)
    wP <- attr(sh, "weights")
    if(needed["F"]) Fmat <- marks(object$fh)
    if(needed["H"]) Hmat <- marks(object$gh)
    if(needed["L"]) Lvec <- marks(object$Lg)
    if(needed["X"]) Xmat <- marks(object$Xh)
  } else {
    # compute directly (slower...)
    internals <- getvcinternals(homfit, verbose=verbose)
    # extract quadrature points used to fit model
    Q    <- quad.ppm(homfit, drop=FALSE)
    w    <- w.quad(Q)
    Z    <- is.data(Q)
    U    <- union.quad(Q)
    nU   <- npoints(U)
    wU <- w.quad(Q)
    Ux <- U$x
    Uy <- U$y
    ok <- getglmsubset(homfit)
#    suf <- model.matrix(homfit)[ok, , drop=FALSE]
    suf <- model.matrix(homfit)
    # fitted intensity of homogeneous model
    lam <- fitted(homfit, drop=FALSE, new.coef=theta0)
    # increments of residual measure of homogeneous fit
    homresid <- Z - lam * w
    if(ispois) {
      # use all quadrature points
      P <- U
      wP <- wU
      scopename <- "quadrature points"
      coarse.to.fine <- seq_len(nU)
    } else {
      # use coarse grid
      # find components inside the object which are 'ssf'
      izsf <- unlist(lapply(object, inherits, what="ssf"))
      sfs <- object[izsf]
      # count number of points in each ssf object
      nps <- unlist(lapply(sfs, npoints))
      # select smallest number of points
      ibest <- which.min(nps)
      bestname <- names(sfs)[ibest]
      best <- object[[bestname]]
      P <- unmark(best)
      wP <- attr(best, "weights")
      scopename <- attr(best, "scopename") %orifnull% "grid points"
      coarse.to.fine <- object$coarse.to.fine
    nP <- npoints(P)
    Px <- P$x
    Py <- P$y
    # create space
    ncoef <- length(hom.coef)
    Umat <- matrix(, nrow=nP, ncol=ncoef, dimnames=list(NULL, vec.names))
    if(needed["F"]) Fmat <- matrix(, nrow=nP, ncol=ncoef^2,
                                dimnames=list(NULL, mat.names))
    if(needed["H"]) Hmat <- matrix(, nrow=nP, ncol=ncoef^2,
                                dimnames=list(NULL, mat.names))
    if(needed["X"]) Xmat <- matrix(, nrow=nP, ncol=ncoef^2,
                                   dimnames=list(NULL, mat.names))
      splat("Processing", nP, scopename)
    for(k in 1:nP) {
        progressreport(k, nP)
      localwt <- dnorm(Ux - Px[k], sd=sigma) * dnorm(Uy - Py[k], sd=sigma)
      if(ispois) {
        # local score at P[k] for homogeneous model
        locscore <- matrix(localwt * homresid, nrow=1) %*% suf
        Umat[k,] <- locscore
        if(needed["F"] || needed["H"]) {
          # local Fisher information at P[k] for homogeneous model
          if(needed["F"]) {
            locfish <- sumouter(localwt * suf, w * lam)
            Fmat[k,] <- as.vector(locfish)
          # local Hessian at P[k] for homogeneous model
          if(needed["H"]) {
            locHess <- sumouter(suf, w * lam * localwt)
            Hmat[k,] <- as.vector(locHess)
      } else {
        vcl <- vcovlocEngine(internals, localwt, A1dummy=TRUE, new.coef=theta0)
        Umat[k,] <- as.vector(attr(vcl, "Score"))
        if(needed["F"]) Fmat[k,] <- as.vector(attr(vcl, "Fish"))
        if(needed["H"]) Hmat[k,] <- as.vector(attr(vcl, "Grad"))
        if(needed["X"]) Xmat[k,] <- as.vector(attr(vcl, "Cov"))
    if(verbose) splat("\t Done.")

  #' ...... Local variance calculation ...........................
  if(saveall || calc.var) {
    ## compute variance of local score at global estimate of theta
           simple = {
             ## theta is fixed.
             ## variance of local score
             VUmat <- Fmat
           composite = {
             ## theta has been estimated.
             ## Calculate variance of
             ##    {local score evaluated at global estimate of theta}
             ##     allowing for estimation of theta 
             ##     assuming template model is true.
             usepois <- ispois || is.null(Xmat)
             if(!ispois && usepois)
               warning("cross-covariance term not calculated!")
             ## Variance of estimate for *template* model
             ##    var0 = H^{-1} I H^{-1}
             ## where I = information, H = gradient
             ## (H = G if poisson)
             if(usepois) {
               homV <- vcov(homfit)
             } else {
               a <- vcov(homfit, what="all")
               homV <- a$varcov
               homH <- a$internals$hessian %orifnull% a$internals$A1
             ## Make it a flat matrix stack
             homVmat <- as.flat.matrix(homV, nP)
             ## Cross-covariance term(s)
             ## C(s) = H(s) var0 H(s)
             Cmat <- quadform2.flat.matrices(homVmat, Hmat,
                                             c(p,p), c(p,p))
             if(ispois || is.null(Xmat)) {
               VUmat <- Fmat - Cmat
             } else {
               ## D(d) = H(s) H^{-1} cov(local score, global score)
               invhomHmat <- as.flat.matrix(solve(homH), nP)
               Dmat <- multiply3.flat.matrices(Hmat, invhomHmat, Xmat,
                                               c(p,p), c(p,p), c(p,p))
               tDmat <- transpose.flat.matrix(Dmat, c(p,p))
               VUmat <- Fmat + Cmat - Dmat - tDmat
               if(spatstat.options('developer')) {
                 ei <- eigenvalues.flat.matrix(VUmat, p)
                 bad <- apply(ei < 0, 1, any)
                   warning(paste0(signif(100 * mean(bad), 3),
                                  "% of matrices are not positive definite\n"))
  # ....   Assemble 'sufficient statistics' ...............
  localdata <- list(Fmat   = Fmat,
                    Hmat   = Hmat,
                    Umat   = Umat,
                    VUmat  = VUmat,
                    Lvec   = Lvec,
                    Xmat   = Xmat,
                    ncoef  = ncoef,
                    p      = p,
                    nP     = nP,
                    wts    = wP,
                    hom.coef = hom.coef)

  # ....  Compute the desired map (p-value, test statistic etc) .....

  resultvalues <- HomTestMapEngine(localdata, resultinfo)

  # ....  Wrap up ............................................

  result <- ssf(P, resultvalues)
  class(result) <- c("homtestmap", class(result))
  attr(result, "weights") <- wP
  attr(result, "info") <- resultinfo
  if(saveall) attr(result, "localdata") <- localdata
  result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)

print.homtestmap <- function(x, ...) {
  with(attr(x, "info"), {
    splat("Homogeneity test map (class 'homtestmap')")
           score = {
             testname <- "Score Test"
             shortstat <- paste(testname, "Statistic")
           taylor = {
             testname <- paste("Taylor approximation to",
                               "Composite Likelihood Ratio Test")
             shortstat <- "Approximate CLRTS"
             if(adjusting) {
               testname <- paste("Adjusted", testname)
               shortstat <- paste("Adjusted", shortstat)
           likelihood = {
             testname <- "Composite Likelihood Ratio Test"
             shortstat <- "CLRTS"
             if(adjusting) {
               testname <- paste("Adjusted", testname)
               shortstat <- paste("Adjusted", shortstat)
    statname <- paste(testname, "Statistic")
    vname <-
             components = {
               issqrt <- (test != "likelihood")
               isvector <- issqrt && (p > 1) 
               paste0(if(isvector) "Vector components of " else "",
                      if(issqrt) "signed square root of " else "",
                      paste(testname, "Statistic"))
             statistic = paste(testname, "Statistic"),
             pvalue    = paste("p-values for", testname))
    splat("\nFunction values:", vname)
             moment = splat(shortstat, "adjusted by first moment matching"),
             PSS = splat(shortstat, "adjusted by Pace-Salvan-Sartori"),
             none = {})
    if(what == "pvalue")
        "The p-values were obtained by referring the",
        shortstat, "to the",
               chisq = paste("chi-squared distribution with", p, "d.f."),
               Satterthwaite =
               "gamma distribution (Satterthwaite approx.)",
               firstmoment =
               "rescaled chi-squared distribution (first moment approx.)")

HomTestMapEngine <- function(x, info) {
  #' some of these may be NULL 
  Lvec  <- x$Lvec  # local pseudolikelihood
  Umat  <- x$Umat  # local pseudoscore
  VUmat <- x$VUmat # null variance of local pseudoscore
  Hmat  <- x$Hmat  # Hessian of local log pseudolikelihood
  p     <- x$p     # dimension of parameter
  wts   <- x$wts   # weights associated with sample locations
  hom.coef <- x$hom.coef # global estimate of theta under H0
  ncoef <- length(hom.coef)
  if(spatstat.options('developer')) {
    splat("homtestmap info:")
  with(info, {
    ## .....  Now calculate test statistic .....................................
           components = {
             ## compute components of 'square root' of local test statistic
                    score = {
                      ## score test statistic
                      ## inverse square root of variance of local score
                      ISVmat <- handle.flat.matrix(VUmat, c(p, p), invsqrtmat)
                      ## premultiply local score
                      rootstat <- multiply2.flat.matrices(ISVmat, Umat,
                                                          c(p, p), c(p, 1))
                      colnames(rootstat) <- names(hom.coef)
                    taylor = {
                      ## Taylor approximation to local likelihood ratio test
                      ## inverse square root of variance of local Hessian
                      InvsqHmat <- handle.flat.matrix(Hmat, c(p, p), invsqrtmat)
                      ## premultiply local score
                      rootstat <- multiply2.flat.matrices(InvsqHmat, Umat,
                                                          c(p, p), c(p, 1))
                      colnames(rootstat) <- names(hom.coef)
                    likelihood = {
                      rootstat <- Lvec
           pvalue = ,
           statistic = {
             ## compute local test statistic
                    score = {
                      ## score test statistic
                      IVmat <- invert.flat.matrix(VUmat, p)
                      stat <- quadform2.flat.matrices(IVmat, Umat,
                                                      c(p,p), c(1,p))
                    taylor = {
                      ## Taylor approx of local likelihood ratio test statistic
                      IHmat <- invert.flat.matrix(Hmat, p)
                      stat <- quadform2.flat.matrices(IHmat, Umat,
                                                      c(p,p), c(1,p))
                    likelihood = {
                      stat <- Lvec
    ## .....  Adjustment of (approximate) CLRTS .......................
    if(adjusting) {
             moment = {
               ## first moment matching adjustment
               GinVmat <- solve2.flat.matrices(Hmat, VUmat,
                                               c(p,p), c(p,p))
               E <- trace.flat.matrix(GinVmat, p)
               stat <- (ncoef/E) * stat
             PSS = {
               ## Pace-Salvan-Sartori adjustment
               IVmat <- invert.flat.matrix(VUmat, p)
               scorestat <- quadform2.flat.matrices(IVmat, Umat,
                                                    c(p,p), c(1,p))
               IHmat <- invert.flat.matrix(Hmat, p)
               taylorstat <- quadform2.flat.matrices(IHmat, Umat,
                                                     c(p,p), c(1,p))
               stat <- (scorestat/taylorstat) * stat
             none = { }
    ## .....  Null moments for calibration ...................................
    if(calibrate != "chisq" && test %in% c("likelihood", "taylor")) {
      if(poolmoments) {
        Hpool <- average.flat.matrix(Hmat, c(p, p), wts)
        VUpool <- average.flat.matrix(VUmat, c(p, p), wts)
        GinVpool <- solve(Hpool, VUpool)
        E <- sum(diag(GinVpool))
        if(calibrate == "Satterthwaite")
          V <- 2 * sum(diag(GinVpool %*% GinVpool))
      } else {
        GinVmat <- solve2.flat.matrices(Hmat, VUmat,
                                        c(p,p), c(p,p))
        E <- trace.flat.matrix(GinVmat, p)
        if(calibrate == "Satterthwaite") {
          GinV2mat <- multiply2.flat.matrices(GinVmat, GinVmat,
                                              c(p,p), c(p,p))
          V <- 2 * trace.flat.matrix(GinV2mat, p)
    ## .....  Local p-values ...................................
    if(what == "pvalue") {
             chisq = {
               pvals <- pchisq(stat, df=ncoef, lower.tail=FALSE)
             Satterthwaite = {
               shape <- E^2/V
               scale <- V/E
               pvals <- pgamma(stat, shape=shape, scale=scale,
             firstmoment = {
               shape <- ncoef/2  ## i.e. chi^2, df=ncoef
               scale <- 2 * E/ncoef  ## rescaled so mean =  E
               pvals <- pgamma(stat, shape=shape, scale=scale,
    ## .....  Finally assemble the result ...................................
    resultvalues <- switch(what,
                           components = rootstat,
                           statistic  = stat,
                           pvalue     = pvals)

sqmag <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "ssf"))
  val <- marks(x)
  y <- matrix(rowSums(val^2), ncol=1)
  z <- ssf(unmark(x), y)
  attr(z, "weights") <- attr(x, "weights")

homtest <- function(X, ...,
                    test = c("residuals", "score", "taylor", "likelihood"),
                    locations = c("coarse", "fine", "split"),
                    ladjust = NULL,
                    use.fft = NULL,
                    simul = NULL,
                    verbose = TRUE,
                    Xname=NULL) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
    Xname <- short.deparse(substitute(X))
  test <- match.arg(test)
  locations <- match.arg(locations)
    use.fft <- (locations == "fine") && (test != "likelihood")
  argh <- list(...)
  # Text string representing the locppm call
  cl <- sys.call()
  if(!is.null(clnames <- names(cl))) {
    discard <- clnames %in% c("nsim", "test", "simul",
                              "verbose", "Xname", "ladjust", "calibrate")
    cl <- cl[!discard]
  cl[[1]] <- as.name("locppm")
  cl <- format(cl)
  testname <- c("Monte Carlo test of homogeneity for", cl)
  testbase <- paste("based on", nsim, "simulations")
  ladjust <- if(is.null(ladjust)) "PSS" else
             match.arg(ladjust, c("none", "moment", "PSS"))
  ladjname <- if(ladjust == "none") "" else paste0(ladjust, "-adjusted ")
         likelihood = {
           methodname <- paste0("using ", ladjname,
                                "composite likelihood ratio test statistic")
           calcname <- if(use.fft) "computed by FFT" else "computed directly"
           doit <- function(Y, argh, locations, use.fft, ladjust) { 
             fit <- do.call(locppm,
             h <- homteststat(fit, test="likelihood", ladjust=ladjust,
                              use.fft=use.fft, verbose=FALSE)
         taylor = {
           methodname <- paste0("using ", ladjname, "Taylor approximation to ",
                                "composite likelihood ratio test statistic")
           calcname <- if(use.fft) "computed by FFT" else "computed directly"
           doit <- function(Y, argh, locations, use.fft, ladjust) { 
             fit <- do.call(locppm,
             h <- homteststat(fit, test="taylor", ladjust=ladjust,
                              use.fft=use.fft, verbose=FALSE)
         score = {
           methodname <- "using score test statistic"
           calcname <- if(use.fft) "computed by FFT" else "computed directly"
           doit <- function(Y, argh, locations, use.fft, ladjust) { 
             fit <- do.call(locppm,
             h <- homteststat(fit, test="score",
                              use.fft=use.fft, verbose=FALSE)
         residuals = {
           methodname <- "using score residuals"
           calcname <- "computed directly"
           doit <- function(Y, argh, locations, use.fft, ladjust) {
             fit <- do.call(ppm, append(list(Y), argh))
             res <- residuals(fit, "score")
             smr <- Smooth(res)
             if(is.im(smr)) smr <- list(smr)
             sqr <- lapply(smr, "^", e2=2)
             sumsqr <- Reduce("+", sqr)
             h <- mean(sumsqr)
             attr(h, "nsample") <- n.quad(quad.ppm(fit))

  if(verbose) cat("Computing observed value...")
  obs <- doit(X, argh, locations=locations, use.fft=use.fft, ladjust=ladjust)
  if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
  # extract info
  nsample <- attr(obs, "nsample")
    calcname <- paste(calcname, "on", nsample, "sample points")
  # save for use in return value
  obs <- as.numeric(obs)
  names(obs) <- "S"
  # fit 'homogeneous' model
  homfit <- ppm(X, ...)
  # generate the simulated patterns
  if(is.null(simul)) {
    Xsim <- simulate(homfit, nsim=nsim, progress=verbose)
  } else if(is.expression(simul)) {
    Xsim <- list()
    if(verbose) cat(paste("Generating", nsim,
                          "simulated realizations by evaluating expression..."))
    for(i in 1:nsim)
      Xsim[[i]] <- eval(simul)
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(Xsim, is.ppp))))
      stop("Evaluating the expression did not yield a point pattern")
  } else if(is.list(simul)) {
    Xsim <- simul
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(Xsim, is.ppp))))
      stop("Entries in the list should be point patterns")
  } else stop("Unrecognised format of argument simul")
  # evaluate the statistic
  sim <- numeric(nsim)
  if(verbose) cat("Computing test statistics...")
  for(i in 1:nsim) {
    if(verbose) progressreport(i, nsim)
    sim[i] <- doit(Xsim[[i]], argh, locations=locations,
                   use.fft=use.fft, ladjust=ladjust)
  if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")
  pval <- (1 + sum(sim >= obs))/(nsim+1)
  result <- list(statistic = obs,
                 p.value = pval,
                 alternative = "inhomogeneous",
                 method = c(testname, methodname, calcname, testbase),
                 data.name = Xname,
                 simulated = sim)
  class(result) <- "htest"
  attr(result, "homfit") <- homfit
  result <- timed(result, starttime=starttime)
bw.locppm <- function(...,
                      method = c("fft", "exact", "taylor"), 
                      srange = NULL, ns=9, sigma = NULL,
                      additive = TRUE,
                      verbose=TRUE) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  parenv <- sys.parent()

  method <- match.arg(method)
  additive <- additive && (method == "taylor")

  # fit homogeneous model
  if(verbose) cat("Fitting homogeneous model... ")  
  homfit <- eval(substitute(ppm(..., forcefit=TRUE)), envir=parenv)
    stop("Sorry, cannot handle marked point processes yet")
  p <- length(coef(homfit))
  ispois <- is.poisson(homfit)

  if(verbose) cat("Computing model properties... ")
  # extract quadrature info
  X <- data.ppm(homfit)
  Q <- quad.ppm(homfit)
  U <- union.quad(Q)
  wQ <- w.quad(Q)
  Z <- is.data(Q)
  nX <- npoints(X)
  nU <- npoints(U)
  Xindex <- seq_len(nU)[Z]
  xU <- U$x
  yU <- U$y
  # save internal structures for use in prediction
  gfit <- getglmfit(homfit)
  gdat <- getglmdata(homfit)

  mm <- model.matrix(homfit)
  mmX <- mm[Z, , drop=FALSE]

  lambda0  <- fitted(homfit)
  coef0    <- coef(homfit)
  coef0mat <- matrix(coef0, nU, length(coef0), byrow=TRUE)
  # determine values of smoothing parameter to be assessed
  if(!missing(sigma) && !is.null(sigma)) {
    ns <- length(sigma)
  } else {
    if(is.null(srange)) {
      srange <- range(bw.diggle(X) * c(1/2, 4),
                      bw.frac(X, f=1/3))
    } else check.range(srange)
    sigma <- exp(seq(log(srange[1]), log(srange[2]), length=ns))

  # specify fitting options and pre-compute relevant data
         fft = {
           ## Taylor approximation coefficients and gradient
           ## on quadrature points
           opt.taylor <- locppmOptions(cg1=TRUE, gg1=TRUE)
           #' precompute some values
           internals <- list(lambda=lambda0,
         exact = {
           ## fit on quadrature points
           opt.quad <- locppmOptions(cg=TRUE)
           ## leave-one-out calculation on data points
           opt.data <- locppmOptions(xg=TRUE)
           internals <- NULL
         taylor = {
           ## fit on quadrature points
           opt.quad <- locppmOptions(cg=TRUE)
           ## leverage approximation on data points using Hessian
           opt.data <- locppmOptions(Vg=TRUE)
           ## precompute internal data for variance estimates
           internals <- getvcinternals(homfit, verbose=verbose)

  if(!ispois && method != "exact") {
    # pre-compute data for leverage approximation
    if(verbose) cat("Leverage... ")
    internals$coef <- internals$hom.coef
    a <- ppmInfluence(homfit, what=c("increments"), precomputed=internals)
    # change in canonical statistic for X[i] when X[j] is deleted
    ddS <- a$increm$ddS[ Z, Z, , drop=FALSE]
    # change in integral increment at U[i] when X[j] is deleted
    ddSincrements <- wQ * a$increm$ddSintegrand[ , Z, , drop=FALSE]
  if(verbose) cat("Done.\n")

  ## allocate storage
  datasum <- dof <- intlam <- numeric(ns)

  ## fit using each value of sigma
  if(verbose) {
    cat(paste("Assessing", ns, "values of sigma... "))
    pstate <- list()
  for(k in 1:ns) {
    sigk <- sigma[k]
    kernel0 <- 1/(2 * pi * sigk^2)
           fft = {
             #' fit and Hessian approximated on quadrature points
             lpe <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigk, U, opt=opt.taylor,
                                 scopename="quadrature points",
                                 verbose=FALSE, internals=internals)
             #' fitted [conditional] intensity at each quadrature point
             lambda <- locppmPredict(homfit, marks(lpe$cg1),
                                     precomputed=internals, details=TRUE)
             d.eta <- attr(lambda, "d.eta")
             #' Hessian at data points
             hQ <- lpe[[ "gg1" ]]
             hX <- marks(hQ)[Z,,drop=FALSE]
             #' invert the Hessians
             vX <- invert.flat.matrix(hX, p)
           exact = {
             #' fit on quadrature points
             lpe.quad <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigk, U, opt=opt.quad,
                                      scopename="quadrature points",
                                      verbose=FALSE, internals=internals)
             ## compute fitted conditional intensity at each quadrature point
             lambda <- locppmPredict(homfit, marks(lpe.quad$cg), 
                                     precomputed=internals, details=TRUE)
             #' leave-one-out fit on data points
             lpe.data <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigk, X, opt=opt.data,
                                      scopename="data points",
                                      verbose=FALSE, internals=internals)
             ## leave-one-out estimates at data points
             lambdaXminus <- locppmPredict(homfit, marks(lpe.data$xg),
                                           precomputed=internals, details=TRUE)
           taylor = {
             #' fit on quadrature points
             lpe.quad <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigk, U, opt=opt.quad,
                                      scopename="quadrature points",
                                      verbose=FALSE, internals=internals)
             ## compute fitted conditional intensity at each quadrature point
             lambda <- locppmPredict(homfit, marks(lpe.quad$cg), 
                                     precomputed=internals, details=TRUE)
             d.eta <- attr(lambda, "d.eta")
             ## leverage approximation on data points
             lpe.data <- locppmEngine(homfit, sigk, X, opt=opt.data,
                                      scopename="data points",
                                      verbose=FALSE, internals=internals)
             ## leverage approximation uses inverse Hessian at data points
             vX <- lpe.data[[ "Vg" ]]
             vX <- marks(vX)
    # compute terms in cross-validation criterion
    datasum[k] <- sum(log(lambda[Z])) 
    intlam[k] <- if(anyNA(lambda)) Inf else sum(lambda * wQ)
    if(method == "exact") {
      dof[k] <- datasum[k] - sum(log(lambdaXminus))
    } else {
      ## compute 'leverage' approximation 
      if(ispois) {
        ##    log(lambda(x_i)) - log(lambda_{-i}(x_i))
        ##    ~ kernel(0) Z(x_i) V(x_i) Z(x_i)^T
        leve <- kernel0 * quadform2.flat.matrices(vX, mmX, c(p, p), c(1, p))
      } else {
        ##    log(lambda(x_i)) - log(lambda_{-i}(x_i))
        ##    ~ kernel(0) Z(x_i) V(x_i) Y(x_i)^T
        ## compute Y(x_i)
        dScore <- kernel0 * mmX
        lrat <- exp(d.eta) # adjustment factor for lambda
        seqX <- 1:nX
        for(j in seqX) {
          weiU <-
            dnorm(xU, mean=xU[j], sd=sigk) * dnorm(yU, mean=yU[j], sd=sigk)
          weiX <- weiU[seqX]
          A <- apply(weiX * ddS[, j, , drop=FALSE], c(2,3), sum)
          B <- apply(weiU * lrat * ddSincrements[ , j, , drop=FALSE],
                     c(2,3), sum)
          dScore[j,] <- dScore[j,] + A + B
        leve <- bilinear3.flat.matrices(mmX, vX, dScore, c(1,p), c(p,p), c(1,p))
      dof[k] <- if(!additive) sum(leve) else
                if(all(leve < 1)) -sum(log(1-leve)) else Inf
    #' end of loop
    if(verbose) pstate <- progressreport(k, ns, state=pstate)

  # cross-validation criterion
  gcv <- datasum - dof - intlam
  result <- bw.optim(gcv, sigma, iopt=which.max(gcv), cvname="cv",
                     dof=dof, intlam=intlam, datasum=datasum)
  attr(result, "method") <- method
  attr(result, "resolution") <- summary(quad.ppm(homfit))[["resolution"]]
  timed(result, starttime=starttime)

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spatstat.local documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:06 p.m.