
Defines functions cutoff_wschisq r_wschisq q_wschisq p_wschisq d_wschisq

Documented in cutoff_wschisq d_wschisq p_wschisq q_wschisq r_wschisq

#' @title Weighted sums of non-central chi squared random variables
#' @description Approximated density, distribution, and quantile functions for
#' weighted sums of non-central chi squared random variables:
#' \deqn{Q_K = \sum_{i = 1}^K w_i \chi^2_{d_i}(\lambda_i),}
#' where \eqn{w_1, \ldots, w_n} are positive weights, \eqn{d_1, \ldots, d_n}
#' are positive degrees of freedom, and \eqn{\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n}
#' are non-negative non-centrality parameters. Also, simulation of \eqn{Q_K}.
#' @inheritParams r_unif
#' @param x vector of quantiles.
#' @param u vector of probabilities.
#' @param weights vector with the positive weights of the sum. Must have the
#' same length as \code{dfs}.
#' @param dfs vector with the positive degrees of freedom of the chi squared
#' random variables. Must have the same length as \code{weights}.
#' @param ncps non-centrality parameters. Either \code{0} (default) or a
#' vector with the same length as \code{weights}.
#' @param method method for approximating the density, distribution, or
#' quantile function. Must be \code{"I"} (Imhof), \code{"SW"}
#' (Satterthwaite--Welch), \code{"HBE"} (Hall--Buckley--Eagleson), or
#' \code{"MC"} (Monte Carlo; only for distribution or quantile functions).
#' Defaults to \code{"I"}.
#' @param exact_chisq if \code{weights} and \code{dfs} have length one, shall
#' the \code{\link[stats]{Chisquare}} functions be called? Otherwise, the
#' approximations are computed for this exact case. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param imhof_epsabs,imhof_epsrel,imhof_limit precision parameters passed to
#' \code{\link[CompQuadForm]{imhof}}'s \code{epsabs}, \code{epsrel}, and
#' \code{limit}, respectively. They default to \code{1e-6}, \code{1e-6},
#' and \code{1e4}.
#' @param grad_method,grad_method.args numerical differentiation parameters
#' passed to \code{\link[numDeriv]{grad}}'s \code{method} and
#' \code{method.args}, respectively. They default to \code{"simple"},
#' and \code{list(eps = 1e-7)} (better precision than \code{imhof_epsabs} to
#' avoid numerical artifacts).
#' @param M number of Monte Carlo samples for approximating the distribution if
#' \code{method = "MC"}. Defaults to \code{1e4}.
#' @param MC_sample if provided, it is employed when \code{method = "MC"}. If
#' not, it is computed internally.
#' @param nlm_gradtol,nlm_iterlim convergence control parameters passed to
#' \code{\link[stats]{nlm}}'s \code{gradtol} and \code{iterlim}, respectively.
#' They default to \code{1e-6} and \code{1e3}.
#' @param thre vector with the error thresholds of the tail probability and
#' mean/variance explained by the first terms of the series. Defaults to
#' \code{1e-4}. See details.
#' @param log are \code{weights} and \code{dfs} given in log-scale? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param x_tail scalar evaluation point for determining the upper tail
#' probability. If \code{NULL}, set to the \code{0.90} quantile of the whole
#' series, computed by the \code{"HBE"} approximation.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{d_wschisq}: density function evaluated at \code{x}, a vector.
#'   \item \code{p_wschisq}: distribution function evaluated at \code{x},
#'   a vector.
#'   \item \code{q_wschisq}: quantile function evaluated at \code{u}, a vector.
#'   \item \code{r_wschisq}: a vector of size \code{n} containing a random
#'   sample.
#'   \item \code{cutoff_wschisq}: a data frame with the indexes up to which the
#'   truncated series explains the tail probability with absolute error
#'   \code{thre}, or the proportion of the mean/variance of the whole series
#'   that is \emph{not} explained by the truncated series.
#' }
#' @author Eduardo García-Portugués and Paula Navarro-Esteban.
#' @details
#' Four methods are implemented for approximating the distribution of a
#' weighted sum of chi squared random variables:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"I"}: Imhof's approximation (Imhof, 1961) for the evaluation
#'   of the distribution function. If this method is selected, the function
#'   is simply a wrapper to \code{\link[CompQuadForm]{imhof}} from the
#'   \code{CompQuadForm} package (Duchesne and Lafaye De Micheaux, 2010).
#'   \item \code{"SW"}: Satterthwaite--Welch (Satterthwaite, 1946; Welch, 1938)
#'   approximation, consisting in matching the first \emph{two} moments of
#'   \eqn{Q_K} with a gamma distribution.
#'   \item \code{"HBE"}: Hall--Buckley--Eagleson (Hall, 1983; Buckley and
#'   Eagleson, 1988) approximation, consisting in matching the first
#'   \emph{three} moments of \eqn{Q_K} with a gamma distribution.
#'   \item \code{"MC"}: Monte Carlo approximation using the empirical
#'   cumulative distribution function with \code{M} simulated samples.
#' }
#' The Imhof method is exact up to the prescribed numerical accuracy. It is
#' also the most time-consuming method. The density and quantile functions
#' for this approximation are obtained by numerical differentiation and
#' inversion, respectively, of the approximated distribution.
#' For the methods based on gamma matching, the \code{\link[stats]{GammaDist}}
#' density, distribution, and quantile functions are invoked. The
#' Hall--Buckley--Eagleson approximation tends to overperform the
#' Satterthwaite--Welch approximation.
#' The Monte Carlo method is relatively inaccurate and slow, but serves as an
#' unbiased reference of the true distribution function. The inversion of the
#' empirical cumulative distribution is done by \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}.
#' An empirical comparison of these and other approximation methods is
#' given in Bodenham and Adams (2016).
#' \code{cutoff_wschisq} removes \code{NA}s/\code{NaN}s in \code{weights} or
#' \code{dfs} with a message. The threshold \code{thre} ensures that the
#' tail probability of the truncated and whole series differ less than
#' \code{thre} at \code{x_tail}, or that \code{thre} is the proportion of the
#' mean/variance of the whole series that is \emph{not} retained. The (upper)
#' tail probabilities for evaluating truncation are computed using the
#' Hall--Buckley--Eagleson approximation at \code{x_tail}.
#' @references
#' Bodenham, D. A. and Adams, N. M. (2016). A comparison of efficient
#' approximations for a weighted sum of chi-squared random variables.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 26(4):917--928.
#' \doi{10.1007/s11222-015-9583-4}
#' Buckley, M. J. and Eagleson, G. K. (1988). An approximation to the
#' distribution of quadratic forms in normal random variables.
#' \emph{Australian Journal of Statistics}, 30(1):150--159.
#' \doi{10.1111/j.1467-842X.1988.tb00471.x}
#' Duchesne, P. and Lafaye De Micheaux, P. (2010) Computing the distribution
#' of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu--Tang--Zhang
#' approximation and exact methods. \emph{Computational Statistics and Data
#' Analysis}, 54(4):858--862. \doi{10.1016/j.csda.2009.11.025}
#' Hall, P. (1983). Chi squared approximations to the distribution of a sum
#' of independent random variables. \emph{Annals of Probability},
#' 11(4):1028--1036. \doi{10.1214/aop/1176993451}
#' Imhof, J. P. (1961). Computing the distribution of quadratic forms in normal
#' variables. \emph{Biometrika}, 48(3/4):419--426.
#' \doi{10.2307/2332763}
#' Satterthwaite, F. E. (1946). An approximate distribution of estimates of
#' variance components. \emph{Biometrics Bulletin}, 2(6):110--114.
#' \doi{10.2307/3002019}
#' Welch, B. L. (1938). The significance of the difference between two means
#' when the population variances are unequal. \emph{Biometrika},
#' 29(3/4):350--362. \doi{10.2307/2332010}
#' @examples
#' # Plotting functions for the examples
#' add_approx_dens <- function(x, dfs, weights, ncps) {
#'   lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
#'   lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
#'   lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
#'   legend("topright", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "I"), lwd = 2,
#'          col = c(1, 3:4, 2))
#' }
#' add_approx_distr <- function(x, dfs, weights, ncps, ...) {
#'   lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
#'   lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
#'   lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "MC", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 5,
#'                      type = "s")
#'   lines(x, p_wschisq(x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
#'   legend("bottomright", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "MC", "I"), lwd = 2,
#'          col = c(1, 3:5, 2))
#' }
#' add_approx_quant <- function(u, dfs, weights, ncps, ...) {
#'   lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "SW", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 3)
#'   lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "HBE", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 4)
#'   lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "MC", exact_chisq = FALSE), col = 5,
#'                      type = "s")
#'   lines(u, q_wschisq(u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
#'                      method = "I", exact_chisq = TRUE), col = 2)
#'   legend("topleft", legend = c("True", "SW", "HBE", "MC", "I"), lwd = 2,
#'          col = c(1, 3:5, 2))
#' }
#' # Validation plots for density, distribution, and quantile functions
#' u <- seq(0.01, 0.99, l = 100)
#' old_par <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' # Case 1: 1 * ChiSq_3(0) + 1 * ChiSq_3(0) = ChiSq_6(0)
#' weights <- c(1, 1)
#' dfs <- c(3, 3)
#' ncps <- 0
#' x <- seq(-1, 30, l = 100)
#' main <- expression(1 * chi[3]^2 * (0) + 1 * chi[3]^2 * (0))
#' plot(x, dchisq(x, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Density")
#' add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(x, pchisq(x, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Distribution")
#' add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(u, qchisq(u, df = 6), type = "l", main = main, ylab = "Quantile")
#' add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' \donttest{
#' # Case 2: 2 * ChiSq_3(1) + 1 * ChiSq_6(0.5) + 0.5 * ChiSq_12(0.25)
#' weights <- c(2, 1, 0.5)
#' dfs <- c(3, 6, 12)
#' ncps <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25)
#' x <- seq(0, 70, l = 100)
#' main <- expression(2 * chi[3]^2 * (1)+ 1 * chi[6]^2 * (0.5) +
#'                    0.5 * chi[12]^2 * (0.25))
#' samp <- r_wschisq(n = 1e4, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' hist(samp, breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, main = main, ylab = "Density",
#'      xlim = range(x), xlab = "x"); box()
#' add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(x, ecdf(samp)(x), main = main, ylab = "Distribution", type = "s")
#' add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(u, quantile(samp, probs = u), type = "s", main = main,
#'      ylab = "Quantile")
#' add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' # Case 3: \sum_{k = 1}^K k^(-3) * ChiSq_{5k}(1 / k^2)
#' K <- 1e2
#' weights<- 1 / (1:K)^3
#' dfs <- 5 * 1:K
#' ncps <- 1 / (1:K)^2
#' x <- seq(0, 25, l = 100)
#' main <- substitute(sum(k^(-3) * chi[5 * k]^2 * (1 / k^2), k == 1, K),
#'                    list(K = K))
#' samp <- r_wschisq(n = 1e4, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' hist(samp, breaks = 50, freq = FALSE, main = main, ylab = "Density",
#'      xlim = range(x), xlab = "x"); box()
#' add_approx_dens(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(x, ecdf(samp)(x), main = main, ylab = "Distribution", type = "s")
#' add_approx_distr(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' plot(u, quantile(samp, probs = u), type = "s", main = main,
#'      ylab = "Quantile")
#' add_approx_quant(u = u, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)
#' par(old_par)
#' # Cutoffs for infinite series of the last example
#' K <- 1e7
#' log_weights<- -3 * log(1:K)
#' log_dfs <- log(5) + log(1:K)
#' (cutoff <- cutoff_wschisq(thre = 10^(-(1:4)), weights = log_weights,
#'                           dfs = log_dfs, log = TRUE))
#' # Approximation
#' x <- seq(0, 25, l = 100)
#' l <- length(cutoff$mean)
#' main <- expression(sum(k^(-3) * chi[5 * k]^2, k == 1, K))
#' col <- viridisLite::viridis(l)
#' plot(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = exp(log_weights[1:cutoff$mean[l]]),
#'                   dfs = exp(log_dfs[1:cutoff$mean[l]])), type = "l",
#'      ylab = "Density", col = col[l], lwd = 3)
#' for(i in rev(seq_along(cutoff$mean)[-l])) {
#'   lines(x, d_wschisq(x, weights = exp(log_weights[1:cutoff$mean[i]]),
#'                      dfs = exp(log_dfs[1:cutoff$mean[i]])), col = col[i])
#' }
#' legend("topright", legend = paste0(rownames(cutoff), " (", cutoff$mean, ")"),
#'        lwd = 2, col = col)
#' }
#' @name wschisq

#' @rdname wschisq
#' @export
d_wschisq <- function(x, weights, dfs, ncps = 0,
                      method = c("I", "SW", "HBE")[1], exact_chisq = TRUE,
                      imhof_epsabs = 1e-6, imhof_epsrel = 1e-6,
                      imhof_limit = 1e4, grad_method = "simple",
                      grad_method.args = list(eps = 1e-7)) {

  # Check lengths and ncps
  stopifnot(length(weights) == length(dfs), length(ncps) %in% c(1, length(dfs)))
  stopifnot(all(ncps >= 0))

  # Vector of ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  if (length(ncps) == 1) {

    ncps <- rep(ncps, l_weights)


  # Remove zero weights
  zero_weights <- weights == 0
  if (any(zero_weights)) {

    weights <- weights[!zero_weights]
    dfs <- dfs[!zero_weights]
    ncps <- ncps[!zero_weights]


  # Is it a sum or not?
  if (exact_chisq && l_weights == 1) {

    dens <- dchisq(x = x / weights[1], df = dfs[1], ncp = ncps[1]) / weights[1]

  } else {

    # Approximation method
    if (method == "I") {

      # Numerical derivative of the Imhof's cdf approximation
      p <- function(x) {

        p_wschisq(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                  method = "I", exact_chisq = exact_chisq,
                  imhof_epsabs = imhof_epsabs, imhof_epsrel = imhof_epsrel,
                  imhof_limit = imhof_limit)

      dens <- numDeriv::grad(func = p, x = x, method = grad_method,
                             method.args = grad_method.args)
      dens <- pmax(dens, 0)

    } else if (method == "SW") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      k <- kappa1^2 / kappa2
      theta <- kappa2 / kappa1

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s pdf
      dens <- dgamma(x = x, shape = k, scale = theta)

    } else if (method == "HBE") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))
      kappa3 <- 8 * sum(weights^3 * (dfs + 3 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      nu <- 8 * kappa2^3 / kappa3^2
      k <- nu / 2
      theta <- 2
      z <- sqrt(2 * nu / kappa2) * (x - kappa1) + nu

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s pdf
      dens <- dgamma(x = z, shape = k, scale = theta) * sqrt(2 * nu / kappa2)

    } else {

      stop("method must be \"I\", \"SW\", or \"HBE\".")





#' @rdname wschisq
#' @export
p_wschisq <- function(x, weights, dfs, ncps = 0,
                      method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], exact_chisq = TRUE,
                      imhof_epsabs = 1e-6, imhof_epsrel = 1e-6,
                      imhof_limit = 1e4, M = 1e4, MC_sample = NULL) {

  # Check lengths and ncps
  stopifnot(length(weights) == length(dfs), length(ncps) %in% c(1, length(dfs)))
  stopifnot(all(ncps >= 0))

  # Vector of ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  if (length(ncps) == 1) {

    ncps <- rep(ncps, l_weights)


  # Remove zero weights
  zero_weights <- weights == 0
  if (any(zero_weights)) {

    weights <- weights[!zero_weights]
    dfs <- dfs[!zero_weights]
    ncps <- ncps[!zero_weights]


  # Is it a sum or not?
  if (exact_chisq && l_weights == 1) {

    prob <- pchisq(q = x / weights[1], df = dfs[1], ncp = ncps[1])

  } else {

    # Approximation method
    if (method == "I") {

      # Imhof's method
      prob <- numeric(length(x))
      prob[x == Inf] <- 1
      ind_safe <- x > 0 & is.finite(x)
      if (any(ind_safe)) {

        prob[ind_safe] <- 1 - unlist(sapply(x[ind_safe], CompQuadForm::imhof,
                                            lambda = weights, h = dfs,
                                            delta = ncps, epsabs = imhof_epsabs,
                                            epsrel = imhof_epsrel,
                                            limit = imhof_limit)[1, ])


      # Avoid numerical problems
      prob <- pmin(pmax(prob, 0), 1)

    } else if (method == "SW") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      k <- kappa1^2 / kappa2
      theta <- kappa2 / kappa1

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s cdf
      prob <- pgamma(q = x, shape = k, scale = theta)

    } else if (method == "HBE") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))
      kappa3 <- 8 * sum(weights^3 * (dfs + 3 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      nu <- 8 * kappa2^3 / kappa3^2
      k <- nu / 2
      theta <- 2
      z <- sqrt(2 * nu / kappa2) * (x - kappa1) + nu

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s cdf
      prob <- pgamma(q = z, shape = k, scale = theta)

    } else if (method == "MC") {

      # Monte Carlo approximation with efficient ecdf evaluation
      if (!is.null(MC_sample)) {

        prob <- p_wschisq_MC(x = x, dfs = 0, weights = 0, ncps = 0, M = M,
                             sample = MC_sample, use_sample = TRUE,
                             x_sorted = !is.unsorted(x))

      } else {

        prob <- p_wschisq_MC(x = x, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                             M = M, sample = 0, use_sample = FALSE,
                             x_sorted = !is.unsorted(x))


    } else {

      stop("method must be \"I\", \"SW\", \"HBE\", or \"MC\".")





#' @rdname wschisq
#' @export
q_wschisq <- function(u, weights, dfs, ncps = 0,
                      method = c("I", "SW", "HBE", "MC")[1], exact_chisq = TRUE,
                      imhof_epsabs = 1e-6, imhof_epsrel = 1e-6,
                      imhof_limit = 1e4, nlm_gradtol = 1e-6, nlm_iterlim = 1e3,
                      M = 1e4, MC_sample = NULL) {

  # Check lengths and ncps
  stopifnot(length(weights) == length(dfs), length(ncps) %in% c(1, length(dfs)))
  stopifnot(all(ncps >= 0))

  # Vector of ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  if (length(ncps) == 1) {

    ncps <- rep(ncps, l_weights)

  # Remove zero weights
  zero_weights <- weights == 0
  if (any(zero_weights)) {

    weights <- weights[!zero_weights]
    dfs <- dfs[!zero_weights]
    ncps <- ncps[!zero_weights]


  # Is it a sum or not?
  if (exact_chisq && l_weights == 1) {

    q <- weights[1] * qchisq(p = u, df = dfs[1], ncp = ncps[1])

  } else {

    # Approximation method
    if (method == "SW") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      k <- kappa1^2 / kappa2
      theta <- kappa2 / kappa1

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s quantile function
      q <- qgamma(p = u, shape = k, scale = theta)

    } else if (method == "HBE") {

      # Cumulants
      kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
      kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))
      kappa3 <- 8 * sum(weights^3 * (dfs + 3 * ncps))

      # Gamma moment matching
      nu <- 8 * kappa2^3 / kappa3^2
      k <- nu / 2
      theta <- 2

      # Gamma(k, theta)'s quantile function
      z <- qgamma(p = u, shape = k, scale = theta)
      q <- (z - nu) / sqrt(2 * nu / kappa2) + kappa1

    } else if (method %in% c("I", "MC")) {

      # Monte Carlo approximation
      if (is.null(MC_sample)) {

        # For Imhof, do a less demanding Monte Carlo to get good starting
        # values for inverting the approximated cdf
        if (method == "I") {

          M <- 1e3

        MC_sample <- r_wschisq(n = M, weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps)

      q <- drop(quantile(MC_sample, probs = u))

      if (method == "I") {

        # Work in safe log-scale for calling afterwards nlm()
        q <- pmin(pmax(log(q), -6), 6)

        # Numerical inversion of the Imhof's cdf approximation
        F_v <- function(x, v) {

          (p_wschisq(x = exp(x), weights = weights, dfs = dfs, ncps = ncps,
                     imhof_epsabs = imhof_epsabs, imhof_epsrel = imhof_epsrel,
                     imhof_limit = imhof_limit) - v)^2

        q <- sapply(seq_along(u), function(i) {
          exp(nlm(f = F_v, p = q[i], v = u[i], fscale = 0,
                  gradtol = nlm_gradtol, iterlim = nlm_iterlim)$estimate)


    } else {

      stop("method must be \"I\", \"SW\", \"HBE\", or \"MC\".")





#' @rdname wschisq
#' @export
r_wschisq <- function(n, weights, dfs, ncps = 0) {

  # Check lengths and ncps
  stopifnot(length(weights) == length(dfs), length(ncps) %in% c(1, length(dfs)))
  stopifnot(all(ncps >= 0))

  # Vector of ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  if (length(ncps) == 1) {

    ncps <- rep(ncps, l_weights)


  # Remove zero weights
  zero_weights <- weights == 0
  if (any(zero_weights)) {

    weights <- weights[!zero_weights]
    dfs <- dfs[!zero_weights]
    ncps <- ncps[!zero_weights]


  # Sample
  samp <- numeric(n)
  for (i in seq_along(weights)) {

    samp <- samp + weights[i] * rchisq(n = n, df = dfs[i], ncp = ncps[i])



#' @rdname wschisq
#' @export
cutoff_wschisq <- function(thre = 1e-4, weights, dfs, ncps = 0, log = FALSE,
                           x_tail = NULL) {

  # thre must be in [0, 1]
  stopifnot(all(0 <= thre & thre <= 1))

  # Check lengths and ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  stopifnot(l_weights == length(dfs), length(ncps) %in% c(1, length(dfs)))
  stopifnot(all(ncps >= 0))

  # Vector of ncps
  l_weights <- length(weights)
  if (length(ncps) == 1) {

    ncps <- rep(ncps, l_weights)


  # Remove NAs and display message
  if (anyNA(weights) || anyNA(dfs) || anyNA(ncps)) {

    trunc <- which(is.na(weights) | is.na(dfs) | is.na(ncps))[1]
    if (trunc > 1) {

      weights <- weights[1:(trunc - 1)]
      dfs <- dfs[1:(trunc - 1)]
      ncps <- ncps[1:(trunc - 1)]
      message("NAs present in weights, dfs, or ncps. ",
              "Truncated from ", l_weights,
              " elements to the last common non-NA entry (",
              trunc - 1, ").")
      l_weights <- trunc - 1

    } else {

      stop("No weights, dfs, or ncps without NAs.")



  # No thresholding at all
  if (all(thre == 0)) {

    cutoffs <- t(sapply(thre, function(r) {
      c("prob" = l_weights, "mean" = l_weights, "var" = l_weights)
    rownames(cutoffs) <- thre


  # If x_tail is not given, set it to the 0.90 quantile
  stopifnot(length(x_tail) <= 1)
  if (is.null(x_tail)) {

    # Avoid overflows
    w <- switch(log + 1, weights, exp(weights))
    d <- switch(log + 1, dfs, exp(dfs))
    fin <- which(!(is.finite(w) & is.finite(d)))
    fin <- ifelse(length(fin) == 0, l_weights, fin[1] - 1)

    # Quantile
    x_tail <- q_wschisq(u = 0.90, weights = w[1:fin], dfs = d[1:fin],
                        ncps = ncps[1:fin], method = "HBE")


  # Cumulants
  kappa1 <- sum(weights * (dfs + ncps))
  kappa2 <- 2 * sum(weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps))
  kappa3 <- 8 * sum(weights^3 * (dfs + 3 * ncps))

  # Gamma moment matching
  kappa1 <- cumsum(switch(log + 1, weights * (dfs + ncps),
                          exp(weights + log(exp(dfs) + exp(ncps)))))
  kappa2 <- 2 * cumsum(switch(log + 1, weights^2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps),
                              exp(2 * weights + log(exp(dfs) + 2 * exp(ncps)))))
  kappa3 <- 8 * cumsum(switch(log + 1, weights^3 * (dfs + 3 * ncps),
                              exp(3 * weights + log(exp(dfs) + 3 * exp(ncps)))))
  nu <- 8 * kappa2^3 / kappa3^2
  k <- nu / 2
  theta <- 2
  z <- sqrt(2 * nu / kappa2) * (x_tail - kappa1) + nu

  # Tail probabilities using the HBE method
  prob_HBE <- 1 - pgamma(q = z, shape = k, scale = theta)
  dist_prob <- abs(prob_HBE - prob_HBE[l_weights])

  # Proportion of cumulated mean
  means <- switch(log + 1, weights * (dfs + ncps),
                  exp(weights + log(exp(dfs) + exp(ncps))))
  prop_mean <- cumsum(means) / sum(means, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Proportion of cumulated variance
  vars <- switch(log + 1, weights^2 * 2 * (dfs + 2 * ncps),
                 exp(2 * weights + log(2) + log(exp(dfs) + 2 * exp(ncps))))
  prop_var <- cumsum(vars) / sum(vars, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Cutoffs
  cutoffs <- t(sapply(thre, function(r) {
    c("prob" = which(dist_prob <= r)[1],
      "mean" = which(prop_mean >= 1 - r)[1],
      "var" = which(prop_var >= 1 - r)[1])
  rownames(cutoffs) <- thre


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