#' @include terms.R
#' Generate design and model information for \code{spikeSlabGAM}
#' This function generates the design matrix for a generalized additive (mixed)
#' model, based on smoothing spline ANOVA-like orthogonal decomposition of the
#' model terms and their interactions. It parses the formula given to
#' \code{\link{spikeSlabGAM}} to provide all the arguments necessary for the
#' MCMC sampler.
#' Setting \code{lowRankInteractions} to FALSE can result in very large models,
#' especially if higher-order interactions or interactions between terms with
#' lots of parameters are involved. Note that numeric covariates with fewer
#' unique values than \code{minUniqueValues} are treated as factors unless
#' wrapped in a special argument.
#' This function is not meant to be called directly by the user,
#' \code{\link{spikeSlabGAM}} is the user interface.
#' @param formula the model formula. Follows the usual R syntax described in
#' \code{\link[stats]{formula}}. Terms in the formula that are not in the list
#' of specials are automatically assigned an appropriate special, i.e.
#' numerical covariates \code{x} are treated as \code{lin(x) + sm(x)}, factors
#' \code{f} are treated as \code{fct(f)} (see \code{specials} argument). See
#' \code{\link{spikeSlabGAM}} for more details.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} containing all the variables in the function
#' @param specials a vector of the types of possible model terms. These must be
#' implemented as functions generating a design matrix with a label attribute.
#' See also \code{\link{sm}()} for an example. The documentation for
#' \code{\link{spikeSlabGAM}} contains a list of implemented model term types
#' and usage examples.
#' @param minUniqueValues the minimal number of unique values a covariate has to
#' have in order to not be treated as a factor. Defaults to 6.
#' @param lowRankInteractions should a low-rank approximation of the design
#' matrix for interaction terms based on a (truncated) spectral decomposition
#' of the implied covariance matrix be used? defaults to TRUE.
#' @param orthogonalizeInteractions should the design matrices for interaction
#' terms be projected into the complement of the column space of the
#' respective main effects? Can help separate marginal and interaction
#' effects. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param decomposition which decomposition to use, see \code{\link{sm}}.
#' Defaults to the default of \code{\link{sm}}.
#' @return a list with components: \item{response}{the left hand side of the
#' model formula} \item{Design}{the design matrix of the model specified in
#' formula} \item{groupIndicators}{a factor that maps the columns of
#' \code{Design} to the different model terms} \item{H}{a matrix containing
#' the hierarchy of the penalization groups (not used, included for backwards
#' compatibility)}
#' @export
#' @author Fabian Scheipl
ssGAMDesign <- function(formula, data,
specials = c("u", "lin", "fct", "sm", "rnd", "mrf", "srf"),
minUniqueValues = 6,
lowRankInteractions = TRUE,
orthogonalizeInteractions = TRUE,
decomposition = NULL) {
replaceRawTerms <- function(formula, specials, decomposition) {
# replace all non-specials with specials
# (i.e. numeric: x -> lin(x) + sm(x) (or lin(x) if GAM), factor x -> fct(x))
# and rule out lin(x):sm(x) interactions in higher order terms
rawTrms <- terms.formula(formula, specials)
# find out which terms do not involve special terms
rawLabels <- if (length(unlist(attr(rawTrms, "specials")))) {
whereSpecials <- unique(unlist(apply(
attr(rawTrms, "factors")[unlist(attr(rawTrms, "specials")), , drop = F] > 0,
1, which
if (length(whereSpecials)) {
attr(rawTrms, "term.labels")[-whereSpecials]
} else {
attr(rawTrms, "term.labels")
} else {
attr(rawTrms, "term.labels")
# split up interactions:
rawLabels <- unique(unlist(sapply(rawLabels, strsplit, split = c(":", "*"))))
replace1Term <- function(x) {
decompArg <- ifelse(!is.null(decomposition),
paste(", decomposition ='", decomposition, "'", sep = ""), ""
ifelse(is.numeric(data[, x]),
ifelse(length(unique(data[, x])) > minUniqueValues,
paste("(lin(", x, ") + sm(", x, decompArg, "))", sep = ""),
paste("fct(", x, ")", sep = "")
paste("fct(", x, ")", sep = "")
rawLabelReplacements <- sapply(rawLabels, replace1Term)
replaceRawLabels <- function(x) {
# step through parse tree unless at terminal node (which are always 'name's):
if (! {
# leave special terms (which are function 'call's, not 'name's) unchanged
if (as.character(x[[1]]) %in% specials) {
} else {
# go further "left"
if (length(x) > 1) x[[2]] <- replaceRawLabels(x[[2]])
# go further "right"
if (length(x) == 3) x[[3]] <- replaceRawLabels(x[[3]])
} else {
# find replacement and change entry
which <- grep(
paste("^", as.character(x), "$", sep = ""),
if (length(which)) x <-[which])
newFormulaString <- {
tmp <- paste(deparse(replaceRawLabels(formula)), collapse = "")
gsub(" ", "", gsub("`", "", tmp))
rmNonsenseInteractions <- function(newFormulaString) {
# rm all interactions that contain interactions between linear and
# smooth effects of the same covariate
trms <- terms(formula(newFormulaString), specials)
mainEfs <- attr(trms, "term.labels")[attr(trms, "order") == 1]
intActs <- attr(trms, "term.labels")[attr(trms, "order") > 1]
tmp <- c("")
if (length(intActs)) {
# for each covariate with a linear term...
for (l in grep("lin(", mainEfs, fixed = T)) {
x <- substr(mainEfs[l], 5, nchar(mainEfs[l]) - 1)
# ...remove interactions in which the covariate occurs twice
if (length(x)) {
nonsense <- sapply(gregexpr(x, intActs, fixed = T), length) > 1
if (any(nonsense)) {
tmp <- c(tmp, paste("-", intActs[nonsense],
collapse = ""
noNonsense <- rmNonsenseInteractions(newFormulaString)
# TODO: make all interactions with u() into u()-terms
newFormulaString <- paste(newFormulaString, paste(noNonsense, collapse = ""))
formula <- replaceRawTerms(formula, specials, decomposition)
trms <- terms.formula(formula, specials = specials)
labels <- attr(trms, "term.labels")
# make designs for all main effects
mainEffects <- trms[attr(trms, "order") == 1]
mainEffectDesigns <- sapply(1:sum(attr(trms, "order") == 1), function(i) {
with(data, eval(mainEffects[i][[3]]))
}, simplify = FALSE)
names(mainEffectDesigns) <- labels[attr(trms, "order") == 1]
# make designs for all interactions
interactions <- labels[attr(trms, "order") != 1]
makeInteractions <- function(term, Designs,
center = orthogonalizeInteractions,
orthogonalize = lowRankInteractions) {
terms <- strsplit(term, ":")[[1]]
Xs <- Designs[terms]
label <- paste(sapply(Xs, attr, which = "label"), collapse = ":")
# design for interaction contains column-wise product
# of main effect designs:
B <- matrix(apply(Xs[[1]], 2, function(x) {
x * Xs[[2]]
nrow = nrow(Xs[[1]]), ncol = NCOL(Xs[[1]]) * NCOL(Xs[[2]])
colnames(B) <- namesB <- paste(rep(colnames(Xs[[1]]), e = NCOL(Xs[[2]])),
rep(colnames(Xs[[2]]), t = NCOL(Xs[[1]])),
sep = ":"
if (length(Xs) > 2) {
for (i in 3:length(Xs)) {
B <- matrix(apply(B, 2, function(x) {
x * Xs[[i]]
nrow = nrow(B), ncol = NCOL(B) * NCOL(Xs[[i]])
colnames(B) <- namesB <- paste(rep(namesB, e = NCOL(Xs[[i]])),
rep(colnames(Xs[[i]]), t = length(namesB)),
sep = ":"
qrB <- qr(B)
interActRank <- qrB$rank
if (center) {
proj <- qr(cbind(1,, Xs)))
B <- qr.resid(proj, B)
interActRank <- interActRank - proj$rank
if (orthogonalize && NCOL(B) > 1) {
# use truncated svd of B instead of eigen/svd of BB' as basis
# i.e. orthoDesign(C = tcrossprod(B), rank = interActRank)
B <- {
# irlba works well only for larger matrices
if (ncol(B) > 20 & interActRank > 10) {
eC <- try(irlba(B, max(interActRank, sapply(Xs, NCOL)),
max(interActRank, sapply(Xs, NCOL)),
adjust = 0
} else {
sv <- svd(B, nv = 0)
eC <- list(vectors = sv$u, values = sv$d)
if (inherits(eC, "try-error")) {
sv <- svd(B, nv = 0)
eC <- list(vectors = sv$u, values = sv$d)
eC$values <- eC$values^2
nullvals <- eC$values < 10e-10
colsZ <- max(
min(which(cumsum(eC$values[!nullvals]) / sum(eC$values[!nullvals]) >
colsZ <- min(colsZ, sum(!nullvals))
use <- 1:colsZ
t(eC$values[use] * t(eC$vectors[, use]))
colnames(B) <- paste(label, ".", 1:NCOL(B), sep = "")
B <- scaleMat(B)
return(structure(B, label = label, predvars = list(qrB = qrB)))
interactionDesigns <- sapply(interactions, makeInteractions,
Designs = mainEffectDesigns, simplify = FALSE
# initialize Design
y <- with(data, eval(attr(trms, "variables")))[[attr(trms, "response")]]
n <- length(y)
if (attr(trms, "intercept") == 1) {
X <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
colnames(X) <- "u(Int)"
grpInds <- c("u")
} else {
X <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 0)
grpInds <- c()
X <- cbind(
X,, mainEffectDesigns),, interactionDesigns)
grpInds <- unlist(c(
sapply(mainEffectDesigns, attr, which = "label"),
sapply(mainEffectDesigns, NCOL)
sapply(interactionDesigns, attr, which = "label"),
sapply(interactionDesigns, NCOL)
names(grpInds) <- grpInds
grpInds[grep("u(", grpInds, fixed = T)] <- "u"
makeHierarchy <- function(formula, grpInds) {
trms <- terms(formula)
H <- attr(trms, "factors")
H <- H[-1, , drop = FALSE]
order <- attr(trms, "order")
labels <- c(
sapply(mainEffectDesigns, attr, which = "label"),
sapply(interactionDesigns, attr, which = "label")
colnames(H) <- labels
if (any(order > 1)) {
for (ord in 2:max(order)) {
newH <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(order == ord), ncol(H))
H <- rbind(H, newH)
H <- (H + t(H))
diag(H) <- 1
rownames(H) <- labels
# TODO: hierarchy for higher order interactions (i.e. which 2-interactions
# are involved in which 3-interaction missing)
H <- makeHierarchy(formula, grpInds)
predvars <- c(
lapply(mainEffectDesigns, attr, "predvars"),
lapply(interactionDesigns, attr, "predvars")
names(predvars) <- c(
sapply(mainEffectDesigns, attr, which = "label"),
sapply(interactionDesigns, attr, which = "label")
response = y, Design = X, groupIndicators = grpInds, H = H,
formula = formula, predvars = predvars
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