
sprms <-
function (formula, data, a, eta, fun="Hampel", probp1 = .95, hampelp2 = .975, hampelp3 = .999, center = "median", scale = "qn", print=FALSE, numit=100, prec=0.01) 
  # SPRMS Sparse Partial Robust M regression
  # (A Modified PRM R implementation compared to the "chemometrics" package).   
  # Inputs: 
  #   formula: an lm-style formula object specifying which relationship to estimate
  #   data: the data as a data frame or a list in which the y and X matrices are separate list items # ORDER: first y than X
  #   a: the number of PRM components to be estimated 
  #   fun (optional): the internal weighting function. Choices are "Hampel" (preferred), "Huber" or "Fair". 
  #   probp1 (optional): the 1-alpha value at which to set the first outlier cutoff
  #   probp2, probp3 (optional, only necessary if fun=="Hampel"): the 1-alpha values for cutoffs 2 and 3
  #   center (optional): how to center the data. A string that matches the R function to be used for centering 
#   scale (optional): how to scale the data. Choices are "no" (no scaling), or a string matching the R function to be used for scaling.
# Output: A list object of class "prm", having as list elements: 
#   coefficients (has the function call details as an attribute)
#   intercept
#   wy: the PRM Y space weights 
#   wt: the PRM score space weights 
#   w: the PRM combined weights 
#   scores
#   loadings 
#   fitted.values 
#   YMeans 
#   XMeans 
#   Yscales 
#   Xscales 
#   YVar: The Y pct of explained variance (overall) 
#   XVar: The X pct of explained variance (per component)
#   Written by S. Serneels, BASF SE, GVM/S, July 2013 and BASF Corp., GVM/T, January 2014. 

#  source("daprpr.r")
#  source("snipls.r")
#  source("brokenstick.r")
#  library(vegan)
  if(!class(formula)=="formula"){formula <- formula(formula)}
  if(is.data.frame(data) | is.list(data)){
    mt <- terms(formula, data=data)
    yname <- dimnames(attr(mt,"factors"))[[1]][1]
    ic <- attr(mt, "intercept")
      datnames <- names(data)
    } else {
      datnames <- colnames(data)
    if (ic==0){
      data <- tryCatch({data <- cbind(data[[which(datnames==yname)]], model.matrix(mt, data))},
                         error <- TRUE
    } else{
      data <- tryCatch({data <- cbind(data[[which(datnames==yname)]],model.matrix(mt, data)[,-1])},
                         error <- TRUE
    if (is.logical(data)){
      stop("Data cannot be matched with formula.")
    } else {
      colnames(data)[1] <- dimnames(attr(mt,"factors"))[[1]][1]
  } else {
    stop("Wrong data fromat.")
  data <- as.matrix(data)
  n <- nrow(data)
  q <- ncol(data)
  rnames <- rownames(data) # restore original rownames in the end
  rownames(data) <- 1:n  # 1:n are names of w etc.
  p <- q - 1 
    warning("Only the first element of a is used.")
    a <- a[1]
    stop("The number of components is too large.")
  if (a<=0){
    stop("The number of components has to be positive.")
  if (length(eta)>1){
    warning("Only the first element of eta is used.")
    eta <- eta[1]
    stop("eta has to come from the intervall [0,1)")
  if(!any(fun == c("Hampel", "Huber", "Fair"))){
    stop("Invalid weighting function. Choose Hampel, Huber or Fair for parameter fun.")
    stop("probp1 is a probability. Choose a value between 0 and 1")
    if (!(probp1<hampelp2 & hampelp2<hampelp3 & hampelp3<=1)){
      stop("Wrong choise of parameters for Hampel function. Use 0<probp1<hampelp2<hampelp3<=1")
  datam <- data
  datamc <- daprpr(datam,center,scale)
  datac <- attr(datamc,"Center")
  datas <- attr(datamc,"Scale")
  attr(datac,"Type") <- center
  y0 <- datam[,1]
  ys <- datamc[,1]
  ns <-nrow(datamc)
  qs <- ncol(datamc)
  ps <- qs - 1
  zerows <- vector(length=0)
  wx <- sqrt(apply(datamc[,2:qs]^2, 1, sum))
  wx <- wx/median(wx)
  wy <- abs(datamc[,1])
  if (length(wy)/2>sum(wy==0)){
    wy <- wy/(1.4826*median(wy))
  } else{
    wy <- wy/(1.4826*median(wy[wy!=0]))

  probct <- qnorm(probp1)
  if (fun == "Fair") {
    wx <- 1/(1 + abs(wx/(probct * 2)))
    wy <- 1/(1 + abs(wy/(probct * 2)))
  if (fun == "Huber") {
    wx[which(wx <= probct)] <- 1
    wx[which(wx > probct)] <- probct/abs(wx[which(wx > probct)])
    wy[which(wy <= probct)] <- 1
    wy[which(wy > probct)] <- probct/abs(wy[which(wy > probct)])
  if (fun == "Hampel") {
    hampelb <- qnorm(hampelp2)
    hampelr <- qnorm(hampelp3)
    wx[which(wx <= probct)] <- 1
    wx[which(wx > probct & wx <= hampelb)] <- probct/abs(wx[which(wx > 
                                                                    probct & wx <= hampelb)])
    wx[which(wx > hampelb & wx <= hampelr)] <- probct * (hampelr - 
                                                           abs(wx[which(wx > hampelb & wx <= hampelr)]))/(hampelr - 
                                                                                                            hampelb) * 1/abs(wx[which(wx > hampelb & wx <= hampelr)])
    wx[which(wx > hampelr)] <- 0
    wy[which(wy <= probct)] <- 1
    wy[which(wy > probct & wy <= hampelb)] <- probct/abs(wy[which(wy > 
                                                                    probct & wy <= hampelb)])
    wy[which(wy > hampelb & wy <= hampelr)] <- probct * (hampelr - 
                                                           abs(wy[which(wy > hampelb & wy <= hampelr)]))/(hampelr - 
                                                                                                            hampelb) * 1/abs(wy[which(wy > hampelb & wy <= hampelr)])
    wy[which(wy > hampelr)] <- 0
  w <- wx * wy
  if (any(w < 1e-06)) {
    w0 <- which(w < 1e-06)
    w <- replace(w, list = w0, values = 1e-06)
    we <- w
  } else {
    wxe <- wx
    wye <- wy
    we <- w
  dataw <- as.data.frame(datamc * sqrt(we))
  loops <- 1
  rold <- 10^-5
  difference <- 1
  while ((difference > prec) && (loops < numit)) {     
    res.snipls <- snipls(data=dataw,eta,a,print=FALSE)
    Tpls <- res.snipls$scores/sqrt(we)
    b <- coef(res.snipls)
    yp <- fitted(res.snipls)
    r <- datamc[,1] - yp
    if (length(r)/2>sum(r==0)){ 
      r <- abs(r)/(1.4826*median(abs(r))) 
    } else{
      r <- abs(r)/(1.4826*median(abs(r[r!=0])))
    scalet <- scale
    if(scale=="no"){scalet <- "qn"}
    dt <- daprpr(Tpls,center,scalet)
    wtn <- sqrt(apply(dt^2, 1, sum))
    wtn <- wtn/median(wtn)
      wte <- 1/(1 + abs(wtn/(qchisq(probp1,a)*2)))
      wye <- 1/(1 + abs(r/(probct*2)))
      wye <- as.numeric(wye)
    if(fun=="Huber") {
      wte <- wtn
      wte[which(wtn <= qchisq(probp1,a))] <- 1
      wte[which(wtn > qchisq(probp1,a))] <- qchisq(probp1,a)/abs(wtn[which(wtn > qchisq(probp1,a))])
      wye <- r
      wye[which(r <= probct)] <- 1
      wye[which(r > probct)] <- probct/abs(r[which(r > probct)])
      wte[which(wtn<wt)] <- wtn[which(wtn<wt)]
      wye[which(r<wye)] <- r[which(r<wye)]
      wye <- as.numeric(wye)
    if(fun=="Hampel") {
      probct <- qnorm(probp1)
      hampelb <- qnorm(hampelp2)
      hampelr <- qnorm(hampelp3)
      wye <- r
      wye[which(r <= probct)] <- 1
      wye[which(r > probct & r <= hampelb)] <- probct/abs(r[which(r > probct & r <= hampelb)])
      wye[which(r > hampelb & r <= hampelr)] <- probct*(hampelr-abs(r[which(r > hampelb & r <= hampelr)]))/(hampelr -hampelb)*1/abs(r[which(r > hampelb & r <= hampelr)])
      wye[which(r > hampelr)] <- 0
      wye <- as.numeric(wye)
      probct <- qchisq(probp1,a)
      hampelb <- qchisq(hampelp2, a)
      hampelr <- qchisq(hampelp3, a)
      wte <- wtn
      wte[which(wtn <= probct)] <- 1 
      wte[which(wtn > probct & wtn <= hampelb)] <- probct/abs(wtn[which(wtn > probct & wtn <= hampelb)])
      wte[which(wtn > hampelb & wtn <= hampelr)] <- probct*(hampelr-abs(wtn[which(wtn > hampelb & wtn <= hampelr)]))/(hampelr -hampelb)*1/abs(wtn[which(wtn > hampelb & wtn <= hampelr)])
      wte[which(wtn > hampelr)] <- 0
    difference <- abs(sum(b^2) - rold)/rold
    rold <- sum(b^2)
    we <- wye * wte
		w0 <- which(we<1e-6)
		we <- replace(we,list=w0,values=1e-6)
#      w0 <- which(we<1e-6)
#      datamc <- datamc[-w0,]
#      wte <- wte[-w0]
#      wye <- wye[-w0]
#      we <- we[-w0]
      zerows <- unique(c(zerows,as.numeric(names(w0))))
    dataw <- as.data.frame(datamc * sqrt(we))
    loops <- loops + 1
  if (difference > prec){
    warning(paste("Method did not converge. The scaled difference between norms of the coefficient vectors is ", round(difference, digits=4)))
plotprec <- FALSE

  w <- we
  w[zerows] <- 0 
  #  w[setdiff(1:length(w),zerows)] <- we
  #  wt <- 1:n
  wt <- wte
  wt[zerows] <- 0 
  # wt[setdiff(1:length(wt),zerows)] <- wte
  wy <- wye
  wy[zerows] <- 0 
  # wy[setdiff(1:length(wy),zerows)] <- wye
  P <- res.snipls$loadings
  W <- res.snipls$W
  R <- res.snipls$R
  Tpls <- scale(datam[,2:qs],center=datac[2:qs],scale=datas[2:qs]) %*% R 
    for(i in 1:a){cat("Variables retained for ",i," latent variables: \n",res.snipls$Vars[[2*(i-1)+1]],"\n")}
  X0 <- data[,2:q]
  Xs <- daprpr(X0,center,scale)
  Xss <- attr(Xs, "Scale")
  coef <- datas[1]/Xss*b

    intercept <- mean(data[,1] - data[,2:q]%*%coef)
  } else {
    intercept <- median(data[,1] - data[,2:q]%*%coef)
    if (center=="mean"){
      b0 <- mean(scale(data[,1],center=datac[1],scale=datas[1])-scale(data[,2:q],center=datac[2:q],scale=datas[2:q])%*%b)
    } else {
      b0 <- median(scale(data[,1],center=datac[1],scale=datas[1])-scale(data[,2:q],center=datac[2:q],scale=datas[2:q])%*%b)
  } else { 
    if (center == "mean") {
      b0 <- mean(data[,1] - as.matrix(data[,2:q]) %*% b)
    } else {
      b0 <- median(data[,1] - as.matrix(data[,2:q]) %*% b)
  yfit <- as.vector(data[,2:q] %*% coef + intercept)
  resid <- as.vector(data[,1] - yfit)
  constants <- paste("cutoff1 =",probp1)
  cutoff <- probp1
  if(fun == "Hampel"){
    constants <- c(constants, paste("cutoff2 =",hampelp2), paste("cutoff3 =",hampelp3))
    cutoff <- c(cutoff, hampelp2, hampelp3)
  dimnames(X0)[[1]] <- rnames
  dimnames(Xs)[[1]] <- rnames
  names(ys) <- rnames
  names(y0) <- rnames
  names(wy) <- rnames
  names(wt) <- rnames
  names(w) <- rnames
  dimnames(Tpls)[[1]] <- rnames
  dimnames(Tpls)[[2]] <- paste0("Comp", 1:(dim(Tpls)[2]))
  dimnames(W)[[2]] <- paste0("Comp", 1:(dim(W)[2]))
  dimnames(P)[[2]] <- paste0("Comp", 1:(dim(P)[2]))
  names(yfit) <- rnames
  names(resid) <- rnames
  inputs <- list(formula=formula, a=a,eta=eta,fun=fun,constants =cutoff,X0=X0, Xs=Xs, ys=ys, y0=y0, center=center,scale=scale)
  attr(coef,"Call") <- c("Sparse PRM Regression", paste(a, "component(s)"), paste("eta = ",eta), fun, constants)
  attr(b,"Call") <- c("Sparse PRM Regression", paste(a, "component(s)"), paste("eta = ",eta), fun, constants, paste(center,"centering"), paste(scale,"scaling"))
  output <- list(coefficients = coef, intercept = intercept, wy = wy, wt = wt, w = w, scores = Tpls, R=R,# weighting.vectors=W,
                 loadings = P,  fitted.values = yfit, residuals = resid, coefficients.scaled=b, intercept.scaled=b0, YMeans = datac[1], XMeans = datac[2:qs], 
                 Yscales = datas[1], Xscales = datas[2:q], Yvar = as.vector(res.snipls$Yev), Xvar=as.vector(res.snipls$Xev), inputs=inputs, used.vars=res.snipls$Vars)
  class(output) <- "sprm"

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sprm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:57 a.m.