
Defines functions change_est

# Function: change_est (not exported)
# Programmer: Tom Kincaid
# Date: July 29, 2020
# Revised: April 19, 2021 to ensure that repeated visit sites are correctly
#          determined for a subpopulation
# Revised: April 27, 2021 to ensure that the warnings indicator (warn_ind) and
#          the warnings data frame (warn_df) are reassigned after function calls
# Revised: June 11, 2021 to eliminate use of the finite population correction
#          factor with the local mean variance estimator
# Revised: June 14, 2021 to use the new function named mean_est for calculation
#          of mean estimates
# Revised: July 23, 2021 to terminate analysis of response variables that
#          contain only missing values in one of the surveys
# Revised: September 9, 2021 to remove argument vartype from the call list for
#          function percentile_est
# Revised: October 12, 2021 to correct an error that occurs assigning results
#          to the output object when calculating estimates using the median
#          for the case where there are no repeated visit sites
#' Estimate Change between Two Surveys
#' This function estimates change between two probability surveys.  The function
#' can accommodate both categorical and continuous response variables. For a
#' categorical response variable, change is estimated by the difference in
#' category estimates for the two surveys, where a category estimate is the
#' estimated proportion of values in a category.  Note that a separate change
#' estimate is calculated for each category of a categorical response variable.
#' For a continuous response variable, change can be estimated for the mean, the
#' median, or for both the mean and median. For a continuous response variable
#' using the mean, change is estimated by the difference in estimated mean
#' values for the two surveys.  For change estimates using the median, the first
#' step is to calculate an estimate of the median for the first survey. The
#' estimated median from the first survey is then used to define two categories:
#' (1) values that are less than or equal to the estimated median and (2) values
#' that are greater than the estimated median.  Once the categories are defined,
#' change analysis for the median is identical to change analysis for a
#' categorical variable, i.e., change is estimated by the difference in category
#' estimates for the two surveys. In addition to change estimates, the standard
#' error of the change estimates and confidence bounds are calculated.  Variance
#' estimates are calculated using either the local mean variance estimator or
#' the simple random sampling (SRS) variance estimator.  The choice of variance
#' estimator is subject to user control. The local mean variance estimator
#' requires the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of each site.  The SRS variance
#' estimator uses the independent random sample approximation to calculate joint
#' inclusion probabilities.  Confidence bounds are calculated using a Normal
#' distribution multiplier.  The function can accommodate a stratified sample.
#' For a stratified sample, separate estimates and standard errors are
#' calculated for each stratum, which are used to produce estimates and standard
#' errors for all strata combined. Strata that contain a single value are
#' removed.  For a stratified sample, when either the size of the resource or
#' the sum of the size-weights of the resource is provided for each stratum,
#' those values are used as stratum weights for calculating the estimates and
#' standard errors for all strata combined.  For a stratified sample when
#' neither the size of the resource nor the sum of the size-weights of the
#' resource is provided for each stratum, estimated values are used as stratum
#' weights for calculating the estimates and standard errors for all strata
#' combined.  The function can accommodate single-stage and two-stage samples
#' for both stratified and unstratified sampling designs.  It is assumed that
#' both surveys employ the same type of survey design.  Finite population and
#' continuous population correction factors can be utilized in variance
#' estimation.  The function checks for compatibility of input values and
#' removes missing values.
#' @param resp_ind A character value that indicates the type of response
#'   variable, where \code{"cat"} indicates a categorical variable and
#'   \code{"cont"} indicates a continuous variable.
#' @param survey_names Character vector of length two that provides the survey
#'   names contained in the survey ID variable in the \code{dframe} data frame.
#'   The two values in the vector identify the first survey and second survey,
#'   respectively.
#' @param changesum List containing estimates, which is composed of three data
#'   frames: \code{catsum}, \code{contsum_mean}, and \code{contsum_median}.
#' @param dframe Data frame containing survey design variables, response
#'   variables, and subpopulation (domain) variables for both surveys.
#' @param survey_1 Logical vector that identifies survey one sites in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param survey_2 Logical vector that identifies survey two sites in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param itype Character value that identifies the factor variable containing
#'   subpopulation (domain) values.
#' @param isubpop Character value that identifies a level of the subpopulation
#'   variable.
#' @param ivar Character value that identifies the response variable.
#' @param lev_ivar Character vector that provides levels of a categorical
#'   response variable.
#' @param nlev_ivar Numeric value that provides the number of levels of a
#'   categorical response variable.
#' @param design_1 Object of class \code{survey.design} that specifies the
#'   complex survey design for survey one.
#' @param design_2 Object of class \code{survey.design} that specifies the
#'   complex survey design for survey two
#' @param design_names Character vector that provides names of survey design
#'   variables in the \code{design} argument.
#' @param repeat_1 Logical vector that identifies repeat visit sites for survey
#'   one.
#' @param repeat_2 Logical vector that identifies repeat visit sites for survey
#'   two.
#' @param siteID Character value providing name of the site ID variable in the
#'   \code{dframe} data frame.
#' @param revisitwgt Logical value that indicates whether each repeat visit site
#'   has the same survey design weight in the two surveys, where \code{TRUE} =
#'   the weight for each repeat visit site is the same and \code{FALSE} = the
#'   weight for each repeat visit site is not the same.  When this argument is
#'   \code{FALSE}, all of the repeat visit sites are assigned equal weights when
#'   calculating the covariance component of the change estimate standard error.
#'   The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param test Character string or character vector providing the location
#'   measure(s) to use for change estimation for continuous variables.  The
#'   choices are \code{"mean"}, \code{"median"}, or \code{c("mean", "median")}.
#' @param var_nondetect Character value that identifies the name of a logical
#'   variable in the \code{dframe} data frame specifying the presence of not
#'   detected (nondetect) values for a continuous response variable.
#' @param vartype The choice of variance estimator, where \code{"Local"} = local
#'   mean estimator and \code{"SRS"} = SRS estimator.
#' @param conf Numeric value for the confidence level.
#' @param mult Numeric value that provides the Normal distribution confidence
#'   bound multiplier.
#' @param warn_ind  Logical value that indicates whether warning messages were
#'   generated, where \code{TRUE} = warning messages were generated and
#'   \code{FALSE} = warning messages were not generated.
#' @param warn_df Data frame for storing warning messages.
#' @param warn_vec Vector that contains names of the population type, the
#'   subpopulation, and an indicator.
#' @return A list composed of the following objects:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{results}}{if resp_ind equals \code{"cat"}, a data frame named
#'       catsum containing change estimates for categories; if \code{resp_ind}
#'       equals \code{"cont"}, two data frames named contsum_mean and
#'       contsum_median containing mean and median change estimates,
#'       respectively, as specified by the argument named test.}
#'     \item{\code{warn_ind}}{logical variable that indicates whether warning
#'       messages were generated}
#'     \item{\code{warn_df}}{data frame for storing warning messages}
#'   }
#' @author Tom Kincaid \email{Kincaid.Tom@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @noRd

change_est <- function(resp_ind, survey_names, changesum, dframe, survey_1,
                       survey_2, itype, isubpop, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
                       design_1, design_2, design_names, repeat_1, repeat_2,
                       siteID, revisitwgt, test, var_nondetect, vartype, conf,
                       mult, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec) {

  # Assign a value to the function name variable

  fname <- "change_est"

  # Create a subset of the dframe data frame for each survey

  dframe_1 <- subset(dframe, survey_1)
  dframe_2 <- subset(dframe, survey_2)

  # Create logical vectors for subsetting the data

  subpop_1 <- dframe_1[, itype] %in% isubpop
  subpop_2 <- dframe_2[, itype] %in% isubpop

  # Subset the dframe_1 and dframe_2 objects

  dframe_1 <- subset(dframe_1, subpop_1)
  dframe_2 <- subset(dframe_2, subpop_2)

  # Determine whether the response variable contains only missing values for
  # one of the surveys

  if (all(is.na(dframe_1[, ivar])) | all(is.na(dframe_2[, ivar]))) {
    warn_ind <- TRUE
    warn <- paste0("For subpopulation \"", isubpop, "\" of population type \"", itype, "\", indicator \"", ivar, "\" \ncontains only missing values for one of the surveys.\n")
    act <- "A change estimate was not calculated.\n"
    warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
      func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype), subpop = I(isubpop),
      indicator = I(ivar), stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
  } else {

    # Subset the design_1 and design_2 objects

    design_1 <- subset(design_1, subpop_1)
    design_2 <- subset(design_2, subpop_2)

    # If the surveys include repeat visit sites, ensure that the subpopulation
    # inludes the same number of repeat visit sites in each survey

    repeat_1 <- repeat_1[subpop_1]
    repeat_2 <- repeat_2[subpop_2]
    if (sum(repeat_1) != sum(repeat_2)) {
      ind_1 <- repeat_1 & !(dframe_1[, siteID] %in% dframe_2[, siteID])
      ind_2 <- repeat_2 & !(dframe_2[, siteID] %in% dframe_1[, siteID])
      if (sum(ind_1) > 0) {
        repeat_1[ind_1] <- FALSE
        warn_ind <- TRUE
        temp_str <- vecprint(dframe_1[ind_1, siteID])
        warn <- paste("The following repeat visit site IDs for subpopulation ", isubpop, "\nof population type ", itype, " for indicator ", ivar, "\nin survey one did not have analogous site IDs present in survey two:\n", temp_str, sep = "")
        act <- "The listed repeated visit sites were not used for covariance estimation.\n"
        warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
          func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype),
          subpop = I(isubpop), indicator = I(ivar), stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
          action = I(act)
      if (sum(ind_2) > 0) {
        repeat_2[ind_2] <- FALSE
        warn_ind <- TRUE
        temp_str <- vecprint(dframe_2[ind_2, siteID])
        warn <- paste("The following repeated visit site IDs for subpopulation ", isubpop, "\nof population type ", itype, " for indicator ", ivar, "\nin survey two did not have analogous site IDs present in survey one:\n", temp_str, sep = "")
        act <- "The listed repeated visit sites were not used for covariance estimation.\n"
        warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
          func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype), subpop = I(isubpop),
          indicator = I(ivar), stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

    # Begin the section for a categorical variable

    if (resp_ind == "cat") {

      # Calculate estimates for all sites from survey one

      dframe_1[, itype] <- droplevels(dframe_1[, itype])
      temp <- category_est(
        NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar,
        nlev_ivar, design_1, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
      temp_1 <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
      warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
      warn_df <- temp$warn_df
      tw_1 <- sum(weights(design_1))

      # Calculate estimates for all sites from survey two

      dframe_2[, itype] <- droplevels(dframe_2[, itype])
      temp <- category_est(
        NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar,
        nlev_ivar, design_2, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
      temp_2 <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
      warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
      warn_df <- temp$warn_df
      tw_2 <- sum(weights(design_2))

      # Merge results for the two surveys

      results <- merge(temp_1, temp_2,
        by = "Category", suffix = c("_1", "_2"),
        all = TRUE, sort = FALSE

      # Calculate the change estimates

      results$DiffEst.P <- (results$Estimate.P_2 - results$Estimate.P_1) / 100
      results$DiffEst.U <- results$Estimate.U_2 - results$Estimate.U_1

      # Express the standard error estimates for the two surveys on the
      # proportion scale

      results$StdError.P_1 <- results$StdError.P_1 / 100
      results$StdError.P_2 <- results$StdError.P_2 / 100

      # Calculate standard error of the change estimates for surveys with no
      # repeat visit sites

      if (sum(repeat_1) == 0) {
        results$StdError.P <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1^2 +
        results$StdError.U <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1^2 +
        results$LCB.P <- 100 * pmax(
          results$DiffEst.P - mult * results$StdError.P,
        results$UCB.P <- 100 * pmin(
          results$DiffEst.P + mult * results$StdError.P,
        results$DiffEst.P <- 100 * results$DiffEst.P
        results$MarginofError.P <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P)
        results$MarginofError.P_1 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_1)
        results$MarginofError.P_2 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_2)
        results$StdError.P <- 100 * results$StdError.P
        results$StdError.P_1 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_1
        results$StdError.P_2 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_2
        results$MarginofError.U <- mult * results$StdError.U
        results$MarginofError.U_1 <- mult * results$StdError.U_1
        results$MarginofError.U_2 <- mult * results$StdError.U_2
        if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
          results$LCB.U <- pmax(
            results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U,
          results$UCB.U <- pmin(
            results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U,
        } else {
          results$LCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U
          results$UCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U

        # Calculate standard error of the change estimates for surveys with
        # repeat visit sites
      } else {

        # Subset the dframe_1 and dframe_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites

        dframe_1 <- subset(dframe_1, repeat_1)
        dframe_2 <- subset(dframe_2, repeat_2)

        # Subset the design_1 and design_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites

        design_1 <- subset(design_1, repeat_1)
        design_2 <- subset(design_2, repeat_2)

        # Assign values for the categorical variables

        catvar_1 <- dframe_1[, ivar]
        catvar_2 <- dframe_2[, ivar]

        # Assign values for survey design variables using the survey one design
        # object

        if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
          tempdf <- design_1$variables[subpop_1, ][repeat_1, ]
        } else {
          tempdf <- design_1$variables
        for (i in names(design_names)) {
          if (is.null(design_names[[i]])) {
            eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- NULL")))
          } else {
            eval(parse(text = paste0(
              i, " <- tempdf[, \"", design_names[[i]],

        # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample

        cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)

        # Assign values to weight variables

        if (revisitwgt) {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            wgt1 <- tempdf$wgt1
            wgt2 <- tempdf$wgt2
          } else {
            wgt <- tempdf$wgt
        } else {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            wgt1 <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))
            wgt2 <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))
          } else {
            wgt <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))

        # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a stratified
        # sample

        stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)

        # If the sample is stratified, convert stratum to a factor, determine
        # stratum levels, and calculate number of strata

        if (stratum_ind) {
          stratum <- factor(stratumID)
          stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
          nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

        # Remove missing values

        indx <- 1:sum(repeat_1)
        indx[is.na(catvar_1) | is.na(catvar_2)] <- 0
        catvar_1 <- catvar_1[indx]
        catvar_2 <- catvar_2[indx]
        if (stratum_ind) {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
            xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
            ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
            stratum <- stratum[indx]
            clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
            wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
            xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
            ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
          } else {
            wgt <- wgt[indx]
            xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
            ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
            stratum <- stratum[indx]
        } else {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
            xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
            ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
            clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
            wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
            xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
            ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
          } else {
            wgt <- wgt[indx]
            xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
            ycoord <- ycoord[indx]

        # For a stratified sample, remove strata that contain a single site

        if (stratum_ind) {
          ind <- FALSE
          for (i in 1:nstrata) {
            tst <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
            if (sum(tst) == 1) {
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              warn <- paste0("The stratum named \"", stratum_levels[i], "\" contains a single value and was removed from the analysis.\n")
              act <- "Stratum was not used for standard error estimation.\n"
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
                subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                action = I(act)
              dframe <- dframe[!tst, ]
              ind <- TRUE
              catvar_1 <- catvar_1[!tst]
              catvar_2 <- catvar_2[!tst]
              if (vartype == "Local") {
                xcoord <- xcoord[!tst]
                ycoord <- ycoord[!tst]
              stratum <- stratum[!tst]
              if (cluster_ind) {
                clusterID <- clusterID[!tst]
                wgt1 <- wgt1[!tst]
                wgt2 <- wgt2[!tst]
                if (vartype == "Local") {
                  xcoord1 <- xcoord1[!tst]
                  ycoord1 <- ycoord1[!tst]
              } else {
                wgt <- wgt[!tst]
              ind <- TRUE
          if (ind) {
            stratum <- factor(stratum)
            stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
            nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

        # For a stratified sample, check whether the number of strata is one

        if (stratum_ind) {
          if (nstrata == 1) {
            warn_ind <- TRUE
            warn <- "Only a single stratum was available for the analysis.\n"
            act <- "An unstratified data analysis was used.\n"
            warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
              func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
              indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
              action = I(act)
            stratum_ind <- FALSE

        # Assign levels of the categorical variable

        catvar_levels <- levels(as.factor(results$Category))
        nlevels <- length(catvar_levels)

        # Calculate population size values

        if (stratum_ind) {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt1 * wgt2, stratum, sum)
            sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
          } else {
            popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt, stratum, sum)
            sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)
        } else {
          if (cluster_ind) {
            popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
          } else {
            popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)

        # Branch to handle stratified and unstratified data

        if (stratum_ind) {

          # Begin the section for stratified data

          # Create the vectors of covariance or correlation estimates for all
          # strata combined

          rslt_P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
          rslt_U <- rep(NA, nlevels)

          # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for revisit
          # sites are empty or contain a single value

          if (length(catvar_1) <= 1) {
            warn_ind <- TRUE
            act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
            warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
            warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
              func = I(fname),
              subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3],
              stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

            # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable values
            # for revisit sites
          } else {

            # Begin the loop for individual strata

            for (i in 1:nstrata) {

              # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for
              # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value for a stratum

              stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
              if ((sum(!is.na(catvar_1[stratum_i])) <= 1) |
                (sum(!is.na(catvar_2[stratum_i])) <= 1)) {
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                act <- "Due to insufficient number of sites, the stratum was not included in \ncalculation of covariance among the revisited sites.\n"
                warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites in one of the surveys was less \nthan two for stratum \"", stratum_levels[i], "\".\n", sep = "")
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname),
                  subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                  indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = I(stratum_levels[i]),
                  warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

                # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                # values for revisit sites for a stratum
              } else {

                # Calculate proportion estimates

                z1 <- factor(catvar_1[stratum_i], levels = catvar_levels)
                z2 <- factor(catvar_2[stratum_i], levels = catvar_levels)
                m <- length(catvar_levels)
                prop1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                  design = subset(design_1, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                prop2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                  design = subset(design_2, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE

                # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                if (cluster_ind) {
                  temp <- changevar_prop(
                    catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                    xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, prop1,
                    prop2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                    clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i], xcoord1[stratum_i],
                    ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                } else {
                  temp <- changevar_prop(catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt[stratum_i],
                    xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, prop1,
                    prop2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                    vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                    warn_vec = warn_vec
                correst <- temp$rslt
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                # Add estimates to the vector for all strata combined

                rslt_P[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt_P[!is.na(correst)] +
                  (popsize_hat[i] / sum_popsize_hat) * correst[!is.na(correst)]

                # Estimate the size of each category

                size1 <- popsize_hat[i] * prop1
                size2 <- popsize_hat[i] * prop2

                # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                if (cluster_ind) {
                  temp <- changevar_total(
                    catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                    xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, size1,
                    size2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                    clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i], xcoord1[stratum_i],
                    ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                } else {
                  temp <- changevar_total(catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt[stratum_i],
                    xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, size1,
                    size2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                    vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                    warn_vec = warn_vec
                correst <- temp$rslt
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                # Add estimates to the vector for all strata combined

                rslt_U[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt_U[!is.na(correst)] +

                # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                # values for revisit sites for a stratum

              # End the loop for individual strata

            # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable values
            # for revisit sites

          # End the section for stratified data
        } else {

          # Begin the section for unstratified data

          # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for revisit
          # sites are empty or contain a single value

          if (length(catvar_1) <= 1) {
            rslt_P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            rslt_U <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            warn_ind <- TRUE
            act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
            warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
            warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
              func = I(fname),
              subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3],
              stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

            # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable values
            # for revisit sites
          } else {

            # Calculate proportion estimates

            z1 <- factor(catvar_1, levels = catvar_levels)
            z2 <- factor(catvar_2, levels = catvar_levels)
            prop1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
              design = design_1, na.rm = TRUE
            prop2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
              design = design_2, na.rm = TRUE

            # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

            if (cluster_ind) {
              temp <- changevar_prop(
                catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord,
                revisitwgt, prop1, prop2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                clusterID, wgt1, xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind, warn_df,
            } else {
              temp <- changevar_prop(catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt, xcoord, ycoord,
                revisitwgt, prop1, prop2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                warn_vec = warn_vec
            rslt_P <- temp$rslt
            warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
            warn_df <- temp$warn_df

            # Estimate the size of each category
            size1 <- popsize_hat * prop1
            size2 <- popsize_hat * prop2

            # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

            if (cluster_ind) {
              temp <- changevar_total(
                catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord,
                revisitwgt, size1, size2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                clusterID, wgt1, xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind, warn_df,
            } else {
              temp <- changevar_total(catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt, xcoord, ycoord,
                revisitwgt, size1, size2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                warn_vec = warn_vec
            rslt_U <- temp$rslt
            warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
            warn_df <- temp$warn_df

            # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable values
            # for revisit sites

          # End the section for unstratified data

        # Calculate standard errors

        results$StdError.P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
        results$StdError.U <- rep(NA, nlevels)
        ind <- is.na(rslt_P)
        results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
        results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
        if (any(!ind)) {
          tw_1r <- sum(weights(design_1))
          tw_2r <- sum(weights(design_2))
          if (revisitwgt) {
            temp <- results$StdError.P_1^2 + results$StdError.P_2^2 -
              ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * rslt_P
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp <= 0
            results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp > 0
            results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
            temp <- results$StdError.U_1^2 + results$StdError.U_2^2 - 2 * rslt_U
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp <= 0
            results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp > 0
            results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
          } else {
            se_1_p <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            se_1_u <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            temp <- category_est(
              NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
              design_1, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
            warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
            warn_df <- temp$warn_df
            temp$results <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
            ind <- match(temp$results$Category, catvar_levels, nomatch = 0)
            se_1_p[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.P / 100
            se_1_u[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.U
            se_2_p <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            se_2_u <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            temp <- category_est(
              NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
              design_2, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
            warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
            warn_df <- temp$warn_df
            temp$results <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
            ind <- match(temp$results$Category, catvar_levels, nomatch = 0)
            se_2_p[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.P / 100
            se_2_u[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.U
            covest <- rslt_P * se_1_p * se_2_p
            temp <- results$StdError.P_1^2 + results$StdError.P_2^2 -
              ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * covest
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp <= 0
            results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp > 0
            results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
            covest <- rslt_U * se_1_u * se_2_u
            temp <- results$StdError.U_1^2 + results$StdError.U_2^2 - 2 * covest
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp <= 0
            results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
            ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp > 0
            results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])

        # Calculate margins of error and confidence bounds

        results$LCB.P <- 100 * pmax(results$DiffEst.P -
          mult * results$StdError.P, -1)
        results$UCB.P <- 100 * pmin(results$DiffEst.P +
          mult * results$StdError.P, 1)
        results$DiffEst.P <- 100 * results$DiffEst.P
        results$MarginofError.P <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P)
        results$MarginofError.P_1 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_1)
        results$MarginofError.P_2 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_2)
        results$StdError.P <- 100 * results$StdError.P
        results$StdError.P_1 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_1
        results$StdError.P_2 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_2
        results$MarginofError.U <- mult * results$StdError.U
        results$MarginofError.U_1 <- mult * results$StdError.U_1
        results$MarginofError.U_2 <- mult * results$StdError.U_2
        if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
          results$LCB.U <- pmax(
            results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U, -tw_1
          results$UCB.U <- pmin(
            results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U, tw_2
        } else {
          results$LCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U
          results$UCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U

        # End the section for surveys with repeat visit sites

      # Add estimates to the catsum data frame

      changesum$catsum <- rbind(changesum$catsum, cbind(
        Survey_1 = survey_names[1],
        Survey_2 = survey_names[2],
        subset(results, select = c(
          2:4, 1, 30, 32, 36, 34:35, 31, 33, 37:39, 5:15,

      # End the section for a categorical variable
    } else if (resp_ind == "cont") {

      # Begin the section for a continuous variable

      # Begin the section for a continuous variable using the mean

      if ("mean" %in% test) {

        # As necessary, store original values for the dframe_1 and dframe_2 data
        # frames and the design_1 and design_2 objects

        if (any(c("total", "median") %in% test)) {
          dframe_1_org <- dframe_1
          dframe_2_org <- dframe_2
          design_1_org <- design_1
          design_2_org <- design_2

        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey one
        temp <- mean_est(
          NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_1, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
        meanest_1 <- temp$meansum
        warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
        warn_df <- temp$warn_df
        tw_1 <- sum(weights(design_1))

        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey two

        temp <- mean_est(
          NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_2, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
        meanest_2 <- temp$meansum
        warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
        warn_df <- temp$warn_df
        tw_2 <- sum(weights(design_2))

        # Merge results for the two surveys

        results <- merge(meanest_1, meanest_2,
          suffix = c("_1", "_2"),
          by = c("Type", "Subpopulation", "Indicator")

        # Calculate the change estimate

        results$DiffEst <- results$Estimate_2 - results$Estimate_1

        # Calculate the confidence bound multiplier

        mult <- qnorm(0.5 + (conf / 100) / 2)

        # Calculate standard error of the change estimate

        # Section for surveys with no repeat visit sites

        if (sum(repeat_1) == 0) {
          results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2)
          results$MarginofError <- mult * results$StdError
          results$LCB <- results$DiffEst - mult * results$StdError
          results$UCB <- results$DiffEst + mult * results$StdError

          # Section for surveys with repeat visit sites
        } else {

          # Subset the dframe_1 and dframe_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites

          dframe_1 <- subset(dframe_1, repeat_1)
          dframe_2 <- subset(dframe_2, repeat_2)

          # Subset the design_1 and design_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites

          design_1 <- subset(design_1, repeat_1)
          design_2 <- subset(design_2, repeat_2)

          # Assign values for the continuous variables

          contvar_1 <- dframe_1[, ivar]
          contvar_2 <- dframe_2[, ivar]

          # Assign values for survey design variables using the survey one design
          # object

          tempdf <- design_1$variables
          for (i in names(design_names)) {
            if (is.null(design_names[[i]])) {
              eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- NULL")))
            } else {
              eval(parse(text = paste0(
                i, " <- tempdf[, \"", design_names[[i]],

          # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample

          cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)

          # Assign values to weight variables

          if (revisitwgt) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt1 <- tempdf$wgt1
              wgt2 <- tempdf$wgt2
            } else {
              wgt <- tempdf$wgt
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt1 <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))
              wgt2 <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))
            } else {
              wgt <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))

          # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a stratified
          # sample

          stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)

          # If the sample is stratified, convert stratum to a factor, determine
          # stratum levels, and calculate number of strata

          if (stratum_ind) {
            stratum <- factor(stratumID)
            stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
            nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

          # Remove missing values

          indx <- 1:sum(repeat_1)
          indx[is.na(contvar_1) | is.na(contvar_2)] <- 0
          contvar_1 <- contvar_1[indx]
          contvar_2 <- contvar_2[indx]
          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              stratum <- stratum[indx]
              clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
              wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
              xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
              ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
            } else {
              wgt <- wgt[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              stratum <- stratum[indx]
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
              wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
              xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
              ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
            } else {
              wgt <- wgt[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]

          # For a stratified sample, remove strata that contain a single site

          if (stratum_ind) {
            ind <- FALSE
            for (i in 1:nstrata) {
              tst <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
              if (sum(tst) == 1) {
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                warn <- paste0("The stratum named \"", stratum_levels[i], "\" contains a single value and was removed from the analysis.\n")
                act <- "Stratum was not used for standard error estimation.\n"
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
                  subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                  action = I(act)
                dframe <- dframe[!tst, ]
                ind <- TRUE
                contvar_1 <- contvar_1[!tst]
                contvar_2 <- contvar_2[!tst]
                if (vartype == "Local") {
                  xcoord <- xcoord[!tst]
                  ycoord <- ycoord[!tst]
                stratum <- stratum[!tst]
                if (cluster_ind) {
                  clusterID <- clusterID[!tst]
                  wgt1 <- wgt1[!tst]
                  wgt2 <- wgt2[!tst]
                  if (vartype == "Local") {
                    xcoord1 <- xcoord1[!tst]
                    ycoord1 <- ycoord1[!tst]
                } else {
                  wgt <- wgt[!tst]
                ind <- TRUE
            if (ind) {
              stratum <- factor(stratum)
              stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
              nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

          # For a stratified sample, check whether the number of strata is one

          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (nstrata == 1) {
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              warn <- "Only a single stratum was available for the analysis.\n"
              act <- "An unstratified data analysis was used.\n"
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                action = I(act)
              stratum_ind <- FALSE

          # Calculate population size values

          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt1 * wgt2, stratum, sum)
              sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
            } else {
              popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt, stratum, sum)
              sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
            } else {
              popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)

          # Branch to handle stratified and unstratified data

          if (stratum_ind) {

            # Begin the section for stratified data

            # Create the object for covariance or correlation estimates for all
            # strata combined

            rslt <- NA

            # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for revisit
            # sites are empty or contain a single value

            if (length(contvar_1) <= 1) {
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
              warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname),
                subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3],
                stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

              # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable values
              # for revisit sites
            } else {

              # Begin the loop for individual strata

              for (i in 1:nstrata) {

                # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for
                # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value for a stratum

                stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                if (length(contvar_1[stratum_i]) <= 1) {
                  warn_ind <- TRUE
                  act <- "Due to insufficient number of sites, the stratum was not included in \ncalculation of covariance among the revisited sites.\n"
                  warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites  in one of the surveys was less \nthan two for stratum \"", stratum_levels[i], "\".\n", sep = "")
                  warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                    func = I(fname),
                    subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                    indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = I(stratum_levels[i]),
                    warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

                  # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variables
                  # values for revisit sites for a stratum
                } else {

                  # Calculate mean estimates

                  stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                  z1 <- contvar_1[stratum_i]
                  z2 <- contvar_2[stratum_i]
                  mean1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                    design = subset(design_1, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                  mean2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                    design = subset(design_2, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE

                  # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                  if (cluster_ind) {
                    temp <- changevar_mean(
                      z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                      xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, mean1,
                      mean2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                      clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i], xcoord1[stratum_i],
                      ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                  } else {
                    temp <- changevar_mean(z1, z2, wgt[stratum_i],
                      xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, mean1,
                      mean2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                      vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                      warn_vec = warn_vec
                  correst <- temp$rslt
                  warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                  warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                  # Add estimates to the object for all strata combined

                  rslt[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt[!is.na(correst)] +
                    (popsize_hat[i] / sum_popsize_hat) * correst[!is.na(correst)]

                  # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
                  # values for revisit sites for a stratum

                # End the loop for individual strata

              # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
              # values for revisit sites

            # End the section for stratified data
          } else {

            # Begin the section for unstratified data

            # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for revisit
            # sites are empty or contain a single value

            if (length(contvar_1) <= 1) {
              rslt <- NA
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
              warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                action = I(act)

              # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable values
              # for revisit sites
            } else {

              # Calculate mean estimates

              z1 <- contvar_1
              z2 <- contvar_2
              mean1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                design = design_1,
                na.rm = TRUE
              mean2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                design = design_2,
                na.rm = TRUE

              # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

              if (cluster_ind) {
                temp <- changevar_mean(
                  z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                  mean1, mean2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind, clusterID, wgt1,
                  xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
              } else {
                temp <- changevar_mean(z1, z2, wgt, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                  mean1, mean2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                  vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                  warn_vec = warn_vec
              rslt <- temp$rslt
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df

              # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
              # values for revisit sites

            # End the section for unstratified data

          # Calculate standard errors

          if (is.na(rslt)) {
            results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2)
          } else {
            tw_1r <- sum(weights(design_1))
            tw_2r <- sum(weights(design_2))
            if (revisitwgt) {
              temp <- results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2 -
                ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * rslt
              if (is.na(temp)) {
                temp <- 0
              if (temp <= 0) {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 +
              } else {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(temp)
            } else {
              temp <- mean_est(
                NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
                design_1, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult,
                warn_ind, warn_df
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
              se_1 <- temp$meansum$StdError
              temp <- mean_est(
                NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
                design_2, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult,
                warn_ind, warn_df
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
              se_2 <- temp$meansum$StdError
              covest <- rslt * se_1 * se_2
              temp <- results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2 -
                ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * covest
              if (is.na(temp)) {
                temp <- 0
              if (temp <= 0) {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 +
              } else {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(temp)

          # Calculate margins of error and confidence bounds for the change
          # estimate

          results$MarginofError <- mult * results$StdError
          results$LCB <- results$DiffEst - mult * results$StdError
          results$UCB <- results$DiffEst + mult * results$StdError

          # End the section for surveys with repeat visit sites

        # Add estimates to the contsum_mean data frame

        changesum$contsum_mean <- rbind(changesum$contsum_mean, cbind(
          Survey_1 = survey_names[1],
          Survey_2 = survey_names[2],
          subset(results, select = c(1:3, 16:20, 4:9, 10:15))

        # End the section for a continuous variable using the mean
      if ("total" %in% test) {
        # As necessary, store original values for the dframe_1 and dframe_2 data
        # frames and the design_1 and design_2 objects
        if (any(c("mean") %in% test)) {
          dframe_1 <- dframe_1_org
          dframe_2 <- dframe_2_org
          design_1 <- design_1_org
          design_2 <- design_2_org
        if (any(c("median") %in% test)) {
          dframe_1_org <- dframe_1
          dframe_2_org <- dframe_2
          design_1_org <- design_1
          design_2_org <- design_2
        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey one
        temp <- total_est(
          NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_1, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
        totalest_1 <- temp$totalsum
        warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
        warn_df <- temp$warn_df
        tw_1 <- sum(weights(design_1))
        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey two
        temp <- total_est(
          NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_2, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind,
        totalest_2 <- temp$totalsum
        warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
        warn_df <- temp$warn_df
        tw_2 <- sum(weights(design_2))
        # Merge results for the two surveys
        results <- merge(totalest_1, totalest_2,
                         suffix = c("_1", "_2"),
                         by = c("Type", "Subpopulation", "Indicator")
        # Calculate the change estimate
        results$DiffEst <- results$Estimate_2 - results$Estimate_1
        # Calculate the confidence bound multiplier
        mult <- qnorm(0.5 + (conf / 100) / 2)
        # Calculate standard error of the change estimate
        # Section for surveys with no repeat visit sites
        if (sum(repeat_1) == 0) {
          results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2)
          results$MarginofError <- mult * results$StdError
          results$LCB <- results$DiffEst - mult * results$StdError
          results$UCB <- results$DiffEst + mult * results$StdError
          # Section for surveys with repeat visit sites
        } else {
          # Subset the dframe_1 and dframe_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites
          dframe_1 <- subset(dframe_1, repeat_1)
          dframe_2 <- subset(dframe_2, repeat_2)
          # Subset the design_1 and design_2 objects to retain repeat visit sites
          design_1 <- subset(design_1, repeat_1)
          design_2 <- subset(design_2, repeat_2)
          # Assign values for the continuous variables
          contvar_1 <- dframe_1[, ivar]
          contvar_2 <- dframe_2[, ivar]
          # Assign values for survey design variables using the survey one design
          # object
          tempdf <- design_1$variables
          for (i in names(design_names)) {
            if (is.null(design_names[[i]])) {
              eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- NULL")))
            } else {
              eval(parse(text = paste0(
                i, " <- tempdf[, \"", design_names[[i]],
          # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample
          cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)
          # Assign values to weight variables
          if (revisitwgt) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt1 <- tempdf$wgt1
              wgt2 <- tempdf$wgt2
            } else {
              wgt <- tempdf$wgt
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt1 <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))
              wgt2 <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))
            } else {
              wgt <- rep(1, length(contvar_1))
          # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a stratified
          # sample
          stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)
          # If the sample is stratified, convert stratum to a factor, determine
          # stratum levels, and calculate number of strata
          if (stratum_ind) {
            stratum <- factor(stratumID)
            stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
            nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)
          # Remove missing values
          indx <- 1:sum(repeat_1)
          indx[is.na(contvar_1) | is.na(contvar_2)] <- 0
          contvar_1 <- contvar_1[indx]
          contvar_2 <- contvar_2[indx]
          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              stratum <- stratum[indx]
              clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
              wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
              xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
              ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
            } else {
              wgt <- wgt[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              stratum <- stratum[indx]
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
              clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
              wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
              xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
              ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
            } else {
              wgt <- wgt[indx]
              xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
              ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
          # For a stratified sample, remove strata that contain a single site
          if (stratum_ind) {
            ind <- FALSE
            for (i in 1:nstrata) {
              tst <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
              if (sum(tst) == 1) {
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                warn <- paste0("The stratum named \"", stratum_levels[i], "\" contains a single value and was removed from the analysis.\n")
                act <- "Stratum was not used for standard error estimation.\n"
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
                  subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                  action = I(act)
                dframe <- dframe[!tst, ]
                ind <- TRUE
                contvar_1 <- contvar_1[!tst]
                contvar_2 <- contvar_2[!tst]
                if (vartype == "Local") {
                  xcoord <- xcoord[!tst]
                  ycoord <- ycoord[!tst]
                stratum <- stratum[!tst]
                if (cluster_ind) {
                  clusterID <- clusterID[!tst]
                  wgt1 <- wgt1[!tst]
                  wgt2 <- wgt2[!tst]
                  if (vartype == "Local") {
                    xcoord1 <- xcoord1[!tst]
                    ycoord1 <- ycoord1[!tst]
                } else {
                  wgt <- wgt[!tst]
                ind <- TRUE
            if (ind) {
              stratum <- factor(stratum)
              stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
              nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)
          # For a stratified sample, check whether the number of strata is one
          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (nstrata == 1) {
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              warn <- "Only a single stratum was available for the analysis.\n"
              act <- "An unstratified data analysis was used.\n"
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                action = I(act)
              stratum_ind <- FALSE
          # Calculate population size values
          if (stratum_ind) {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt1 * wgt2, stratum, sum)
              sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
            } else {
              popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt, stratum, sum)
              sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)
          } else {
            if (cluster_ind) {
              popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
            } else {
              popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)
          # Branch to handle stratified and unstratified data
          if (stratum_ind) {
            # Begin the section for stratified data
            # Create the object for covariance or correlation estimates for all
            # strata combined
            rslt <- NA
            # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for revisit
            # sites are empty or contain a single value
            if (length(contvar_1) <= 1) {
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
              warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname),
                subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3],
                stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
              # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable values
              # for revisit sites
            } else {
              # Begin the loop for individual strata
              for (i in 1:nstrata) {
                # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for
                # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value for a stratum
                stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                if (length(contvar_1[stratum_i]) <= 1) {
                  warn_ind <- TRUE
                  act <- "Due to insufficient number of sites, the stratum was not included in \ncalculation of covariance among the revisited sites.\n"
                  warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites  in one of the surveys was less \nthan two for stratum \"", stratum_levels[i], "\".\n", sep = "")
                  warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                    func = I(fname),
                    subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                    indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = I(stratum_levels[i]),
                    warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
                  # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variables
                  # values for revisit sites for a stratum
                } else {
                  # Calculate mean estimates
                  stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                  z1 <- contvar_1[stratum_i]
                  z2 <- contvar_2[stratum_i]
                  total1 <- as.vector(svytotal(make.formula(ivar),
                                             design = subset(design_1, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                  total2 <- as.vector(svytotal(make.formula(ivar),
                                             design = subset(design_2, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                  # for local neighborhood variance
                  mean1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                                               design = subset(design_1, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                  mean2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                                               design = subset(design_2, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                  # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates
                  if (cluster_ind) {
                    temp <- changevar_mean(
                      z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                      xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, mean1,
                      mean2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                      clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i], xcoord1[stratum_i],
                      ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                  } else {
                    temp <- changevar_mean(z1, z2, wgt[stratum_i],
                                           xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, mean1,
                                           mean2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                                           vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                                           warn_vec = warn_vec
                  correst <- temp$rslt
                  warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                  warn_df <- temp$warn_df
                  # Add estimates to the object for all strata combined
                  rslt[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt[!is.na(correst)] +
                    (popsize_hat[i] / sum_popsize_hat) * correst[!is.na(correst)]
                  # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
                  # values for revisit sites for a stratum
                # End the loop for individual strata
              # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
              # values for revisit sites
            # End the section for stratified data
          } else {
            # Begin the section for unstratified data
            # Check whether the vectors of continuous variable values for revisit
            # sites are empty or contain a single value
            if (length(contvar_1) <= 1) {
              rslt <- NA
              warn_ind <- TRUE
              act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
              warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
              warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                action = I(act)
              # Begin section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable values
              # for revisit sites
            } else {
              # Calculate mean and total estimates
              z1 <- contvar_1
              z2 <- contvar_2
              total1 <- as.vector(svytotal(make.formula(ivar),
                                         design = design_1,
                                         na.rm = TRUE
              total2 <- as.vector(svytotal(make.formula(ivar),
                                         design = design_2,
                                         na.rm = TRUE
              mean1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                                           design = design_1,
                                           na.rm = TRUE
              mean2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                                           design = design_2,
                                           na.rm = TRUE
              # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates
              if (cluster_ind) {
                temp <- changevar_mean(
                  z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                  mean1, mean2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind, clusterID, wgt1,
                  xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
              } else {
                temp <- changevar_mean(z1, z2, wgt, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                                        mean1, mean2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                                       vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                                       warn_vec = warn_vec
              rslt <- temp$rslt
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
              # End the section for nonempty vectors of continuous variable
              # values for revisit sites
            # End the section for unstratified data
          # Calculate standard errors
          if (is.na(rslt)) {
            results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2)
          } else {
            tw_1r <- sum(weights(design_1))
            tw_2r <- sum(weights(design_2))
            if (revisitwgt) {
              temp <- results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2 -
                ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * rslt
              if (is.na(temp)) {
                temp <- 0
              if (temp <= 0) {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 +
              } else {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(temp)
            } else {
              temp <- total_est(
                NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
                design_1, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult,
                warn_ind, warn_df
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
              se_1 <- temp$totalsum$StdError
              temp <- total_est(
                NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
                design_2, design_names, var_nondetect, vartype, conf, mult,
                warn_ind, warn_df
              warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
              warn_df <- temp$warn_df
              se_2 <- temp$totalsum$StdError
              covest <- rslt * se_1 * se_2
              temp <- results$StdError_1^2 + results$StdError_2^2 -
                ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * covest
              if (is.na(temp)) {
                temp <- 0
              if (temp <= 0) {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(results$StdError_1^2 +
              } else {
                results$StdError <- sqrt(temp)
          # Calculate margins of error and confidence bounds for the change
          # estimate
          results$MarginofError <- mult * results$StdError
          results$LCB <- results$DiffEst - mult * results$StdError
          results$UCB <- results$DiffEst + mult * results$StdError
          # End the section for surveys with repeat visit sites
        # Add estimates to the contsum_mean data frame
        changesum$contsum_total <- rbind(changesum$contsum_total, cbind(
          Survey_1 = survey_names[1],
          Survey_2 = survey_names[2],
          subset(results, select = c(1:3, 16:20, 4:9, 10:15))
        # End the section for a continuous variable using the total

      if ("median" %in% test) {

        # Begin the section for a continuous variable using the median

        # As necessary, restore original values for the dframe_1 and dframe_2
        # data frames and the design_1 and design_2 objects

        if (any(c("mean", "total") %in% test)) {
          dframe_1 <- dframe_1_org
          dframe_2 <- dframe_2_org
          design_1 <- design_1_org
          design_2 <- design_2_org

        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey one

        pctest_1 <- percentile_est(NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_1, design_names, var_nondetect, conf, mult,
          pctval = c(50),
          warn_ind, warn_df
        warn_ind <- pctest_1$warn_ind
        warn_df <- pctest_1$warn_df

        # Calculate estimate for all sites from survey two

        pctest_2 <- percentile_est(NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar,
          design_2, design_names, var_nondetect, conf, mult,
          pctval = c(50),
          warn_ind, warn_df
        warn_ind <- pctest_2$warn_ind
        warn_df <- pctest_2$warn_df

        # Determine whether either of the surveys contains a single observation

        if (is.na(pctest_1$pctsum$Estimate) | is.na(pctest_2$pctsum$Estimate)) {
          warn_ind <- TRUE
          warn <- paste0("For subpopulation \"", isubpop, "\" of population type \"", itype, "\", indicator \"", ivar, "\" \ncontains a single value for at least one of the surveys.\n")
          act <- "A change estimate for the median was not calculated.\n"
          warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
            func = I(fname), subpoptype = I(itype), subpop = I(isubpop),
            indicator = I(ivar), stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
            action = I(act)
        } else {

          # Create the categorical response variables

          p_1 <- factor(ifelse(dframe_1[, ivar] <= pctest_1$pctsum$Estimate,
            "Less_Than_Median", "Greater_Than_Median"
          dframe_1$medcat <- p_1
          if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
            temp <- factor(ifelse(design_1$variables[, ivar] <=
              pctest_1$pctsum$Estimate, "Less_Than_Median",
            design_1 <- update(design_1, medcat = temp)
          } else {
            design_1 <- update(design_1, medcat = p_1)
          p_2 <- factor(ifelse(dframe_2[, ivar] <= pctest_1$pctsum$Estimate,
            "Less_Than_Median", "Greater_Than_Median"
          dframe_2$medcat <- p_2
          if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
            temp <- factor(ifelse(design_2$variables[, ivar] <=
              pctest_1$pctsum$Estimate, "Less_Than_Median",
            design_2 <- update(design_2, medcat = temp)
          } else {
            design_2 <- update(design_2, medcat = p_2)
          # save indicator name to replace later after medcat used for analysis
          ivar_name <- ivar
          ivar <- "medcat"
          lev_ivar <- levels(p_1)
          nlev_ivar <- 2

          # Calculate estimates for all sites from survey one

          dframe_1[, itype] <- droplevels(dframe_1[, itype])
          temp <- category_est(
            NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
            design_1, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
          temp_1 <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
          warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
          warn_df <- temp$warn_df
          tw_1 <- sum(weights(design_1))

          # Calculate estimates for all sites from survey two

          dframe_2[, itype] <- droplevels(dframe_2[, itype])
          temp <- category_est(
            NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
            design_2, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
          temp_2 <- droplevels(subset(temp$catsum, Category != "Total"))
          warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
          warn_df <- temp$warn_df
          tw_2 <- sum(weights(design_2))

          # Merge results for the two surveys

          results <- merge(temp_1, temp_2,
            by = "Category", suffix = c("_1", "_2"),
            all = TRUE, sort = FALSE

          # Calculate the change estimates

          results$DiffEst.P <- (results$Estimate.P_2 - results$Estimate.P_1) / 100
          results$DiffEst.U <- results$Estimate.U_2 - results$Estimate.U_1

          # Express the standard error estimates for the two surveys on the
          # proportion scale

          results$StdError.P_1 <- results$StdError.P_1 / 100
          results$StdError.P_2 <- results$StdError.P_2 / 100

          # Calculate confidence bound multiplier

          mult <- qnorm(0.5 + (conf / 100) / 2)

          # Calculate standard error of the change estimates for surveys with no
          # repeat visit sites

          if (sum(repeat_1) == 0) {
            results$StdError.P <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1^2 +
            results$StdError.U <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1^2 +
            results$LCB.P <- 100 * pmax(
              results$DiffEst.P - mult * results$StdError.P, -1
            results$UCB.P <- 100 * pmin(
              results$DiffEst.P + mult * results$StdError.P, 1
            results$DiffEst.P <- 100 * results$DiffEst.P
            results$MarginofError.P <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P)
            results$MarginofError.P_1 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_1)
            results$MarginofError.P_2 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_2)
            results$StdError.P <- 100 * results$StdError.P
            results$StdError.P_1 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_1
            results$StdError.P_2 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_2
            results$MarginofError.U <- mult * results$StdError.U
            results$MarginofError.U_1 <- mult * results$StdError.U_1
            results$MarginofError.U_2 <- mult * results$StdError.U_2
            if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
              results$LCB.U <- pmax(
                results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U, -tw_1
              results$UCB.U <- pmin(
                results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U, tw_2
            } else {
              results$LCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U
              results$UCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U

            # Calculate standard error of the change estimates for surveys with
            # repeat visit sites
          } else {

            # Subset the dframe_1 and design_2 objects to retain repeat visit
            # sites

            dframe_1 <- subset(dframe_1, repeat_1)
            dframe_2 <- subset(dframe_2, repeat_2)

            # Subset the design_1 and design_2 objects to retain repeat visit
            # sites

            design_1 <- subset(design_1, repeat_1)
            design_2 <- subset(design_2, repeat_2)

            # Assign values for the categorical variables

            catvar_1 <- dframe_1[, ivar]
            catvar_2 <- dframe_2[, ivar]

            # Assign values for survey design variables using the survey one
            # design object

            tempdf <- design_1$variables
            for (i in names(design_names)) {
              if (is.null(design_names[[i]])) {
                eval(parse(text = paste0(i, " <- NULL")))
              } else {
                eval(parse(text = paste0(
                  i, " <- tempdf[, \"", design_names[[i]],

            # Assign a value to the indicator variable for a two-stage sample

            cluster_ind <- !is.null(clusterID)

            # Assign values to weight variables

            if (revisitwgt) {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                wgt1 <- tempdf$wgt1
                wgt2 <- tempdf$wgt2
              } else {
                wgt <- tempdf$wgt
            } else {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                wgt1 <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))
                wgt2 <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))
              } else {
                wgt <- rep(1, length(catvar_1))

            # Assign a logical value to the indicator variable for a stratified
            # sample

            stratum_ind <- !is.null(stratumID)

            # If the sample is stratified, convert stratum to a factor,
            # determine stratum levels, and calculate number of strata

            if (stratum_ind) {
              stratum <- factor(stratumID)
              stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
              nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

            # Remove missing values

            indx <- 1:sum(repeat_1)
            indx[is.na(catvar_1) | is.na(catvar_2)] <- 0
            catvar_1 <- catvar_1[indx]
            catvar_2 <- catvar_2[indx]
            if (stratum_ind) {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
                xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
                ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
                stratum <- stratum[indx]
                clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
                wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
                xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
                ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
              } else {
                wgt <- wgt[indx]
                xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
                ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
                stratum <- stratum[indx]
            } else {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                wgt2 <- wgt2[indx]
                xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
                ycoord <- ycoord[indx]
                clusterID <- clusterID[indx]
                wgt1 <- wgt1[indx]
                xcoord1 <- xcoord1[indx]
                ycoord1 <- ycoord1[indx]
              } else {
                wgt <- wgt[indx]
                xcoord <- xcoord[indx]
                ycoord <- ycoord[indx]

            # For a stratified sample, remove strata that contain a single site

            if (stratum_ind) {
              ind <- FALSE
              for (i in 1:nstrata) {
                tst <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                if (sum(tst) == 1) {
                  warn_ind <- TRUE
                  warn <- paste0("The stratum named \"", stratum_levels[i], "\" contains a single value and was removed from the analysis.\n")
                  act <- "Stratum was not used for standard error estimation.\n"
                  warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                    func = I(fname), subpoptype = NA,
                    subpop = NA, indicator = NA, stratum = NA, warning = I(warn),
                    action = I(act)
                  dframe <- dframe[!tst, ]
                  ind <- TRUE
                  catvar_1 <- catvar_1[!tst]
                  catvar_2 <- catvar_2[!tst]
                  if (vartype == "Local") {
                    xcoord <- xcoord[!tst]
                    ycoord <- ycoord[!tst]
                  stratum <- stratum[!tst]
                  if (cluster_ind) {
                    clusterID <- clusterID[!tst]
                    wgt1 <- wgt1[!tst]
                    wgt2 <- wgt2[!tst]
                    if (vartype == "Local") {
                      xcoord1 <- xcoord1[!tst]
                      ycoord1 <- ycoord1[!tst]
                  } else {
                    wgt <- wgt[!tst]
                  ind <- TRUE
              if (ind) {
                stratum <- factor(stratum)
                stratum_levels <- levels(stratum)
                nstrata <- length(stratum_levels)

            # For a stratified sample, check whether the number of strata is one

            if (stratum_ind) {
              if (nstrata == 1) {
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                warn <- "Only a single stratum was available for the analysis.\n"
                act <- "An unstratified data analysis was used.\n"
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1],
                  subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA,
                  warning = I(warn), action = I(act)
                stratum_ind <- FALSE

            # Assign levels of the categorical variables

            catvar_levels <- results$Category
            nlevels <- length(catvar_levels)

            # Calculate population size values

            if (stratum_ind) {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt1 * wgt2, stratum, sum)
                sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
              } else {
                popsize_hat <- tapply(wgt, stratum, sum)
                sum_popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)
            } else {
              if (cluster_ind) {
                popsize_hat <- sum(wgt1 * wgt2)
              } else {
                popsize_hat <- sum(wgt)

            # Branch to handle stratified and unstratified data

            if (stratum_ind) {

              # Begin the section for stratified data

              # Create the vector of covariance or correlation estimates for all
              # strata combined

              rslt_P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
              rslt_U <- rep(NA, nlevels)

              # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for
              # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value

              if (length(catvar_1) <= 1) {
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
                warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1],
                  subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = NA,
                  warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

                # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                #  values for revisit sites
              } else {

                # Begin the loop for individual strata

                for (i in 1:nstrata) {

                  # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for
                  # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value for a
                  #  stratum

                  stratum_i <- stratum == stratum_levels[i]
                  if ((sum(!is.na(catvar_1[stratum_i])) <= 1) |
                    (sum(!is.na(catvar_2[stratum_i])) <= 1)) {
                    warn_ind <- TRUE
                    act <- "Due to insufficient number of sites, the stratum was not included in \ncalculation of covariance among the revisited sites.\n"
                    warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites  in one of the surveys was less \nthan two for stratum \"", stratum_levels[i], "\".\n", sep = "")
                    warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                      func = I(fname),
                      subpoptype = warn_vec[1], subpop = warn_vec[2],
                      indicator = warn_vec[3], stratum = I(stratum_levels[i]),
                      warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

                    # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                    # values for revisit sites for a stratum
                  } else {

                    # Calculate proportion estimates

                    z1 <- factor(catvar_1[stratum_i], levels = catvar_levels)
                    z2 <- factor(catvar_2[stratum_i], levels = catvar_levels)
                    m <- length(catvar_levels)
                    prop1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                      design = subset(design_1, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE
                    prop2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                      design = subset(design_2, stratum_i), na.rm = TRUE

                    # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                    if (cluster_ind) {
                      temp <- changevar_prop(
                        catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                        xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, prop1,
                        prop2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                        clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i],
                        xcoord1[stratum_i], ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype,
                        warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                    } else {
                      temp <- changevar_prop(catvar_levels, z1, z2,
                        xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, prop1,
                        prop2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                        vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind,
                        warn_df = warn_df, warn_vec = warn_vec
                    correst <- temp$rslt
                    warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                    warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                    # Add estimates to the vector for all strata combined

                    rslt_P[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt_P[!is.na(correst)] +
                      (popsize_hat[i] / sum_popsize_hat) * correst[!is.na(correst)]

                    # Estimate the size of each category

                    size1 <- popsize_hat[i] * prop1
                    size2 <- popsize_hat[i] * prop2

                    # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                    if (cluster_ind) {
                      temp <- changevar_total(
                        catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2[stratum_i],
                        xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i], revisitwgt, size1,
                        size2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i], cluster_ind,
                        clusterID[stratum_i], wgt1[stratum_i],
                        xcoord1[stratum_i], ycoord1[stratum_i], vartype,
                        warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                    } else {
                      temp <- changevar_total(catvar_levels, z1, z2,
                        wgt[stratum_i], xcoord[stratum_i], ycoord[stratum_i],
                        revisitwgt, size1, size2, stratum_ind, stratum_levels[i],
                        vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind,
                        warn_df = warn_df, warn_vec = warn_vec
                    correst <- temp$rslt
                    warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                    warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                    # Add estimates to the vector for all strata combined

                    rslt_U[!is.na(correst)] <- rslt_U[!is.na(correst)] +

                    # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical
                    # variable values for revisit sites for a stratum

                  # End the loop for individual strata

                # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                # values for revisit sites

              # End the section for stratified data
            } else {

              # Begin the section for unstratified data

              # Check whether the vectors of categorical variable values for
              # revisit sites are empty or contain a single value

              if (length(catvar_1) <= 1) {
                rslt_P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                rslt_U <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                warn_ind <- TRUE
                act <- "Covariance among the revisited sites was not included in calculation of \nthe standard error estimate.\n"
                warn <- paste("The number of nonmissing repeat visit sites was less than two in one of the \nsurveys.\n", sep = "")
                warn_df <- rbind(warn_df, data.frame(
                  func = I(fname), subpoptype = warn_vec[1],
                  subpop = warn_vec[2], indicator = warn_vec[3],
                  stratum = NA, warning = I(warn), action = I(act)

                # Begin section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                #  values for revisit sites
              } else {

                # Calculate proportion estimates

                z1 <- factor(catvar_1, levels = catvar_levels)
                z2 <- factor(catvar_2, levels = catvar_levels)
                prop1 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                  design = design_1, na.rm = TRUE
                prop2 <- as.vector(svymean(make.formula(ivar),
                  design = design_2, na.rm = TRUE

                # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                if (cluster_ind) {
                  temp <- changevar_prop(
                    catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                    prop1, prop2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind, clusterID,
                    wgt1, xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind, warn_df, warn_vec
                } else {
                  temp <- changevar_prop(catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt, xcoord,
                    ycoord, revisitwgt, prop1, prop2, stratum_ind, NULL,
                    vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind,
                    warn_df = warn_df, warn_vec = warn_vec
                rslt_P <- temp$rslt
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                # Estimate the size of each category

                size1 <- popsize_hat * prop1
                size2 <- popsize_hat * prop2

                # Calculate covariance or correlation estimates

                if (cluster_ind) {
                  temp <- changevar_total(
                    catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt2, xcoord, ycoord,
                    revisitwgt, size1, size2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                    clusterID, wgt1, xcoord1, ycoord1, vartype, warn_ind,
                    warn_df, warn_vec
                } else {
                  temp <- changevar_total(
                    catvar_levels, z1, z2, wgt, xcoord, ycoord, revisitwgt,
                    size1, size2, stratum_ind, NULL, cluster_ind,
                    vartype = vartype, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df,
                    warn_vec = warn_vec
                rslt_U <- temp$rslt
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df

                # End the section for nonempty vectors of categorical variable
                # values for revisit sites

              # End the section for unstratified data

            # Calculate standard errors

            results$StdError.P <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            results$StdError.U <- rep(NA, nlevels)
            ind <- is.na(rslt_P)
            results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
            results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
            if (any(!ind)) {
              tw_1r <- sum(weights(design_1))
              tw_2r <- sum(weights(design_2))
              if (revisitwgt) {
                temp <- results$StdError.P_1^2 + results$StdError.P_2^2 -
                  ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * rslt_P
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp <= 0
                results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp > 0
                results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
                temp <- results$StdError.U_1^2 + results$StdError.U_2^2 - 2 *
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp <= 0
                results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp > 0
                results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
              } else {
                se_1_p <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                se_1_u <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                temp <- category_est(
                  NULL, dframe_1, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
                  design_1, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df
                temp$results <- droplevels(subset(
                  Category != "Total"
                ind <- match(temp$results$Category, catvar_levels, nomatch = 0)
                se_1_p[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.P / 100
                se_1_u[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.U
                se_2_p <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                se_2_u <- rep(NA, nlevels)
                temp <- category_est(
                  NULL, dframe_2, itype, isubpop, 1, ivar, lev_ivar, nlev_ivar,
                  design_2, design_names, vartype, conf, mult, warn_ind, warn_df
                warn_ind <- temp$warn_ind
                warn_df <- temp$warn_df
                temp$results <- droplevels(subset(
                  Category != "Total"
                ind <- match(temp$results$Category, catvar_levels, nomatch = 0)
                se_2_p[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.P / 100
                se_2_u[ind] <- temp$results$StdError.U
                covest <- rslt_P * se_1_p * se_2_p
                temp <- results$StdError.P_1^2 + results$StdError.P_2^2 -
                  ((2 * tw_1r * tw_2r) / (tw_1 * tw_2)) * covest
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp <= 0
                results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.P_1[ind]^2 +
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_P) & temp > 0
                results$StdError.P[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])
                covest <- rslt_U * se_1_u * se_2_u
                temp <- results$StdError.U_1^2 + results$StdError.U_2^2 - 2 *
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp <= 0
                results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(results$StdError.U_1[ind]^2 +
                ind <- !is.na(rslt_U) & temp > 0
                results$StdError.U[ind] <- sqrt(temp[ind])

            # Calculate margins of error and confidence bounds

            results$LCB.P <- 100 * pmax(results$DiffEst.P -
              mult * results$StdError.P, -1)
            results$UCB.P <- 100 * pmin(results$DiffEst.P +
              mult * results$StdError.P, 1)
            results$DiffEst.P <- 100 * results$DiffEst.P
            results$MarginofError.P <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P)
            results$MarginofError.P_1 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_1)
            results$MarginofError.P_2 <- 100 * (mult * results$StdError.P_2)
            results$StdError.P <- 100 * results$StdError.P
            results$StdError.P_1 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_1
            results$StdError.P_2 <- 100 * results$StdError.P_2
            results$MarginofError.U <- mult * results$StdError.U
            results$MarginofError.U_1 <- mult * results$StdError.U_1
            results$MarginofError.U_2 <- mult * results$StdError.U_2
            if ("postStrata" %in% names(design_1)) {
              results$LCB.U <- pmax(
                results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U, -tw_1
              results$UCB.U <- pmin(
                results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U, tw_2
            } else {
              results$LCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U - mult * results$StdError.U
              results$UCB.U <- results$DiffEst.U + mult * results$StdError.U

            # End the section for surveys with repeat visit sites

          # Add estimates to the contsum_median data frame

          changesum$contsum_median <- rbind(changesum$contsum_median, cbind(
            Survey_1 = survey_names[1],
            Survey_2 = survey_names[2],
            subset(results, select = c(
              2:4, 1, 30, 32, 36, 34:35, 31, 33, 37:39,
              5:15, 19:29
        #replace medcat name with original variable name
        changesum$contsum_median$Indicator_1 <- ivar_name

        # End the section for a continuous variable using the median

      # Print an error message for an unrecognized type of test

      if (!any(c("mean", "total", "median") %in% test)) {
        stop(paste0("\nThe value provided for argument test, \"", test,
          "\", is not a valid value",
          sep = ""
    } else {

      # Print an error message for an unrecognized type of response variable

      stop(paste("\nThe value provided for argument resp_ind, ", resp_ind,
        ", is not a valid value",
        sep = ""

  # Return the changesum object, the warn_ind logical value, and the warn_df
  # data frame

  list(changesum = changesum, warn_ind = warn_ind, warn_df = warn_df)

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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.