
Defines functions pointSimCSR corModelBesselK corModelBesselJ corModelCardinalSine corModelPenta corModelCubic corModelSpherical corModelCircular corModelCauchy corModelCauchyMag corModelCauchyGrav corModelRationalQuad corModelStable corModelGaussian corModelExpRadon4 corModelExpRadon2 corModelExponential mginv m2LL.FPBK.nodet estcovparm

Documented in corModelExponential corModelGaussian corModelSpherical estcovparm m2LL.FPBK.nodet mginv pointSimCSR

#' Estimate Covariance Parameters
#' Used to estimate spatial covariance parameters for a few different spatial models.
#' Estimated parameters can then be used in \code{predict.slmfit()} to predict values at unobserved locations.
#' The function is a helper function used internally in \code{predict.slmfit()}.
#' @param response a vector of a response variable, possibly with
#' missing values.
#' @param designmatrix is the matrix of covariates used to regress
#' the response on.
#' @param xcoordsvec is a vector of x coordinates
#' @param ycoordsvec is a vector of y coordinates
#' @param CorModel is the covariance structure. By default,
#'  \code{CorModel} is \code{"Exponential"} but other options are
#'  \code{"Spherical"} and \code{"Gaussian"}.
#' @param estmethod is either the default \code{"REML"} for restricted
#' maximum likelihood to estimate the covariance parameters and
#' regression coefficients or \code{"ML"} to estimate the covariance
#' parameters and regression coefficients.
#' @param covestimates is an optional vector of covariance parameter estimates (nugget, partial sill, range). If these are given and \code{estmethod = "None"}, the the provided vector are treated as the estimators to create the covariance structure.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a list with \itemize{
#'    \item \code{parms.est}, a vector of estimated covariance parameters
#'    \item \code{Sigma}, the fitted covariance matrix for all of the sites
#'    \item \code{qrV}, the qr decomposition
#'    \item \code{b.hat}, the vector of estimated fixed effect coefficients
#'    \item \code{covbi}, the inverse of the covariance matrix for the fixed effects
#'    \item \code{covb}, the covariance matrix for the fixed effects
#'    \item \code{min2loglik}, minus two times the loglikelihood
#' }

estcovparm <- function(response, designmatrix, xcoordsvec, ycoordsvec,
  CorModel = "Exponential", estmethod = "REML",
  covestimates = c(NA, NA, NA)) {

  ## only estimate parameters using sampled sites only

  ind.sa <- !is.na(response)
  designmatrixsa <- as.matrix(designmatrix[ind.sa, ])

  names.theta <- c("nugget", "parsil", "range")

  ## eventually will expand this section to include other covariance types
  if(CorModel == "Cauchy" || CorModel == "BesselK"){
    names.theta <- c(names.theta, "extrap")

  nparm <- length(names.theta)

  n <- length(response[ind.sa])
  p <- ncol(designmatrix)

  ## distance matrix for all of the sites
  distmatall <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(designmatrix),
    ncol = nrow(designmatrix))
  distmatall[lower.tri(distmatall)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(cbind(xcoordsvec, ycoordsvec)))
  distmatall <- distmatall + t(distmatall)

  ## constructing the distance matrix between sampled sites only
  sampdistmat <- matrix(0, n, n)
  sampdistmat[lower.tri(sampdistmat)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(cbind(xcoordsvec[ind.sa], ycoordsvec[ind.sa])))
  distmat <- sampdistmat + t(sampdistmat)

  if (estmethod == "None") {

    possible_nug_prop <- covestimates[1] /
      (covestimates[1] + covestimates[2])
    possible.theta1 <- log(possible_nug_prop /
        (1 - possible_nug_prop))
    possible.range <- covestimates[3]
    possible.theta2 <- log(possible.range)
    theta <- c(possible.theta1, possible.theta2)

    m2loglik <- m2LL.FPBK.nodet(theta = theta,
      zcol = response[ind.sa],
      XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
      distmat = distmat,
      CorModel = CorModel,
      estmethod = "ML")

    loglik <- -m2loglik

    nug_prop <- possible_nug_prop
    range.effect <- possible.range
  } else {

    possible_nug_prop <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
    possible.theta1 <- log(possible_nug_prop /
        (1 - possible_nug_prop))
    possible.range <- c(max(distmat), max(distmat) / 2, max(distmat) / 4)
    possible.theta2 <- log(possible.range)
    theta <- expand.grid(possible.theta1, possible.theta2)

    m2loglik <- rep(NA, nrow(theta))

    for (i in 1:nrow(theta)) {
      m2loglik[i] <- m2LL.FPBK.nodet(theta = theta[i, ],
        zcol = response[ind.sa],
        XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
        distmat = distmat,
        CorModel = CorModel,
        estmethod = estmethod)

    max.lik.obs <- which(m2loglik == min(m2loglik))

    ## optimize using Nelder-Mead
    parmest <- optim(theta[max.lik.obs, ], m2LL.FPBK.nodet,
      zcol = response[ind.sa],
      XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
      distmat = distmat,
      method = "Nelder-Mead",
      CorModel = CorModel, estmethod = estmethod)

    ## extract the covariance parameter estimates. When we deal with covariance
    ## functions with more than 3 parameters, this section will need to be modified
    min2loglik <- parmest$value
    loglik <- -min2loglik

    # nugget.effect <- exp(parmest$par[1])
    # parsil.effect <- exp(parmest$par[2])
    # range.effect <- exp(parmest$par[3])
    # parms.est <- c(nugget.effect, parsil.effect, range.effect)

    nug_prop <- exp(parmest$par[1]) / (1 + exp(parmest$par[1]))
    range.effect <- exp(parmest$par[2])

  # possible.thetarest <- as.vector(solve(t(as.matrix(designmatrixsa)) %*%
  #   as.matrix(designmatrixsa)) %*% t(as.matrix(designmatrixsa)) %*%
  #   response[ind.sa])
  # theta <- expand.grid(possible.theta1, possible.theta2,
  #   possible.theta3)
  # possible.thetaresttab <- matrix(possible.thetarest,
  #   nrow = nrow(theta), ncol = length(possible.thetarest),
  #   byrow = TRUE)
  # theta <- cbind(theta, possible.thetaresttab)
  # m2loglik <- rep(NA, nrow(theta))
  # for (i in 1:nrow(theta)) {
  #   m2loglik[i] <- m2LL.FPBK.nodet.ML(theta = theta[i, ],
  #     zcol = response[ind.sa],
  #     XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
  #     xcoord = xcoordsvec[ind.sa], ycoord = ycoordsvec[ind.sa],
  #     CorModel = CorModel)
  # }
  # max.lik.obs <- which(m2loglik == min(m2loglik))
  # ## optimize using Nelder-Mead
  # parmest <- optim(theta[max.lik.obs, ], m2LL.FPBK.nodet.ML,
  #   zcol = response[ind.sa],
  #   XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
  #   xcoord = xcoordsvec[ind.sa], ycoord = ycoordsvec[ind.sa],
  #   method = "Nelder-Mead",
  #   CorModel = CorModel)
  # ## extract the covariance parameter estimates. When we deal with covariance
  # ## functions with more than 3 parameters, this section will need to be modified
  # minloglik <- parmest$value
  # loglik <- -minloglik
  # nugget.effect <- exp(parmest$par[1])
  # parsil.effect <- exp(parmest$par[2])
  # range.effect <- exp(parmest$par[3])
  # regcoefs <- parmest$par[4:length(theta)]
  # parms.est <- c(nugget.effect, parsil.effect, range.effect,
  #   regcoefs)

  #get overall variance parameter
  if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
    Sigma <- (1 - nug_prop) *
      corModelExponential(distmatall, range.effect) +
      diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))
  } else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
    Sigma <- (1 - nug_prop) *
      (corModelGaussian(distmatall, range.effect)) +
      diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))
  } else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
    Sigma <-  (1 - nug_prop) *
      corModelSpherical(distmatall, range.effect) +
      diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))

  ## diagonalization to stabilize the resulting covariance matrix
  if (nug_prop < 0.0001) {
    Sigma <- Sigma + diag(1e-6, nrow = nrow(Sigma))

  # #get Sigma for sampled sites only
  Sigma_samp = Sigma[ind.sa, ind.sa]

  qrV <- qr(Sigma_samp)
  ViX <- solve(qrV, as.matrix(designmatrixsa))
  covbi <- crossprod(as.matrix(designmatrixsa), ViX)
  covb <- mginv(covbi, tol = 1e-21)
  b.hat <- covb %*% t(as.matrix(designmatrixsa)) %*%
    solve(qrV, response[ind.sa])
  r <- response[ind.sa] - as.matrix(designmatrixsa) %*% b.hat

  sill <- as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) / n

  if (estmethod == "None") {
    sill <- covestimates[1] + covestimates[2]

  if(estmethod == "ML" | estmethod == "None") {
    min2loglik <- n * log(sill) + sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) +
      as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) / sill + n * log(2 * pi)

  if(estmethod == "REML") {

    sill = n * sill/(n - p)
    min2loglik = (n - p) * log(sill) +
      sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) +
      as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV,r))) / sill +
      (n - p) * log(2 * pi) +

  # scale profiled quantities by the sill
  covbi <- sill * covbi
  covb <- sill * covb
  Sigma <- sill * Sigma
  parms.est <- c(nug_prop * sill, (1 - nug_prop) * sill,

  return(list(parms.est = parms.est, Sigma = Sigma, qrV = qrV,
    b.hat = b.hat, covbi = covbi, covb = covb,
    min2loglik = min2loglik))

#' Covariance Parameter Estimation Function.
#' The primary purpose of \code{m2LL.FPBK.nodet()} is to estimate the spatial
#' covariance parameters using REML. This is a helper function to \code{slmfit()}.
#' @param theta is the parameter vector of (nugget, partialsill, range)
#' @param zcol is the response vector of densities
#' @param XDesign is the design matrix containing the covariates used to predict animal or plant abundance (including a column of 1's for the intercept).
#' @param distmat is the distance matrix of the sampled sites
#' @param CorModel is the geostatistical spatial correlation model to be used. See the \code{corModels} documentation for possible models to use.
#' @param estmethod is either "REML" for restricted maximum likelihood or "ML" for maximum likelihood.

#' @return A numeric output of minus 2 times the restricted log likelihood to be minimized by `optim` to obtain spatial parameter estimates.
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats rbinom

m2LL.FPBK.nodet <- function(theta, zcol, XDesign, distmat,
  CorModel, estmethod) {
  ## Exponential

  n <- length(zcol)
  p <- length(XDesign[1, ])

  ## we can use profiled likelihood to optimize likelihood,
  ## proportion of nugget to nugget + partial sill (overall variance)
  nug_prop <- as.numeric(exp(theta[1]) / (1 + exp(theta[1])))
  range <- as.numeric(exp(theta[2]))

  Dismat <- distmat

  ## construct spatial autocorrelation matrix using exponential covariance structure
  if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
    Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * corModelExponential(Dismat, range)
    Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
  } else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
    Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * (corModelGaussian(Dismat, range))
    Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
  } else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
    Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * corModelSpherical(Dismat, range)
    Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) +

  ## use QR decomposition, it is more stable and faster
  ## ViX is the same as the slower method of directly calculating
  ## solve(Cmat.nodet) %*% XDesign (can verify using algebra)

  if (nug_prop < 0.001) {
    Cmat.nodet <- Cmat.nodet + diag(1e-6, nrow = nrow(Cmat.nodet))

  qrV <- qr(Cmat.nodet)
  ViX <- solve(qrV, XDesign)

  covbi <- crossprod(XDesign, ViX) ## Computationally more efficient than covbi <- t(X) %*% ViX

  covb <- mginv(covbi, tol = 1e-21)

  ## again, instead of solve(Cmat.nodet) %*% zcol
  ## use qr decomposition as a faster method
  b.hat <- covb %*% t(XDesign) %*% solve(qrV, zcol)
  ## b.hat <- covb %*% t(XDesign) %*% Ci %*% zcol
  r <- zcol - XDesign %*% b.hat

  np <- n

  if (estmethod == "REML") {
    np <- n - p
  ## this part is in common to both REML and ML for given np
  ## log is taken in the first term here because we are
  ## profiling the variance term.
  LLcommon <- np * log(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) +
    sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) + ##log(det(Cmat.nodet))
    np * (1 + log(2 * pi / np))

  if(estmethod == "REML") {
    ## add log(det(t(X)V(theta)^-1 X)) to REML
    LLcommon <- LLcommon + sum(log(svd(covbi)$d))

  ## OLD ML CODE: this code is slower but a bit easier to follow.

  # m2LL.FPBK.nodet.ML <- function(theta, zcol, XDesign, xcoord, ycoord,
  #   CorModel)
  # {
  #   n <- length(zcol)
  #   p <- length(XDesign[1,])
  #   nugget <- as.numeric(exp(theta[1]))
  #   parsil <- as.numeric(exp(theta[2]))
  #   range <- as.numeric(exp(theta[3]))
  #   beta <- matrix(as.numeric(theta[4:length(theta)]))
  #   DM <- matrix(0, n, n)
  #   DM[lower.tri(DM)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(cbind(xcoord, ycoord)))
  #   Dismat <- DM + t(DM)
  #   if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
  #     Sigmat <- parsil * corModelExponential(Dismat, range)
  #     Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
  #   } else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
  #     Sigmat <- parsil * (corModelGaussian(Dismat, range))
  #     Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
  #   } else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
  #     Sigmat <- parsil * corModelSpherical(Dismat, range)
  #     Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) +
  #       Sigmat
  #   }
  #   Ci <- mginv(Cmat.nodet)
  #   minus2loglik <- log(det(Cmat.nodet)) +
  #     (t(as.matrix(zcol) - as.matrix(XDesign %*% beta))) %*%
  #     Ci %*%
  #     (as.matrix(zcol) - as.matrix(XDesign %*% beta)) +
  #     n * log(2 * pi)
  #   return(as.numeric(minus2loglik))



#' Constructing the generalized inverse of a matrix
#' Computes the generalized inverse of a matrix X. This function is used in
#' the \code{m2LL.FPBK.nodet} functions in order
#' to estimate the spatial covariance parameters
#' @param X The matrix to be inverted
#' @param tol The tolerance of the estimation
#' @return The generalized inverse matrix

mginv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  dnx <- dimnames(X)
  if(is.null(dnx)) dnx <- vector("list", 2)
  s <- svd(X)
  nz <- s$d > tol * s$d[1]
    if(any(nz)) s$v[, nz] %*% (t(s$u[, nz])/s$d[nz]) else X,
    dimnames = dnx[2:1])

#' Spatial Correlation Models
#' Note that, currently, only three of these models are implemented
#' in the \code{sptotal} package: \code{corModelExponential()},
#'  \code{corModelGaussian()}, and \code{corModelSpherical()}.
#' @param distance.matrix The distance matrix for sampled sites
#' @param range The range that determines how quickly covariance
#' among sites tapers
#' @return Correlation Matrix

#' @describeIn corModelExponential Exponential Correlation Structure
corModelExponential <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
  exp(-distance.matrix / range)

corModelExpRadon2 <- function(distance.matrix) {
  (1 + distance.matrix)*exp(-distance.matrix)

corModelExpRadon4 <- function(distance.matrix) {
  (1 + distance.matrix + distance.matrix^2/3)*exp(-distance.matrix)

#' @describeIn corModelExponential Gaussian Correlation Structure
corModelGaussian <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
  exp(-distance.matrix^2 / range)

corModelStable <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {

corModelRationalQuad <- function(distance.matrix) {

corModelCauchyGrav <- function(distance.matrix) {

corModelCauchyMag <- function(distance.matrix) {

corModelCauchy <- function(distance.matrix, range, extrap) {

corModelCircular <- function(distance.matrix) {
  d <- distance.matrix
  d[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0
  CovMat <- 2*(acos(d) - d*sqrt(1 - d^2))/pi
  CovMat[distance.matrix >= 1] <- 0

#' @describeIn corModelExponential Spherical Correlation Structure

corModelSpherical <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
  CovMat <- (1 - 1.5 * (distance.matrix / range) +
      0.5 * (distance.matrix / range) ^ 3)
  CovMat[distance.matrix / range > 1] <- 0

corModelCubic <- function(distance.matrix) {
  CovMat <- (1 - 7*distance.matrix^2 + 35*distance.matrix^3/4 - 7*distance.matrix^5/2
    + 3*distance.matrix^7/4)
  CovMat[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0

corModelPenta <- function(distance.matrix) {
  CovMat <- (1 - 22*distance.matrix^2/3 + 33*distance.matrix^4 - 77*distance.matrix^5/2
    + 33*distance.matrix^7/2 - 11*distance.matrix^9/2 + 5*distance.matrix^11/6)
  CovMat[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0

corModelCardinalSine <- function(distance.matrix) {
  d <- distance.matrix
  d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
  CorMat <- sin(d)/d
  CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1

corModelBesselJ <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {
  d <- distance.matrix
  d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
  extrap <- extrap + 2.0
  CorMat <- d^(1-extrap/2)*besselJ(d, extrap/2 - 1)*2^(extrap/2 - 1)*gamma(extrap/2)
  CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1

corModelBesselK <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {
  d <- distance.matrix
  d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
  CorMat <- d^extrap*besselK(d, extrap)/(2^(extrap - 1)*gamma(extrap))
  CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1

#' simulate completely spatially random point patterns.
#' simulates a completely spatially random point patterns. This function is
#' only used in simulating data sets.
#' @param npoints number of points to add that are completely spatially random (CSR), default = 100
#' @param lower_x_lim left limit of boundary, default = 0
#' @param upper_x_lim right limit of boundary, default = 1
#' @param lower_y_lim lower limit of boundary, default = 0
#' @param upper_y_lim upper limit of boundary, default = 1
#' @return data.frame of two columns, x-coordinate in the first, and y-coordinate in the second.
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef

pointSimCSR <- function(npoints = 100, lower_x_lim = 0, upper_x_lim = 1,
  lower_y_lim = 0, upper_y_lim = 1)
  x_range <- upper_x_lim - lower_x_lim
  y_range <- upper_y_lim - lower_y_lim
  tibble::data_frame(x=lower_x_lim + runif(npoints)*x_range,
    y=lower_y_lim + runif(npoints)*y_range)

#' Creates a systematic grid of points.
#' Creates a systematic grid of points. This function is only used
#' in simulating data sets.
#' @param lower_x_lim the lower limit for x-coordinate, default is 0
#' @param upper_x_lim the upper limit for x-coordinate, default is 1
#' @param lower_y_lim the lower limit for y-coordinate, default is 0
#' @param upper_y_lim the upper limit for y-coordinate, default is 1
#' @param ncol the number of cols in the systematic grid, default is 10
#' @param nrow the number of rows in the systematic grid, default is 10

#' @return A data.frame with x- and y-coordinates of simulated locations
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef
#' @export

pointSimSyst <- function (nrow = 10, ncol = 10, lower_x_lim = 0, upper_x_lim = 1,
  lower_y_lim = 0, upper_y_lim = 1)
  x_range <- upper_x_lim - lower_x_lim
  y_range <- upper_y_lim - lower_y_lim
  y_mat <- lower_y_lim + y_range * (nrow - matrix(rep(1:nrow,
    times = ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))/(nrow) + y_range/(2 *
  x_mat <- lower_x_lim + x_range * (t(matrix(rep(1:ncol, times = nrow),
    nrow = ncol, ncol = nrow)) - 1)/(ncol) + x_range/(2 *
  data.frame(x = matrix(x_mat, ncol = 1), y = matrix(y_mat,
    ncol = 1))

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