visualisation: Visualise the results of a *steps* simulation

visualisationR Documentation

Visualise the results of a *steps* simulation


Visualising the results of a simulation is important to verify parameter assumptions and quantitative model behaviour. Both linear graphs indicating trends and spatial-explicit grids containing spatial arrangement of information can be generated to illustrate changes through time and space for populations, carrying capacity, and habitat suitability. The expected minimum populations (EMP) can also be compared for several different simulations.


For plotting trends, see:

  • plot_pop_trend to examine population changes

  • plot_k_trend to examine carrying capacity changes

For plotting spatial information, see:

  • plot_pop_spatial to examine population changes

  • plot_k_spatial to examine carrying capacity changes

  • plot_hab_spatial to examine habitat suitability changes

For plotting and comparing expected minimum populations, see:

  • compare_emp to examine how different simulations compare

steps documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 1:06 a.m.