# Automatically generated from the noweb directory
parsecovar1 <- function(flist, statedata) {
if (any(sapply(flist, function(x) !inherits(x, "formula"))))
stop("an element of the formula list is not a formula")
if (any(sapply(flist, length) != 3))
stop("all formulas must have a left and right side")
# split the formulas into a right hand and left hand side
lhs <- lapply(flist, function(x) x[-3]) # keep the ~
rhs <- lapply(flist, function(x) x[[3]]) # don't keep the ~
rhs <- parse_rightside(rhs)
# deal with the left hand side of the formula
# the next routine cuts at '+' signs
pcut <- function(form) {
if (length(form)==3) {
if (form[[1]] == '+')
c(pcut(form[[2]]), pcut(form[[3]]))
else if (form[[1]] == '~') pcut(form[[2]])
else list(form)
else list(form)
lcut <- lapply(lhs, function(x) pcut(x[[2]]))
env1 <- new.env(parent= parent.frame(2))
env2 <- new.env(parent= env1)
if (missing(statedata)) {
assign("state", function(...) list(stateid= "state",
values=c(...)), env1)
assign("state", list(stateid="state"))
else {
for (i in statedata) {
assign(i, eval(list(stateid=i)), env2)
tfun <- eval(parse(text=paste0("function(...) list(stateid='"
, i, "', values=c(...))")))
assign(i, tfun, env1)
lterm <- lapply(lcut, function(x) {
lapply(x, function(z) {
if (length(z)==1) {
temp <- eval(z, envir= env2)
if (is.list(temp) && names(temp)[[1]] =="stateid") temp
else temp
else if (length(z) ==3 && z[[1]]==':')
list(left=eval(z[[2]], envir=env2), right=eval(z[[3]], envir=env2))
else stop("invalid term: ", deparse(z))
list(rhs = rhs, lhs= lterm)
rightslash <- function(x) {
if (!inherits(x, 'call')) return(x)
else {
if (x[[1]] =='/')) return(list(x[[2]], x[[3]]))
else if (x[[1]]'+') || (x[[1]]'-') && length(x)==3)||
x[[1]]'*') || x[[1]]':') ||
x[[1]]'%in%')) {
temp <- rightslash(x[[3]])
if (is.list(temp)) {
x[[3]] <- temp[[1]]
return(list(x, temp[[2]]))
} else {
temp <- rightslash(x[[2]])
if (is.list(temp)) {
x[[2]] <- temp[[2]]
return(list(temp[[1]], x))
} else return(x)
else return(x)
parse_rightside <- function(rhs) {
parts <- lapply(rhs, rightslash)
new <- lapply(parts, function(opt) {
tform <- ~ x # a skeleton, "x" will be replaced
if (!is.list(opt)) { # no options for this line
tform[[2]] <- opt
list(formula = tform, ival = NULL, common = FALSE,
shared = FALSE)
# treat the option list as though it were a formula
temp <- ~ x
temp[[2]] <- opt[[2]]
optterms <- terms(temp)
ff <- rownames(attr(optterms, "factors"))
index <- match(ff, c("common", "shared", "init"))
if (any(
stop("option not recognized in a covariates formula: ",
paste(ff[], collapse=", "))
common <- any(index==1)
shared <- any(index==2)
if (any(index==3)) {
optatt <- attributes(optterms)
j <- optatt$variables[1 + which(index==3)]
j[[1]] <-"list")
ival <- unlist(eval(j, parent.frame()))
else ival <- NULL
tform[[2]] <- opt[[1]]
list(formula= tform, ival= ival, common= common, shared=shared)
termmatch <- function(f1, f2) {
# look for f1 in f2, each the factors attribute of a terms object
if (length(f1)==0) return(NULL) # a formula with only ~1
irow <- match(rownames(f1), rownames(f2))
if (any( stop ("termmatch failure 1")
hashfun <- function(j) sum(ifelse(j==0, 0, 2^(seq(along.with=j))))
hash1 <- apply(f1, 2, hashfun)
hash2 <- apply(f2[irow,,drop=FALSE], 2, hashfun)
index <- match(hash1, hash2)
if (any( stop("termmatch failure 2")
parsecovar2 <- function(covar1, statedata, dformula, Terms, transitions,states) {
if (is.null(statedata))
statedata <- data.frame(state = states, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
else {
if (is.null(statedata$state))
stop("the statedata data set must contain a variable 'state'")
indx1 <- match(states, statedata$state, nomatch=0)
if (any(indx1==0))
stop("statedata does not contain all the possible states: ",
statedata <- statedata[indx1,] # put it in order
# Statedata might have rows for states that are not in the data set,
# for instance if the coxph call had used a subset argument. Any of
# those were eliminated above.
# Likewise, the formula list might have rules for transitions that are
# not present. Don't worry about it at this stage.
allterm <- attr(Terms, 'factors')
nterm <- ncol(allterm)
# create a map for every transition, even ones that are not used.
# at the end we will thin it out
# It has an extra first row for intercept (baseline)
# Fill it in with the default formula
nstate <- length(states)
tmap <- array(0L, dim=c(nterm+1, nstate, nstate))
dmap <- array(seq_len(length(tmap)), dim=c(nterm+1, nstate, nstate)) #unique values
dterm <- termmatch(attr(terms(dformula), "factors"), allterm)
dterm <- c(1L, 1L+ dterm) # add intercept
tmap[dterm,,] <- dmap[dterm,,]
inits <- NULL
if (!is.null(covar1)) {
for (i in 1:length(covar1$rhs)) {
rhs <- covar1$rhs[[i]]
lhs <- covar1$lhs[[i]] # one rhs and one lhs per formula
state1 <- state2 <- NULL
for (x in lhs) {
# x is one term
if (!is.list(x) || is.null(x$left)) stop("term found without a ':' ", x)
# left of the colon
if (!is.list(x$left) && length(x$left) ==1 && x$left==0)
temp1 <- 1:nrow(statedata)
else if (is.numeric(x$left)) {
temp1 <- as.integer(x$left)
if (any(temp1 != x$left)) stop("non-integer state number")
if (any(temp1 <1 | temp1> nstate))
stop("numeric state is out of range")
else if (is.list(x$left) && names(x$left)[1] == "stateid"){
if (is.null(x$left$value))
stop("state variable with no list of values: ",x$left$stateid)
else {
if (any(k=$left$stateid, names(statedata)))))
stop(x$left$stateid[k], ": state variable not found")
zz <- statedata[[x$left$stateid]]
if (any(k=$left$value, zz))))
stop(x$left$value[k], ": state value not found")
temp1 <- which(zz %in% x$left$value)
else {
k <- match(x$left, statedata$state)
if (any( stop(x$left[], ": state not found")
temp1 <- which(statedata$state %in% x$left)
# right of colon
if (!is.list(x$right) && length(x$right) ==1 && x$right ==0)
temp2 <- 1:nrow(statedata)
else if (is.numeric(x$right)) {
temp2 <- as.integer(x$right)
if (any(temp2 != x$right)) stop("non-integer state number")
if (any(temp2 <1 | temp2> nstate))
stop("numeric state is out of range")
else if (is.list(x$right) && names(x$right)[1] == "stateid") {
if (is.null(x$right$value))
stop("state variable with no list of values: ",x$right$stateid)
else {
if (any(k=$right$stateid, names(statedata)))))
stop(x$right$stateid[k], ": state variable not found")
zz <- statedata[[x$right$stateid]]
if (any(k=$right$value, zz))))
stop(x$right$value[k], ": state value not found")
temp2 <- which(zz %in% x$right$value)
else {
k <- match(x$right, statedata$state)
if (any( stop(x$right, ": state not found")
temp2 <- which(statedata$state %in% x$right)
state1 <- c(state1, rep(temp1, length(temp2)))
state2 <- c(state2, rep(temp2, each=length(temp1)))
npair <- length(state1) # number of state:state pairs for this line
# update tmap for this set of transitions
# first, what variables are mentioned, and check for errors
rterm <- terms(rhs$formula)
rindex <- 1L + termmatch(attr(rterm, "factors"), allterm)
# the update.formula function is good at identifying changes
# formulas that start with "- x" have to be pasted on carefully
temp <- substring(deparse(rhs$formula, width.cutoff=500), 2)
if (substring(temp, 1,1) == '-') dummy <- formula(paste("~ .", temp))
else dummy <- formula(paste("~. +", temp))
rindex1 <- termmatch(attr(terms(dformula), "factors"), allterm)
rindex2 <- termmatch(attr(terms(update(dformula, dummy)), "factors"),
dropped <- 1L + rindex1[, rindex2))] # remember the intercept
if (length(dropped) >0) {
for (k in 1:npair) tmap[dropped, state1[k], state2[k]] <- 0
# grab initial values
if (length(rhs$ival))
inits <- c(inits, list(term=rindex, state1=state1,
state2= state2, init= rhs$ival))
# adding -1 to the front is a trick, to check if there is a "+1" term
dummy <- ~ -1 + x
dummy[[2]][[3]] <- rhs$formula
if (attr(terms(dummy), "intercept") ==1) rindex <- c(1L, rindex)
# an update of "- sex" won't generate anything to add
# dmap is simply an indexed set of unique values to pull from, so that
# no number is used twice
if (length(rindex) > 0) { # rindex = things to add
if (rhs$common) {
j <- dmap[rindex, state1[1], state2[1]]
for(k in 1:npair) tmap[rindex, state1[k], state2[k]] <- j
else {
for (k in 1:npair)
tmap[rindex, state1[k], state2[k]] <- dmap[rindex, state1[k], state2[k]]
# Deal with the shared argument, using - for a separate coef
if (rhs$shared && npair>1) {
j <- dmap[1, state1[1], state2[1]]
for (k in 2:npair)
tmap[1, state1[k], state2[k]] <- -j
i <- match("(censored)", colnames(transitions), nomatch=0)
if (i==0) t2 <- transitions
else t2 <- transitions[,-i, drop=FALSE] # transitions to 'censor' don't count
indx1 <- match(rownames(t2), states)
indx2 <- match(colnames(t2), states)
tmap2 <- matrix(0L, nrow= 1+nterm, ncol= sum(t2>0))
trow <- row(t2)[t2>0]
tcol <- col(t2)[t2>0]
for (i in 1:nrow(tmap2)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(tmap2))
tmap2[i,j] <- tmap[i, indx1[trow[j]], indx2[tcol[j]]]
# Remember which hazards had ph
# tmap2[1,] is the 'intercept' row
# If the hazard for colum 6 is proportional to the hazard for column 2,
# the tmap2[1,2] = tmap[1,6], and phbaseline[6] =2
temp <- tmap2[1,]
indx <- which(temp> 0)
tmap2[1,] <- indx[match(abs(temp), temp[indx])]
phbaseline <- ifelse(temp<0, tmap2[1,], 0) # remembers column numbers
tmap2[1,] <- match(tmap2[1,], unique(tmap2[1,])) # unique strata 1,2, ...
if (nrow(tmap2) > 1)
tmap2[-1,] <- match(tmap2[-1,], unique(c(0L, tmap2[-1,]))) -1L
dimnames(tmap2) <- list(c("(Baseline)", colnames(allterm)),
paste(indx1[trow], indx2[tcol], sep=':'))
# mapid gives the from,to for each realized state
list(tmap = tmap2, inits=inits, mapid= cbind(from=indx1[trow], to=indx2[tcol]),
phbaseline = phbaseline)
parsecovar3 <- function(tmap, Xcol, Xassign, phbaseline=NULL) {
# sometime X will have an intercept, sometimes not; cmap never does
hasintercept <- (Xassign[1] ==0)
ph.coef <- (phbaseline !=0) # any proportional baselines?
ph.rows <- length(unique(phbaseline[ph.coef])) #extra rows to add to cmap
cmap <- matrix(0L, length(Xcol) + ph.rows -hasintercept, ncol(tmap))
uterm <- unique(Xassign[Xassign != 0L]) # terms that will have coefficients
xcount <- table(factor(Xassign, levels=1:max(Xassign)))
mult <- 1L+ max(xcount) # temporary scaling
ii <- 0
for (i in uterm) {
k <- seq_len(xcount[i])
for (j in 1:ncol(tmap))
cmap[ii+k, j] <- if(tmap[i+1,j]==0) 0L else tmap[i+1,j]*mult +k
ii <- ii + max(k)
if (ph.rows > 0) {
temp <- phbaseline[ph.coef] # where each points
for (i in unique(temp)) {
# for each baseline that forms a reference
j <- which(phbaseline ==i) # the others that are proportional to it
k <- seq_len(length(j))
ii <- ii +1 # row of cmat for this baseline
cmap[ii, j] <- max(cmap) + k # fill in elements
newname <- paste0("ph(", colnames(tmap)[unique(temp)], ")")
} else newname <- NULL
# renumber coefs as 1, 2, 3, ...
cmap[,] <- match(cmap, sort(unique(c(0L, cmap)))) -1L
colnames(cmap) <- colnames(tmap)
if (hasintercept) rownames(cmap) <- c(Xcol[-1], newname)
else rownames(cmap) <- c(Xcol, newname)
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