
Defines functions confint.survfit vcov.survfit coef.survfit survflag innerterms labels.survreg extractAIC.coxph.null extractAIC.coxph.penal

Documented in coef.survfit confint.survfit extractAIC.coxph.penal labels.survreg vcov.survfit

vcov.coxph <- function (object, complete=TRUE, ...) {
    # conform to the standard vcov results
    vmat <- object$var
    vname <- names(object$coefficients)
    dimnames(vmat) <- list(vname, vname)
    if (!complete && any(is.na(coef(object)))) {
        keep <- !is.na(coef(object))
        vmat[keep, keep, drop=FALSE]
    else vmat

vcov.survreg<-function (object, complete=TRUE, ...) {
    if (!complete && any(is.na(coef(object)))) {
        keep <- !is.na(coef(object))
        vv <- object$var[keep, keep, drop=FALSE]
        vname <- names(coef(object))[keep]
    else {
        vv <- object$var
        vname <- names(coef(object))   # add dimnames
    extra <- ncol(vv) - length(vname)
    if (extra ==1) vname <- c(vname, "Log(scale)")
    else if(extra >1) 
        vname <- c(vname, paste("Log(scale[", names(object$scale), "])", sep=''))
    dimnames(vv) <- list(vname, vname)

# The extractAIC methods for coxph and survreg objects are defined
#  in the stats package.  Don't reprise them here.
extractAIC.coxph.penal<- function(fit,scale,k=2,...){
    loglik <- fit$loglik[length(fit$loglik)]
    c(edf, -2 * loglik + k * edf)

extractAIC.coxph.null <- function(fit, scale, k=2, ...) {
    c(0, -2*fit$loglik[1])

labels.survreg <- function(object, ...) attr(object$terms, "term.labels")

# This function is just like all.vars -- except that it does not recur
#  on the $ sign, it follows both arguments of +, *, - and : in order to
#  track formulas, all arguments of Surv, and only the first of things 
#  like ns().  And - it works only on formulas.
# This is used to generate a warning in coxph if the same variable is used
#  on both sides, so perfection is not required of the function.
# Changed from terms.inner to innerterms at CRAN's request, as the former
#  created a false positive as an undocumented method for the terms generic
innerterms <- function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "formula")) {
        if (length(x) ==3) c(innerterms(x[[2]]), innerterms(x[[3]]))
        else innerterms(x[[2]])
    else if (inherits(x, "call") && 
             (x[[1]] != as.name("$") && x[[1]] != as.name("["))) {
        if (x[[1]] == '+' || x[[1]]== '*' || x[[1]] == '-' || x[[1]] ==':') {
            # terms in a model equation, unary minus only has one argument
            if (length(x)==3) c(innerterms(x[[2]]), innerterms(x[[3]]))
            else innerterms(x[[2]])
        else if (x[[1]] == as.name("Surv"))
                 unlist(lapply(x[-1], innerterms))
        else if (length(x) ==2) innerterms(x[[2]])
        else character(0)
# If a subject had (start, stop) observations of (1,2) (2,10) (10,15) (20,25),
#  say, code often wants to distiguish intervals that are "real" censoring
#  from a simple split due to a time dependent covariate.
# To support users who like the 'extended Kaplan-Meier' , i.e. a person can
#  switch curves midstream, we need to define someone as censored from the
#  first curve and an entry to the second whenever such a switch occurs.
# This routine returns 1*(first in a sequence) + 2*(last in a sequence),
#  which for the above is 1,0,2,3.  This assumes no overlapping intervals.

survflag <- function(y, id, group) {
    if (!inherits(y, "Surv")) stop("y must be a Surv object")
    if (nrow(y) != length(id)) stop("length mismatch")
    if (ncol(y) != 3) stop("y needs to be of (tstart, tstop) form")
    n <- nrow(y)
    if (missing(group))
        indx <- order(id, y[,2])  # sort the data by time within id
    else indx <- order(group, id, y[,2])
    y2 <- y[indx,]
    id2 <- id[indx]

    if (missing(group)) newid <- (id2[-n] != id2[-1])
    else {
        group2 <-as.numeric(group)[indx]  #normally group is a factor
        newid <- ((id2[-n] != id2[-1]) | (group2[-n] != group2[-1]))
    gap <-  (y2[-n,2] < y2[-1,1]) 

    flag <- unname(1L*c(TRUE, newid | gap) + 2L*c(newid | gap, TRUE))
    flag[indx] <- flag   # return it to data order

# Dummy methods, to create an informative error message
coef.survfit <- function(object, ...) 
    stop("coef method not applicable for survfit objects")
vcov.survfit <- function(object, ...) 
    stop("vcov method not applicable for survfit objects")
confint.survfit <- function(object, ...)
    stop(paste("confint method not defined for survfit objects," ,
         "use quantile for confidence intervals of the median survival"))

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survival documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:49 a.m.