
#' @rdname susie_plots
#' @title SuSiE Plots.
#' @description \code{susie_plot} produces a per-variable summary of
#'   the SuSiE credible sets. \code{susie_plot_iteration} produces a
#'   diagnostic plot for the susie model fitting. For
#'   \code{susie_plot_iteration}, several plots will be created if
#'   \code{track_fit = TRUE} when calling \code{susie}.
#' @param model A SuSiE fit, typically an output from
#'   \code{\link{susie}} or one of its variants. For \code{suse_plot},
#'   the susie fit must have \code{model$z}, \code{model$PIP}, and may
#'   include \code{model$sets}. \code{model} may also be a vector of
#'   z-scores or PIPs.
#' @param y A string indicating what to plot: either \code{"z_original"} for
#'   z-scores, \code{"z"} for z-score derived p-values on (base-10) log-scale, 
#'   \code{"PIP"} for posterior inclusion probabilities,
#'   \code{"log10PIP"} for posterior inclusion probabiliities on the
#'   (base-10) log-scale. For any other setting, the data are plotted as
#'   is.
#' @param add_bar If \code{add_bar = TRUE}, add horizontal bar to
#'   signals in credible interval.
#' @param pos This can be either be (1) a numeric vector of indices of
#'   subset of variables to plot, or (2) a list with the following list
#'   elements: \code{pos$attr}, \code{pos$start} and \code{pos$end},
#'   where \code{pos$attr} is a character string of the name of index
#'   variable in \code{model} object, and \code{pos$start} and
#'   \code{pos$end} are boundaries of indices to plot. See the provided
#'   examples.
#' @param b For simulated data, set \code{b = TRUE} to highlight
#'   "true" effects (highlights in red).
#' @param max_cs The largest credible set to display, either based on
#'   purity (set \code{max_cs} between 0 and 1), or based on size (set
#'   \code{max_cs > 1}).
#' @param add_legend If \code{add_legend = TRUE}, add a legend to
#'   annotate the size and purity of each CS discovered. It can also be
#'   specified as location where legends should be added, e.g.,
#'   \code{add_legend = "bottomright"} (default location is
#'   \code{"topright"}).
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passed to
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}.
#' @return Invisibly returns \code{NULL}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{susie_plot_changepoint}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n = 1000
#' p = 1000
#' beta = rep(0,p)
#' beta[sample(1:1000,4)] = 1
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow = n,ncol = p)
#' X = scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
#' y = drop(X %*% beta + rnorm(n))
#' res = susie(X,y,L = 10)
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP")
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP",add_bar = TRUE)
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP",add_legend = TRUE)
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP", pos=1:500, add_legend = TRUE)
#' # Plot selected regions with adjusted x-axis position label
#' res$genomic_position = 1000 + (1:length(res$pip))
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP",add_legend = TRUE,
#'            pos = list(attr = "genomic_position",start = 1000,end = 1500))
#' # True effects are shown in red.
#' susie_plot(res,"PIP",b = beta,add_legend = TRUE)
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @export
susie_plot = function (model, y, add_bar = FALSE, pos = NULL, b = NULL,
                       max_cs = 400, add_legend = NULL, ...) {
  is_susie = inherits(model,"susie")
  ylab = y
  color = c(
    "#6A3D9A", # purple
    "#FF7F00", # orange
    "skyblue2", "#FB9A99", # lt pink
    "#CAB2D6", # lt purple
    "#FDBF6F", # lt orange
    "gray70", "khaki2",
    "maroon", "orchid1", "deeppink1", "blue1", "steelblue4",
    "darkturquoise", "green1", "yellow4", "yellow3",
    "darkorange4", "brown"
  if (y == "z") {
    if (is_susie) {
      if (is.null(model$z))
        stop("z-scores are not available from SuSiE fit; please set ",
             "compute_univariate_zscore = TRUE in susie() call")
      zneg = -abs(model$z)
      zneg = -abs(model)
    p = -log10(2*pnorm(zneg))
    ylab = "-log10(p)"
  } else if (y == "z_original") {
    if (is_susie) {
      if (is.null(model$z))
        stop("z-scores are not available from SuSiE fit; please set ",
             "compute_univariate_zscore = TRUE in susie() call")
      p = model$z
    } else {
      p = model
    ylab = "z score"
  } else if (y == "PIP") {
    if (is_susie)
      p = model$pip
      p = model
  } else if (y == "log10PIP") {
    if (is_susie)
      p = log10(model$pip)
     p = log10(model)
    ylab = "log10(PIP)"
  } else {
    if (is_susie)
      stop("Need to specify z_original, z, PIP or log10PIP for SuSiE fits")
    p = model
    b = rep(0,length(p))
    pos = 1:length(p)
  start = 0
  if (inherits(pos,"list")) {

    # Check input.
    if (is.null(pos$attr) || is.null(pos$start) || is.null(pos$end))
      stop("pos argument should be a list of list(attr=,start=,end=)")
    if (!(pos$attr %in% names(model)))
      stop(paste("Cannot find attribute",pos$attr,"in input model object"))
    if (pos$start >= pos$end)
      stop("Position start should be smaller than end")
    start = min(min(model[[pos$attr]]),pos$start)
    end = max(max(model[[pos$attr]]),pos$end)

    # Add zeros to alpha and p.
    alpha = matrix(0,nrow(model$alpha),end - start + 1)
    new_p = rep(min(p),end - start + 1)
    pos_with_value = model[[pos$attr]] - start + 1
    new_p[pos_with_value] = p
    alpha[,pos_with_value] = model$alpha
    p = new_p
    model$alpha = alpha

    # Adjust model$cs.
    if (!is.null(model$sets$cs)) {
      for (i in 1:length(model$sets$cs))
        model$sets$cs[[i]] = pos_with_value[model$sets$cs[[i]]]

    # Change "pos" object to be indices.
    start_adj = -min(min(model[[pos$attr]]) - pos$start,0)
    end_adj = max(max(model[[pos$attr]]) - pos$end,0)
    pos = (1 + start_adj):(length(p) - end_adj)
  } else {
    if (!all(pos %in% 1:length(p))) 
      stop("Provided position is outside the range of variables")
  legend_text = list(col = vector(),purity = vector(),size = vector())
  # scipen0 = options()$scipen
  # options(scipen = 10)
  args = list(...)
  if (!exists("xlab", args)) args$xlab = "variable"
  if (!exists("ylab", args)) args$ylab = ylab
  if (!exists("pch", args)) args$pch = 16
  args$x = pos + start
  args$y = p[pos]
  do.call(plot, args)
  if (is_susie && !is.null(model$sets$cs)) {
    for(i in rev(1:nrow(model$alpha))){
      if (!is.null(model$sets$cs_index) && !(i %in% model$sets$cs_index))
      purity = model$sets$purity[which(model$sets$cs_index == i),1]
      if (!is.null(model$sets$purity) && max_cs < 1 && purity >= max_cs) {
        x0 = intersect(pos,model$sets$cs[[which(model$sets$cs_index == i)]])
        y1 = p[x0]
      } else if (n_in_CS(model, model$sets$requested_coverage)[i] < max_cs) {
        x0 = intersect(pos,
               which(in_CS(model,model$sets$requested_coverage)[i,] > 0))
        y1 = p[x0]
      } else {
        x0 = NULL
        y1 = NULL
      if (is.null(x0))
      if (add_bar) {
        y0 = rep(0,length(x0))
        x1 = x0
        segments(x0+start,y0,x1+start,y1,lwd = 1.5,col = "gray")
      points(x0+start,y1,col = head(color,1),cex = 1.5,lwd = 2.5)
      legend_text$col = append(head(color,1), legend_text$col)

      # Rotate color.
      color = c(color[-1],color[1])
      legend_text$purity = append(round(purity,4),legend_text$purity)
      legend_text$size = append(length(x0),legend_text$size)
    if (length(legend_text$col) > 0 && !is.null(add_legend) &&
        !identical(add_legend, FALSE)) {

      # Plot legend.
      text = vector()
      for (i in 1:length(legend_text$col)) {
        if (legend_text$size[i] == 1)
          text[i] = paste0("L",i,": C=1")
          text[i] = paste0("L",i,": C=",legend_text$size[i],"/R=",
      if (!(add_legend %in% c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", 
        "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))) {
          add_legend = "topright"
      legend(add_legend,text,bty = "n",col = legend_text$col,cex = 0.65,
             pch = 15)
  points(pos[b != 0] + start,p[b != 0] + start,col = 2,pch = 16)
  # options(scipen = scipen0)

#' @rdname susie_plots
#' @param L An integer specifying the number of credible sets to plot.
#' @param file_prefix Prefix to path of output plot file. If not
#'   specified, the plot, or plots, will be saved to a temporary
#'   directory generated using \code{\link{tempdir}}.
#' @param pos Indices of variables to plot. If \code{pos = NULL} all
#'   variables are plotted.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n = 1000
#' p = 1000
#' beta = rep(0,p)
#' beta[sample(1:1000,4)] = 1
#' X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow = n,ncol = p)
#' X = scale(X,center = TRUE,scale = TRUE)
#' y = drop(X %*% beta + rnorm(n))
#' res = susie(X,y,L = 10)
#' susie_plot_iteration(res, L=10)
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @importFrom reshape melt
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_col
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_classic
#' @export
susie_plot_iteration = function (model, L, file_prefix, pos = NULL) {
  get_layer = function (obj, k, idx, vars) {
    alpha = melt(obj$alpha[1:k,vars,drop = FALSE])
    colnames(alpha) = c("L","variables","alpha")
    alpha$L = as.factor(alpha$L)
    ggplot(alpha,aes_string("variables","alpha",group = "L")) +
      geom_col(aes_string(fill = "L")) +
      ggtitle(paste("Iteration",idx)) +
  k = min(nrow(model$alpha),L)
  if (is.null(pos))
    vars = 1:ncol(model$alpha)
    vars = pos
  if (missing(file_prefix))
    file_prefix = file.path(tempdir(),"susie_plot")
  if (is.null(model$trace))
  else {
    for (i in 2:length(model$trace))
  format = ".pdf"
  if (!is.null(model$trace)) {
    cmd = paste("convert -delay 30 -loop 0 -density 300 -dispose previous",
                "\\( -clone 0 -set delay 300 \\) -swap 0 +delete",
                "\\( +clone -set delay 300 \\) +swap +delete -coalesce",
                "-layers optimize",paste0(file_prefix,".gif"))
    message("Creating GIF animation...")
    if (file.exists(paste0(file_prefix,".gif")))
    output = try(system(cmd))
    if (inherits(output,"try-error"))
      stop("Cannot create GIF animation because convert command failed")
      format = ".gif"
  message(paste0("Iterplot saved to ",file_prefix,format,"\n"))

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susieR documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:11 p.m.