
#  optObj_clpAPIClass.R
#  FBA and friends with R.
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich, Dpt. for Bioinformatics,
#  Institute for Informatics, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany.
#  All right reserved.
#  Email: geliudie@uni-duesseldorf.de
#  This file is part of sybil.
#  Sybil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  Sybil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with sybil.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#                   definition of the class optObj_clpAPI                      #

setClass(Class = "optObj_clpAPI", contains = "optObj")

#                                  methods                                     #

setMethod("delProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, ...) {




setMethod("initProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, to = NULL, ...) {

        lp@oobj <- clpAPI::initProbCLP()

        if (is.null(to)) {
            clpAPI::setLogLevelCLP(lp@oobj, 0)
        else {
            stopifnot(is(to, "numeric"))
            clpAPI::setLogLevelCLP(lp@oobj, to)



setMethod("backupProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- FALSE
        np  <- FALSE

        fname <- tempfile(pattern = "CLP_PROB_", fileext = ".tmp")
        ft <- clpAPI::saveModelCLP(lp@oobj, fname)
        if (ft != 0) {
            stop("cannot save model")

        # create new lp problem
        np <- clpAPI::initProbCLP()
        clpAPI::setLogLevelCLP(np, 0)
        ft <- clpAPI::restoreModelCLP(np, fname)
        if (ft != 0) {
            stop("cannot read model")
        else {

        # create new optObj object
        if (!identical(np, FALSE)) {
            out <- new("optObj_clpAPI", lp@solver, lp@method, lp@probType)
            out@oobj <- np



setMethod("setSolverParm", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, solverParm) {
        # at the moment, only parameters 'numberIterations', 'maximumIterations', 
        # and 'maximumSeconds' can be set by this function. In clpAPI, 
        # these are actually set by three individual functions. In order to 
        # stay similar to e.g. cplexAPI, we also use the setSolverParm method 
        # for clpAPI in sybil.
        out <- NULL

        if ( ! ((is.data.frame(solverParm)) || (is.list(solverParm))) ) {
            stop(sQuote(solverParm), " must be list or data.frame")

        if (any(is.na(solverParm))) {
            stop(sQuote(solverParm), " contains NA values")

        numericParm <- sapply(solverParm, is.numeric)
        num <- solverParm[numericParm]
        if (length(num) != length(solverParm)) {
            stop(sQuote(solverParm), " contains non numeric values")
        if (length(num) > 0) {
            # get parameter names:
            numericp <- names(num)
            for (i in seq(along = num)) {
                if (numericp[i] == "numberIterations") {
                    out <- clpAPI::setNumberIterationsCLP(lp@oobj, num[["numberIterations"]])
                } else if (numericp[i] == "maximumIterations") {
                    out <- clpAPI::setMaximumIterationsCLP(lp@oobj, num[["maximumIterations"]])
                } else if (numericp[i] == "maximumSeconds") {
                    out <- clpAPI::setMaximumSecondsCLP(lp@oobj, num[["maximumSeconds"]])
                } else {
                    stop(sQuote("solverParm"), " contains unknown parameter ", sQuote(numericp))



setMethod("getSolverParm", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- FALSE

        out <- list(
            "hitMaximumIterations" = clpAPI::getHitMaximumIterationsCLP(lp@oobj),
            "maximumIterations" = clpAPI::getMaximumIterationsCLP(lp@oobj),
            "maximumSeconds" = clpAPI::getMaximumSecondsCLP(lp@oobj)


setMethod("setObjDir", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", lpdir = "character"),

    function(lp, lpdir) {

        dr <- ifelse(lpdir == "max", -1, 1)
        clpAPI::setObjDirCLP(lp@oobj, dr)



setMethod("setObjDir", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", lpdir = "numeric"),

    function(lp, lpdir) {

        dr <- ifelse(lpdir == -1, -1, 1)
        clpAPI::setObjDirCLP(lp@oobj, dr)



setMethod("getObjDir", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        dr <- clpAPI::getObjDirCLP(lp@oobj)
        if (dr == -1) {
            out <- "max"
        else if (dr == 1) {
            out <- "min"
        else {
            out <- FALSE



setMethod("addRows", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", nrows = "numeric"),

    function(lp, nrows) {

        ncols <- clpAPI::getNumColsCLP(lp@oobj)
        out   <- clpAPI::resizeCLP(lp@oobj, nrows, ncols)



setMethod("addCols", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", ncols = "numeric"),

    function(lp, ncols) {

        nrows <- clpAPI::getNumRowsCLP(lp@oobj)
        out   <- clpAPI::resizeCLP(lp@oobj, nrows, ncols)



setMethod("addRowsCols", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI",
                                   nrows = "numeric", ncols = "numeric"),

    function(lp, nrows, ncols) {

        out <- clpAPI::resizeCLP(lp@oobj, nrows, ncols)



setMethod("getNumRows", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getNumRowsCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getNumCols", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getNumColsCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("addColsToProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    # j: vector containing the new column indices (must be ascending)
    # rind: list, containing the row indices of the new nz elements
    # nzval: list, containing the new nz elements
    # j, obj, lb, rind and nzval must have the same length

    function(lp, j, obj, lb, ub, rind, nzval) {

        cst <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(lapply(rind, length))))
        out <- clpAPI::addColsCLP(lp@oobj, length(j), lb, ub, obj,
                                  cst, unlist(rind)-1, unlist(nzval))



setMethod("addRowsToProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    # i: vector containing the new row indices (must be ascending)
    # cind: list, containing the column indices of the new nz elements
    # nzval: list, containing the new nz elements
    # i, type, lb, ub, cind and nzval must have the same length
    # type can be one of the following:
    # "F" = free variable                -INF <  x <  INF
    # "L" = variable with lower bound      lb <= x <  INF
    # "U" = variable with upper bound    -INF <  x <= ub
    # "D" = double-bounded variable        lb <= x <= ub
    # "E" = fixed variable                 lb  = x  = ub

    function(lp, i, type, lb, ub, cind, nzval, rnames = NULL) {

        stopifnot(length(lb) == length(ub))
        cub <- ub
        ebc <- type == "E"
        cub[ebc] <- lb[ebc]

        cst <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(lapply(cind, length))))

        out <- clpAPI::addRowsCLP(lp@oobj, length(i), lb, cub,
                                  cst, unlist(cind)-1, unlist(nzval))

        #if (!is.null(rnames)) {
        #    for (rind in seq(along = i)) {
        #        clpAPI::rowNameCLP(lp@oobj, i = i[rind], rname = rnames[rind])
        #    }



setMethod("changeColsBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, j, lb, ub) {

        tmp_lb <- clpAPI::getColLowerCLP(lp@oobj)
        tmp_ub <- clpAPI::getColUpperCLP(lp@oobj)
        tmp_lb[j] <- lb
        tmp_ub[j] <- ub
        clpAPI::chgColLowerCLP(lp@oobj, tmp_lb)
        clpAPI::chgColUpperCLP(lp@oobj, tmp_ub)



setMethod("changeColsBndsObjCoefs", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, j, lb, ub, obj_coef) {

        # usable only for model creation!
        clpAPI::chgColLowerCLP(lp@oobj, lb)
        clpAPI::chgColUpperCLP(lp@oobj, ub)
        clpAPI::chgObjCoefsCLP(lp@oobj, obj_coef)


setMethod("getColsLowBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", j = "numeric"),

    function(lp, j) {

        out <- clpAPI::getColLowerCLP(lp@oobj)[j]



setMethod("getColsUppBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", j = "numeric"),

    function(lp, j) {

        out <- clpAPI::getColUpperCLP(lp@oobj)[j]



setMethod("changeRowsBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, i, lb, ub) {

        tmp_lb <- clpAPI::getRowLowerCLP(lp@oobj)
        tmp_ub <- clpAPI::getRowUpperCLP(lp@oobj)
        tmp_lb[i] <- lb
        tmp_ub[i] <- ub
        clpAPI::chgRowLowerCLP(lp@oobj, tmp_lb)
        clpAPI::chgRowUpperCLP(lp@oobj, tmp_ub)


setMethod("setRhsZero", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        nrows <- clpAPI::getNumRowsCLP(lp@oobj)
        zeros <- rep(0, nrows)
        clpAPI::chgRowLowerCLP(lp@oobj, zeros)
        clpAPI::chgRowUpperCLP(lp@oobj, zeros)



setMethod("getRowsLowBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", i = "numeric"),

    function(lp, i) {

        out <- clpAPI::getRowLowerCLP(lp@oobj)[i]



setMethod("getRowsUppBnds", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", i = "numeric"),

    function(lp, i) {

        out <- clpAPI::getRowUpperCLP(lp@oobj)[i]



setMethod("changeObjCoefs", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, j, obj_coef) {

        tmp_obj_coef <- clpAPI::getObjCoefsCLP(lp@oobj)
        tmp_obj_coef[j] <- obj_coef
        clpAPI::chgObjCoefsCLP(lp@oobj, tmp_obj_coef)



setMethod("getObjCoefs", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", j = "numeric"),

    function(lp, j) {

        out <- clpAPI::getObjCoefsCLP(lp@oobj)[j]



setMethod("loadLPprob", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, nCols, nRows, mat, ub, lb, obj, rlb, rtype,
             lpdir = "max", rub = NULL, ctype = NULL,
             cnames = NULL, rnames = NULL, pname = NULL,
             defLowerBnd = SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM") * -1,
             defUpperBnd = SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM")) {

        stopifnot(is(mat, "Matrix"))
        if (!is.null(ctype)) {
            warning("argument ", sQuote(ctype), " is currently ignored")

        if (is.null(rub)) {
            stopifnot(is(defLowerBnd, "numeric"), is(defUpperBnd, "numeric"))
            ##crub <- numeric(nRows)
            # Default value for upper bound is SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM").
            # If a constraint has an upper bound (type "U"), the corresponding
            # value is copied from rlb to crub and crlb get's the default
            # lower bound SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM") * -1.
            # If a constraint is equality (type "E"), the corresponding
            # value is copied from rlb to crub.

            crub <- rep(defUpperBnd, nRows)
            crlb <- rlb
            ubc  <- rtype == "U"
            crub[ubc] <- rlb[ubc]
            crlb[ubc] <- defLowerBnd
            ebc  <- rtype == "E"
            crub[ebc] <- rlb[ebc]
        else {
            stopifnot(length(rub) == length(rlb))
            crub <- rub
            crlb <- rlb
            ebc  <- rtype == "E"
            crub[ebc] <- crlb[ebc]

        # optimization direction
        setObjDir(lp, lpdir = lpdir)
        # load problem
        TMPmat <- as(mat, "CsparseMatrix")
                               ncols    = nCols,
                               nrows    = nRows,
                               ia       = TMPmat@i,
                               ja       = TMPmat@p,
                               ra       = TMPmat@x,
                               lb       = lb,
                               ub       = ub,
                               obj_coef = obj,
                               rlb      = crlb,
                               rub      = crub)

        # row and column names
        if ( (!is.null(rnames)) && (!is.null(cnames)) ) {
            clpAPI::copyNamesCLP(lp@oobj, cnames = cnames, rnames = rnames)

        # problem name
        if (!is.null(rnames)) {
            clpAPI::probNameCLP(lp@oobj, pname = pname)


setMethod("scaleProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp, opt) {

        clpAPI::scaleModelCLP(lp@oobj, opt)



setMethod("solveLp", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- FALSE
            "inidual" = {
                out <- clpAPI::solveInitialDualCLP(lp@oobj)
            "iniprimal" = {
                out <- clpAPI::solveInitialPrimalCLP(lp@oobj)
            "inibarrier" = {
                out <- clpAPI::solveInitialBarrierCLP(lp@oobj)
            "inibarriernoc" = {
                out <- clpAPI::solveInitialBarrierNoCrossCLP(lp@oobj)
            "dual" = {
                out <- clpAPI::dualCLP(lp@oobj)
            "primal" = {
                out <- clpAPI::primalCLP(lp@oobj)
            "idiot" = {
                clpAPI::idiotCLP(lp@oobj) # idiotCLP has no return value
                out <- 0
                out <- clpAPI::solveInitialCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getObjVal", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getObjValCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getRedCosts", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getColDualCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getSolStat", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getSolStatusCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getFluxDist", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getColPrimCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("getColPrim", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", j = "numeric"),

    function(lp, j) {

        out <- clpAPI::getColPrimCLP(lp@oobj)[j]



setMethod("getNumNnz", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI"),

    function(lp) {

        out <- clpAPI::getNumNnzCLP(lp@oobj)



setMethod("writeProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", fname = "character"),

    function(lp, fname, ff = "lp") {

        out <- clpAPI::saveModelCLP(lp@oobj, fname = fname)



setMethod("readProb", signature(lp = "optObj_clpAPI", fname = "character"),

    function(lp, fname, ff = "mps", ...) {

            "mps" = {
                fl <- clpAPI::readMPSCLP(lp@oobj, fname = fname, ...)
            "clp" = {
                fl <- clpAPI::restoreModelCLP(lp@oobj, fname = fname)
                message("wrong format!")
                fl <- 1
        out <- ifelse(fl == 0, TRUE, fl)


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