
#  sysBiolAlg_mtfEasyConstraintClass.R
#  FBA and friends with R.
#  Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Gabriel Gelius-Dietrich, Dpt. for Bioinformatics,
#  Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Claus Jonathan Fritzemeier, Dpt. for Bioinformatics,
#  Institute for Informatics, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany.
#  All right reserved.
#  Email: clausjonathan.fritzemeier@hhu.de
#  This file is part of sybil.
#  Sybil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  Sybil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#           definition of the class sysBiolAlg_mtfEasyConstraint               #

setClass(Class = "sysBiolAlg_mtfEasyConstraint",
             maxobj = "numeric",
             easyConstraint = "list"
         contains = "sysBiolAlg"

#                            default constructor                               #

# contructor for class sysBiolAlg_mtfEasyConstraint
setMethod(f = "initialize",
          signature = "sysBiolAlg_mtfEasyConstraint",
          definition = function(.Object,
                                wtobj = NULL,
                                react = NULL, lb = NULL, ub = NULL,
                                costcoefbw = NULL,
                                costcoeffw = NULL,
                                absMAX = SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM"),
                                useNames = SYBIL_SETTINGS("USE_NAMES"),
                                cnames = NULL,
                                rnames = NULL,
                                pname = NULL,
                                scaling = NULL,
                                easyConstraint = NULL,
                                writeProbToFileName = NULL, ...) {

              if ( ! missing(model) ) {

                  if (is.null(wtobj)) {
                      tmp <- .generateWT(model, react, lb, ub, 
                      wtobj  <- tmp[["obj"]]
                  stopifnot(is(model, "modelorg"),
                            is(wtobj, "numeric"),
                            is(absMAX, "numeric"))

                  # If wtobj is longer than 1, mtf algorithm has to run several
                  # times. In that case, wtobj is not written in the problem
                  # object, it is written separately (maxobj) and used for
                  # each iteration.

                  if (length(wtobj) > 1) {
                      maxobj <- wtobj
                      currmo <- 0
                  else {
                      maxobj <- NULL
                      currmo <- wtobj[1]

                  #  the problem: minimize:
                  #            |      |      |
                  #         S  |  0   |  0   |  = b
                  #            |      |      |
                  #       -------------------------
                  #            |      |      |
                  #         1  |  1   |  0   | >= 0
                  #            |      |      |
                  #       -------------------------
                  #            |      |      |
                  #         -1 |  0   |  1   | >= 0
                  #            |      |      |
                  #       -------------------------
                  #       c_wt |  0   |  0   | >= c^T * v_wt
                  #            |      |      |
                  #  lb   wt_lb|  0   |  0   |
                  #  ub   wt_ub|10000 |10000 |
                  #            |      |      |
                  #  obj    0  |  1   |  1   |

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # problem dimensions
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  nc     <- react_num(model)
                  nr     <- met_num(model)

                  nCols  <- 3*nc
                  nRows  <- nr + 2*nc + 1

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # constraint matrix
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  # the initial matrix dimensions
                  LHS <- Matrix::Matrix(0, 
                                        nrow = nRows,
                                        ncol = nCols,
                                        sparse = TRUE)

                  # rows for the mutant strain
                  LHS[1:nr,1:nc] <- S(model)

                  # location of the mutant strain
                  fi <- c(1:nc)

                  # rows for the delta match matrix
                  diag(LHS[(nr+1)   :(nr+nc)  ,1       :nc    ]) <-  1
                  diag(LHS[(nr+1)   :(nr+nc)  ,(nc+1)  :(2*nc)]) <-  1
                  diag(LHS[(nr+nc+1):(nr+2*nc),1       :nc    ]) <- -1
                  diag(LHS[(nr+nc+1):(nr+2*nc),(2*nc+1):(3*nc)]) <-  1

                  # fix the value of the objective function
                  LHS[(nr+2*nc+1),1:nc] <- obj_coef(model)

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # columns
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  lower  <- c(lowbnd(model), rep(0, 2*nc))
                  upper  <- c(uppbnd(model), rep(absMAX, 2*nc))

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # rows
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  #rlower <- c(rhs(model), rep(0, 2*nc), currmo)
                  #rupper <- c(rhs(model), rep(absMAX, 2*nc + 1))
                  rlower <- c(rep(0, nr), rep(0, 2*nc), currmo)
                  rupper <- c(rep(0, nr), rep(absMAX, 2*nc + 1))
                  rtype  <- c(rep("E", nr), rep("L", 2*nc + 1))

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # objective function
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  if (is.null(costcoeffw)) {
                      fw <- rep(1, nc)
                  else {
                      stopifnot(is(costcoeffw, "numeric"),
                                (length(costcoeffw) == nc))
                      fw <- costcoeffw

                  if (is.null(costcoefbw)) {
                      bw <- fw
                  else {
                      stopifnot(is(costcoefbw, "numeric"),
                                (length(costcoefbw) == nc))
                      bw <- costcoefbw

                  cobj <- c(rep(0, nc), bw, fw)

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # row and column names for the problem object
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  if (isTRUE(useNames)) {
                      if (is.null(cnames)) {
                          cn <- c(react_id(model),
                                  paste("bw", react_id(model), sep = "_"),
                                  paste("fw", react_id(model), sep = "_")
                          colNames <- .makeLPcompatible(cn, prefix = "x")
                      else {
                          stopifnot(is(cnames, "character"),
                                    length(cnames) == nCols)
                          colNames <- cnames

                      if (is.null(rnames)) {
                          rn <- c(met_id(model),
                                  paste("bw", 1:nc, sep = "_"),
                                  paste("fw", 1:nc, sep = "_"),
                          rowNames <- .makeLPcompatible(rn, prefix = "r")
                      else {
                          stopifnot(is(rnames, "character"),
                                    length(rnames) == nRows)
                          rowNames <- rnames

                      if (is.null(pname)) {
                          probName <- .makeLPcompatible(
                              paste("MTF", mod_id(model), sep = "_"),
                              prefix = "")
                      else {
                          stopifnot(is(pname, "character"),
                                    length(pname) == 1)
                          probName <- pname
                  else {
                      colNames <- NULL
                      rowNames <- NULL
                      probName <- NULL
                  #add easyConstraints:
                  	if(		length(easyConstraint$react) != length(easyConstraint$x)
                  		| 	length(easyConstraint$react) != length(easyConstraint$rtype)
                  		stop("easyConstraint elements have to have equal lengths")
                  	stopifnot(all(easyConstraint$rtype %in% c("F", "L", "U", "D", "E")))
                  	# setting and checking rlb
                  		rlower <- c(rlower, rep(0, length(easyConstraint$react)))
                  		if(length(easyConstraint$react) != length(easyConstraint$lb)){
                  			stop("easyConstraint$lb length has to match length of react argument")
                  			rlower <- c(rlower, easyConstraint$lb)
                  	# setting and checking rub
                  		rupper <- c(rupper, rep(0, length(easyConstraint$react)))
                  		if(length(easyConstraint$react) != length(easyConstraint$ub)){
                  			stop("easyConstraint$ub length has to match length of react argument")
                  			rupper <- c(rupper, easyConstraint$ub)
                  	m <- Matrix(0, ncol=nCols, nrow=length(easyConstraint$react))
                  	for(i in 1:length(easyConstraint$react)){
                  		m[i, easyConstraint$react[[i]]] <- easyConstraint$x[[i]]
                  	LHS <- rbind2(LHS, m)
                  	rtype <- c(rtype, easyConstraint$rtype)
                  	nRows <- nRows + length(easyConstraint$react)
                  		rowNames <- c(rowNames, paste0("easyConstraint", 1:length(easyConstraint$react)))

                  # ---------------------------------------------
                  # build problem object
                  # ---------------------------------------------

                  .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object,
                                            sbalg      = "mtf",
                                            pType      = "lp",
                                            scaling    = scaling,
                                            fi         = fi,
                                            nCols      = nCols,
                                            nRows      = nRows,
                                            mat        = LHS,
                                            ub         = upper,
                                            lb         = lower,
                                            obj        = cobj,
                                            rlb        = rlower,
                                            rub        = rupper,
                                            rtype      = rtype,
                                            lpdir      = "min",
                                            ctype      = NULL,
                                            cnames     = colNames,
                                            rnames     = rowNames,
                                            pname      = probName,
                                            algPar     = list("wtobj" = wtobj,
                                                             "costcoefbw" = bw,
                                                             "costcoeffw" = fw),

                  .Object@maxobj <- as.numeric(maxobj)
                  .Object@easyConstraint <- easyConstraint

                  if (!is.null(writeProbToFileName)) {
                                fname = as.character(writeProbToFileName))
#                  # ---------------------------------------------
#                  # build problem object
#                  # ---------------------------------------------
#                  lp <- optObj(solver = solver, method = method)
#                  lp <- initProb(lp, nrows = nRows, ncols = nCols)
#                  # ---------------------------------------------
#                  # set control parameters
#                  # ---------------------------------------------
#                  if (!any(is.na(solverParm))) {
#                      setSolverParm(lp, solverParm)
#                  }
#                  loadLPprob(lp,
#                             nCols = nCols,
#                             nRows = nRows,
#                             mat   = LHS,
#                             ub    = upper,
#                             lb    = lower,
#                             obj   = cobj,
#                             rlb   = rlower,
#                             rub   = rupper,
#                             rtype = rtype,
#                             lpdir = "min"
#                  )
#                  if (!is.null(scaling)) {
#                      scaleProb(lp, scaling)
#                  }
#                  .Object@problem   <- lp
#                  .Object@algorithm <- "mtf"
#                  .Object@nr        <- as.integer(nRows)
#                  .Object@nc        <- as.integer(nCols)
#                  .Object@fldind    <- as.integer(fi)
#                  validObject(.Object)


#                                other methods                                 #

setMethod("changeMaxObj", signature(object = "sysBiolAlg_mtf"),
    function(object, j) {

        if (!is.null(object@maxobj)) {
            changeRowsBnds(problem(object), i = nr(object),
                           lb = object@maxobj[j], ub = SYBIL_SETTINGS("MAXIMUM"))


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sybil documentation built on May 31, 2021, 5:08 p.m.