
write.vcf <- function(gp,file,unphased=TRUE){

  if(is.null(nrow(gp$geno)) | is.null(ncol(gp$geno))){
    stop("Wrong genotypic information!")
  if(unphased) sepSign <- "/" else sepSign <- "|"
  if(gp$info$map.unit =="kb") gp$map$pos <- gp$map$pos * 1000
  if(gp$info$map.unit =="Mb") gp$map$pos <- gp$map$pos * 1000000
  if(!gp$info$map.unit %in% c("bp", "kb", "Mb")) {
    gp$map$pos <- "."
    warning("Positions will not be written to the file! Only basepair positions will be printed")
  } else if(any((gp$map$pos-round(gp$map$pos, digits=0)) >1e-6)) stop("Your map positions and the map.unit do not fit!")
  geno <- as.data.frame(t(gp$geno), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  s00 <- paste("0", "0", sep=sepSign); s01 <- paste("0", "1", sep=sepSign); s11 <- paste("1", "1", sep=sepSign); s10 <- paste("1", "0", sep=sepSign)
  geno[geno==0] <- s00
  geno[geno==1] <- s01
  geno[geno==2] <- s11
  geno[geno==-1] <- s10
  bgl <- cbind(data.frame(CHROM=paste("chr",gp$map$chr, sep=""), POS=formatC(gp$map$pos, format="f", digits=0),ID=rownames(gp$map), REF="A", ALT="G", QUAL=".", FILTER="PASS", INFO=".", FORMAT="GT", stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  if (any(grep(" ",colnames(geno)))) stop("no blanks allowed in IDs!")
  cat(file=file, '##fileformat=VCFv4.1\n##filedate=',Sys.Date(),'\n##source="write.vcf of R-synbreed"\n##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype">\n#')
  cat(file=file, paste(colnames(bgl), collapse="\t"), "\n", append=TRUE)
  write.table(bgl, file=file,
              quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, append=TRUE, sep="\t", na=paste(".", ".", sep=sepSign))


read.vcf2matrix <- function(file, FORMAT="GT", coding=c("allele","ref"), IDinRow=TRUE, cores=1){
  multiLapply <- function(x,y,...,cores=cores){
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores>1){
      cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, detectCores()))
    } else {
  coding <- match.arg(coding)
  while(scan(file=file, what="character", skip=cnt, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)[1] !="#CHROM") cnt <- cnt+1
  Mnames <- scan(file, what="character", skip=cnt, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
  geno <- read.table(file=file, sep="\t", header=FALSE, skip=cnt+1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(geno) <- Mnames
  rownames(geno) <- geno$ID
  ref <- geno$REF; alternative <- geno$ALT
  form <- unlist(strsplit(geno$FORMAT, ":"))
  geno <- geno[, !colnames(geno) %in% c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT")]
  geno[1:nrow(geno), 1:ncol(geno)] <- unlist(multiLapply(geno, strsplit, ":", cores=cores))[rep(form, ncol(geno)) == FORMAT]
  if(FORMAT == "GT" & coding == "allele"){
    geno[geno=="0|0"] <- rep(paste(ref,ref, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="0|0"]
    geno[geno=="1|0"] <- rep(paste(alternative,ref, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="1|0"]
    geno[geno=="0|1"] <- rep(paste(ref,alternative, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="0|1"]
    geno[geno=="1|1"] <- rep(paste(alternative,alternative, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="1|1"]
  if(IDinRow) geno <- t(geno)


read.vcf2list <- function(file, FORMAT="GT", coding=c("allele","ref"), IDinRow=TRUE, cores=1){
  multiLapply <- function(x,y,...,cores=cores){
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" & cores>1){
      cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, detectCores()))
    } else {
  coding <- match.arg(coding)
  while(scan(file=file, what="character", skip=cnt, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)[1] !="#CHROM") cnt <- cnt+1
  Mnames <- scan(file, what="character", skip=cnt, nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
  geno <- read.table(file=file, sep="\t", header=FALSE, skip=cnt+1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(geno) <- Mnames
  rownames(geno) <- geno$ID
  ref <- geno$REF; alternative <- geno$ALT
  form <- unlist(strsplit(geno$FORMAT, ":"))
  map <- geno[, c("#CHROM", "POS")]
  colnames(map) <- c("chr", "pos")
  class(map) <- c("GenMap", "data.frame")
  geno <- geno[, !colnames(geno) %in% c("#CHROM", "POS", "ID", "REF", "ALT", "QUAL", "FILTER", "INFO", "FORMAT")]
  geno[1:nrow(geno), 1:ncol(geno)] <- unlist(multiLapply(geno, strsplit, ":", cores=cores))[rep(form, ncol(geno)) == FORMAT]
  if(FORMAT == "GT" & coding == "allele"){
    geno[geno=="0|0"] <- rep(paste(ref,ref, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="0|0"]
    geno[geno=="1|0"] <- rep(paste(alternative,ref, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="1|0"]
    geno[geno=="0|1"] <- rep(paste(ref,alternative, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="0|1"]
    geno[geno=="1|1"] <- rep(paste(alternative,alternative, sep="|"), ncol(geno))[geno=="1|1"]
  if(IDinRow) geno <- t(geno)
  return(list(geno=geno, map=map))


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synbreed documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:23 a.m.