utility.gen <- function(object, data, ...) UseMethod("utility.gen")
utility.gen.default <- function(object, ...)
stop("No compare method associated with class ", class(object), call. = FALSE) <- utility.gen.list <-
function(object, data,
not.synthesised = NULL, = NULL,
method = "cart", maxorder = 1,
k.syn = FALSE, tree.method = "rpart",
max.params = 400, print.stats = c("pMSE", "S_pMSE"),
resamp.method = NULL, nperms = 50, cp = 1e-3,
minbucket = 5, mincriterion = 0, vars = NULL,
aggregate = FALSE, maxit = 200, ngroups = NULL,
print.flag = TRUE, print.every = 10,
digits = 6, print.zscores = FALSE, zthresh = 1.6,
print.ind.results = FALSE,
print.variable.importance = FALSE, ...)
if (is.null(data)) stop("Requires parameter 'data' to give name of the real data.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(object)) stop("Requires parameter 'object' to give name of the synthetic data.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.list(object) & ! m <- length(object)
else if ( m <- 1
else stop("object must be a data frame or a list of data frames.\n", call. = FALSE)
# sort out to make it into a complete named list
cna <- <- as.list(rep(NA, length(data)))
names( <- names(data)
if (!is.null(cna)) {
if (!is.list(cna) | any(names(cna) == "") | is.null(names(cna)))
stop("Argument '' must be a named list with names of selected variables.", call. = FALSE)
if (any(!names(cna) %in% names(data))) stop("Names of the list must be variables in data.\n", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(cna)) {
j <- (1:length(data))[names(cna)[i] == names(data)][[j]] <- unique(c(NA,cna[[i]]))
syn.method = rep("ok", length(data))
if (!is.null(not.synthesised)) {
if (!is.null(not.synthesised) && !all(not.synthesised %in% names(data))) stop("not.synthesised must be names of variables in data.\n", call. = FALSE)
syn.method[names(data) %in% not.synthesised] <- ""
object <- list(syn = object, m = m, strata.syn = NULL, method = syn.method, =
class(object ) <- "synds"
res <- utility.gen.synds(object = object, data = data,
method = method, maxorder = maxorder,
k.syn = k.syn, tree.method = tree.method,
max.params = max.params, print.stats = print.stats,
resamp.method = resamp.method, nperms = nperms, cp = cp,
minbucket = minbucket, mincriterion = mincriterion,
vars = vars, aggregate = aggregate, maxit = maxit,
ngroups = ngroups, print.flag = print.flag,
print.every = print.every, digits = digits,
print.zscores = print.zscores, zthresh = zthresh,
print.ind.results = print.ind.results,
print.variable.importance = print.variable.importance)
res$call <-
utility.gen.synds <- function(object, data,
method = "cart", maxorder = 1,
k.syn = FALSE, tree.method = "rpart",
max.params = 400, print.stats = c("pMSE", "S_pMSE"),
resamp.method = NULL, nperms = 50, cp = 1e-3,
minbucket = 5, mincriterion = 0, vars = NULL,
aggregate = FALSE, maxit = 200, ngroups = NULL,
print.flag = TRUE, print.every = 10,
digits = 6, print.zscores = FALSE,
zthresh = 1.6, print.ind.results = FALSE,
print.variable.importance = FALSE, ...)
m <- object$m
# Check input parameters
if (is.null(method) || length(method) != 1 ||, c("cart", "logit"))))
stop("Invalid 'method' type - must be either 'logit' or 'cart'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(print.stats) || any(, c("pMSE", "SPECKS", "PO50", "U", "S_pMSE", "S_SPECKS", "S_PO50", "S_U", "all")))))
stop("Invalid 'print.stats'. Can only include 'pMSE', 'SPECKS', 'PO50', 'U', 'S_pMSE', 'S_SPECKS', 'S_PO50', 'S_U'.\nAternatively it can be set to 'all'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(resamp.method) &&, c("perm", "pairs", "none"))))
stop("Invalid 'resamp.method' type - must be NULL, 'perm', 'pairs' or 'none'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (aggregate == TRUE & method != "logit") stop("Aggregation only works for 'logit' method.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(data)) stop("Requires parameter 'data' to give name of the real data.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!inherits(object, "synds")) stop("Object must have class 'synds'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (k.syn & !is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "pairs") stop('\nresamp.method = "pairs" will give the wrong answer when k.syn is TRUE.\n', call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(tree.method) || length(tree.method) != 1 ||, c("rpart", "ctree"))))
stop("Invalid 'tree.method' - must be either 'rpart' or 'ctree'.\n", call. = FALSE)
# Check selected variables and make observed and synthetic comparable
if (!(is.null(vars))) {
if (is.numeric(vars)){
if (!(all(vars %in% 1:length(data)))) stop("Column indices of 'vars' must be in 1 to length(data).\n", call. = FALSE)
} else if (!(all(vars %in% names(data)))) stop("Some 'vars' specified not in data.\n", call. = FALSE)
data <- data[, vars, drop = FALSE]
if (m == 1) {
if (!all(vars %in% names(object$syn))) stop("Some 'vars' specified not in synthetic data.\n", call. = FALSE)
else object$syn <- object$syn[, vars, drop = FALSE ]
} else {
if (!all(vars %in% names(object$syn[[1]]))) stop("Some 'vars' specified not in synthetic data.\n", call. = FALSE)
else object$syn <- lapply(object$syn, "[", vars)
} else {
if (m == 1) vars <- names(object$syn) else vars <- names(object$syn[[1]])
if (!all(vars %in% names(data))) stop("Some variables in synthetic data not in original data.\n", call. = FALSE)
else data <- data[, vars] # make data match synthetic
# get and method parameters for stratified synthesis
if (!is.null(object$strata.syn)) {
cna <- object$[1,]
syn.method <- object$method[1,]
} else {
cna <- object$
syn.method <- object$method
cna <- cna[names(cna) %in% vars]
for ( i in 1:length(cna)) {
nm <- names(cna)[i]
vals <- unique(cna[[i]][![[i]])]) # get variables with other than missing
if (length(vals) > 0){
for (j in 1:length(vals))
n_cna <- sum(vals[j] == data[,nm] & ![,nm]))
if (n_cna == 0) stop("\nValue ", vals[j], " identified as denoting a special or missing in for ",nm, " is not in data.\n",sep = "", call. = FALSE)
else if (n_cna < 10 & print.flag) cat ("\nWarning: Only ",n_cna ," record(s) in data with value ",vals[j]," identified as denoting a missing value in for ",nm, "\n\n", sep = "")
# Check whether some variables are unsynthesised
incomplete <- FALSE
nsynthd <- length(vars)
unsyn.vars <- names(syn.method)[syn.method == ""] # identify unsynthesised
if (any(vars %in% unsyn.vars) & !is.null(unsyn.vars)) {
notunsyn <- vars[!vars %in% unsyn.vars] # synthesised vars
if (!all(unsyn.vars %in% vars)) stop("Unsynthesised variables must be a subset of variables contributing to the utility measure.\n", call. = FALSE)
if ( all(vars %in% unsyn.vars)) stop("Utility measure impossible if all in vars are unsynthesised.\n", call. = FALSE)
incomplete <- TRUE
# Set default resampling according to completeness and print.stats (incl. S_SPECKS or S_PO50 or S_U)
if (is.null(resamp.method)) {
if ("S_SPECKS" %in% print.stats || "S_PO50" %in% print.stats || "S_U" %in% print.stats || incomplete) {
resamp.method <- "pairs"
cat('Resampling method set to "pairs" because S_SPECKS or S_PO50 or S_U in print.stats or incomplete = TRUE.\n')
} else if (method == "cart") resamp.method <- "perm"
} else {
if (incomplete & resamp.method == "perm")
stop('Incomplete synthesis requires resamp.method = "pairs".\n', call. = FALSE)
if (any(c("S_SPECKS", "S_PO50", "S_U") %in% print.stats) & resamp.method == "perm")
stop('Stat SPECKS, PO50, and U requires resamp.method = "pairs" to get S_SPECKS, S_PO50, and S_U respectively.\n', call. = FALSE)
if (resamp.method == "pairs" & m == 1)
stop('resamp.method = "pairs" needs a synthesis with m > 1, m = 10 suggested.\n', call. = FALSE)
# Drop any single value columns
leneq1 <- function(x) length(table(as.numeric(x[!]), useNA = "ifany")) %in% (0:1)
dchar <- sapply(data,is.character)
if (any(dchar == TRUE)) for ( i in 1:dim(data)[2]) if (dchar[i] == TRUE) data[,i] <- factor(data[,i])
dout <- sapply(data,leneq1)
if (m == 1) sout <- sapply(object$syn,leneq1)
else sout <- sapply(object$syn[[1]],leneq1)
dout <- dout & sout
if (any(dout == TRUE) & print.flag) {
cat("Some columns with single values or all missing values in original and synthetic\nexcluded from utility comparisons (excluded variables: ",
paste(names(data)[dout], collapse = ", "), ").\n", sep = "")
data <- data[,!dout]
if (m == 1) object$syn <- object$syn[, !dout, drop = FALSE]
else object$syn <- lapply(object$syn, "[", !dout)
# Numeric variables
numvars <- (1:dim(data)[2])[sapply(data, is.numeric)]
names(numvars) <- names(data)[numvars]
# If ngroups != NULL divide numeric variables into ngroups
data0 <- data # to save if m > 1
if (!is.null(ngroups)) {
for (i in numvars) {
if (m == 1) {
groups <- group_num(data[,i], object$syn[,i], object$syn[,i],
ngroups, = cna, ...)
data[,i] <- groups[[1]]
object$syn[,i] <- groups[[2]]
} else {
syn0 <- c(sapply(object$syn, '[[', i))
for (j in 1:m) {
groups <- group_num(data0[,i], object$syn[[j]][,i], syn0,
ngroups, = cna[[i]], ...)
data[,i] <- groups[[1]]
object$syn[[j]][,i] <- groups[[2]]
# Categorical vars: make missing data part of factor
catvars <- (1:dim(data)[2])[sapply(data, is.factor)]
for (i in catvars) {
data[,i] <- factor(data[,i])
if (m == 1) object$syn[,i] <- factor(object$syn[,i])
else for (j in 1:m) object$syn[[j]][,i] <- factor(object$syn[[j]][,i])
if (any([,i]))) {
data[,i] <- addNA(data[,i])
if (m == 1) object$syn[,i] <- addNA(object$syn[,i])
else for (j in 1:m) object$syn[[j]][,i] <- addNA(object$syn[[j]][,i])
for (i in numvars) {
if (anyNA(data[,i]) & is.null(ngroups)) {
newname <- paste(names(data)[i], "NA", sep = "_")
data <- data.frame(data, 1*([,i])))
names(data)[length(data)] <- newname
data[[,i]), i] <- 0
if (m == 1) {
object$syn <- data.frame(object$syn, 1*($syn[,i])))
names(object$syn)[length(object$syn)] <- newname
object$syn[$syn[,i]), i] <- 0
} else {
for (j in 1:m) {
object$syn[[j]] <- data.frame(object$syn[[j]], 1*($syn[[j]][,i])))
names(object$syn[[j]])[length(object$syn[[j]])] <- newname
object$syn[[j]][$syn[[j]][,i]),i] <- 0
if (any(![[i]])) & is.null(ngroups)) {
cna[[i]] <- cna[[i]][![[i]])]
for (j in 1:length(cna[[i]])) {
newname <- paste(names(data)[i], "cna",j, sep = "_")
data <- data.frame(data, 1*(data[,i] == cna[[i]][j]))
data[data[,i] == cna[[i]][j], i] <- 0
names(data)[length(data)] <- newname
if (m == 1) {
for (j in 1:length(cna[[i]])) {
newname <- paste(names(object$syn)[i], "cna",j, sep = "_")
object$syn <- data.frame(object$syn, 1*(object$syn[,i] == cna[[i]][j]))
object$syn[object$syn[,i] == cna[[i]][j], i] <- 0
names(object$syn)[length(object$syn)] <- newname
} else {
for (k in 1:m) {
for (j in 1:length(cna[[i]])) {
newname <- paste(names(object$syn[[k]])[i], "cna",j, sep = "_")
object$syn[[k]] <- data.frame(object$syn[[k]], 1*(object$syn[[k]][,i] == cna[[i]][j]))
object$syn[[k]][object$syn[[k]][,i] == cna[[i]][j], i] <- 0
names(object$syn[[k]])[length(object$syn[[k]])] <- newname
# Function for getting propensity scores
# --------------------------------------
propcalcs <- function(syndata, data) {
n1 <- dim(data)[1]
n2 <- dim(syndata)[1]
N <- n1 + n2
cc <- n2 / N
if (k.syn) cc <- 0.5
df.prop <- rbind(syndata, data) # make data frame for calculating propensity score
df.prop <- data.frame(df.prop, t = c(rep(1,n2), rep(0,n1)))
# remove any levels of factors that don't exist in data or syndata
catvars <- (1:(dim(df.prop)[2]))[sapply(df.prop,is.factor)]
for (i in catvars) {
if (any(table(df.prop[,i]) == 0)) {
df.prop[,i] <- as.factor(as.character(df.prop[,i]))
if (print.flag) cat("Empty levels of factor(s) for variable ", names(df.prop)[i]," removed.\n" )
if (aggregate == TRUE) {
aggdat <- aggregate(df.prop[,1], by = df.prop, FUN = length)
wt <- aggdat$x
aggdat <- aggdat[, -dim(aggdat)[2]]
if (method == "logit" ) {
if (maxorder >= dim(data)[2])
stop("maxorder cannot be greater or equal to the number of variables.\n", call. = FALSE)
# cheking for large models
levs <- sapply(data, function(x) length(levels(x)))
levs[levs == 0] <- 2
tt1 <- apply(combn(length(levs), 1), 2, function(x) {prod(levs[x] - 1)})
if (maxorder == 0) nparams <- 1 + sum(tt1)
else {
tt2 <- apply(combn(length(levs), 2), 2, function(x) {prod(levs[x] - 1)})
if (maxorder == 1) nparams <- 1 + sum(tt1) + sum(tt2)
else {
tt3 <- apply(combn(length(levs), 3), 2, function(x) {prod(levs[x] - 1)})
if (maxorder == 2) nparams <- 1 + sum(tt1) + sum(tt2) + sum(tt3)
else {
tt4 <- apply(combn(length(levs), 4), 2, function(x) {prod(levs[x] - 1)})
if (maxorder == 3) nparams <- 1 + sum(tt1) + sum(tt2) + sum(tt3) + sum(tt4)
else {
tt5 <- apply(combn(length(levs), 5), 2, function(x) {prod(levs[x] - 1)})
if (maxorder == 4) nparams <- 1 + sum(tt1) + sum(tt2) + sum(tt3) + sum(tt4) + sum(tt5)
if (nparams > max.params) stop("You will be fitting a large model with ", nparams,
" parameters that may take a long time and fail to converge.
Have you selected variables with vars?
You can try again, if you really want to, by increasing max.params.\n", sep = "", call. = FALSE)
else if (nparams > dim(data)[[1]]/5) cat("You will be fitting a large model with ", nparams,
" parameters and only ", dim(data)[[1]], " records
that may take a long time and fail to converge.
Have you selected variables with vars?\n")
if (maxorder >= 1) <- as.formula(paste("t ~ .^", maxorder + 1))
else <- as.formula(paste("t ~ ."))
if (aggregate == TRUE) fit <- glm(, data = aggdat, family = "binomial",
control = list(maxit = maxit), weights = wt)
else fit <- suppressWarnings(glm(, data = df.prop, family = "binomial",
control = list(maxit = maxit)))
#if (fit$converged == FALSE) cat("\nConvergence failed.\n")
# Get number of parameters that involve synthesised variables
score <- predict(fit, type = "response")
if (incomplete == FALSE) km1 <- length(fit$coefficients[!$coefficients)]) - 1 # To allow for non-identified coefficients
else {
namescoef <- names(fit$coefficients)
coefOK <- rep(FALSE, length(namescoef))
for (nn in notunsyn) coefOK[grepl(nn, namescoef)] <- TRUE
km1 <- sum(coefOK & print.flag)
if (m == 1 || (m > 1 & j == 1)) cat("Expectation of utility uses only coefficients involving synthesised variables: ",
km1, " from ", length(fit$coefficients) - 1, "\n", sep = "")
# one more coefficient (intercept needed if k.syn TRUE)
if (k.syn) km1 <- km1 + 1
if (aggregate == TRUE) {
pMSE <- (sum(wt*(score - cc)^2, na.rm = T)) / N
KSt <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(rep(score[aggdat$t == 1], wt[aggdat$t == 1]),
rep(score[aggdat$t == 0], wt[aggdat$t == 0])))
SPECKS <- KSt$statistic
PO50 <- sum(wt[(score > 0.5 & df.prop$t == 1) | ( score <= 0.5 & df.prop$t == 0)])/N*100 - 50
U <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(rep(score[aggdat$t == 1], wt[aggdat$t == 1]),
rep(score[aggdat$t == 0], wt[aggdat$t == 0]))$statistic)
} else {
pMSE <- (sum((score - cc)^2, na.rm = T)) / N
KSt <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(score[df.prop$t == 1], score[df.prop$t == 0]))
SPECKS <- KSt$statistic
PO50 <- sum((score > 0.5 & df.prop$t == 1) | ( score <= 0.5 & df.prop$t == 0))/N*100 - 50
U <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(score[df.prop$t == 1], score[df.prop$t == 0])$statistic)
pMSEExp <- km1 * (1 - cc)^2 * cc / N
S_pMSE <- pMSE / pMSEExp
# to save space
fit$data <- NULL
# fit$model <- fit$residuals <- fit$y <- NULL ?
} else if (method == "cart") {
km1 <- NA
if (tree.method == "rpart") {
fit <- rpart(t ~ ., data = df.prop, method = 'class',
control = rpart.control(cp = cp, minbucket = minbucket))
score <- predict(fit)[, 2]
} else if (tree.method == "ctree") {
fit <- ctree(t ~ ., data = df.prop,
controls = ctree_control(mincriterion = mincriterion, minbucket = minbucket))
score <- predict(fit)
pMSE <- sum((score - cc)^2, na.rm = T) / N
KSt <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(score[df.prop$t == 1], score[df.prop$t == 0]))
SPECKS <- KSt$statistic
PO50 <- sum((score > 0.5 & df.prop$t == 1) | ( score <= 0.5 & df.prop$t == 0))/N*100 - 50
U <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(score[df.prop$t == 1], score[df.prop$t == 0])$statistic)
# Permutations
if (!is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "none") S_pMSE <- NA
else if (!is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "perm") { # to allow resamp for logit models
S_pMSE <- rep(NA, m)
simpMSE <- rep(0, nperms)
if (m == 1) j <- 1
if (j == 1 & print.flag) {
if (print.every == 0 | print.every >= nperms) cat("Running ", nperms, " permutations to get NULL utilities.", sep = "")
else cat("Running ", nperms, " permutations to get NULL utilities and printing every ", print.every, "th.", sep = "")
#if (print.flag) cat("\nsynthesis ", j, " ", sep = "")
if (print.flag) cat("\nsynthesis ")
for (i in 1:nperms) {
if (print.every > 0 & nperms > print.every & floor(i/print.every) == i/print.every & print.flag) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
pdata <- df.prop
if (!k.syn) pdata$t <- sample(pdata$t)
else pdata$t <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
if (method == "cart") {
if (tree.method == "rpart") {
sfit <- rpart(t ~ ., data = pdata, method = 'class', control = rpart.control(cp = cp, minbucket = minbucket))
score <- predict(sfit)[,2]
} else if (tree.method == "ctree") {
sfit <- ctree(t ~ ., data = pdata,
controls = ctree_control(mincriterion = mincriterion, minbucket = minbucket))
score <- predict(sfit)
simpMSE[i] <- (sum((score - cc)^2, na.rm = T)) / N / 2
} else if (method == "logit") {
if (maxorder >= 1) <- as.formula(paste("t ~ .^", maxorder + 1))
else <- as.formula(paste("t ~ ."))
if (aggregate == TRUE) {
aggdat1 <- aggregate(pdata[,1], by = pdata, FUN = length)
wt <- aggdat1$x
aggdat1 <- aggdat1[, -dim(aggdat1)[2]]
sfit <- glm(, data = aggdat1, family = "binomial",
control = list(maxit = maxit), weights = wt)
} else sfit <- glm(, data = pdata, family = "binomial",
control = list(maxit = maxit))
if (sfit$converged == FALSE & print.flag) cat("Warning: Logistic model did not converge in ",
maxit, " iterations.\nYou could try increasing parameter 'maxit'.\n", sep = "")
score <- predict(sfit, type = "response")
if (aggregate == TRUE) {
simpMSE[i] <- sum(wt*(score - cc)^2, na.rm = T) / N / 2 # reduced by factor of 2
} else {
simpMSE[i] <- sum((score - cc)^2, na.rm = T) / N / 2 # reduced by factor of 2
nnosplits <- c(sum(simpMSE < 1e-8), length(simpMSE))
S_pMSE <- pMSE/mean(simpMSE)
if (!is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "pairs")
res.ind <- list(pMSE = pMSE, SPECKS = SPECKS, PO50 = PO50, U = U,
S_pMSE= NA, S_SPECKS = NA, S_PO50 = NA, S_U = NA,
fit = fit, nnosplits = NA, df = NA)
else if (!is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "perm")
res.ind <- list(pMSE = pMSE, SPECKS = SPECKS, PO50 = PO50,U = U,
S_pMSE= S_pMSE, S_SPECKS = NA, S_PO50 = NA, S_U = NA,
fit = fit, nnosplits = nnosplits, df = NA)
else res.ind <- list(pMSE = pMSE, SPECKS = SPECKS, PO50 = PO50, U =U,
S_pMSE = S_pMSE, S_SPECKS = NA, S_PO50 = NA, S_U = NA,
fit = fit, nnosplits = NA, df = km1) ## changed to NA
# --------------------------------------
# end propcalcs
n1 <- nrow(data)
if (m == 1) {
n2 <- nrow(object$syn)
res.ind <- propcalcs(object$syn, data)
res <- list(call =, m = m, method = method, tree.method = tree.method,
resamp.method = resamp.method, maxorder = maxorder, vars = vars,
k.syn = k.syn, aggregate = aggregate, maxit = maxit,
ngroups = ngroups, mincriterion = mincriterion,
nperms = nperms, df = res.ind$df, incomplete = incomplete,
pMSE = res.ind$pMSE, S_pMSE = res.ind$S_pMSE,
S_SPECKS = res.ind$S_SPECKS, S_PO50 = res.ind$S_PO50,S_U = res.ind$S_U,
SPECKS = res.ind$SPECKS, PO50 = res.ind$PO50, U = res.ind$U,
print.stats = print.stats,
fit = res.ind$fit, nnosplits = res.ind$nnosplits,
digits = digits, print.ind.results = print.ind.results,
print.zscores = print.zscores, zthresh = zthresh,
print.variable.importance = print.variable.importance)
} else {
n2 <- nrow(object$syn[[1]])
pMSE <- SPECKS <- PO50 <- U <- S_pMSE <- S_SPECKS <- S_PO50 <- S_U <- rep(NA, m)
fit <- nnosplits <- as.list(1:m)
if (!is.null(resamp.method) && !(resamp.method == "none") && resamp.method == "pairs") {
kk <- 0
simpMSE <- simKS <- simPO50 <- simU <- rep(NA, m*(m - 1)/2)
for (j in 1:m) {
res.ind <- propcalcs(object$syn[[j]], data)
pMSE[j] <- res.ind$pMSE
SPECKS[j] <- res.ind$SPECKS
PO50[j] <- res.ind$PO50
U[j] <- res.ind$U
fit[[j]] <- res.ind$fit
if (resamp.method == "none" || (method == "logit" & (is.null(resamp.method)))) {
if (j == 1 & print.flag) cat("Fitting syntheses: ")
if (print.flag) {
cat(j, " ", sep = "")
if (res.ind$fit$converged == FALSE) cat("Convergence failed.\n")
if (j == m ) cat("\n")
S_pMSE[j] <- res.ind$S_pMSE
if (!is.null(resamp.method) && resamp.method == "pairs") {
if (j == 1 & print.flag) {
if (print.every == 0 | m*(m - 1)/2 <= print.every) cat("Simulating NULL pMSE from ", m*(m - 1)/2, " pair(s).", sep = "")
else cat("Simulating NULL pMSE from ", m*(m - 1)/2, " pairs, printing every ", print.every, "th:\n", sep = "")
if (m*(m - 1)/2 < 6 ) cat("\nNumber of pairs too low, we suggest increasing number of syntheses (m).\n")
if (j < m) {
for (jj in (j + 1):(m)) {
kk <- kk + 1
if (print.every > 0 & print.every < m*(m - 1)/2 & floor(kk/print.every) == kk/print.every & print.flag) cat(kk," ",sep = "")
simvals <- propcalcs(object$syn[[j]], object$syn[[jj]])
simpMSE[kk] <- simvals$pMSE
simKS[kk] <- simvals$SPECKS
simPO50[kk] <- simvals$SPECKS
simU[kk] <- simvals$U
nnosplits<- c(sum(simpMSE < 1e-8), length(simpMSE))
for (j in 1:m) {
S_pMSE[j] <- pMSE[j] *2 /mean(simpMSE)
S_SPECKS[j] <- SPECKS[j] *2 /mean(simKS)
S_PO50[j] <- PO50[j] *2 /mean(simPO50)
S_U[j] <- U[j] *2 /mean(simU)
} else {
nnosplits[[j]] <- res.ind$nnosplits
S_pMSE[j] <- res.ind$S_pMSE
S_SPECKS[j] <- res.ind$S_SPECKS
S_PO50[j] <- res.ind$S_PO50
S_U[j] <- res.ind$S_U
res <- list(call =, m = m, method = method, tree.method = tree.method,
resamp.method = resamp.method, maxorder = maxorder, vars = vars,
k.syn = k.syn, aggregate = aggregate, maxit = maxit,
ngroups = ngroups, mincriterion = mincriterion,
nperms = nperms, df = res.ind$df, incomplete = incomplete,
pMSE = pMSE, S_pMSE = S_pMSE,
S_SPECKS = S_SPECKS, S_PO50 = S_PO50, S_U = S_U,
SPECKS = SPECKS, PO50 = PO50, U = U,
print.stats = print.stats,
fit = fit, nnosplits = nnosplits,
digits = digits, print.ind.results = print.ind.results,
print.zscores = print.zscores, zthresh = zthresh,
print.variable.importance = print.variable.importance)
class(res) <- "utility.gen"
res$call <-
} <- function(object, data, ...) UseMethod("") <- function(object, ...)
stop("No compare method associated with class ", class(object), call. = FALSE) <- <-
function(object, data, vars = NULL, = NULL,
ngroups = 5, useNA = TRUE, max.table = 1e6,
print.tables = length(vars) < 4,
print.stats = c("pMSE", "S_pMSE", "df"),
print.zdiff = FALSE, print.flag = TRUE,
digits = 4, k.syn = FALSE, ...)
if (is.null(data)) stop("Requires parameter 'data' to give name of the real data.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(object)) stop("Requires parameter 'object' to give name of the synthetic data.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.list(object) & ! m <- length(object)
else if ( m <- 1
else stop("object must be a data frame or a list of data frames.\n", call. = FALSE)
# sort out to make it into a complete named list
cna <- <- as.list(rep(NA, length(data)))
names( <- names(data)
if (!is.null(cna)) {
if (!is.list(cna) | any(names(cna) == "") | is.null(names(cna)))
stop("Argument '' must be a named list with names of selected variables.", call. = FALSE)
if (any(!names(cna) %in% names(data))) stop("Names of the list must be variables in data.\n", call. = FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(cna)) {
j <- (1:length(data))[names(cna)[i] == names(data)][[j]] <- unique(c(NA,cna[[i]]))
object <- list(syn = object, m = m, =
class(object ) <- "synds"
res <- = object, data = data, vars = vars,
ngroups = ngroups, useNA = useNA,
print.tables = print.tables,
print.stats = print.stats,
print.zdiff = print.zdiff,
print.flag = print.flag,
digits = digits, k.syn = k.syn, ...)
} <- function(object, data, vars = NULL, ngroups = 5,
useNA = TRUE, max.table = 1e6,
print.tables = length(vars) < 4,
print.stats = c("pMSE", "S_pMSE", "df"),
print.zdiff = FALSE, print.flag = TRUE,
digits = 4, k.syn = FALSE, ...)
vars <- unique(vars)
if (is.null(data))
stop("Requires parameter 'data' to give name of the real data.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!
stop("Data must have class 'data.frame'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (!inherits(object, "synds"))
stop("Object must have class 'synds'.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(vars)) stop("You need to set variables with vars parameter.\n", call. = FALSE) else if
(!(all(vars %in% names(data)))) stop("Unrecognized variable(s) in vars parameter: ",
paste(vars[!(vars %in% names(data))], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
if (!all(print.stats %in% c("VW", "FT", "JSD", "SPECKS", "WMabsDD", "U", "G", "pMSE", "PO50", "MabsDD", "dBhatt","S_VW", "S_FT", "S_JSD", "S_WMabsDD", "S_G", "S_pMSE", "df", "dfG", "all")))
stop('print.stats must be set to "all" or selected from "VW", "FT", "JSD", "SPECKS", "WMabsDD", "U", "G", "pMSE", "PO50", "MabsDD", "dBhatt", "S_VW", "S_FT", "S_JSD", "S_WMabsDD", "S_G", "S_pMSE", "df" or "dfG".\n', call. = FALSE)
data <- data[, vars, drop = FALSE]
nvars <- ncol(data)
data.orig <- data
# get parameters for stratified synthesis
# --------
if (!is.null(object$strata.syn)) {
# cna <- apply(object$, 2, function(y) {unlist(unique(y))})
cna <- object$[1, ]
} else {
cna <- object$
cna <- cna[vars]
m <- object$m
if (m == 1) syndata <- list(object$syn) else syndata <- object$syn
syndata <- lapply(syndata, '[', vars)
pMSE <- S_pMSE <- df <- dfG <- VW <- S_VW <- FT <- S_FT <- G <- S_G <-
JSD <- U <- S_JSD <- MabsDD <- WMabsDD <- S_WMabsDD <- SPECKS <-
dBhatt <- PO50 <- nempty <- vector("numeric", m)
tab.syn <- tab.obs <- tab.zdiff <- vector("list", m)
syn.mvar <- vector("list", nvars)
for (j in 1:nvars) {
if (is.numeric(syndata[[1]][, j])) syn.mvar[[j]] <- c(sapply(syndata, '[[', j))
for (i in 1:m) {
data <- data.orig
# make all variables into factors
for (j in 1:nvars) {
if (is.numeric(data[, j])) {
grpd <- group_num(data[, j], syndata[[i]][, j], syn.mvar[[j]],
n = ngroups, = cna[[j]], ...)
data[, j] <- grpd[[1]]; syndata[[i]][, j] <- grpd[[2]]
} else if (is.character(data[, j])) {
data[, j] <- factor(data[, j])
syndata[[i]][, j] <- factor(syndata[[i]][, j],
levels = levels(data[, j]))
if (any([, j])) & useNA) {
# makes missings into part of factors if present
data[, j] <- addNA(data[, j])
syndata[[i]][, j] <- addNA(syndata[[i]][, j])
## check table size
table.size <- prod(sapply(data, function(x) length(levels(x))))
if (table.size > max.table)
stop("Table size ", round(table.size), " exceeds max.table limit of ", round(max.table),".",
"\nYou could try increasing max.table but memory problems are likely.\n", call. = FALSE)
else if (i == 1 & table.size > dim(data)[1]/2 & print.flag) cat("Warning: You are creating tables with ", table.size,
" cells from ", dim(data)[1], " observations.\nResults from sparse tables may be unreliable.\n", sep = "")
## make tables
if (useNA){
tab.obs[[i]] <- table(data, useNA = "ifany", deparse.level = 0)
tab.syn[[i]] <- table(syndata[[i]], useNA = "ifany", deparse.level = 0)
} else {
tab.obs[[i]] <- table(data, useNA = "no", deparse.level = 0)
tab.syn[[i]] <- table(syndata[[i]], useNA = "no", deparse.level = 0)
## remove cells all zeros
nempty[i] <- sum(tab.obs[[i]] + tab.syn[[i]] == 0)
td <- tab.obs[[i]][tab.obs[[i]] + tab.syn[[i]] > 0]
ts <- tab.syn[[i]][tab.obs[[i]] + tab.syn[[i]] > 0]
totcells <- length(td)
## calculate utility measures
if (!k.syn) df[i] <- totcells - 1 else df[i] <- totcells
cc <- sum(ts) / sum(ts + td)
N <- sum(ts + td)
sumos <- ts + td
expect <- sumos * cc
diff <- ts - td * cc / (1 - cc)
VW[i] <- sum(diff^2 / expect)
FT[i] <- 4*sum((ts^(0.5) - (cc / (1 - cc) * td)^(0.5))^2)
S_FT[i] <- FT[i] / df[i]
S_VW[i] <- S_pMSE[i] <- VW[i] / df[i]
pMSE[i] <- VW[i] * cc * (1 - cc)^2 / N
## standardized difference (diff/sqrt(expect))
tab.zdiff[[i]] <- suppressWarnings((tab.syn[[i]] - tab.obs[[i]] * cc/(1-cc)) /
sqrt((tab.syn[[i]] + tab.obs[[i]]) * cc))
## Jensen-Shannon divergence
ptabd <- td / sum(td)
ptabs <- ts / sum(ts)
phalf <- (ptabd + ptabs) *0.5
JSD[i] <- sum((ptabd * log2(ptabd/phalf))[ptabd > 0])/2 +
sum((ptabs * log2(ptabs/phalf))[ptabs > 0])/2
S_JSD[i] <- JSD[i]*2*N/df[i]/log(2)
## Symmetric likelihood ratio chisq
sok <- ts[ts > 1e-8 & td > 1e-8]
dok <- td[ts > 1e-8 & td > 1e-8]
if (!k.syn) dfG[i] <- length(dok) - 1 else dfG[i] <- length(dok)
G[i] <- 2 *sum(sok*log(sok/sum(sok)/dok*sum(dok)))
S_G[i] <- G[i] / dfG[i]
## Kolmogorov-Smirnov
score <- ts / (ts + td)
kst <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(rep(score, ts), rep(score, td)))
SPECKS[i] <- kst$statistic
## Wilcoxon statistic
Ut <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(rep(score, ts), rep(score, td)))
U[i] <- Ut$statistic
## Calculate PO50
predsyn <- (ptabs > ptabd)
PO50[i] <- (sum(ts[predsyn]) + sum(td[!predsyn])) / (sum(ts) + sum(td)) * 100 - 50
MabsDD[i] <- sum(abs(diff))/sum(ts)
WMabsDD[i] <- sum(abs(diff)/sqrt(expect))/sqrt(2/pi)
S_WMabsDD[i] <- WMabsDD[i]/df[i]
dBhatt[i] <- sqrt(1 - sum(sqrt(ptabd*ptabs)))
tab.obs <- tab.obs[[1]]
if (m == 1) {
tab.syn <- tab.syn[[1]]
tab.zdiff <- tab.zdiff[[1]]
res <- list(m = m,
VW = VW,
FT = FT,
WMabsDD = WMabsDD,
U = U,
G = G,
pMSE = pMSE,
PO50 = PO50,
MabsDD = MabsDD,
dBhatt = dBhatt,
S_VW = S_VW,
S_FT = S_FT,
S_WMabsDD = S_WMabsDD,
S_G = S_G,
S_pMSE = S_pMSE,
df = df,
dfG = dfG,
nempty = unlist(nempty),
tab.obs = tab.obs,
tab.syn = tab.syn,
tab.zdiff = tab.zdiff,
digits = digits,
print.stats = print.stats,
print.zdiff = print.zdiff,
print.tables = print.tables,
n = sum(object$n),
k.syn = k.syn)
class(res) <- ""
# function to categorise continuous variables
group_num <- function(x1, x2, xsyn, n = 5, style = "quantile", = NA, ...) {
# Categorise 2 continuous variables into factors of n groups
# with same groupings determined by the first one
# xsyn - all synthetic values (for m syntheses)
if (!is.numeric(x1) | !is.numeric(x2) | !is.numeric(xsyn))
stop("x1, x2, and xsyn must be numeric.\n", call. = FALSE)
# Select non-missing(nm) values
x1nm <- x1[!(x1 %in% & !]
x2nm <- x2[!(x2 %in% & !]
xsynnm <- xsyn[!(xsyn %in% & !]
# Derive breaks
my_breaks <- unique(suppressWarnings(classIntervals(c(x1nm, xsynnm),
n = n, style = style, ...))$brks)
my_levels <- c(levels(cut(x1nm, breaks = my_breaks,
dig.lab = 8, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)),[!])
# Apply groupings to non-missing data
x1[!(x1 %in% & !] <- as.character(cut(x1nm,
breaks = my_breaks, dig.lab = 8, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))
x2[!(x2 %in% & !] <- as.character(cut(x2nm,
breaks = my_breaks, dig.lab = 8, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))
x1 <- factor(x1, levels = my_levels)
x2 <- factor(x2, levels = my_levels)
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