
Defines functions coef.cross_validated print.cross_validated summary.cross_validated cv

Documented in cv

##' Generic cross-validation function
##' @title Cross-validation
##' @param models List of fitting functions
##' @param data data.frame or matrix
##' @param response Response variable (vector or name of column in `data`).
##' @param nfolds Number of folds (default 5. K=0 splits in 1:n/2, n/2:n with
##'   last part used for testing)
##' @param rep Number of repetitions (default 1)
##' @param weights Optional frequency weights
##' @param modelscore Model scoring metric (default: MSE / Brier score). Must be
##'   a function with arguments: response, prediction, weights, ...
##' @param seed Random seed (argument parsed to future_Apply::future_lapply)
##' @param shared Function applied to each fold with results send to each model
##' @param args.pred Optional arguments to prediction function (see details
##'   below)
##' @param args.future Arguments to future.apply::future_mapply
##' @param mc.cores Optional number of cores. parallel::mcmapply used instead of
##'   future
##' @param ... Additional arguments parsed to models in models
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @return An object of class '\code{cross_validated}' is returned. See
##'   \code{\link{cross_validated-class}} for more details about this class and
##'   its generic functions.
##' @details models should be list of objects of class ml_model. Alternatively,
##'   each element of models should be a list with a fitting function and a
##'   prediction function.
##' The `response` argument can optionally be a named list where the name is
##' then used as the name of the response argument in models. Similarly, if data
##' is a named list with a single data.frame/matrix then this name will be used
##' as the name of the data/design matrix argument in models.
##' @examples
##' f0 <- function(data,...) lm(...,data=data)
##' f1 <- function(data,...) lm(Sepal.Length~Species,data=data)
##' f2 <- function(data,...) lm(Sepal.Length~Species+Petal.Length,data=data)
##' x <- cv(list(m0=f0,m1=f1,m2=f2),rep=10, data=iris, formula=Sepal.Length~.)
##' x
##' @export
cv <- function(models, data, response = NULL, nfolds = 5, rep = 1,
               weights = NULL, modelscore,
               seed = NULL, shared = NULL, args.pred = NULL,
               args.future = list(), mc.cores, ...) {
  if (missing(modelscore)) modelscore <- scoring
  if (!("weights" %in% formalArgs(modelscore))) {
    formals(modelscore) <- c(formals(modelscore), alist(weights=NULL))
  if (!is.list(models)) stop("Expected a list of models")
  nam <- names(models)
  if (is.null(nam)) nam <- paste0("model", seq_along(models))
  args0 <- list(...)
  if ("K" %in% names(args0)) { ## Backward compatibility
    nfolds <- args0$K
    args0$K <- NULL
  args <- args0
  data.arg <- NULL
  response.arg <- "response"
  if (is.list(response)) {
    if (!is.null(names(response))) response.arg <- names(response)[1]
    response <- response[[1]]
  if (inherits(data, "list")) {
    data.arg <- names(data)[1]
    data <- data[[1]]
  if (is.vector(data)) data <- cbind(data)

  if (is.character(response) && length(response) == 1) {
    response <- data[, response, drop = TRUE]

  for (i in seq_along(models)) {
    f <- models[[i]]
    if ((!is.list(f) || length(f) == 1) &&
      !inherits(f, "ml_model")) {
      ## No predict function provided. Assume 'predict' works on fitted object
      if (is.list(f)) f <- f[[1]]
      models[[i]] <- list(
        fit = f,
        predict = function(fit, newdata, ...) {
          predict(fit, newdata = newdata, ...)

  ## Model (1) run on full data:
  if (!is.null(shared)) {
    sharedres <- shared(data, ...)
    args <- c(args, sharedres)
  arglist <- c(list(data), args)
  if (!is.null(weights)) arglist <- c(arglist, list(weights = weights))

  arg_response <- rep(FALSE, length(models))
  for (i in seq_along(models)) {
    if (inherits(models[[i]], "ml_model")) {
      if (!is.null(response) && response.arg %in%
          names(models[[i]]$formals$estimate)) {
        arg_response[i] <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (!is.null(response) && response.arg %in%
          formalArgs(models[[i]][[1]])) {
        arg_response[i] <- TRUE
  f <- models[[1]]
  if (arg_response[1]) {
    arglist[response.arg] <- list(response)
  if (inherits(f, "ml_model")) {
    fit0 <- do.call(f$estimate, arglist)
    if (is.null(response)) {
      response <- f$response(data)
    } else if (length(response) == 1) {
      response <- data[, response, drop = TRUE]
  } else {
    fit0 <- do.call(f[[1]], arglist)
  if (is.null(response)) {
    if (inherits(f, "ml_model")) {
      response <- f$response(data)
    } else {
      response <- tryCatch(data[, lava::endogenous(fit0), drop = TRUE],
        error = function(...) NULL
    if (is.null(response)) stop("Provide 'response'")
  ## In-sample predictive performance:
  if (inherits(f, "ml_model")) {
    pred0 <- do.call(
      c(list(newdata = data), args.pred)
  } else {
    pred0 <- do.call(
      c(list(fit0, newdata = data), args.pred)
  perf0 <- modelscore(
    prediction = pred0,
    response = response,
    weights = weights
  nam_perf <- if (is.vector(perf0)) {
  } else {
  n <- NROW(data)
  M <- length(models) # Number of models
  P <- length(perf0) # Number of performance measures
  rm(fit0, pred0, perf0)

  if (nfolds == 0) {
    rep <- 1
    nfolds <- 1
    folds <- list(lava::csplit(seq(n)))
  } else {
    folds <- lava::foldr(n, nfolds, rep)
  arg <- expand.grid(R = seq(rep), K = seq(nfolds)) # ,M=seq_along(models))
  dim <- c(rep, nfolds, M, P)
  perf_arr <- array(0, dim)
  dimnames(perf_arr) <- list(NULL, NULL, nam, nam_perf)
  pb <- progressr::progressor(along = seq_len(nrow(arg)))
  ff <- function(i) {
    R <- arg[i, 1]
    k <- arg[i, 2]
    fold <- folds[[R]]
    dtest <- data[fold[[k]], , drop = FALSE]
    ytest <- response[fold[[k]]]
    wtest <- weights[fold[[k]]]
    dtrain <- data[unlist(fold[-k]), , drop = FALSE]
    ytrain <- response[unlist(fold[-k])]
    wtrain <- weights[unlist(fold[-k])]
    args <- args0
    if (!is.null(shared)) {
      sharedres <- shared(dtrain, ...)
      args <- c(args, sharedres)
    arglist <- c(list(dtrain), args)
    if (!is.null(data.arg)) {
      names(arglist)[1] <- data.arg
    if (!is.null(weights)) arglist <- c(arglist, list(weights = wtrain))
    fits <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(models)) {
      if (arg_response[j]) {
        arglist[response.arg] <- list(ytrain)
      } else {
        arglist[response.arg] <- NULL
      f <- models[[j]]
      if (inherits(f, "ml_model")) {
        f <- f$clone(deep = TRUE)
        do.call(f$estimate, arglist)
        fits <- c(fits, f)
      } else {
        fits <- c(fits, list(do.call(f[[1]], arglist)))
    perfs <- list()
    for (j in seq_along(fits)) {
      if (inherits(fits[[j]], "ml_model")) {
        pred <- do.call(
          c(list(newdata = dtest), args.pred)
      } else {
        pred <- do.call(
          c(list(fits[[j]], newdata = dtest), args.pred)
      perfs <- c(perfs, list(
            prediction = pred,
            response = ytest,
            weights = wtest
    do.call(rbind, perfs)

  if (missing(mc.cores)) {
    fargs <- list(ff, seq_len(nrow(arg)),
      future.seed = seed
    if (length(args.future) > 0) {
      fargs[names(args.future)] <- args.future
    val <- do.call(future.apply::future_mapply, fargs)
  } else {
    val <- parallel::mcmapply(ff, as.list(seq_len(nrow(arg))),
      SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, mc.cores=mc.cores
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(arg))) {
    R <- arg[i, 1]
    k <- arg[i, 2]
    perf_arr[R, k, , ] <- val[[i]]

    cv = perf_arr,
    call = match.call(),
    names = nam,
    rep = rep, folds = nfolds
    ##fit = fit0
  class = "cross_validated"

##' @export
summary.cross_validated <- function(object, ...) {

##' @export
print.cross_validated <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: ")
  cat("\n", x$fold, "-fold cross-validation", sep="")
  cat(" with ", x$rep, " repetitions\n\n", sep="")
  res <- coef(x)
  print(res, quote=FALSE)

##' @export
coef.cross_validated <- function(object, min=FALSE, ...) {
  res <- apply(object$cv, 3:4, function(x) mean(x))
  if (length(object$names)==nrow(res))
    rownames(res) <- object$names
  if (min) {
    res <- apply(res, 2, which.min)

#' @title cross_validated class object
#' @description The functions \code{\link{cv}} returns an object of the type
#'   \code{cross_validated}.
#' An object of class '\code{cross_validated}' is a list with at least the
#' following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cv}{An array with the model score(s) evaluated for each fold,
#' repetition, and model estimates
#' (see \code{\link[lava]{estimate.default}})}
#'   \item{names}{Names (character vector) of the models}
#'   \item{rep}{number of repetitions of the CV}
#'   \item{folds}{Number of folds of the CV}
#' }
#' @section S3 generics:
#' The following S3 generic functions are available for an object of
#' class \code{cross_validated}:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{coef}}{Extract average model scores from the
#' cross-validation procedure.}
#'   \item{\code{print}}{Basic print method.}
#'   \item{\code{summary}}{Summary of the cross-validation procedure.}'
#'  }
#' @aliases cross_validated-class cross_validated
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv}}
#' @return objects of the S3 class '\code{cross_validated}'
#' @examples ## See example(cv) for examples
#' @docType class
#' @name cross_validated-class

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