#' Computing simulations results observation-wise
#'data_sims <- data_sim_voomlike(seed=1, do_gs=FALSE)
#'res <- compute_sim_voomlike_genewise(counts = data_sims$counts,
#' design = data_sims$design,
#' indiv = data_sims$indiv,
#' alternative=TRUE,
#' fixed_eff = 0.5,
#' fixed_eff_sd = 0,
#' rand_eff_sd = 0,
#' RE_indiv_sd=NULL)
#'res_all <- cbind(res$res_voom, res$res_perso, res$res_noweights, res$res_DEseq, res$res_edgeR)
#'colnames(res_all) <- c(paste0(rep(c("asym", "perm", "camera", "roast"), 3),
#' rep(c("_voom", "_perso", "_noweights"), each=4)),
#' paste0("DESeq2_minTest_", c("exact", "approx", "CN")), "roast_edgeR")
#'@keywords internal
#'@importFrom stats rnorm qnorm pnorm integrate
#@importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromMatrix DESeq results
#@importFrom edgeR DGEList estimateDisp calcNormFactors roast.DGEList
#@importFrom limma roast camera
compute_sim_voomlike_genewise <- function(counts, design, indiv, alternative=FALSE,
fixed_eff = 0.5, fixed_eff_sd = 0, #0.2,
rand_eff_sd = 0.25, RE_indiv_sd=NULL, eps_sd=0.05){
if(!requireNamespace("DESeq2", quietly=TRUE)){
stop("Package 'DESeq2' is not available.\n -> Try installing it from Bioconductor\n")
}else if(!requireNamespace("limma", quietly=TRUE)){
stop("Package 'limma' is not available.\n -> Try installing it from Bioconductor\n")
}else if(!requireNamespace("edgeR", quietly=TRUE)){
stop("Package 'edgeR' is not available.\n -> Try installing it from Bioconductor\n")
logcoutspm <- apply(counts, MARGIN=2, function(v){log2((v + 0.5)/(sum(v) + 1)*10^6)})
n <- ncol(counts)
nb_g <- nrow(counts)
beta_time <- stats::rnorm(1, mean=fixed_eff, sd=fixed_eff_sd)
gamma_genes_time <- matrix(stats::rnorm(nb_g, mean=0, sd=rand_eff_sd), ncol=1)
logcoutspm_alt <- logcoutspm + (gamma_genes_time + beta_time)%*%design[, "time"]
# for(gs in gs_keep){
# nb_g_gs <- length(gs)
# gamma_genes_time <- matrix(stats::rnorm(nb_g_gs, mean = 0, sd = rand_eff_sd), ncol = 1)
# logcoutspm_alt[gs,] <- logcoutspm[gs,] + (gamma_genes_time+beta_time)%*%design[, "time"]
# }
err <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n*nb_g, mean = 0, sd = eps_sd), nrow = nb_g, ncol = n)
logcoutspm_alt <- logcoutspm_alt + err
logcoutspm_alt <- logcoutspm
#Individual Random effects
RE_indiv <- stats::rnorm(n=length(unique(indiv)), mean=0, sd=RE_indiv_sd)
logcoutspm_alt <- logcoutspm_alt + RE_indiv[as.numeric(as.character(indiv))]
# Weights estimation ----
gene_w <- sp_weights(x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
y = logcoutspm_alt,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
preprocessed = TRUE,
doPlot = FALSE,
gene_based = TRUE)
i_w <- sp_weights(x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
y = logcoutspm_alt,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
preprocessed = TRUE,
doPlot = FALSE,
gene_based = FALSE)
it_w <- sp_weights(x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
y = logcoutspm_alt,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
preprocessed = TRUE,
doPlot = FALSE,
gene_based = FALSE,
transform = TRUE)
voom_w <- voom_weights(x = design,
y = logcoutspm_alt,
preprocessed = TRUE,
doPlot = FALSE)
# edgeR ----
ydge <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=floor(exp(logcoutspm_alt)), genes=rownames(logcoutspm_alt))
ydge <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(ydge)
ydge <- edgeR::estimateDisp(ydge, design, robust=TRUE)
edger_fit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(ydge, design = design)
edger_res <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(edger_fit, coef=which(colnames(design)=="time"))
# # Perm ----
# ###########
# yinds <- 1:10
# y_set <- logcoutspm_alt[yinds,, drop = FALSE]
# gw_set <- gene_w[yinds, ,drop = FALSE]
# iw_set <- i_w[yinds, ,drop = FALSE]
# itw_set <- it_w[yinds, ,drop = FALSE]
# voomw_set <- voom_w[yinds, ,drop = FALSE]
# tcgg_perm <- vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
# x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
# indiv = indiv,
# phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
# Sigma_xi = 1,
# w = gw_set)
# tcgi_perm <- vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
# x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
# indiv = indiv,
# phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
# Sigma_xi = 1,
# w = iw_set)
# tcgt_perm <- vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
# x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
# indiv = indiv,
# phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
# Sigma_xi = 1,
# w = itw_set)
# tcgsaseq ----
tcggp <- tcgip <- tcgtp <- rep(NA, nb_g)
tcgg_permp <- tcgi_permp <- tcgt_permp <- rep(NA, nb_g)
for (i in 1:nb_g) {
y_set <- logcoutspm_alt[i,, drop = FALSE]
gw_set <- gene_w[i,,drop = FALSE]
iw_set <- i_w[i,,drop = FALSE]
itw_set <- it_w[i,,drop = FALSE]
voomw_set <- voom_w[i,,drop = FALSE]
tcgg <- try(vc_test_asym(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = gw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgg, "try-error")){tcggp[i] <- tcgg$pval}
tcgg_perm <- try(vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = gw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgg_perm, "try-error")){tcgg_permp[i] <- tcgg_perm$pval}
tcgi <- try(vc_test_asym(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = iw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgi, "try-error")){tcgip[i] <- tcgi$pval}
tcgi_perm <- try(vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = iw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgi_perm, "try-error")){tcgi_permp[i] <- tcgi_perm$pval}
tcgt <- try(vc_test_asym(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = itw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgt, "try-error")){tcgtp[i] <- tcgt$pval}
tcgt_perm <- try(vc_test_perm(y = y_set,
x = design[,-which(colnames(design)=="time")],
indiv = indiv,
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]),
Sigma_xi = 1,
w = itw_set))
if(!inherits(tcgt_perm, "try-error")){tcgt_permp[i] <- tcgt_perm$pval}
# voom ----
vv <- limma::voom(ydge, design)
voom_fit <- limma::lmFit(vv, design)
voom_fit <- limma::eBayes(voom_fit)
# DESeq2 ----
deseq <- deseq_fn(y = floor(exp(logcoutspm_alt)), x = design[,-which(colnames(design) %in% c("(Intercept)", "time")), drop=FALSE],
phi = cbind(design[, "time"]), indiv = indiv)
# wrapping results
pvals <- data.frame(
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