
Defines functions plot.template.matrix plot.template.nifti plot.template.gifti plot.template.cifti print.template.matrix print.template.nifti print.template.gifti print.template.cifti print.summary.template.matrix print.summary.template.nifti print.summary.template.gifti print.summary.template.cifti summary.template.matrix summary.template.nifti summary.template.gifti summary.template.cifti

Documented in plot.template.cifti plot.template.gifti plot.template.matrix plot.template.nifti print.summary.template.cifti print.summary.template.gifti print.summary.template.matrix print.summary.template.nifti print.template.cifti print.template.gifti print.template.matrix print.template.nifti summary.template.cifti summary.template.gifti summary.template.matrix summary.template.nifti

#' Summarize a \code{"template.cifti"} object
#' Summary method for class \code{"template.cifti"}
#' @param object Object of class \code{"template.cifti"}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
#' @return A list summarizing the template: data dimensions, options used for
#'  template estimation, etc.
#' @method summary template.cifti
summary.template.cifti <- function(object, ...) {
  tmean <- struct_template(object$template$mean, "CIFTI", object$dat_struct, object$params)
  x <- c(
    list(has_DR="DR" %in% names(object)),

  class(x) <- "summary.template.cifti"

#' Summarize a \code{"template.gifti"} object
#' Summary method for class \code{"template.gifti"}
#' @param object Object of class \code{"template.gifti"}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
#' @return A list summarizing the template: data dimensions, options used for
#'  template estimation, etc.
#' @method summary template.gifti
summary.template.gifti <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- c(
      hasDR="DR" %in% names(object)

  class(x) <- "summary.template.gifti"

#' Summarize a \code{"template.nifti"} object
#' Summary method for class \code{"template.nifti"}
#' @param object Object of class \code{"template.nifti"}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
#' @return A list summarizing the template: data dimensions, options used for
#'  template estimation, etc.
#' @method summary template.nifti
summary.template.nifti <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- c(
      hasDR="DR" %in% names(object)

  class(x) <- "summary.template.nifti"

#' Summarize a \code{"template.matrix"} object
#' Summary method for class \code{"template.matrix"}
#' @param object Object of class \code{"template.matrix"}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @export
#' @return A list summarizing the template: data dimensions, options used for
#'  template estimation, etc.
#' @method summary template.matrix
summary.template.matrix <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- c(
      hasDR="DR" %in% names(object)

  class(x) <- "summary.template.matrix"

#' @rdname summary.template.cifti
#' @export
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.cifti}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print summary.template.cifti
print.summary.template.cifti <- function(x, ...) {
  # Get DCT output.
  dct <- x$detrend_DCT
  if (!is.null(dct)) {
    dct <- as.numeric(x$detrend_DCT)
    dct <- if (dct>1) {
      paste(dct, "DCT bases")
    } else if (dct > 0) {
      paste(dct, "DCT basis")
    } else {

  cat("====TEMPLATE INFO====================\n")
  cat("# Subjects:      ", x$num_subjects, "\n")
  cat("Detrending:      ", dct, "\n")
  cat("Spatial scaling: ", x$scale, "\n")
  cat("A normalization: ", x$normA, "\n")
  cat("Q2 and Q2_max:   ", paste0(x$Q2, ", ", x$Q2_max), "\n")
  cat("Pseudo retest:   ", x$pseudo_retest, "\n")

  class(x) <- "summary.xifti"

#' @rdname summary.template.gifti
#' @export
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.gifti}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print summary.template.gifti
print.summary.template.gifti <- function(x, ...) {
  # Get DCT output.
  dct <- x$detrend_DCT
  if (!is.null(dct)) {
    dct <- as.numeric(x$detrend_DCT)
    dct <- if (dct>1) {
      paste(dct, "DCT bases")
    } else if (dct > 0) {
      paste(dct, "DCT basis")
    } else {

  cat("====TEMPLATE INFO====================\n")
  cat("# Subjects:      ", x$num_subjects, "\n")
  cat("Detrending:      ", dct, "\n")
  cat("Spatial scaling: ", x$scale, "\n")
  cat("A normalization: ", x$normA, "\n")
  cat("Q2 and Q2_max:   ", paste0(x$Q2, ", ", x$Q2_max), "\n")
  cat("Pseudo retest:   ", x$pseudo_retest, "\n")
  cat("# Locations:     ", x$nV, "\n")
  cat("# Template ICs:  ", x$nL, "\n")
  cat("Hemisphere:      ", x$hemisphere, "\n")


#' @rdname summary.template.nifti
#' @export
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.nifti}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print summary.template.nifti
print.summary.template.nifti <- function(x, ...) {
  # Get DCT output.
  dct <- x$detrend_DCT
  if (!is.null(dct)) {
    dct <- as.numeric(x$detrend_DCT)
    dct <- if (dct>1) {
      paste(dct, "DCT bases")
    } else if (dct > 0) {
      paste(dct, "DCT basis")
    } else {

  cat("====TEMPLATE INFO====================\n")
  cat("# Subjects:      ", x$num_subjects, "\n")
  cat("Detrending:      ", dct, "\n")
  cat("Spatial scaling: ", x$scale, "\n")
  cat("A normalization: ", x$normA, "\n")
  cat("Q2 and Q2_max:   ", paste0(x$Q2, ", ", x$Q2_max), "\n")
  cat("Pseudo retest:   ", x$pseudo_retest, "\n")
  cat("Mask dims:       ", paste0(x$mask_dims, collapse=" x "), "\n")
  cat("Vectorized dims:\n")
  cat("# Locations:     ", x$nV, "\n")
  cat("# Template ICs:  ", x$nL, "\n")


#' @rdname summary.template.matrix
#' @export
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.cifti}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print summary.template.matrix
print.summary.template.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
  # Get DCT output.
  dct <- x$detrend_DCT
  if (!is.null(dct)) {
    dct <- as.numeric(x$detrend_DCT)
    dct <- if (dct>1) {
      paste(dct, "DCT bases")
    } else if (dct > 0) {
      paste(dct, "DCT basis")
    } else {

  cat("====TEMPLATE INFO====================\n")
  cat("# Subjects:      ", x$num_subjects, "\n")
  cat("Detrending:      ", dct, "\n")
  cat("Spatial scaling: ", x$scale, "\n")
  cat("A normalization: ", x$normA, "\n")
  cat("Q2 and Q2_max:   ", paste0(x$Q2, ", ", x$Q2_max), "\n")
  cat("Pseudo retest:   ", x$pseudo_retest, "\n")
  cat("Dimensions:      \n")
  cat("# Locations:     ", x$nV, "\n")
  cat("# Template ICs:  ", x$nL, "\n")


#' @rdname summary.template.cifti
#' @export
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print template.cifti
print.template.cifti <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname summary.template.gifti
#' @export
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print template.gifti
print.template.gifti <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname summary.template.nifti
#' @export
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print template.nifti
print.template.nifti <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname summary.template.matrix
#' @export
#' @return Nothing, invisibly.
#' @method print template.matrix
print.template.matrix <- function(x, ...) {

#' Plot template
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.cifti}
#' @param stat \code{"mean"}, \code{"sd"}, or \code{"both"} (default). By
#'  default the square root of the variance template is shown; another option is 
#'  \code{stat="var"} to instead display the variance template directly.
#' @param var_method \code{"non-negative"} (default) or \code{"unbiased"}
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{view_xifti}
#' @return The plot
#' @export
#' @method plot template.cifti
plot.template.cifti <- function(x, stat=c("both", "mean", "sd", "var"),
  var_method=c("non-negative", "unbiased"), ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "template.cifti"))

  if (!requireNamespace("ciftiTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"ciftiTools\" needed to read NIFTI data. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  var_method <- match.arg(var_method, c("non-negative", "unbiased"))

  # Check `...`
  args <- list(...)
  has_title <- "title" %in% names(args)
  has_idx <- "idx" %in% names(args)
  has_fname <- "fname" %in% names(args)

  # Check `stat`
  stat <- tolower(stat)
  if (has_idx && length(args$idx)>1 && !("fname" %in% names(args))) {
    if (identical(stat, c("both", "mean", "sd", "var"))) {
      stat <- "mean"
    } else {
      stat <- match.arg(stat, c("both", "mean", "sd", "var"))
    if (stat == "both") {
      if (!("fname" %in% names(args))) {
          "For multiple `idx`, use one call to plot() ",
          "for the mean template, ",
          "and a separate call for the variance template. ",
          "Showing the mean template now."
        stat <- "mean"
  stat <- match.arg(stat, c("both", "mean", "sd", "var"))

  # Print message saying what's happening.
  msg1 <- ifelse(has_idx,
    "Plotting the",
    "Plotting the first component's"
  msg2 <- switch(stat,
    both="mean and sqrt(variance) template.",
    mean="mean template.",
    sd="sqrt(variance) template.",
    var="variance template."
  cat(msg1, msg2, "\n")

  # Plot
  out <- list(mean=NULL, var=NULL)
  if (stat == "both") { stat <- c("mean", "sd") }
  for (ss in stat) {
    ssname <- if (ss == "mean") {
    } else if (var_method=="non-negative") {
    } else {
    if (ss=="var" && var_method=="unbiased") { x$template[[ssname]][] <- pmax(0, x$template[[ssname]]) }
    if (ss=="sd") { 
      x$template[[ssname]] <- sqrt(x$template[[ssname]])
    tss <- struct_template(x$template[[ssname]], "CIFTI", x$dat_struct, x$params)
    if (ss=="sd") { 
      ssname <- paste0("sqrt ", ssname)
    args_ss <- args
    # Handle title and idx
    if (!has_title && !has_idx) {
      c1name <- if (!is.null(tss$meta$cifti$names)) {
      } else {
        "First component"
      args_ss$title <- paste0(c1name, " (", ssname, ")")
    } else if (!has_idx) {
      args_ss$title <- paste0(args_ss$title, "(", ssname, ")")
    # Handle fname
    if (has_fname) {
      fext <- if (grepl("html$", args_ss$fname[1])) {
      } else if (grepl("pdf$", args_ss$fname[1])) {
      } else {
      args_ss$fname <- gsub(paste0(".", fext), "", args_ss$fname, fixed=TRUE)
      args_ss$fname <- paste0(args_ss$fname, "_", ss, ".", fext)
    out[[ss]] <- do.call(
      ciftiTools::view_xifti, c(list(tss), args_ss)


#' Plot template
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.gifti}
#' @param stat \code{"mean"}, \code{"sd"}, or \code{"both"} (default). By
#'  default the square root of the variance template is shown; another option is 
#'  \code{stat="var"} to instead display the variance template directly.
#' @param var_method \code{"non-negative"} (default) or \code{"unbiased"}
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{view_xifti}
#' @return The plot
#' @export
#' @method plot template.gifti
plot.template.gifti <- function(x, stat=c("both", "mean", "sd", "var"),
  var_method=c("non-negative", "unbiased"), ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "template.gifti"))

  if (!requireNamespace("ciftiTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"ciftiTools\" needed to read NIFTI data. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  if (x$dat_struct$hemisphere == "left")  {
    y <- ciftiTools::as_cifti(cortexL=x$template$mean[,1,drop=FALSE] * 0)
  } else {
    y <- ciftiTools::as_cifti(cortexR=x$template$mean[,1,drop=FALSE] * 0)
  y <- ciftiTools::move_from_mwall(y)
  x$dat_struct <- y; class(x) <- "template.cifti"
  plot.template.cifti(x, stat, var_method, ...)

#' Plot template
#' Based on \code{oro.nifti::image}.
#' Consider using \code{struct_template} to obtain the 3D volumes to plot with a different
#'  viewer function (e.g. from \code{oro.nifti}) if desired.
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.nifti}
#' @param stat \code{"mean"} (default), \code{"sd"}, or \code{"var"}. 
#'  (\code{"sd"} will show the square root of the variance template.)
#' @param var_method \code{"non-negative"} (default) or \code{"unbiased"}
#' @param plane,n_slices,slices Anatomical plane and which slice indices to 
#'  show.
#'  Default: 9 axial slices.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{oro.nifti::image}
#' @return The plot
#' @export
#' @method plot template.nifti
plot.template.nifti <- function(x, stat=c("mean", "sd", "var"),
  plane=c("axial", "sagittal", "coronal"), n_slices=9, slices=NULL,
  var_method=c("non-negative", "unbiased"), ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "template.nifti"))

  if (!requireNamespace("oro.nifti", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"oro.nifti\" needed to read NIFTI data. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  var_method <- match.arg(var_method, c("non-negative", "unbiased"))

  # Check `...`
  args <- list(...)
  has_title <- "title" %in% names(args)
  has_idx <- "idx" %in% names(args)
  has_fname <- "fname" %in% names(args)

  # Check `idx`
  if (has_idx) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(args$idx) && args$idx==round(args$idx))
    stopifnot(args$idx %in% seq(ncol(x$template$mean)))
  } else {
    args$idx <- 1
  idx <- args$idx; args$idx <- NULL

  # Check `stat`
  stat <- tolower(stat)
  if (has_idx && length(args$idx)>1 && !("fname" %in% names(args)) && identical(stat, c("mean", "sd", "var"))) {
    stat <- "mean"
  stat <- match.arg(stat, c("mean", "sd", "var"))

  # Print message saying what's happening.
  msg1 <- ifelse(has_idx,
    "Plotting the",
    "Plotting the first component's"
  msg2 <- switch(stat,
    mean="mean template.",
    sd="sqrt(variance) template.",
    var="variance template."
  cat(msg1, msg2, "\n")

  # Plot
  out <- list(mean=NULL, var=NULL)

  plane <- match.arg(plane, c("axial", "sagittal", "coronal"))
  args$plane <- plane
  plane_dim <- switch(plane, axial=3, coronal=2, sagittal=1)
  if (is.null(slices)) {
    if (is.null(n_slices)) { warning("Using 9 slices."); n_slices <- 9 }
    n_slices <- as.numeric(n_slices)
    if (length(n_slices) > 1) { warning("Using the first entry of `slice`."); n_slices <- n_slices[1] }
    # Pick slices that are spaced out, and with many voxels.
    mask_count <- apply(x$dat_struct, plane_dim, sum)
    ns_all <- length(mask_count)
    slices <- seq(ns_all)
    # Remove slices with zero voxels.
    slices <- slices[mask_count != 0]
    mask_count <- mask_count[mask_count != 0]
    ns_all <- length(mask_count)
    if (n_slices > length(slices)) {
        "`n_slices` is larger than the number of non-empty slices (",
        length(slices), "). Showing all non-empty slices."
      n_slices <- length(slices)
    # Remove slices with few voxels.
    if (n_slices < (ns_all / 2)) {
      slices <- slices[mask_count > quantile(mask_count, .33)]
    slices <- slices[round(seq(1, length(slices), length.out=n_slices))]
  } else {
    slices <- as.numeric(slices)
    stopifnot(all(slices %in% seq(dim(x$dat_struct)[plane_dim])))

  ssname <- if (stat == "mean") {
  } else if (var_method=="non-negative") {
  } else {
  if (stat=="var" && var_method=="unbiased") { x$template[[ssname]][] <- pmax(0, x$template[[ssname]]) }
  tss <- struct_template(x$template[[ssname]], "NIFTI", x$dat_struct, x$params)
  tss <- tss[,,,idx]

  if (plane=="axial") {
    tss <- tss[,,slices,drop=FALSE]
  } else if (plane=="coronal") {
    tss <- tss[,slices,,drop=FALSE]
  } else if (plane=="sagittal") {
    tss <- tss[slices,,,drop=FALSE]
  } else { stop() }

  if (stat=="sd") { 
    tss <- sqrt(tss)
    ssname <- paste0("sqrt ", ssname)

  args_ss <- args
  args_ss$plane <- plane
  # Handle title and idx
  if (!has_title && !has_idx) {
    c1name <- "First component"
  if (has_title) { stop("Not supported yet.") }
  if (has_fname) { stop("Not supported yet. Call `pdf` or `png` beforehand, and then `dev.off`.") }
    c(list(oro.nifti::as.nifti(tss)), args_ss)

#' Plot template
#' @param x The template from \code{estimate_template.matrix}
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return The plot
#' @export
#' @method plot template.matrix
plot.template.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("Not supported yet.")

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templateICAr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:45 a.m.