
Defines functions summarize_glm_count s_glm_count h_ppmeans h_glm_count h_glm_negbin h_glm_quasipoisson h_glm_poisson

Documented in h_glm_count h_glm_negbin h_glm_poisson h_glm_quasipoisson h_ppmeans s_glm_count summarize_glm_count

#' Summarize Poisson negative binomial regression
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Summarize results of a Poisson negative binomial regression.
#' This can be used to analyze count and/or frequency data using a linear model.
#' @inheritParams h_glm_count
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @param .stats (`character`)\cr statistics to select for the table. Run `get_stats("summarize_glm_count")`
#'   to see available statistics for this function.
#' @name summarize_glm_count
#' @order 1

#' Helper functions for Poisson models
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Helper functions that can be used to return the results of various Poisson models.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @seealso [summarize_glm_count]
#' @name h_glm_count

#' @describeIn h_glm_count Helper function to return results of a Poisson model.
#' @param .df_row (`data.frame`)\cr data set that includes all the variables that are called
#'   in `.var` and `variables`.
#' @param variables (named `list` of `string`)\cr list of additional analysis variables, with
#'   expected elements:
#'   * `arm` (`string`)\cr group variable, for which the covariate adjusted means of multiple
#'     groups will be summarized. Specifically, the first level of `arm` variable is taken as the
#'     reference group.
#'   * `covariates` (`character`)\cr a vector that can contain single variable names (such as
#'     `"X1"`), and/or interaction terms indicated by `"X1 * X2"`.
#'   * `offset` (`numeric`)\cr a numeric vector or scalar adding an offset.
#' @param weights (`character`)\cr a character vector specifying weights used
#'   in averaging predictions. Number of weights must equal the number of levels included in the covariates.
#'   Weights option passed to [emmeans::emmeans()].
#' @return
#' * `h_glm_poisson()` returns the results of a Poisson model.
#' @keywords internal
h_glm_poisson <- function(.var,
                          weights) {
  arm <- variables$arm
  covariates <- variables$covariates
  offset <- .df_row[[variables$offset]]

  formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0(
    .var, " ~ ",
    " + ",
    paste(covariates, collapse = " + "),
    " + ",

  glm_fit <- stats::glm(
    formula = formula,
    offset = offset,
    data = .df_row,
    family = stats::poisson(link = "log")

  emmeans_fit <- emmeans::emmeans(
    specs = arm,
    data = .df_row,
    type = "response",
    offset = 0,
    weights = weights

    glm_fit = glm_fit,
    emmeans_fit = emmeans_fit

#' @describeIn h_glm_count Helper function to return results of a Quasi-Poisson model.
#' @inheritParams summarize_glm_count
#' @return
#' * `h_glm_quasipoisson()` returns the results of a Quasi-Poisson model.
#' @keywords internal
h_glm_quasipoisson <- function(.var,
                               weights) {
  arm <- variables$arm
  covariates <- variables$covariates
  offset <- .df_row[[variables$offset]]

  formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0(
    .var, " ~ ",
    " + ",
    paste(covariates, collapse = " + "),
    " + ",

  glm_fit <- stats::glm(
    formula = formula,
    offset = offset,
    data = .df_row,
    family = stats::quasipoisson(link = "log")

  emmeans_fit <- emmeans::emmeans(
    specs = arm,
    data = .df_row,
    type = "response",
    offset = 0,
    weights = weights

    glm_fit = glm_fit,
    emmeans_fit = emmeans_fit

#' @describeIn h_glm_count Helper function to return results of a negative binomial model.
#' @inheritParams summarize_glm_count
#' @return
#' * `h_glm_negbin()` returns the results of a negative binomial model.
#' @keywords internal
h_glm_negbin <- function(.var,
                         weights) {
  arm <- variables$arm
  covariates <- variables$covariates

  formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0(
    .var, " ~ ",
    " + ",
    paste(covariates, collapse = " + "),
    " + ",

  glm_fit <- MASS::glm.nb(
    formula = formula,
    data = .df_row,
    link = "log"

  emmeans_fit <- emmeans::emmeans(
    specs = arm,
    data = .df_row,
    type = "response",
    offset = 0,
    weights = weights

    glm_fit = glm_fit,
    emmeans_fit = emmeans_fit

#' @describeIn h_glm_count Helper function to return the results of the
#'   selected model (Poisson, Quasi-Poisson, negative binomial).
#' @param .df_row (`data.frame`)\cr dataset that includes all the variables that are called
#'   in `.var` and `variables`.
#' @param variables (named `list` of `string`)\cr list of additional analysis variables, with
#'   expected elements:
#'   * `arm` (`string`)\cr group variable, for which the covariate adjusted means of multiple
#'     groups will be summarized. Specifically, the first level of `arm` variable is taken as the
#'     reference group.
#'   * `covariates` (`character`)\cr a vector that can contain single variable names (such as
#'     `"X1"`), and/or interaction terms indicated by `"X1 * X2"`.
#'   * `offset` (`numeric`)\cr a numeric vector or scalar adding an offset.
#' @param distribution (`character`)\cr a character value specifying the distribution
#'   used in the regression (Poisson, Quasi-Poisson, negative binomial).
#' @return
#' * `h_glm_count()` returns the results of the selected model.
#' @keywords internal
h_glm_count <- function(.var,
                        weights) {
  checkmate::assert_subset(distribution, c("poisson", "quasipoisson", "negbin"), empty.ok = FALSE)
    poisson = h_glm_poisson(.var, .df_row, variables, weights),
    quasipoisson = h_glm_quasipoisson(.var, .df_row, variables, weights),
    negbin = h_glm_negbin(.var, .df_row, variables, weights)

#' @describeIn h_glm_count Helper function to return the estimated means.
#' @param .df_row (`data.frame`)\cr dataset that includes all the variables that are called in `.var` and `variables`.
#' @param conf_level (`proportion`)\cr value used to derive the confidence interval for the rate.
#' @param obj (`glm.fit`)\cr fitted model object used to derive the mean rate estimates in each treatment arm.
#' @param arm (`string`)\cr group variable, for which the covariate adjusted means of multiple groups will be
#'   summarized. Specifically, the first level of `arm` variable is taken as the reference group.
#' @return
#' * `h_ppmeans()` returns the estimated means.
#' @keywords internal
h_ppmeans <- function(obj, .df_row, arm, conf_level) {
  alpha <- 1 - conf_level
  p <- 1 - alpha / 2

  arm_levels <- levels(.df_row[[arm]])

  out <- lapply(arm_levels, function(lev) {
    temp <- .df_row
    temp[[arm]] <- factor(lev, levels = arm_levels)

    mf <- stats::model.frame(obj$formula, data = temp)
    X <- stats::model.matrix(obj$formula, data = mf) # nolint

    rate <- stats::predict(obj, newdata = mf, type = "response")
    rate_hat <- mean(rate)

    zz <- colMeans(rate * X)
    se <- sqrt(as.numeric(t(zz) %*% stats::vcov(obj) %*% zz))
    rate_lwr <- rate_hat * exp(-stats::qnorm(p) * se / rate_hat)
    rate_upr <- rate_hat * exp(stats::qnorm(p) * se / rate_hat)

    c(rate_hat, rate_lwr, rate_upr)

  names(out) <- arm_levels
  out <- do.call(rbind, out)
  if ("negbin" %in% class(obj)) {
    colnames(out) <- c("response", "asymp.LCL", "asymp.UCL")
  } else {
    colnames(out) <- c("rate", "asymp.LCL", "asymp.UCL")
  out <- as.data.frame(out)
  out[[arm]] <- rownames(out)

#' @describeIn summarize_glm_count Statistics function that produces a named list of results
#'   of the investigated Poisson model.
#' @return
#' * `s_glm_count()` returns a named `list` of 5 statistics:
#'   * `n`: Count of complete sample size for the group.
#'   * `rate`: Estimated event rate per follow-up time.
#'   * `rate_ci`: Confidence level for estimated rate per follow-up time.
#'   * `rate_ratio`: Ratio of event rates in each treatment arm to the reference arm.
#'   * `rate_ratio_ci`: Confidence level for the rate ratio.
#'   * `pval`: p-value.
#' @keywords internal
s_glm_count <- function(df,
                        scale = 1) {
  arm <- variables$arm

  y <- df[[.var]]
  smry_level <- as.character(unique(df[[arm]]))

  # ensure there is only 1 value

  results <- h_glm_count(
    .var = .var,
    .df_row = .df_row,
    variables = variables,
    distribution = distribution,

  if (rate_mean_method == "emmeans") {
    emmeans_smry <- summary(results$emmeans_fit, level = conf_level)
  } else if (rate_mean_method == "ppmeans") {
    emmeans_smry <- h_ppmeans(results$glm_fit, .df_row, arm, conf_level)

  emmeans_smry_level <- emmeans_smry[emmeans_smry[[arm]] == smry_level, ]

  if (.in_ref_col) {
      n = length(y[!is.na(y)]),
      rate = formatters::with_label(
        ifelse(distribution == "negbin", emmeans_smry_level$response * scale, emmeans_smry_level$rate),
        "Adjusted Rate"
      rate_ci = formatters::with_label(
        c(emmeans_smry_level$asymp.LCL * scale, emmeans_smry_level$asymp.UCL * scale),
      rate_ratio = formatters::with_label(character(), "Adjusted Rate Ratio"),
      rate_ratio_ci = formatters::with_label(character(), f_conf_level(conf_level)),
      pval = formatters::with_label(character(), "p-value")
  } else {
    emmeans_contrasts <- emmeans::contrast(
      method = "trt.vs.ctrl",
      ref = grep(

    contrasts_smry <- summary(
      infer = TRUE,
      adjust = "none"

    smry_contrasts_level <- contrasts_smry[grepl(smry_level, contrasts_smry$contrast), ]

      n = length(y[!is.na(y)]),
      rate = formatters::with_label(
        ifelse(distribution == "negbin", emmeans_smry_level$response * scale, emmeans_smry_level$rate),
        "Adjusted Rate"
      rate_ci = formatters::with_label(
        c(emmeans_smry_level$asymp.LCL * scale, emmeans_smry_level$asymp.UCL * scale),
      rate_ratio = formatters::with_label(smry_contrasts_level$ratio, "Adjusted Rate Ratio"),
      rate_ratio_ci = formatters::with_label(
        c(smry_contrasts_level$asymp.LCL, smry_contrasts_level$asymp.UCL),
      pval = formatters::with_label(smry_contrasts_level$p.value, "p-value")

#' @describeIn summarize_glm_count Formatted analysis function which is used as `afun` in `summarize_glm_count()`.
#' @return
#' * `a_glm_count()` returns the corresponding list with formatted [rtables::CellValue()].
#' @keywords internal
a_glm_count <- make_afun(
  .indent_mods = c(
    "n" = 0L,
    "rate" = 0L,
    "rate_ci" = 1L,
    "rate_ratio" = 0L,
    "rate_ratio_ci" = 1L,
    "pval" = 1L
  .formats = c(
    "n" = "xx",
    "rate" = "xx.xxxx",
    "rate_ci" = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)",
    "rate_ratio" = "xx.xxxx",
    "rate_ratio_ci" = "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)",
    "pval" = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"
  .null_ref_cells = FALSE

#' @describeIn summarize_glm_count Layout-creating function which can take statistics function arguments
#'   and additional format arguments. This function is a wrapper for [rtables::analyze()].
#' @return
#' * `summarize_glm_count()` returns a layout object suitable for passing to further layouting functions,
#'   or to [rtables::build_table()]. Adding this function to an `rtable` layout will add formatted rows containing
#'   the statistics from `s_glm_count()` to the table layout.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' anl <- tern_ex_adtte %>% filter(PARAMCD == "TNE")
#' anl$AVAL_f <- as.factor(anl$AVAL)
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM", ref_group = "B: Placebo") %>%
#'   add_colcounts() %>%
#'   analyze_vars(
#'     "AVAL_f",
#'     var_labels = "Number of exacerbations per patient",
#'     .stats = c("count_fraction"),
#'     .formats = c("count_fraction" = "xx (xx.xx%)"),
#'     .labels = c("Number of exacerbations per patient")
#'   ) %>%
#'   summarize_glm_count(
#'     vars = "AVAL",
#'     variables = list(arm = "ARM", offset = "lgTMATRSK", covariates = NULL),
#'     conf_level = 0.95,
#'     distribution = "poisson",
#'     rate_mean_method = "emmeans",
#'     var_labels = "Unadjusted exacerbation rate (per year)",
#'     table_names = "unadj",
#'     .stats = c("rate"),
#'     .labels = c(rate = "Rate")
#'   ) %>%
#'   summarize_glm_count(
#'     vars = "AVAL",
#'     variables = list(arm = "ARM", offset = "lgTMATRSK", covariates = c("REGION1")),
#'     conf_level = 0.95,
#'     distribution = "quasipoisson",
#'     rate_mean_method = "ppmeans",
#'     var_labels = "Adjusted (QP) exacerbation rate (per year)",
#'     table_names = "adj",
#'     .stats = c("rate", "rate_ci", "rate_ratio", "rate_ratio_ci", "pval"),
#'     .labels = c(
#'       rate = "Rate", rate_ci = "Rate CI", rate_ratio = "Rate Ratio",
#'       rate_ratio_ci = "Rate Ratio CI", pval = "p value"
#'     )
#'   )
#' build_table(lyt = lyt, df = anl)
#' @export
#' @order 2
summarize_glm_count <- function(lyt,
                                weights = stats::weights,
                                scale = 1,
                                na_str = default_na_str(),
                                nested = TRUE,
                                show_labels = "visible",
                                table_names = vars,
                                .stats = NULL,
                                .formats = NULL,
                                .labels = NULL,
                                .indent_mods = NULL) {
  extra_args <- list(
    variables = variables, distribution = distribution, conf_level = conf_level,
    rate_mean_method = rate_mean_method, weights = weights, scale = scale, ...

  afun <- make_afun(
    .stats = .stats,
    .formats = .formats,
    .labels = .labels,
    .indent_mods = .indent_mods

    var_labels = var_labels,
    show_labels = show_labels,
    table_names = table_names,
    afun = afun,
    na_str = na_str,
    nested = nested,
    extra_args = extra_args

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