
# Bayesian Regression and Adaptive Sampling with Gaussian Process Trees
# Copyright (C) 2005, University of California
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbgramacy@ams.ucsc.edu)

## tgp.default.params:
## create a default parameter vector for tgp-class models with
## the specified dimension, mean function, correllation model
## and other augmentations specified in ...
## Note that the choice of bprior can negate the usefulness of
## (or override) some of the parameters, particularly the hierarchical
## parameters tau2.p and tau2.lam

"tgp.default.params" <-
function(d, meanfn=c("linear", "constant") ,
         corr=c("expsep", "exp", "mrexpsep", "matern", "sim", "twovar"), 
         splitmin=1, basemax=d, ...)
  ## check the d argument, other check in tgp.check.params
  if(length(d) != 1)
    stop("d should be an integer scalar >= 1")
  ## check the splitmin argument, other check in tgp.check.params
  if(length(splitmin) != 1)
    stop("splitmin should be an integer scalar >= 1")

  ## check the basemax argument, other check in tgp.check.params
  if(length(basemax) != 1)
    stop("basemax should be an integer scalar >= 1")

  ## setting of col, the dim of (1,X) based on the mean function
  meanfn <- match.arg(meanfn)
  if(meanfn == "linear") { col <- d+1 }
  else if(meanfn == "constant"){
    col <- 1
    ## not sure why I ever had this code here
    ## if(basemax != d) {
    ##    warning("must have basemax = d for constant mean function")
    ##    basemax <- d
    ## }

  ## adjust the starting beta and Wi values on basemax
  beta <- rep(0, min(col, basemax+1))
  Wi <- diag(1, length(beta))

  ## check the corr argument, and augment splitmin
  ## if fitting a multi-resolution model
  corr <- match.arg(corr)
  if(corr=="mrexpsep")  splitmin <- splitmin + 1
  ## parameters shared by all models
  params <-
         tree=c(0.5,2,max(c(10,basemax+2)),   # tree prior params <alpha>,<beta>,<minpart>
           splitmin, basemax),          # (continued)
         col=col,                       # defined above, based on meanfn
         meanfn=meanfn,                 # one of "linear" or "constant"
         bprior="bflat",		# linear prior (b0, bmle, bflat, b0not, or bmzt)
         beta=beta, 		        # start/prior vals for beta
         Wi=Wi,                         # start/prior vals for Wi
         s2tau2=c(1,1),                 # start vals for s2, and tau2
         s2.p=c(5,10),			# s2 prior params (initial values) <a0> and <g0>
         s2.lam=c(0.2,10),		# s2 hierarc inv-gamma prior params (or "fixed")
         tau2.p=c(5,10),	       	# tau2 prior params (initial values) <a0> and <g0>
         tau2.lam=c(0.2,0.1),		# tau2 hierarch inv-gamma prior params (or "fixed")
         corr=corr,			# correlation model (exp, expsep, matern, sim)
         gd=c(0.1, 0.5),                # start vals for nug and d
         nug.p=c(1,1,1,1),		# nug gamma-mix prior params (initial values)
         nug.lam="fixed",		# nug hierarch gamma-mix prior params (or "fixed")
         gamma=c(10,0.2,0.7),		# gamma linear pdf parameter
         d.p=c(1.0,20.0,10.0,10.0),	# d gamma-mix prior params (initial values)
         delta.p=c(),                   # delta parameter for high fidelity variance
         nugf.p=c(),                    # residual process nugget gamma-mix prior params
         d.lam="fixed",			# d lambda hierarch gamma-mix prior params (or "fixed")
         dp.sim=diag(0.2,basemax),      # d-proposal covariance for sim correlaton
         nu=c()                         # matern correlation smoothing parameter

  ## parameters specific to multi-resolution corr model
  if(corr == "mrexpsep"){
    mrd.p <- c(1,10,1,10)               # gamma-mix params for the discr process (this for 'wigl')
    params$d.p <- c(params$d.p, mrd.p) 
    params$delta.p <- c(1,1,1,1)
    params$nugf.p <- c(1,1,1,1)

  ## Replace the parameters with ellipsis arguments,
  ## these should match the entries of params, or be "minpart"
  plist <- list( ... )
  args <- names(plist)
  if(length(plist)>0) {
    pmatch <- match(args, c(names(params), "minpart"))
    for(i in 1:length(plist)){
      if(args[i] == "minpart") params$tree[3] <- plist[[i]]
      else if(!is.na(pmatch[[i]])) params[[pmatch[i]]]<- plist[[i]]
      else stop(paste("your argument \"", args[i], "\" is not recognized", sep=""))


## tgp.check.params:
## check that the parameter list describes a proper hierarchical parameter
## vector (of dimension d) -- and simultabiously convert the list into
## a double-vector to be passed to the C-side of tgp via .C

"tgp.check.params" <-
function(params, d)
  ## check the number of parameters
  if(is.null(params)) return(matrix(-1));
  if(length(params) != 22) {
    stop(paste("Number of params should be 22, you have", length(params), "\n"));
  ## tree prior parameters
  if(length(params$tree) != 5) {
    stop(paste("length of params$tree should be 5, you have",
               length(params$tree), "\n"));

  ## check tree minpart is bigger than input dimension
  basemax <- params$tree[5]
  if(params$tree[3] <= basemax) {
    stop(paste("tree minpart", params$tree[3], "should be > basemax =", basemax, "\n"));

  ## check tree splitmin is <= than input dimension
  if(params$tree[4] < 1 || params$tree[4] > d) {
    stop(paste("tree splitmin", params$tree[4], "should be >= 1 and <= d =", d, "\n"));

  ## check tree basemax is > splitmin and <= than input dimension
  if(basemax < 1 || params$tree[5] > d) {
    stop(paste("tree basemax", basemax, "should be >= 1 and <= d =", d, "\n"));

  ## tree alpha and beta parameters
  p <- c(as.numeric(params$tree))

  ## assign the mean function 
  if(params$meanfn == "linear") {
    meanfn <- 0;
    if(params$col != d+1)
      stop(paste("col=", params$col, " should be d+1=", d+1,
                 "with linear mean function",  sep=""))
  } else if(params$meanfn == "constant"){
    meanfn <- 1;
    if(params$col != 1)
      stop(paste("col=", params$col,
                 " should be 1 with constant mean function",  sep=""))
  } else { cat(paste("params$meanfn =", params$meanfn, "not valid\n")); meanfn <- 0; }
  p <- c(p, meanfn)
  ## beta linear prior model
  ## check the type of beta prior, and possibly augment by p0
  if(params$bprior == "b0") { p <- c(p,0);  }
  else if(params$bprior == "bmle") { p <- c(p, 1); }
  else if(params$bprior == "bflat") { p <- c(p, 2); }
  else if(params$bprior == "b0not") { p <- c(p, 3); }
  else if(params$bprior == "bmzt") { p <- c(p, 4); }
  else if(params$bprior == "bmznot") { p <- c(p, 5); }
  else { stop(paste("params$bprior =", params$bprior, "not valid\n")); }
  ## initial settings of beta linear prior mean parameters
  if(length(params$beta) != min(params$col, basemax+1)) {
    stop(paste("length of params$beta should be", min(params$col, basemax+1),
               "you have", length(params$beta), "\n"));

  ## finally, set the params$beta 
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$beta))
  ## initial settings of the beta linear prior correlation parameters
  if(nrow(params$Wi) != length(params$beta) && ncol(params$Wi) != nrow(params$Wi)) {
    stop(paste("params$Wi should be", length(params$beta), "x", length(params$beta),
               "you have", nrow(params$Wi), "x", ncol(params$Wi), "\n"));

  ## finally, set the params$Wi 
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$Wi))
  ## initial settings of variance parameters
  if(length(params$s2tau2) != 2) {
    stop(paste("length of params$s2tau2 should be 2 you have", 
              length(params$s2tau2), "\n"));
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$s2tau2))

  ## sigma^2 prior parameters
  if(length(params$s2.p) != 2) {
    stop(paste("length of params$s2.p should be 2 you have", 
              length(params$s2.p), "\n"));
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$s2.p))
  ## hierarchical prior parameters for sigma^2 (exponentials) or "fixed"
  if(length(params$s2.lam) != 2 && params$s2.lam[1] != "fixed") {
    stop(paste("length of params$s2.lam should be 2 or fixed, you have", 
              params$s2.lam, "\n"));
  if(params$s2.lam[1] == "fixed") p <- c(p, rep(-1, 2))
  else p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$s2.lam))

  ## tau^2 prior parameters
  if(length(params$tau2.p) != 2) {
    stop(paste("length of params$tau2.p should be 2 you have", 
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$tau2.p))
  ## hierarchical prior parameters for tau^2 (exponentials) or "fixed"
  if(length(params$tau2.lam) != 2 && params$tau2.lam[1] != "fixed") {
    stop(paste("length of params$s2.lam should be 2 or fixed, you have", 
              params$tau2.lam, "\n"));
  if(params$tau2.lam[1] == "fixed") p <- c(p, rep(-1, 2))
  else p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$tau2.lam))
  ## correllation model
  if(params$corr == "exp") { p <- c(p, 0); }
  else if(params$corr == "expsep") { p <- c(p, 1); }
  else if(params$corr == "matern") { p <- c(p, 2); }
  else if(params$corr == "mrexpsep") { p <- c(p,3) }
  else if(params$corr == "sim") { p <- c(p,4) }
  else if(params$corr == "twovar") { p <- c(p,5) }
  else { stop(paste("params$corr =", params$corr, "not valid\n")); }
  ## initial settings of variance parameters
  if(length(params$gd) != 2) {
    stop(paste("length of params$gd should be 2 you have", 
              length(params$gd), "\n"));
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$gd))

  ## mixture of gamma (initial) prior parameters for nug
  if(length(params$nug.p) == 1 && params$nug.p[1] == 0) params$nug.p <- rep(0,4)
  if(length(params$nug.p) != 4) {
    stop(paste("length of params$nug.p should be 4 you have", 
  if(params$nug.p[1] == 0) params$nug.p[2] <- params$gd[1]
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$nug.p))

  ## hierarchical prior params for nugget g (exponentials) or "fixed"
  if(length(params$nug.lam) != 4 && params$nug.lam[1] != "fixed") {
    stop(paste("length of params$nug.lam should be 4 or fixed, you have", 
              params$nug.lam, "\n"));
  if(params$nug.lam[1] == "fixed") p <- c(p, rep(-1, 4))
  else p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$nug.lam))

  ## gamma theta1 theta2 LLM prior params
  if(length(params$gamma) != 3) {
    stop(paste("length of params$gamma should be 3, you have", 
  if(params$gamma[1] > 0 && params$corr == "sim") stop("cannot have sim corr with LLM")
  if(!prod(params$gamma[2:3] > 0)) stop("all params$gamma[2:3] must be positive\n")
  if(sum(params$gamma[2:3]) >= 1.0) stop("sum(gamma[2:3]) > 1 not allowed\n")
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$gamma))

  ## mixture of gamma (initial) prior parameters for range parameter d

  ## if(length(params$d.p) == 1 && params$d.p[1] == 0) params$d.p <- rep(0,4)
  if(length(params$d.p) != 8 && params$corr == "mrexpsep") {
    stop(paste("length of params$d.p should be 8 you have", 
  else if( length(params$d.p) != 4 && params$corr != "mrexpsep" ) {
    stop(paste("length of params$d.p should be 4 you have", 
  if(params$d.p[1] == 0) params$d.p[2] <- params$gd[2]
  if(length(params$d.p) == 8 && params$d.p[5] == 0) params$d.p[6] <- params$gd[2]

  ## finally, set the params$d.p 
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$d.p))

  ## delta.p -- only do this if we are using mrexpsep
  if(length(params$delta.p) != 4 && params$corr == "mrexpsep") {
    stop(paste("length of params$delta.p should be 4 you have", 
  if(params$corr == "mrexpsep") p<- c(p, as.numeric(params$delta.p))

  ## nugf.p -- only do this if we are using mrexpsep
  if(length(params$nugf.p) != 4 && params$corr == "mrexpsep") {
    stop(paste("length of params$delta.p should be 4 you have", 
  if(params$corr == "mrexpsep") p<- c(p, as.numeric(params$nugf.p))

  ## hierarchical prior params for range d (exponentials) or "fixed"
  if(length(params$d.lam) != 4 && params$d.lam[1] != "fixed") {
    stop(paste("length of params$d.lam should be 4 or fixed, you have", 
  if(params$d.lam[1] == "fixed") p <- c(p, rep(-1, 4))
  else p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$d.lam))

  ## add sd for proposals for sim-d parameters
  if(params$corr == "sim") {
    if(nrow(params$dp.sim) != basemax || ncol(params$dp.sim) != basemax)
      stop("dp.sim should be ", basemax, "x", basemax, "\n");
    p <- c(p,as.numeric(params$dp.sim))

  ## nu smoothness parameter for Matern correlation function
  if(params$corr == "matern") {
    if(params$nu < 0) stop(paste("nu should be greater than zero, you have",
                                 params$nu, "\n"))
  p <- c(p, as.numeric(params$nu))

  ## return the constructed double-vector of parameters for C

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