
Defines functions erase_water rbind_tigris list_counties tigris_type is_tigris lookup_code geo_join load_tiger tigris_cache_dir

Documented in erase_water geo_join is_tigris list_counties load_tiger lookup_code rbind_tigris tigris_cache_dir tigris_type

#' Set the cache directory to store shapefiles with tigris
#' @description By default, tigris uses the rappdirs package to determine a suitable location to store shapefiles
#' on the user's computer.  However, it is possible that the user would want to store shapefiles in a custom
#' location.  This function allows users to set the cache directory, and stores the result in the user's
#' .Renviron so that tigris will remember the location.
#' Windows users: please note that you'll need to use double-backslashes or forward slashes
#' when specifying your cache directory's path in R.
#' @param path The full path to the desired cache directory
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Set the cache directory
#' tigris_cache_dir('PATH TO MY NEW CACHE DIRECTORY')
#' # Check to see if it has been set correctly
#' Sys.getenv('TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR')
#' }
tigris_cache_dir <- function(path) {
  home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
  renv <- file.path(home, ".Renviron")
  if (!file.exists(renv)) {

  check <- readLines(renv)

  if (isTRUE(any(grepl("TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR", check)))) {
    oldenv <- read.table(renv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    newenv <- oldenv[!grepl("TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR", oldenv$V1), ]
    write.table(newenv, renv, quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
                col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

  var <- paste0("TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR=", "'", path, "'")

  write(var, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
  message(sprintf("Your new tigris cache directory is %s. \nTo use now, restart R or run `readRenviron('~/.Renviron')`", path))


#' Helper function to download Census data
#' @param url URL for zipped shapefile in TIGER database (constructed in calling function).
#' @param refresh Whether to re-download shapefiles if cached. Defaults to value of the global
#' option "tigris_refresh" if that option is, and FALSE if not. This will override the behavior
#' set in "tigris_refresh" option if a value (TRUE or FALSE) is provided.
#' @param tigris_type Added as an attribute to return object (used internally).
#' @param class Class of return object. Must be one of "sf" (the default) or "sp".
#' @param progress_bar If set to FALSE, do not display download progress bar
#' (helpful for R Markdown documents). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param keep_zipped_shapefile If set to TRUE, do not delete zipped shapefile
#' (stored in temporary directory or TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR depending on the configuration of
#' global option "tigris_use_cache"). Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param filter_by Geometry used to filter the output returned by the function.  Can be an sf object, an object of class `bbox`, or a length-4 vector of format `c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` that can be converted to a bbox. Geometries that intersect the input to `filter_by` will be returned.
#' @return sf or sp data frame
load_tiger <- function(url,
                       refresh=getOption("tigris_refresh", FALSE),
                       class = getOption("tigris_class", "sf"),
                       progress_bar = TRUE,
                       keep_zipped_shapefile = FALSE,
                       filter_by = NULL) {

  use_cache <- getOption("tigris_use_cache", FALSE)

  # Process filter_by
  wkt_filter <- input_to_wkt(filter_by)

  tiger_file <- basename(url)

  obj <- NULL

  if (use_cache) {
    if (Sys.getenv("TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR") != "") {
      cache_dir <- Sys.getenv("TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR")
      cache_dir <- path.expand(cache_dir)
    } else {
      cache_dir <- user_cache_dir("tigris")
    if (!file.exists(cache_dir)) {
      dir.create(cache_dir, recursive=TRUE)

    if (file.exists(cache_dir)) {

      shape <- gsub(".zip", "", tiger_file)
      shape <- gsub("_shp", "", shape) # for historic tracts

      file_loc <- file.path(cache_dir, tiger_file)
      shp_loc  <- file.path(cache_dir, sprintf("%s.shp", shape))

      if (refresh | !file.exists(shp_loc)) {

        if (progress_bar) {
                  write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=refresh),
                  progress(type="down")), silent=TRUE)
        } else {
                  write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=refresh)),


      if (refresh | !file.exists(shp_loc)) {

        unzip_tiger <- function() {
          unzip(file_loc, exdir = cache_dir, overwrite=TRUE)
        remove_zip_tiger <- function() {
          if (file.exists(file_loc) && file.exists(shp_loc)) {

        # Logic for handling download errors and re-downloading
        t <- tryCatch(unzip_tiger(), warning = function(w) w)

        if ("warning" %in% class(t)) {

          i <- 1

          while (i < 4) {

            message(sprintf("Previous download failed.  Re-download attempt %s of 3...",

            if (progress_bar) {
                      write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=TRUE),
                      progress(type="down")), silent=TRUE)
            } else {
                      write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=TRUE)),

            t <- tryCatch(unzip_tiger(), warning = function(w) w)

            if ("warning" %in% class(t)) {
              i <- i + 1
            } else {


          if (i == 4) {

            stop("Download failed; check your internet connection or the status of the Census Bureau website
                 at http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/.", call. = FALSE)

        } else {


          if (!keep_zipped_shapefile) {





      obj <- st_read(dsn = cache_dir, layer = shape,
                     quiet = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                     wkt_filter = wkt_filter)

      if (is.na(st_crs(obj)$proj4string)) {

        st_crs(obj) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs"



  } else {

    tmp <- tempdir()
    file_loc <- file.path(tmp, tiger_file)

    if (progress_bar) {
      try(GET(url, write_disk(file_loc),
              progress(type = "down")), silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      try(GET(url, write_disk(file_loc)),
              silent = TRUE)

    unzip(file_loc, exdir = tmp)
    shape <- gsub(".zip", "", tiger_file)
    shape <- gsub("_shp", "", shape) # for historic tracts

    obj <- st_read(dsn = tmp, layer = shape,
                   quiet = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                   wkt_filter = wkt_filter)

    if (is.na(st_crs(obj)$proj4string)) {

      st_crs(obj) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs"



  attr(obj, "tigris") <- "tigris"

  # this will help identify the object "sub type"
  if (!is.null(tigris_type)) attr(obj, "tigris") <- tigris_type

  # Take care of COUNTYFP, STATEFP issues for historic data
  if ("COUNTYFP00" %in% names(obj)) {
    obj$COUNTYFP <- obj$COUNTYFP00
    obj$STATEFP <- obj$STATEFP00
  if ("COUNTYFP10" %in% names(obj)) {
    obj$COUNTYFP <- obj$COUNTYFP10
    obj$STATEFP <- obj$STATEFP10
  if ("COUNTY" %in% names(obj)) {
    obj$COUNTYFP <- obj$COUNTY
    obj$STATEFP <- obj$STATE
  if ("CO" %in% names(obj)) {
    obj$COUNTYFP <- obj$CO
    obj$STATEFP <- obj$ST

  if (class == "sp") {
    warning(stringr::str_wrap("Spatial* (sp) classes are no longer formally supported in tigris as of version 2.0. We strongly recommend updating your workflow to use sf objects (the default in tigris) instead.", 50), call. = FALSE)
  } else {

#' Easily merge a data frame to a spatial data frame
#' This function should be considered deprecated.  Please update your workflow to use sf objects and dplyr's \code{*_join()} family of functions instead.
#' @param spatial_data A spatial data frame to which you want to merge data.
#' @param data_frame A regular data frame that you want to merge to your spatial data.
#' @param by_sp The column name you'll use for the merge from your spatial data frame.
#' @param by_df The column name you'll use for the merge from your regular data frame.
#' @param by (optional) If a named argument is supplied to the by parameter, geo_join will assume that the join columns in the spatial data and data frame share the same name.
#' @param how The type of join you'd like to perform.  The default, 'left', keeps all rows in the spatial data frame, and returns NA for unmatched rows.  The alternative, 'inner', retains only those rows in the spatial data frame that match rows from the target data frame.
#' @return a joined spatial/data frame object
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(rnaturalearth)
#' library(WDI)
#' library(tigris)
#' dat <- WDI(country = "all", indicator = "SP.DYN.LE00.IN", start = 2012, end = 2012)
#' dat$SP.DYN.LE00.IN <- round(dat$SP.DYN.LE00.IN, 1)
#' countries <- ne_countries()
#' countries2 <- geo_join(countries, dat, 'iso_a2', 'iso2c')
#' nrow(countries2)
#' ## [1] 177
#' countries3 <- geo_join(countries, dat, 'iso_a2', 'iso2c', how = 'inner')
#' nrow(countries3)
#' ## [1] 169
#' }
geo_join <- function(spatial_data, data_frame, by_sp, by_df, by = NULL, how = 'left') {

              package = "tigris",
              msg = "We recommend using the dplyr::*_join() family of functions instead.")

  if (!is.null(by)) {
    by_sp <- by
    by_df <- by

  # For sp objects
  if (class(spatial_data)[1] %in% c("SpatialGridDataFrame", "SpatialLinesDataFrame",
                                "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", "SpatialPointsDataFrame",
                                "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {

    spatial_data@data <- data.frame(spatial_data@data,
                                                     data_frame[[by_df]]), ])

    if (how == 'inner') {

      matches <- match(spatial_data@data[[by_sp]], data_frame[[by_df]])

      spatial_data <- spatial_data[!is.na(matches), ]


    } else if (how == 'left') {


    } else {

      stop("The available options for `how` are 'left' and 'inner'.", call. = FALSE)


  # For sf objects
  } else if ("sf" %in% class(spatial_data)) {

    join_vars <- c(by_df)

    names(join_vars) <- by_sp

    if (how == "inner") {

      joined <- spatial_data %>%
        inner_join(data_frame, by = join_vars) %>%

      attr(joined, "tigris") <- tigris_type(spatial_data)


    } else if (how == "left") {

      # Account for potential duplicate rows in data frame
      df_unique <- data_frame %>%
        group_by_(by_df) %>%
        mutate(rank = row_number()) %>%
        filter(rank == 1)

      joined <- spatial_data %>%
        left_join(df_unique, by = join_vars) %>%

      if (!is.na(st_crs(spatial_data)$epsg)) {
        crs <- st_crs(spatial_data)$epsg
      } else {
        crs <- st_crs(spatial_data)$proj4string

      st_crs(joined) <- crs # re-assign the CRS

      attr(joined, "tigris") <- tigris_type(spatial_data)


    } else {

      stop("The available options for `how` are 'left' and 'inner'.", call. = FALSE)




#' Look up state and county codes
#' Function to look up the FIPS codes for states and optionally counties you'd l
#' ike to load data for.  As the package functions require the codes to return
#' the data correctly, this function makes it easy to find the codes that you need.
#' @param state String representing the state you'd like to look up.
#'        Accepts state names (spelled correctly), e.g. "Texas", or
#'        postal codes, e.g. "TX". Can be lower-case.
#' @param county The name of the county you'll like to search for.  T
#'        he state that the county is located in must be supplied for this to
#'        work, as there are multiple counties with the same names across states.
#'        Can be lower-case.
#' @return character string with an explanation of state/county FIPS codes
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' lookup_code("me")
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23'."
#' lookup_code("Maine")
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23'."
#' lookup_code("23")
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23'."
#' lookup_code(23)
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23'."
#' lookup_code("me", "york")
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23' and the code for York County is '031'."
#' lookup_code("Maine", "York County")
#' ## [1] "The code for Maine is '23' and the code for York County is '031'."
#' }
lookup_code <- function(state, county = NULL) {

  state <- validate_state(state, .msg=FALSE)

  if (is.null(state)) stop("Invalid state", call.=FALSE)

  if (!is.null(county)) {

    vals <- fips_codes[fips_codes$state_code == state &
                         grepl(sprintf("^%s", county), fips_codes$county, ignore.case=TRUE),]

    return(paste0("The code for ", vals$state_name,
                  " is '", vals$state_code, "'", " and the code for ",
                  vals$county, " is '", vals$county_code, "'."))

  } else {

    vals <- head(fips_codes[fips_codes$state_code == state,], 1)

    return(paste0("The code for ", vals$state_name, " is '", vals$state_code, "'."))



#' Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{obj} has a \code{tigris} attribute
#' It's unlikely that said object was not created by this package
#' @param obj R object to test
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{obj} was made by this package
#' @export
is_tigris <- function(obj) { !is.null(attr(obj, "tigris")) }

#' Get the type of \code{tigris} object \code{obj} is
#' @param obj R object to test
#' @return character vector containing the \code{tigris} type of \code{obj}
#'         or \code{NA} if \code{obj} is not a code \code{tigris} object
#' @export
tigris_type <- function(obj) {
  if (is_tigris(obj)) return(attr(obj, "tigris"))

#' Return a data frame of county names & FIPS codes for a given state
#' @param state String representing the state you'd like to look up.
#'        Accepts state names (spelled correctly), e.g. "Texas", or
#'        postal codes, e.g. "TX". Can be lower-case.
#' @return data frame of county name and FIPS code or NULL if invalid state
#' @export
list_counties <- function(state) {

  state <- validate_state(state, .msg=FALSE)

  if (is.null(state)) stop("Invalid state", call.=FALSE)

  vals <- fips_codes[fips_codes$state_code == state, c("county", "county_code")]
  vals$county <- gsub("\ County$", "", vals$county)
  rownames(vals) <- NULL


#' Row-bind \code{tigris} Spatial objects
#' If multiple school district types are rbound, coerces to "sdall" and does it
#' @param ... individual (optionally names) \code{tigris} Spatial objects or a list of them
#' @return one combined Spatial object
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(tigris)
#' me_ctys <- list_counties("me")
#' aw <- lapply(me_ctys$county_code[1:3], function(x) {
#'   area_water("Maine", x)
#' }) %>%
#'   rbind_tigris()
#' }

rbind_tigris <- function(...) {

  elements <- list(...)

  if ((length(elements) == 1) &
      inherits(elements, "list")) {
    elements <- unlist(elements, recursive = FALSE) # Necessary given structure of sf objects

  obj_classes <- unique(sapply(elements, class))
  obj_attrs <- sapply(elements, attr, "tigris")
  obj_attrs_u <- unique(obj_attrs)

  if (any(c("SpatialGridDataFrame", "SpatialLinesDataFrame",
        "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", "SpatialPointsDataFrame",
        "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") %in% obj_classes) &
      "sf" %in% obj_classes) {

    stop("Cannot combine sp and sf objects", call. = FALSE)


  #handling for attempts to rbind disparate school districts

  if(all(obj_attrs %in% c("unsd", "elsd", "scsd"))){ # 3 school district types

    warning("Multiple school district tigris types. Coercing to \'sdall\'.", call. = FALSE)

    elements <- lapply(seq_along(elements), function(x){
                  names(elements[[x]])[2] <- "SDLEA" # Used in some spots elsewhere in TIGER
                  attr(elements[[x]], "tigris") <- "sdall" # New type

    obj_attrs <- sapply(elements, attr, "tigris")
    obj_attrs_u <- unique(obj_attrs)


  # all same type
  # all valid Spatial* type
  # none are from outside tigris
  # all same tigris "type"

  if (obj_classes[1] %in% c("SpatialGridDataFrame", "SpatialLinesDataFrame",
                         "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", "SpatialPointsDataFrame",
                         "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {

    stop("Spatial* classes are no longer supported in tigris as of version 2.0. You will need to install an earlier version of tigris with `remotes::install_version()`.")

  } else if ("sf" %in% obj_classes) {

    crs <- unique(sapply(elements, function(x) {

    if (length(crs) > 1) {
      stop("All objects must share a single coordinate reference system.")

    if (!any(sapply(obj_attrs, is.null)) &
        length(obj_attrs_u)==1) {

      geometries <- unlist(lapply(elements, function(x) {
        geoms <- st_geometry_type(x)

      # Cast polygon to multipolygon to allow for rbind-ing
      # This will need to be checked for linear objects as well
      if ("POLYGON" %in% geometries & "MULTIPOLYGON" %in% geometries) {
        elements <- lapply(elements, function(x) {
          st_cast(x, "MULTIPOLYGON")

      if ("LINESTRING" %in% geometries & "MULTILINESTRING" %in% geometries) {
        elements <- lapply(elements, function(x) {
          st_cast(x, "MULTILINESTRING")

      tmp <- Reduce(rbind, elements) # bind_rows not working atm

      # Re-assign the original CRS if missing
      if (is.na(st_crs(tmp)$proj4string)) {
        st_crs(tmp) <- crs

      attr(tmp, "tigris") <- obj_attrs_u

    } else {
      stop("Objects must all be the same type of tigris object.", call.=FALSE)



#' Erase water area from an input polygon dataset
#' This function 'erases' water area from an input polygon dataset (typically a Census dataset).
#' 'Erase' is defined in the traditional GIS sense as the removal of areas in an input layer
#' from an erase layer, returning the modified input layer. A common use-case is to improve
#' cartographic representation of locations where US Census polygons include more water area
#' than desired (e.g. New York City, Seattle) or to support contiguity-based spatial analyses that
#' might otherwise incorrectly assume that polygons across bodies of water are neighbors.
#' The function works by identifying US counties that intersect the input polygon layer,
#' then requesting water polygons (using \code{tigris::area_water()}) to be erased from
#' those input polygons. The \code{area_threshold} parameter can be tuned to determine the
#' percentile ranking of bodies of water (by area) to use;
#' the default is a percentile ranking of 0.75, erasing the largest 25 percent of water
#' bodies in the region.
#' Analysts will ideally have transformed the input coordinate reference system (CRS) of their data
#' to a projected CRS to improve performance; see \url{https://walker-data.com/census-r/census-geographic-data-and-applications-in-r.html#coordinate-reference-systems} for more information on
#' how to perform CRS transformations.  Analysts should also use this function with caution;
#' the function may generate sliver polygons or irregular geometries in the output layer,
#' especially if the input sf object was not obtained with the tigris package.  Also, the operation
#' may be quite slow for large input areas.
#' @param input_sf An input sf object, ideally obtained with the tigris package or through tidycensus.
#' @param area_threshold The percentile rank cutoff of water areas to use in the erase operation, ranked by size. Defaults to 0.75, representing the water areas in the 75th percentile and up (the largest 25 percent of areas).  This value may need to be modified by the user to achieve optimal results for a given location.
#' @param year The year to use for the water layer; defaults to 2020 unless the \code{tigris_year} option is otherwise set.
#' @return An output sf object representing the polygons in \code{input_sf} with water areas erased.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(tigris)
#' library(sf)
#' options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
#' king_tracts <- tracts(state = "WA", county = "King", year = 2020)
#' # CRS: NAD 1983 / Washington North (State Plane)
#' king_erased <- king_tracts %>%
#'   st_transform(32148) %>%
#'   erase_water(area_threshold = 0.9)
#' plot(king_erased$geometry)
#' }
erase_water <- function(input_sf,
                        area_threshold = 0.75,
                        year = NULL) {

  # if (is.null(attr(input_sf, "tigris"))) {
  #   warning("Your input object does not appear to have been obtained with the tigris package.\nThis is likely to introduce sliver polygons or irregular geometries.\nPlease proceed with caution.")
  # }

  if (!"sf" %in% class(input_sf)) {
    stop("The input dataset is not an sf object.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(year)) {
    year <- getOption("tigris_year", 2022)

  # Define st_erase function internally
  st_erase <- function(x, y) {
    suppressWarnings(sf::st_difference(x, sf::st_union(y)))

  # Grab a dataset of counties quietly
  us_counties <- tigris::counties(cb = TRUE, resolution = "500k", progress_bar = FALSE,
                                  year = year)

  # Identify the counties that overlap the input sf object
  county_overlay <- us_counties %>%
    sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(input_sf)) %>%

  # If nothing returned, exit
  if (nrow(county_overlay) == 0) {
    stop("Your dataset does not appear to be in the United States; this function is not appropriate for your data.", call. = FALSE)

  # Get a list of GEOIDs
  county_GEOIDs <- county_overlay$GEOID

  # Fetch water for those GEOIDs
  message("Fetching area water data for your dataset's location...")
  my_water <- lapply(county_GEOIDs, function(cty) {
      state = stringr::str_sub(cty, 1, 2),
      county = stringr::str_sub(cty, 3, 5),
      progress_bar = FALSE,
      year = year
  }) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs(input_sf)) %>%
    sf::st_filter(input_sf) %>% # New step to only erase intersecting water areas
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::percent_rank(AWATER) >= area_threshold)

  message("Erasing water area...\nIf this is slow, try a larger area threshold value.")
  erased_sf <- suppressMessages(st_erase(input_sf, my_water))



#' Documentation Template for Functions that Utilize `load_tiger`
#' @md
#' @details This documentation is inherited by `tigris` functions that wrap `load_tiger`.
#' Include the following in function documentation:
#' `@inheritParams load_tiger_doc_template`
#' `@inheritSection load_tiger_doc_template Additional Arguments`
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to internal function `load_tiger`, which is not exported. See Additional Arguments.
#' @param year the data year; defaults to 2022
#' @section Additional Arguments:
#' Additional arguments that can be passed in `...` are:
#'  * `class` Desired class of return object: `"sf"` (the default) or `"sp"`.  sp classes should be considered deprecated as of tigris version 2.0, but legacy support is still available.
#'  * `progress_bar` If set to `FALSE`, do not display download progress bar (helpful for R Markdown documents). Defaults to `TRUE`.
#'  * `keep_zipped_shapefile` If set to `TRUE`, do not delete zipped shapefile (stored in temporary directory or `TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR`
#'     depending on the configuration of global option `"tigris_use_cache"`). Defaults to `FALSE`.
#'  * `refresh` Whether to re-download cached shapefiles (`TRUE` or `FALSE`) . The default is either `FALSE` or the value of global
#'     option `"tigris_refresh"` if it is set. Specifying this argument will override the behavior set in `"tigris_refresh"` global option.
#'  * `filter_by` Geometry used to filter the output returned by the function.  Can be an sf object, an object of class `bbox`, or a length-4 vector of format `c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)` that can be converted to a bbox. Geometries that intersect the input to `filter_by` will be returned.
#' @name load_tiger_doc_template

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tigris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.