
Defines functions .rollmedian.timeSeries .rollmax.timeSeries .rollmin.timeSeries .rollmean.timeSeries rollMedian rollMin rollMax rollMean rollStats

Documented in rollMax rollMean rollMedian rollMin rollStats

#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  ../../COPYING

# FUNCTION:                DESCRIPTION:
#  rollStats                Returns rolling statistics of a 'timeSeries' object
#  rollMean                 Returns rolling mean of a 'timeSeries' object
#  rollMin                  Returns rolling minimum of a 'timeSeries' object
#  rollMax                  Returns rolling maximum of a 'timeSeries' object
#  rolMedian                Returns rolling median of a 'timeSeries' object
#  .rollmean.timeSeries     Returns rolling mean of a 'timeSeries' object
#  .rollmin.timeSeries      Returns rolling minimum of a 'timeSeries' object
#  .rollmax.timeSeries      Returns rolling maximum of a 'timeSeries' object
#  .rolmedian.timeSeries    Returns rolling median of a 'timeSeries' object

rollStats <- 
    function(x, k, FUN=mean, na.pad=FALSE, align=c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
    # Description:
    #   Returns rolling statistics of a 'timeSeries' object
    # Arguments:
    #   x - an object of class timeSeries 
    #   k - integer width of the rolling window. 
    #   FUN - statistical function to be rolled. 
    #   na.pad - a logical. Should NA padding be added at beginning? 
    #   align - character specifying whether result should be left- or 
    #       right-aligned or centered (default). 
    #   ... - furter arguments passed to function FUN. 
    # Note:
    #   Internal function are borrowed from package zoo ...

    # Example:
    #   x <- timeSeries(matrix(sample(1:24), ncol = 2), timeCalendar())
    #   cbind(x, roll(x, k=3, FUN = mean, align="right", na.pad = TRUE))
    # Internal Function:
    .rollstats <- function(x, k, fun, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        window <- matrix(1:(length(x)+1-k), ncol = 1)
        winFun <- function(i, fun, y, k, ...) {
            fun = match.fun(fun)
            from = 1:(length(y)+1-k)
            to = from + k -1
            fun(y[i:to[i]], ...)
        rval <- apply(window, 1, FUN=winFun, fun=FUN, y=x, k=k, ...)
        if (na.pad) {
            rval <- switch(match.arg(align),
                "left" = { c(rval, rep(NA, k-1)) },
                "center" = { c(rep(NA, floor((k-1)/2)), rval,
                               rep(NA, ceiling((k-1)/2))) },
                "right" = { c(rep(NA, k-1), rval) })

    # Roll:
    ans <- apply(x, 2, FUN=.rollstats, 
        k=k, fun=FUN, na.pad=na.pad, align=align, ...)

    x <- setDataPart(x[seq.int(1,NROW(ans)),], ans)

    colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x), "RSTATS", sep = "_")
    if(!na.pad) x = na.omit(x)

    # Return Value


rollMean <-
    function(x, k, na.pad=FALSE, align=c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
    # Description:
    #   Returns rolling mean of a 'timeSeries' object
    # Arguments:
    #   x - an object of class timeSeries 
    #   k - integer width of the rolling window.  
    #   na.pad - a logical. Should NA padding be added at beginning? 
    #   align - character specifying whether result should be left- or 
    #       right-aligned or centered (default). 
    #   ... - furter arguments passed to methods. 
    # Note:
    #   Internal function are borrowed from package zoo ...

    # Example:
    #   X = timeSeries(matrix(rnorm(24), ncol = 2), timeCalendar())
    #   R = rollMean(x = X, k = 3); R; plot(R)


    # Internal Function:
    .rollmean.default <- function(x, k, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        n <- length(x)
        y <- x[k:n] - x[c(1, 1:(n-k))]
        y[1] <- sum(x[1:k])
        rval <- cumsum(y)/k
        if (na.pad) {
            rval <- switch(match.arg(align),
                "left" = { c(rval, rep(NA, k-1)) },
                "center" = { c(rep(NA, floor((k-1)/2)), rval,
                               rep(NA, ceiling((k-1)/2))) },
                "right" = { c(rep(NA, k-1), rval) })

    # Roll:
    ans <- apply(x, 2, .rollmean.default, k = k, na.pad=na.pad, align=align)

    x <- setDataPart(x[seq.int(1,NROW(ans)),], ans)

    colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x), "RMEAN", sep = "_")
    if(!na.pad) x = na.omit(x)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rollMax <-
    function(x, k, na.pad=FALSE, align=c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
    # Description:
    #   Returns rolling maximum of a 'timeSeries' object
    # Arguments:
    #   x - an object of class timeSeries 
    #   k - integer width of the rolling window.  
    #   na.pad - a logical. Should NA padding be added at beginning? 
    #   align - character specifying whether result should be left- or 
    #       right-aligned or centered (default). 
    #   ... - furter arguments passed to methods. 
    # Note:
    #   Internal function are borrowed from package zoo ...
    # Example:
    #   X = timeSeries(matrix(rnorm(24), ncol = 2), timeCalendar())
    #   R = rollMax(x = X, k = 3); plot(R)


    # Internal Function:
    .rollmax.default <- function(x, k, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        n <- length(x)
        rval <- rep(0, n)
        a <- 0
        for (i in k:n) {
            rval[i] <-
                if (is.na(a) || is.na(rval[i=1]) || a==rval[i-1])
                    max(rval[i-1], x[i]); # max of window = rval[i-1]
            a <- x[i-k+1] # point that will be removed from window
        rval <- rval[-seq(k-1)]
        if (na.pad) {
            rval <- switch(match.arg(align),
                "left" = { c(rval, rep(NA, k-1)) },
                "center" = { c(rep(NA, floor((k-1)/2)), rval,
                               rep(NA, ceiling((k-1)/2))) },
                "right" = { c(rep(NA, k-1), rval) })

    # Roll:
    ans <- apply(getDataPart(x), 2, .rollmax.default, k = k, na.pad=na.pad,

    x <- setDataPart(x[seq.int(1,NROW(ans)),], ans)

    colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x), "RMAX", sep = "_")
    if(!na.pad) x = na.omit(x)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rollMin <-
    function(x, k, na.pad=FALSE, align=c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
    # Description:
    #   Returns rolling minimum of a 'timeSeries' object
    # Arguments:
    #   x - an object of class timeSeries 
    #   k - integer width of the rolling window.  
    #   na.pad - a logical. Should NA padding be added at beginning? 
    #   align - character specifying whether result should be left- or 
    #       right-aligned or centered (default). 
    #   ... - furter arguments passed to methods. 
    # Note:
    #   Internal function are borrowed from package zoo ...
    # Example:
    #   X = timeSeries(matrix(rnorm(24), ncol = 2), timeCalendar())
    #   R = rollMin(x = X, k = 3); R; plot(R)


    .rollmax.default <- function(x, k, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        n <- length(x)
        rval <- rep(0, n)
        a <- 0
        for (i in k:n) {
            rval[i] <-
                if (is.na(a) || is.na(rval[i=1]) || a==rval[i-1])
                    max(rval[i-1], x[i]); # max of window = rval[i-1]
            a <- x[i-k+1] # point that will be removed from window
        rval <- rval[-seq(k-1)]
        if (na.pad) {
            rval <- switch(match.arg(align),
                "left" = { c(rval, rep(NA, k-1)) },
                "center" = { c(rep(NA, floor((k-1)/2)), rval,
                               rep(NA, ceiling((k-1)/2))) },
                "right" = { c(rep(NA, k-1), rval) })

    .rollmin.default <- function(x, k, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        ans = -.rollmax.default(-x, k, na.pad = na.pad, align = align, ...)

    # Roll:
    ans <- apply(getDataPart(x), 2, .rollmin.default, k=k, na.pad=na.pad, align=align)

    x <- setDataPart(x[seq.int(1,NROW(ans)),], ans)

    colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x), "RMIN", sep = "_")
    if(!na.pad) x = na.omit(x)

    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rollMedian <-
    function(x, k, na.pad=FALSE, align=c("center", "left", "right"), ...)
    # Description:
    #   Returns rolling median of a 'timeSeries' object
    # Arguments:
    #   x - an object of class timeSeries 
    #   k - integer width of the rolling window. Must be odd for rollmedian. 
    #   na.pad - a logical. Should NA padding be added at beginning? 
    #   align - character specifying whether result should be left- or 
    #       right-aligned or centered (default). 
    #   ... - furter arguments passed to methods. 
    # Note:
    #   Internal function are borrowed from package zoo ...
    # Example:
    #   X = timeSeries(matrix(rnorm(24), ncol=2), timeCalendar())
    #   R = rollMedian(x = X, k = 3); R; plot(R)


    # Internal Function:
    .rollmedian.default <- function(x, k, na.pad = FALSE,
        align = c("center", "left", "right"), ...) 
        stopifnot(k <= length(x), k %% 2 == 1)
        n <- length(x)
        m <- k %/% 2
        rval <- runmed(x, k, ...)
        attr(rval, "k") <- NULL
        rval <- rval[-c(1:m, (n-m+1):n)]
        if (na.pad) {
            rval <- switch(match.arg(align),
                "left" = { c(rval, rep(NA, k-1)) },
                "center" = { c(rep(NA, floor((k-1)/2)), rval,
                               rep(NA, ceiling((k-1)/2))) },
                "right" = { c(rep(NA, k-1), rval) })

    # Roll:
    ans <- apply(x, 2, .rollmedian.default, k=k, na.pad=na.pad, align=align)

    x <- setDataPart(x[seq.int(1,NROW(ans)),], ans)

    colnames(x) <- paste(colnames(x), "RMED", sep = "_")
    if(!na.pad) x = na.omit(x)

    # Return Value:


.rollmean.timeSeries <-
    # Deprecated:
    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rollmin.timeSeries <-
    # Deprecated:
    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rollmax.timeSeries <-
    # Deprecated:
    # Return Value:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rollmedian.timeSeries <-
    # Deprecated:
    # Return Value:


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timeSeries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:59 p.m.