
Defines functions harmonic_mean geometric_mean arithmetic_mean sequences na_count gcd_diff list_subset bin cast2 ceiling2 floor2 round2 trunc2 intersect2 setdiff2 collapse_join tsp hasTsp simple_deparse anyduplicated list_of_empty_vectors some none allv2 check_length_lte check_length check_is_list add_names add_attrs add_attr all_integerable is_integerable strip_attr strip_attrs na_init divide check_sorted is_sorted check_is_double check_is_num is_s3_numeric bin_grouped deparse1 na_fill pretty_ceiling pretty_floor log10_divisibility ceiling_nearest_n floor_nearest_n fpluck slice_sign quo_summarise_info quo_mutate_info quo_select_info check_cols check_by quo_identity quo_exprs expr_nms quo_null CJ2 check_null_dots vec_tail vec_head are_whole_numbers sample2 drop_leading_zeros seq_ones radix_sort radix_order rowProds set_recycle_args new_var_nm new_n_var_nm match.call.defaults dot_nms tidy_group_info tidy_group_info_datamask tidy_group_info_tidyselect get_group_info dots_length summarise_list mutate2 transmute2 mutate_summary_grouped mutate_summary_ungrouped tidy_select_info tidy_select_names tidy_select_pos col_rename col_select_names col_select_pos tidy_transform_names n_unique get_from_package

#' @noRd

get_from_package <- function(x, package){
  get(x, asNamespace(package), inherits = FALSE)

# Memory efficient n unique
n_unique <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE){
  na_offset <- 0L
  if (is_interval(x)){
    x <- interval_separate(x)
  out <- collapse::fnunique(x)
  if (na.rm){
    any_missing <- cheapr::any_na(x, recursive = !is.list(x))
    na_offset <- as.integer(any_missing)
  out - na_offset

# Transform variables using tidy data masking
tidy_transform_names <- function(data, ...){
      vec_head(safe_ungroup(data), n = 1L), ...,
      fix.names = TRUE
# tidy_transform_names2 <- function(data, ...){
#   names(dplyr::transmute(data, ...))
# }
# Select variables utilising tidyselect notation
# Original version
# tidy_select_pos <- function(data, ...){
#   tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::expr(c(...)), data = data)
# }

# Fast way of getting named col positions
col_select_pos <- function(data, .cols = character()){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  nm_seq <- seq_along(data_nms)
  # Method for when cols is supplied
  if (is.numeric(.cols)){
    rng_sign <- slice_sign(.cols)
    if (rng_sign == -1){
      .cols <- nm_seq[match(nm_seq, abs(.cols), 0L) == 0L]
    } else {
      .cols <- .subset(.cols, .cols != 0)
    out <- match(.cols, nm_seq)
  } else if (is.character(.cols)){
    out <- match(.cols, data_nms)
  } else {
    stop(".cols must be a numeric or character vector")
  # is_na <- is.na(out)
  if (cheapr::any_na(out)){
    first_na_col <- .subset(.cols, .subset(cheapr::which_na(out), 1L))
    if (is.numeric(first_na_col)){
      stop(paste("Location", first_na_col, "doesn't exist",
                 sep = " "))
    } else {
      stop(paste("Column", first_na_col, "doesn't exist",
                 sep = " "))
  out_nms <- names(.cols)
  if (is.null(out_nms)){
    names(out) <- .subset(data_nms, out)
  } else {
    es <- !nzchar(out_nms)
    out_nms[es] <- .subset(data_nms, .subset(out, es))
    names(out) <- out_nms
# Tidyselect col names
col_select_names <- function(data, ..., .cols = NULL){
  names(col_select_pos(data, ..., .cols = .cols))
# (Internal) Fast col rename
col_rename <- function(data, .cols = integer()){
  .cols <- .subset(.cols, nzchar(names(.cols)))
  out_nms <- names(.cols)
  if (length(out_nms) == 0L){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  if (is.character(.cols)){
    pos <- add_names(match(.cols, data_nms), out_nms)
  } else {
    pos <- .cols
  pos_nms <- names(pos)
  renamed <- .subset(data_nms, pos) != pos_nms
  names(data)[.subset(pos, renamed)] <- .subset(out_nms, renamed)
# Tidyselect col positions with names
tidy_select_pos <- function(data, ..., .cols = NULL){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  check_cols(dots_length(...), .cols = .cols)
  # Method for when cols is supplied
  if (!is.null(.cols)){
    out <- col_select_pos(data, .cols)
  } else {
    # If exact cols are specified, faster to use
    # col_select_pos()
    quo_select_info <- quo_select_info(enquos(...), data)
    quo_text <- quo_select_info[["quo_text"]]
    all_char <- all(quo_select_info[["is_char_var"]])
    all_num <- all(quo_select_info[["is_num_var"]])
    if (all_char){
      out <- col_select_pos(data, quo_text)
    } else if (all_num){
      pos <- as.double(quo_text)
      names(pos) <- names(quo_text)
      out <- col_select_pos(data, pos)
      # Otherwise we use tidyselect
    } else {
      out <- tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::expr(c(...)), data = data)
    if (all_char || all_num){
      is_dup <- collapse::fduplicated(list(names(out), unname(out)))
      out <- out[!is_dup]
      if (anyduplicated(names(out))){
        # Use tidyselect for error
        tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::expr(c(...)), data = data)
# Select variables utilising tidyselect notation
tidy_select_names <- function(data, ..., .cols = NULL){
  names(tidy_select_pos(data, ..., .cols = .cols))
# Basic tidyselect information for further manipulation
# Includes output and input names which might be useful
tidy_select_info <- function(data, ..., .cols = NULL){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  pos <- tidy_select_pos(data, ..., .cols = .cols)
  out_nms <- names(pos)
  pos <- unname(pos)
  in_nms <- data_nms[pos]
  renamed <- is.na(match(out_nms, data_nms) != pos)
  list("pos" = pos,
       "out_nms" = out_nms,
       "in_nms" = in_nms,
       "renamed" = renamed)

mutate_cols <- get_from_package("mutate_cols", "dplyr")
dplyr_quosures <- get_from_package("dplyr_quosures", "dplyr")
compute_by <- get_from_package("compute_by", "dplyr")

mutate_summary_ungrouped <- function(.data, ...,
                                     .keep = c("all", "used", "unused", "none"),
                                     error_call = rlang::caller_env()){
  .keep <- rlang::arg_match(.keep)
  original_cols <- names(.data)
  bare_data <- safe_ungroup(.data)
  group_data <- new_tbl(".rows" = add_attr(list(seq_len(df_nrow(bare_data))),
                                           c("vctrs_list_of", "vctrs_vctr", "list")))
  by <- add_attr(
      type = "ungrouped",
      names = character(),
      data = group_data
  cols <- mutate_cols(bare_data, dplyr_quosures(...),
                      by = by, error_call = error_call)
  out_data <- dplyr::dplyr_col_modify(bare_data, cols)
  final_cols <- names(cols)
  used <- attr(cols, "used")
  keep_cols <- switch(.keep,
                      all = names(used),
                      none = final_cols,
                      used = names(used)[which_(used)],
                      unused = names(used)[which_(used, invert = TRUE)])
  out_data <- fselect(out_data, .cols = keep_cols)
  out <- list(data = out_data, cols = final_cols)

mutate_summary_grouped <- function(.data, ...,
                                   .keep = c("all", "used", "unused", "none"),
                                   .by = NULL,
                                   error_call = rlang::caller_env()){
  .keep <- rlang::arg_match(.keep)
  original_cols <- names(.data)
  by <- compute_by(by = {{ .by }}, data = .data,
                   by_arg = ".by", data_arg = ".data")
  group_vars <- get_groups(.data, .by = {{ .by }})
  cols <- mutate_cols(.data, dplyr_quosures(...),
                      by = by, error_call = error_call)
  out_data <- dplyr::dplyr_col_modify(.data, cols)
  final_cols <- names(cols)
  used <- attr(cols, "used")
  keep_cols <- switch(.keep,
                      all = names(used),
                      none = final_cols,
                      used = names(used)[which_(used)],
                      unused = names(used)[which_(used, invert = TRUE)])
  # Add missed group vars
  keep_cols <- c(group_vars, keep_cols[match(keep_cols, group_vars, 0L) == 0L])
  # Match the original ordering of columns
  keep_cols <- keep_cols[radix_order(match(keep_cols, original_cols))]
  out_data <- fselect(out_data, .cols = keep_cols)
  out <- list(data = out_data, cols = final_cols)

# Updated version of transmute using mutate
transmute2 <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL){
  group_vars <- get_groups(data, .by = {{ .by }})
  out <- mutate_summary_grouped(data, ..., .by = {{ .by }}, .keep = "none")
  fselect(out[["data"]], .cols = c(group_vars, out[["cols"]]))

# mutate with a special case when all expressions are just selected columns.
mutate2 <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL,
                    .keep = c("all", "used", "unused", "none"),
                    .before = NULL,
                    .after = NULL){
  dots <- enquos(...)
  before_quo <- enquo(.before)
  after_quo <- enquo(.after)
  .keep <- rlang::arg_match0(.keep, c("all", "used", "unused", "none"))
  has_dup_names <- anyduplicated(names(data))
  quo_info <- quo_mutate_info(dots, data)
  quo_nms <- quo_info[["quo_nms"]]
  quo_text <- quo_info[["quo_text"]]
  is_identity <- quo_info[["is_identity"]]
  if (all(is_identity) &&
      !has_dup_names &&
      .keep %in% c("all", "none") &&
      rlang::quo_is_null(before_quo) &&
    if (.keep == "all"){
    } else {
      group_vars <- get_groups(data, .by = {{ .by }})
      other_vars <- intersect(names(data), quo_text)
      other_vars <- setdiff(other_vars, group_vars)
      out_vars <- intersect(names(data), c(group_vars, other_vars))
      fselect(data, .cols = out_vars)
  } else {
    dplyr::mutate(data, !!!dots, .keep = .keep,
                  .before = !!before_quo,
                  .after = !!after_quo,
                  .by = {{ .by }})
# This works like dplyr::summarise but evaluates each expression
# independently, and on the ungrouped data.
# The result is always a list.
# Useful way of returning the column names after supplying data-masking variables too

summarise_list <- function(data, ..., fix.names = TRUE){
  data <- safe_ungroup(data)
  dots <- enquos(...)
  quo_info <- quo_summarise_info(dots, data)
  quo_text <- .subset2(quo_info, "quo_text")
  is_identity <- .subset2(quo_info, "is_identity")
  # Check for dots referencing exact cols (identity)
  out <- vector("list", length(quo_text))
  quo_identity_pos <- which(is_identity)
  quo_data_nms <- .subset(quo_text, quo_identity_pos)

  quo_other_pos <- which(!is_identity)
  data_pos <- match(quo_data_nms, names(data))
  # Where expressions are identity function, just select
  for (i in seq_along(quo_identity_pos)){
    out[[.subset2(quo_identity_pos, i)]] <- collapse::get_vars(data,
                                                               vars = .subset2(data_pos, i),
                                                               return = "data",
                                                               regex = FALSE,
                                                               rename = TRUE)
  # For all other expressions, use reframe()
  if (length(quo_other_pos) > 0L){
    out[quo_other_pos] <- lapply(.subset(dots, quo_other_pos),
                                 function(quo) dplyr_summarise(data, !!quo))
  names(out) <- .subset2(quo_info, "quo_nms")
  # Remove NULL entries
  out_sizes <- lengths(out, use.names = FALSE)
  if (sum(out_sizes) == 0){
    return(add_names(list(), character(0)))
  # The below code takes columns of data frame summaries
  # and flattens them into separate list elements basically.
  out <- .subset(out, out_sizes > 0)
  # Outer names
  outer_nms <- names(out)
  # Lengths of each list
  out_sizes <- lengths(out)
  # Expand list elements that have multiple elements
  which_less_than2 <- which(out_sizes < 2)
  which_greater_than1 <- which(out_sizes > 1)
  out1 <- .subset(out, which_less_than2)
  out2 <- .subset(out, which_greater_than1)
  out_order <- order(c(which_less_than2, rep.int(which_greater_than1,
                                                 .subset(out_sizes, which_greater_than1))))
  outer_nms <- .subset(
    c(.subset(outer_nms, which_less_than2),
      rep.int(.subset(outer_nms, which_greater_than1),
              .subset(out_sizes, which_greater_than1))),
  out2 <- unlist(out2, recursive = FALSE)
  out1 <- unlist(unname(out1), recursive = FALSE)
  inner_nms <- c(names(out1), names(out2))[out_order]
  out <- .subset(c(out1, out2), out_order)
  out_lengths <- lengths(out, use.names = FALSE)
  # Fix names so that list names are always output names and not empty
  if (fix.names){
    final_nms <- character(length(out))
    for (i in seq_along(out)){
      if (.subset(outer_nms, i) == ""){
        final_nms[[i]] <- .subset(inner_nms, i)
      } else {
        final_nms[[i]] <- .subset(outer_nms, i)
    names(out) <- final_nms

# N expressions in ...
dots_length <- function(...){

# This function is for functions like count() where extra groups need
# to be created
get_group_info <- function(data, ..., type = c("select", "data-mask"),
                           .by = NULL){
  type <- rlang::arg_match0(type, c("select", "data-mask"))
  n_dots <- dots_length(...)
  group_vars <- get_groups(data, {{ .by }})
  if (n_dots == 0){
    extra_groups <- character(0)
  } else {
    if (type == "select"){
      extra_groups <- tidy_select_names(data, ...)
    } else {
      extra_groups <- tidy_transform_names(data, ...)
  extra_groups <- setdiff(extra_groups, group_vars)
  all_groups <- c(group_vars, extra_groups)
  list("dplyr_groups" = group_vars,
       "extra_groups" = extra_groups,
       "all_groups" = all_groups)

# tidy_group_info_tidyselect <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL, .cols = NULL,
#                                   ungroup = TRUE, rename = TRUE,
#                                   unique_groups = TRUE){
#   n_dots <- dots_length(...)
#   # check_cols(n_dots = n_dots, .cols = .cols)
#   group_vars <- get_groups(data, {{ .by }})
#   group_pos <- match(group_vars, names(data))
#   extra_groups <- character()
#   if (ungroup){
#     out <- safe_ungroup(data)
#   } else {
#     out <- data
#   }
#   # Data-masking for dots expressions
#   if (n_dots > 0){
#     extra_groups <- tidy_select_names(out, ...)
#     if (rename){
#       out <- frename(out, ...)
#     }
#   }
#   if (!is.null(.cols)){
#     extra_group_pos <- col_select_pos(out, .cols = .cols)
#     if (rename){
#       out <- col_rename(out, .cols = .cols)
#       extra_groups <- names(extra_group_pos)
#     } else {
#       extra_groups <- names(data)[extra_group_pos]
#     }
#   }
#   # Recalculate group vars in case they were renamed
#   group_vars <- names(out)[group_pos]
#   if (unique_groups){
#     extra_groups <- setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars)
#     all_groups <- c(group_vars, extra_groups)
#   } else {
#     all_groups <- c(group_vars, setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars))
#   }
#   address_equal <- add_names(cpp_address_equal(
#     data, df_select(safe_ungroup(out), names(data))
#   ), names(data))
#   any_groups_changed <- !all(address_equal[group_vars])
#   # any_groups_changed <- cpp_any_address_changed(df_select(safe_ungroup(data), group_vars),
#   #                                               df_select(safe_ungroup(out), group_vars))
#   list("data" = out,
#        "dplyr_groups" = group_vars,
#        "extra_groups" = extra_groups,
#        "all_groups" = all_groups,
#        "groups_changed" = any_groups_changed,
#        "address_equal" = address_equal)
# }

tidy_group_info_tidyselect <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL, .cols = NULL,
                                       ungroup = TRUE, rename = TRUE,
                                       unique_groups = TRUE){
  n_dots <- dots_length(...)
  group_vars <- get_groups(data, {{ .by }})
  group_pos <- match(group_vars, names(data))
  extra_groups <- character()
  if (ungroup){
    out <- safe_ungroup(data)
  } else {
    out <- data
  extra_group_pos <- tidy_select_pos(out, ..., .cols = .cols)
  if (!rename){
    names(extra_group_pos) <- names(data)[extra_group_pos]
  out <- frename(out, .cols = extra_group_pos)
  extra_groups <- names(extra_group_pos)
  # Recalculate group vars in case they were renamed
  group_vars <- names(out)[group_pos]
  address_equal <- rep_len(TRUE, df_ncol(data))
  address_equal[extra_group_pos] <-
    names(data)[extra_group_pos] == names(extra_group_pos)
  names(address_equal) <- names(data)
  any_groups_changed <- !all(address_equal[group_vars])
  if (unique_groups){
    extra_groups <- setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars)
    all_groups <- c(group_vars, extra_groups)
  } else {
    all_groups <- c(group_vars, setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars))
  list("data" = out,
       "dplyr_groups" = group_vars,
       "extra_groups" = extra_groups,
       "all_groups" = all_groups,
       "groups_changed" = any_groups_changed,
       "address_equal" = address_equal)

tidy_group_info_datamask <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL,
                                     ungroup = TRUE,
                                     unique_groups = TRUE){
  n_dots <- dots_length(...)
  group_vars <- get_groups(data, {{ .by }})
  group_pos <- match(group_vars, names(data))
  extra_groups <- character()
  if (ungroup){
    out <- safe_ungroup(data)
  } else {
    out <- data
  # Data-masking for dots expressions
  if (n_dots > 0){
    if (ungroup){
      out_info <- mutate_summary_ungrouped(out, ...)
    } else {
      out_info <- mutate_summary_grouped(out, ..., .by = {{ .by }})
    out <- out_info[["data"]]
    extra_groups <- out_info[["cols"]]
  if (unique_groups){
    extra_groups <- setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars)
    all_groups <- c(group_vars, extra_groups)
  } else {
    all_groups <- c(group_vars, setdiff2(extra_groups, group_vars))
  address_equal <- add_names(cpp_address_equal(
    data, df_select(safe_ungroup(out), names(data))
  ), names(data))
  any_groups_changed <- !all(address_equal[group_vars])
  # any_groups_changed <- cpp_any_address_changed(df_select(safe_ungroup(data), group_vars),
  #                                               df_select(safe_ungroup(out), group_vars))
  list("data" = out,
       "dplyr_groups" = group_vars,
       "extra_groups" = extra_groups,
       "all_groups" = all_groups,
       "groups_changed" = any_groups_changed,
       "address_equal" = address_equal)

tidy_group_info <- function(data, ..., .by = NULL, .cols = NULL,
                            ungroup = TRUE, rename = TRUE,
                            dots_type = "data-mask",
                            unique_groups = TRUE){
  check_cols(n_dots = dots_length(...), .cols = .cols)
  if (is.null(.cols) && dots_type == "data-mask"){
    tidy_group_info_datamask(data, ..., .by = {{ .by }},
                             ungroup = ungroup,
                             unique_groups = unique_groups)

  } else {
    tidy_group_info_tidyselect(data, ..., .by = {{ .by }},
                               .cols = .cols,
                               ungroup = ungroup,
                               rename = rename,
                               unique_groups = unique_groups)

# Faster dot nms
dot_nms <- function(..., use.names = FALSE){
  unlist(lapply(substitute(alist(...))[-1L], deparse),
         recursive = FALSE, use.names = use.names)
# Default arguments
match.call.defaults <- function(...) {
  call <- evalq(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE), parent.frame(1))
  formals <- evalq(formals(), parent.frame(1))

  for(i in setdiff(names(formals), names(call)))
    call[i] <- list( formals[[i]] )

  match.call(sys.function(sys.parent()), call)

# Checks if dataset has variable named "n" and adds n
# Until it finds unique var name.
# Recursive implementation.
new_n_var_nm <- function(data, check = "n"){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  if (is.null(data_nms)) data_nms <- data
  if (check %in% data_nms){
    new_n_var_nm(data, check = paste0(check, "n"))
  } else {
# Checks if dataset has a variable name and returns unique name
new_var_nm <- function(data, check = ".group.id"){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  if (is.null(data_nms)) data_nms <- data
  i <- 1L
  grp_nm <- check
  while (check %in% data_nms){
    i <- i + 1L
    check <- paste0(grp_nm, i)
set_recycle_args <- function(..., length = NULL, use.names = TRUE){
  if (identical(base::parent.frame(n = 1), base::globalenv())){
    stop("Users cannot use set_recycle_args from the global environment")
  recycled_list <- cheapr::recycle(..., length = length)
  if (use.names){
    names(recycled_list) <- dot_nms(...)
  out_nms <- names(recycled_list)
  for (i in seq_along(recycled_list)){
    assign(out_nms[i], recycled_list[[i]], envir = parent.frame(n = 1))
# Row products
rowProds <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L){
  exp(rowSums(log(x), na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims))
# Wrapper around order() to use radix order
radix_order <- function(x, na.last = TRUE, ...){
  order(x, method = "radix", na.last = na.last, ...)
# Wrapper around order() to use radix sort
radix_sort <- function(x, na.last = TRUE, ...){
  x[radix_order(x, na.last = na.last, ...)]
# Creates a sequence of ones.
seq_ones <- function(length){
  collapse::alloc(1L, length)
# Drop leading zeroes
drop_leading_zeros <- function(x, sep = "."){
  pattern <- paste0("^([^[:digit:]]{0,})0{1,}\\", sep, "{1}")
  sub(pattern, paste0("\\1", sep), x, perl = TRUE)

# A wrapper around sample to account for length 1 vectors.
# This is a well known problem (and solution)
sample2 <- function(x, size = length(x), replace = FALSE, prob = NULL){
  x[sample.int(length(x), size = size, replace = replace, prob = prob)]

fcumsum <- get_from_package("fcumsum", "collapse")
# set <- get_from_package("set", "data.table")
fsum <- get_from_package("fsum", "collapse")
fmin <- get_from_package("fmin", "collapse")
fmax <- get_from_package("fmax", "collapse")
fmean <- get_from_package("fmean", "collapse")
fmode <- get_from_package("fmode", "collapse")
fsd <- get_from_package("fsd", "collapse")
fvar <- get_from_package("fvar", "collapse")
fmedian <- get_from_package("fmedian", "collapse")
ffirst <- get_from_package("ffirst", "collapse")
flast <- get_from_package("flast", "collapse")
fndistinct <- get_from_package("fndistinct", "collapse")

are_whole_numbers <- function(x){
  if (is.integer(x)){
    return(rep_len(TRUE, length(x)))
  abs(x - round(x)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
# Unique number from positive numbers
# This was originally conceptualised as a way of turning the duration part of
# lubridate intervals
# into unique data points
# pair_unique <- function(x, y){
#   ( ( (x + y + 1) * (x + y) ) / 2 ) + x
# }
# Vctrs version of utils::head/tail
vec_head <- function(x, n = 1L){
  check_length(n, 1L)
  N <- vctrs::vec_size(x)
  if (n >= 0){
    size <- min(n, N)
  } else {
    size <- max(0L, N + n)
  vctrs::vec_slice(x, seq_len(size))
vec_tail <- function(x, n = 1L){
  check_length(n, 1L)
  N <- vctrs::vec_size(x)
  if (n >= 0){
    size <- min(n, N)
  } else {
    size <- max(0L, N + n)
  vctrs::vec_slice(x, seq.int(from = N - size + 1L, by = 1L, length.out = size))

# The below 2 functions CANNOT HANDLE MATRICES
# They are treated as regular vectors

# Returns the length or nrows (if list or df)
vec_length <- get_from_package("cpp_vec_length", "cheapr")

packageName <- function (env = parent.frame()){
  if (!is.environment(env))
    stop("'env' must be an environment")
  env <- topenv(env)
  if (!is.null(pn <- get0(".packageName", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)))
  else if (identical(env, .BaseNamespaceEnv))
# Checks whether dots are empty or contain NULL
# Returns TRUE if so, otherwise FALSE
# Used primarily to speed up dplyr::select()
check_null_dots <- function(...){
  squashed_quos <- rlang::quo_squash(enquos(...))
  length(squashed_quos) == 0L ||
    (length(squashed_quos) == 1L &&
  # is.null(rlang::quo_get_expr(squashed_quos[[1L]])))
# Wrapper around expand.grid without factors and df coercion
# Sorting mimics CJ()
# Overhead is small for small joins
CJ2 <- function(X){
  nargs <- length(X)
  if (nargs <= 1L){
  out <- vector("list", nargs)
  d <- cheapr::lengths_(X)
  orep <- prod(d)
  if (orep == 0L){
    for (i in seq_len(nargs)){
      out[[i]] <- .subset(.subset2(X, i), FALSE)
  rep.fac <- 1L
  for (i in seq.int(from = nargs, to = 1L, by = -1L)){
    x <- .subset2(X, i)
    nx <- .subset2(d, i)
    orep <- orep/nx
    x <- x[rep.int(rep(seq_len(nx), each = rep.fac), times = orep)]
    out[[i]] <- x
    rep.fac <- rep.fac * nx

quo_null <- function(quos){
  vapply(quos, FUN = rlang::quo_is_null,
         FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
expr_nms <- function(exprs){
         FUN = rlang::expr_name,
         FUN.VALUE = character(1))

quo_exprs <- function(quos){
  lapply(quos, rlang::quo_get_expr)

quo_identity <- function(quos, data){
  data_nms <- names(data)
  quo_nms <- quo_nms(quos)
  quo_nms %in% names(data)
# Somewhat safer check of the .by arg
# e.g mutate(group_by(iris, Species), .by = any_of("okay"))
# Should not produce an error with this check
check_by <- function(data, .by){
  if (!rlang::quo_is_null(enquo(.by))){
    if (inherits(data, "grouped_df")){
      by_nms <- tidy_select_names(data, {{ .by }})
      if (length(by_nms) > 0L){
        stop(".by cannot be used on a grouped_df")
check_cols <- function(n_dots, .cols = NULL){
  if (n_dots > 0 && !is.null(.cols)){
    stop("Cannot supply variables through ... and .cols, use one argument.")
# Quosure text/var check for select()
# NULL is removed.
quo_select_info <- function(quos, data){
  quo_nms <- names(quos)
  quo_text <- add_names(character(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  quo_is_null <- add_names(logical(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  for (i in seq_along(quos)){
    quo <- quos[[i]]
    quo_text[[i]] <- deparse1(rlang::quo_get_expr(quo))
    # quo_text[[i]] <- rlang::expr_name(rlang::quo_get_expr(quo))
    quo_is_null[[i]] <- rlang::quo_is_null(quo)
  quo_text <- quo_text[!quo_is_null]
  quo_nms <- quo_nms[!quo_is_null]
  is_char_var <- quo_text %in% names(data)
  is_num_var <- quo_text %in% as.character(df_seq_along(data, "cols"))
  list(quo_nms = quo_nms,
       quo_text = quo_text,
       is_num_var = is_num_var,
       is_char_var = is_char_var)
# Quosure text/var check for mutate()
# unnamed NULL exprs are removed.
quo_mutate_info <- function(quos, data){
  quo_nms <- names(quos)
  quo_text <- add_names(character(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  quo_is_null <- add_names(logical(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  for (i in seq_along(quos)){
    quo <- quos[[i]]
    quo_text[[i]] <- deparse1(rlang::quo_get_expr(quo))
    quo_is_null[[i]] <- rlang::quo_is_null(quo) && !nzchar(quo_nms[[i]])
  quo_text <- quo_text[!quo_is_null]
  quo_nms <- quo_nms[!quo_is_null]
  is_identity <- quo_text %in% names(data) & !nzchar(quo_nms)
  list(quo_nms = quo_nms,
       quo_text = unname(quo_text),
       is_identity = is_identity)
# Used only for summarise_list()
quo_summarise_info <- function(quos, data){
  quo_nms <- names(quos)
  quo_text <- add_names(character(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  quo_is_null <- add_names(logical(length(quos)), quo_nms)
  for (i in seq_along(quos)){
    quo <- quos[[i]]
    quo_text[[i]] <- deparse1(rlang::quo_get_expr(quo))
    quo_is_null[[i]] <- rlang::quo_is_null(quo)
  quo_text <- quo_text[!quo_is_null]
  quo_nms <- quo_nms[!quo_is_null]
  is_identity <- quo_text %in% names(data)
  list(quo_nms = quo_nms,
       quo_text = unname(quo_text),
       is_identity = is_identity)
# Check if signs are all equal
# Special function to handle -0 selection
# Returns 1 or -1, with special handling of -0 to allow slicing of all rows
slice_sign <- function(x){
  if (length(x)){
    rng <- collapse::frange(x, na.rm = FALSE)
  } else {
    rng <- integer(2L)
  rng_sum <- sum(sign(1 / rng))
  if (abs(rng_sum) != 2){
    stop("Can't mix negative and positive locations")
# Base R version of purrr::pluck, alternative to [[
fpluck <- function(x, .cols = NULL, .default = NULL){
  if (is.null(.cols)){
  if (length(.cols) > 1L){
    stop(".cols must have length 1")
  if (is.numeric(.cols)){
    icol <- match(.cols, seq_along(x))
  } else {
    icol <- match(.cols, names(x))
  # If no match just return .default
  if (length(icol) == 0L || is.na(icol)){
  .subset2(x, icol)

# round down to nearest n
floor_nearest_n <- function(x, n){
  floor(x / n) * n
# Round up to nearest n
ceiling_nearest_n <- function(x, n){
  ceiling(x / n) * n
# How many 10s is a number divisible by?
log10_divisibility <- function(x){
  x[x == 0] <- 1
# Sensible rounding
pretty_floor <- function(x){
  floor_nearest_n(x, n = 10^(log10_divisibility(x)))
pretty_ceiling <- function(x){
  ceiling_nearest_n(x, n = 10^(log10_divisibility(x)))

na_fill <- function(x, n = NULL, prop = NULL){
  if (!is.null(n) && !is.null(prop)){
    stop("either n or prop must be supplied")
  if (!is.null(n)){
    x[sample.int(length(x), size = n, replace = FALSE)] <- NA
  if (!is.null(prop)){
                 size = floor(prop * length(x)),
                 replace = FALSE)] <- NA

# Taken from base R to avoid needing R >= 4
deparse1 <- function(expr, collapse = " ", width.cutoff = 500L, ...){
  paste(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, ...), collapse = collapse)

bin_grouped <- function(x, breaks, gx = NULL, gbreaks = NULL, codes = TRUE,
                        right = TRUE,
                        include_lowest = FALSE,
                        include_oob = FALSE){
  x_list <- gsplit2(x, g = gx)
  breaks_list <- gsplit2(breaks, g = gbreaks)
  out <- cpp_bin_grouped(x_list, breaks_list, codes = codes,
                         include_lowest = include_lowest,
                         right = right,
                         include_oob = include_oob)
  ptype <- if (codes) integer() else x[0L]
  vctrs::list_unchop(out, ptype = ptype)
# Is x numeric and not S4?
is_s3_numeric <- function(x){
  typeof(x) %in% c("integer", "double") && !isS4(x)

check_is_num <- function(x){
  if (!is.numeric(x)){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must be numeric"))
check_is_double <- function(x){
  if (!is.double(x)){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must be a double"))
# TRUE when x is sorted and contains no NA
is_sorted <- function(x){
check_sorted <- function(x){
  if (!is_sorted(x)){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must be in ascending order"))
# Retains integer class of a if b is 1 and a is integer
divide <- function(a, b){
  if (is.integer(a) && allv2(b, 1)){
  } else {
    a / b
# Initialise a single NA value of correct type
na_init <- function(x, size = 1L){
  rep(x[NA_integer_], size)
  # x[rep_len(NA_integer_, size)]
  # rep_len(x[NA_integer_], size)
strip_attrs <- function(x, set = FALSE){
  if (set){
  } else {
    attributes(x) <- NULL
strip_attr <- function(x, which, set = FALSE){
  if (set){
    set_rm_attr(x, which)
  } else {
    attr(x, which) <- NULL
is_integerable <- function(x){
  abs(x) <= .Machine$integer.max
all_integerable <- function(x, shift = 0){
    (abs(collapse::frange(x, na.rm = TRUE)) + shift ) <= .Machine$integer.max,
    na.rm = TRUE
add_attr <- function(x, which, value, set = FALSE){
  if (set){
    set_add_attr(x, which, value)
  } else {
    attr(x, which) <- value
add_attrs <- function(x, value, set = FALSE){
  if (set){
    set_add_attributes(x, value, add = FALSE)
  } else {
    attributes(x) <- value
add_names <- function(x, value){
  names(x) <- value
check_is_list <- function(x){
  if (!is.list(x)){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must be a list"))
check_length <- function(x, size){
  if (length(x) != size){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must be of length", size))
check_length_lte <- function(x, size){
  if (!(length(x) <= size)){
    stop(paste(deparse1(substitute(x)), "must have length <=", size))
# collapse allv and allna with extra length check
allv2 <- function(x, value){
  if (!length(x)){
  collapse::allv(x, value)

# Build on top of any and all
# Are none TRUE?
none <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
  !any(..., na.rm = na.rm)
# Are some TRUE? Must specify number or proportion
some <- function(..., n = NULL, prop = NULL, na.rm = FALSE){
  if ( ( !is.null(n) && !is.null(prop) ) ||
       ( is.null(n) && is.null(prop) ) ){
    stop("either n or prop must be supplied")
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) == 1L){
    dots <- dots[[1L]]
  } else {
    dots <- unlist(dots)
  if (na.rm){
    dots <- dots[!is.na(dots)]
  N <- length(dots)
  num_true <- sum(dots)
  if (!is.null(n)){
    out <- num_true >= n
  if (!is.null(prop)){
    out <- (num_true / N) >= prop

list_of_empty_vectors <- function(x){
  lapply(x, function(x) x[0L])
# anyDuplicated but returns a logical(1)
anyduplicated <- function(x){
  anyDuplicated.default(x) > 0L
simple_deparse <- function(expr){
  deparse(expr, backtick = FALSE, control = NULL)
# Taken from stats
hasTsp <- function(x){
  if (is.null(attr(x, "tsp"))){
    attr(x, "tsp") <- c(1, NROW(x), 1)
tsp <- function(x){
  attr(x, "tsp")
# Simple wrapper around collapse::join
collapse_join <- function(x, y, on, how, sort = FALSE, ...){
  out <- collapse::join(x, y,
                        on = on, sort = sort, how = how,
                        verbose = FALSE,
                        keep.col.order = FALSE,
                        drop.dup.cols = FALSE,
                        overid = 2,
          .cols = c(names(x), intersect(setdiff(names(y), names(x)), names(out))))

# Sort x with no copy
# If y is supplied, sort x using y
# set_order <- function(x, y = NULL){
#   df <- collapse::qDT(list3(x = x, y = y))
#   data.table::setorderv(df, cols = names(df)[df_ncol(df)])
#   invisible(x)
# }

# Remove NULL list elements
list_rm_null <- get_from_package("cpp_list_rm_null", "cheapr")

# setdiff where x and y are unique vectors
setdiff2 <- function(x, y){
  # x[collapse::whichNA(collapse::fmatch(x, y, overid = 2L))]
  x[match(x, y, 0L) == 0L]
intersect2 <- function(x, y){
  if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)){
  c(x[match(x, y, 0L) > 0L], y[numeric()])
trunc2 <- function(x){
  if (is.integer(x)) x else trunc(x)
round2 <- function(x, digits = 0){
  if (is.integer(x)) x else round(x, digits)
floor2 <- function(x){
  if (is.integer(x)) x else floor(x)
ceiling2 <- function(x){
  if (is.integer(x)) x else ceiling(x)
# Convert typeof x to typeof template
cast2 <- function(x, template){
  type <- typeof(template)
  if (identical(typeof(x), type)){
  } else {
    coerce <- get(tolower(paste0("as.", type)))
# Exactly the same as .bincode except that
# breaks can be returned as well as codes
# One-sided out-of-bounds values can be included
# Just like in findInterval()

# Use with caution

bin <- function(x, breaks,
                right = TRUE,
                include_lowest = FALSE,
                include_oob = FALSE,
                codes = TRUE) {
  .Call(`_timeplyr_cpp_bin`, x, breaks, codes, right, include_lowest, include_oob)
# Subset 1 element from each list element
# list items with zero-length vectors are replaced
# with the default value
# out-of-bounds subsets are also replaced with the default
# the idea is that this identity always holds: length(list_subset(x)) == length(x)
list_subset <- function(x, i, default = NA, copy_attributes = FALSE){
  check_length(default, 1)
  if (length(x) == 0){
    first_element <- NULL
    ptype <- NULL
  } else {
    first_element <- x[[1]]
    ptype <- first_element[0]
  out <- cpp_list_subset(x, ptype, as.integer(i), default)
  if (copy_attributes){
    attributes(out) <- attributes(first_element)

# Cheapr functions --------------------------------------------------------

gcd_diff <- function(x){
  cheapr::gcd(diff_(x), na_rm = TRUE)
which_ <- cheapr::which_
which_in <- get_from_package("which_in", "cheapr")
which_not_in <- get_from_package("which_not_in", "cheapr")
which_val <- get_from_package("which_val", "cheapr")
val_rm <- get_from_package("val_rm", "cheapr")
na_count <- function(x){
  cheapr::num_na(x, recursive = FALSE)
`%in_%` <- cheapr::`%in_%`
`%!in_%` <- cheapr::`%!in_%`

sequences <- function(size, from = 1L, by = 1L, add_id = FALSE){
  time_cast(cheapr::sequence_(size, from, by, add_id), from)
df_select <- get_from_package("df_select", "cheapr")
list_as_df <- get_from_package("list_as_df", "cheapr")
inline_hist <- get_from_package("inline_hist", "cheapr")
new_list <- cheapr::new_list
window_sequence <- cheapr::window_sequence
sset <- cheapr::sset
set_add_attr <- get_from_package("cpp_set_add_attr", "cheapr")
set_add_attributes <- get_from_package("cpp_set_add_attributes", "cheapr")
set_rm_attr <- get_from_package("cpp_set_rm_attr", "cheapr")
set_rm_attributes <- get_from_package("cpp_set_rm_attributes", "cheapr")

arithmetic_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
  collapse::fmean(x, w = weights, na.rm = na.rm, ...)
geometric_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
  exp(arithmetic_mean(log(x), weights = weights, na.rm = na.rm, ...))
harmonic_mean <- function(x, weights = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
  1 / arithmetic_mean(1/x, weights = weights, na.rm = na.rm, ...)

# A work in progress..
# collapse_full_join <- function(x, y, on = intersect(names(x), names(y))){
#   x1 <- fselect(x, .cols = on)
#   y1 <- fselect(y, .cols = on)
#   extra_cols <- setdiff(names(y), names(x))
#   common_left_ids <- which_in(x1, y1)
#   common_right_ids <- which_in(y1, x1)
#   extra_left_ids <- which_not_in(x1, y1)
#   extra_right_ids <- which_not_in(y1, x1)
#   common_left <- sset(x, common_left_ids)
#   common_right <- sset(sset(y, j = extra_cols), common_right_ids)
#   n_extra_rows <- abs(nrow(common_left) - nrow(common_right))
#   if (nrow(common_left) < nrow(common_right)){
#     common_left <- bind_rows(common_left,
#                              df_init(common_left, n_extra_rows))
#   } else if (nrow(common_left) > nrow(common_right)){
#     common_right <- bind_rows(common_right,
#                              df_init(common_right, n_extra_rows))
#   }
#   common <- df_cbind(common_left, common_right)
#   # common
#   dplyr::bind_rows(common, sset(x, extra_left_ids), sset(y, extra_right_ids))
# }

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timeplyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:37 a.m.