
Defines functions tk_augment_slidify.default tk_augment_slidify.grouped_df tk_augment_slidify.data.frame tk_augment_slidify

Documented in tk_augment_slidify

#' Add many rolling window calculations to the data
#' Quickly use any function as a rolling function and apply to multiple `.periods`.
#' Works with `dplyr` groups too.
#' @param .data A tibble.
#' @param .value One or more column(s) to have a transformation applied. Usage
#'  of `tidyselect` functions (e.g. `contains()`) can be used to select multiple columns.
#' @param .period One or more periods for the rolling window(s)
#' @param .f A summary `[function / formula]`,
#' @param ... Optional arguments for the summary function
#' @param .align Rolling functions generate `.period - 1` fewer values than the incoming vector.
#' Thus, the vector needs to be aligned. Select one of "center", "left", or "right".
#' @param .partial .partial Should the moving window be allowed to return partial (incomplete) windows instead of `NA` values.
#'  Set to FALSE by default, but can be switched to TRUE to remove `NA`'s.
#' @param .names A vector of names for the new columns. Must be of same length as `.period`. Default is "auto".
#' @return Returns a `tibble` object describing the timeseries.
#' @details
#' `tk_augment_slidify()` scales the [`slidify_vec()`] function to multiple
#' time series `.periods`. See [`slidify_vec()`] for examples and usage of the core function
#' arguments.
#' @seealso
#' Augment Operations:
#' - [tk_augment_timeseries_signature()] - Group-wise augmentation of timestamp features
#' - [tk_augment_holiday_signature()] - Group-wise augmentation of holiday features
#' - [tk_augment_slidify()] - Group-wise augmentation of rolling functions
#' - [tk_augment_lags()] - Group-wise augmentation of lagged data
#' - [tk_augment_differences()] - Group-wise augmentation of differenced data
#' - [tk_augment_fourier()] - Group-wise augmentation of fourier series
#' Underlying Function:
#' - [`slidify_vec()`] - The underlying function that powers `tk_augment_slidify()`
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Single Column | Multiple Rolling Windows
#' FANG %>%
#'     select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
#'     group_by(symbol) %>%
#'     tk_augment_slidify(
#'         .value   = contains("adjust"),
#'         # Multiple rolling windows
#'         .period  = c(10, 30, 60, 90),
#'         .f       = mean,
#'         .partial = TRUE,
#'         .names   = stringr::str_c("MA_", c(10, 30, 60, 90))
#'     ) %>%
#'     ungroup()
#' # Multiple Columns | Multiple Rolling Windows
#' FANG %>%
#'     select(symbol, date, adjusted, volume) %>%
#'     group_by(symbol) %>%
#'     tk_augment_slidify(
#'         .value  = c(adjusted, volume),
#'         .period  = c(10, 30, 60, 90),
#'         .f       = mean,
#'         .partial = TRUE
#'     ) %>%
#'     ungroup()
#' @name tk_augment_slidify

#' @export
#' @rdname tk_augment_slidify
tk_augment_slidify <- function(.data,
                               .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
                               .partial = FALSE,
                               .names = "auto") {

    # Tidy Eval Setup
    column_expr <- enquo(.value)

    # Checks
    if (rlang::quo_is_missing(column_expr)) stop(call. = FALSE, "tk_augment_slidify(.value) is missing.")
    if (rlang::is_missing(.period)) stop(call. = FALSE, "tk_augment_slidify(.period) is missing.")
    if (rlang::is_missing(.f)) stop(call. = FALSE, "tk_augment_slidify(.f) is missing.")

    UseMethod("tk_augment_slidify", .data)

#' @export
tk_augment_slidify.data.frame <- function(.data,
                                          .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
                                          .partial = FALSE,
                                          .names = "auto") {

    # column_expr <- enquo(.value)
    col_nms   <- names(tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::enquo(.value), .data))
    col_exprs <- rlang::syms(col_nms)

    # print(col_nms)
    # print(.period)

    grid <- purrr::cross_df(
        .l = list(
            col   = col_nms,
            per   = .period

    # print(grid)

    ret_1 <- .data

    ret_2 <- purrr::map2(.x = grid$col, .y = grid$per, .f = function(col, per) {
        .data %>%
            dplyr::pull(!! rlang::sym(col)) %>%
                .period  = per,
                .f       = .f,
                .align   = .align[1],
                .partial = .partial[1]

    # Adjust Names
    if (any(.names == "auto")) {
        newname <- paste0(grid$col, "_roll_", grid$per)
    } else {
        newname <- .names
    ret_2 <- ret_2 %>%
        purrr::set_names(newname) %>%

    # print(ret_2)

    # Perform Overwrite
    ret <- bind_cols_overwrite(ret_1, ret_2)



#' @export
tk_augment_slidify.grouped_df <- function(.data,
                                          .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
                                          .partial = FALSE,
                                          .names = "auto") {

    # col_nms     <- names(tidyselect::eval_select(rlang::enquo(.value), .data))
    # col_exprs   <- rlang::syms(col_nms)
    group_names <- dplyr::group_vars(.data)

    .data %>%
        tidyr::nest() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(nested.col = purrr::map(
            .x         = data,
            .f         = function(df) tk_augment_slidify(
                .data      = df,
                .value     = !! rlang::enquo(.value),
                .period    = .period,
                .f         = .f,
                .align     = .align[1],
                .partial   = .partial[1],
                .names     = .names
        )) %>%
        dplyr::select(-"data") %>%
        tidyr::unnest(cols = nested.col) %>%
        dplyr::group_by_at(.vars = group_names)

#' @export
tk_augment_slidify.default <- function(.data,
                                       .align = c("center", "left", "right"),
                                       .partial = FALSE,
                                       .names = "auto") {
    stop(paste0("`tk_augment_slidify` has no method for class ", class(data)[[1]]))

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timetk documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:18 p.m.