
Defines functions cor.one cor.full t_choose

Documented in cor.full cor.one t_choose

##' t_choose
##' choose differential expressed genes by simple t.test
##' @inheritParams get_deg
##' @param genes a vector with some genes
##' @param up_only keep up genes in the result only
##' @param down_only keep down genes in the result only
##' @param pvalue_cutoff p value cut off ,0.05 by defult
##' @export
##' @return a vector with differential expressed genes
##' @author Xiaojie Sun
##' @examples
##' exp = matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol = 10)
##' rownames(exp) = sample(mRNA_annov23$gene_id,100)
##' colnames(exp) = c(paste0("TCGA",1:5),paste0("GTEX",1:5))
##' exp2  = trans_exp(exp)
##' exp2[,1:5] = exp2[,1:5]+10
##' group_list = rep(c("A","B"),each = 5)
##' genes = sample(rownames(exp2),3)
##' t_choose(genes,exp2,group_list)

t_choose <- function(genes,exp,group_list,up_only = FALSE,down_only = FALSE,pvalue_cutoff = 0.05){
  if(up_only&down_only)stop("please change neither up_only or down_only to FALSE")
  genes = genes[genes %in% rownames(exp)]
  exp_small = exp[genes,]
  dat = data.frame(t(exp_small),check.names = FALSE)
  dat$group_list = group_list
  p_v <- sapply(1:(ncol(dat)-1), function(i){
    stats::t.test(dat[,i] ~group_list)$p.value
  names(p_v) = colnames(dat)[-ncol(dat)]

  exp_genes = names(p_v[p_v < pvalue_cutoff])

    es_up <- sapply(1:(ncol(dat)-1), function(i){
      tmp = stats::t.test(dat[,i] ~group_list)
      k = tmp$estimate[2]-tmp$estimate[1] >0
    up_genes = names(p_v)[p_v < pvalue_cutoff & es_up]
  }else if(down_only){
    es_down <- sapply(1:(ncol(dat)-1), function(i){
      tmp = stats::t.test(dat[,i] ~group_list)
      k = tmp$estimate[2]-tmp$estimate[1] <0
    down_genes = names(p_v)[p_v <pvalue_cutoff & es_down]

##' cor.test for all variables
##' cor.test for all variables(each two columns)
##' @param x A numeric matrix or data.frame
##' @param drop drop values
##' @inheritParams cor.one
##' @return a data.frame with cor.test p.value and estimate
##' @author Xiaojie Sun
##' @export
##' @examples
##' x = iris[,-5]
##' cor.full(x)
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{cor.one}}

cor.full <- function(x,drop = min(x)-0.001,min.obs = 10){
  ss = list()
  p = list()
  ss1 = utils::combn(colnames(x),2)
  ss2 = apply(ss1, 2, paste,collapse =":")

  for(i in (1:ncol(ss1))){
    bt = x[,ss1[1,i]]
    kt = x[,ss1[2,i]]
    k1 = bt > drop
    k2 = kt > drop
    if(sum(k1&k2) < min.obs){
      p[[i]] = c(NA,NA)
    cot = stats::cor.test(bt[k1&k2],kt[k1&k2])
    p[[i]] = c(cot$p.value,cot$estimate)
    names(p[[i]]) = c("p.value","cor")
  re = do.call(cbind,p)
  colnames(re) = apply(ss1, 2, paste,collapse =":")
  re = as.data.frame(t(re))
  ks = sapply(rownames(re), function(gs){
    g1 = str_split(gs,":",simplify = T)[,1]
    g2 = str_split(gs,":",simplify = T)[,2]
    sum(x[,g1]>drop & x[,g2]>drop)
  re$obsnumber = ks
  re = stats::na.omit(re)

##' cor.test for one variable with all variables
##' cor.test for all variables(each two columns)
##' @param x A numeric matrix or data.frame
##' @param var your chosen variable,only one.
##' @param drop.var drop values in var
##' @param drop.other drop values in other columns
##' @param min.obs minimum number of observations  after dropping
##' @return A data.frame with cor.test p.value and estimate
##' @author Xiaojie Sun
##' @export
##' @examples
##' x = iris[,-5]
##' cor.one(x,"Sepal.Width")
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{cor.full}}

cor.one <- function(x,var,drop.var = min(x[,var])-0.001,
                    drop.other = min(x[,-which(colnames(x)==var)])-0.001,
                    min.obs = 10){
  if(!(var %in% colnames(x))) stop(paste0(var," is not a colname of ",x,",please check it."))
  if(!all(!duplicated(colnames(x)))) stop("unique colnames is required")
  p = list()
  ss = setdiff(colnames(x),var)
  bt = x[,var]
  k1 = bt > drop.var
  for(i in (1:length(ss))){
    kt = x[,ss[[i]]]
    k2 = kt > drop.other
    if(sum(k1&k2) < min.obs){
      p[[i]] = c(NA,NA)
      cot = stats::cor.test(bt[k1&k2],kt[k1&k2])
      p[[i]] = c(cot$p.value,cot$estimate)
    names(p[[i]]) = c("p.value","cor")
  re = do.call(cbind,p)
  colnames(re) = ss
  re = as.data.frame(t(re))
  ks = sapply(rownames(re), function(g){
  re$obsnumber = ks
  re = stats::na.omit(re)

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