
Defines functions screenPage

Documented in screenPage

screenPage <- function(head = NULL,
                       sub = NULL,
                       foot = NULL,
                       date = FALSE,
                       dateFormat = "%x",
                       time = FALSE,
                       topLeft = character(0),
                       topRight = character(0),
                       headFont = par("font.main"),
                       subFont = par("font.sub"),
                       footFont = par("font"),
                       cex = 1.001,
                       headCex = 1.5,
                       subCex = 0.85,
                       footCex = 0.75,
                       topLeftCex = 0.85,
                       topRightCex = 0.85,
                       footAlign = 0,
                       leftMargin = 0,
                       rightMargin = leftMargin,
                       topMargin = 0,
                       bottomMargin = topMargin){
  ## Calculate outer margin space needed for outer margin text items: titles,
  ## subtitles, footnotes, and various labels.  Set par(oma) appropriately,
  ## then draw the outer margin items.
  value <- list(head = head, sub = sub, foot = foot,
                date = date, dateFormat = dateFormat, time = time,
                topLeft = topLeft, topRight = topRight,
                headFont = headFont, subFont = subFont, footFont = footFont,
                cex = cex, headCex = headCex, subCex = subCex,
                footCex = footCex,
                topLeftCex = topLeftCex, topRightCex = topRightCex,
                footAlign = footAlign, 
                leftMargin = leftMargin, rightMargin = rightMargin,
                topMargin = topMargin, bottomMargin = bottomMargin)
  if(length(dev.list())== 0) ## no graphics device is active

  ## unsplit screen
  if(length(ss <- split.screen()) != 1 || ss) close.screen(all.screens = TRUE)

  par(mex = 1, cex = 1, fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1),
      omi = c(bottomMargin, leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin))
  if(!is.null(head))    head <- evalOrEcho(head)
  if(!is.null( sub))    sub  <- evalOrEcho(sub)
  if(!is.null(foot))    foot <- evalOrEcho(foot)

  footAlign <- rep(footAlign, length.out = length(foot))
  ## All cex's are relative to cex
  topLeftCex   <- cex * topLeftCex
  topRightCex  <- cex * topRightCex
  headCex <- cex * headCex
  subCex  <- cex * subCex
  footCex <- cex * footCex
  ## topRight (Upper Right Corner text) will hold date and time
    topRight <- c(topRight, date)
    if(date) topRight <- c(topRight, format(Sys.time(), dateFormat))
  if(time) topRight <- c(topRight, format(Sys.time(), "%X"))
  ## Figure top margin space
  nHead <- length(head)
  nSub <- length(sub)
  nTopLeft  <- length(topLeft)
  nTopRight <- length(topRight)
  topLeftSpace  <- topLeftCex * (nTopLeft + 1)
  topRightSpace <- topRightCex * (nTopRight + 1)
  subSpace <- subCex * nSub
  headSpace <- headCex * nHead
  topSpace <- max(max(topLeftSpace, topRightSpace) + headSpace + subSpace + 0.5)
  ## Figure additional bottom margin space
  nFoot <- length(foot)
  bottomSpace <- footCex * (nFoot + 1)

  ## Set par("oma")
  oma <- par("oma")
  par(oma = c(bottomSpace + oma[1], oma[2], topSpace + oma[3], oma[4]))
  ## place topLeft
    for(i in 1:nTopLeft)
      mtext(text = topLeft[i], side = 3, adj = 0, outer = TRUE, cex = topLeftCex,
            line = topSpace - i * topLeftCex)
  ## place topRight
    for(i in 1:nTopRight)
      mtext(text = topRight[i], side = 3, adj = 1, outer = TRUE, cex = topRightCex,
            line = topSpace - i * topRightCex)
  ## place head
    for(i in 1:nHead)
      mtext(head[i], side = 3, adj = 0.5, outer = TRUE, cex = headCex,
            line = headSpace + subSpace - i * headCex + 0.5,
            font = headFont)
  ## place sub
    for(i in 1:nSub)
      mtext(sub[i], side = 3, adj = 0.5, outer = TRUE, cex = subCex,
            line = subSpace - i * subCex + 0.5, font = subFont)
  ## place foot
    for(i in 1:nFoot)
      mtext(text = foot[i], side = 1, adj = footAlign[i],
            outer = TRUE, cex = footCex, line = (i - 1) * footCex)

  omd <- par("omd")
  ## omd is the boundaries of the
  ## c(left, right, bottom, top) outer margins, as fractions (in [0,1])
  ## of the device surface.
  omd[3] <- max(omd[3], 0.002)
  pagehead <- c(omd[1], omd[2], omd[4], 1)
  pagefoot <- c(omd[1], omd[2], 0,      omd[3])
  pagebody <- c(omd[1], omd[2], omd[3], omd[4])
  ## reset outer margins to zero
  ## par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
  ## figs:c(left, right, bottom,  top )
  if(pagefoot[4] > 0.001)
    figs <- rbind(pagehead, pagefoot, pagebody)
    figs <- rbind(pagehead, pagebody)
  split.screen(figs, erase = FALSE)
  screens <- split.screen()
  screen(screens[length(screens)], new = TRUE)
  ## collecting garbage seems to solve problem of mysterious crashes

Try the tis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tis documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 1:06 a.m.