
Defines functions .tramME_smooth .re_size .cctm .model_name .parallel_default is.pd .re_format .nm2vec .nm2mat .vc2th .th2vc .renms .smnms .upd_param .param

##' @import methods

## Generates the tramME param structure
## Sets up the list of tramME parameters by converting tramTMB parameterization.
## @param par Named list of initial parameters (beta and theta).
## @param fe Necessary information about fixed effects.
## @param re Necessary infromation about random effects.
## @param varnames Names of the variables in the model.
## FIXME: update man
## .gen_param <- function(obj, fe, re, sm, dat, nofit = FALSE,
##                        par = .get_par(obj, fixed = TRUE, full = TRUE)) {
##   mp <- obj$env$map
##   ## Extract fixed paremeters, set non-fixed to NA
##   fixed <- list()
##   for (n in names(mp)) {
##     fp <- rep(NA, length(mp[[n]]))
##     idx <- which(is.na(mp[[n]]))
##     fp[idx] <- par[[n]][idx]
##     fixed[[n]] <- fp
##   }
##   ## Generate a blank collection of parameters
##   par0 <- list()
##   for (n in names(par)) {
##     if (n %in% names(fixed)) {
##       par0[[n]] <- fixed[[n]]
##     } else {
##       par0[[n]] <- rep(NA, length(par[[n]]))
##     }
##   }

##   if (nofit) { ## the model is not fitted NA parameter values except for fixed
##     par <- par0
##   }
##   ## -- generate names for smooth terms
##   snm <- .smnms(sm)
##   ## -- Convert TMB parametrization to tramME parameter structure
##   ## beta
##   fp <- !is.na(c(par0$beta0, par0$beta))
##   beta <- c(par$beta0, par$beta)
##   attr(beta, "fixed") <- fp
##   tp <- rep(c("bl", "sh"), c(length(par$beta0), length(par$beta)))
##   tp[tail(seq_along(tp), ncol(sm$X))] <- "sm"
##   attr(beta, "type") <- tp
##   nm <- names(fe$beta)
##   names(beta) <- c(nm, snm$b)
##   ## theta & varcov
##   fp <- !is.na(par0$theta)
##   theta <- par$theta
##   attr(theta, "fixed") <- fp
##   ns <- length(sm$re_dims)
##   sp <- rep(FALSE, length(theta))
##   sp[tail(seq_along(theta), ns)] <- TRUE
##   th <- .nm2vec(theta[!sp], re$names)
##   names(theta)[1:length(th)] <- names(th)
##   if (length(th) > 0) {
##     varcov <- .th2vc(th, re$blocksize)
##     varcov <- .nm2mat(varcov, re$names)
##   } else {
##     ## varcov <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
##     varcov <- list()
##   }
##   if (ns) {
##     names(theta)[sp] <- snm$th
##     for (i in 1:ns) {
##       varcov[[sub("\\|SP$", "", snm$th[i])]] <- matrix(exp(theta[sp][i])^2)
##     }
##   }
##   attr(theta, "type") <- ifelse(sp, "sm", "re")
##   attr(varcov, "type") <- rep(c("re", "sm"), c(length(re$blocksize), length(sm$re_dims)))
##   out <- list(beta = beta, theta  = theta, varcov = varcov)
##   m <- match(c("names", "blocksize", "levels", "termsize"), names(re), 0L)
##   re <- re[m]
##   mostattributes(out) <- list(names = names(out),
##                               ##fe = list(), ## FIXME: currently not in use delete?
##                               re = re,
##                               sm = list(re_dims = sm$re_dims),
##                               varnames = names(dat))
##   return(out)
## }
## new version
.param <- function(fe, re, sm, fixed) {
  stopifnot(length(fixed) == length(unique(names(fixed))))
  smn <- .smnms(sm)
  ## -- beta
  beta <- rep(NA, length(fe$beta) + ncol(sm$X))
  names(beta) <- c(names(fe$beta), smn$b)
  fp <- intersect(names(beta), names(fixed))
  beta[fp] <- fixed[fp]
  attr(beta, "fixed") <- !is.na(beta)
  attr(beta, "type")  <- c(ifelse(fe$pargroup == "baseline", "bl", "sh"),
                           rep("sm", ncol(sm$X)))
  ## -- theta
  th1 <- .nm2vec(rep(NA, length(re$theta)), re$names)
  th2 <- rep(NA, length(sm$theta))
  names(th2) <- smn$th
  theta <- c(th1, th2)
  fp <- intersect(names(theta), names(fixed))
  theta[fp] <- fixed[fp]
  attr(theta, "fixed") <- !is.na(theta)
  attr(theta, "type")  <- rep(c("re", "sm"), c(length(th1), length(th2)))
  ## -- varcov
  if (length(th1)) {
    varcov <- .th2vc(th1, re$blocksize)
    varcov <- .nm2mat(varcov, re$names)
  } else {
    varcov <- list()
  if (length(th2)) {
    for (i in 1:length(th2)) {
      varcov[[sub("\\|SP$", "", smn$th[i])]] <- matrix(exp(th2[i])^2)
  attr(varcov, "type") <- rep(c("re", "sm"), c(length(re$blocksize), length(sm$re_dims)))
  ## -- gamma
  rnm1 <- .renms(re)
  rnm2 <- unlist(smn$g)
  gamma <- rep(NA, length(rnm1) + length(rnm2))
  names(gamma) <- c(rnm1, rnm2)
  fp <- intersect(names(gamma), names(fixed))
  gamma[fp] <- fixed[fp]
  attr(gamma, "fixed") <- !is.na(gamma)
  attr(gamma, "type")  <- rep(c("re", "sm"), c(length(rnm1), length(rnm2)))
  ## --
  out <- list(beta = beta, theta  = theta, varcov = varcov, gamma = gamma)
  m <- match(c("names", "blocksize", "levels", "termsize"), names(re), 0L)
  re <- re[m]
  mostattributes(out) <- list(names = names(out), re = re,
                              sm = list(re_dims = sm$re_dims))

## Update parameter vector with new values but keeping the
## Does the conversion between tramTMB parameter structure and tramME param.
## Only for internal use. Doesn't do any consistency checks.
## @param param The formatted list of tramME parameters and additional info.
## @param obj A tramTMB object with new parameters.
## @param newval An optional named list of new parameter values.
.upd_param <- function(param, obj, newval = .get_par(obj, fixed = TRUE, full = TRUE)) {
  param$beta[] <- c(newval$beta0, newval$beta)
  param$theta[] <- newval$theta
  param$gamma[] <- newval$gamma
  sp <- attr(param$theta, "type") == "sm"
  bls <- c(attr(param, "re")$blocksize, rep(1L, sum(sp)))
  if (length(bls)) {
    vc <- .th2vc(param$theta, bls)
    att <- attributes(param$varcov)
    param$varcov <- mapply(function(old, new) {old[] <- new[]; old}, ## NOTE: to keep the names
                           param$varcov, vc, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    attributes(param$varcov) <- att

## generate names for parameters of smooth terms
## @param sm named list with smooth term information as returned by \code{sm_terms}
.smnms <- function(sm) {
  if (ncol(sm$X)) {
    cnx <- colnames(sm$X)
    xnm <- sapply(split(cnx, factor(cnx, levels = unique(cnx))), function(x) {
      paste0(unique(x), "|FE" ,seq_along(x))})
    xnm <- unlist(xnm)
  } else {
    xnm <- character(0)
  if (length(sm$re_dims)) {
    rnm <- paste0(names(sm$re_dims), "|SP")
    znm <- c(sapply(names(sm$re_dims), function(n) paste0(n, "|RE", seq(sm$re_dims[n]))))
  } else {
    rnm <- character(0)
    znm <- character(0)
  list(b = xnm, th = rnm, g = znm)

## Generate names for random effects terms
## @param re named list with random effects informations as returned by \code{re_terms}
.renms <- function(re) {
  if (length(re) == 0) {
  nm <- re$names
  gv <- names(nm)
  lv <- re$levels
  unlist(mapply(function(n, g) {
    gnl <- expand.grid(g, "|", n, ":", lv[[g]],
                       KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    apply(gnl, 1, paste, collapse = "")
  }, n = nm, g = gv, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))

## Convert from theta vector to vc matrix
## @param th Vector of theta parameters (reparametrization of the covariance matrices)
## @param rbs Vector of random effects matrix dimensions
.th2vc <- function(th, rbs) {
  if (any(is.na(th)))
    return(lapply(rbs, function(x) matrix(NA, nrow = x, ncol = x)))
  ths <- rep(seq(length(rbs)), rbs * (rbs + 1) / 2)
  tapply(th, ths, function(x) {
    n <- (sqrt(1 + 8 * length(x)) - 1) / 2
    v <- exp(x[1:n])^2
    cr <- diag(n)
    cr[upper.tri(cr)] <- x[(n+1):length(x)]
    cr <- t(cr) %*% cr
    s <- sqrt(diag(cr))
    ss <- diag(1/s, nrow = length(s), ncol = length(s))
    cr <- ss %*% cr %*% ss
    sd <- diag(sqrt(v), nrow = length(v), ncol = length(v))
    sd %*% cr %*% sd
  }, simplify = FALSE)

## Convert from vc matrix to theta vector
## @param vc Covariance matrix of random effects
## @param rbs Vector of random effects matrix dimensions
##' @importFrom stats cov2cor
.vc2th <- function(vc, rbs) {
  if (any(is.na(vc)))
    return(rep(NA, sum(rbs * (rbs + 1) / 2)))
  out <- lapply(vc, function(x) {
    n <- nrow(x)
    stopifnot(n == ncol(x))
    sd <- sqrt(diag(x))
    cr <- cov2cor(x)
    cc <- chol(cr)
    cc <- cc %*% diag(1 / diag(cc))
    th <- c(log(sd), cc[upper.tri(cc)])

## Add names to the vc matrix
## @param m List of covariance matrices without names
## @param rnms Named list of random effects names
## @return The same list of covariance matrices with proper names
.nm2mat <- function(m, rnms) {
  m <- mapply(function(x, y) { rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- y; x },
              x = m, y = rnms, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  names(m) <- names(rnms)

## Add names to the vector of theta parameters
## @param v theta vector without names
## @param rnms Named list of random effects names
## @return The same vector with proper names
.nm2vec <- function(v, rnms) {
  rn <- mapply(FUN = function(g, v) {
      crn <- outer(v, v, paste, sep = ".")
      paste0(g, "|", c(v, crn[upper.tri(crn)]))
  }, g = names(rnms), v = rnms, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  rn <- unlist(rn, use.names = FALSE)
  names(v) <- rn

## Format random effects
## @param x Vector of random effects
## @param rts Vector of length of random effects terms for each grouping factor
## @param rnms Named list of random effects names
## @param rbs Vector of random effects matrix dimensions
## @param rlev List of the levels of each grouping factor
.re_format <- function(x, rts, rnms, rbs, rlev) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == sum(rts))
  gr <- rep(seq_along(rts), rts)
  spp <- split(x, gr)
  out <- mapply(FUN = function(sp, bs, rnm, gnm) {
    g <- matrix(sp, ncol = bs, byrow = TRUE)
    g <- as.data.frame(g)
    colnames(g) <- rnm
    rownames(g) <- rlev[[gnm]]
  sp = spp, bs = rbs, rnm = rnms, gnm = names(rnms),
  names(out) <- names(rnms)

## Check positive definiteness
## @param m a matrix
## @return logical
is.pd <- function(m) {
  if (!isSymmetric(m))
  all(eigen(m, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values > 0)

## Boilerplate parallel-handling function, modified from \code{glmmTMB}
## @param parallel Parallel backend
## @param ncpus Number of cores/cpus
.parallel_default <- function(parallel = c("no","multicore","snow"), ncpus = 1L) {
  if (missing(parallel)) parallel <- getOption("profile.parallel", "no")
  parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
  do_parallel <- (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L)
  if (do_parallel && parallel == "multicore" && .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    warning("No multicore on Windows, falling back to non-parallel.")
    parallel <- "no"
    do_parallel <- FALSE
  if (do_parallel && parallel == "snow") {
    warning("Snow support is not implemented yet, falling back to non-parallel.")
    parallel <- "no"
    do_parallel <- FALSE

## Generates proper model name for the tramME model
## @param obj A \code{tramME} object.
.model_name <- function(obj) {
  nm <- sub("ME$", "", obj$call[[1L]])
  str <- if (is.null(obj$model$ctm$bases$interacting)) "" else "Stratified "
  me <- if (is.null(obj$model$ranef)) "" else "Mixed-effects "
  add <- if (is.null(obj$model$smooth)) "" else "Additive "
  mnm <- switch(nm,
    Lm = paste0(add, me, "Normal Linear Regression Model"),
    BoxCox = paste0("Non-normal (Box-Cox-Type) Linear ", add, me, "Regression Model"),
    Colr = paste0(add, me, "Continuous Outcome Logistic Regression Model"),
    Coxph = paste0(add, me, "Parametric Cox Regression Model"),
    Polr = {
      distr <- obj$model$ctm$todistr$name
      if (distr == "normal") {
        paste0(me, "Ordered Probit Regression Model")
      } else {
        di <- c("logistic" = "Odds ",
                "minimum extreme value" = "Hazards ",
                "maximum extreme value" = "Reverse-time Hazards ")
        paste0("Proportional ", di[distr], add, me, "Regression Model")
    Survreg = {
      dist <- obj$call[["dist"]]
      if (is.null(dist)) dist <- "weibull"
      dist <- sub("log", "Log-", dist)
      dist <- paste0(toupper(substring(dist, 1, 1)), substring(dist, 2), " ")
      paste0(add, me, dist, "Linear Regression Model")
    Lehmann = paste0(add, me, "Lehmann-alternative Linear Regression Model"),
    Aareg = paste0(add, me, "Parametric Linear Aalen Regression Model"))
  return(tools::toTitleCase(paste0(str, mnm)))

## Create a 'conditional' ctm model with random effects as offsets
## @param mod A \code{ctm} model.
## @param coef Coefficient vector for the dummy ctm model.
## @param negative The sign of the random effect term in the corresponding
##   \code{tramME} model.
##' @importFrom variables numeric_var
##' @importFrom basefun as.basis
##' @importFrom mlt ctm "coef<-"
.cctm <- function(mod, coef, negative = FALSE) {
  distr <- switch(mod$todistr$name, "normal" = "Normal",
                  "logistic" = "Logistic",
                  "minimum extreme value" = "MinExtrVal",
                  "maximum extreme value" = "MaxExtrVal")
  re <- numeric_var("re_")
  reb <- as.basis(~ re_ , data = re, remove_intercept = TRUE,
                  negative = negative)
  if (!is.null(mod$bases$shifting)) {
    newshift <- c(fe = mod$bases$shifting, re = reb)
  } else {
    newshift <- reb
  mod <- ctm(response = mod$bases$response, interacting = mod$bases$interacting,
             shifting = newshift, todistr = distr)
  coef(mod) <- c(coef, re_ = 1)

## Calculates the size of the random effect vector implied by the model and the data
## @param bs Blocksize vector as returned by the function \code{re_terms}.
## @param data Dataset containing the required grouping factors.
.re_size <- function(bs, data) {
  uv <- sapply(strsplit(names(bs), ":"), function(vn) {
    nlevels(interaction(data[vn], drop = TRUE))
  list(bsize = bs, nlev = uv)

## Creates a tramME_smooth object from a tramME object
## This function creates a smooth object to be passed to a tramME model definition.
## This way the data used to set up smooth terms and estimate the parameters of the
## model can be separated.
## To be used internally by the \code{update.tramME} method.
## @param object a tramME object
.tramME_smooth <- function(object) {
  mf <- model.frame(object)
  out <- object$model$smooth
  if (!is.null(out)) {
    attr(out, "data") <- mf[variable.names(object, "smooth")]
    class(out) <- c("tramME_smooth", class(out))

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tramME documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:10 p.m.