
Defines functions scalestart dedegenerate findblocks triangulate refinesol2 refinesol russell northwestcorner transport.default semidiscrete transport.wpp transport.pp transport.pgrid trcontrol transport wasserstein

Documented in dedegenerate findblocks northwestcorner refinesol russell semidiscrete transport transport.default transport.pgrid transport.pp transport.wpp trcontrol triangulate wasserstein

wasserstein <- function(a, b, p=1, tplan=NULL, costm=NULL, prob=TRUE, ...) {
  # costm is ignored unless a,b are numerics
  # first we get the semidiscrete case out of the way
  if (is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "wpp")) {
    if (is.null(tplan)) {
      tplan <- transport(a,b,p=p,...)
    if (!prob) {
      warning("Setting 'prob=TRUE' for semidiscrete optimal transport")
    if (is.null(tplan$wasserstein_dist)) {
      stop("Wasserstein distance not available")
    if (is(tplan, "apollonius_diagram") && p!=1) {
      warning("tplan was computed with p=1. Supplied p is ignored")
    if (is(tplan, "power_diagram") && p!=2) {
      warning("tplan was computed with p=2. Supplied p is ignored")

  default <- FALSE
  if (is.numeric(a) && is.numeric(b)) {
    default <- TRUE
    if (is.null(costm)) {
      stop("costm must be specified if a and b are numeric vectors")
    stopifnot(all.equal(dim(costm), c(length(a),length(b))))
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sum(a),sum(b)))) {
      stop("Sums of a and b differ substantially. sum(a)-sum(b) = ", sum(a)-sum(b), ".")
  } else {
    if (a$dimension < 2) stop("dimension >= 2 required")
  if (is.null(tplan)) {
    argus <- list(...)
    argus$fullreturn <- FALSE # if fullreturn=TRUE was passed in ... ignore it
    if (default) {
      allargus <- c(list(a=a, b=b, costm=costm^p), argus)
      tplan <- do.call(transport, allargus)
    } else {
      allargus <- c(list(a=a, b=b, p=p), argus)
  	  tplan <- do.call(transport, allargus)
  K <- dim(tplan)[1]
  if (K == 0) { return(0) }  # tplan = identity

  # computes (sum(m * x^pp))^(1/pp)
  wpsum <- function(x, m=rep(1,length(x)), pp) {
    mmax <- max(m)
    xmax <- max(abs(x))
    if (mmax == 0 || xmax == 0) {
  	if (pp == 1) {
      return(mmax * xmax * sum((m/mmax)*(x/xmax)))
  	} else if (length(unique(m)) == 1 && unique(m) == 1) {
  	  return(xmax * sum((x/xmax)^pp)^(1/pp))
  	} else {
      return((mmax)^(1/pp) * xmax * sum((m/mmax)*(x/xmax)^pp)^(1/pp))
  # get distance matrix that is relevant for transport plan
  if (default) {
    dd <- costm[cbind(tplan$from, tplan$to)]
  } else {
    if (is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "pgrid")) {
      gg <- expand.grid(a$generator)
      orig <- gg[tplan$from,,drop=FALSE]
      dest <- gg[tplan$to,,drop=FALSE]
    } else if (is(a, "pp") && is(b, "pp")) {
    	orig <- a$coordinates[tplan$from,,drop=FALSE]
      dest <- b$coordinates[tplan$to,,drop=FALSE]
    } else if (is(a, "wpp") && is(b, "wpp")) {
    	orig <- a$coordinates[tplan$from,,drop=FALSE]
      dest <- b$coordinates[tplan$to,,drop=FALSE]    
    } else {
    	stop("a and b must be both of the same class among 'pgrid', 'pp', 'wpp'")
    dd <- apply(orig-dest,1,wpsum,pp=2)

  res <- wpsum(dd, tplan$mass, p)

  if (prob) {
    if (default) {
      res <- res/(sum(a)^(1/p))
    } else if (is(a, "pgrid") || is(a, "wpp")) {
      res <- res/(a$totmass^(1/p))
      # note: a$totmass might be larger than sum(tplan$mass)    	
      # due to static mass
    } else {
      res <- res/(a$N^(1/p))	


transport <- function(a, b, ...) {
  stopifnot(class(a) == class(b) || (is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "wpp")))	

trcontrol <- function(method = c("networkflow", "revsimplex", "shortsimplex", "primaldual", "aha", "shielding", "auction", "auctionbf"),
  para=list(), start = c("auto", "modrowmin", "nwcorner", "russell"), nscales = 1, scmult = 2, returncoarse = FALSE,
# a,b,M,N serve for computing parameters or start solutions automatically
# by default M=a$N, N=b$N, which are overridden if M and/or N are specified
  method <- match.arg(method)
  start <- match.arg(start)
  if (is.null(M) && !is.null(a)) {
  	M <- ifelse(class(a) %in% c("pgrid","pp","wpp"), a$N, length(a))
  	# length(a) important if called from transport.default
  if (is.null(N) && !is.null(b)) {
  	N <- ifelse(class(b) %in% c("pgrid","pp","wpp"), b$N, length(b))
  	# length(b) important if called from transport.default
  if (is.null(M) && !is.null(N)) {M <- N}
  if (is.null(N) && !is.null(M)) {N <- M}
  if (is.null(N) && method %in% c("shortsimplex","auction")) {
    stop("At least M or N must be specified for method ", method)
  if (method == "aha") {

    if (is.numeric(para) && length(para) == 2) {
      para = list(factr=para[1], maxit=para[2])
      message("Parameter vector interpreted by trcontrol as: \n factr = ",para[1],"; maxit = ",para[2],".")
  	propnames <- c("factr","maxit")
    done <- pmatch(names(para), propnames)
    if (!is.list(para) || (length(para) > 0 && length(done) == 0) || any(is.na(done))) {
      stop("expected for 'para' with method='aha' either an empty list or a named list with 1-2 components out of 'factr', 'maxit' (after partial matching)")
    newpara <- list(factr=0, maxit=0)
    if (1 %in% done) {
      newpara$factr <- para[[which(done == 1)]]
      if (newpara$factr < 1) {
      	stop("parameter 'factr' for aha algorithm has to be >= 1 (and is typically >= 1e3)")
    } else {
      newpara$factr <- 1e5 
          # /400 since after reduction about half of the N producers disappear
      #newpara$slength <- min(b$N, newpara$slength)
          # Can't choose the shortlist longer then the number of consumers
          # This is caught now in transport functions
    if (2 %in% done) {
      newpara$maxit <- para[[which(done == 2)]]
      if (newpara$maxit < 1000) {
      	warning("parameter 'maxit' for aha algorithm < 1000 is not recommended")
    } else {
      newpara$maxit <- 3000
    para <- newpara
  # fi (method == "aha")

  if (method == "shortsimplex") {

    if (is.numeric(para) && length(para) == 3) {
      para = list(slength=para[1], kfound=para[2], psearched=para[3])
      message("Parameter vector interpreted by trcontrol as: \n slength = ",para[1],"; kfound = ",para[2],"; psearched = ",para[3],".")

  	propnames <- c("slength","kfound","psearched")
    done <- pmatch(names(para), propnames)
    if (!is.list(para) || (length(para) > 0 && length(done) == 0) || any(is.na(done))) {
      stop("expected for 'para' with method='shortlist' either an empty list or a named list with 1-3 components out of 'slength', 'cfound', or 'psearched' (after partial matching)")
    newpara <- list(slength=0, kfound=0, psearched=0)

    if (1 %in% done) {
      newpara$slength <- para[[which(done == 1)]]
#      if (newpara$slength > b$N) {
#      	warning("parameter 'slength' for shortlist algorithm was larger then no. of target points... Fixed.")
#      	newpara$slength <- b$N
      if (newpara$slength < 1) {
      	stop("parameter 'slength' for shortlist algorithm has to be >= 1")
    } else {
      newpara$slength <- min(N,15 + max(0, floor(15 * log(N/400)/log(2)))) 
          # /400 since after reduction about half of the N producers disappear
      #newpara$slength <- min(b$N, newpara$slength)
          # Can't choose the shortlist longer then the number of consumers
          # This is caught now in transport functions
    if (2 %in% done) {
      newpara$kfound <- para[[which(done == 2)]]
      if (newpara$kfound < 1) {
      	stop("parameter 'kfound' for shortlist algorithm has to be >= 1")
    } else {
      newpara$kfound <- newpara$slength

    if (3 %in% done) {
      newpara$psearched <- para[[which(done == 3)]]
      if (newpara$psearched > 1 || newpara$psearched <= 0) {
      	stop("parameter 'psearched' for shortlist algorithm has to be > 0 and <= 1")
    } else {
      newpara$psearched <- 0.05
    # Note that at least one row is searched anyway (even if psearch was 0 or negative)
    para <- newpara
  # fi (method == "shortsimplex")

  if (method == "auction" || method == "auctionbf") {

  # lasteps Wert muss < 1/n sein fuer exaktes Ergebnis (an gewissen Stellen in altem Code steht = 1/n, aber ich sehe
  # keinen guten Grund dafuer)
  # lasteps und epsfac sind nur fuer auction und auctionbf relevant
  # epsfac = NA bedeutet kein eps-scaling verwenden, habe experimentiert mit epsfac = 10 und = 80 
  # Bertsekas empfiehlt 4-10, ist aber nach meiner Erfahrung fuer unsere Probleme zu klein
  # ich faende einen eps-power natuerlicher als einen epsfac, aber das mit dem epsfac habe ich von Bertsekas

    if (is.numeric(para) && length(para) == 2) {
      para = list(lasteps=para[1], epsfac=para[2])
      message("Parameter vector interpreted by trcontrol as: \n lasteps = ",para[1],"; epsfac = ",para[2],".")
  	propnames <- c("lasteps","epsfac")
    done <- pmatch(names(para), propnames)
    if (!is.list(para) || (length(para) > 0 && length(done) == 0) || any(is.na(done))) {
      stop("expected for 'para' with method='auction'/'auctionbf' either an empty list or a named list with 1-2 components out of 'lasteps', 'epsfac' (after partial matching)")      
    newpara <- list(lasteps=0, epsfac=0)

    if (1 %in% done) {
      newpara$lasteps <- para[[which(done == 1)]]
#      if (newpara$lasteps > 1) {
#      	stop("parameter 'slength' for shortlist algorithm has to be >= 1")
#      }
    } else {
      if (is.null(N)) { stop("Not enough information available to determine lasteps.") }
      newpara$lasteps <- 1/(N+1)
    if (2 %in% done) {
      newpara$epsfac <- para[[which(done == 2)]]
#      if (newpara$kfound <= 1) {
#      	stop("parameter 'kfound' for shortlist algorithm has to be >= 1")
#      }
    } else {
      newpara$epsfac <- 10
    para <- newpara
  # fi (method == "auction" || method == "auctionbf")

  res <- list(method=method, para=para, start=start, nscales=nscales, scmult=scmult, returncoarse=returncoarse)
  class(res) <- "trc"


transport.pgrid <- function(a, b, p = NULL, method = c("auto", "networkflow", "revsimplex", "shortsimplex", "shielding", "aha", "primaldual"),fullreturn=FALSE, control = list(), threads=1, ...) {
  # returncoarse: gibt im Falle von nscales >= 2 an, ob groebere Probleme und deren Loesungen auch ausgegeben werden sollen;
  # Anderenfalls wird nur die feinste Loesung (ohne Problem) zurueckgegeben

  # Check inputs
  # ======================================================================   
  if (is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "wpp")) {
  	if (!missing(method) && method != "aha" && method != "auto") {
  	  warning('For semi-discrete optimal transport only method "aha" is implemented. Specified method parameter is ignored.')
  stopifnot(is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "pgrid"))
  if (a$dimension < 2) stop("pixel grids of dimension >= 2 required")
#  if (a$dimension > 2) warning("transport.pgrid for pixel grids of dimension > 2 is still somewhat experimental")
  if (!(a$structure %in% c("square", "rectangular")))
    stop("transport.pgrid is currently only implemented for rectangular pixel grids")
  ngrid <- a$n
  Ngrid <- a$N

  # assuming of course the object is consistent
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a$totmass,b$totmass))) {
    warning("total mass in a and b differs. Normalizing a and b to probability measures (totcontmass=1).")
    atcm <- a$totcontmass
    btcm <- b$totcontmass
    a$mass <- a$mass/atcm
    b$mass <- b$mass/btcm
    a$totcontmass <- 1
    b$totcontmass <- 1  	
    a$totmass <- a$totmass/atcm
    b$totmass <- b$totmass/btcm
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (is.null(p)) {
    p <- ifelse(method %in% c("aha","shielding"),2,1)
    cat("Power p of Euclidean distance assumed to be", p,"\n")	
  if (method == "aha" && p != 2)
    stop("method 'aha' currently works only for p = 2")
  if (method == "aha" && a$dimension != 2)
    stop("method 'aha' currently works only in two dimensions")  
  if (method == "shielding" && p != 2)
    stop("method 'shielding' currently works only for p = 2")  
  if (p < 1) {
  	stop("p has to be >= 1")

  if (method == "auto") {
  	if (p == 2 && a$N > 200)  
  	  method <- "shielding"
  	  method <- "networkflow"
  if (threads > 1 && method != "networkflow") {
    warning("multithreading request ignored. Currently only supported for method 'networkflow',")

  if (!is(control, "trc")) {
  	control$method <- method
  	control$a <- a
  	control$b <- b
  	control <- do.call(trcontrol, control)
  start <- control$start
  nscales <- control$nscales
  scmult <- control$scmult
  returncoarse <- control$returncoarse

  is.natural <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  all((abs(x - round(x)) < tol) & x > 0.5)
  # aus der Hilfe zu is.integer, checks for a vector whether all entries are approximately natural numbers
  is.naturalzero <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  all((abs(x - round(x)) < tol) & x > -0.5)
  # same including 0
  #######Interface for the Bonneel/Lemon Networksimplex
  if (method == "networkflow"){
    if (threads > 1 && !as.logical(openmp_present())) {
      warning("multithreading request ignored. Package was not installed with openMP support")
    #disabled for now
    # if ((dim(C)[1]%%2==1) && (length(dim(C)[2])%%2==1)){
    #   result<-networkflow_odd(matrix(a$mass),matrix(b$mass),C,threads)
    # }
    # else{
    #   result<-networkflow(matrix(a$mass),matrix(b$mass),C,threads)
    # }
    if (fullreturn==TRUE){
  if (method == "shielding") {
    unfudgeratio <- 1
    aa <- a$mass
    bb <- b$mass
    # the following is in particular for the integer case
    # shielding method cannot cope with zeros so we add something and fudge sum to 1e9 as for non-integer case
    totsum <- a$totmass 
    addtopix <- 1e-9*totsum - min(min(aa),min(bb))
    if (addtopix > 0) {
      aa <- aa+addtopix  
      bb <- bb+addtopix
      warning("total masses of a and b were increased by a fraction of ", addtopix*Ngrid/totsum, " to remove zero pixels for shielding method")
    if (!is.natural(a$mass) || !is.natural(b$mass) || max(a$mass) > .Machine$integer.max) {
      fudgesum <- 1e9
      unfudgeratio <- totsum/fudgesum
      aa <- round(aa/unfudgeratio)
      bb <- round(bb/unfudgeratio)
      aa <- fudge(aa,fudgesum)
      bb <- fudge(bb,fudgesum)
    res1 <- shielding(aa,bb,nscales=trunc(log2(ngrid)-1+0.1),startscale=(min(3,nscales+1)),flood=0,measureScale=1,basisKeep=1,basisRefine=1)
     # 221012: changed startscale from 3 to min(3,nscales+1); about the +1 see the comment in shielding.R for line 60. 
     # Now method="shielding" can be used for small problems (although for size 3 and smaller I'm not sure).
     # measureScale is number of layers between root (1x1, not computed) and finest level, refinements
     # are by a factor of 2 and then there is a (potential) jump to the finest level. So for a 64x64 pic
     # 2^0 is root 2^6 is finest level, i.e. the right nscales is 5. Bernhard recommends adding smthg like
     # 0.1, because there is a transition region.
    assignment <- res1[[4]]
    ind <- res1[[5]]
    nbasis <- dim(ind)[1]
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    res$from <- ind[,1]
    res$to <- ind[,2]
    res$mass <- assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*Ngrid + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * unfudgeratio
  if (nscales != 1 && (length(unique(ngrid)) != 1 || length(ngrid) != 2)) {
  	stop("multiscale approach is currently only implemented for quadratic grids of dimension 2")
  if (nscales != 1 && !(p == 1 && method=="revsimplex") && !(p == 2 && method=="aha")) {
  	stop('the multiscale approach is currently only implemented for p = 1 and method = "revsimplex" or p = 2 and method = "aha".
  	Note that for p != 1 and method = "revsimplex" the default starting solution is computed by a 1-step multiscale approach')
  if (nscales != 1 && !(is.natural(scmult) && is.natural(nscales) && is.natural(ngrid/scmult^(nscales-1)))) {
  	stop("grid of size ", ngrid, " cannot be scaled down ", nscales, " times by a factor of ", scmult)
  gg <- expand.grid(a$generator)
  dd <- as.matrix(dist(gg))^p
  if (method != "aha") {
  	# if costs are based on metric, 
  	# moving mass that is needed at a site never pays off
  	if (p == 1) {
      minab <- pmin(a$mass,b$mass)
      ared <- a$mass - minab  
      bred <- b$mass - minab
      wha <- ared > 0
      whb <- bred > 0
      apos <- ared[wha]
      bpos <- bred[whb]
      dd <- dd[wha,whb]
    } else {
      ared <- a$mass
      bred <- b$mass
      wha <- rep(TRUE,Ngrid)
      whb <- rep(TRUE,Ngrid)
      apos <- ared
      bpos <- bred	
    m <- length(apos)
    n <- length(bpos)
    # The following catches the case that after the reduction procedure nothing is left, i.e. the two measures were equal
    if (m==0) {
      res <- data.frame(from = integer(0), to = integer(0), mass = double(0))
    asum <- sum(apos)
    bsum <- sum(bpos)
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(asum,bsum))) {
      warning("total mass in a and b differs after subtraction of common mass. This should not normally happen. Renormalizing a and b to probability measures.
      Please check if inputs a and b have been generated with pgrid.")
  	  apos <- apos/(asum*prod(a$gridtriple[,3]))
  	  bpos <- bpos/(bsum*prod(b$gridtriple[,3]))
  	  asum <- bsum <- 1
    fudgeN <- fudgesum <- 1 
    if (!is.naturalzero(apos) || !is.naturalzero(bpos)) {
  	  fudgeN <- 1e9
  	  fudgesum <- asum
  	  apos <- round(apos/asum * fudgeN)
  	  bpos <- round(bpos/bsum * fudgeN)
  	  apos <- fudge(apos,fudgeN)
  	  bpos <- fudge(bpos,fudgeN)
  # Interesting part starts here
  # ======================================================================
  if (method == "primaldual") {
    dd <- dd/max(dd)
    dd <- dd*(10^precision)
    #cat(as.integer(ddpos), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.integer(m), as.integer(n),
             # flowmatrix = integer(m*n), sep="\n")
    #stop("primaldual soon")
  	# ti <- proc.time()
    res1 <- .C("primaldual", as.integer(dd), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.integer(m), as.integer(n),
              flowmatrix = integer(m*n), DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)
    temp <- list(assignment=res1$flowmatrix, basis=as.numeric(res1$flowmatrix > 0))
     # make pretty output
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN

  if (method == "aha") {
    #cat(ddpos, apos, bpos, sep="\n")
    #stop("aha soon")
    # braucht noch Verfeinerung (wir moechten idealerweise auch nur apos, bpos verwenden, was direkt nicht geht;
    # die Verwendung von ared, bred verlangsamt extrem (bei 32x32 ca. 5 sek versus 12 sek), was ok ist, denke ich)
    # ti <- proc.time()
  	res <- aha(a$mass,b$mass,nscales=1,scmult=2,maxit=control$para$maxit,factr=control$para$factr,wasser=FALSE,wasser.spt=NA)
  	# print(proc.time()-ti)
  	# Bring in right form

  if (method == "revsimplex") {
  	# Short-cut if nscale = 1
  	# (saves extremely little time)
  	# ----------------------------
    if (nscales == 1) {
      # Compute starting solution
      if (start == "auto" && (p == 1 || min(ngrid) < 8 || max(ngrid) < 16 || scmult == 1 || a$dimension > 2)) {
      	start <- "modrowmin"
      } else if (start == "auto" && !is.natural(ngrid/scmult)) {
      	warning('grid dimensions are not divisible by ", scmult, "for multiscale starting solution. Using uniscale starting solution instead.
      	Note that the computation *might* be much more efficient when setting control = list(scmult=k), where k is a small common divisor
      	of the numbers of pixels in each direction')
      	start <- "modrowmin"
  	  if (start == "russell") {
        temp <- russell(apos,bpos,dd)
        initassig <- temp$assignment
        initbasis <- temp$basis
        startgiven <- 1
      } else if (start == "nwcorner") {
        temp <- northwestcorner(apos,bpos)
        initassig <- temp$assignment
        initbasis <- temp$basis	
        startgiven <- 1
      } else if (start == "modrowmin"){   # modrowmin in C-Code
      	initassig <- rep(0L,m*n)
      	initbasis <- rep(0L,m*n)
      	startgiven <- 0
      } else {     # scalestart (is usually the best choice if p!=1 except for problems with very local optimal solutions)
      	           # for p==1 it is suboptimal only, because the current implementation does not take reduction of problem
      	           # due to static mass into account; use nscales = 2, scmult >= 2 for (essentially) same behaviour with p==1
      	           # Note 1: scmult also works for scalestart
      	           # Note 2: nscales *only* works for p=1 because it always removes static mass.
        temp <- scalestart(apos,bpos,a$generator,ngrid[1],ngrid[2],p=p,scmult=scmult)
        initassig <- temp$assignment
        initbasis <- temp$basis	
        startgiven <- 1
    # ti <- proc.time()
    res <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos),
	          as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	          DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	# print(proc.time()-ti)           
	temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
    } else { 

      # if (a$dimension != 2) stop("Multi-scale approach only implemented for pixel grids of dimension 2")
      x <- a$generator[[1]]
      y <- a$generator[[2]]
  	  # Compute coarser problems
  	  # (note: coarsening includes subtracting pixelwise minimum on coarser grid!!)
  	  # ----------------------------
  	  ngridvec <- ngrid[1]/scmult^(0:(nscales-1))
  	  Ngridvec <- ngridvec^2
      problem <- vector("list", nscales)
      problem[[1]] <- list(ared=ared, bred=bred, x=x, y=y)
      # x, y are the grid sequences in x and y direction (currently always x=y)
      grmat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(as.list(1:ngridvec[2]), function(x) {rep(((x-1)*ngridvec[2]+1):(x*ngridvec[2]), 
      	              times = scmult, each = scmult)})), ngridvec[1], ngridvec[1])
      for (k in 2:nscales) {
      	problem[[k]] <- list(ared=numeric(0), bred=numeric(0)) 
      	problem[[k]]$ared <- 
      	  matrix( aggregate(as.vector(problem[[k-1]]$ared), by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:ngridvec[k-1],1:ngridvec[k-1]])),
      	    FUN="sum")[,2], ngridvec[k], ngridvec[k])
      	problem[[k]]$bred <- 
      	  matrix( aggregate(as.vector(problem[[k-1]]$bred), by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:ngridvec[k-1],1:ngridvec[k-1]])),
      	    FUN="sum")[,2], ngridvec[k], ngridvec[k])
      	  if (p == 1) {
       	    minabnew <- pmin(problem[[k]]$ared, problem[[k]]$bred)
            problem[[k]]$ared <- problem[[k]]$ared - minabnew  
            problem[[k]]$bred <- problem[[k]]$bred - minabnew
          # deal with grid sequences
          problem[[k]]$x <- aggregate(problem[[k-1]]$x, by=list(as.vector(grmat[1,1:ngridvec[k-1]])), FUN="mean")[,2]
          problem[[k]]$y <- aggregate(problem[[k-1]]$y, by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:ngridvec[k-1],1])), FUN="mean")[,2]
  	  # Solve them starting with the coarsest
  	  # ----------------------------
  	  if (returncoarse) { 	 
      	sol <- vector("list",nscales)
  	  for (k in nscales:1) {
  	  	# inputs
  	  	# print(problem[[k]])
  	  	wha <- problem[[k]]$ared>0
  	    whb <- problem[[k]]$bred>0
        apos <- problem[[k]]$ared[wha]
        bpos <- problem[[k]]$bred[whb]
        gg <- expand.grid(problem[[k]]$x, problem[[k]]$y)
        dd <- as.matrix(dist(gg))   # of course everything here is also already p=1
        dd <- dd[wha,whb]
        mcoarse <- length(apos)
        ncoarse <- length(bpos)
        if (k == nscales) {
          # Compute starting solution
  	      if (start == "russell") {
            temp <- russell(apos,bpos,dd)
            initassig <- temp$assignment
            initbasis <- temp$basis
            startgiven <- 1
          } else if (start == "nwcorner") {
            temp <- northwestcorner(apos,bpos)
            initassig <- temp$assignment
            initbasis <- temp$basis	
            startgiven <- 1
          } else {   # modrowmin in C-Code
      	    initassig <- rep(0L,mcoarse*ncoarse)
      	    initbasis <- rep(0L,mcoarse*ncoarse)
      	    startgiven <- 0
        } else {
          if (p == 1) {  # <================================ 15/10/12: for p != 1 the strict separation in producers
                                                # and consumers in refinesol is wrong and the removal of static mass above also
            newtemp <- refinesol(problem[[k+1]]$ared, problem[[k+1]]$bred, problem[[k]]$ared, problem[[k]]$bred,
                                 temp$assignment, temp$basis, mult=scmult)  
          } else {
          	stop("the multiscale approach for p != 1 is out of order.")
          initassig <- newtemp$assig2
          initbasis <- newtemp$basis2 
          startgiven <- 1      
        # ti <- proc.time()
        res <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(mcoarse), as.integer(ncoarse), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos),
	              as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	              DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	    # print(proc.time()-ti)           
	    temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
        if (returncoarse) {
      	  nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
          sol[[k]] <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
  	  	  ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),mcoarse,ncoarse), arr.ind=TRUE) 
          sol[[k]]$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
          sol[[k]]$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
          sol[[k]]$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*mcoarse + ind[,1]]
    if (nscales > 1 && returncoarse) {
      return(list(sol=sol, prob=problem))
    } else {
      nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
      res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
      ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
      res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
      res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
      res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
      res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN
  # fi (method == "revsimplex") 
  if (method == "shortsimplex") {
  	# violating the first condition consistently tosses segfaults 
  	# didn't check non-squares, but the error clearly does not come from the number of sources/targets alone
  	#if (a$N <= 25 || any(a$n <= 5)) {
  	#  stop("Execution halted. There is currently a bug in method 'shortsimplex' that causes segfaults on small
  	#     grids (<= 5 points in any one dimension). Current workaround: choose method='revsimplex'")
  	# Works currently only if nscale = 1
  	# (other values of nscale are ignored)
  	# we would have to adapt C-Program so that shortlist
  	# is only used for phase 3 not for phase 2 --> do it.
  	# ----------------------------
    if (nscales || TRUE) {
      initassig <- rep(0,m*n)
      initbasis <- rep(0,m*n)
      if (control$para$slength > n) {
      	control$para$slength <- n
      	control$para$kfound <- n
      	warning("Shortlist parameter 'slength' too large...  decreased to maximal value.")
      #Starting solution not needed
      #   cat(as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
      #   as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
      #   as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(ddpos), assignment = length(initassig), 
      #   basis = length(initbasis), sep="\n")
         # stop("test")
      # ti <- proc.time()
      res <- .C("shortsimplex",
          as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
          as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
          as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), 
          basis = as.integer(initbasis), DUP = TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	  # print(proc.time()-ti)           
	  temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN
  # fi (method == "shortsimplex") 

# (der Vollstaendigkeit halber solllte spaeter auch der Fall m != n wieder dazu kommen)
# vorlaeufig ohne Beobachtungsfenster
transport.pp <- function(a, b, p = 1, method = c("auction", "auctionbf", "networkflow", "shortsimplex", "revsimplex", "primaldual"),
                           fullreturn=FALSE, control = list(),threads=1, ...) {
  # Check inputs
  # ====================================================================== 
  if (!is(a, "pp"))  a <- pp(a)
  if (!is(b, "pp"))  b <- pp(b)                           	
  if (a$dimension < 2) stop("dimension must be >=2")
  N <- a$N
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (threads > 1 && method != "networkflow") {
    warning("multithreading request ignored. Currently only supported for method 'networkflow',")

  if (!is(control, "trc")) {
  	control$method <- method
  	control$a <- a
  	control$b <- b
  	control <- do.call(trcontrol, control)

  if (control$start != "auto") {
  	warning("control$start = ", sQuote(control), " is ignored for function transport.pp")
  # nwcorner gibt Identitaet (mit erster Nebendiag fuer Basis), Russell wohl was aehnlich Degeneriertes
  # der Einfachheit halber Testen wir nur mal mit nwcorner 

  x <- a$coordinates
  y <- b$coordinates
  dd <- gen_cost(x,y,1)^(p/2)
  maxdd <- max(dd)
  # catches a very special case:
  if (maxdd == 0) {
    res <- data.frame(from = integer(0), to = integer(0), mass = double(0))
  #######Interface for the Bonneel/Lemon Networksimplex
  if (method=="networkflow"){
    if (threads > 1 && !as.logical(openmp_present())) {
      warning("multithreading request ignored. Package was not installed with openMP support")
    #disabled for now
    # if ((dim(C)[1]%%2==1) && (length(dim(C)[2])%%2==1)){
    #   result<-networkflow_odd(matrix(1,a$N,1),matrix(1,b$N,1),C,threads)
    # }
    # else{
    #   result<-networkflow(matrix(1,a$N,1),matrix(1,b$N,1),C,threads)
    # }
    if (fullreturn==TRUE){
  if (method != "shortsimplex" && method != "revsimplex") {
    dd <- dd/maxdd
    dd <- round(dd*(10^precision))
    # wir sollten mit unseren Berechnungen .Machine$integer.max nicht ueberschreiten, gemaess R-Hilfe ist dies 
    # *auf jedem System* 2147483647 (4 Bytes)
    # Beachte: wenn wir Distanz zurueckgeben wollen, muessen wir natuerlich mit urspruenglichem dd^p rechnen

  if (method == "auction" || method == "auctionbf") {  
    maxdd <- max(dd)
    dupper <- maxdd/10
    lasteps <- control$para$lasteps
    epsvec <- lasteps
    # Bertsekas von dupper/2 bis 1/(n+1) durch fortgesetzt konstante Zahl teilen
    while (lasteps < dupper) {
      lasteps <- lasteps*control$para$epsfac
      epsvec <- c(epsvec,lasteps)
    epsvec <- rev(epsvec)
    neps <- length(epsvec)
    stopifnot(neps >= 1)
    if (neps > 1) {
    	  epsvec <- epsvec[-1]
    	  neps <- neps-1

  if (method == "auction") {
  	desirem <- maxdd-dd
  	# ti <- proc.time()
    temp <- .C("auction", as.integer(desirem), as.integer(N), pers_to_obj = as.integer(rep(-1,N)),
               price = as.double(rep(0,N)), as.integer(neps), as.double(epsvec), DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)           
    # make pretty output
    res <- data.frame(from = 1:N, to = temp$pers_to_obj+1, mass = rep(1,N))

  if (method == "auctionbf") {
  	desirem <- maxdd-dd
  	# ti <- proc.time()
    temp <- .C("auctionbf", as.integer(desirem), as.integer(N), pers_to_obj = as.integer(rep(-1,N)),
               price = as.double(rep(0,N)), profit = as.double(rep(0,N)), as.integer(neps), as.double(epsvec),
               DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)           
    # make pretty output
    res <- data.frame(from = 1:N, to = temp$pers_to_obj+1, mass = rep(1,N))

  if (method == "primaldual") {
  	# ti <- proc.time()
  	temp <- .C("primaldual", as.integer(dd), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)),
  	           as.integer(N), as.integer(N), flowmatrix = as.integer(integer(N^2)), 
  	           DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
  	# print(proc.time()-ti) 
  	# flowmatrix is the old term for assignment   
  	nassig <- sum(temp$flowmatrix)  # nassig sollte natuerlich gleich N sein, das ist nur zur Kontrolle
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nassig), to = rep(0,nassig), mass = rep(1,nassig))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$flowmatrix),N,N), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- ind[,1]
    res$to <- ind[,2]

  if (method == "shortsimplex") {
    initassig <- initbasis <- rep(0,N*N)
    if (control$para$slength > N) {
      control$para$slength <- N
      control$para$kfound <- N
      warning("Shortlist parameter 'slength' too large...  decreased to maximal value.")
    # ti <- proc.time()
    temp <- .C("shortsimplex",
                as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
                as.integer(N), as.integer(N), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)),
	            as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis),
	            DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	# print(proc.time()-ti)           
    nassig <- sum(temp$assignment)  # nassig sollte natuerlich gleich N sein, das ist nur zur Kontrolle
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nassig), to = rep(0,nassig), mass = rep(1,nassig))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$assignment),N,N), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- ind[,1]
    res$to <- ind[,2]

  if (method == "revsimplex") {
  	# this is nwcorner, at least modrowmin should be feasible and faster
    initassig <- initbasis <- diag(1,N,N)
    initbasis[cbind(2:N,1:(N-1))] <- 1
    startgiven <- 1  
    # ti <- proc.time()
    temp <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(N), as.integer(N), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)), as.integer(rep.int(1,N)),
	            as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	            DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	# print(proc.time()-ti)           
    nassig <- sum(temp$assignment)  # nassig sollte natuerlich gleich N sein, das ist nur zur Kontrolle
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nassig), to = rep(0,nassig), mass = rep(1,nassig))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$assignment),N,N), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- ind[,1]
    res$to <- ind[,2]

# new transport.wpp
transport.wpp <- function(a, b, p = 1, method = c("networkflow", "revsimplex", "shortsimplex", "primaldual"),
                          fullreturn=FALSE, control = list(), threads=1,...) {
  # Check inputs
  # ======================================================================
  if (is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "wpp")) {
  	warning('First argument of class "pgrid". Computing semi-discrete transport...')
  stopifnot(is(a, "wpp") && is(b, "wpp"))
  stopifnot(compatible.wpp(a,b))  # also tests that masses are equal
  if (a$dimension < 2) stop("dimension must be >=2")
  m <- a$N
  n <- b$N
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (threads > 1 && method != "networkflow") {
    warning("multithreading request ignored. Currently only supported for method 'networkflow',")

  if (!is(control, "trc")) {
  	control$method <- method
  	control$a <- a
  	control$b <- b
  	control <- do.call(trcontrol, control)

#  if (control$start != "auto") {
#  	warning("control$start = ", sQuote(control), " is ignored for function transport.wpp")
#  }

  x <- a$coordinates
  y <- b$coordinates

  amass <- a$mass
  bmass <- b$mass
  asum <- a$totmass
  bsum <- b$totmass
  if (asum == 0 || bsum == 0) {
    res <- data.frame(from = integer(0), to = integer(0), mass = double(0))
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(asum,bsum))) {
    warning("total mass in a and b differs. Normalizing a and b to probability measures.")
    amass <- amass/asum
    bmass <- bmass/bsum
    asum <- bsum <- 1
  #######Interface for the Bonneel/Lemon Networksimplex
  if (method=="networkflow"){
    if (threads > 1 && !as.logical(openmp_present())) {
      warning("multithreading request ignored. Package was not installed with openMP support")
    #disabled for now
    # if ((dim(C)[1]%%2==1) && (length(dim(C)[2])%%2==1)){
    #   result<-networkflow_odd(matrix(amass),matrix(bmass),C,threads)
    # }
    # else{
    #   result<-networkflow(matrix(amass),matrix(bmass),C,threads)
    # }
    if (fullreturn==TRUE){
  is.natural <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  all((abs(x - round(x)) < tol) & x > 0.5)
  # aus der Hilfe zu is.integer, checks for a vector whether all entries are approximately natural numbers

  fudgeN <- fudgesum <- 1 
  if (!is.natural(amass) || !is.natural(bmass) || asum != bsum) {
    fudgeN <- 1e9
    fudgesum <- asum
    amass <- round(amass/asum * fudgeN)  
    bmass <- round(bmass/bsum * fudgeN)  
    amass <- fudge(amass,fudgeN)
    bmass <- fudge(bmass,fudgeN)
  # having many zeroes in one of the patterns (especially b it seems?). Will lead to high
  # probability of hitting a cycle where the improvement in the transport simplex will be 0 then.
  # So the following step will not only make for faster computation, but is also necessary
  # to avoid freezes due to infinite loops (we check for infinite loops in the revsimplex code now though)
  # changed on 12/06/2019 to do this check only in the very end
  wha <- amass > 0
  whb <- bmass > 0
  apos <- amass[wha]
  bpos <- bmass[whb]
  m <- length(apos)
  n <- length(bpos)
  # The following catches the case that after the reduction procedure nothing is left. Since we checked
  # for zero measures and have normalized the masses this can only happen if m or n are huge
  # (to huge to compute something anyway)
  if (m==0 || n==0) {
    stop("Non-zero measures, but no mass left after pointwise rounding.")   	
  dd <- gen_cost(x[wha,],y[whb,],1)^(p/2)
  maxdd <- max(dd)
  # catches a very special case:
  if (maxdd == 0) {
    res <- data.frame(from = integer(0), to = integer(0), mass = double(0))
  if (method == "primaldual") {
    dd <- dd/maxdd
    dd <- dd*(10^precision)
    # wir sollten mit unseren Berechnungen .Machine$integer.max nicht ueberschreiten, gemaess R-Hilfe ist dies 
    # *auf jedem System* 2147483647 (4 Bytes)
    # Beachte: wenn wir Distanz zurueckgeben wollen, muessen wir natuerlich mit urspruenglichem dd^p rechnen

  	# ti <- proc.time()
    res1 <- .C("primaldual", as.integer(dd), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.integer(m), as.integer(n),
              flowmatrix = integer(m*n), DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
  	# print(proc.time()-ti) 
    temp <- list(assignment=res1$flowmatrix, basis=as.numeric(res1$flowmatrix > 0))
     # make pretty output
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN

  if (method == "shortsimplex") {
    initassig <- rep(0,m*n)
    initbasis <- rep(0,m*n)
    if (control$para$slength > n) {
      control$para$slength <- n
      control$para$kfound <- n
      warning("Shortlist parameter 'slength' too large...  decreased to maximal value.")
    #Starting solution not needed
    #   cat(as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
    #   as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
    #   as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(ddpos), assignment = length(initassig), 
    #   basis = length(initbasis), sep="\n")
    # stop("test")
    # ti <- proc.time()
    res <- .C("shortsimplex",
        as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
        as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
        as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), 
        basis = as.integer(initbasis), DUP = TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)           
    temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)  
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN

  if (method == "revsimplex") {
    # Compute starting solution
    start <- control$start
    if (start == "auto") {
      start <- "modrowmin"
  	if (start == "russell") {
      temp <- russell(apos,bpos,dd)
      initassig <- temp$assignment
      initbasis <- temp$basis
      startgiven <- 1
    } else if (start == "nwcorner") {
      temp <- northwestcorner(apos,bpos)
      initassig <- temp$assignment
      initbasis <- temp$basis	
      startgiven <- 1
    } else if (start == "modrowmin"){   # modrowmin in C-Code
      initassig <- rep(0L,m*n)
      initbasis <- rep(0L,m*n)
      startgiven <- 0
    # ti <- proc.time()
    res <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos),
	          as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	          DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)           
    temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN

semidiscrete <- function(a, b, p=2, method = c("aha"), control = list(), ...) {
  stopifnot(is(a, "pgrid") && is(b, "wpp"))
  stopifnot(a$dimension == b$dimension)
  if (a$dimension < 2) stop("pixel grids of dimension >= 2 required")
#  if (a$dimension > 2) warning("transport.pgrid for pixel grids of dimension > 2 is still somewhat experimental")
  if (!(a$structure %in% c("square", "rectangular")))
    stop("transport.pgrid is currently only implemented for rectangular pixel grids")
  n <- a$n[1]  # y
  m <- a$n[2]  # x
  Ngrid <- a$N
  if (missing(p) || !(p %in% c(1,2))) {
  	stop("For semidiscrete optimal transport p = 1 or 2 is required.")
  if (a$dimension > 2) {
  	stop("Semi-discrete optimal transport is currently only implemented in two dimensions.")
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a$gridtriple[1,3],a$gridtriple[2,3]))) {
  	stop("Semi-discrete optimal transport is currently only implemented for square pixels in pgrid.")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method != "aha") {
  	warning('For semi-discrete optimal transport only method "aha" is implemented. Specified method parameter is ignored.')
  	method <- "aha"

  if (!is(control, "trc")) {
  	control$method <- method
  	control$a <- a
  	control$b <- b
  	control <- do.call(trcontrol, control)
  #start <- control$start
  nscales <- control$nscales
  scmult <- control$scmult
  x <- b$coordinates[,1]
  y <- b$coordinates[,2]
  if (min(x) < a$boundary[1] || max(x) > a$boundary[2] || min(y) < a$boundary[3] || max(y) > a$boundary[4]) {
  	warning("Not all points of wpp lie inside the boundary of pgrid.")

  if (p == 1) {
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(a$gridtriple[1,3],a$gridtriple[2,3]))) {
      stop("Currently the computation of semidiscrete optimal transpor for p=1 requires
      square pixels.")
    res <- semidiscrete1(a$mass, cbind(b$coordinates,b$mass), xrange=a$boundary[1:2], yrange=a$boundary[3:4],
                  verbose=FALSE, reg=0)
    res$sites <- b$coordinates
    res <- res[c(4,1,2,3)]
    class(res) <- "apollonius_diagram"
  } else if (p == 2) {
    # rigging the scale of b (aha interpretes a$mass on [0,m] x [0,n]) and
    # orientation of a (it seems there is a problem in aha interpreting the orientation
    # this is worked around in the original aha.c code, line 417, when interpreting the result
    # as transport between pixel grids, but not when returning the weights)
    magfac <- m/(a$boundary[2]-a$boundary[1])
    stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(magfac,n/(a$boundary[4]-a$boundary[3]))))  # just checking
    # rotcoclock <- function(m) t(m)[ncol(m):1,]
    # it seems the rotclock is not needed after all
    # Note that aha normalizes both arguments to probability measure
    # The fact that a$mass is interpreted on pixels of side lenght one may lead to a decrease (or increase) of mass
    # but is corrected within aha
    res <- aha(a$mass, data.frame(x=magfac*x,y=magfac*y,mass=b$mass), nscales=nscales, scmult=scmult,
               factr=control$para$factr, maxit=control$para$maxit, powerdiag=TRUE, wasser=FALSE, wasser.spt=NA)
    # unrig: factors 1/magfac resp 1/magfac^2 (just changes scale from visual point of view pd stays the same)
    pd <- power_diagram(res$xi/magfac,res$eta/magfac,res$w/magfac^2,res$rect/magfac)
    pd$wasserstein_dist <- res$wasser.dist/magfac
    return(pd)  # also contains the weight vector
  } else {
    stop("p must be 1 or 2.")

# Achtung: laengerfristig unbedingt so aendern, dass auch eine Startloesung uebergeben werden kann!! 
# # Input ist ein m - Vektor von Produktionsmengen a, ein n - Vektor von Konsumationsmengen b,
# # und eine m x n - Matrix von Transportkosten
# # primal-dual gibt in der Regel keine Basisloesung zurueck (>= m+n-1 assignments, evtl. weniger bei Degeneriertheit)
# # rev-simplex ergibt Basisloesung, immer (= m+n-1 assignments), bei Degeneriertheit ist es theoretisch in
# # extrem seltenen Spezialfaellen moeglich, dass Endlosschleife entsteht (siehe Luenberger), sonst auch m+n-1 assignments 
transport.default <- function(a, b, costm, method=c("networkflow", "shortsimplex", "revsimplex", "primaldual"),
                              fullreturn=FALSE, control = list(), threads=1, ...) {
  # maxmass=1e6, precision=9, 	
  # wir sollten mit unseren Berechnungen .Machine$integer.max nicht ueberschreiten, gemaess R-Hilfe ist dies 
  # *auf jedem System* 2147483647 (4 Bytes)
  # evtl. kann man bis maxmass=1e9 gehen
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (threads > 1 && method != "networkflow") {
    warning("multithreading request ignored. Currently only supported for method 'networkflow',")
  M <- length(a)
  N <- length(b)
  costm <- as.matrix(costm)
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sum(a),sum(b)))) {
  	warning("Sums of a and b differ substantially. sum(a)-sum(b) = ", sum(a)-sum(b), ". Scaling to probability vectors.")
  	a <- a/sum(a)
  	b <- b/sum(b)
  	# note: in general sum(a) == sum(b) will still be all FALSE (but that's ok)
  stopifnot(all(dim(costm) == c(M,N)))
  # init_given = ifelse(!(is.null(initassig) || is.null(initbasis)), TRUE, FALSE)
  # if (init_given && method == "revsimplex") {
  	# stopifnot(all(dim(initassig) == c(m,n)))
    # stopifnot(all(dim(initbasis) == c(m,n)))
    # if (!all(apply(initassig, 1, sum) == a) || !all(apply(initassig, 2, sum) == b)) {
      # stop("Initial transference plan doesn't have the correct marginals.")
    # }
    # if (sum(initbasis) != m + n - 1) {
      # stop("Not the correct number of basis vectors in initbasis")	
    # }
    # if (any((initassig > 0) & (initbasis == 0))) {
      # stop("Positiv mass transfer via non-basis entry in initassig")
    # }
  # }

  if (!is(control, "trc")) {
  	control$method <- method
  	control$a <- a
  	control$b <- b
  	control = do.call(trcontrol, control)

  start <- control$start

  wha <- a > 0
  whb <- b > 0
  apos <- a[wha]
  bpos <- b[whb]
  dd <- costm[wha,whb,drop=FALSE]
  m <- length(apos)
  n <- length(bpos)
  # catches a very special case: (we should really also do the zero padding here)
  if (m == 0) {
  	res <- data.frame(from = integer(0), to = integer(0), mass = double(0))
  asum <- sum(apos)
  bsum <- sum(bpos)
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(asum,bsum))) {
    warning("total mass in a and b differs. Normalizing a and b to probability measures.")
    apos <- apos/asum
    bpos <- bpos/bsum
  	asum <- bsum <- 1
  ######Interface for the Bonneel/Lemon NetworkSimplex
  if (method=="networkflow"){
    #Prevent an issue, which can only occur if both measures are supported on a single point.
    if ((m==1)&&(n==1)){
      mass <- apos[1]
      result <- list(dist=dd[1,1]*mass, plan=matrix(mass,1,1), frame=matrix(c(1,1,mass),1,3),
      if ((length(a)>length(apos)) || (length(b)>length(bpos))){
      df <- data.frame(from=result$frame[,1], to=result$frame[,2], mass=result$frame[,3])
      if (fullreturn==TRUE){
        out <- list(default=df, primal=result$plan, dual=result$potential, cost=(result$dist))
    if (threads > 1 && !as.logical(openmp_present())) {
      warning("multithreading request ignored. Package was not installed with openMP support")
    # if ((dim(costm)[1]%%2==1) && (length(dim(costm)[2])%%2==1)){
    #   result<-networkflow(matrix(apos),matrix(bpos),costm,threads)
    # }
    # else{
    #   result<-networkflow(matrix(apos),matrix(bpos),costm,threads)
    # }
    result <- networkflow(matrix(apos),matrix(bpos),dd,threads)
    result$frame <- result$frame[result$frame[,3]>0,,drop=FALSE]
    if ((length(a)>length(apos)) || (length(b)>length(bpos))){
    df <- data.frame(from=result$frame[,1], to=result$frame[,2], mass=result$frame[,3])
    if (fullreturn==TRUE){
      out <- list(default=df, primal=result$plan, dual=result$potential, cost=(result$dist))
  fudgeN <- fudgesum <- 1 
  is.natural <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  all((abs(x - round(x)) < tol) & x > 0.5)
  if (!is.natural(apos) || !is.natural(bpos)) {
    fudgeN <- 1e9
  	fudgesum <- asum
  	apos <- round(apos/asum * fudgeN)
  	bpos <- round(bpos/bsum * fudgeN)
  	apos <- fudge(apos,fudgeN)
  	bpos <- fudge(bpos,fudgeN)
  if (method == "primaldual") {
    dd <- dd/max(dd)
    dd <- dd*(10^precision)
    #cat(as.integer(ddpos), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.integer(m), as.integer(n),
             # flowmatrix = integer(m*n), sep="\n")
    #stop("primaldual soon")
  	# ti <- proc.time()
    res1 <- .C("primaldual", as.integer(dd), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.integer(m), as.integer(n),
              flowmatrix = integer(m*n), DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
    # print(proc.time()-ti)
    temp <- list(assignment=res1$flowmatrix, basis=as.numeric(res1$flowmatrix > 0))
     # make pretty output
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN

  if (method == "revsimplex") {
      # Compute starting solution
  	  if (start == "russell") {
        temp <- russell(apos,bpos,dd)
        initassig <- temp$assignment
        initbasis <- temp$basis
        startgiven <- 1
      } else if (start == "nwcorner") {
        temp <- northwestcorner(apos,bpos)
        initassig <- temp$assignment
        initbasis <- temp$basis	
        startgiven <- 1
      } else {   # modrowmin in C-Code
      	initassig <- rep(0L,m*n)
      	initbasis <- rep(0L,m*n)
      	startgiven <- 0
#        print(startgiven)
#        cat(as.integer(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos),
#	    as.double(dd), "hello", assignment = as.integer(initassig),
#       basis = as.integer(initbasis), as.integer(startgiven), sep="\n")
#       stop("revsimplex soon")
    # ti <- proc.time()
    res <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos),
	          as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	          DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	# print(proc.time()-ti)           
	temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN
  if (method == "shortsimplex") {
    initassig <- rep(0,m*n)
    initbasis <- rep(0,m*n)
    if (control$para$slength > n) {
      control$para$slength <- n
      control$para$kfound <- n
      warning("Shortlist parameter 'slength' too large...  decreased to maximal value.")
    # Starting solution not needed
    #cat(as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
    #as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
    #as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(ddpos), assignment = as.integer(initassig), basis = as.integer(initbasis), sep="\n")
    #stop("shortsimplex soon")
    # ti <- proc.time()
    res <- .C("shortsimplex",
        as.integer(control$para$slength), as.integer(control$para$kfound), as.double(control$para$psearched),
        as.integer(m), as.integer(n), 
        as.integer(apos), as.integer(bpos), as.double(dd), assignment = as.integer(initassig), 
        basis = as.integer(initbasis), DUP = TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
	# print(proc.time()-ti)           
	temp <- list(assignment=res$assignment, basis=res$basis)
    nbasis <- sum(temp$basis)
    res <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
    ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(temp$basis),m,n), arr.ind=TRUE) 
    res$from <- which(wha)[ind[,1]]
    res$to <- which(whb)[ind[,2]]
    res$mass <- temp$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*m + ind[,1]]
    res$mass <- res$mass * fudgesum / fudgeN
  # fi (method == "shortsimplex") 

# sum(a) == sum(b) has to be checked in external function 
# this function should deal correctly with any zeros in a and b
# always producing exactly m+n-1 basis vectors
northwestcorner <- function(a,b) {
  m <- length(a)
  n <- length(b)
  assignment <- matrix(0,m,n)
  basis <- matrix(0,m,n)
#  rowrules <- TRUE
  icur <- jcur <- 1
  aleft <- a
  bleft <- b
  massleft <- (sum(aleft)+sum(bleft) > 0)
  while (massleft) {
    mm <- min(aleft[icur],bleft[jcur])
    assignment[icur,jcur] <- mm
    aleft[icur] <- aleft[icur] - mm
    bleft[jcur] <- bleft[jcur] - mm
    if (aleft[icur] == 0) {
      basis[icur,jcur] <- 1  
      # this is the best place for assigning the basis
      # avoids out-of-bounds index an deals correctly with the
      # degenerate case
      icur <- icur+1
    if (bleft[jcur] == 0 && icur < m+1) {
      # icur < m+1 removes the only possibility to still get an out-of-bounds index
      # this happens only (provided sum(a)==sum(b)) if icur=m+1, jcur=n
      basis[icur,jcur] <- 1
      jcur <- jcur+1
    massleft <- (sum(aleft)+sum(bleft) > 0)
  # the following lines deal with trailing zeros in a and b
  if (icur == m+1) {   # no trailing zeros in a
  	while (jcur < n+1) {  # deal with trailing zeros in b if any
  	  basis[icur-1,jcur] <- 1
  	  jcur <- jcur+1
  } else {  # icur < m+1 meaning trailing zeros in a
  	while (icur < m) {  # deal with them if more than one (first one was alredy dealt with in final bleft-step above)
  	  icur <- icur+1
  	  basis[icur,jcur-1] <- 1
  	while (jcur < n+1) {
  	  basis[icur,jcur] <- 1
  	  jcur <- jcur+1
  rownames(assignment) <- paste(a,"*",sep="")
  colnames(assignment) <- paste("*",b,sep="")
#  if (!all(as.logical(basis)==(assignment > 0))) {
#    warning("Starting solution is degenerate. Nothing to worry about!")
#  }
  if (sum(basis) != m+n-1) {
    stop("Basis contains only ", sum(basis), " != m+n-1 = ", m+n-1, " vectors")

# Russell 1969
russell <- function(a,b,costm) {
  mm <- m <- length(a)
  nn <- n <- length(b)
  assignment <- matrix(0,m,n)
  basis <- matrix(0,m,n)
  rownames(assignment) <- paste(a,"*",sep="")
  colnames(assignment) <- paste("*",b,sep="")
  actrow <- rep(TRUE,m)
  actcol <- rep(TRUE,n)
  totalmass <- sum(a)
  count <- 0
  while (m>0) {
  	count <- count+1
    costsub <- costm[actrow,actcol,drop=FALSE] 
    w <- apply(costsub,1,max)
    y <- apply(costsub,2,max)
    ind <- which.min(costsub - matrix(w,m,n) - matrix(y,m,n, byrow=TRUE))
    i0 <- matrix(1:m,m,n)[ind]
    i0 <- which(actrow)[i0]
    j0 <- matrix(1:n,m,n,byrow=TRUE)[ind]
    j0 <- which(actcol)[j0]
    mass <- min(a[i0],b[j0])
    if (mass == 0) {
      warning("mass 0 has been assigned!??")
    assignment[i0,j0] <- mass
    basis[i0,j0] <- 1
    a[i0] <- a[i0] - mass
    b[j0] <- b[j0] - mass
    if (a[i0] == 0) {
      actrow[i0] <- FALSE
      m <- m-1
    if (b[j0] == 0) {
      actcol[j0] <- FALSE
      n <- n-1

#  if (!all(as.logical(basis)==(assignment > 0))) {
#    warning("Starting solution is degenerate. Nothing to worry about!")
#  }  

  if (sum(basis) < mm+nn-1) {
  	cat("Russell produced too few basis vectors. Is ", sum(basis), ", should be ", mm+nn-1,
  	        ".\n Trying to fix this...  ", sep="")
  	basis <- dedegenerate(basis)
  } else if (sum(basis) > mm+nn-1) {
  	stop("Russell produced too many basis vectors. Is ", sum(basis), ", should be ", mm+nn-1)
  	# this should not be possible

# a1 ist "a_old", a2 is "a_new"
refinesol <- function(a1,b1,a2,b2, assig1, basis1, mult=2) {
  a1 <- as.vector(a1)   # Laenge 16
  b1 <- as.vector(b1)   # Laenge 16
  a2 <- as.vector(a2)   # Laenge 64
  b2 <- as.vector(b2)
  Ngrid1 <- length(a1)
  ngrid1 <- sqrt(Ngrid1)
  Ngrid2 <- length(a2)
  ngrid2 <- sqrt(Ngrid2)
  stopifnot(ngrid2 == mult*ngrid1)
  m1 <- sum(a1 > 0)
  n1 <- sum(b1 > 0)
  m2 <- sum(a2 > 0)
  n2 <- sum(b2 > 0)
  stopifnot(length(assig1) == m1*n1)
  stopifnot(length(basis1) == m1*n1)
  assig1 <- matrix(assig1,m1,n1)
  basis1 <- matrix(basis1,m1,n1)
  assig2 <- matrix(0,m2,n2)
  basis2 <- matrix(0,m2,n2)

  # print(paste("REFINESOL IN:", "bvecs", sum(basis1), " ---- ", "expected", m1+n1-1))

  # Hilfsgroessen  
  multiple <- function(v,mult2) {
    n <- sqrt(length(v))
    stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(round(n), n)))
    grvec <- unlist(lapply(as.list(1:n), function(x) {rep(((x-1)*n+1):(x*n), times = mult2, each = mult2)}))
  whbox <- unlist(lapply(as.list(1:ngrid1), function(x) {rep(((x-1)*ngrid1+1):(x*ngrid1), times = mult, each = mult)}))
  # tells us for a number in 1,..,Ngrid2, which box the corresponding index in terms of a2/b2 lies in 
  bybox <- order(whbox)
  # gives us a list of indices from 1,..,Ngrid2 that evaluate vectors like a2/b2 boxwise 

  isprod1 <- (a1 > 0)    # "is producer"
  isprod2old <- multiple(a1 > 0, mult)
  isprod2 <- (a2 > 0)

  pnum1 <- isprod1 
  pnum1[isprod1] <- 1:m1
  cnum1 <- !isprod1 
  cnum1[!isprod1] <- 1:n1
  pcnum1 <- pnum1 + cnum1
  # For numbers from 1 to Ngrid1: which producer or consumer number is the corresponding index in the a1/b1 matrix
  # isprod1 tells us what it is (producer or consumer)
  # for p != 1 we usually don't have the separation in producers and consumers
  # isprod1 is all TRUE, and pcnum1 = 1:m1 (could be a problem)

  pnum2 <- isprod2 
  pnum2[isprod2] <- 1:m2
  cnum2 <- !isprod2 
  cnum2[!isprod2] <- 1:n2
  pcnum2 <- pnum2 + cnum2
  # For numbers from 1 to Ngrid2: which producer or consumer number is the corresponding index in the a2/b2 matrix
  # isprod2 tells us what it is (producer or consumer)
  # for p != 1 we usually don't have the separation in producers and consumers
  # isprod1 is all TRUE, and pcnum1 = 1:m2 (could be a problem)

  # --------------------------------
  # ab hier: fuelle assig2 / basis2
  # -------------------------------- 

  # loese das +- Problem in einzelnen Feldern der groben Matrix
  a2left <- a2
  b2left <- b2

  Mult <- mult^2
  for (i in 1:Ngrid1) {
  for (j in 1:Mult) {
  k <- bybox[(i-1)*Mult + j]
  # current index in the finer grid
  # zuerst lokalen Bedarf stillen
  if (isprod2old[k] && !isprod2[k]) {
  	# k needs stuff
  	for (jj in 1:Mult) {
  	  l <- bybox[(i-1)*Mult + jj]
  	  needs <- b2left[k]  # belongs here
  	  gives <- a2left[l]
  	  amount <- min(gives, needs)
  	  if (amount > 0) {
  	  	a2left[l] <- a2left[l]-amount
  	  	b2left[k] <- b2left[k]-amount
  	    basis2[ pcnum2[l] , pcnum2[k] ] <- 1
  	    assig2[ pcnum2[l] , pcnum2[k] ] <- amount
  # dann lokalen UEberschuss abbauen	
  } else if (!isprod2old[k] && isprod2[k]) {
  	# k gives stuff
  	for (jj in 1:Mult) {
  	  l <- bybox[(i-1)*Mult + jj]
  	  gives <- a2left[k]  # belongs here
  	  needs <- b2left[l]
  	  amount <- min(gives, needs)
  	  if (amount > 0) {
   	  	a2left[k] <- a2left[k]-amount
  	  	b2left[l] <- b2left[l]-amount
  	    basis2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] <- 1
  	    assig2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] <- amount

  # Emuliere grobe Loesung auf feiner Matrix
  for (i in 1:m1) {
    transfrom1 <- which(isprod1)[i]
    transto1 <- which(!isprod1)[basis1[i,] == 1]
    # in the coarser solution there is mass transfer from transfrom1 to transto1 (in a/b terms)
    # (careful: transto1 is a vector)
    # and the following are the amounts
    transmass <- assig1[i,][basis1[i,] == 1]
    #cat("i =",i,"\n")
    #cat(transfrom1, "---", transto1, "---", transmass, "\n")
    for (r in 1:length(transto1)) {
      if (transmass[r] == 0) {
      	print(paste("input to refinesol degenerate:",i,r))
      	# degenerierter Fall
      	# noch nicht getestet, auch nicht 100%ig klar, ob die Mult+j unten genau das richtige sind
      	for (j in 1:Mult) {
      	  k <- bybox[(transfrom1-1)*Mult+j]
  	      l <- bybox[(transto1[r]-1)*Mult+j]
      	  basis2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] <- 1
      	  stopifnot(assig2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] == 0)
      	  # sanity check, remove asap!!
      } else {
        for (j in 1:Mult) {
        for (jj in 1:Mult) {
          # das ist im Prinzip nix anderes als lokale Northwest-Corner-Rule (mit Loechern
          # wegen internen Verschiebungen innerhalb der Pixel), geht vermutlich eleganter
          # beides die NW-Corner-Rule und ohne diese
  	      k <- bybox[(transfrom1-1)*Mult+j]
  	      l <- bybox[(transto1[r]-1)*Mult+jj]
  	      #cat(k, l, a2left[k],b2left[l],"\n")
  	      if (a2left[k] > 0 && b2left[l] > 0 && transmass[r] > 0) {  	      	
  	        amount <- min(a2left[k],b2left[l],transmass[r])
  	        a2left[k] <- a2left[k]-amount
  	        b2left[l] <- b2left[l]-amount
  	        transmass[r] <- transmass[r]-amount
  	        basis2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] <- 1
  	        assig2[ pcnum2[k] , pcnum2[l] ] <- amount
  # Das folgende ist ein rechtes Gebastel und es sollte besser im Hauptteil von refinesol dagegen vorgebeugt werden
  # dedegenerate ist wahrsch. nicht noetig, Basisvektoren zufaellig hinzufuegen, sollte fast so gut sein...?
  if (sum(basis2) < m2+n2-1) {
  	cat("Refinesol produced too few basis vectors. Is ", sum(basis2), ", should be ", m2+n2-1,
  	        ".\n Trying to fix this...  ", sep="")
  	basis2 <- dedegenerate(basis2)
  } else if (sum(basis2) > m2+n2-1) {
  	stop("Refinesol produced too many basis vectors. Is ", sum(basis2), ", should be ", m2+n2-1)

# refinesol for p != 1 
# currently not implemented
refinesol2 <- function(a1,b1,a2,b2, assig1, basis1, mult=2) {
  assig2 <- NULL
  basis2 <- NULL  

# vorlaeufig nur fuer quadratische Matrizen
# das folgende ist eh alles viel zu muehsam, koennte aber mal noch nuetzlich sein
triangulate <- function(basis) {
  n <- dim(basis)[1]
  stopifnot(dim(basis)[2] == n)
  stopifnot(sum(basis) <= 2*n -1)
  stopifnot(min(apply(basis,1,sum)) > 0 && min(apply(basis,2,sum)) > 0)
  # spaetere Zeilen/Spaltensummen duerfen 0 sein
  roworder <- rep(0,n)
  colorder <- rep(0,n)
  rowleft <- 1:n
  colleft <- 1:n
  for (k in 1:(n-1)) {
  	# print(k)
    rsum <- apply(basis[rowleft,colleft],1,sum)
    # wir legen hier Wert auf "moeglichst viele" Einsen auf der Diagonalen
    # rein, weil es uebersichtlicher aussieht
    wh <- which(rsum == 1)[1]
    target <- 1
    if (is.na(wh)) {
      wh <- which(rsum == 0)[1]
      target <- 0
      if (is.na(wh)) stop("Cannot triangulate basis")
    roworder[k] <- rowleft[wh]
    colorder[k] <- colleft[which(basis[roworder[k],colleft] == target)[1]]
    rowleft <- rowleft[rowleft != roworder[k]]
    colleft <- colleft[colleft != colorder[k]]    	
  roworder[n] <- rowleft
  colorder[n] <- colleft

# sollte auch ohne Triangulierung funktionieren
# Vor allem koennen wir hier quadratisch gar nicht brauchen
findblocks <- function(tbasis) {
  blocks <- vector("list",0)
  bb <- 0
  m <- dim(tbasis)[1]
  n <- dim(tbasis)[2]
  rows2go <- 1:m
  cols2go <- 1:n
  while (length(rows2go) > 0 || length(cols2go) > 0) {
  	searchforrows <- TRUE
  	rowlist <- numeric(0)
    collist <- min(cols2go)
    cols2go <- cols2go[cols2go != collist]
  	bb <- bb+1
  	blocks[[bb]] <- list(row=numeric(0),col=collist)
    while (length(rowlist) > 0 || length(collist) > 0) {
  	  if (searchforrows) {
  	  	for (k in collist) {
  	      rowlist <- union(rowlist,intersect(which(tbasis[,k] == 1),rows2go))
  	      blocks[[bb]]$row <- union(blocks[[bb]]$row, rowlist)
  	      rows2go <- setdiff(rows2go,rowlist)
  	      searchforrows <- FALSE  	  
  	    collist <- numeric(0)
  	  } else {
  	  	for (k in rowlist) {
  	  	  collist <- union(collist,intersect(which(tbasis[k,] == 1),cols2go))
  	  	  blocks[[bb]]$col <- union(blocks[[bb]]$col, collist)
  	  	  cols2go <- setdiff(cols2go,collist)
  	  	  searchforrows <- TRUE
  	  	rowlist <- numeric(0)	

dedegenerate <- function(basis) {
  res <- findblocks(basis)
  ll <- length(res)
  m <- dim(basis)[1]
  n <- dim(basis)[2]
  stopifnot(sum(basis) + ll == m+n)
  basis2 <- basis
  for (i in 1:(ll-1)) {
  	k <- res[[i+1]]$row[1]
  	l <- res[[i]]$col[length(res[[i]]$col)]
  	# print(paste(k,l))
  	basis2[k,l] <- 1

# the following function *should* be able to deal with all kinds of degeneracies;
# even zeros in aredf,bredf, but this is not (well) tested 
scalestart <- function(aredf,bredf,genf,n1f,n2f,p=1,scmult=2) { 
#  stopifnot(all(aredf>0, bredf>0))   # no longer necessary I leave it for the moment
  stopifnot(all(dim(aredf) == c(n1f,n2f)) && all(dim(bredf) == c(n1f,n2f)))
  is.natural <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  all((abs(x - round(x)) < tol) & x > 0.5)
  stopifnot(is.natural(scmult) && is.natural(n1f) && is.natural(n2f) && is.natural(n1f/scmult) && is.natural(n2f/scmult))
  n1c <- round(n1f/scmult)
  n2c <- round(n2f/scmult)   # f for fine, c for coarse
  Nf <- n1f * n2f
  Nc <- n1c * n2c
  grmat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(as.list(1:n2c), function(x) {rep(((x-1)*n1c+1):(x*n1c), 
      	          times = scmult, each = scmult)})), n1f, n2f)
  aredc <- matrix( aggregate(as.vector(aredf), by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:n1f,1:n2f])),
      	    FUN="sum")[,2], n1c, n2c)
  bredc <- matrix( aggregate(as.vector(bredf), by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:n1f,1:n2f])),
      	    FUN="sum")[,2], n1c, n2c)
  genc <- list(aggregate(genf[[1]], by=list(as.vector(grmat[1:n1f,1])), FUN="mean")[,2],
               aggregate(genf[[2]], by=list(as.vector(grmat[1,1:n2f])), FUN="mean")[,2])
  # preliminary version where we do not distinguish between p=1 and p!=1
  gg <- expand.grid(genc[[1]], genc[[2]])
  costmc <- as.matrix(dist(gg))^p
  assigc <- rep(0L,Nc*Nc)
  basisc <- rep(0L,Nc*Nc)
  startgiven <- 0
  resc <- .C("revsimplex", as.integer(Nc), as.integer(Nc), as.integer(aredc), as.integer(bredc),
	        as.double(costmc), assignment = as.integer(assigc), basis = as.integer(basisc), startgiven = as.integer(startgiven),
	        DUP=TRUE, PACKAGE="transport")
  assigc <- matrix(resc$assignment,Nc,Nc)
  basisc <- matrix(resc$basis,Nc,Nc)
  nbasis <- sum(resc$basis)
  res2 <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
  ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(resc$basis),Nc,Nc), arr.ind=TRUE) 
  ofrom <- order(ind[,1])
  res2$from <- ind[,1][ofrom]
  res2$to <- ind[,2][ofrom]
  res2$mass <- (resc$assignment[(ind[,2]-1)*Nc + ind[,1]])[ofrom]
  stopifnot(length(res2$from) == 2*Nc-1, length(res2$to) == 2*Nc-1, length(res2$mass) == 2*Nc-1)

  ##  refine solution  ##
  assigf <- matrix(0,Nf,Nf)
  basisf <- matrix(0,Nf,Nf)
  qmult <- scmult^2
  # new strategy row-wise in the fine grid; this way it seems to be easier to treat degeneracies 
  whblock <- as.vector(grmat)
  # tells us for a number in 1,..,Nf (colmajor pos in matrix), which of the Nc blocks the corresponding index lies in 
  byblock <- order(whblock)
  # gives us a list of colmajor positions (from 1, ..., Nf) in matrix (nf x nf) that evaluates it (the matrix) by Nc-blocks  
  block <- rep(1:Nc,each=qmult)
  # same as whbox[byblock] (vector of the block numbers we are in with byblock)
  # firstpos <- unlist(lapply(seq(1,1+(n2c-1)*qmult*n1c,qmult*n1c), function(k) {seq(k,k+(n1c-1)*scmult,scmult)}))
  # "coarse to fine, first index"; vector of first indices in blocks
  acleft <- aredc
  bcleft <- bredc
  afleft <- aredf
  bfleft <- bredf
  aremfpos <- rep(1,Nc)  # if-position to start with in blocks of a
  bremfpos <- rep(1,Nc)  # jf-position to start with in blocks of b
  # in what follows we basically use nwcorner rule for each row of blocks (later improvement: use rowmostneg)
  # i is the block row number, icur is the row number (in the fine grid)
  for (i in 1:Nc) {   
#  	cat("i: ", i, "\n", sep="")
  	allifs <- byblock[qmult*(i-1) + 1:qmult]  # the qmult if-values that make up block i
  	icurpos <- aremfpos[i]
  	icur <- allifs[icurpos]
    alljcs <- which(basisc[i,] == 1)   # numbers of the to-blocks in row i
    lenjcs <- length(alljcs)
    for (jpos in 1:lenjcs) {    # ipos = i = 1 automatically, but we need icurs because enumeration along i not linear 
#      cat("jpos: ", jpos, "\n", sep="")   	
      j <- alljcs[jpos]
      alljfs <- which(whblock == j)  # all jf-indices to which we can transport
      jcurpos <- bremfpos[j]   
      jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
#    bcrowleft <- rep(0,Nc)   # how much mass is left for the various blocks in the i-th row
#    bcrowleft[alljcs] <- assigc[1,alljcs] 
      massleft <- assigc[i,j]
      repeat {   # break condition massleft == 0
        mass <- min(afleft[icur],bfleft[jcur],massleft)
        # whenever two of the three above terms coincide as minima, we degeneration occurs and we have to add
        # a basic vector with zero transport (if all three coincide, we have to add two basis vectors)
        assigf[icur,jcur] <- mass
        basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        afleft[icur] <- afleft[icur] - mass
        bfleft[jcur] <- bfleft[jcur] - mass
        massleft <- massleft - mass
        if (massleft == 0) {
        } else {
          if (afleft[icur] == 0 && bfleft[jcur] == 0) {
      	    icurpos <- icurpos+1
            icur <- allifs[icurpos]
            basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
            jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
            jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          } else if (afleft[icur] == 0) {
            icurpos <- icurpos+1
            icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          } else if (bfleft[jcur] == 0) {
            jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
            jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]          	
      }  # repeat loop  
      acleft[i] <- acleft[i] - assigc[i,j]
      bcleft[j] <- bcleft[j] - assigc[i,j]
      # do finishing work for block (i,j); note: we just assigned last bit of mass
      if (acleft[i] == 0 && bcleft[j] == 0) {
        # we do not have to check if there are any more blocks in this row or in this col
        # because any such blocks can only have total transport zero --> code below works out  
        # First we fill L-shape basis vectors for trailing zeros in a and b         	                                            
        while (icurpos < qmult) {
          icurpos <- icurpos+1
          icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        while (jcurpos < qmult) {
          jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
          jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        # Then we make sure that the potential zero-transport blocks to come fill in basis-1s
        # from the right position
        aremfpos[i] <- qmult   # = icurpos
        bremfpos[j] <- qmult   # = jcurpos
      } else if (acleft[i] == 0) {  # hence bcleft[j] > 0, hence we know that
        	                        # there must be another block in the same col
        if (bfleft[jcur] == 0) {
          jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
          jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        while (icurpos < qmult) {
          icurpos <- icurpos+1
          icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        aremfpos[i] <- qmult    # = icurpos
        bremfpos[j] <- jcurpos
      } else if (bcleft[j] == 0) {  # hence acleft[i] > 0, hence we know that
        	                        # there must be another block in the same row
        if (afleft[icur] == 0) {
          icurpos <- icurpos+1
          icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1 
        while (jcurpos < qmult) {
          jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
          jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        aremfpos[i] <- icurpos
        bremfpos[j] <- qmult    # = jcurpos      	
      } else {   # the case acleft[i] > 0 && bcleft[j] > 0
        if (afleft[icur] == 0 && bfleft[jcur] == 0) {
          icurpos <- icurpos+1
          icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
          jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
          jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        } else if (afleft[icur] == 0) {
          icurpos <- icurpos+1
          icur <- allifs[icurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1
        } else if (bfleft[jcur] == 0) {
          jcurpos <- jcurpos+1
          jcur <- alljfs[jcurpos]
          basisf[icur,jcur] <- 1          	
        aremfpos[i] <- icurpos
        bremfpos[j] <- jcurpos
    }   # for jpos loop
  }     # for i loop 
  rownames(assigf) <- paste(aredf,"*",sep="")
  colnames(assigf) <- paste("*",bredf,sep="")
#  if (!all(as.logical(basisf)==(assigf > 0))) {
#    warning("Starting solution is degenerate. Nothing to worry about!")  
#  }  
  if (sum(basisf) != 2*Nf-1) {
    stop("Basis contains only ", sum(basisf), " != 2*Nf-1 = ", 2*Nf-1, " vectors")
  nbasis <- sum(basisf)
  res3 <- data.frame(from = rep(0,nbasis), to = rep(0,nbasis), mass = rep(0,nbasis))
  ind <- which(matrix(as.logical(basisf),Nf,Nf), arr.ind=TRUE) 
  ofrom <- order(ind[,1])
  res3$from <- ind[,1][ofrom]
  res3$to <- ind[,2][ofrom]
  res3$mass <- (assigf[(ind[,2]-1)*Nf + ind[,1]])[ofrom]

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