
Defines functions challenge_home_directory challenge_nested_project find_rstudio_root create_from_github create_project create_package

Documented in create_from_github create_package create_project

#' Create a package or project
#' @description
#' These functions create an R project:
#'   * `create_package()` creates an R package
#'   * `create_project()` creates a non-package project, i.e. a data analysis
#'   project
#' Both functions can be called on an existing project; you will be asked before
#' any existing files are changed.
#' @inheritParams use_description
#' @param path A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is
#'   created, provided that the parent path exists.
#' @param roxygen Do you plan to use roxygen2 to document your package?
#' @param rstudio If `TRUE`, calls [use_rstudio()] to make the new package or
#'   project into an [RStudio
#'   Project](https://r-pkgs.org/workflow101.html#sec-workflow101-rstudio-projects).
#'    If `FALSE` and a non-package project, a sentinel `.here` file is placed so
#'   that the directory can be recognized as a project by the
#'   [here](https://here.r-lib.org) or
#'   [rprojroot](https://rprojroot.r-lib.org) packages.
#' @param open If `TRUE`, [activates][proj_activate()] the new project:
#'   * If using RStudio desktop, the package is opened in a new session.
#'   * If on RStudio server, the current RStudio project is activated.
#'   * Otherwise, the working directory and active project is changed.
#' @return Path to the newly created project or package, invisibly.
#' @seealso [create_tidy_package()] is a convenience function that extends
#'   `create_package()` by immediately applying as many of the tidyverse
#'   development conventions as possible.
#' @export
create_package <- function(path,
                           fields = list(),
                           rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
                           roxygen = TRUE,
                           check_name = TRUE,
                           open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
  path <- user_path_prep(path)

  name <- path_file(path_abs(path))
  if (check_name) {
  challenge_nested_project(path_dir(path), name)

  local_project(path, force = TRUE)

  proj_desc_create(name, fields, roxygen)
  use_namespace(roxygen = roxygen)

  if (rstudio) {

  if (open) {
    if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
      # working directory/active project already set; clear the scheduled
      # restoration of the original project


#' @export
#' @rdname create_package
create_project <- function(path,
                           rstudio = rstudioapi::isAvailable(),
                           open = rlang::is_interactive()) {
  path <- user_path_prep(path)
  name <- path_file(path_abs(path))
  challenge_nested_project(path_dir(path), name)

  local_project(path, force = TRUE)


  if (rstudio) {
  } else {
    ui_done("Writing a sentinel file {ui_path('.here')}")
    ui_todo("Build robust paths within your project via {ui_code('here::here()')}")
    ui_todo("Learn more at <https://here.r-lib.org>")

  if (open) {
    if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
      # working directory/active project already set; clear the scheduled
      # restoration of the original project


#' Create a project from a GitHub repo
#' @description
#' Creates a new local project and Git repository from a repo on GitHub, by
#' either cloning or
#' [fork-and-cloning](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/fork-a-repo).
#' In the fork-and-clone case, `create_from_github()` also does additional
#' remote and branch setup, leaving you in the perfect position to make a pull
#' request with [pr_init()], one of several [functions for working with pull
#' requests][pull-requests].
#' `create_from_github()` works best when your GitHub credentials are
#' discoverable. See below for more about authentication.
#' @template double-auth
#' @seealso
#' * [use_github()] to go the opposite direction, i.e. create a GitHub repo
#'   from your local repo
#' * [git_protocol()] for background on `protocol` (HTTPS vs SSH)
#' * [use_course()] to download a snapshot of all files in a GitHub repo,
#'   without the need for any local or remote Git operations
#' @inheritParams create_package
#' @param repo_spec A string identifying the GitHub repo in one of these forms:
#'   * Plain `OWNER/REPO` spec
#'   * Browser URL, such as `"https://github.com/OWNER/REPO"`
#'   * HTTPS Git URL, such as `"https://github.com/OWNER/REPO.git"`
#'   * SSH Git URL, such as `"git@github.com:OWNER/REPO.git"`
#' @param destdir Destination for the new folder, which will be named according
#'   to the `REPO` extracted from `repo_spec`. Defaults to the location stored
#'   in the global option `usethis.destdir`, if defined, or to the user's
#'   Desktop or similarly conspicuous place otherwise.
#' @param fork If `FALSE`, we clone `repo_spec`. If `TRUE`, we fork
#'   `repo_spec`, clone that fork, and do additional setup favorable for
#'   future pull requests:
#'   * The source repo, `repo_spec`, is configured as the `upstream` remote,
#'   using the indicated `protocol`.
#'   * The local `DEFAULT` branch is set to track `upstream/DEFAULT`, where
#'   `DEFAULT` is typically `main` or `master`. It is also immediately pulled,
#'   to cover the case of a pre-existing, out-of-date fork.
#'   If `fork = NA` (the default), we check your permissions on `repo_spec`. If
#'   you can push, we set `fork = FALSE`, If you cannot, we set `fork = TRUE`.
#' @param host GitHub host to target, passed to the `.api_url` argument of
#'   [gh::gh()]. If `repo_spec` is a URL, `host` is extracted from that.
#'   If unspecified, gh defaults to "https://api.github.com", although gh's
#'   default can be customised by setting the GITHUB_API_URL environment
#'   variable.
#'   For a hypothetical GitHub Enterprise instance, either
#'   "https://github.acme.com/api/v3" or "https://github.acme.com" is
#'   acceptable.
#' @param rstudio Initiate an [RStudio
#'   Project](https://r-pkgs.org/workflow101.html#sec-workflow101-rstudio-projects)?
#'   Defaults to `TRUE` if in an RStudio session and project has no
#'   pre-existing `.Rproj` file. Defaults to `FALSE` otherwise (but note that
#'   the cloned repo may already be an RStudio Project, i.e. may already have a
#'   `.Rproj` file).
#' @inheritParams use_github
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_from_github("r-lib/usethis")
#' # repo_spec can be a URL
#' create_from_github("https://github.com/r-lib/usethis")
#' # a URL repo_spec also specifies the host (e.g. GitHub Enterprise instance)
#' create_from_github("https://github.acme.com/OWNER/REPO")
#' }
create_from_github <- function(repo_spec,
                               destdir = NULL,
                               fork = NA,
                               rstudio = NULL,
                               open = rlang::is_interactive(),
                               protocol = git_protocol(),
                               host = NULL,
                               auth_token = deprecated(),
                               credentials = deprecated()) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(auth_token)) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(credentials)) {

  parsed_repo_spec <- parse_repo_url(repo_spec)
  if (!is.null(parsed_repo_spec$host)) {
    repo_spec <- parsed_repo_spec$repo_spec
    host <- parsed_repo_spec$host

  whoami <- suppressMessages(gh::gh_whoami(.api_url = host))
  no_auth <- is.null(whoami)
  user <- if (no_auth) NULL else whoami$login
  hint <- code_hint_with_host("gh_token_help", host)

  if (no_auth && is.na(fork)) {
      Unable to discover a GitHub personal access token
      Therefore, can't determine your permissions on {ui_value(repo_spec)}
      Therefore, can't decide if `fork` should be `TRUE` or `FALSE`

      You have two choices:
      1. Make your token available (if in doubt, DO THIS):
         - Call {ui_code(hint)} for directions
      2. Call {ui_code('create_from_github()')} again, but with \\
      {ui_code('fork = FALSE')}
         - Only do this if you are absolutely sure you don't want to fork
         - Note you will NOT be in a position to make a pull request")

  if (no_auth && isTRUE(fork)) {
      Unable to discover a GitHub personal access token
      A token is required in order to fork {ui_value(repo_spec)}

      Call {ui_code(hint)} for help configuring a token")
  # one of these is true:
  # - gh is discovering a token for `host`
  # - gh is NOT discovering a token, but `fork = FALSE`, so that's OK

  source_owner <- spec_owner(repo_spec)
  repo_name <- spec_repo(repo_spec)
  gh <- gh_tr(list(repo_owner = source_owner, repo_name = repo_name, api_url = host))

  repo_info <- gh("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}")
  # 2023-01-28 We're seeing the GitHub bug again around default branch in a
  # fresh fork. If I create a fork, the POST payload *sometimes* mis-reports the
  # default branch. I.e. it reports `main`, even though the actual default
  # branch is `master`. Therefore we're reverting to consulting the source repo
  # for this info
  default_branch <- repo_info$default_branch

  if (is.na(fork)) {
    fork <- !isTRUE(repo_info$permissions$push)
    fork_status <- glue("fork = {fork}")
    ui_done("Setting {ui_code(fork_status)}")
  # fork is either TRUE or FALSE

  if (fork && identical(user, repo_info$owner$login)) {
      Can't fork, because the authenticated user {ui_value(user)} \\
      already owns the source repo {ui_value(repo_info$full_name)}")

  destdir <- user_path_prep(destdir %||% conspicuous_place())
  challenge_nested_project(destdir, repo_name)
  repo_path <- path(destdir, repo_name)

  if (fork) {
    ## https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/forks/#create-a-fork
    ui_done("Forking {ui_value(repo_info$full_name)}")
    upstream_url <- switch(
      https = repo_info$clone_url,
      ssh = repo_info$ssh_url
    repo_info <- gh("POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks")
    ui_done("Waiting for the fork to finalize before cloning")

  origin_url <- switch(
    https = repo_info$clone_url,
    ssh = repo_info$ssh_url

  ui_done("Cloning repo from {ui_value(origin_url)} into {ui_value(repo_path)}")
  gert::git_clone(origin_url, repo_path, verbose = FALSE)

  proj_path <- find_rstudio_root(repo_path)
  local_project(proj_path, force = TRUE) # schedule restoration of project

  # 2023-01-28 again, it would be more natural to trust the default branch of
  # the fork, but that cannot always be trusted. For now, we're still using
  # the default branch learned from the source repo.
  ui_info("Default branch is {ui_value(default_branch)}")

  if (fork) {
    ui_done("Adding {ui_value('upstream')} remote: {ui_value(upstream_url)}")
    use_git_remote("upstream", upstream_url)
    upstream_remref <- glue("upstream/{default_branch}")
      Setting remote tracking branch for local {ui_value(default_branch)} \\
      branch to {ui_value(upstream_remref)}")
    gert::git_branch_set_upstream(upstream_remref, repo = git_repo())
    config_key <- glue("remote.upstream.created-by")
    gert::git_config_set(config_key, "usethis::create_from_github", repo = git_repo())

  rstudio <- rstudio %||% rstudio_available()
  rstudio <- rstudio && !is_rstudio_project()
  if (rstudio) {
    use_rstudio(reformat = FALSE)

  if (open) {
    if (proj_activate(proj_get())) {
      # Working directory/active project changed; so don't undo on exit


# If there's a single directory containing an .Rproj file, use it.
# Otherwise work in the repo root
find_rstudio_root <- function(path) {
  rproj <- rproj_paths(path, recurse = TRUE)
  if (length(rproj) == 1) {
  } else {

challenge_nested_project <- function(path, name) {
  if (!possibly_in_proj(path)) {

  # creates an undocumented backdoor we can exploit when the interactive
  # approval is impractical, e.g. in tests
  if (isTRUE(getOption("usethis.allow_nested_project", FALSE))) {

    "New project {ui_value(name)} is nested inside an existing project \\
    {ui_path(path)}, which is rarely a good idea.
    If this is unexpected, the here package has a function, \\
    {ui_code('here::dr_here()')} that reveals why {ui_path(path)} \\
    is regarded as a project."
  if (ui_nope("Do you want to create anyway?")) {
    ui_stop("Cancelling project creation.")

challenge_home_directory <- function(path) {
  homes <- unique(c(path_home(), path_home_r()))
  if (!path %in% homes) {

  qualification <- if (is_windows()) {
    glue("a special directory, i.e. some applications regard it as ")
  } else {
    {ui_path(path)} is {qualification}your home directory.
    It is generally a bad idea to create a new project here.
    You should probably create your new project in a subdirectory.")
  if (ui_nope("Do you want to create anyway?")) {
    ui_stop("Good move! Cancelling project creation.")

Try the usethis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

usethis documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:23 p.m.