# Part of the varbvs package,
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019, Peter Carbonetto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# Fit linear regression model with mixture-of-normals prior using
# variational approximation techniques. See varbvsmix.Rd for details.
varbvsmix <- function (X, Z, y, sa, sigma, w, alpha, mu, update.sigma,, update.w, w.penalty, drop.threshold = 1e-8,
tol = 1e-4, maxiter = 1e4, update.order = 1:ncol(X),
verbose = TRUE) {
# Get the number of samples (n) and variables (p).
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
# ----------------
# Check input X.
if (!(is.matrix(X) & is.numeric(X) & sum( == 0))
stop("Input X must be a numeric matrix with no missing values.")
storage.mode(X) <- "double"
# Add column names to X if they are not provided.
if (is.null(colnames(X)))
colnames(X) <- paste0("X",1:p)
# Check input Z.
if (!is.null(Z)) {
Z <- as.matrix(Z)
if (!is.numeric(Z) | sum( > 0)
stop("Input Z must be a numeric matrix with no missing values.")
if (nrow(Z) != n)
stop("Inputs X and Z do not match.")
storage.mode(Z) <- "double"
# Add intercept.
if (is.null(Z))
Z <- matrix(1,n,1)
Z <- cbind(1,Z)
# Check input y.
if (!is.numeric(y) | sum( > 0)
stop("Input y must be a numeric vector with no missing values.")
if (length(y) != n)
stop("Inputs X and y do not match")
y <- c(as.double(y))
# -------------------------------
# Check input argument "maxiter".
if (!is.finite(maxiter))
stop("Input maxiter must be a finite number")
# Check input argument "update.order".
if (!all(sort(intersect(update.order,1:p)) == 1:p))
stop(paste("Argument \"update.order\" should be a vector in which each",
"variable index (column of X) is included at least once"))
# Get initial estimate for the variance of the residual, if
# provided.
if (missing(sigma)) {
sigma <- var(y)
update.sigma.default <- TRUE
} else {
sigma <- c(sigma)
update.sigma.default <- FALSE
# Determine whether to update the residual variance parameter. Note
# that the default seting is determined by whether sigma is
# provided.
if (missing(update.sigma))
update.sigma <- update.sigma.default
# Determine whether to update the mixture variance parameters. By default,
# these parameters are not updated.
if (missing( <- FALSE
if (
stop("Estimation of mixture variances not implemented")
# Determine whether to update the mixture weights.
if (missing(update.w))
update.w <- TRUE
# -------------------
# Adjust the genotypes and phenotypes so that the linear effects of
# the covariates are removed. This is equivalent to integrating out
# the regression coefficients corresponding to the covariates with
# respect to an improper, uniform prior.
out <- remove.covariate.effects(X,Z,y)
X <- out$X
y <- out$y
SZy <- out$SZy
SZX <- out$SZX
# Compute a couple useful quantities.
xy <- drop(y %*% X)
d <- diagsq(X)
# -----------------------------
# When input argument "sa" is missing, or when it is a scalar, the
# prior variances are automatically chosen using function
# "selectmixsd". The variance of the first mixture component should
# be exactly zero, corresponding to the "spike".
if (missing(sa))
sa <- 20
if (length(sa) == 1) {
if (!(sa > 1 & round(sa) == sa))
stop("When \"sa\" is a scalar, it must be an integer greater than 1")
sa <- selectmixsd(xy/d,sa)^2
else if (sa[1] != 0)
stop("Variance of first mixture component should be zero")
# Get the number of mixture components.
K <- length(sa)
# Get initial estimate for the mixture weights, if provided.
if (missing(w))
w <- rep(1/K,K)
w <- c(w)
if (length(w) != K)
stop("Length of input w should be the same as length of sa")
# Specify the penalty term for the mixture weights.
if (missing(w.penalty))
w.penalty <- rep(1,K)
w.penalty <- c(w.penalty)
# Set initial estimates of variational parameters alpha, ensuring
# that the smallest value is not less than the "drop threshold" for
# the mixture components. These parameters are stored as a p x K
# matrix.
if (missing(alpha)) {
alpha <- rand(p,K) + K*drop.threshold
alpha <- alpha / rep_col(rowSums(alpha),K)
if (nrow(alpha) != p)
stop("Input alpha should have as many rows as X has columns")
if (ncol(alpha) != K)
stop("Input alpha should have one column for each mixture component")
if (any(alpha < drop.threshold))
stop("Initial estimates of \"alpha\" must all be above \"drop.threshold\"")
# Set initial estimates of variational parameters 'mu'. These
# parameters are stored as a p x K matrix. Note that the first
# column of this matrix is always zero because it corresponds to the
# "spike" component.
if (missing(mu))
mu <- randn(p,K)
if (nrow(mu) != p)
stop("Input mu should have as many rows as X has columns")
if (ncol(mu) != K)
stop("Input mu should have one column for each mixture component")
mu[,1] <- 0
# For each variable and each mixture component, calculate s[i,k],
# the variance of the regression coefficient conditioned on being
# drawn from the kth mixture component. Note that first column of
# "s" is always zero since this corresponds to the "spike" mixture
# component.
s <- matrix(0,p,K)
for (i in 2:K)
s[,i] <- sigma*sa[i]/(sa[i]*d + 1)
# Initialize storage for outputs logZ, err and nzw.
logZ <- rep(0,maxiter)
err <- rep(0,maxiter)
nzw <- rep(0,maxiter)
# Initialize the "inactive set"; that is the mixture components with
# weights that are exactly zero. Also, keep the initial set of
# mixture variances (sa) and the initial number of mixture
# components (K). The term "inactive set" is borrowed from "active
# set methods" in numerical optimization.
inactive <- 1:K
K0 <- K
w0.penalty <- w.penalty
sa0 <- sa
# Initialize the "fitted values".
Xr <- drop(X %*% rowSums(alpha*mu))
# Provide a brief summary of the analysis.
if (verbose) {
cat("Fitting variational approximation for linear regression",
"model with\n")
cat("mixture-of-normals priors.\n")
cat(sprintf("samples: %-6d ",n))
cat(sprintf("mixture component sd's: %0.2g..%0.2g\n",
cat(sprintf("variables: %-6d ",p))
cat(sprintf("mixture component drop thresh.: %0.1e\n",drop.threshold))
cat(sprintf("covariates: %-6d ",max(0,ncol(Z) - 1)))
cat(sprintf("fit mixture weights: %s\n",tf2yn(update.w)))
cat(sprintf("mixture size: %-6d ",K))
cat(sprintf("fit residual var. (sigma): %s\n",tf2yn(update.sigma)))
cat("intercept: yes ")
cat(sprintf("convergence tolerance %0.1e\n",tol))
# ---------------------
# Repeat until convergence criterion is met, or until the maximum
# number of iterations is reached.
if (verbose) {
cat(" variational max. --------- hyperparameters ---------\n")
cat("iter lower bound change sigma mixture sd's mix. weights",
for (iter in 1:maxiter) {
# Save the current variational parameters and model parameters.
alpha0 <- alpha
mu0 <- mu
s0 <- s
sigma0 <- sigma
w0 <- w
# --------------------------------------------
# Compute the lower bound to the marginal log-likelihood.
logZ0 <- computevarlbmix(Z,Xr,d,y,sigma,sa,w,alpha,mu,s)
# -------------------------------------
out <- varbvsmixupdate(X,sigma,sa,w,xy,d,alpha,mu,Xr,update.order)
alpha <- out$alpha
mu <- out$mu
Xr <- out$Xr
# --------------------------------------------
# Compute the lower bound to the marginal log-likelihood.
logZ[iter] <- computevarlbmix(Z,Xr,d,y,sigma,sa,w,alpha,mu,s)
# -----------------------------
# Compute the approximate maximum likelihood estimate of the residual
# variable (sigma), if requested. Note that we should also
# recalculate the variance of the regression coefficients when this
# parameter is updated.
if (update.sigma) {
sigma <-
(norm2(y - Xr)^2 + dot(d,betavarmix(alpha,mu,s))
+ sum(colSums(as.matrix(alpha[,-1]*(s[,-1] + mu[,-1]^2)))/sa[-1]))/
(n + sum(alpha[,-1]))
for (i in 2:K)
s[,i] <- sigma*sa[i]/(sa[i]*d + 1)
# ---------------------------
# Compute the approximate penalized maximum likelihood estimate of
# the mixture weights (w), if requested.
if (update.w) {
w <- colSums(alpha) + w.penalty - 1
w <- w/sum(w)
# ----------------------
# Print the status of the algorithm and check the convergence
# criterion. Convergence is reached when the maximum difference
# between the posterior mixture assignment probabilities at two
# successive iterations is less than the specified tolerance, or
# when the variational lower bound has decreased.
err[iter] <- max(abs(alpha - alpha0))
nzw[iter] <- K0 - K
if (verbose) {
progress.str <-
sprintf("%04d %+13.6e %0.1e %0.1e %13s [%0.3f,%0.3f] (%d)",
if (logZ[iter] < logZ0) {
logZ[iter] <- logZ0
err[iter] <- 0
sigma <- sigma0
w <- w0
alpha <- alpha0
mu <- mu0
s <- s0
} else if (err[iter] < tol)
# ------------------------
# Check if any mixture components should be dropped based on
# "drop.threshold". Note that the first mixture component (the
# "spike") should never be droped.
keep <- apply(alpha,2,max) >= drop.threshold
keep[1] <- TRUE
if (!all(keep)) {
# At least one of the mixture components satisfy the criterion
# for being dropped, so adjust the inactive set.
inactive <- inactive[keep]
sa <- sa[keep]
w <- w[keep]
w0 <- w0[keep]
w.penalty <- w.penalty[keep]
alpha <- alpha[,keep]
alpha0 <- alpha0[,keep]
mu <- mu[,keep]
mu0 <- mu0[,keep]
s <- s[,keep]
s0 <- s0[,keep]
K <- length(inactive)
if (verbose)
# -----------------------
K <- K0
fit <- list(n = n,mu.cov = NULL,update.sigma = update.sigma, =,update.w = update.w,
w.penalty = w0.penalty,drop.threshold = drop.threshold,
sigma = sigma,sa = sa0,w = rep(0,K),alpha = matrix(0,p,K),
mu = matrix(0,p,K),s = matrix(0,p,K),lfsr = NULL,
logZ = logZ[1:iter],err = err[1:iter],nzw = nzw[1:iter])
fit$w[inactive] <- w
fit$alpha[,inactive] <- alpha
fit$mu[,inactive] <- mu
fit$s[,inactive] <- s
# Compute the posterior mean estimate of the regression
# coefficients for the covariates under the current variational
# approximation.
fit$mu.cov <- c(SZy - SZX %*% rowSums(alpha * mu))
# Compute the local false sign rate (LFSR) for each variable.
fit$lfsr <- computelfsrmix(alpha,mu,s)
# Add row names to some of the outputs.
rownames(fit$alpha) <- colnames(X)
rownames(fit$mu) <- colnames(X)
rownames(fit$s) <- colnames(X)
names(fit$lfsr) <- colnames(X)
# Declare the return value as an instance of class 'varbvsmix'.
class(fit) <- c("varbvsmix","list")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Try to select a reasonable set of standard deviations that should
# be used for the mixture model based on the values of x. This is
# code is based on the autoselect.mixsd function from the ashr
# package.
selectmixsd <- function (x, k) {
smin <- 1/10
if (all(x^2 < 1))
smax <- 1
smax <- 2*sqrt(max(x^2 - 1))
return(c(0,logspace(smin,smax,k - 1)))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# betavarmix(p,mu,s) returns variances of variables drawn from mixtures of
# normals. Each of the inputs is a n x k matrix, where n is the number of
# variables and k is the number of mixture components. Specifically,
# variable i is drawn from a mixture in which the jth mixture component is
# the univariate normal with mean mu[i,j] and variance s[i,j].
# Note that the following two lines should return the same result when k=2
# and the first component is the "spike" density with zero mean and
# variance.
# y1 <- betavar(p,mu,s)
# y2 <- betavarmix(c(1-p,p),cbind(0,mu),cbind(0,s))
betavarmix <- function (p, mu, s)
rowSums(p*(s + mu^2)) - rowSums(p*mu)^2
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute the lower bound to the marginal log-likelihood.
computevarlbmix <- function (Z, Xr, d, y, sigma, sa, w, alpha, mu, s) {
# Get the number of samples (n), variables (p) and mixture
# components (K).
n <- length(y)
p <- length(d)
K <- length(w)
# Compute the variational lower bound.
out <- (-n/2*log(2*pi*sigma)
- determinant(crossprod(Z),logarithm = TRUE)$modulus/2
- (norm2(y - Xr)^2 + dot(d,betavarmix(alpha,mu,s)))/(2*sigma))
for (i in 1:K)
out <- (out + sum(alpha[,i]*log(w[i] + eps))
- sum(alpha[,i]*log(alpha[,i] + eps)))
for (i in 2:K)
out <- (out + (sum(alpha[,i]) + sum(alpha[,i]*log(s[,i]/(sigma*sa[i]))))/2
- sum(alpha[,i]*(s[,i] + mu[,i]^2))/(sigma*sa[i])/2)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute the local false sign rate (LFSR) for each variable. This
# assumes that the first mixture component is a "spike" (that is, a
# normal density with a variance approaching zero).
computelfsrmix <- function (alpha, mu, s) {
# Get the number of variables (p) and the number of mixture
# components (k).
p <- nrow(alpha)
k <- ncol(alpha)
# For each variable, get the posterior probability that the
# regression coefficient is exactly zero.
p0 <- alpha[,1]
# For each variable, get the posterior probability that the
# regression coefficient is negative.
if (k == 2)
pn <- alpha[,2] * pnorm(0,mu[,2],sqrt(s[,2]))
pn <- rowSums(alpha[,-1] * pnorm(0,mu[,-1],sqrt(s[,-1])))
# Compute the local false sign rate (LFSR) following the formula
# given in the Biostatistics paper, "False discovery rates: a new
# deal".
lfsr <- rep(0,p)
b <- pn > 0.5*(1 - p0)
lfsr[b] <- 1 - pn[b]
lfsr[!b] <- p0[!b] + pn[!b]
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