
Defines functions pairs_diagonal_mosaic pairs_barplot pairs_diagonal_text pairs_text pairs_strucplot pairs_sieve pairs_mosaic pairs_assoc pairs.structable pairs.table

Documented in pairs_assoc pairs_barplot pairs_diagonal_mosaic pairs_diagonal_text pairs_mosaic pairs_sieve pairs_strucplot pairs.structable pairs.table pairs_text

### pairsplot
## modified, 2-14-2014, MF:  fix expected values for type=

pairs.table <- function(x,
                        upper_panel = pairs_mosaic,
                        upper_panel_args = list(),

                        lower_panel = pairs_mosaic,
                        lower_panel_args = list(),

                        diag_panel = pairs_diagonal_mosaic,
                        diag_panel_args = list(),

                        main = NULL,
                        sub = NULL,
                        main_gp = gpar(fontsize = 20),
                        sub_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),

                        space = 0.3,
                        newpage = TRUE,
                        pop = TRUE,
                        return_grob = FALSE,
                        margins = unit(1, "lines"),
  if (newpage) grid.newpage()

  if (inherits(upper_panel, "grapcon_generator"))
    upper_panel <- do.call("upper_panel", c(upper_panel_args, list(...)))
  if (inherits(lower_panel, "grapcon_generator"))
    lower_panel <- do.call("lower_panel", c(lower_panel_args, list(...)))
  if (inherits(diag_panel, "grapcon_generator"))
    diag_panel <- do.call("diag_panel", diag_panel_args)

  d <- length(dim(x))
  l <- grid.layout(d, d)
  pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(1, "snpc"), height = unit(1, "snpc")))
  pushViewport(vcdViewport(mar = margins, legend = FALSE, legend_width = NULL,
                           main = !is.null(main), sub = !is.null(sub)))
  ## titles
  if (!is.null(main)) {
    if (is.logical(main) && main)
      main <- deparse(substitute(x))
    grid.text(main, gp = main_gp)

  if (!is.null(sub)) {
    if (is.logical(sub) && sub && is.null(main))
      sub <- deparse(substitute(x))
    grid.text(sub, gp = sub_gp)

  pushViewport(viewport(layout = l, y = 0, just = "bottom"))

  for (i in 1:d)
    for(j in 1:d) {
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = i, layout.pos.row = j))
      pushViewport(viewport(width = 1 - space, height = 1 - space))

      if (i > j) {
        if (!is.null(upper_panel)) upper_panel(x, j, i)
      } else if (i < j) {
        if (!is.null(lower_panel)) lower_panel(x, j, i)
      } else if (!is.null(diag_panel))
        diag_panel(x, i)

      if (pop) popViewport(2) else upViewport(2)
  if (pop) popViewport(3) else upViewport(3)
  if (return_grob)
      invisible(structure(x, grob = grid.grab()))

pairs.structable <- function(x, ...) pairs(as.table(x), ...)

## upper/lower panels

pairs_assoc <- function(...) pairs_strucplot(panel = assoc, ...)
class(pairs_assoc) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_mosaic <- function(...) pairs_strucplot(panel = mosaic, ...)
class(pairs_mosaic) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_sieve <- function(...) pairs_strucplot(panel = sieve, ...)
class(pairs_sieve) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_strucplot <- function(panel = mosaic,
                            type = c("pairwise", "total", "conditional", "joint"),
                            legend = FALSE, margins = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                            labeling = NULL, ...) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  function(x, i, j) {
      index <- 1:length(dim(x))
      rest <- index[!index %in% c(i, j)]
      rest2 <- index[!index %in% 1:2]
      tl <- tail(index, 2)
      rest3 <- index[!index %in% tl]
      expected <- switch(type,
                         joint = list(1:2, rest2),
                         conditional = list(c(tl[1], rest3),
                                            c(tl[2], rest3)),
                         total = sapply(c(j, i, rest), list),
      margin <- switch(type,
                       pairwise = c(j, i),
                       conditional = c(rest, j, i),
                       c(j, i, rest))
      panel(x = margin.table(x, margin),

            expected = expected,
            labeling = labeling,
            margins = margins,
            legend = legend,

            split_vertical = TRUE,

            newpage = FALSE,
            pop = FALSE,
            prefix = paste("panel:Y=",names(dimnames(x))[i],",X=",
            names(dimnames(x))[j],"|",sep = ""),
class(pairs_strucplot) <- "grapcon_generator"

## diagonal panels

pairs_text <- function(dimnames = TRUE,
                       gp_vartext = gpar(fontsize = 17),
                       gp_leveltext = gpar(),
                       gp_border = gpar(),

  function(x, i) {
    x <- margin.table(x, i)
    grid.rect(gp = gp_border)
    grid.text(names(dimnames(x)), gp = gp_vartext,  y = 0.5 + dimnames * 0.05, ...)
    if (dimnames)
      grid.text(paste("(",paste(names(x), collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
                y = 0.4, gp = gp_leveltext)
class(pairs_text) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_diagonal_text <- function(varnames = TRUE,
                                gp_vartext = gpar(fontsize = 17, fontface = "bold"),
                                gp_leveltext = gpar(),
                                gp_border = gpar(),
                                pos = c("right","top"),
                                distribute = c("equal","margin"),
                                rot = 0,
                                ...) {

  xc <- unit(switch(pos[1], left = 0.1, center = 0.5, 0.9), "npc")
  yc <- unit(switch(pos[2], top = 0.9, center = 0.5, 0.1), "npc")
  distribute <- match.arg(distribute)

  function(x, i) {
    x <- margin.table(x, i)
    grid.rect(gp = gp_border)
    if (varnames)
      grid.text(names(dimnames(x)), gp = gp_vartext, x = xc, y = yc, just = pos, ...)

    l <- length(dimnames(x)[[1]])
    po <- if (distribute == "equal")
      unit(cumsum(rep(1 / (l + 1), l)), "npc")
    else {
      sizes = prop.table(x)
      unit(cumsum(c(0,sizes))[1:l] + sizes / 2, "npc")
    grid.text(dimnames(x)[[1]], x = po, y = unit(1, "npc") - po,
              gp = gp_leveltext, rot = rot)
class(pairs_diagonal_text) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_barplot <- function(gp_bars = NULL,
                          gp_vartext = gpar(fontsize = 17),
                          gp_leveltext = gpar(),
                          gp_axis = gpar(),
                          just_leveltext = c("center", "bottom"),
                          just_vartext = c("center", "top"),
                          rot = 0, abbreviate = FALSE,
                          check_overlap = TRUE,
                          fill = "grey",
                          var_offset = unit(1, "npc"),
  function(x, i) {
    if (!is.unit(var_offset))
      var_offset <- unit(var_offset, "npc")
    dn <- names(dimnames(x))
    x <- margin.table(x, i)
    if (is.function(fill)) fill <- rev(fill(dim(x)))
    if (is.null(gp_bars))
      gp_bars <- gpar(fill = fill)
    pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.3, y = 0.1, width = 0.7, height = 0.7,
                          yscale = c(0,max(x)), just = c("left", "bottom"))
    xpos <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(x) + 1)[-1]
    halfstep <- (xpos[2] - xpos[1]) / 2
    grid.rect(xpos - halfstep, rep.int(0, length(x)), height = x,
              just = c("center", "bottom"), width = halfstep,
              gp = gp_bars, default.units = "native",
              name = paste("panel:diag=", dn[i], "|bars", sep = ""),
    grid.yaxis(at = pretty(c(0,max(x))), gp = gp_axis)
    txt <- names(x)
    if (abbreviate)
      txt <- abbreviate(txt, abbreviate)
    grid.text(txt, y = unit(-0.15, "npc"), rot = rot,
              x = xpos - halfstep, just = just_leveltext, gp = gp_leveltext,
              check.overlap = check_overlap)
    grid.text(names(dimnames(x)), y = var_offset, just = just_vartext, gp = gp_vartext)

class(pairs_barplot) <- "grapcon_generator"

pairs_diagonal_mosaic <- function(split_vertical = TRUE,
                                  margins = unit(0, "lines"),
                                  offset_labels = -0.4,
                                  offset_varnames = 0,
                                  gp = NULL,
                                  fill = "grey",
                                  labeling = labeling_values,
                                  alternate_labels = TRUE,
  function(x, i) {
    if (is.function(fill))
      fill <- rev(fill(dim(x)[i]))
    if (is.null(gp))
      gp <- gpar(fill = fill)
    mosaic(margin.table(x, i),
           newpage = FALSE,
           split_vertical = split_vertical,
           margins = margins,
           offset_labels = offset_labels,
           offset_varnames = offset_varnames,
           prefix = "diag",
           gp = gp,
           labeling = labeling_values,
           labeling_args = list(alternate_labels = TRUE),
class(pairs_diagonal_mosaic) <- "grapcon_generator"

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