### strucplot - generic plot framework for mosaic-like layouts
### 2 core functions are provided: struc_mosaic and struc_assoc
strucplot <- function(## main parameters
residuals = NULL,
expected = NULL,
condvars = NULL,
shade = NULL,
type = c("observed", "expected"),
residuals_type = NULL,
df = NULL,
## layout
split_vertical = NULL,
spacing = spacing_equal,
spacing_args = list(),
gp = NULL,
gp_args = list(),
labeling = labeling_border,
labeling_args = list(),
core = struc_mosaic,
core_args = list(),
legend = NULL,
legend_args = list(),
main = NULL,
sub = NULL,
margins = unit(3, "lines"),
title_margins = NULL,
legend_width = NULL,
## control parameters
main_gp = gpar(fontsize = 20),
sub_gp = gpar(fontsize = 15),
newpage = TRUE,
pop = TRUE,
return_grob = FALSE,
keep_aspect_ratio = NULL,
prefix = "",
) {
## default behaviour of shade
if (is.null(shade)) shade <- !is.null(gp) || !is.null(expected)
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(residuals)) {
residuals_type <- if (is.null(residuals_type))
c("pearson", "deviance", "ft"))
} else {
if (is.null(residuals_type))
residuals_type <- ""
## convert structable object
if (is.structable(x)) {
if (is.null(split_vertical))
split_vertical <- attr(x, "split_vertical")
x <- as.table(x)
if (is.null(split_vertical))
split_vertical <- FALSE
## table characteristics
d <- dim(x)
dl <- length(d)
dn <- dimnames(x)
if (is.null(dn))
dn <- dimnames(x) <- lapply(d, seq)
dnn <- names(dimnames(x))
if (is.null(dnn))
dnn <- names(dn) <- names(dimnames(x)) <- LETTERS[1:dl]
## replace NAs by 0
if (any(nas <- x[nas] <- 0
## model fitting:
## calculate df and expected if needed
## (used for inference in some shading (generating) functions).
## note: will *not* be calculated if residuals are given
if ((is.null(expected) && is.null(residuals)) ||
!is.numeric(expected)) {
if (!is.null(df))
warning("Using calculated degrees of freedom.")
if (inherits(expected, "formula")) {
fm <- loglm(expected, x, fitted = TRUE)
expected <- fitted(fm)
df <- fm$df
} else {
if (is.null(expected))
expected <- if (is.null(condvars))
lapply((condvars + 1):dl, c, seq(condvars))
fm <- loglin(x, expected, fit = TRUE, print = FALSE)
expected <- fm$fit
df <- fm$df
## compute residuals
if (is.null(residuals))
residuals <- switch(residuals_type,
pearson = (x - expected) / sqrt(ifelse(expected > 0, expected, 1)),
deviance = {
tmp <- 2 * (x * log(ifelse(x == 0, 1, x / ifelse(expected > 0, expected, 1))) - (x - expected))
tmp <- sqrt(pmax(tmp, 0))
ifelse(x > expected, tmp, -tmp)
ft = sqrt(x) + sqrt(x + 1) - sqrt(4 * expected + 1)
## replace NAs by 0
if (any(nas <- residuals[nas] <- 0
## splitting
if (length(split_vertical) == 1)
split_vertical <- rep(c(split_vertical, !split_vertical), length.out = dl)
if (is.null(keep_aspect_ratio))
keep_aspect_ratio <- dl < 3
## spacing
if (is.function(spacing)) {
if (inherits(spacing, "grapcon_generator"))
spacing <-"spacing", spacing_args)
spacing <- spacing(d, condvars)
## gp (color, fill, lty, etc.) argument
if (shade) {
if (is.null(gp)) gp <- shading_hcl
if (is.function(gp)) {
if (is.null(legend) || (is.logical(legend) && legend))
legend <- legend_resbased
gpfun <- if (inherits(gp, "grapcon_generator"))"gp", c(list(x, residuals, expected, df), as.list(gp_args))) else gp
gp <- gpfun(residuals)
} else if (!is.null(legend) && !(is.logical(legend) && !legend))
stop("gp argument must be a shading function for drawing a legend")
} else {
if(!is.null(gp)) {
warning("gp parameter ignored since shade = FALSE")
gp <- NULL
## choose gray when no shading is used
if (is.null(gp)) gp <- gpar(fill = grey(0.8))
## recycle gpar values in the *first* dimension
size <- prod(d)
FUN <- function(par) {
if (is.structable(par))
par <- as.table(par)
if (length(par) < size || is.null(dim(par)))
array(par, dim = d)
gp <- structure(lapply(gp, FUN), class = "gpar")
## set up page
if (newpage)
if (keep_aspect_ratio)
pushViewport(viewport(width = 1, height = 1, default.units = "snpc"))
pushViewport(vcdViewport(mar = margins,
oma = title_margins,
legend = shade && !(is.null(legend) || is.logical(legend) && !legend),
main = !is.null(main), sub = !is.null(sub),
keep_aspect_ratio = keep_aspect_ratio,
legend_width = legend_width,
prefix = prefix))
## legend
if (inherits(legend, "grapcon_generator"))
legend <-"legend", legend_args)
if (shade && !is.null(legend) && !(is.logical(legend) && !legend)) {
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "legend", sep = ""))
residuals_type <- switch(residuals_type,
deviance = "deviance\nresiduals:",
ft = "Freeman-Tukey\nresiduals:",
pearson = "Pearson\nresiduals:",
legend(residuals, gpfun, residuals_type)
## titles
if (!is.null(main)) {
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "main", sep = ""))
if (is.logical(main) && main)
main <- deparse(substitute(x))
grid.text(main, gp = main_gp)
if (!is.null(sub)) {
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "sub", sep = ""))
if (is.logical(sub) && sub && is.null(main))
sub <- deparse(substitute(x))
grid.text(sub, gp = sub_gp)
## make plot
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "plot", sep = ""))
if (inherits(core, "grapcon_generator"))
core <-"core", core_args)
core(residuals = residuals,
observed = if (type == "observed") x else expected,
expected = if (type == "observed") expected else x,
spacing = spacing,
gp = gp,
split_vertical = split_vertical,
prefix = prefix)
## labels
if (is.logical(labeling))
labeling <- if (labeling) labeling_border else NULL
if (!is.null(labeling)) {
if (inherits(labeling, "grapcon_generator"))
labeling <-"labeling", c(labeling_args, list(...)))
labeling(dn, split_vertical, condvars, prefix)
## pop/move up viewport
seekViewport(paste(prefix, "base", sep = ""))
## one more up if sandwich-mode
if (pop)
popViewport(1 + keep_aspect_ratio)
upViewport(1 + keep_aspect_ratio)
## return visualized table
if (return_grob)
invisible(structure(structable(if (type == "observed") x else expected,
split_vertical = split_vertical),
grob = grid.grab()
invisible(structable(if (type == "observed") x else expected,
split_vertical = split_vertical))
vcdViewport <- function(mar =, 4),
legend_width = unit(5, "lines"),
oma = NULL,
legend = FALSE, main = FALSE, sub = FALSE,
keep_aspect_ratio = TRUE,
prefix = "")
## process parameters
if (is.null(legend_width))
legend_width <- unit(5 * legend, "lines")
if (!is.unit(legend_width))
legend_width <- unit(legend_width, "lines")
if (legend && !main && !sub && keep_aspect_ratio) main <- sub <- TRUE
mar <- if (!is.unit(mar))
unit(pexpand(mar, 4,, 4), c("top","right","bottom","left")), "lines")
rep(mar, length.out = 4)
if (is.null(oma)) {
space <- if (legend && keep_aspect_ratio)
legend_width + mar[2] + mar[4] - mar[1] - mar[3]
else unit(0, "lines")
oma <- if (main && sub)
max(unit(2, "lines"), 0.5 * space)
else if (main)
unit.c(max(unit(2, "lines"), space), unit(0, "lines"))
else if (sub)
unit.c(unit(0, "lines"), max(unit(2, "lines"), space))
0.5 * space
oma <- if (!is.unit(oma))
unit(pexpand(oma, 2,, 2), c("top","bottom")), "lines")
rep(oma, length.out = 2)
## set up viewports
vpPlot <- vpStack(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 3),
viewport(width = 1, height = 1, name = paste(prefix, "plot", sep = ""),
default.units = if (keep_aspect_ratio) "snpc" else "npc"))
vpMarginBottom <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 4,
name = paste(prefix, "margin_bottom", sep = ""))
vpMarginLeft <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 3,
name = paste(prefix, "margin_left", sep = ""))
vpMarginTop <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 2,
name = paste(prefix, "margin_top", sep = ""))
vpMarginRight <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 3, layout.pos.row = 3,
name = paste(prefix, "margin_right", sep = ""))
vpCornerTL <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 2,
name = paste(prefix, "corner_top_left", sep = ""))
vpCornerTR <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 3, layout.pos.row = 2,
name = paste(prefix, "corner_top_right", sep = ""))
vpCornerBL <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 4,
name = paste(prefix, "corner_bottom_left", sep = ""))
vpCornerBR <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 3, layout.pos.row = 4,
name = paste(prefix, "corner_bottom_right", sep = ""))
vpLegend <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 4, layout.pos.row = 3,
name = paste(prefix, "legend", sep = ""))
vpLegendTop <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 4, layout.pos.row = 2,
name = paste(prefix, "legend_top", sep = ""))
vpLegendSub <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 4, layout.pos.row = 4,
name = paste(prefix, "legend_sub", sep = ""))
vpBase <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(5, 4,
widths = unit.c(mar[4], unit(1, "null"), mar[2], legend_width),
heights = unit.c(oma[1], mar[1], unit(1, "null"), mar[3], oma[2])),
name = paste(prefix, "base", sep = ""))
vpMain <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 1:4, layout.pos.row = 1,
name = paste(prefix, "main", sep = ""))
vpSub <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 1:4, layout.pos.row = 5,
name = paste(prefix, "sub", sep = ""))
vpTree(vpBase, vpList(vpMain, vpMarginBottom, vpMarginLeft, vpMarginTop,
vpMarginRight, vpLegendTop, vpLegend,
vpLegendSub, vpCornerTL, vpCornerTR,
vpCornerBL, vpCornerBR, vpPlot, vpSub))
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