#' @title Create chromR object
#' @name create.chromR
#' @rdname create_chromR
#' @export
#' @aliases create.chromR
#' @description
#' Creates and populates an object of class chromR.
#' @param vcf an object of class vcfR
#' @param name a name for the chromosome (for plotting purposes)
#' @param seq a sequence as a DNAbin object
#' @param ann an annotation file (gff-like)
#' @param verbose should verbose output be printed to the console?
#' @param x an object of class chromR
#' @param gff a data.frame containing annotation data in the gff format
# @param ... arguments
#' @details
#' Creates and names a chromR object from a name, a chromosome (an ape::DNAbin object), variant data (a vcfR object) and annotation data (gff-like).
#' The function \strong{create.chromR} is a wrapper which calls functions to populate the slots of the chromR object.
#' The function \strong{vcf2chromR} is called by create.chromR and transfers the data from the slots of a vcfR object to the slots of a chromR object.
#' It also tries to extract the 'DP' and 'MQ' fileds (when present) from the fix slot's INFO column.
#' It is not anticipated that a user would need to use this function directly, but its placed here in case they do.
#' The function \strong{seq2chromR} is currently defined as a generic function.
#' This may change in the future.
#' This function takes an object of class DNAbin and assigns it to the 'seq' slot of a chromR object.
#' The function \strong{ann2chromR} is called by create.chromR and transfers the information from a gff-like object to the 'ann' slot of a chromR object.
#' It is not anticipated that a user would need to use this function directly, but its placed here in case they do.
#' @seealso
# \code{\link{seq2chromR}},
# \code{\link{vcf2chromR}},
#' \code{\link{chromR-class}},
#' \code{\link{vcfR-class}},
#' \code{\link[ape]{DNAbin}},
# \href{\%20call\%20format/vcf-variant-call-format-version-41}{vcf format},
#' \href{}{VCF specification}
#' \href{}{gff3 format}
#' @examples
#' library(vcfR)
#' data(vcfR_example)
#' chrom <- create.chromR('sc50', seq=dna, vcf=vcf, ann=gff)
#' head(chrom)
#' chrom
# colnames(chrom)
#' plot(chrom)
#' chrom <- masker(chrom, min_QUAL = 1, min_DP = 300, max_DP = 700, min_MQ = 59, max_MQ = 61)
#' chrom <- proc.chromR(chrom, win.size=1000)
#' plot(chrom)
#' chromoqc(chrom)
# chromoqc(pinf_mt, xlim=c(25e+03, 3e+04), dot.alpha=99)
# set.seed(10)
# x1 <- as.integer(runif(n=20, min=1, max=39000))
# y1 <- runif(n=length(x1), min=1, max=100)
# chromodot(pinf_mt, x1=x1, y1=y1)
# 1 2 3 4 5
# 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
# chromodot(pinf_mt, x1=x1, y1=y1, label1='My data',
# x2=x1, y2=y1, label2='More of my data',
# dot.alpha='ff')
# chromohwe(pinf_mt, dot.alpha='ff')
# chromopop(pinf_mt)
# gt <-
# head(gt)
# tab <- variant.table(pinf_mt)
# head(tab)
# win <- window_table(pinf_mt)
# head(win)
# hist(tab$Ho - tab$He, col=5)
# # Note that this example is a mitochondrion, so this is a bit silly.
create.chromR <- function(vcf, name="CHROM", seq=NULL, ann=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
# Determine whether we received the expected classes.
#stopifnot(class(vcf) == "vcfR")
stopifnot( inherits(vcf, "vcfR") )
if( length( unique( getCHROM(vcf) ) ) > 1 ){
myChroms <- unique( getCHROM(vcf) )
message('vcfR object includes more than one chromosome (CHROM).')
message( paste(myChroms, collapse = ", ") )
message("Subsetting to the first chromosome")
vcf <- vcf[ getCHROM(vcf) == myChroms[1],]
if( length( names(seq) ) > 1 ){
mySeqs <- names(seq)
message('DNAbin object includes more than one chromosome.')
message( paste(mySeqs, collapse = ", ") )
message("Subsetting to the first chromosome")
seq <- seq[ mySeqs[1] ]
if( length( unique( ann[,1] ) ) > 1 ){
myChroms <- unique( ann[,1] )
message('Annotations include more than one chromosome.')
message( paste(myChroms, collapse = ", ") )
message("Subsetting to the first chromosome")
ann <- ann[ann[,1] == myChroms[1], , drop = FALSE]
# Initialize chromR object.
x <- new(Class="chromR")
names(x) <- name
# setName(x) <- name
# Insert vcf into Chom.
# x <- vcf2chromR(x, vcf)
x@vcf <- vcf
# Insert seq into chromR
# Needs to handle lists and matrices of DNAbin
# Matrices are better behaved.
POS <- getPOS(x)
x@len <- POS[length(POS)]
# x@len <- x@vcf.fix$POS[length(x@vcf.fix$POS)]
#} else if (class(seq)=="DNAbin"){
} else if ( inherits(seq, "DNAbin") ){
x <- seq2chromR(x, seq)
} else {
#stopifnot( class(seq)=="DNAbin" )
stopifnot( inherits(seq, "DNAbin") )
# Annotations.
if( !is.null(ann) ){
if( nrow(ann) > 0 ){
# if(nrow(ann) > 0){
#stopifnot(class(ann) == "data.frame")
stopifnot( inherits(ann, "data.frame") )
#if(class(ann[,4]) == "factor"){ann[,4] <- as.character(ann[,4])}
if( inherits(ann[,4], "factor") ){ann[,4] <- as.character(ann[,4])}
#if(class(ann[,5]) == "factor"){ann[,5] <- as.character(ann[,5])}
if( inherits(ann[,5], "factor") ){ann[,5] <- as.character(ann[,5])}
#if(class(ann[,4]) == "character"){ann[,4] <- as.numeric(ann[,4])}
if( inherits(ann[,4], "character") ){ann[,4] <- as.numeric(ann[,4])}
#if(class(ann[,5]) == "character"){ann[,5] <- as.numeric(ann[,5])}
if( inherits(ann[,5], "character") ){ann[,5] <- as.numeric(ann[,5])}
x@ann <- ann
# Manage length
if( max(as.integer(as.character(ann[,4]))) > x@len ){
x@len <- max(as.integer(as.character(ann[,4])))
if( max(as.integer(as.character(ann[,5]))) > x@len ){
x@len <- max(as.integer(as.character(ann[,5])))
# Report names of objects to user.
if(verbose == TRUE){
# Print names of elements to see if they match.
message("Names in vcf:")
chr_names <- unique(getCHROM(x))
message(paste(' ', chr_names, sep=""))
# message(paste(' ', unique(as.character(x@vcf.fix$CHROM)), sep=""))
#if(class(x@seq) == "DNAbin"){
if( inherits(x@seq, "DNAbin") ){
message("Names of sequences:")
message(paste(' ', unique(labels(x@seq)), sep=""))
# if(unique(as.character(x@vcf.fix$CHROM)) != unique(labels(x@seq))){
if(chr_names != unique(labels(x@seq))){
Names in variant data and sequence data do not match perfectly.
If you choose to proceed, we'll do our best to match the data.
But prepare yourself for unexpected results.")
# message("Names in variant file and sequence file do not match perfectly.")
# message("If you choose to proceed, we'll do our best to match data.")
# message("But prepare yourself for unexpected results.")
if(nrow(x@ann) > 0){
message("Names in annotation:")
message(paste(' ', unique(as.character(x@ann[,1])), sep=""))
# if(unique(as.character(x@vcf.fix$CHROM)) != unique(as.character(x@ann[,1]))){
if( length( unique(as.character(x@ann[,1])) ) > 1 ){
warning("The annotation data appear to include more than one chromosome.\nUsing only the first.\n")
firstChrom <- unique(as.character(x@ann[,1]))[1]
x@ann <- x@ann[ x@ann[,1] == firstChrom, , drop = FALSE]
myChrom <- unique( x@ann[,1] )
warning( paste('Using annotation chromosome:', myChrom, '\n') )
if(chr_names != unique(as.character(x@ann[,1]))){
Names in variant data and annotation data do not match perfectly.
If you choose to proceed, we'll do our best to match the data.
But prepare yourself for unexpected results.")
# message("Names in variant file and annotation file do not match perfectly.\n")
# message("If you choose to proceed, we'll do our best to match data.\n")
# message("But prepare yourself for unexpected results.\n")
# Check to see if annotation positions exceed seq position.
if( nrow(x@ann) > 0 ){
if( max(as.integer(as.character(x@ann[,4]))) > x@len | max(as.integer(as.character(x@ann[,5]))) > x@len ){
stop("Annotation positions exceed chromosome positions. Is this the correct set of annotations?")
if( verbose == TRUE ){
message("Initializing slot.")
} <- data.frame( CHROM = x@vcf@fix[,"CHROM"] , POS = as.integer(x@vcf@fix[,"POS"]) )
# mq <- getINFO(x, element="MQ")
mq <-, element = 'MQ', as.numeric = TRUE)
if( length(mq) > 0 ){$MQ <- mq }
# dp <- getDP(x)
dp <-, element = 'DP', as.numeric = TRUE)
if( length(dp) > 0 ){$DP <- dp }
if( nrow( > 0 ){$mask <- TRUE
if( verbose == TRUE ){
message(" slot initialized.")
##### ##### ##### ##### #####
# chromR data loading functions
##### ##### ##### ##### #####
#' @rdname create_chromR
#' @export
#' @aliases vcf2chromR
# @aliases chromR-methods vcf2chromR
# @description
# Methods to work with objects of the chromR class
# Reads in a vcf file and stores it in a vcf class.
# @param x an object of class chromR
vcfR2chromR <- function(x, vcf){
x@vcf.fix <-
# colnames(x@vcf.fix) <- c('CHROM','POS','ID','REF','ALT','QUAL','FILTER','INFO')
# x@vcf.fix[,2] <- as.numeric(x@vcf.fix[,2])
# x@vcf.fix[,6] <- as.numeric(x@vcf.fix[,6])
for(i in 1:ncol(vcf@gt)){
vcf@gt[,i] <- as.character(vcf@gt[,i])
} <- vcf@gt
x@vcf.meta <- vcf@meta
# Initialize slot <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=5, nrow=nrow(vcf@fix)))
names( <- c('CHROM', 'POS', 'mask', 'DP','MQ')
# names( <- c('DP','MQ', 'mask')
#$CHROM <- x@vcf.fix$CHROM$POS <- x@vcf.fix$POS$mask <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(x@vcf.fix))
if(length(grep("DP=", vcf@fix[,8])) > 0){$DP <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(unlist(lapply(strsplit(as.character(vcf@fix[,8]), ";"), function(x){grep("^DP=", x, value=TRUE)})),"="),function(x){as.numeric(x[2])}))
if(length(grep("MQ=", vcf@fix[,8])) > 0){$MQ <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(unlist(lapply(strsplit(as.character(vcf@fix[,8]), ";"), function(x){grep("^MQ=", x, value=TRUE)})),"="),function(x){as.numeric(x[2])}))
# assign may be more efficient.
# Needs to handle lists and matrices of DNAbin.
# Matrices appear better behaved.
#' @rdname create_chromR
#' @export
#' @aliases seq2chromR
seq2chromR <- function(x, seq=NULL){
# A DNAbin will store in a list when the fasta contains
# multiple sequences, but as a matrix when the fasta
# only contains one sequence.
if( length(seq) != 1 ){
stop("seq2chromR expects a DNAbin object with only one sequence in it.")
x@seq <- as.matrix(seq)
x@len <- length(x@seq)
} else if (is.matrix(seq)){
# x@seq <- ape::as.DNAbin(as.character(seq)[1,])
# dimnames(pinf_dna)[[1]][1]
x@seq <- seq
x@len <- length(x@seq)
} else {
stop("DNAbin is neither a list or matrix")
#' @rdname create_chromR
#' @export
#' @aliases ann2chromR
ann2chromR <- function(x, gff){
x@ann <-
colnames(x@ann) <- c('seqid','source','type','start','end','score','strand','phase','attributes')
x@ann$start <- as.numeric(as.character(x@ann$start))
x@ann$end <- as.numeric(as.character(x@ann$end))
##### ##### ##### ##### #####
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