### The constrained ordination methods cca, rda, capscale & dbrda are
### very similar. Their main difference is the init of dependent
### matrix and after that the partializing, constraining and residual
### steps are very similar to each other. This file provides functions
### that can analyse any classic method, the only difference being the
### attributes of the dependet variable.
### In this file we use convention modelfunction(Y, X, Z) where Y is
### the dependent data set (community), X is the model matrix of
### constraints, and Z is the model matrix of conditions to be
### partialled out. The common outline of the function is:
### initX(Y)
### pCCA <- ordPartial(Y, Z)
### CCA <- ordConstrain(Y, X, Z)
### CA <- ordResid(Y)
### The init step sets up the dependent data Y and sets up its
### attributes that control how it will be handled at later
### stage. Each of the later stages modifies Y and returns results of
### its analysis. The handling of the function is mainly similar, but
### there is some variation depending on the attributes of Y.
### Function prototype is ordConstrained(Y, X=NULL, Z=NULL, method),
### where Y is the dependent community data set, X is the model matrix
### of constraints, Z the model matrix of conditions, method is "cca",
### "rda", "capscale" or "dbrda" (the last two may not work, and
### "capscale" may not work in the way you assume). The function
### returns a large subset of correspoding constrained ordination
### method. For instance, with method = "dbrda", the result is mainly
### correct, but it differs so much from the current dbrda that it
### cannot be printed cleanly.
### The init methods transform the dependent data specifically to the
### particular method and set up attributes that will control further
### processing of Y. The process critical attributes are set up in
### UPPER CASE to make the if-statements stand out in later analysis.
`initPCA` <-
function(Y, scale = FALSE)
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
Y <- scale(Y, scale = scale)
if (scale && any(is.nan(Y)))
Y[is.nan(Y)] <- 0
## we want models based on variance or correlations -- this will
## break methods depending on unscaled Xbar (and which do this
## very same scaling internally) with scale = FALSE.
Y <- Y / sqrt(nrow(Y) - 1)
attr(Y, "METHOD") <- "PCA"
`initCAP` <-
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
attr(Y, "METHOD") <- "CAPSCALE"
`initCA` <-
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
tot <- sum(Y)
Y <- Y/tot
rw <- rowSums(Y)
cw <- colSums(Y)
rc <- outer(rw, cw)
Y <- (Y - rc)/sqrt(rc)
attr(Y, "tot") <- tot
attr(Y, "RW") <- rw
attr(Y, "CW") <- cw
attr(Y, "METHOD") <- "CA"
`initDBRDA` <-
## check
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
dims <- dim(Y)
if (dims[1] != dims[2] || !isSymmetric(unname(Y)))
stop("input Y must be distances or a symmetric square matrix")
## transform
Y <- -0.5 * GowerDblcen(Y^2)
attr(Y, "METHOD") <- "DISTBASED"
`ordHead`<- function(Y)
method <- attr(Y, "METHOD")
headmethod <- switch(method,
"CA" = "cca",
"PCA" = "rda",
"CAPSCALE" = "capscale",
"DISTBASED" = "dbrda")
if (method == "DISTBASED")
totvar <- sum(diag(Y))
totvar <- sum(Y^2)
head <- list("tot.chi" = totvar, "Ybar" = Y, "method" = headmethod)
if (method == "CA")
head <- c(list("" = attr(Y, "tot"),
"rowsum" = attr(Y, "RW"),
"colsum" = attr(Y, "CW")),
else if (method == "PCA")
head <- c(list("colsum" = sqrt(colSums(Y^2))),
`ordPartial` <-
function(Y, Z)
ZERO <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
## attributes
RW <- attr(Y, "RW")
## centre Z
if (!is.null(RW)) {
envcentre <- apply(Z, 2, weighted.mean, w = RW)
Z <- scale(Z, center = envcentre, scale = FALSE)
Z <- sweep(Z, 1, sqrt(RW), "*")
} else {
envcentre <- colMeans(Z)
Z <- scale(Z, center = envcentre, scale = FALSE)
## QR decomposition
Q <- qr(Z)
if (Q$rank == 0) # nothing partialled out
return(list(Y = Y, result = NULL))
## partialled out variation as a trace of Yfit
Yfit <- qr.fitted(Q, Y)
Yfit <- qr.fitted(Q, t(Yfit))
totvar <- sum(diag(Yfit))
} else {
totvar <- sum(Yfit^2)
if (totvar < ZERO)
totvar <- 0
## residuals of Y
Y <- qr.resid(Q, Y)
Y <- qr.resid(Q, t(Y))
## result object like in current cca, rda
result <- list(
rank = if (totvar > 0) Q$rank else 0,
tot.chi = totvar,
QR = Q,
envcentre = envcentre)
list(Y = Y, result = result)
`ordConstrain` <- function(Y, X, Z)
## attributes & constants
RW <- attr(Y, "RW")
CW <- attr(Y, "CW")
ZERO <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
## combine conditions and constraints if necessary
if (!is.null(Z)) {
X <- cbind(Z, X)
zcol <- ncol(Z)
} else {
zcol <- 0
## centre
if (!is.null(RW)) {
envcentre <- apply(X, 2, weighted.mean, w = RW)
X <- scale(X, center = envcentre, scale = FALSE)
X <- sweep(X, 1, sqrt(RW), "*")
} else {
envcentre <- colMeans(X)
X <- scale(X, center = envcentre, scale = FALSE)
## QR
Q <- qr(X)
## we need to see how much rank grows over rank of conditions
rank <- sum(Q$pivot[seq_len(Q$rank)] > zcol)
## nothing explained (e.g., constant constrain)
if (rank == 0)
return(list(Y = Y, result = NULL))
## check for aliased terms
if (length(Q$pivot) > Q$rank) {
alias <- colnames(Q$qr)[-seq_len(Q$rank)]
# print a message to highlight this aliasing
#msg <- "Some model terms were linearly dependent and their effects
#cannot be uniquely estimated. See '?alias.cca' for more detail and use
#'vif.cca()' to identify these terms."
#message(strwrap(msg, prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
# width = 0.95 * getOption("width")))
aliased <- paste(sQuote(alias), collapse = ", ")
msg <- paste("Some constraints or conditions were aliased because they were redundant.",
"This can happen if terms are linearly dependent (collinear):", aliased)
message(strwrap(msg, width = getOption("width"), prefix = "\n", initial = "\n"))
alias <- NULL
## kept constraints and their means
kept <- seq_along(Q$pivot) <= Q$rank & Q$pivot > zcol
if (zcol > 0)
envcentre <- envcentre[-seq_len(zcol)]
## eigen solution
Yfit <- qr.fitted(Q, Y)
Yfit <- qr.fitted(Q, t(Yfit))
sol <- eigen(Yfit, symmetric = TRUE)
lambda <- sol$values
u <- sol$vectors
} else {
sol <- svd(Yfit)
lambda <- sol$d^2
u <- sol$u
v <- sol$v
## handle zero eigenvalues and negative eigenvalues
zeroev <- abs(lambda) < max(ZERO, ZERO * lambda[1L])
if (any(zeroev)) {
lambda <- lambda[!zeroev]
u <- u[, !zeroev, drop = FALSE]
v <- v[, !zeroev, drop = FALSE]
posev <- lambda > 0
## wa scores
wa <- Y %*% u[, posev, drop = FALSE] %*%
diag(1/lambda[posev], sum(posev))
v <- matrix(NA, 0, sum(posev))
} else {
wa <- Y %*% v %*% diag(1/sqrt(lambda), sum(posev))
## biplot scores: basically these are cor(X, u), but cor() would
## re-centre X and u in CCA, and therefore we need the following
## (which also is faster)
xx <- X[, Q$pivot[kept], drop = FALSE]
bp <- (1/sqrt(colSums(xx^2))) * crossprod(xx, u[, posev, drop=FALSE])
## de-weight
if (!is.null(RW)) {
u <- sweep(u, 1, sqrt(RW), "/")
if (!anyNA(wa)) {
wa <- sweep(wa, 1, sqrt(RW), "/")
if (!is.null(CW) && nrow(v)) {
v <- sweep(v, 1, sqrt(CW), "/")
## set names
axnam <- paste0(switch(attr(Y, "METHOD"),
"PCA" = "RDA",
"CA" = "CCA",
if (!any(posev)) # issue #670: no positive eigenvalues in dbrda
axnam <- NULL
if (DISTBASED && any(!posev))
negnam <- paste0("idbRDA", seq_len(sum(!posev)))
negnam <- NULL
dnam <- dimnames(Y)
if (any(posev) || any(!posev))
names(lambda) <- c(axnam, negnam)
if (ncol(u))
dimnames(u) <- list(dnam[[1]], c(axnam, negnam))
if (nrow(v) && ncol(v)) # no rows in DISTBASED
dimnames(v) <- list(dnam[[2]], axnam)
if (ncol(wa)) # only for posev
colnames(wa) <- axnam
if (ncol(bp)) # only for posev
colnames(bp) <- axnam
## out
result <- list(
eig = lambda,
poseig = if (DISTBASED) sum(posev) else NULL,
u = u,
v = v,
wa = wa,
alias = alias,
biplot = bp,
rank = length(lambda),
qrank = rank,
tot.chi = sum(lambda),
QR = Q,
envcentre = envcentre)
## residual of Y
Y <- qr.resid(Q, Y)
Y <- qr.resid(Q, t(Y))
## out
list(Y = Y, result = result)
### Finds the unconstrained ordination after (optionally) removing the
### variation that could be explained by partial and constrained
### models.
`ordResid` <-
## get attributes
RW <- attr(Y, "RW")
CW <- attr(Y, "CW")
## Ordination
ZERO <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
sol <- eigen(Y, symmetric = TRUE)
lambda <- sol$values
u <- sol$vectors
} else {
sol <- svd(Y)
lambda <- sol$d^2
u <- sol$u
v <- sol$v
## handle zero and negative eigenvalues
zeroev <- abs(lambda) < max(ZERO, ZERO * lambda[1L])
if (any(zeroev)) {
lambda <- lambda[!zeroev]
u <- u[, !zeroev, drop = FALSE]
v <- v[, !zeroev, drop = FALSE]
posev <- lambda > 0
if (DISTBASED) # no species scores in DISTBASED
v <- matrix(NA, 0, sum(posev))
## de-weight
if (!is.null(RW)) {
u <- sweep(u, 1, sqrt(RW), "/")
if (!is.null(CW) && nrow(v)) {
v <- sweep(v, 1, sqrt(CW), "/")
## set names
axnam <- paste0(switch(attr(Y, "METHOD"),
"PCA" = "PC",
"CA" = "CA",
if (DISTBASED && any(!posev))
negnam <- paste0("iMDS", seq_len(sum(!posev)))
negnam <- NULL
dnam <- dimnames(Y)
if (any(posev))
names(lambda) <- c(axnam, negnam)
if (ncol(u))
dimnames(u) <- list(dnam[[1]], c(axnam, negnam))
if (nrow(v) && ncol(v)) # no rows in DISTBASED
dimnames(v) <- list(dnam[[2]], axnam)
## out
out <- list(
"eig" = lambda,
"poseig" = if (DISTBASED) sum(posev) else NULL,
"u" = u,
"v" = v,
"rank" = length(lambda),
"tot.chi" = sum(lambda))
## The actual function that calls all previous and returns the fitted
## ordination model
`ordConstrained` <-
function(Y, X = NULL, Z = NULL,
method = c("cca", "rda", "capscale", "dbrda", "pass"),
arg = FALSE)
method = match.arg(method)
partial <- constraint <- resid <- NULL
## init; "pass" returns unchanged Y, presumably from previous init
Y <- switch(method,
"cca" = initCA(Y),
"rda" = initPCA(Y, scale = arg),
"capscale" = initCAP(Y),
"dbrda" = initDBRDA(Y),
"pass" = Y)
## sanity checks for the input
if (!is.numeric(Y))
stop("dependent data (community) must be numeric")
if (!is.null(X)) {
if (!is.numeric(X))
stop("constraints must be numeric or factors")
if (nrow(Y) != nrow(X))
stop("dependent data and constraints must have the same number of rows")
if (!is.null(Z)) {
if (!is.numeric(Z))
stop("conditions must be numeric or factors")
if (nrow(Y) != nrow(Z))
stop("dependent data and conditions must have the same number of rows")
## header info for the model
head <- ordHead(Y)
## Partial
if (!is.null(Z) && ncol(Z)) {
out <- ordPartial(Y, Z)
Y <- out$Y
partial <- out$result
## Constraints
if (!is.null(X) && ncol(X)) {
out <- ordConstrain(Y, X, Z)
Y <- out$Y
constraint <- out$result
## Residuals
resid <- ordResid(Y)
if (resid$rank < 1) {
msg <- "The model is overfitted with no unconstrained (residual) component"
message(strwrap(msg, prefix = "\n", initial = "\n",
width = 0.95 * getOption("width")))
## return a CCA object
out <- c(head,
call =,
list("pCCA" = partial, "CCA" = constraint, "CA" = resid))
class(out) <- switch(attr(Y, "METHOD"),
"CA" = "cca",
"PCA" = c("rda", "cca"),
"CAPSCALE" = c("capscale", "rda", "cca"),
"DISTBASED" = c("dbrda", "rda", "cca"))
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